
Acid detergent fiber (ADF), 220
method, 229
Acid hydrolysis, 302
Acidification technique, 44
Added-value functional food ingredients, 243
Adiabatic heating rate, 151
Aerobic bacteria, 192
Aggressive hydrolysis media, 300
Aglianico Vitis vinifera cultivar, 366
Aglianico wine, 366
Aglycones, 231
Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AMRC), 461
Agriculture, 16
products, 56
Agroindustrial coproducts
dietary fiber from, 219–220, 230
classification and composition, 221–222
cellulose, 221
gums, 222
hemicellulose, 221
lignin, 222
mucilage, 222
pectic substances, 222
fiber effect in foods, 225–229
cereal products, 228–229
dairy products, 226–228
meat products, 225–226
fiber effect in vivo, 229
physiological effects from, 222–225
bulking ability, 224
fermentation on intestine (increase colonic fermentation), 224–225
lowering cholesterol levels, 223–224
postprandial plasma glucose and glycemic attenuation, 224
reduce blood pressure, 224
short history methods of analysis, 229–230
future perspectives for, 243
phenolic compounds in, 230–240
classification and composition, 230–234
anthocyanidins, 232
flavanols, 232
flavanones, 231
flavones, 231
flavonoids, 231
flavonols, 231
hydroxybenzoic acids, 233
isoflavones, 232
lignans, 233–234
phenolic acids, 232–233
phenolic alcohols, 233
stilbenes, 233
effects in vivo, 239
methods of analysis of, 239–240
polyphenolic amides, 234–239
antioxidant activity and protection against oxidative stress, 234–235
cancer protective effects, 236
cardiovascular protective effects, 235
cereal products, 238–239
dairy products, 237–238
diabetes risk, hypoglycemic effects on, 235
meat products, 236–237
neurodegenerative protective effects, 235
physiological effects of, 229
prebiotics, 240–243
activity in vitro, 242–243
fructooligossacharides (FOS), 241
inulin, 241
galactooligosaccharides (GOS), 241–242
lactulose, 242
as sources of novel functional ingredients, 219–243
Airborne pathogens, 200
activates olfactory, 374
beverages, 353
content reduction, beverage classification, 352
fermentation, 362
intake, 354
policies, 347
reduction, 351, 359, 361
removal, from wine, 351
by volume (ABV), 353
Alcohol consumption, 347, 348
beverages, dealcoholization of, 350
consumer preferences/trends, 349
dealcoholized wine, requirements of, 351, 352, 354–355
beer, 353–354
wine, 350
factors affecting, 348
overview of, 347
postfermentation techniques, 370
membrane processes, 361
dialysis, 372
distillation, 373
osmotic distillation, 374
pervaporation, 373
reverse osmosis, 373
thin layer evaporation, 370
vacuum distillation, 370
regulating, 351
sensory properties/low-alcohol beverage improvements, 374–377
social/economic impact, 355
Aleurone-rich cereal products, 239
Alkaloids, 6
Alternative agriculture systems, 23
Alternative pasteurization methods
FDA standard for, 194
American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC), 219
Amino acids, 298
analysis, 305, 306
of food proteins, 299–307
presentation of the results, 305–307
protein hydrolysis, 301–303
qualitative and quantitative determination, 303–305
total protein, determination of, 300–301
sample preparation for, 299
carriers of foods nutritional and biological value, 287–308
chemical properties of, 293
chemistry and classification, 290–294
classification, 292
composition, 300
of egg protein, 307
determination of, 299
formation and degradation of, 258
general chemical formula of, 291
general information, 288–290
historical remarks, 288–290
historical development of, 287
implementation of, 287
isolation and identification, 288
pool, 292
properties of, 293
and proteins biological value, 294–299
reactions of, 293
residues, 306
role of, 290
score, 295, 296
Amylase inhibitors, 2
α-Amylases, 2–3
Analytical quality control analyses (AQA)
parts, 305
Analytical recovery, 305
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), 269
inhibitory activity, 256
inhibitory peptides, 258, 259
1-Anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS), 319
ANSYS software package, 114
Anthocyanidin, 231
Anthocyanins, 231, 359
IgG, 3
IgM, 3
Antimicrobial packaging, 192
Antinutritional factors (ANFs), 2, 6
processing techniques for reduction, 7
capacity assays
chemical principles of, 239
types, 239
types of, 219
Apparent-specific-heat method, 406
Arabinoxylans, 221
Area force, stress generated by, 101–105
stress distribution formulation
at normal area force, 102–103
at tangential area force, 103–105
Asian foods, 458
Asparagic acid, 288
ATI force/torque sensor, 114
Atmosphere packaging, 199
Automated cutting strategies
design of, 94
cells, encapsulation of, 80
membranes, electroporation of, 191
spores, 188
inactivation of, 204
Bakery products, 40, 445
Barley, 443
Bayes-Gibbs probabilistic analysis, 320
alcohol content range and exceptions, 354
alcohol reduction techniques, 367
fermentation applications, 367
arresting fermentation, 368
changes of mashing process, 369
use of yeasts, 368–369
dealcoholization, 373
flavor, 370
low-alcohol content, 353
postfermentation techniques, 371
Beverage processing, 53
Bifidobacteria, 240
Bifidus factor, 242
Biharmonic equations, 94
compounds, 67, 69
food components, feature of, 76
fragments, obtained by hydrolysis of different whey proteins, 264
nutrients, 62
Bioactive peptides
contribution of whey to quality of food products, 251–277
by digestive enzyme hydrolysis, 257
in food industry, 267–276
production during food processing, 268–270
whey protein and peptides
addition in food (enrichment of food with whey proteins and peptides), 270–272
whey proteins and peptides
as carrier for immobilization, 273–276
formation of, 268
fragments, 257
functional properties, 263–267
emulsification, 267
flavor, 267
foam formation and stability, 266
gel formation, 266
solubility, 263
water/fat-holding capacities, 266
hydrolysis by enzymes derived from microorganisms/plants, 258
production from whey, 257–263
bioactivity of whey protein fragments, 263
enzymatic hydrolysis, 259–261
ultrafiltration method for, 261–263
whey proteins hydrolysis during fermentation process with proteolytic starter culture to, 258–259
separation of, 261
in vitro digestibility of, 260
from whey, function of, 254
whey protein and peptide, bioactivity of, 252–257
bovine serum albumin (BSA), 255
caseinomacropeptide, 256
glukosomacropeptide (GMP), 256
immunoglobulins, 255–256
α-lactalbumin, 255
lactoferrin, 256–257
β-lactoglobulin, 253–254
lactoperoxidase, 257
proteoso-peptone (PP) fraction, 256
Bioactive proteins, See Bioactive peptides
of whey protein fragments, 254
Biological tests, 295
Biological value, 129
Biomaterial cutting modeling, 94, 96–106
principles of, 125
relative blade sharpness factor, definition of, 106
stress generated by area force, 101–105
stress generated by line force, 98–101
stress generated by point force, 97–98
Bioreactors, 79
Blackcurrant polyphenol extract (BPE), 237
Blanching, 35, 41–42
Block cryoconcentration technique, 75
Boonton RX-meter, 391
Bovine milk, 252
Bovine serum albumin (BSA), 255
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), 301
content, 251
Breads, physicochemical properties of, 238
Breakfast cereal (BFC), 445
manufacturers, 34
Cabernet Sauvignon, 360
grapes, 359
Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), 441
Cancer, 236
cell signaling, modulation of, 236
Canning, 42
based food ingredients, 241
fractions, 11
matrices, 82
membrane receptors, 3
Carboxylic groups, 290
Cardiovascular disease (CVD), 234
Cardiovascular morbidity, risk factor for, 224
Carica papaya, commercial papain from, 314
complex, 274
Caseinomacropeptide, 256
Cell encapsulation method, 79
Cell envelope proteinase (CEP), production of, 269
Cell membrane, 83
Cellulose, 221
microfibrils, 222
Centrifugal force, 316, 317
Centritherm system, 370
Cereal-based processed products, 31
Cereal grain
coordinated health benefits, 425
dynamic features, 424
Cheese, 270
dinner, 456
Chelation, of transition metals, 234
Chelators, 232
degradation, 76
fertilizers and pesticides
use of, 12
pesticides, 13
score, 295
Chemometrical analysis, 320
butterfly, harvesting of, 94
deboning, cutting device design for, 120–125
chicken front halves, anatomy structure of, 120–122
cutting area and cutting trajectory, 123–125
processing, 93
Childhood obesity, 30
Chlorine, based disinfectants, 182, 206
Chlorogenic acid, 233
Chlortetracycline, 38
Citrus fibers, 242
Coalescence, 336
Code of Federal Regulations, 45
Codex Committee, 297
Coefficients for conversion, 301
Cold-pressured juices, 207
market, 184, 186
Colonic disorders, 224
Colonic epithelial cells, 224
Commercial disinfection processes, 182
Commercial food preservation, 38
Commercialization, 135
Commercial proteolytic enzyme, 314
Commercial starter cultures, 269
Comparative tests, 141
Condensed tannins, 4
Consumers, 129
buy products, 463
demands, 460, 466, 469
driven market, 206
focused production technology, 129
prefer, 464
preferences, 462
related attributes, 142
Contaminant smoking process, 82
Contemporary precise indicators
development of, 287
Controlled enzymatic hydrolysis, 259
Coronary heart disease, risk of, 132
Cryoconcentrate samples, physicochemical characteristics of, 76
Crystal growth (G)
rate of, 72
Crystallization process
of water, 71
satisfaction, 144
value, 463
angle, 105
device design, for chicken deboning, 120–125
forces, 96, 106, 123
intensity, 97
fractures, 105
postfracture, 105
prefracture, 105
Cutting automation
biomaterial cutting modeling, 96–106
relative blade sharpness factor, definition of, 106
stress generated by area force, 101–105
stress generated by line force, 98–101
stress generated by point force, 97–98
cutting device design for chicken deboning, 120–125
experimental results and discussion, 114–120
discussion about influence of slicing angle on cutting force, 119–120
equivalent fracture force, 114–118
relative blade sharpness factor, 118–119
finite element modeling, results from, 113–114
in food processing, 93–126
simulation with changing parameters, 107–113
fracture force via blade shape, 112–113
relationship between fracture force and slicing angle, 109–112
stress distribution results, 107–109
Cyanogenic glycosides, 3
Cysteine, 292
Dairy products, 226
fortification of, 226
thermal processing of, 293
DDT residues, 15
Dealcoholization process, 355
Dealcoholized beverages
definitions of, 352
Dealcoholized wine, 352
requirements of, 351, 352, 354–355
methods, 201
processes, 20
Deformation-relaxation phenomenon (DRP), 84
Defrosting, 384
Degree of hydrolysis (DH), 259
Degree of polymerization, 232
Degree of processing, 54
Dehydration, 43–44
Desirability, 320
definitions of, 320
designs, 343
functions, 338
technique, 337
Dielectric defrosting, frozen foods
and defrosting, 384
overview of, 383
Dielectric heating mechanism, 385, 387
equipment, 390
MW heating system, 391
RF heating system, 390
principles of, 385
schematic diagram, 386
Dielectric material, with power dissipation capability, 407
Dielectric properties (DPs)
beef, 403
defrosting of food models, 404
dependence of, 395
freezing temperature, 404
frozen food, 384, 393
models, 405
in RF range, 399
MW range, 401
potato puree, 396
schematic diagram, 386
stem lettuce, 404
temperature-dependent, 406
of tuna, 403
tylose, 396
pastes with added salt, 397
Dietary antioxidants, 234
Dietary cellulose, 221
Dietary fibers (DFs), 219–230
cholesterol-reducing property of, 226
classification and composition, 221–222
cellulose, 221
gums, 222
hemicellulose, 221
lignin, 222
mucilage, 222
pectic substances, 222
effect in foods, 225–229
cereal products, 228–229
dairy products, 226–228
meat products, 225–226
effect in vivo, 229
fermentation of, 224
physiological effects from, 222–225
bulking ability, 224
fermentation on intestine (increase colonic fermentation), 224–225
lowering cholesterol levels, 223–224
postprandial plasma glucose and glycemic attenuation, 224
reduce blood pressure, 224
physiological effects of, 223
polysaccharides type, 221
nonstructural polysaccharides, 221
structural nonpolysaccharides, 221
structural polysaccharides, 221
short history methods of analysis, 229–230
types of, 219
Dietary fluctuation, 466
Dimethyl dicarbonate antimicrobial agent, 196
α,α-Diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)
inhibition of, 274
DNA damage, 239
Doehlert statistical design (DOE), 314, 315
experimental design, 336
Domestic processing, 23
Dripping method
principal advantage of, 82
Drosophila melanogaster model
of postdoctoral studies, 235
Dryers, types of, 44
Dynamic high pressure (DHP), 149–151
apparatus, operating diagram, 153
changes in milk fat by, 155
effect on milk constituents, 153
enzymes changes by, 159
industrial applications, 160
effect on cheese manufacture, 165
DHP-processed milk for, 165
effect on milk for direct consumption, 162
ice cream and butter, 168
effect on ice-cream manufacture, 169
milk, 160
yogurt, 166
effect on manufacture, 168
rheological behavior of set yogurt, 167
main changes in milk constituents by, 154
minerals changes by, 159
operation, 151
principle, 151
prospects and acceptance of processed products through, 169
protein changes in milk proteins by, 157
casein, 157
whey proteins, 158
Effective emerging technique, 84
Egoma (Perilla flutescens var. flutescens), 442
Eigen-value problem, 105
Electrical conductivity, 86
Electric energy, transformation of, 85
Electric field, application of, 86
Electrode production technology, 86
Electromagnetic (EM)
characterizing, 409
field distribution, 407
spectrum, 385
Electronic instrument perception
consumers vis-à-vis tracked fish measured via, 129–145
consumption, health benefits, 131–133
consumption regarding tracked fish, assessment of, 139–145
production chain quality, 133–136
and traceability systems in, 136–138
traceability, concept/definition, 136
Electronic product code information services (EPCIS) technology, 138
Electropermeabilization, 86
Electroporation, 86
Electrospray technique, 318
Elimination of water, 43
Emerging novel processes, 51–52
high-pressure processing, 51–52
microwave heating, 51
ohmic heating, 51
pulsed electric fields, 52
Empirical-statistical linear models, 320
Emulsification, 80, 267
Emulsifying activity index, 317–318
Emulsifying stability index (ESI), 317–318
statistical analysis of, 329
in food industry, 267
Encapsulated bacteria, 79
Encapsulated peptides, 267
Encapsulation technique, 76–83, 243
benefits of, 77
carrier material of, 77
characteristics, 77
effectiveness of, 80
efficient system for, 77
of flavors, 82–83
matrix type of, 76
poly/multiple-core, 76
of probiotics, 77–82
types of, 76
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)
competitive inhibitors of, 235
barrier, existence of, 71
method, 94
Enrichment, 35
Environmental life style hazardous issues, 30
activity, 5
browning, 199
hydrolysis, 241, 259–261
inhibitors, 2–3
α-amylases, 2–3
protease inhibitors, 3
trypsin inhibitors, 3
Enzyme:substrate ratio, 314, 315
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), 235
Essential amino acids, 12, 288
Estrogen receptors, 232
European Food Safety Authority, 77, 179
European regulations, 299
Evaporation, 71
Exotic western markets, 424
Experimental constants, 72
procedure, schematic presentation of, 273
technology, 48–49
Fat-holding capacities (FHC), 266
FEM method, 96
Fermentable hemicellulose fibers, 224
Fermentation, 44–45, 259, 268
Fermented legumes, 10
Fermented milk products, 258
Finite element modeling, 96, 113
results from, 113–114
First limiting amino acid, 295
consumption, 132, 141
assessment questionnaire, constructs and indicators used in, 139
benefits of, 130
characteristics of, 139
frequency of, 139
per campus, 140
habit of, 142
health benefits, 131–133
production chain quality, 133–136
and traceability systems in, 136–138
regarding tracked fish, assessment of, 139–145
traceability systems, perception and vision on, 131
processing, stage of, 135
processors, 135
production, 137
Flavanols, 232
Flavanones, 231
Flavones, 231
Flavonoids, 231, 235
Flavonols, 231
Flavors, 267
and fragrances
encapsulation of, 82
role in consumer satisfaction, 82
Fluorescence spectrophotometer, 319
Foam formation and stability, 266
Foaming capacity (FC), 319–320
Foam stability (FS), 319–320
Folic acid (vitamin B9)
in maltodextrin-whey protein, 275
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (FCR), 240
additives, 49–50
chemistry, 455
commodities, contamination of, 22
contamination, 15
coproducts, 219
cutting, 95
expenditure in total expenditure, 53
extruder, 49
grade acidulates, 45
transforms raw materials, 464
classification of, 240
intoxication, 180
symptoms of, 180
legumes, 1–2
manufacturing, 456
systems, 40
technologies, 34
matrix, 85
nutritional and biological value
carriers of, 287–308
packaging, 50
preservation, 383
preservation processes, 39, 83, 84
chronological development of, 36
historical development of, 36–38
industrial, need for and benefits of, 38–39
principles of, 39–40
production, 455
products, protein composition in, 301
and quality issues, 12
regulations, 138
scarcity, 31
supplies, categories, 32
technology, 85
traceability, 144
vending sector, 59
waste management, 52–53
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 15, 219
document, 295
reports, 287
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 15, 222
Foodborne diseases, 181
Foodborne pathogens, 12
Food consumption, 31–33
age specific foods, 473
cereals/baby foods, 474
for elderly people, 474
infant formulas, 473
allergies/intolerances, 474
food allergy, 475
gluten intolerance, 475
lactose intolerance, 475
Consumer’s demands, 469
flavor and taste, 470
fresh food products, 469
health benefits, 470
healthy foods, 470
for cultures, 476
factors, 467
food supply category, 32
in India, statistics of, 54–62
consumption of processed food, 54–60
cost and quality of distribution, 57–59
existence of mediator, 57
expenditure on packing, 57
lack of measuring unit, 57
low earnings, 55
raw material sources and price, 56
sociocultural factors, 55
tax configuration, 60
demand drivers, 60–62
level of food processing, 54
processed food vs. obesity, 62
modern lifestyle, 468
aged population, 469
eating habits, changes, 468
lifestyle changes, 468
population growth, 467
religion, 476
selected food storage terms, 32–33
value addition, 466
wellness foods/foods, 471
fiber, 473
functional fatty acids, 472
functional foods, 471
immune enhancing nutrients, 473
microencapsulated food ingredients, 471
minerals, 472
phytochemicals, 472
probiotics, 472
vitamins, 472
Food industry, 67
bioactive peptides in, 267–276
production during food processing, 268–270
whey protein and peptides
addition in food (enrichment of food with whey proteins and peptides), 270–272
whey proteins and peptides
as carrier for immobilization, 273–276
Food processing technologies, 29, 63, 93, 126, 208, 300
aim of, 33
antinutrients in legumes and removal, 2–6
alkaloids, 6
cyanogenic glycosides, 3
enzyme inhibitors, 2–3
lectins, 3–4
oxalates, 4–5
phytates, 5
saponins, 5–6
tannins, 4
application of, 40–52
acidification, 44
blanching, 41–42
canning, 42
dehydration, 43–44
emerging novel processes, 51–52
high-pressure processing, 51–52
microwave heating, 51
ohmic heating, 51
pulsed electric fields, 52
extrusion technology, 48–49
fermentation, 44–45
food additives, 49–50
heat, application of, 41
irradiation, 47–48
mechanical operations, 40–41
packaging, 50–51
pasteurization, 42
preservation by CA/MA, 49
refrigeration and freezing, 42–43
smoking, 46–47
water activity (aW), 45–46
companies, 206
enterprises, 136
food consumption, 31–33
food legumes, 1–2
food preservation
historical development of, 36–38
industrial, need for and benefits of, 38–39
principles of, 39–40
food processing, principle of, 33–36
food safety and quality issues, 12
food waste management, 52–53
for increasing consumption, 1–23
paradigm shift, significance of, 12–13
pesticides, 13–22
principle of, 33–36
availability of raw material, 35
convenience, 34–35
enrichment and fortification to maintain nutritional levels, 35
food safety, 34
quality attributes, 35
sustainability, 36
variety, 34
sectors, 31
statistics of food consumption in India, 54–62
consumption of processed food, 54–60
cost and quality of distribution, 57–59
existence of mediator, 57
expenditure on packing, 57
lack of measuring unit, 57
low earnings, 55
raw material sources and price, 56
sociocultural factors, 55
tax configuration, 60
demand drivers, 60–62
level of food processing, 54
processed food vs. obesity, 62
techniques to reduce antinutritional factors, 6–12
heat processes, 10–11
nonheat processing, 10
radiation-based technology, 11–12
Food product development, 455, 457
agriculture and industry, 455
benefits, 462
to consumer, 463–464
government/trade, 465–466
to industry, 464
to producer, 462
categories of, 459
creative products, 460
innovative products, 460
line extensions, 459
me-too products, 459
new form of products, 459
packaging, of existing products, 459
reformulation, of existing products, 459
repositioned existing products, 459
history, 456
process of, 458
value addition
Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AMRC), 461
overview of, 460
USDA, defined, 461
Food proteins, 313
analysis of, 299–307
presentation of the results, 305–307
protein hydrolysis, 301–303
qualitative and quantitative determination, 303–305
total protein, determination of, 300–301
assessment of, 295
building unit of, 307
capacity of, 294
functional properties of, 313–343
limited/controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of, 313
materials and methods, 314–320
chemometrical analysis, 320
desirability, 320
emulsifying activity index, 317–318
emulsifying stability index, 317–318
foaming capacity (FC), 319–320
foam stability (FS), 319–320
free amine nitrogen, 316
FTIR spectroscopy, 318
held water, 317
HPLC-MS analysis, 318–319
sample preparation, 314
SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), 316
solubility, 316
statistical design of experiments, 315–316
surface hydrophobicity (So), 319
total soluble nitrogen, 316
viscosity, 318
water-holding capacity (WHC), See Water-holding capacity (WHC)
protein hydrolysis effect of goat cheese
desirability, 337–342
on emulsifying activity index, 325–327
on emulsifying stability index, 329
on foaming capacity, 333–336
on foam stability, 336–337
on free amine nitrogen content, 320–322
on held water, 325
on protein solubility index, 324
on surface hydrophobicity, 333–336
on total soluble nitrogen content, 322–324
on viscosity, 329–333
on water-holding capacity, 324–325
quality, 288
quality of, 288, 294
Food Safety System Certification 22000 (FSSC), 137
Food technology approaches
encapsulation, 76–83
of flavors, 82–83
of probiotics, 77–82
freeze concentration for bioactive compounds and flavor preservation, 70–76
applications in, 74–76
fundamentals of, 70–74
for organoleptic properties improvement, 67–88
osmotic dehydration (OD), 83–88
ohmic heating (OH), 85–88
pulsed vacuum, 84–85
distribution, 101
torque sensor, 123
Fortification, 35
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 318
force, 114–118
toughness concept, 95
Free amine nitrogen (NA), 316
response surface graphic of, 321
statistical analysis of, 320
Free amino acids
role of, 292
Free radicals, 234
scavengers, 232
Freeze concentration process
for bioactive compounds and flavor preservation, 70–76
applications in, 74–76
fundamentals of, 70–74
elemental system, stages of, 72
freezing (crystallization), 72
separation, 72
practical examples of, 74
principle of, 70
priority of, 71
process, 72
Freezing, 42–43
desalination by, 74
initial process of, 71
temperature, 43
Fresh fruit and juices
consumption trends, 179–180
fresh fruit intake
health benefits of, 179
recommendation, 179–180
products potentials for safety and shelf life enhancement of, 183–206
high hydrostatic pressure, 184–190
commercial applications, 185–186
microbial inactivation mechanism, 184–185
research trends in, 188–190
pulsed electric fields, 190–194
commercial developments in, 191–192
microbial inactivation mechanism, 190–191
research trends in, 192–194
ultraviolet light, 195–199
innovative approaches to enhance efficiency, 195–198
innovative approaches to enhance efficiency of disinfection, 198–199
microbial inactivation mechanism, 195
UV-assisted TiO2 photocatalysis (TUV), 199–206
food safety applications of, 201–206
photocatalysis mechanism for microbial inactivation, 200–201
and working principle, historical applications of, 199–200
Frozen foods, dielectric defrosting, 384, 391, 392
characteristics of, 393
and defrosting, 384
defrosting applications, 391
effects of composition, 394
effects of temperature, 393
frequency dependence, 394
mathematical modeling, 406
governing equations, 407
mathematical modeling, governing equations
electromagnetics, 407
heat generation, 407
heat transfer, 408
measurement of, 391
MW defrosting modeling of, 409
MW heating device, schematic diagrams, 392
in MW range, 400
food models, 404
of real foods, 400
overview of, 383
RF defrosting modeling, 408
in RF range, 398
Frozen microwaveable meals, 415
Fructooligossacharides (FOS), 241
Fructose monomers
polymer of, 241
Fruit processing, 219
Fruits and vegetables
freezing of, 43
Fruit/vegetable-based processed products, 54
Functional fatty acids, 472
Functional foods
market, 252, 267
therapeutic effects of, 270
Galactooligosaccharides (GOS), 241–242
β-Galactosidase, enzymatic activity of, 241
D-Galacturonic acid, 222
Gallic acid equivalent (GAE), 240
Gas chromatographic methods, 303
Gas-liquid chromatography, 303
Gastric enzymes, 260
formation, 266
framework, 266
Generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 38, 78
Germination, 10, 11
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), 437
Global economies, 460
Global Health Observatory (GHO), 349
Global population, 467
Glucagon-like peptide-1, 253
Glucan, 473
conjugated forms, 232
dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, 253
Glucose oxidase (GOX) enzymes, 361
Glukosomacropeptide (GMP), 256
Glutathione (GSH)
synthesis of, 253
Glycemic index (GI), 448
α-d-(1,4)-Glycosidic linkages
hydrolysis of, 2
γ-Gmirobutyric acid (GABA), 434
Good management practices, 137
Good manufacturing practices (GMP), 137
Good-quality proteins, 16
Grains, traditional
agronomic factors, 427
controversy over utilization, 424
defined, 423
environmental factors, 426
handling processing, stages, 430
market preferences, 438
physiologic features, 423
rice breads, 436
rice fortification, 436
coating, 437
dusting, 436
extrusion processing, 437–438
technologies for, 436
rice grain, and ayurvedic, 438–441
socioeconomic factors, 428
traditional processing method, in traditional rice, 433
medicinal and therapeutic products , in Indian rice, 433
value-added products of, 431
value addition, 429
African traditional rice varieties, 441–443
ancient wheat and rice strains, 445–446
defined, 426
in Japan, for rice grains, 434
key limitations, 426
Korea, traditional grain, 441
miscellaneous products, 432
rice grains, 432
brown rice, 432
flaked rice, 432
puffed rice, 432
strategies for, 428
sustainability, 428
traditional millet grains, 447–448
traditional pulses, 449
traditional wheat grains, 443
universal product from traditional grains, 451
varietal factors, 427
Gram-negative bacteria, 204
Gram-positive bacteria, synergistic inactivation of, 204
Grape berries, sugar accumulation, 357
Green tea extract (GTE), 237
Guanylyl cyclase, competitive inhibitors of, 235
Gums, 222
Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP), 137
regulations, 183
application of, 41
pasteurization, 194
conventional processing technology of, 186
processed juices, 75
processes, 10–11
cooking, 10–11
roasting, 11
processing, 192
sensitive factors
inactivation of, 10
trypsin inhibitors, 10
sensitive probiotic bacteria, 81
Held water (HW), 317, 325
statistical analysis, 325
Hemicellulose, 221
Herbal rice drinks, 439
value-added, 440
Hertzian method, 117
Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), 14
β-Hexachlorocyclohexane (BHC), 15
High-energy electrons, 11
High hydrostatic pressure (HHP), 51, 184–190
commercial applications, 185–186
equipment market, 186
of fruit juices, 185
for inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms, 189
limitation of, 190
machine, 186
microbial inactivation mechanism, 184–185
preservation of fresh juices, 185
research trends in, 188–190
toll-processing facilities for, 190, 206
High-intensity electric field, 190
High isostatic pressure (HIP), 149, 150
changes in, milk fat by, 155
effect on milk constituents, 153
enzymes, changes in, 158
industrial applications, 160
cheese, 163
cheese processed by, 164
effect on cheese manufacture, 163
HIP-processed milk for, 163
ice cream and butter, 168
effect on manufacture, 168
milk, 160
effect on milk for direct consumption, 160
main changes and improvements in quality, 161
yogurt, 166
effect on manufacture, 166
rheological behavior of set yogurt, 167
main changes in milk constituents by, 154
minerals changes by, 159
operation, 150
scheme of operation for, 152
principle, 150
prospects and acceptance of processed products through, 169
protein changes in milk protein by, 156
casein, 156
whey proteins, 156
Highly processed foods, 53
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 304
implementation of, 304
MS analysis, 318–319
High-porosity food matrix, 84
High-pressure processing, 51–52
High-quality foods, 38, 183
High-quality products, 145
High-quality protein, 132
High-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization, 183
Hot-water blanching, 17
Household processing
on pesticide residue dissipation, effect of, 18
alimentary enzymes, 219
health, 30
hazards, 14
Hydrocyanic acid, 3
Hydrodynamic mechanism (HDM), 84
Hydrogenation processes, 456
Hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) reactions, 239
Hydrogen bridge bonds, 333
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN), 3
Hydrolysis degree, 335, 337
Hydrolyzable tannins, 4
Hydrolyzed proteins, 330
goat cheese proteins, 331, 338
amide I FTIR spectra of, 332
functional parameters of, 342
HPLC chromatograms, 333, 334
Hydroxityrosol (3,4-dihydroxyphenyletanol), 233
Hydroxybenzoic acids, 233
Hydroxycinnamic acids, 233
Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl- CoA reductase, 223
Hypoallergenic milk, 475
Hypoallergenic nutritional formulations, 313
Hypochlorous acid, 182
Hypothiocyanate, 257
Ice exclusion phenomenon, 70
Ideal protein, 295
Immobilization, 276
Immobilized probiotic cells, 275
Immune enhancing nutrients, 473
Immunoglobulins, 255–256
Inactive peptides
formation and degradation of, 258
Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), 15
Indian weaning foods
using cereal and legume combination, 450
Indicator amino acids, 298
Inermediate-to-high molecular weight, 4
Infrared (IR) snapshot method, 415
Innovative technologies, 68
Inositol hexakisphosphates (InsP6), 5
In-plane shear test, 95
Internal stresses, 96, 125
International Atomic Energy Agency, 21
International year of Quinoa 2013, 445
Iodate-fortified salt, 49
Ionizing radiations, 11
Ion-pairing reagents, 304
Iron-binding glycoprotein, 256
Irradiation, 47–48
Isoflavones, 232
Isopeptide lysinoalanine, 293
ISO series standards, 137
Isothermal membrane distillation, 365
Junk food, 468
Kato and Nakai’s method, 319
Kinetic processes, 73
Kjedahl’s method, 300, 316
application of, 300
Kluyvermyces marxinaus, 258
Knife-steeling schedules, 95
Kraft Macaroni, 456
Lab-scale batch-type TiO2 photocatalysis reactor
schematic diagram of, 202
α-Lactalbumin, 255
Lactic acid bacteria (LABs), 78, 268
strains of, 78
Lactobacillus acidophilus
spray drying encapsulation, 79
Lactobacillus bulgaricus, 37
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, 237, 268
Lactobacillus helveticus strains, 258
Lactobacillus mesenteroides, 439
Lactobacillus paracasei strain
encapsulation of, 275
Lactobacillus plantarum
immobilization, 274
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, 272
Lactoferm ABY 6
viability and proteolytic activity of, 269
Lactoferricin (Lfcin), 257
sequence, 256
Lactoferrin, 256–257
β-Lactoglobulin, 253–254
Lactoperoxidase, 257
Lactophoricin, 256
α-Lactorphin, 262
Lactose, 474
Lactulose, 242
selective metabolism of, 242
Lectins, 3–4
Legumes, 1–2
seeds, 22
Life expectancy, 469
Light-driven refractance-window dryers, 44
Light reactions, 32
Lignans, 233–234
Lignin, 222
Likrert scale, 143
Limiting amino acids concept, 295
Line force
stress generated by, 98–101
formulation of stress distribution
at only normal line force, 98–100
at only tangential line force, 100–101
oxidation, 236
soluble aglycone, 5
Liquid chromatography, 303, 304
Liquid food
concentration of, 70
organoleptic properties of, 70
Liquid smoke, 47
Liquid-to-solid transformation, 71
Listeria monocytogenes
scanning electron microscopic images of, 205
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), 223
Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) matrix, 202
Low-gossypol cotton nutrients, 3
Low molecular mass protein compounds, 313
Low molecular-weight compounds, 184
Low-temperature long-time (LTLT) pasteurization, 183
Malathion residues, 20
Mapillai samba, 441
Maxwell’s equations, 406, 407
Mechanical cooling systems, 133
Mechanically defoliated canopy (MDC), 358
Mechanical operations, 40–41
Membrane-based methods, 351
Membrane technology, 361
Metabolic availability method, 298
Metabolic processes, 10
Metabolic syndrome
implications on, 132
risk of, 132
Methionine sulfoxide, 302
Microbial-associated gastroenteritis
risk of, 240
Microbial cells
microencapsulation of, 79
Microbial foodborne illness, 180
Microbial pathogens
internalization of, 182
Microbial populations, 42
Microbiological tests, 134
Microencapsulated food ingredients, 471
Microencapsulation, 79
benefits of, 80
processing steps of, 79
techniques, 80
technologies, 68
Micronutrients, 219
Microorganisms, 180
viability enhancement of, 79
application of, 79
heating, 51
sterilization, 51
Microwave (MW), 383
band dielectric defrosting, 393
3D finite-element model, 410
domestic oven magnetrons, 418
geometric model, 415
heat transfer models, 413, 417
mediated defrosting of frozen foods, 394
nonuniform distribution, 412
oven, 414
meshing scheme, 413
ubiquitous, 415
schematic diagrams, 392
thawing applications, 415
time-temperature profiles, 398
Microwave (MW) heating
dielectric heating mechanism
equipment, 391
frozen foods
defrosting modeling, 409
dielectric properties (DPs), 400
heating device, schematic diagrams, 392
of frozen mashed potatoes, 411
models, 417
multicomponent frozen meals
modeling of, 412–414
uniformity, 416
Milk, 251
Millets, 447, 448
Milling, of grains, 20
Millipore ultrafiltration stirred cell unit, 262
Mini Protean System II, 316
Molecular diffusion coefficient, 73
Mucilage, 222
Multicomponent frozen meals
microwave heating modeling, 412–414
Multiple linear regression (MLR), 314
models, 320
Multivariate statistical techniques
data analysis with, 314
Murine norovirus (MNV-1), 198
inactivation efficiency and mechanism, 204
MWCO membranes, 261
Mycorrhyza, 427
Natural antimicrobial compounds, 238
Natural compounds, 238
Natural enzymes, 47
Natural foods, 67
Nestlé infant cereals, 474
Net protein utilization (NPU), 293
Neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 220
balance studies, 297
sulfur heterocycles, 82
Noncaloric phenolic plant compounds, 233
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), 131
death rates associated with, 132
Nondairy ingredients, 226
Nonheat processing, 10
fermentation, 10
germination/sprouting, 10
soaking, 10
Nonprotein nitrogen, 300
Nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID), 255
Nonthermal processing technologies, 179–206, 208
development, future directions for, 206–208
fresh fruit and juices
consumption trends, 179–180
products potentials for safety and shelf life enhancement of, 183–206
and related foodborne illness outbreaks, microbial contamination of, 180–182
fresh produce-and juice-processing industries, challenges of, 182–183
fresh fruit
chlorine disinfection of, 182
juices, heat pasteurization of, 183
scanning electron microscopy images, 187
Normal force intensity, 102, 103
N-terminal arginine-rich fragments, 257
Nucleation, 71, 73
transition, 466
utilization of, 2
whole grain and refined bread and pasta, 446
Nutritional component, 133
Nutritional quality, 135
Obesity, 30
Official Method AOAC, 229
Ohmic heating (OH), 51, 85–88
application on bioactive compounds, 86–88
influencing factors in, 85–86
synergistic effect of, 86
Oligopeptides, 258
O-phthaldialdehyde (OPA), 259
Orange juice, producers of, 180
Organic acids, evolution of, 226
Organic production, 462
Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), 351
aldrin, 14
DDT, 14
dieldrin, 14
hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), 14
residues of, 21
Organophosphates, 13
Oryza glaberrima, 441
γ-Oryzanol, 434
Osmotic dehydration (OD), 69, 83–88
ohmic heating (OH), 85–88
process, schematic diagram of, 87
pulsed vacuum, 84–85
Osmotic distillation (OD), 365, 374
and pervaporation process, 376
Osmotic drying
benifits of, 69
Osmotic pressure, 83
Osmotic process, 84
Overweight, 30
Oxalates, 4–5
bind minerals, 4
processes, 294
product production, 195
Oxidized molecules formation, 270
Packaging, 50–51
costs, 57, 59
Pancreatic enzymes, 260
Panicum milare, 448
Papain catalysis, 331
Paradigm shift, significance of, 12–13
Parboiling process, 21
Partial dehydration, 83
Paspalum scobiculatum, 448
Pasteurization, 42, 149
of fruit juices, 191
Pasteurized milk, 42
Pathogenic bacteria, 182
Pathogenic microorganisms, 42, 182, 255
Peas (Pisum sativum), 449
Pectic substances, 222
degrading enzymes, 181
whey proteins matrix, 274
Pentose sugars, 221
Peptides, 289
biofunctionality characteristics of, 257
bonds, 291, 300
releasing mechanism, 258
sequences, 267
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), 256
Perishable foods, level of processing, 54
Pervaporation technique, 367, 373
Pesticidal mechanism, 17
Pesticides, 13–22
classes of, 13
cooking process, 17–20
domestic processing techniques and food safety (pesticide residues), 16–17
environmental impacts, 14
exposure to, 14
food processing, 17
formulations, 16
grain storage and pesticide residue dissipation, 21–22
health impacts of, 14
not-to-be-used pesticides, 14–15
pollution, 14
processing methods resulting in residue dissipation, 20–21
residues, 13
elimination of, 20
sources of, 21
residues in food, 15–16
sustainable methodology for food safety within transitional phase, 15–16
types and application, 13–14
Phase change problem, 408
Phenol hypocloride methods, 316
Phenolic acids, 232–233
Phenolic alcohols, 233
Phenolic compounds, 67, 230–240
advantages of, 237
classification and composition, 230–234
anthocyanidins, 232
flavanols, 232
flavanones, 231
flavones, 231
flavonoids, 231
flavonols, 231
hydroxybenzoic acids, 233
isoflavones, 232
lignans, 233–234
phenolic acids, 232–233
phenolic alcohols, 233
stilbenes, 233
in dairy products, 238
effects in vivo, 239
methods of analysis of, 239–240
polyphenolic amides, 234–236, 236–239
antioxidant activity and protection against oxidative stress, 234–235
cancer protective effects, 236
cardiovascular protective effects, 235
cereal products, 238–239
dairy products, 237–238
diabetes risk, hypoglycemic effects on, 235
meat products, 236–237
neurodegenerative protective effects, 235
source of, 236
Photocatalysis, 200
mechanism of, 201
pH-stat method, 259
Phytates, 5
Phytic acid, 5
foods, 2
foods and beverages, 69
secondary metabolites, 233
Point force, 98
airy functions, 94
stress generated by, 97–98
stress distribution formulation
at only normal point force, 97–98
at only tangential point force, 98
Poisson’s ratio, 99, 109
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 82
Polymerized compounds, 69
Polypeptide chains, 336
enzymatic hydrolysis by, 11
Polyphenolic amides, 234
Polyphenolic compounds
in sorghum, 69
Polyphenol oxidase (PPO), 188
enzymes, 199
Polyphenols, 69, 199, 230
antidiabetic properties of, 235
chemical structures, 69
Pork burgers
sensory characteristics of, 225
Postfermentation techniques, 237, 370
membrane processes, 372
dialysis, 372
distillation, 373
osmotic distillation, 374
pervaporation, 373
reverse osmosis, 373
thin layer evaporation, 370
vacuum distillation, 370
Potential function method, 94
Prebiotics, 240–243
activity in vitro, 242–243
fructooligossacharides (FOS), 241
inulin, 241
galactooligosaccharides (GOS), 241–242
lactulose, 242
Precision protein standards, 316
Prefermentation approach, 237
Preservation, 33, 34
by CA/MA, 49
method, 200
Preservatives, 49
ohmic-thermal sterilization, 188
time conditions, optimization of, 188
Proanthocyanidins, 232
Probiotic bacteria, 258, 276
survival of, 273
Probiotics, 70, 78
beverages, 273
cells, advantages for, 80
encapsulation of, 81
encapsulation technology, 79
food products, 78
microorganisms, 69
types of foods, 78
Processed foods, 29
products, 63
requirements for, 54
assessment program, 33
shelf life, 135
Production-to-consumption processing, 62
Progressive freeze concentration (PFC)
application of, 75
headspace samples processed by, 75
Protease inhibitors, 3
Bowman-Birk inhibitors, 3
Kunitz type, 3
Protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS), 297, 299
Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), 12
Protein hydrolysis, 301–303, 306, 342
effect of goat cheese
desirability, 337–342
on emulsifying activity index, 325–327
on emulsifying stability index, 329
on foaming capacity, 333–336
on foam stability, 336–337
on free amine nitrogen content, 320–322
on held water, 325
on protein solubility index, 324
on surface hydrophobicity, 333–336
on total soluble nitrogen content, 322–324
on viscosity, 329–333
on water-holding capacity, 324–325
Proteinogenic, 291
amino acids, 291
Protein-protein interactions, 263, 318
development of, 303
laboratories engaged in, 304
bioactive properties of, 251
chemical assessment of, 296
crisis, 289
enzymatic hydrolysis, 313
foaming potential of, 266
foods, quality of, 307
functional properties, 263
hydrolysates, 313, 318, 331
activity index of, 335
hydrolysis degree of, 327
isolates, 316
priority, 288
rich foods, 289
salt-acid hydrolysis, 293
score, 295
source of, 225
synthesis, marker of, 298
thermal processing of, 294
tryptic hydrolysate, 261
Protein solubility index (PSI), 316
statistical analysis of, 324
Proteolytic microbes, 78
Proteoso-peptone (PP) fraction, 256
Pseudocereals, 423
Pulsed electric fields (PEF), 52, 190–194
commercial developments in, 191–192
for inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms, 193
microbial inactivation mechanism, 190–191
processed fruit juices, 206
research trends in, 192–194
technology, commercial applications of, 191
Pulsed vacuum, 84–85
Pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration (PVOD), 84
application of, 85
Pyrethroids, 13
Quality tools, 138
Radappertization, 48
disadvantage of, 48
based technology, 11–12
irradiation, 11–12
microwave cooking, 11
treatment, 48
radappertization, 48
radicidation, 48
radurization, 48
Radicidation, 48
Radioactive isotopes, 47
Radio frequency (RF), 388
heating, 391
plastic material-polyetherimide (PEI), 417
radiation, 383
schematic diagram, 390, 410
Radurization, 48
Ragi hurihittu, 448
Raw foods
ingredients, preservation of, 41
organoleptic properties of, 68
Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 234
Ready-to-eat, 432
Ready-to-eat meal processors, 62
Recalculation coefficients, 300
Reduction ratio, 40
Reference-point method, 93
Refrigeration, 42–43
Relative blade sharpness factor, 118–119
Relative error, 322
Relative sharpness factor, 106
Repeatability, 305
Residual enzyme, 192
Resistant starch (RS) matrices, 273
Response surface graphics (RSG), 314, 328
of held water (HW), 327
of total soluble nitrogen content, 323
of viscosity, 330
Response surface methodology (RSM), 194
Retail development
impact of, 60
Reverse osmosis (RO), 365
l-Rhamnose-rich units, 222
bread, 434
bread flour, 436
coextrusion, 432
fortification, economic feasibility, 440
legume-based Iranian ethnic foods, 451
sevai, 432
snack, 433
Robotics technology
development of, 94
Saccharomyces rouxii, 369
Saccharomycodes ludwigii, 369
Salmonella enterica, 183
Salt-acid hydrolysis, 306
Sample preparation, 314
Sampling, 299
Sandvik Materials Technology, 95
Sangiovese cultivar grapes, 358
Sangiovese wine, 358
Sanitary hygienic conditions, 134
Saponins, 5–6
bitter taste of, 5
physicochemical and textural properties of, 225
Secondary metabolites, 2
Second-derivative infrared spectrum, 318
Semiperishable foods, 32
Semipermeable cell membrane, 83
Sensitivity, 305
Sensory analysis, 198
Severe summer pruning (SSP), 358
Shear stresses, 109, 112
Shelf life, 33
Shelf-stable foods, 32
Short chain fatty acids (SCFA), 221
production, 222, 224
with changing parameters, 107–113
fracture force via blade shape, 112–113
relationship between fracture force and slicing angle, 109–112
stress distribution results, 107–109
Single electron transfer (SET), 239
Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), 235
Slaughter methods, 133
Slicing angle, 109, 112–114, 119
Smoking, 46–47
advantages, 46
as antioxidant, 47
Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), 316, 322
Soil composition, 360
Solidified agar matrix, 204
Solubility, 263, 316
Soluble dietary fiber (SDF), 221, 224
Soluble peptide samples, 269
Soluble proteins
hydrolysis degree of, 320, 329
of semi-hard goat cheese, 314
Solvent supercritical extraction, 364
South India
traditional rice varieties, 434, 435
value-added products, 440
Spanish grape varieties, 361
Spectral similarity coefficients, 318
Spinning cone column (SCC), 363
Spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), 255
Spore inactivation, 188
Spray drying, 82
encapsulation, 79
procedure, schematic presentation of, 273
Sprouted grain, 451
Standard addition method, 305
Staphylococcus spp., 238
Statistical design
of experiments, 315–316
Statistica software, 322, 327, 330
Stilbenes, 233
Stork poultry processing, 93
Streptococcus faecalis, 439
Streptococcus thermophilus, 237
component, 108
distribution, 99, 107, 109, 111
numerical results of, 115
tensor, 94, 107
Structurally diverse molecules, 5
accumulation, 360
removal, 361
Sulfur-containing amino acids, 12
Supernatants, 316
principle of, 97
Superposition theorem, 99
Surface hydrophobicity (So), 319
statistical analysis of, 333
Surface-to-volume ratio, 73
Suspension crystallization freeze concentration (SCFC), 73
control crystallization in, 73
Sustainable management systems, 137
Synthetic pyrethroids, 13
residues of, 21
use of, 14
Synthetized hispolon
antimetastatic effects of, 236
Tannins, 4
concentration, 4
Technological tools, 130
Thawing, 385, 405
process, 408
Thermal pasteurization
for microbial inactivation, 190
Thermal processing, 41, 183
Thermosensitive compounds, 83
Thiocyanate anion, 257
TiO2, 200
photocatalyst film, 202
photocatalytic reaction, 202
Tocai rosso, 359
“Total antioxidant potential” assay, 240
Total dietary fiber enzymatic-gravimetric method, 229
Total phenols assay, 240
ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), 240
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (FCR), 240
Trolox equivalence antioxidant capacity, 240
Total protein, 300
contents, 300, 316
Total soluble nitrogen, 316
Traceability, 130, 136, 137
systems, 138
use of, 137
tools, adoption of, 137
Trebbiano toscano, 359
Tresca’s fracture criterion, 105
3,5,6-Trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP), 21
Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid, 259
Triticum aestivum, 443
chymotrypsin inhibitors, 3
hydrolysis, 260
inhibitors, 3, 10
Trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), 11
Tryptic whey protein hydrolysate (TWPH), 272
Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii), 400
Tyrosine, 292
Tyrosol (4-hydroxyphenylethanol), 233
UHT technology packing, 462
Ultrafiltrated caprine, 271
Ultrafiltrated mozzarella cheese, 272
Ultrafiltration (UF), 73, 261
membrane, 261
method, 261–263
MWCO membrane, 262
Ultra-high pressure (UHP), 51
Ultraviolet (UV)
damaged microorganisms, 199
irradiation system, efficiency of, 198
light, 195–199
efficiency of, 195
innovative approaches to enhance efficiency, 195–198
innovative approaches to enhance efficiency of disinfection, 198–199
limitation of, 195
microbial inactivation mechanism, 195
reactors, types of, 195, 196
UV-H, inactivation, 196
Uniform heating, approaches, 415–418
Uppsala methodology
for rapid analysis, 229
Urbanization, 180
Urokinase-plasminogen activator, 236
US Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 78
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 77
approved food additive, 201
U.S. Public Health Service
FDA’s Pasteurized Milk Ordinances, 42
UV-assisted TiO2 photocatalysis (TUV), 183, 199–206
antimicrobial activity of, 202
food safety applications of, 201–206
oxidation process, 201
photocatalysis mechanism for microbial inactivation, 200–201
for surface disinfection, 203
technology, 205
potential of, 201
principle of, 199
treated sikhye drinks, 204
and working principle, historical applications of, 199–200
Validated multiphysics models, 207
Validation method, 305
Value added food products, 464
Value-added processing
extra feature, 466
Vectorborne diseases, 13
Vegetarian food products, 477
Viruses, 181
Viscosity, 318
Vitalplant, 238
Vitamin D fortification, 437
B-group, 1
definition of, 70
fat-soluble, 70
water-soluble, 70
Volatile compounds, 75, 82, 83
Volumetric heating, 385
Volumetric heating technology, 86
activity (aW), 45–46
fat-holding capacities, 266
food matrix of, 83
quality, monitoring parameters for, 133
soluble extracts
ACE-inhibitory activity of, 270
soluble sugar chains, 5
soluble vitamins
sources of, 1
Water-holding capacity (WHC), 266
dependency of, 326
determination, diagram for, 317
experimental values of, 325
statistical analysis of, 324
bran, 226
fiber-strained yogurts, 226
flour processing, 221
rye products, 271
Wheat germ (WG) oil, 445
Whey protein concentrate (WPC), 261
alginate beads, 274
matrix, 275
rice bran protein, 276
Whey protein hydrolysate (WPH), 253
Whey protein isolate (WPI), 263
Whey proteins, 267, 275
antioxidant activity of, 261
composition and characteristics of, 253
enzymatic hydrolysis of, 251
during fermentation process, hydrolysis of, 268
fragments, bioactivity of, 263
hydrolysis during fermentation process with proteolytic starter culture to, 258–259
and peptides
bioactivity of, 252–257
bovine serum albumin (BSA), 255
caseinomacropeptide, 256
glukosomacropeptide (GMP), 256
immunoglobulins, 255–256
α-lactalbumin, 255
lactoferrin, 256–257
β-lactoglobulin, 253–254
lactoperoxidase, 257
proteoso-peptone (PP) fraction, 256
potential of, 276
solubility of, 263
Whole grains council, 445
alcohol reduction techniques, 356
postfermentation techniques, 362
membrane processes, 364
solvent supercritical extraction, 364
spinning cone column, 363–364
vacuum distillation, 363
postfermentation techniques, membrane processes
osmotic distillation, 365–367
pervaporation, 367
reverse osmosis, 365
prefermentation/microbiological strategies, 360
dilution of must, 360
enzyme (glucose oxidase) addition, 361
membrane processes, 361
microbiological practices, 361
viticultural strategies, 357
growth regulators, application of, 359
long-term vineyard changes, 360
managing harvest dates, 359
modification irrigation regimes, 359
short-term vineyard changes, 357–358
dealcoholization, 363
by vacuum distillation, 363
supply chain, 356
Wood, shearing properties of, 95
World Health Organization (WHO), 78, 132, 179, 348, 349
South-East Asia region, 349
World Trade Organization (WTO), 465
X-rays, 11
crystallographic studies, 331
Yacon stem (Smallanthus sonchifolius), 442
Yeasts, 44, 181
mediated fermentation, 20
Yerba mate infusion
antioxidant activity of, 76
Young’s modulus, 117