- access control lists (ACLs), Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- Acumen Curve, Be Ye a Renovator, Innovator, or Both? How You Spend Budget
- agile development, In the Beginning: Monoliths and Waterfalls, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0
- AI
- Alertmanager, Putting It All Together, Alertmanager
- Ansible
- about, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- agentless architecture, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era, More Agency with Agentless Design-More Agency with Agentless Design, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- automation via, Modernization, Ecosystem for Automation-Automation Everywhere and for All
- infrastructure as code, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- Kubernetes versus, Ecosystem for Automation
- Modules, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- Playbooks, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era, More Agency with Agentless Design, What’s the Play? Architecting for Automation, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- Red Hat acquiring, Ecosystem for Automation
- Roles, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- YAML files, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- Apache service SELinux example, Namespaces: What’s in a Name?
- APIs
- API economy, The Cloud Bazaar: SaaS and the API Economy
- GraphQL API, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- Master nodes, Putting It All Together, Putting It All Together
- microservices developed independently, Microservices Dance to a Different Fiddle, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- REST APIs, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- security of, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- serverless computing, It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- appliances, Automation for Cloud-Scale Deployments
- applications
- API economy and software as a service, The Cloud Bazaar: SaaS and the API Economy
- automation of DevOps, Automation for Stress-Free DevOps
- cloud enabling always benefiting, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- cloud native development, Introduction
- containers, Introduction
- encrypting all data, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures
- eras of application development
- about, Eras of Application Development, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0
- agile, In the Beginning: Monoliths and Waterfalls, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0
- containers, Lessons Learned: The Rise of Containers
- continuous integration and continuous delivery, Docker Brings Containers to the Masses, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- DevOps, cloud, microservices, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0
- microservices, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0
- monoliths and waterfalls, In the Beginning: Monoliths and Waterfalls
- platform as a service (PaaS), First “Pass” on PaaS
- service-oriented architecture, SOA Is the SOS to Your Monolith
- twelve factors best practices, First “Pass” on PaaS
- virtual machines, But Wait, Don’t VMs Do the Same Thing!?
- federation, 7. United Federation of Containerized Applications
- function as a service (FaaS), Serverless has a Kid! Function as a Service
- legacy applications (see legacy applications)
- management of containerized, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers
- microservices, Introduction
- (see also microservices architecture)
- modernization process
- Cloud Acumen Curve, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- containerization, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- refactoring, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- repackaging, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- replatforming, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- stages of, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- virtualization, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- monitoring and observability, Monitoring and Observability
- MySQL application example, Docker Brings Containers to the Masses
- namespaces, Namespaces: What’s in a Name?, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- platform as a service, Building the Developer’s Sandbox with Platform as a Service-Composing in the Fabric of Cloud Services, Composing in the Fabric of Cloud Services
- security of, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security, Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps-Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps
- security versus, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures, Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps
- serverless, It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- service meshes, Making the Network Tractable: Service Meshes
- shift left, Shift Left
- Source-to-Image (S2I) application management, Building an Operating System for Containers, 3. Protecting the Software Build Process
- stateless design of microservices, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale
- testing, integration, deployment, Testing, Integration, and Deployment
- write once, run anywhere paradigm, Build Once and Run Anywhere with Consistency, Shift Left, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- as-a-service definition, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion, Order Up: Pizza as a Service
- automation
- about, Ecosystem for Automation
- AI for, AI
- Ansible for, Modernization, Ecosystem for Automation-Automation Everywhere and for All
- about Ansible, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- agentless architecture, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era, More Agency with Agentless Design-More Agency with Agentless Design, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- infrastructure as code, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- Kubernetes versus, Ecosystem for Automation
- Modules, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- Playbooks, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era, More Agency with Agentless Design, What’s the Play? Architecting for Automation, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- Roles, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- Chef for, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- configuration management, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- deployments, Automation for Cloud-Scale Deployments
- DevOps, Automation for Stress-Free DevOps
- multivendor stacks, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- Puppet for, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- standardization for, Starting the Kubernetes Journey
- Terraform for, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- availability and COVID-19, Data Gravity
- availability zones for clouds, Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk, First “Pass” on PaaS
- canary deployments, Testing, Integration, and Deployment
- Chef for automation, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery)
- about, History Repeats Itself: From Granularity of Terms to General Terms, Testing, Integration, and Deployment
- application development history, Docker Brings Containers to the Masses, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- cloud usage pattern, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- Docker containers making possible, Docker Brings Containers to the Masses
- security testing automated, 3. Protecting the Software Build Process
- Tekton CI/CD pipelines, Testing, Integration, and Deployment
- Clair vulnerability scanner, Docker Brings Containers to the Masses, Container Security Visibility 101
- client engagement via AI, AI
- cloud
- AI, AI
- capability, not destination, Introduction, Modernization, Are You on a Private Cloud, Public Cloud, or Community Cloud? Nah—Just Cloud, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- challenges of incorporating, Cloudy Skies Are the Best Forecast Ever
- “Cloud Chapter 1” strategy, Modernization
- “Cloud Chapter 2” strategy, Modernization
- (see also “Cloud Chapter 2” strategy)
- cloud refers to hybrid cloud, Are You on a Private Cloud, Public Cloud, or Community Cloud? Nah—Just Cloud
- cost savings of, Cost Takeout
- hybrid cloud strategy, Introduction
- (see also hybrid multicloud strategy)
- build once, run anywhere, Build Once and Run Anywhere with Consistency, Shift Left, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- innovation captured, Capture the World’s Innovation
- value derived from, Introduction, Introduction, So Why Are Cloudy Skies the Best Forecast Ever?, History Repeats Itself: From Granularity of Terms to General Terms
- modernization mindset, Modernization-Modernization
- (see also modernization mindset)
- performance demands of, Performance
- resiliency of, Resiliency
- scalability, Modernization
- security demands of, Security, Proven Security, Compliance, and Governance
- (see also security demands of cloud)
- unique businesses, unique answers, Industry Expertise in Mission-Critical Business Processes, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- usage patterns (see usage patterns of the cloud)
- what’s in it, Cloud Computing: Patterns for The What, The How, and The Why
- Cloud Acumen Curve, Be Ye a Renovator, Innovator, or Both? How You Spend Budget
- cloud application services, Consuming Functionality Without the Stress: Software as a Service
- (see also software as a service (SaaS))
- “Cloud Chapter 1” strategy, Modernization
- “Cloud Chapter 2” strategy, Modernization, Hybrid Cloud’s “Chapter 2”: Distributed Cloud
- answer for how to cloud, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation-Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- capability over savings, History Repeats Itself: From Granularity of Terms to General Terms, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- capability, not destination, Introduction, Modernization, Are You on a Private Cloud, Public Cloud, or Community Cloud? Nah—Just Cloud, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- distributed cloud, Hybrid Cloud’s “Chapter 2”: Distributed Cloud
- build once, run anywhere, Build Once and Run Anywhere with Consistency, Shift Left, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- challenges of, Distributed Cloud: The Ultimate Unification Layer
- edge computing, Living on the Edge: Distributed Cloud
- expertise to achieve, Industry Expertise in Mission-Critical Business Processes
- multicloud, Distributed Cloud for Multicloud
- on-premises, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- one cloud to drive them all, A Caveat to Distributed Cloud
- Cloud Computing Trends (Flexera report), Distributed Cloud for Multicloud
- Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), The Perfect Open Source Project
- cloud native development, Introduction
- cloud regions, Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- cloud service providers (CSPs)
- cloud-without-compromise, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- cluster definition, Speaking Kubernetes and Other Strange-Sounding Names
- Kubernetes training, “Cloud Chapter 2”: The Path to Cloud Native
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) report, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- complexity and human error, A Practical Understanding of Kubernetes
- compliance monitoring, Container Security Visibility 101, Seven Best Practices for Securing Containerized Data and Applications, 4. Wrangling Deployments on Clusters
- compute resources as IaaS, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- computer vision, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- Confidential Computing, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures
- configuration management automation, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- container engine, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines, Solving Challenges of Business Continuity in a Containerized World
- container images
- Container Networking Interface (CNI), Adding Storage for Containers…The Right Way
- container-native data storage, Container-Ready and Container-Native: Reinventing Storage for Containerized Applications
- container-ready data storage, Container-Ready and Container-Native: Reinventing Storage for Containerized Applications
- containers
- about, Introduction, Lessons Learned: The Rise of Containers
- about containerization, Lessons Learned: The Rise of Containers
- application development history, Lessons Learned: The Rise of Containers
- backup and recovery, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers
- explained, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines-Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- Kubernetes container orchestration
- lifecycle, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- Linux operating system for all, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- managed via Podman, Adding Storage for Containers…The Right Way
- on-premises workloads with, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- Open Container Initiative compliant, Modernization
- processes to operating systems, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- runtime environment evaluation, Container Security Visibility 101
- scaling in containerized world, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- security, Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps-Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps
- standardization via, Lessons Learned: The Rise of Containers, Docker Brings Containers to the Masses, Starting the Kubernetes Journey
- stateless, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- storage and persistence, Data Gravity: More Formally Defined, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- vulnerability
- context of process interactions, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- continuous integration and continuous delivery (see CI/CD)
- control plane definition, Speaking Kubernetes and Other Strange-Sounding Names
- convolutional neural networks (CNNs), Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- Cooper, Bradley, Adopting a “Learning Never Ends” Culture: A Cloud Success Secret Ingredient
- CoreOS operating system of OCP, Building an Operating System for Containers
- Costco and GraphQL APIs, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- costs
- Acumen Curve, Be Ye a Renovator, Innovator, or Both? How You Spend Budget
- data breach costs, Data Breaches, Exploits, and Vulnerabilities, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- dynamic (metered) pricing models, Modernization, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- PaaS providers, Building the Developer’s Sandbox with Platform as a Service
- SaaS delivery platforms, The Cloud Bazaar: SaaS and the API Economy
- savings of cloud, Cost Takeout
- serverless pay per computation, It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- subscription license for SaaS, Consuming Functionality Without the Stress: Software as a Service
- COVID-19 digital lessons, Thrivers, Divers, and New Arrivers-Thrivers, Divers, and New Arrivers, Data Gravity-Data Gravity
- CRI-O engine in CoreOS, Building an Operating System for Containers
- Custom Resource Definition (CRD), Day 2 on the Job: Kubernetes Operators to Save the Day
- CVE (see Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
- Data Acumen Curve, Be Ye a Renovator, Innovator, or Both? How You Spend Budget
- data gravity, Data Gravity: More Formally Defined, Readying Data for the New Normal
- data persistence layer, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- (see also storage of data)
- data security concerns, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- datacenters as infrastructure as a service, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- deployment
- application pods, Putting It All Together
- automation of, Automation for Cloud-Scale Deployments
- canary deployments, Testing, Integration, and Deployment
- CI/CD (see CI/CD)
- cloud capability, History Repeats Itself: From Granularity of Terms to General Terms
- containers for, Introduction
- enterprise hardening of open source, Hackers, Attackers, and Would-Be Bad Actors: Thoughts on Security for Hybrid Cloud
- Kubernetes container orchestration, Modernization
- load balancing, Building an Operating System for Containers
- more hosts, more fault tolerance, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale
- multiple cloud service providers, Distributed Cloud for Multicloud
- platform as a service, Building the Developer’s Sandbox with Platform as a Service, Digging Deeper into PaaS
- private or on-premises cloud, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- Quay registry, Container Security Visibility 101
- security, 4. Wrangling Deployments on Clusters
- Source-to-Image application management, Building an Operating System for Containers, 3. Protecting the Software Build Process
- DevOps (development operations)
- about hybrid cloud strategy, Introduction
- API economy, The Cloud Bazaar: SaaS and the API Economy
- automation, Automation for Stress-Free DevOps
- data storage tools, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- Helm package manager, Day 1 on the Job: Helm Package Management
- microservices developed independently, Microservices Dance to a Different Fiddle, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- modernization mindset, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0
- pet servers, cattle containers, Starting the Kubernetes Journey
- platform as a service, Building the Developer’s Sandbox with Platform as a Service-Composing in the Fabric of Cloud Services
- security mindset, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0, Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps-Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps
- serverless computing, It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- shift left, Shift Left
- write once, run anywhere paradigm, Build Once and Run Anywhere with Consistency, Shift Left, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- digital transformation lessons, Thrivers, Divers, and New Arrivers-Thrivers, Divers, and New Arrivers, Data Gravity-Data Gravity
- disaster recovery (DR), Solving Challenges of Business Continuity in a Containerized World
- discretionary access control (DAC), Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- distributed cloud
- about “Cloud Chapter 2” strategy, Hybrid Cloud’s “Chapter 2”: Distributed Cloud
- build once, run anywhere, Build Once and Run Anywhere with Consistency, Shift Left, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- challenges of, Distributed Cloud: The Ultimate Unification Layer
- edge computing, Living on the Edge: Distributed Cloud
- expertise to achieve, Industry Expertise in Mission-Critical Business Processes
- hybrid cloud term referring to, Distributed Cloud: The Ultimate Unification Layer
- latency, Data Gravity: More Formally Defined
- load balancing, Building an Operating System for Containers
- multicloud, Distributed Cloud for Multicloud
- on-premises, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- one cloud to drive them all, A Caveat to Distributed Cloud
- distributed computing fallacies, Making the Network Tractable: Service Meshes
- DNS name consistency, Building an Operating System for Containers
- Docker
- Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), 3. Protecting the Software Build Process
- dynamic pricing models, Modernization
- edge computing, Living on the Edge: Distributed Cloud
- encrypting all data, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures
- endpoints via REST API, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- enterprise hardening, Hackers, Attackers, and Would-Be Bad Actors: Thoughts on Security for Hybrid Cloud
- event-driven computing via function as a service, Serverless has a Kid! Function as a Service
- evolution of cloud
- building hybrid cloud, History Repeats Itself: From Granularity of Terms to General Terms
- capability over cost savings, History Repeats Itself: From Granularity of Terms to General Terms, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- “Cloud Chapter 2” strategy, Modernization
- (see also “Cloud Chapter 2” strategy)
- cloud is actually hybrid, Are You on a Private Cloud, Public Cloud, or Community Cloud? Nah—Just Cloud
- hybrid cloud value delivered, Introduction, Introduction, So Why Are Cloudy Skies the Best Forecast Ever?, History Repeats Itself: From Granularity of Terms to General Terms
- internet prevailing, Are You on the Intranet, Internet, or Extranet? Nah—Just Internet
- Learning Never Ends culture, Adopting a “Learning Never Ends” Culture: A Cloud Success Secret Ingredient
- managed services, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- social-mobile-cloud, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- (see also usage patterns of the cloud)
- extensibility of Kubernetes, Building an Operating System for Containers
- external load balancing, Building an Operating System for Containers
- failure
- Alertmanager, Putting It All Together, Alertmanager
- availability zones for clouds, Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- backup and recovery, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers
- cloud regions, Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- load balancing containers, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale, Building an Operating System for Containers
- microservice independence, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- reconstituted containers, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers
- resiliency of cloud, Resiliency
- fault tolerance
- federated namespaces, 7. United Federation of Containerized Applications
- federated secrets, 7. United Federation of Containerized Applications
- Flexera Cloud Computing Trends, Distributed Cloud for Multicloud
- forensics investigation of data breach, Container Security Visibility 101
- forking in a repository, Just to Level Set: What’s This Open Source Stuff?
- function as a service (FaaS), Serverless has a Kid! Function as a Service
- hacking increasing, Security, Data Breaches, Exploits, and Vulnerabilities
- Hadoop as a Service (HaaS), Container-Ready and Container-Native: Reinventing Storage for Containerized Applications
- HAProxy load balancing, Building an Operating System for Containers
- hardware virtualized
- HashiCorp Terraform, The Infrastructure…Of Course!
- heavyweight nature of legacy applications, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- Helm package manager, Day 1 on the Job: Helm Package Management
- Heroku, First “Pass” on PaaS
- high availability (HA)
- high performance computing via bare metal as a service, IaaS has a Twin Sibling: Bare Metal
- Hightower, Kelsey, Starting the Kubernetes Journey, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- horizontal scaling, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- hosted versus managed services, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- human error and complexity, A Practical Understanding of Kubernetes
- hybrid multicloud strategy
- capability, not destination, Introduction, Modernization, Are You on a Private Cloud, Public Cloud, or Community Cloud? Nah—Just Cloud, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- “Cloud Chapter 2” strategy, Modernization, Hybrid Cloud’s “Chapter 2”: Distributed Cloud
- answer for how to cloud, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation-Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- build once, run anywhere, Build Once and Run Anywhere with Consistency, Shift Left, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- distributed cloud, Hybrid Cloud’s “Chapter 2”: Distributed Cloud-Distributed Cloud for Multicloud
- distributed cloud challenges, Distributed Cloud: The Ultimate Unification Layer
- distributed has one primary cloud, A Caveat to Distributed Cloud
- innovation captured, Capture the World’s Innovation
- cloud refers to hybrid cloud, Are You on a Private Cloud, Public Cloud, or Community Cloud? Nah—Just Cloud
- hybrid cloud definition, Introduction
- hybrid cloud is distributed cloud, Distributed Cloud: The Ultimate Unification Layer
- hybrid multicloud definition, Modernization
- orchestration across vendors, Ecosystem for Automation
- portability of workload, Introduction, Be Ye a Renovator, Innovator, or Both? How You Spend Budget, A Practical Understanding of Kubernetes
- unique businesses, unique answers, Industry Expertise in Mission-Critical Business Processes, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- value derived from, Introduction, Introduction, So Why Are Cloudy Skies the Best Forecast Ever?, History Repeats Itself: From Granularity of Terms to General Terms
- hyper-converged containerization, Container-Ready and Container-Native: Reinventing Storage for Containerized Applications
- IaaS (see infrastructure as a service)
- IBM Cloud Satellite, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- IBM Institute for Business Value study, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- IBM security suite, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- IBM Storage, Container-Ready and Container-Native: Reinventing Storage for Containerized Applications
- identity and access management (IAM), Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- infrastructure
- infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service-Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- availability zones, Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- bare metal infrastructure, IaaS has a Twin Sibling: Bare Metal
- cloud regions, Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- foundation for other services, Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- metered pricing, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- multitenant infrastructure, Noisy Neighbors Can Be Bad Neighbors: The Multitenant Cloud-Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- pizza as a service example, Order Up: Pizza as a Service
- raw compute resources delivered, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- SaaS vendors buying, Consuming Functionality Without the Stress: Software as a Service
- security drawback, Noisy Neighbors Can Be Bad Neighbors: The Multitenant Cloud
- innovation captured, Capture the World’s Innovation
- internal load balancing, Building an Operating System for Containers
- internet prevailing, Are You on the Intranet, Internet, or Extranet? Nah—Just Internet
- Keycloak, 6. Lockdown: Network Isolation and API Endpoint Security
- kubectl definition, Speaking Kubernetes and Other Strange-Sounding Names
- Kubernetes
- about, “Cloud Chapter 2”: The Path to Cloud Native, Building an Operating System for Containers
- about orchestration of containers, Introduction, Modernization
- Ansible versus, Ecosystem for Automation
- CI/CD not native, Testing, Integration, and Deployment
- containerized application data storage, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- explained
- about need for control, A Practical Understanding of Kubernetes
- beginning of journey, Starting the Kubernetes Journey
- complex but declarative, Starting the Kubernetes Journey
- control loop, Day 2 on the Job: Kubernetes Operators to Save the Day
- Docker deprecated, Starting the Kubernetes Journey
- infrastructure, The Infrastructure…Of Course!
- open source, The Perfect Open Source Project
- pet servers, cattle containers, Starting the Kubernetes Journey
- scaling multiple applications, Starting the Kubernetes Journey
- self-healing, Starting the Kubernetes Journey, Day 2 on the Job: Kubernetes Operators to Save the Day
- terminology of, Speaking Kubernetes and Other Strange-Sounding Names
- explained day by day
- extensibility, Building an Operating System for Containers
- federated namespaces, 7. United Federation of Containerized Applications
- federated secrets, 7. United Federation of Containerized Applications
- infrastructure ethos emulated, Modernization
- load balancing, Building an Operating System for Containers
- managed services, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- OpenShift Origin Kubernetes Distribution
- role-based access control, The Paradox of Choice: Red Hat OpenShift
- secure orchestration, 5. Orchestrating Securely
- Security Context Constraints, 4. Wrangling Deployments on Clusters
- security vulnerabilities, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- service discovery, Building an Operating System for Containers
- service meshes, Making the Network Tractable: Service Meshes
- state of cluster defined by, Putting It All Together
- terminology, Speaking Kubernetes and Other Strange-Sounding Names
- Terraform for infrastructure, The Infrastructure…Of Course!
- training
- latency, Data Gravity: More Formally Defined
- Learning Never Ends culture, Adopting a “Learning Never Ends” Culture: A Cloud Success Secret Ingredient
- legacy applications
- cloud value and, Eras of Application Development
- dependencies, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- microservices contrasted, Separating the Old from the New-Microservices Dance to a Different Fiddle
- modernization process
- Cloud Acumen Curve, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- containerization, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- refactoring, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- repackaging, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- replatforming, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- stages of, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- virtualization, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- scaling, Separating the Old from the New, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- shifting to cloud as is, Cloudy Skies Are the Best Forecast Ever
- lightweight approach of containerization, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- Linux containers as basic unit, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- container engine, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- Control Groups (cgroups), Namespaces: What’s in a Name?, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- CoreOS operating system of OCP, Building an Operating System for Containers
- Linux operating system for all, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- namespaces, Namespaces: What’s in a Name?, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- Netfilter rules, Building an Operating System for Containers
- security vulnerabilities, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux), Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines, Namespaces: What’s in a Name?
- load balancing
- logging, Building an Operating System for Containers, Putting It All Together
- managed services, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- management of containerized applications, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers
- mandatory access control (MAC), Namespaces: What’s in a Name?, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- Manufacturing 4.0 assembly lines, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- Master nodes, Putting It All Together, Putting It All Together
- metered pricing models, Modernization, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- methods of RESTful services, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- microservices architecture
- about, Introduction, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- Amazon web pages, Cloudy Skies Are the Best Forecast Ever
- application development history, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0
- applications composed, A Practical Understanding of Kubernetes, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- automation of DevOps, Automation for Stress-Free DevOps
- failure resiliency, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale
- function as a service (FaaS), Serverless has a Kid! Function as a Service
- management, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers
- modernization mindset, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- monolithic applications contrasted, Separating the Old from the New-Microservices Dance to a Different Fiddle
- orchestration of microservices, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale
- REST APIs, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- scaling, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- security of, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security, Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps-Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps
- security versus, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures, Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps
- state modification, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale
- twelve factor best practices, First “Pass” on PaaS
- mission-critical business processes, Industry Expertise in Mission-Critical Business Processes
- modernization mindset, Modernization-Modernization
- applications composed, A Practical Understanding of Kubernetes, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- data storage challenges, Data Gravity: More Formally Defined
- DevOps, cloud, microservices, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0
- process of modernizing
- Cloud Acumen Curve, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- containerization, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- refactoring, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- repackaging, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- replatforming, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- stages of, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- virtualization, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- ranking projects to modernize, Industry Expertise in Mission-Critical Business Processes
- scaling in containerized world, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- serverless as newer cloud, It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- twelve factors best practices, First “Pass” on PaaS
- write once, run anywhere paradigm, Build Once and Run Anywhere with Consistency, Shift Left, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- as SaaS, Consuming Functionality Without the Stress: Software as a Service
- monitoring and observability, Monitoring and Observability
- monolithic applications, In the Beginning: Monoliths and Waterfalls, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- data storage, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- dependencies, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- microservices contrasted, Separating the Old from the New-Microservices Dance to a Different Fiddle
- modernization process
- Cloud Acumen Curve, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- containerization, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- refactoring, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- repackaging, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- replatforming, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- stages of, Three Stages of Approaching Modernization Incrementally
- virtualization, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- scaling, Separating the Old from the New, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- multicloud
- multitenant infrastructure, Noisy Neighbors Can Be Bad Neighbors: The Multitenant Cloud-Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- MySQL application example, Docker Brings Containers to the Masses
- observability, Monitoring and Observability
- OCP (see OpenShift Container Platform)
- on-premises workloads
- online resources (see resources online)
- Open Container Initiative (OCI)
- open source software (OSS)
- about, Just to Level Set: What’s This Open Source Stuff?
- Docker, Docker Brings Containers to the Masses
- enterprise hardening, Hackers, Attackers, and Would-Be Bad Actors: Thoughts on Security for Hybrid Cloud
- innovation speed, Hackers, Attackers, and Would-Be Bad Actors: Thoughts on Security for Hybrid Cloud
- Kubernetes, The Perfect Open Source Project
- security
- about, Just to Level Set: What’s This Open Source Stuff?
- access control lists, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- attack surfaces, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- attack vectors, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- case study, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS-A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- container security challenges, Container Security Visibility 101-Container Security Visibility 101
- data breach costs, Data Breaches, Exploits, and Vulnerabilities, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- discretionary access control, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- forensics investigation of breach, Container Security Visibility 101
- Kubernetes vulnerabilities, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- Linux kernel vulnerabilities, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- mandatory access control, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- National Vulnerability Database, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- OSS tools used to hack OSS, Data Breaches, Exploits, and Vulnerabilities
- public clouds and security, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security-Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- remote code execution, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- vulnerabilities, Data Breaches, Exploits, and Vulnerabilities
- Zero Trust, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World-Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- Tekton CI/CD pipelines, Testing, Integration, and Deployment
- Terraform (HashiCorp), The Infrastructure…Of Course!
- upstream in source repository, The Perfect Open Source Project
- vendor lock-in from, Automation for Multivendor Stacks
- open standard
- OpenShift Container Platform (OCP), Container Security Visibility 101
- all together overview, It’s OK to Have an Opinion: Opinionated Open Source-Putting It All Together
- built upon containerized services, Building an Operating System for Containers
- CoreOS operating system, Building an Operating System for Containers
- data storage, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- distributed cloud managed services, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- etcd clustered database for state, Building an Operating System for Containers, Putting It All Together
- Kubernetes within, Modernization, Namespaces: What’s in a Name?, Putting It All Together
- logging and monitoring, Building an Operating System for Containers, Putting It All Together
- nodes
- open standard, Modernization
- scaling via load balancer traffic, Building an Operating System for Containers
- Security Context Constraints, 4. Wrangling Deployments on Clusters
- Source-to-Image application management, Building an Operating System for Containers, 3. Protecting the Software Build Process
- stack illustrated, Putting It All Together
- OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF), Container-Ready and Container-Native: Reinventing Storage for Containerized Applications
- OpenShift Origin Kubernetes Distribution (OKD; Red Hat)
- operating systems
- cloud native development, Introduction
- container virtualized dependencies, Introduction, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- containers like a process, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- CoreOS for OpenShift, Building an Operating System for Containers
- Kubernetes platforms as, Modernization, Starting the Kubernetes Journey, Building an Operating System for Containers-Building an Operating System for Containers
- legacy applications, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- Linux for all containers, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- multitenancy security, 1. Multitenancy and the Unusual World of Container Host Operating Systems
- operators
- orchestration of microservices, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale
- orchestration platforms
- overprovisioning
- PaaS (see platform as a service)
- package manager Helm, Day 1 on the Job: Helm Package Management
- pandemic (see COVID-19 digital lessons)
- The Paradox of Choice (Schwartz), The Paradox of Choice: Red Hat OpenShift
- patterns of use of the cloud (see usage patterns of the cloud)
- payment methods (see pricing models)
- performance demands of cloud, Performance
- personally identifiable information (PII), Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- platform as a service (PaaS), First “Pass” on PaaS, Building the Developer’s Sandbox with Platform as a Service-Composing in the Fabric of Cloud Services
- Podman management of containers, Adding Storage for Containers…The Right Way
- pods
- policies
- Ponemon Institute data breach costs report, Data Breaches, Exploits, and Vulnerabilities
- portability of workload, Introduction, Be Ye a Renovator, Innovator, or Both? How You Spend Budget, A Practical Understanding of Kubernetes
- business continuity, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers
- legacy applications, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- regulatory compliances and, Seven Best Practices for Securing Containerized Data and Applications, 4. Wrangling Deployments on Clusters
- write once, run anywhere paradigm, Build Once and Run Anywhere with Consistency, Shift Left, Write Once, Run Anywhere
- pricing models
- principle of least privilege (POLP), Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World-Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- private clouds
- Prometheus, Prometheus
- provisioning automated, Automation for Stress-Free DevOps
- public clouds
- dynamic (metered) pricing models, Modernization, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- hosting on-premises or as private clouds, Introduction
- managed services, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- SaaS rentable via, The Cloud Bazaar: SaaS and the API Economy
- security and, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security-Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- unique businesses, unique answers, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- virtual private clouds, Introduction
- Puppet for automation, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- ransoms increasing, Security, Data Breaches, Exploits, and Vulnerabilities
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP; IBM)
- about, History Repeats Itself: From Granularity of Terms to General Terms
- all together overview, It’s OK to Have an Opinion: Opinionated Open Source-Putting It All Together
- built upon containerized services, Building an Operating System for Containers
- CoreOS operating system, Building an Operating System for Containers
- data storage, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- distributed cloud managed services, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- etcd clustered database for state, Building an Operating System for Containers, Putting It All Together
- Kubernetes within, Modernization, Namespaces: What’s in a Name?, Putting It All Together
- logging and monitoring, Building an Operating System for Containers, Putting It All Together
- nodes
- open standard, Modernization
- scaling via load balancer traffic, Building an Operating System for Containers
- Security Container Module, Container Security Visibility 101
- Security Context Constraints, 4. Wrangling Deployments on Clusters
- Source-to-Image application management, Building an Operating System for Containers, 3. Protecting the Software Build Process
- stack illustrated, Putting It All Together
- Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF), Container-Ready and Container-Native: Reinventing Storage for Containerized Applications
- Red Hat Security Container Module, Container Security Visibility 101
- Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO), 6. Lockdown: Network Isolation and API Endpoint Security
- registries
- remote code execution (RCE), Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- repositories
- resiliency of cloud, Resiliency
- resources online
- REST APIs, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- Rodriguez, Steve, Adopting a “Learning Never Ends” Culture: A Cloud Success Secret Ingredient
- role-based access control (RBAC), Speaking Kubernetes and Other Strange-Sounding Names
- rollouts by Kubernetes, Building an Operating System for Containers
- runtime environment evaluation, Container Security Visibility 101
- Samba client security vulnerability, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- sandbox, Building the Developer’s Sandbox with Platform as a Service
- scaling
- about, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- automation as solution, Ecosystem for Automation
- cloud scalability, Modernization
- infrastructure as a service, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- microservices, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- monolithic applications, Separating the Old from the New, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- OpenShift Container Platform, Building an Operating System for Containers
- platform as a service, Building the Developer’s Sandbox with Platform as a Service
- SaaS business model, Consuming Functionality Without the Stress: Software as a Service
- serverless computing, It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- spiky workloads, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- storage and compute independently, Container-Ready and Container-Native: Reinventing Storage for Containerized Applications
- twelve factor best practices, First “Pass” on PaaS
- scripting for configuration management, Rethinking Automation for the As-a-Service Era
- secrets federated, 7. United Federation of Containerized Applications
- Secure Service Containers, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures
- Security Context Constraints (SCCs), 4. Wrangling Deployments on Clusters
- security demands of cloud, Security, Proven Security, Compliance, and Governance
- attack surfaces, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- attack vectors, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- best practices
- Confidential Computing, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures
- container security challenges, Container Security Visibility 101-Container Security Visibility 101
- container security components, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- data breach costs, Data Breaches, Exploits, and Vulnerabilities, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- DevSecOps mindset, Microservices: What SOA Would Be If It Was Version 2.0, Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps-Importance of Sec(urity) in DevSecOps
- encrypting all data, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures
- forensics investigation of breach, Container Security Visibility 101
- identity and access management, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- Linux Control Groups, Namespaces: What’s in a Name?
- Linux Security Modules, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- multitenant vulnerabilities, Noisy Neighbors Can Be Bad Neighbors: The Multitenant Cloud
- National Vulnerability Database, A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- open source software
- principle of least privilege, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World-Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- public clouds and security, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security-Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- Red Hat Security Container Module, Container Security Visibility 101
- remote code execution, Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- role-based access control, Speaking Kubernetes and Other Strange-Sounding Names
- Secure Service Containers, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures
- security concerns, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures, Cloud Solely for Savings Could Leave You with Cravings: A Trend of Repatriation
- SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux), Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines, Namespaces: What’s in a Name?
- Zero Trust, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures, Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World-Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system, Container Security Visibility 101
- self-healing Kubernetes, Starting the Kubernetes Journey, Day 2 on the Job: Kubernetes Operators to Save the Day
- SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux), Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines, Namespaces: What’s in a Name?
- sensitive personal information (SPI), Hackers Don’t Care Where You Work: Public Cloud and Security
- serverless computing, It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- service meshes, Making the Network Tractable: Service Meshes
- service-oriented architecture (SOA), SOA Is the SOS to Your Monolith
- Shadow IT, Modernization
- shift left, Shift Left
- single points of failure (SPOF), Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- single responsibility principle, All You Need Is a Little Bit of REST and Some Microservices
- site reliability engineering (SRE) team, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- software as a service (SaaS), Consuming Functionality Without the Stress: Software as a Service-It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- software-defined networking (SDN), 6. Lockdown: Network Isolation and API Endpoint Security
- Source-to-Image (S2I) application management, Building an Operating System for Containers, 3. Protecting the Software Build Process
- spiky workloads, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- StackRox, Container Security Visibility 101
- standardization
- state of cluster
- state of microservice, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale
- stateless design of microservices, Orchestration: Amplifying the Challenges of Scale
- Static Application Security Testing (SAST), 3. Protecting the Software Build Process
- storage of data
- container persistence, Data Gravity: More Formally Defined, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- containerization requirements, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers
- COVID-19, Data Gravity
- data gravity, Data Gravity: More Formally Defined, Readying Data for the New Normal
- data persistence layer, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- data protection strategy required, Security
- IBM Storage, Container-Ready and Container-Native: Reinventing Storage for Containerized Applications
- infrastructure as a service, Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- modernization challenges, Data Gravity: More Formally Defined, Why Storage? Why Now? The Curious Evolution of Persistence for Containers
- OpenShift catalog of storage providers, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- persistent storage for containers, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper
- Podman management of storage, Adding Storage for Containers…The Right Way
- US Government Accountability Office (GAO), A Case Study in Exploitable OSS
- US National Security Agency (NSA), Zero Trust in a Hybrid Cloud World
- usage patterns of the cloud
- about, Cloud Computing: Patterns for The What, The How, and The Why
- about evolution of, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- as-a-service definition, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion, Order Up: Pizza as a Service
- CI/CD in application development, Patterns of Cloud Computing: A Working Framework for Discussion
- function as a service (FaaS), Serverless has a Kid! Function as a Service
- infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service-Do (Almost All of) It Yourself: Infrastructure as a Service
- multitenant infrastructure, Noisy Neighbors Can Be Bad Neighbors: The Multitenant Cloud-Cloud Regions and Cloud Availability Zones for Any As-a-Service Offering
- platform as a service (PaaS), Building the Developer’s Sandbox with Platform as a Service-Composing in the Fabric of Cloud Services
- serverless computing, It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- software as a service (SaaS), Consuming Functionality Without the Stress: Software as a Service-It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- user interface and user experience, The Cloud Bazaar: SaaS and the API Economy
- vendors
- build once, run anywhere, Build Once and Run Anywhere with Consistency, Shift Left
- distributed cloud service, Hybrid Cloud’s “Chapter 2”: Distributed Cloud-Distributed Cloud for Multicloud
- enterprise hardening, Hackers, Attackers, and Would-Be Bad Actors: Thoughts on Security for Hybrid Cloud
- innovation captured, Capture the World’s Innovation
- multicloud definition, Modernization
- orchestration across via automation, Ecosystem for Automation
- portability of workload, Introduction, Be Ye a Renovator, Innovator, or Both? How You Spend Budget, A Practical Understanding of Kubernetes
- SaaS business model, Consuming Functionality Without the Stress: Software as a Service
- selecting for core competencies, Introduction
- vendor lock-in
- vendor-agnostic
- vertical scaling, Scaling: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
- virtual machines (VMs)
- cloud capability, Modernization
- containers contrasted, But Wait, Don’t VMs Do the Same Thing!?, Solving Challenges of Business Continuity in a Containerized World
- infrastructure virtualization, Introduction
- monolithic applications, Separating the Old from the New
- performance loss versus bare metal, IaaS has a Twin Sibling: Bare Metal, It’s Not Magic, But It’s Cool: The Server in Serverless?
- security concerns, Confidential Computing and Zero Trust Architectures
- service-oriented architecture stepping stone, SOA Is the SOS to Your Monolith
- virtualization of legacy applications, Comparing Legacy Applications, Containerized Applications, and Virtual Machines
- virtual private clouds (VPCs)
- virtual private networks (VPNs)
- VMware with Kubernetes on-premises, Distributed Cloud On-Premises
- volumes for container storage, Container: May Ye Live Long and Prosper