A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
- Acupuncture, 18–22
- choosing practitioner, 19–20
- complementary procedures (acupressure, Reiki, reflexology, cupping), 22
- points, illustrated, 21
- what it is, what it can do for you, 18–19
- what to expect at appointment, 20–22
- Adaptogens, 49, 51
- Anti-aging routine, 143–47. See also Sunscreen
- exfoliation and moisturization, 144–45
- free radicals, vitamin C and, 145
- injectables and, 147
- overview and importance, 143–44
- retinol and, 119, 146
- Aromatherapy and scents, 241–44, 245, 246–51
- Astrology, 186–87
- Barbers. See Hair care
- Bathroom, 228, 231–35, 243, 251
- Baths, taking, 81–85
- appeal and health benefits of, 81–83
- ingredients for good bath, 84
- things to do while, 85
- Tom Ford on, 85
- Beard maintenance, 126
- Bedroom, 223–25, 228, 229, 251
- Biotin, 50
- Blood pressure, lowering, 14, 53, 83, 236
- Body, caring for, 80. See also Baths, taking; Dental care; Facials; Hair care; Lotion, using; Manicures and pedicures; Masking; Shaving; Skincare routine; Spas; Tanning; Tattoos
- Caffeine, ditching, 34–38
- coffee obsession statistics, 38
- coffee replacements, 35–36
- other energy-boosting tips, 37
- reasons for, 34–35, 66
- self-care and caffeine and, 35
- Candles, 241–45, 247
- CBD, chilling with, 69–73
- about: overview of, 69
- effectiveness of, 71
- hemp oil vs., 73
- how it works, 70
- how to use (for pain, skin, sleep, stress), 72–73
- pervasiveness of, 70–71
- what CBD is, 69–70
- Chafing, 97. See also Lotion, using
- Citrine, 203
- Cleanses. See Detoxing
- Clutter, eliminating. See Home
- Collagen, 49
- Crystals, 201–5
- Dental care, 138–42
- professional services, 142
- tenets of good hygiene, 138–39
- toothbrush type/quality and, 139–40
- whitening options, 140–41, 142
- Detoxing, 59–63
- pooping and, 63
- reasons for, 59–60
- types of cleanses (bone broth, colon, elimination diet, fasting, liver), 61–62
- before you start, 60
- Earthing, 200
- Exercise
- apps for, 58
- benefits of, 52–54
- body weight movements, 57
- cycling, 57
- for gym-phobic guys, 54–58
- montages, comparison precaution and, 58
- stretching, 55–56
- walking, taking stairs, 57
- yoga, 58
- Extroversion
- about: relationships and, 211–12
- alone time tips for extroverts, 215
- becoming more outgoing, 212–13
- sharing self-care, 214–15
- Facial care, overview of, 114. See also Dental care; Masking; Shaving; Skincare routine
- Facials, 133–37. See also Spas
- benefits and appeal of, 133–34
- menu of services, 135–36
- what to expect from, 134–35
- where to go for, 137
- Feng shui, 226–30
- Forest bathing and alternative, 197–99
- Fragrances, aromatherapy and, 241–44, 245, 246–51
- Hair, losing, 173–77
- perspectives and impact of, 173–74
- reasons for and what happens, 174–75
- what to do about it, 173–74, 175–77
- Hair care
- about: overview of, 150
- barbers, hairstylists and, 168–72
- basic steps, daily routine, 151–53
- buying products for, 155, 167
- David Beckham’s hair styles and, 172
- down there, manscaping, 178–81
- drying with blow dryer, 156–61
- how to get a haircut, 171–72
- ingredients in products, 153–54, 163–64
- paying for haircut, 170–71
- product cocktails, 166
- products and how to use, 151–54, 162–66
- waxing and laser hair removal, 180, 181
- Heart health, improving, 14, 19, 83. See also Exercise
- Home
- about: optimizing for self-care, 218
- aromatherapy and scents, 241–44, 245, 246–51
- bathroom, 228, 231–35, 243, 251
- bedroom, 223–25, 228, 229, 251
- candles for, 241–45, 247
- creating self-care palace, 219–25
- feng shui for, 226–30
- houseplants for, 236–40
- kitchen, 221–23, 242, 250
- lighting, 220, 225, 232–33
- living room, 220–21, 251
- Marie Kondo and, 225
- Kitchen, optimizing for self-care, 221–23, 250
- Lighting, in home, 220, 225, 232–33
- Living room, optimizing for self-care, 220–21, 251
- Lotion, using, 93–97
- anti-aging and, 145
- chafing and, 97
- perspectives on, 93–94
- skin care importance and, 94–95
- skincare routine for, 95–96
- sunless tanning and, 102
- tattoos and, 106
- Manicures and pedicures
- choosing right place for, 92
- DIY steps, 92
- explained, 87–88
- rationale for and benefits of, 86–88
- steps explained and illustrated, 88–91
- Masking, 128–32
- about: overview of, 128
- buying products for, 132
- Patrick Bateman on, 131
- types of masks (clay, exfoliating, hydrating, peel-off, sheet), 128–31
- Masturbation
- American Pie movie and, 78
- benefits of, 74–75
- excessive, 77–78
- improving sex life, 75–76
- mindful, how to practice, 76–77
- as self-care, 74–75
- Meditation, 13–17
- apps for, 17
- beginner’s how-to, 16–17
- types of (guided, mantra, mindfulness, movement, Transcendental), 14–16
- what it is, why to do it, 13–14
- Mediums, 188–89
- Melatonin, 51
- Mental health, 39–43. See also Acupuncture; Meditation; Mobile self-care; Time management
- how self-care can support, 40
- importance of, 39
- masculinity and, 39–40
- mind, self-care and, 12
- therapy note, 43
- tips for promoting, 40–43
- Mobile self-care, 28–33
- building practice of, 29–32
- in the car, 30–31
- go-bag for, 33
- importance of, 28–29
- at the office, 31
- on a plane, 32
- on vacation, 29–30
- why it matters, 29
- Omega-3s, 50
- Organizing house. See Home
- Outdoors, benefits of being, 196–200
- Scents and aromatherapy, 241–44, 245, 246–51
- Selenite, 203
- Self-care, this book and, 9–10
- Shaving, 121–27. See also Skincare routine
- barber shave for, 125
- beard maintenance and, 126
- buying products for, 127
- perspectives on, 121
- razor options pros and cons, 121–22
- step-by-step routine, 123–25
- Skincare routine, 115–20. See also Anti-aging routine; Facials; Lotion, using; Masking
- advanced moves, 118–19
- basic steps, 116–17
- building, 115
- buying products for, 120
- Frank Ocean on, 119
- sunscreen and, 117
- treating products like produce, 235
- Sleep, 64–68
- cycles, light to deep, 65
- importance of, 64–65
- improving, tips for, 65–67, 82, 225
- water intake and, 68
- Smudging, 190–95
- Social media, extroversion and, 214
- Social media, gratitude and, 206–10
- Sound Baths, 188
- Spas, 108–12. See also Facials; Manicures and pedicures; Masking
- choosing, 109
- menu of services, 110–11
- nudity and, 112
- reasons for going, 108–9
- what to do at, 110
- Spirituality. See also Extroversion
- about: self-care and, 184
- astrology and, 186–87
- crystals and, 201–5
- dispelling negative energy, 190–95, 203. See also Feng shui
- gratitude and, 206–10
- mediums and, 188–89
- “New Age” concepts and, 185–89
- outdoors, forest bathing, earthing and, 196–200
- Reiki and, 22, 187
- smudging and, 190–95
- sound baths and, 188
- tarot cards and, 187–88
- Stretching, 55–56
- Sunscreen, 100, 106, 117, 146. See also Tanning
- Supplements, 47–51
- adaptogens, 49, 51
- reasons for taking, 47–48
- types of (biotin, collagen, melatonin, omega-3s, prebiotics, probiotics), 48–51
- Tanning, 98–102. See also Sunscreen
- appeal of, 98
- beds, avoiding, 102
- how you get tan, 98–99
- risks and effects of, 98, 99
- safely (bronzer, sunscreen), 100
- sunless products for, 100, 101–2
- Tarot cards, 187–88
- Tattoos, 103–7
- aftercare, 105–6
- first-timer tips, 103–5
- long-term care, 106–7
- perspectives on, 103
- removing, 107
- Time management, 23–27
- about: perspective on, 23
- most important time of day, 27
- relieving anxiety, 24
- tips, places to start, 24–27
- Tourmaline, black, 203
- Travel, self-care and. See Mobile self-care