Table of Contents



Introduction: What Viral Immunity Is, How You Can Achieve It, and Why It's So Important

Part One: Viruses, Immunity, and Evolution

1: The Virus at Our Doorstep

2: Viruses: Common and Exotic—A Review of the Key Viral Agents

3: Immunity and Viral Disease

4: Fever and Fatigue

5: Why We Get Sick and How to Get Better

Part Two: Ten Steps to Viral Immunity

Introduction to Part Two

6: Step One: Build a Strong Immune Foundation with an Immune-Enhancing Lifestyle

7: Step Two: Defend and Strengthen Your Immune System with Antioxidants and Oxidative Therapies

8: Step Three: Rejuvenate Your Immune System with Enzymes

9: Step Four: Renew Your Cells through Detoxification

10: Step Five: Restore Your Innate Immune Response and Manage Inflammation

11: Step Six: Boost Your Immunity with Natural Immune Enhancers

12: Step Seven: Target Viruses with Natural Antiviral Alternatives

13: Step Eight: Empower Your Viral Immunity Program with Chinese Medicines

14: Step Nine: Optimize Immune Performance with Hormonal Balance

15: Step Ten: Implement Your Viral Immunity Plan

Appendix A: Finding the Right Doctor to Oversee Your Viral Immunity Program

Appendix B: Useful Laboratory Tests that Support Your Viral Immunity Program

Appendix C: Physician-Administered and -Prescribed Therapies

Appendix D: A Note on Vaccinations

Appendix E: Resources

Appendix F: Additional Reading





About the Author