Changes between the first and second editions
1.2 Photorealistic rendering and the ray-tracing algorithm
1.5 How to proceed through this book
1.6 Using and understanding the code
1.7 A brief history of physically based rendering
02: Geometry and Transformations
2.9 *Animating transformations
04: Primitives and Intersection Acceleration
4.1 Primitive interface and geometric primitives
4.3 Bounding volume hierarchies
5.3 RGBSpectrum implementation
5.5 Working with radiometric integrals
07: Sampling and Reconstruction
*7.6 Maximized minimal distance sampler
7.9 Film and the imaging pipeline
8.2 Specular reflection and transmission
9.2 Material interface and implementations
10.1 Sampling and antialiasing
10.2 Texture coordinate generation
10.3 Texture interface and basic textures
10.5 Solid and procedural texturing
11.1 Volume scattering processes
13.1 Background and probability review
13.2 The monte carlo estimator
13.3 Sampling random variables
13.5 Transforming between distributions
13.6 2D Sampling with multidimensional transformations
13.7 Russian roulette and splitting
14: Light Transport I: Surface Reflection
14.1 Sampling reflection functions
14.4 The light transport equation
15: Light Transport II: Volume Rendering
15.2 Sampling volume scattering
15.3 Volumetric light transport
*15.4 Sampling subsurface reflection functions
*15.5 Subsurface scattering using the diffusion equation
*16: Light Transport III: Bidirectional Methods
16.1 The path-space measurement equation
16.2 Stochastic progressive photon mapping
16.3 Bidirectional path tracing
16.4 Metropolis light transport
17: Retrospective and the Future
A.2 Image file input and output
A.3 Communicating with the user
B: Scene Description Interface
B.2 Initialization and rendering options
B.4 Adding new object implementations
D: Index of Classes and their Members