The Colon’s Problem Lies in Lifestyle
How the Body Handles the Unnatural Baggage
Freedom from Constipation is Possible
Program for Colon and Health Rejuvenation
Definition of Cleansing Exercises
Cleansing Exercises Beneficial for an Already Properly Functioning Colon
Difficulty Level of Cleansing Exercises
Benefits of Cleansing Exercises
Equipment Needed for Cleansing Exercises
Introduction: Preparing for the Cleansing Exercises
Description of the Exercises in Part I
Exercise #1 - The Slanted Board
Exercise #2 - Bowing to Good Health
Exercise #3 - Unfolding the Flower
Exercise #4 - The Rocking Chair
Exercise #5 - Reaching for the Earth
Exercise #6 - Reaching for the Stars
Principles Affecting the First Set of Exercises
Cleansing Exercises Part 2 “Throne Room Exercises”
Introduction: Quick Review of Colon Function
Description of the Exercises in Part II
Exercise #8 - The Koyfman Twist
Finishing the Evacuating Process
A Brief Recap of the Morning Program
Conditions Necessary for a Beneficial Internal Digestive Environment
How to Achieve the Necessary Conditions
To Prevent Chyme from Hardening
The “Soil” for the Human Organism
Foods that Contain the Most Valuable Natural Energetic and Nourishing Substances
Simple Recipes for Colon Rejuvenation
Red Vegetable Soup (Classic Russian Borshch)
I. Cleansing from Toxins and Parasites
List of Cleansing Procedures for Deep Internal Body Cleansing
II. Cleansing from Psychological Toxins
List of Methods for Helping to Cleanse on the Psychological Level
III. The Value of Physical Exercise
VI. Schedule of Resting and Sleeping