
1. Portrait of Diderot after Garand, engraving by Pierre Chenu. Courtesy of the Maison des Lumières Denis Diderot, Langres.

2. Portrait of Denis Diderot, oil painting by Louis-Michel van Loo. Musée du Louvre. Alamy Stock Photo.

3. View of the City of Langres, as seen from the west side, 1700. Watercolor, anonymous. Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

4. The Place Chambeau, Langres, c. 1840, watercolor by G. Saby. Collections des Musées de Langres. Photo by Sylvain Riandet.

5. Statue of Diderot in Langres by Auguste Bartholdi. © Jean-François Feutriez.

6. The house where Diderot was born, currently 9 place Diderot, Langres. Photo © Jean-François Feutriez.

7. Portrait of Didier Diderot, oil painting, anonymous. Collections des Musées de Langres.

8. A knife made by Didier Diderot, master cutler. Courtesy of the Maison des Lumières Denis Diderot, Langres.

9. The workshop of a cutler. Wesleyan University Special Collections and Archives.

10. Tonsuring of an Abbot, by Bernard Picart. Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde (Amsterdam: Laporte, 1783). Wesleyan University Special Collections and Archives.

11. The collège d’Harcourt, engraving, 1675, anonymous. Chronicle / Alamy.

12. View of the Sorbonne, showing the courtyard of the Musée des artistes. Hand-colored aquatint. Vues des plus beaux édifices publics et particuliers de la ville de Paris dessinées par Durand, Garbizza [Toussaint] et Mopillé, architectes, et gravées par Janinet, J.B. Chapuis, etc. (Paris: Esnault, 1810). Courtesy Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library.

13. Portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, pastel by Maurice-Quentin de La Tour. Musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Montmorency.

14. Portrait of Voltaire, study by Maurice-Quentin de La Tour. Musée Antoine-Lécuyer / ART Collection / Alamy.

15. Frontispiece of the first edition of the Pensées philosophiques (1746). “Philosophy rips the mask off hideous superstition.” Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.

16. François de Pâris, engraving by Jean II Restout. Louis Basile Carré de Montgeron, La Vérité des miracles opérés à l’intercession de M. de Pâris, 1737. Private Collection.

17. Believers and convulsionnaires gathering around François de Pâris’s tomb in the Saint-Médard cemetery, engraving by Jean II Restout. Louis Basile Carré de Montgeron, La Vérité des miracles opérés à l’intercession de M. de Pâris, 1737. Private Collection.

18. Portrait of Nicolas-René Berryer, oil painting by Jacques François Delyen. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Troyes. Photo Carole Bell.

19. Portrait of Nicholas Saunderson, engraving, after J. Vanderbank. Wellcome Images.

20. The Château de Vincennes. View of the keep. Photo Pocholo Calapre / Alamy.

21. Portrait of Jean le Rond d’Alembert, engraving from Maurice-Quentin de La Tour’s pastel, 1752. Wellcome Collection.

22. Portrait of Abbé Étienne Bonnot de Condillac, engraving, anonymous. Essai sur l’origine des connaissances humaines, Œuvres de Condillac (An VI-1798). McCain Library and Archives at the University of Southern Mississippi.

23. Diderot’s “System of Human Knowledge,” a schematic outline of all fields of human knowledge, published in the first volume of the Encyclopédie. Engraving from the Recueil de planches. Wesleyan University Special Collections and Archives.

24. “The Vegetable Lamb Plant,” a legendary plant described in the Encyclopédie. From Henry Lee, The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary: A Curious Fable of the Cotton Plant (London: S. Low, 1887). Redrawn from Johann Zahn’s Specula Physico-Mathematico-Historica Notabilium ac Mirabilium Sciendorum (1696). Courtesy Williams College Libraries.

25. Diderot’s signed approval to publish. Courtesy Recherches sur Diderot et sur l’Encloypédie, 2013.

26. The Engraver’s Studio, engraving in Recueil de planches. Wesleyan University Special Collections and Archives.

27. Letterpress Print Shop, engraving in Recueil de planches. Private Collection.

28. Surgical tools, engraving in Recueil de planches. Wesleyan University Special Collections and Archives.

29. African slaves working in a sugar mill, engraving in Recueil de planches. Wesleyan University Special Collections and Archives.

30. Portrait of Madame de Pompadour, pastel by Maurice-Quentin de La Tour. Musée du Louvre. Heritage Image Partnership LTD / Alamy.

31. Portrait of Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de Chiebes de Malesherbes, oil painting by Jean Valade. Musée Carnavalet, Paris / The Artchives / Alamy.

32. The rue Taranne appears at the lower right on Michel-Étienne Turgot’s map of Paris, 1734–39. Private Collection.

33. Robert-François Damiens, engraving, anonymous. Chronicle / Alamy.

34. The Execution of Robert-François Damiens, engraving, anonymous. Alamy.

35. Portrait of Madame Louise d’Épinay, pastel by Jean-Étienne Liotard. © Musées d’art et d’histoire, Geneva, Cabinet d’arts graphiques. Photo Bettina Jacot-Descombs.

36. Portrait of F. M. Grimm, from Carmontelle, engraving by Ambroise Tardieu. Austrian National Library / Interfoto / Alamy Stock Photo.

37. Portrait of the Chevalier de Jaucourt, engraving, anonymous.

38. Title page of Volume 8 of the Encyclopédie, 1765. Collection of the author.

39. Scene from Les philosophes, engraving in Œuvres de M. Palissot (Liège: Chez Clément Plomteux, 1777). Collection of the author.

40. Supposed copy of a line drawing of Jean-François Rameau by Johann Georg Wille, inscribed “Rameau, my student in 1746.” Diderot, Le neveu de Rameau (Paris: A. Quantin, 1883). Collection of the author.

41. The Louvre and surroundings on Michel-Étienne Turgot’s map of Paris, 1734–39. Private Collection.

42. The Western Facade of the Louvre, oil painting by Philibert-Louis Debucourt. Musée du Louvre / Active Museum / Alamy.

43. The Salon du Louvre of 1787, etching and engraving after Johan Heinrich Ramberg. The Elisha Whittelsey Collection. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

44. Pygmalion and Galatea, sculpture by Étienne-Maurice Falconet. The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore.

45. The Ray, oil painting by Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin. Musée du Louvre. Photo Violette Graille.

46. The Blonde Odalisque, oil painting by François Boucher. Musée du Louvre. Photo Violette Graille.

47. Belisarius Begging for Alms, oil painting by Jacques-Louis David. Musée du Louvre. Heritage Image Partnership Ltd / Alamy.

48. The Marriage Contract, oil painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze. Musée du Louvre / Artimages / Alamy.

49. Girl with a Dead Canary, oil painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze. National Galleries of Scotland, RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, NY.

50. Coast Scene: Genoa Lighthouse and the Temple of Minerva Medica, oil painting by Claude-Joseph Vernet. © Musées d’art et d’histoire, Geneva. Photo Yves Siza.

51. The High Priest Coresus Sacrificing Himself to Save Callirhoe, oil painting by Jean-Honoré Fragonard. Musée du Louvre. Heritage Image Partnership / Alamy.

52. Portrait of the Baron d’Holbach, nineteenth-century engraving, anonymous. Chronicle / Alamy.

53. Portrait of Mademoiselle de l’Espinasse, watercolor and gouache by Louis Carrogis (Carmontelle). Musée Condé. © RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, NY. Photo René-Gabriel Ojéda.

54. Portrait of Théophile de Bordeu, vignette by Lambert, engraving by Tardieu. Wellcome Library, London.

55. Freshwater Polyps, engraving and watercolor, in Roesel Insecten-Belustigung, 1755. Collection of the Author.

56. Portrait of Comte de Buffon, engraving by Hart, after François-Hubert Drouais. Wellcome Library, London.

57. “She plays and sings like an angel,” engraving by Antoine-Cosme Giraud, in Diderot, La religieuse (Paris, 1804). Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale.

58. Portrait of Admiral and Count Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, engraving, anonymous. Reportage / Archival Image.

59. The Baron Melchior de Grimm and Denis Diderot, pencil drawing by Louis Carrogis (Carmontelle). Private collection / Bridgeman Images.

60. Portrait of Madame de Maux, her daughter Mademoiselle de Maux, and Monsieur de Saint-Quentin, watercolor by Louis Carrogis (Carmontelle). Musée Condé, Chantilly, France. Photo by René-Gabriel Ojéda.

61. Profile Portrait of Catherine II, oil painting by Fedor Rokotov. Tretyakof Gallery. GL Archive / Alamy.

62. Portrait of Louis XVI, stipple engraving, anonymous. Gift of Susan Dwight Bliss. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

63. Guillaume Thomas Raynal, the Defender of Humanity, Truth, and Liberty, engraved frontispiece, anonymous, in Histoire philosophique et politique des établissements et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes (Geneva: Jean-Léonard Pellet, 1780). Collection of the author.

64. Bust of Voltaire, marble on gray marble socle by Jean-Antoine Houdon. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Purchase of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman.

65. Diderot with chin in hand, engraving by Pierre Chenu after Garand. Courtesy of the Maison des Lumières Denis Diderot, Langres.

66. Memento mori or Death Portrait of Denis Diderot, colored pencil drawing by Jean-Baptiste Greuze. Montargis, Musée Girodet.

67. Portrait of a Man with a Bust of Denis Diderot, oil painting by Jean-Simon Berthélemy. Bpk Bildagentur / Staatlich Kunsthalle Karlsruhe / Photo Annette Fischer / Heike Kohler / Art Resource NY.

68. Diderot and His Thirteen Mistresses, engraved portrait, anonymous, in L. François, Lettres à M. Bizot de Fonteny à propos de l’érection de la statue de Diderot (Langres: Rallet-Bideaud, 1884). Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

69. In 1884, Diderot was honored at the Trocadéro Palace in Paris. The Salle des Fêtes at the Trocadéro Palace, Paris, engraving by Trichon, in Simon de Vandière, L’Exposition universelle de 1878 illustrée (Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1879). Brown University Libraries.

70. Statue of Denis Diderot by Jean Gautherin, inaugurated in 1884 in Paris near the rue Taranne. © Léopold Mercier / Roger-Viollet.