Important Dates in Susanna Wesley’s Life
1. Religious and Sexual Politics: Yarborough and Hickes Correspondence
2. “Dear Sammy”: Samuel Wesley Jr. School Correspondence
3. More Letters to “Dear Sammy”
5. The Evening Prayers Controversy
6. An Age of Reason—and Credulity
9. Distinction at Oxford, Scandal at Home
10. A Continuing Cure of Souls
13. A Widow and a Supportive Critic of Revival
15. “Think Much and Speak Little”: First Surviving Entries
16. “Keep a Due Guard over Your Words”
17. “You Write What Is Familiar to You by Practice”
18. “I Cannot Altogether Acquiesce”
20. “Bend the Whole Force of the Mind in a Serious Use of the Ways and Means of Religion”
21. “The Most Blest and Happy Day”
22. “These Blessed Lucid Intervals”
23. “To Feel a Vital Joy Overspread and Cheer the Heart”
25. The Apostles’ Creed Explicated in a Letter to Her Daughter Susanna
26. Obedience to the Laws of God: A Brief (Unfinished) Exposition on the Ten Commandments
27. A Religious Conference between Mother and Emilia
28. Some Remarks on a Letter from Whitefield
A section of maps and illustrations appears after p. 16.