1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Notice
  3. Dedication
  4. Introduction: The Brilliant Project
  5.   1.  The Great Worm
  6.   2.  How the Tortoise Hacked Achilles
  7.   3.  The Bulgarian Virus Factory
  8.   4.  The Father of Dragons
  9.   5.  Winner Take All
  10.   6.  Snoop Dogg Does His Laundry
  11.   7.  How to Mudge
  12.   8.  Kill Chain
  13.   9.  The Minecraft Wars
  14. 10.  Attack of the Killer Toasters
  15. Conclusion: The Death of Solutionism
  16. Epilogue
  17. Notes
  18. Acknowledgments
  19. Index
  20. Also by Scott J. Shapiro
  21. A Note About the Author
  22. Copyright