
1. Alfred Runte, National Parks: The American Experience, 5th ed. (Lincoln: Universityof Nebraska Press, 1987), 3. Runte's work has influenced much of the recent writingon national parks. The book provides an important cultural context for understandingthe origins and development of national parks in this country; see his prologue andchapter 1, pp. 1- 32, in particular, for an analysis of cultural nationalism andnational parks. John Ise's earlier study, Our National Park Policy: A Critical History(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1961), is comprehensive but now dated.Much of the volume tends toward administrative and legislative history and offerslittle interpretive context. Freeman Tilden's The National Parks (New York: Knopf,1983) offers short essays on individual parks, monuments, historic sites, seashores,military parks, battlefields, and other sites-nearly two hundred in all. It willappeal to general readers and tourists. Anne Hyde's recent book, An American Vision:Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820- 1920 (New York: New York UniversityPress, 1990), provides an important perspective on the connection between cultureand the terrain of the West. Two older studies that help establish a cultural contextfor parks are Hans Huth, Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Atti- tudes (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990), and Roderick Nash, Wildernessand the American Mind (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982). Readers also willwant to consult Nash's "The American Invention of National Parks," American Quarterly22 (Fall 1970): 726-35, and Richard W. Sellers, Alfred Runte, and others, "The NationalParks: A Forum on the 'Worthless Lands' Thesis," Journal of Forest History 27 (July1983): 130-45.

Works on national monuments are not so numerous, although Hal Rothman, in PreservingDifferent Pasts: The American National Monuments (Urbana: University of IllinoisPress, 1989), has produced a solid analysis of those reserves. He also is the authorof two important articles-"Second-Class Sites: The National Monuments and the Growthof the Park System," Environmental Review 10 (Spring 1986): 45-56, and "Forged byOne Man's Will: Frank Pinkley and the Administration of the Southwestern NationalMonuments, 1923- 1932," Public Historian 8 (Spring 1986): 83-100. In The AntiquitiesAct of 1906 (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1971), Ronald F. Lee discussesthe legislation that established the national monuments. Rothman devotes a full chapterto the Antiquities Act in Preserving Different Pasts, providing an analysis basedon current research.

A number of writers have focused on science and the national parks. For research atprehistoric sites, readers should consult Robert H. and Florence C. Lister, ThoseWho Came Before: Southwestern Archaeology in the National Park System (Tucson: Universityof Arizona Press, 1983). This richly illustrated volume contains a short discussionof archaeology at Petrified Forest. Geology is covered in William H. Matthews III,A Guide to the National Parks: Their Landscape and Geology, vol. 1, The Western Parks(Garden City, N.Y.: Natural History Press, 1968), and Ann G. Harris, Geology of NationalParks (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1977). Another good introduction to the subjectis Halka Chronic, Pages of Stone: Geology of Western National Parks and Monuments,vol. 3, The Desert Southwest (Seattle: Mountaineers, 1986). The most recent suchstudy is Science and the National Parks (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press,1992), which examines the importance of science to the parks.

2. Matthews, Guide to the National Parks, vol. 1, xiii, ix.

3. John McPhee, Basin and Range (New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1981), 127-29.McPhee uses this example to illustrate geologic time: "With your arms spread wideto represent all time on earth, look at one hand with its line of life. The Cambrianbegins in the wrist, and the Permian Extinction is at the outer end ofthe palm. Allof the Cenozoic is in a fingerprint, and in a single stroke with a medium-grainednail file you could eradicate human history" (126). See also Stephen Jay Gould, Arrow,Cycle: Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time (Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press, 1987), for additional discussion of deep time.

Chapter 1

1. The new fossil belongs to a family of comparatively small, carnivorous dinosaurscalled staurikosaurs; the genus has not yet been described. See Robert A. Long andRose Houk, Dawn of the Dinosaurs: The Triassic in Petrified Forest (Petrified Forest,Ariz., Petrified Forest Museum Association, 1988),89; and Susan Colclazer, "Dawnof the Dinosaur," Courier 30 (August 1985): 1-3.

2. Phoenix Arizona Republic, 7 June 1985; New York Times, 16 May 1985. See also LarryL Meyer, "D-Day on the Painted Desert," Arizona Highways, July 1986, 5.

3. Matt Walton, "Geology of the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest," Arizona Highways,July 1958, 7; Sidney Ash, Petrified Forest: The Story behind the Scenery (PetrifiedForest, Ariz., Petrified Forest Mw,eum Association, 1986),6-7.

4. Ash, Petrified Forest, 6-8; William J. Breed and George H. Billillgsley, "PetrifiedForest: The Origins of the Landscape," Plateau 51 (1979): 12.

5. Walton, "Geology," 7; Matthews, Guide to the National Parks, vol. 1, 295-96.

6. Ash, Petrified Forest, 10- 11.

7. Edwin H. Colbert, "AnCient Animals of the Petrified Forest," Plateau 51 (1979):24- 25.

8. Ash, Petrified Forest, 11- 12. On the Triassic climate see Allen F. Gottesfeld,"Paleoecology of the Lower Part of the Chinle Formation in the Petrified Forest,"in Carol S. Breed and William J. Breed, eds., Investigations in the Triassic ChinleFormation, MNA Bulletin No. 47 (Flagstaff, Ariz.: Museum of Northern Arizona, 1972),71.

9. Ash, Petrified Forest, 8- 11; see also Breed and Billingsley, "Petrified Forest:Origins," 15- 1 6.

10. Descriptions of petrifications occur in most of the sources on Petrified Forest.Sidney Ash covers the process clearly in Petrified Forest, 12.

11. Charles W. Barnes, "A Forest of 180 Million Year Old Trees," Arizona Highways,June 1975, 16.

12. Ash, Petrified Forest, 12.

13. Gottesfeld, "Paleoecology," 66-67.

14. Ash, Petrified Forest, 18.

15. 1bid., 22-23; also see Ash, "The Search for Plant Fossils in the Chinle Formation,"in Investigations in the Triassic Chinle Formation, 45- 58.

16. Long and Houk, Dawn of the Dinosaurs, includes unique illustrations of Triassicplants and animals by Doug Henderson and should be consulted; see also Ash, PetrifiedForest, 26-27.

17. Colbert, "Ancient Animals," 25.

18. 1bid., 26- 27.

19. Ash, Petrified Forest, 26-27; Colbert, "Ancient Animals," 25. Chinlea was a smallcoelacanth, a species that was thought to have become extinct about 60 million yearsago. In 1938, though, a now famous living coelacanth, Latimeria, was found off theeast coast of Africa.

20. The folloWing material on Triassic animals comes from Colbert, "Ancient Animals,"25-29, and Ash, Petrified Forest, 26-29, unless otherwise noted.

21. Colbert, "Ancient Animals," 27. The classic study of phytosaurs is Charles LewisCamp, A Study of the Phytosaurs, Memoirs of the University of California, vol. 10(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1930).

22. Timothy Rowe, "Placerias: An Unusual Reptile from the Chinle Formation," Plateau51 (1979): 30-32.

23. William J. Breed, The Age of Dinosaurs in Northern Arizona (Flagstaff: Museumof Northern Arizona, 1968), 10- 11. The most recent study is Edwin H. Colbert, TheTriassic Dinosaur Coelophysis, Bulletin Series No. 57 (Flagstaff: Museum of NorthernArizona Press, 1989).

24. Colbert, "Ancient Animals," 29.

25. For a recent, brief survey of the Anasazi see J. Richard Ambler, The Anasazi:Prehistoric People of the Four Corners Region (Flagstaff: Museum of Northern Arizona,1989); also see Robert H. Lister and Florence C. Lister, Those Who Came Before: SouthwesternArcheology in the National Park System (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1983).A regional perspective is provided in John C. McGregor, Southwestern Archaeology(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965). Although the Pecos dassification suffersfrom a number of flaws, it still is widely used as a quick reference to the levelof Anasazi development. It breaks down Anasazi prehistory into the follOWing classifications:Basketmaker II, 100 B.C. to A.D. 500 to 700 (at the 1927 Pecos Conference, archaeologistspostulated a Basketmaker I stage as an antecedent to following periods, althoughthey had little speCific information); Basketmaker III, 500 to 700 or later; PuebloI, 700 to 900; Pueblo II, 900 to 1100 or 1170; Pueblo III, 1000 or 1120 to 1200or 1300; Pueblo IV, 1300 to 1598; and Pueblo V, the historic period following thearrival of the Spanish. For descriptions see, Ambler, pp. 2-4; other scholars providesomewhat different dates for the Pecos periods.

26. Yvonne G. Stewart, An Archeological Overview of Petrified Forest National Park(Tucson: Western Archeological and Conservation Center, 1980),79-80.

27. A recent survey of the Sinagua is Christian E. Downum, "The Sinagua," Plateau63 (1992): 2- 31; also see Downum's "One Grand History: A Critical Review of FlagstaffArchaeology, 1851-1988" (Ph.D. diss., University of Arizona, 1988).

28. Yvonne Stewart, Archeological Overview, 54.

29. A number of sources discuss archaeology in Petrified Forest National Park. Listerand Lister discuss the Significance of archaeology in the southwestern parks in ThoseWho Came Before, 159; a recent and comprehensive study is Yvonne Stewart, ArcheologicalOverview; Ash provides a brief survey of the area's ancient inhabitants in PetrifiedForest, 31 - 39. For developments over the last few years, see Jeffrey F. Burton,Days in the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forests of Northern Arizona: Contributionsto the Archeology of Petrified Forest National Park, 1988- 1992 (Tucson: WesternArcheological and Conservation Center, 1993).

Chapter 2

1. Senate, Journal of a Military Reconnaissance from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to theNavajo Country, Made in 1849 by James H. Simpson. 31st Cong., 1st sess., 1850, Exec.Doc. 64: 98, 147. Earlier in that same expedition, Simpson had a chance to exploreChaco Canyon, where he documented seven of the canyon's major ruins as well as severalsmaller ones. On his fossil discovery at Canyon de Chelly, see also Ash, "Searchfor Plant Fossils," 46.

2. Senate, Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers, by CaptainL. Sitgreaves, 32nd Cong., 2nd sess., 1853, Exec. Doc. 59, 7; Andrew Wallace, "AcrossArizona to the Big Colorado: The Sitgreaves Expedition of 1851," Arizona and theWest 26 (Winter 1984): 332 - 33, see map opposite p. 336; see also Ash, "Search forPlant Fossils," 47.

3. Senate, Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers, by CaptainL. Sitgreaves, 36; Richard H. Kern Diary of the Sitgreaves Expedition, September29, 1851, copy in files of Andrew Wallace, Northern Arizona University.

4. In 1987 a researcher inadvertently came across the specimen in the Academy'spaleobotany collection. A small label identified the donor as Woodhouse and its sourceas the Little Colorado River in New Mexico Territory. This unimposing specimen represents"perhaps the oldest surviving collected piece ofwood from the Triassic of Arizona."See Earle E. Spamer, "A Historic Piece of Petrified Wood from the Triassic of Arizona,"Mosasaur 4 (December 1988): 1-2.

5. William H. Goetzmann, Army Exploration in the American West, 1803- 1863 (Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press, 1979),307-8.

6. Senate, Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicableand Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean,vol. 3, Route Near the Thirty-fifth Parallel, under the Command of Lieut. A. W. Whipple,Topographical Engineers, in 1853 and 1854. 33rd Cong., 2nd sess., 1856, Exec. Doc.78, 73-74. Hereafter cited as Whipple Report. Also, Amiel Weeks Whipple Journal,December 2, 1853 (Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City). Whipple's career iscovered in Grant Foreman, ed., A Pathfinder in the Southwest (Norman: Universityof Oklahoma Press, (941).

7. Whipple Journal, December 3, 1853. Whipple's description of the wood at the BlackForest as "rich and bright" is puzzling. Dr. Sidney Ash of Weber State Universityhas studied the geology of Petrified Forest for years and in the process has developeda detailed knowledge of the terrain. His examination of Whipple's map and journalshas led him to question whether the wood that Whipple described actually was in theBlack Forest. Ash notes that the expedition's camp 77 was situated in the PuercoRiver Valley several miles from Lithodendron Wash; therefore the wood described byWhipple could have come from the lower part of the Chinle Formation, which is roughlyequivalent to the beds that contain the brilliantly cole ored logs of Rainbow Forest.According to Ash's analysis, Whipple descended into Lithodendron Creek (now LithodendronWash) some distance to the southwest, roughly where Interstate 40 now crosses thewash. As the men followed the wash to the Puerco River, according to Ash, they movedlower and lower into the Chinle formation and could have found a large amount ofcolorful wood in place. Another possibility is that the wood was simply "float" thathad washed down the Puerco from Jasper Forest or some other locality to the east.Sidney R. Ash, letter to author, November 13, 1989.

8. [Heinrich] Baldwin Möllhausen, Diary of aJourney from the Mississippi to the Coastsof the Pacific, vol 2 (1858; reprint, New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1969), 119.

9. 1bid., 120.

10. 1bid.,120-21.

11. George P. Merrill, The First One Hundred Years of American Geology (1924; reprint,New York: Hafner Publishing Co., 1964), 315-16. W. P. Blake was a professor of geologyat the University of California and later served as director of the Arizona Schoolof Mines at Tucson. For additional information on Jules Marcou, see Merrill, 108-10.

12. Jules Marcou, "Resume and Field Notes," in Whipple Report, 151. See also Ash,"Search for Plant Fossils," 47-48; J. H. Stewart, F. G. Poole, and R. F. Wilson,Stratigraphy and the Origin of the Chinle Formation and Related Upper Triassic Stratain the Colorado Plateau Region (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1972),172; Lyman H. Daugherty, The Upper Triassic Flora of Arizona (Washington, D.C.: CarnegieInstitution, 1941), 38.

13. Ash summarizes briefly the disagreement between Marcou and Blake in "Search forPlant Fossils," 47-48. Blake's own lengthy account, "Report on the Geology of theRoute," is in the Whipple Report, part 4. The Triassic as an interpretive divisionin the prehistoric time scale had been established only in 1834, the work of FriedrichAugust von Alberti in western Germany. See William B. N. Berry, Growth of a PrehistoricTime Scale, Based on Organic Evolution (Palo Alto, Calif.: Blackwell Scientific Publications,1987),78-79.

14. See T. G. Manning, Government in Science: The U.S. Geological Survey, 1867- 1894(Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1967), 22.

15. Hyde, An American Vision 55- 56.

16. Ash, "Search for Plant Fossils," 49- 50.

17. Senate, Report upon the Colorado River of the West, Explored in 1857 and 1858by Lieutenant Joseph c. Ives, 36th Cong., 1st sess., 1861 , Exec. Doc. 90, 75,79 - 80; also Ash, "Search for Plant Fossils," 50- 51. MCilihausen's account isin Reisen in die Felsengebirge Nord-Amerikas bis zum Hochplateau von Neu-Mexico,vol. 2 (Leipzig: Otto Purfuerst, 1860), 182; for additional information all MCilihausensee David H. Miller, "Baldwin Mcillhausen: A Prussian's Image of the American West"(Ph.D. diss., University of New Mexico, 1970), and Preston Albert Barbara, BaldwinMollhausen, The German Cooper (Philadelphia, 1914).

18. Wyman D. Walker, "F. X. Aubrey: Santa Fe Freighter, Pathfinder, and Explorer,"New Mexico Historical Review 7 (January 1932): 31; House, Wagon Road from Fort Defianceto the Colorado River, 35th Cong., 1st sess., 1858, Exec. Doc. 124, 40; EmmanuelHenry Dieubonne Domenach, Seven Years' Residence in the Great Deserts of North America,vol. 1 (1860; reprint, New Haven: Research Publications, 1975), 215.

19. National Museum, "Information Concerning Some Fossil Trees in the United StatesMuseum," Proceedings of the United States National Museum (Washington, D.C.: GovernmentPrinting Office, 1882), 1-3.

20. National Museum, "New SpeCies of Fossil Wood (Araucarioxylon arizonicum) fromArizona and New Mexico," Proceedings of the United States National Museum (Washington,D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1888), 1- 2.

21. Edwin H. Colbert, Wandering Lands and Animals: The Story of Continental Driftand Animal Populations (New York: Dover Publications, 1973), 21 - 22, 112- 13;also see Colbert's Dinosaurs: Their Discovery and Their World (New York: E. P. Dutton,1961).

22. H. C. Hovey, "A Visit to Chalcedony Park, Arizona," Scientific American, 23 July1892 ,55.

23. 1bid.

24. 1bid.

25. S. A. Miller, "The Petrified Forest of Arizona," Cincinnati Society of NaturalHistory 17 (April 1894),56-58.

26. George F. Kunz, Gems and Precious Stones of North America (1892; reprint, NewYork: Dover Publications, 1968), 141-42; also see his "Agatized and Jasperized Woodof Arizona," Popular Science Monthly, January 1886, 367.

27. "A Petrified Forest in Arizona," Scientific American Supplement no. 714, 7 September1889, 11412.

28. "A Petrified Forest," Cambrian 15 (November (1895): 342.

29. C F. Holder, "Stone Forests," Frank Leslie\; Popular Monthly, March 1887, 378.

30. Charles F. Lummis, "Stone Trees: A Forest Gone to Bed," Santa Fe Magazine, June1912,35·

31. Charles F. Lummis, Some Strange Corners of Our Country: The Wonderland of theSouthwest (New York: Century Co., 1901), 20- 25.

32. Adam Clark Vroman, notes on backs of photographs no. 16, General View PetrifiedForest (Arizona), and no. 17, in Petrified Forest (Arizona), 1895: Album 86 (Huntingtonlibrary, San Marino, California).

33. 1bid., photo no. 18, The Bridge, Petrified Forest (Arizona).

34. For discussions of economic development and the threats to national parks, seeRichard A. Bartlett, Yellowstone: A Wilderness Besieged (Tucson: University of ArizonaPress, 1985), 86; H. Duane Hampton, How the U.S. Cavalry Save Our National Parks(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1971),39-41; Alfred Runte, Yosemite: TheEmbattled Wilderness (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990),49,52; and SusanR. Schrepfer, The Fight to Save the Redwoods: A History of Environmental Reform,1917-1978 (Madison: University ofWisconsin Press, 1983),7.

35. William Adams to William A. J Sparks, 10 August 1886, National Archives, RecordGroup 79 (hereafter cited as NA, RG 79), National Monuments, Petrified Forest, file12.

36. 1bid. In all, Adams filed 119 claims, following precisely the 1872 Mining Lawby giving each claim a separate name and marking it with stakes.

37. Tom M. Bowers to Commissioner, General Land Office, 25 August 1886; John Masonto Commissioner, General Land Office (hereafter, GLO), 25 April 1988, NA, RG 79,National Monuments, Petrified Forest, file 12. Also see Holbrook Tribune-News, 7December 1956. The issue ofvaluable minerals is discussed in John D. Leshy, The MiningLaw: A Study in Perpetual Motion (Washington, D.C: Resources for the Future, 1987),90. See also Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, The American Law of Mining, voL1. Titles I-V (Albany, N.Y.: Matthew Bender and Co., 1960), 166-68, for the currentdetermination of substances that would qualify as mineral deposits. The list beginswith alum and ends with uranium; petrified wood is not included.

38. A Historical and Biographical Record of the Territory of Arizona (Chicago: McFarlandand Poole, 1896),529- 30; J. H. Drake to John Muir, 4 December 1906, John Muir Papers,1858-1957 (microform, UniversityofthePacific),roll 16.

39. "The Petrified Forest of Arizona," Natural Science News, 7 December 1895, 178.

40. Kunz, Gems and Precious Stones of North America, 320- 21 .

41. Arizona (Territory), Acts, Resolutions, and Memorials of the Eighteenth LegislativeAssembly, House Memorial NO.4, 11 February 1895.

42. D. R. Francis to Commissioner, GLO, 8 December, 11 December, and 15 December1896; NA, RG 79, National Monuments, Petrified Forest, file 12.

Chapter 3

1. The vandalism and theft at prehistoric ruins and the Antiquities Act are coveredin Ise, Our National Park Policy, 143-62, and Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts,6-51.

2. Will Barnes to John D. Benedict, 10 October 1898, NA, RG 79, National Monuments,Petrified Forest, file 1215.

3. John D. Benedict to Commissioner, GLO, 2 December 1898, NA, RG 79, National Monuments,Petrified Forest, file 1215: Congressional Record, 56th Cong., 1St sess., 1900,33, pt. 5: 3892.

4. S. J. Holsinger to Commissioner, GLO, 18 November 1899, NA, RG 79, National Monuments,Petrified Forest, file 1215.

5. Charles F. Lummis, "In the Lion's Den," Land of Sunshine, October 1899, 291-92:"Agate Bridge," Arizona Graphic, 4 November 1899, 2.

6. Smithsonian Institution, "The Petrified Forests of Arizona," by Lester F. Ward,Annual Report, 1899 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1901), 293. Wardis perhaps better known as the author of Dynamic Sociology (1883) and as a sociologistat Brown University.

7. 1bid., 293-94.

8. Congressional Record, 56th Cong., 1st sess., 1900,33, pt. 5: 3892. The initiativefor this measure came from the Interior Department, and Commissioner Binger Hermannactually drew up the original draft to set aside forty thousand acres.

9. Congressional Record, 57th Cong., 1St sess., 1902, 35, pt. 4:4049: Runte, NationalParks, 49, 65: also see Sellers, Runte, and others, "The National Parks: A Forum,"130-45.

10. Congressional Record, 59th Cong., 1St sess., 1906,40, pt. 10:9558. See also JohnF. Lacey, "The Petrified Forest National Park In Arizona," in L. H. Pammel, ed.,Major John F. Lacey: Memorial Volume, (Des Moines: Iowa Park and Forestry Association,1915: reprint, Cedar Rapids: Torch Press, n.d.), 203, 205-6. A recent survey of Lacey'scontributions as a conservationist is Annette Gallagher, "Citizen of the Nation:John Fletcher Lacey, Conservationist," Annals of Iowa 46 (1981): 9-24.

11. Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 59. Although Petrified Forest and othernatural sites, such as Devil's Tower, evoke some degree of cultural nationalism,they clearly never were large or as spectacular as the national parks. As Rothmannotes on page 91 , they reflected little of the grandeur of the American West. Seealso Ise, Our National Park Policy, 136-42: Runte, National Parks, 213- 18: andJoseph L. Sax, Mountains without Handrails: Reflections on the National Parks (AnnArbor: University of Michigan Press, 1980),6-7.

12. William C. Everhart, The National Park Service (Boulder, Colo: Westview Press,1983), 128 -29; H. Duane Hampton, "Opposition to National Parks," Journal of ForestHistory 25 (January 1981): 41; Robert W. Righter, "National Monuments to NationalParks," Western Historical Quarterly 20 (August 1989): 299- 300.

13. Ise, Our Notional Park Policy, 147 - 53. Although a bit dated, the source isstill valuable. More recent and comprehensive is Rothman's Preserving Different Pasts;see his third chapter for a summary of the background to passage of the AntiquitiesAct. See also Lee, The Antiquities Act of 1906.

14. Ise, Our National Park Policy, 151.

15. Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Circular Relating to Historicand Prehistoric Ruins of the Southwest and Their Preservation, by Edgar L. Hewett(Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1904), 9.

16. General Land Office, Circular, 11 - 12. Casa Grande ruins in southern Arizonareceived congressional appropriations to repair the structure and maintain it in1889, and President Benjamin Harrison in 1892 established Casa Grande Ruins Reservation.The deSignation was not a precedent for the national monuments, however, since itwas clearly a single act restricted to 160 acres that included the ruins.

17. Runte, National Parks, 73.

18. Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 46.

19. U.S. Statutes at Large 34 (1906), Stat. 225·

20. U.S. Statutes at Large 34 (1906), Stat. 3266.

21. See Righter's "National Monuments to National Parks," 282.

22. S. J. Holsinger to Commissioner, GLO, 15 October 1900, NA, RG 79, National Monuments,Petrified Forest, file 1215; Holsinger to Commissioner, GLO, 17 March 1903, NA,RG 79, box 746, file 1215; Holsinger to Commissioner, GLO, 12 May 1903, NA, RG79, file 1215.

23. Holsinger to Commissioner, GLO, 17 March 1903; also W. A. Richards to Secretaryof the Interior, November 1905, NA, RG 79, box 746, file 1225; Holsinger to Commissioner,GLO, 13 May 1905, NA, RG 79, National Monuments, Petrified Forest, file 1215.

24. Richards to Secretary of the Interior, November 1905, NA, RG 79, file; 1215,pt.3·

25. Charles D. Walcott to Secretary of the Interior, 26 October 1907, NA, RG 79,box 746, file 1225.

26. Report on Petrified Forest National Monument by C. W. Hayes, 10 February 1908,NA, RG 79, box 746, file 1215.

27. 1bid.

28. Petrified Forest National Monument, Custodian's Monthly Report, February 1909,NA, RG 79, National Monuments, Petrified Forest, file 1215, pts. 1 - 5; Karl R. A. Stevensonto Secretary of the Interior, 10 January 1910, National Monuments; Petrified Forest,file 1215, pts. 1 - 5.

29. George P. Merrill, Report and Recommendations Relative to the Fossil Forestsof Arizona, May-June 1911, RG 79, box 746, file 1215, pt. 4.

30. 1bid.

31. U.S. Statutes at Large 37 (1911), Stat. 1716.

32. S. L. Gillan to Commissioner, GLO, 9 February 1912, NA, RG 79, National Monuments,Petrified Forest, pts 1 -5, file 1215; Petrified Forest Arizona (pamphlet; Chicago:Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Co., 1912).

33. Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (Flagstaff,Ariz.: Northland Press, 1984),7,12-14.

34. Runte, Trains of Discovery, 17; Earl Pomeroy, In Search of the Golden West: TheTourist in Western America (New York: Knopf, 1957), 112.

35. Charles F. Lummis, "Stone Trees: A Forest Gone to Bed," Santa Fe Magazine, June1912,41.

36. Petrified Forest Arizona.

37. C. W. Bruce to Secretary of the Interior, 25 November 1913, NA, RG 79, box 746,file 1215.

38. Roy G. Mead to Commissioner, GLO, 29 May 1914, NA, RG 79, box 746.

39. Chester B. Campbell to Horace M. Albright, 1 June 1915, NA, RG 79, box 756,file 1215·

40. Bo Sweeney to Chester B. Campbell, 30 August 1915, and Chester B. Campbellto Secretary of the Interior, 13 June 1916, NA, RG 79, box 746, file 1215; HoraceAlbright to Edward Chambers, 2 May 1917, and Chester B.Campbeli to National ParkService, 26 September 1917, NA, RG 79, National Monuments, Petrified Forest, file1215, pts. 6-9.

41. Everhart, The National Park Service, 18.

Chapter 4

1. For a brief discussion of the investigations of fossil plants see Ash, "Searchfor Plant Fossils," 45-68; on vertebrates see Samuel P. Welles, "Collecting TriassicVertebrates in the Plateau Province," Journal of the West 8 (April 1969): 231 -46.In the Breed and Breed anthology, also see Welles, "Fossil Hunting for Tetrapodsin the Chinle Formation: A Brief Pictorial History," pp. 13- 18.

2. Smithsonian Institution, "Petrified Forests of Arizona," 295-96. Some of the petrifiedlogs at Chalcedony Park undoubtedly eroded out of the plateau that Ward described.The source of the petrified logs, though, is considered to be the ancient mountainsthat surrounded the park in the Triassic Period when the Chinle Formation was deposited.

3. 1bid., 299- 300 .

4. 1bid., 300- 301.

5. Welles, "Fossil-Hunting for Tetrapods in the Chinle Formation," in Breed and Breed,13. For a more detailed account see Welles, "Collecting Triassic Vertebrates," 237.

6. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Monographs, "Status of the Mesozoic Floras of theUnited States," second paper by Lester F. Ward (Washington, D.C.: Government PrintingOffice, 1905), 34; also Ash, "Search for Plant Fossils," 54

7. GS Monographs. "Status of Mesozoic Floras," 34-35: Ash, "Search for Plant Fossils,"55.

8. Walter Hough. "Ancient Peoples of the Petrified Forest of Arizona, Harpers MonthlyMagazine 105 (1901): 897; see Yvonne Stewart, Archeological Overview. 58- 59.

9. Smithsonian Institution. "Archaeological Fieldwork in Northeastern Arizona: TheMuseum-Gates Expedition of 1901." by Walter Hough, Annual Report, 1901 (Washington,D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1903), 312- 15: and Hough, "Ancient Peoples,"901. In the latter source, written for a popular audience, Hough's language is considerablymore descriptive as he refers to the "Cannibal feast" and the "pueblo of the Cannibals."He adds that it represented "the first material proof of cannibalism among our North-AmericanIndians." He avoids such exuberant narrative and conclusions in the more scientificwork for the Smithsonian.

10. Smithsonian Institution, "Museum-Gates Expedition," 319-20, 322: Hough. "AncientPeoples." 897.

11. Yvonne Stewart, Archeological Overview, 58- 59.

12. Petrified Forest Arizona; Alice Cotton Fletcher. "Along the Way I Met John Muir."John Muir Papers. 1858-1957 (microform, University of the Pacific), reel 51. SeriesV, E: 57. Hereafter cited as John Muir Papers.

13. Wanda Muir to John Muir, 13 May 1906 and 23 May 1906. John Muir Papers. reel16.

14. Fletcher, "Along the Way."

15. Fletcher, "Along the Way." The account is a warm. sympathetic recollection ofAlice Cotton Fletcher's short acquaintance with Muir, but it poses certain problems.The typescript is undated, although it clearly is a reminiscence, probably writtendecades after the event. In fact, it was produced at a New Hampshire nursing home.and the passage of time may have affected the author's accuracy. As for the Cosmopolitanarticles, Muir did correspond with F. Bailey Millard. explaining that he intendedto write "the little article you want." 25 September 1905, John Muir Papers. reel15.

16. Louie Muir to Wanda Muir, in Jean H. Clark and Shirley Sargent, eds., Dear Papa:Letters between John Muir and His Daughter Wanda (Fresno, Calif.: Panorama West Books,1985), 86- 87. John Muir to J. E. Calkins, 8 April 1906, John Muir Papers, reel 16.

17. Muir to J. E. Calkins, 8 April 1906.

18. John Muir to Robert Underwood Johnson, 21 December 1905, John Muir Papers, reel15.

19. John Muir to Florence Merriam Bailey, 15 February 1906; John Muir to James Murdock,19 February 1906; John Muir to J. E. Calkins, 8 April 1906, John Muir Papers, reel16.

20. Linnie Marsh Wolfe, ed., John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of JohnMuir (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1979),94-95. John Muir to Helen andWanda Muir, 3 June 1906 and 4 June 1906, John Muir Papers, reel 16; John Muir toJohn J. Byrne, 12 September 1906, NA, RG 79, box 746, file 12 1 5.

21. The explanation comes after a brief excursion through Muir's "Sigillaria Grove"in Petrified Forest with Dr. Sidney Ash in June of 1989. The confusion over Muir'sSigillaria was eliminated in 1910 when Edward C. Jeffrey of Harvard described a newgenus and species of fossil plant. From a specimen of wood collected in the vicinityof Petrified Forest, Jeffrey named Woodworthia arizonica. Its surface is marked withsmall pits, and these may have misled Muir into identifying specimens of that speciesas Sigillaria. For an illustration of Woodworthia, see Long and Houk, Dawn of theDinosaurs, 76 -77 .

22. John Muir to Helen and Wanda Muir, 13 May 1906, John Muir Papers, reel 16.

23. "Among the World's Workers: A Conversation with John Muir," World's Work, November1906, 8250.

24. W. H. Simpson to John Muir, 9 May 1906 and 31 May 1906; Wanda Muir to John Muir,13 May 1906, John Muir Papers, reel 16.

25. John Muir to Robert Underwood Johnson, 10 June 1906, John Muir Papers, reel 16.

26. No evidence of Muir's role in promoting Petrified Forest National Park surfacesin any of the pertinent collections: the John Muir Papers (microform), the John MuirCollection, 1902 - 1955, at the Huntington Library; the John Fletcher Lacey Papersat the Iowa State Historical Society, and the Theodore Roosevelt material at theLibrary of Congress. Nor does Record Group 79 at National Archives indicate any rolefor Muir. Indeed, the only source to credit Muir with establishing Petrified ForestNational Park is Alice Cotton Fletcher's manuscript, "Along the Way I Met John Muir."Fletcher states that when Muir learned of the plans to crush petrified wood intoindustrial abrasives, he made a special trip to Washington, "where he worked untiringlyuntil he obtained the necessary papers to show conclusively that the Petrified Forestof Arizona was to be made into a National Park." Nor is there any evidence that Muirused his friendship with Theodore Roosevelt to promote the park cause.

27. John Muir to John J. Byrne, 12 September 1906; Frank Bond to John Muir, 28 December1906; John Muir Papers, reel 16.

28. John Muir to James Murdock, 12 February 1906; John Muir to Robert UnderwoodJohnson, 19 October 1906, John Muir Papers, reel 16.

29. Robert Underwood Johnson to John Muir, 3 June 1906, John Muir Papers, reel 16.

30. Robert Underwood Johnson to John Muir, 3 June 1906; John Muir to C. Hart Merriam,15 December 1906; John Muir to John C. Merriam, 26 January 1907; John C. Merriamto John Muir, 17 May 1907, John Muir Papers, reel 16.

31. See Peter Wild, "Months of Sorrow and Renewal: John Muir in Arizona, 1905- 1906,"Journal of the Southwest 29 (Spring 1987): 20-40.

32. Modern writers have sought to ascertain Muir's significance in Petrified Forest;see Meyer, "D-Day on the Painted Desert," 8.

33. Welles, "Collecting Triassic Vertebrates," 234.

34. Camp, Study of Phytosaurs, 12.

35. Janet Lewis Zullo, "Annie Montague Alexander: Her Work in Paleontology, Journalof the West 8 (April 1969): 183 - 84; See also "Biographical Sketch of Annie M. Alexander,"Annie Montague Alexander Collection, Bancroft Library, University of California,Berkeley, California.

36. Welles, "Collecting Triassic Vertebrates," 235-37; also Robert A. Long, notes,p. 14- 1 5 (copy in author's possession).

37. Welles, "Collecting Triassic Vertebrates, 235.

38. Colbert, Dinosaurs, 60. Illustrations of phytosaurs appear in Houk and Long,Dawn of the Dinosaurs, 28- 29, 36- 37, 38- 39, 56-57, 76-77, and 78-79.

39. Colbert, Wandering Lands and Animals, 23-24.

Chapter 5

1. John A. Jakie, The Tourist: Travel in Twentieth-Century North America (Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press, 1985), 107; Emily Post, By Motor to the Golden Gate(New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1910), 183-84.

2. Jakie, The Tourist, 70-71; Peter Schmitt, Back to Nature: The Arcadian Myth inUrban America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1969), 161.

3. Quoted in Runte, National Parks, 156- 57.

4. Schmitt, Back to Nature, 159; Jakie, The Tourist, 103-4.

5. Warren James Belasco, Americans on the Road: From Autocamp to Motel, 1910- 1945(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1979),20,23.

6. Donald C. Swain, Wilderness Defender: Horace M. Albright and Conservation (Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1970), 134- 35.

7. The Petrified Forest, Adamana, Arizona (brochure, 1920), NA, RG 79, National Monuments,Petrified Forest, file 12, pt. 7.

8. Belasco, Americans on the Road, 137.

9. Arno B. Cammerer to Charles L. Gable, 9 June 1925, NA, RG 79, National Monuments,Petrified Forest, file 204; Frank Pinkley to Stephen Mather, 16 September 1919,NA, RG 79, National Monuments, Petrified Forest, file 12; Arno Cammerer to CharlesGable, 9 June 1925, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, Petrified Forest, file 204.

10. Susan C. Kelly, Route 66: The Highway and Its People (Norman: University of OklahomaPress, 1988),36-37; also see Michael Wallis, Route 66: The Mother Road (New York:St. Martin's Press, 1990).

11. William Nelson, Report on the Petrified Forest National Monument, May 1918,NA, RG 79, box 747, file 11.

12. Frank Pinkley to Stephen Mather, 4 March 1919, NA, RG 79, box 747, file1215·

13. 1bid.

14. A. E. Demary to Stephen Mather, 25 March 1919, NA, RG 79, box 746.

15. Arno Cammerer to Carl Hayden, 1 December 1923, NA, RG 79, box 747, file 12; Rothman,Preserving Different Pasts, 127-28.

16. Frank Pinkley to Director, National Park Service (NPS), 1 December 1919, NA,RG 79, box 747, file 121 5.

17. 1bid.

18. William Nelson to Director, NPS, 22 July 1920 and 17 October 1920; A.B. Cammererto Stephen T. Mather, 13 October 1920; NA, RG 79, box 747, file 1215; PetrifiedForest National Monument, Annual Report, 1922, NA, RG 79, National Monuments, PetrifiedForest, file 12, pts. 6-9.

19. William Nelson to Director NPS, 7 July 1922, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, PetrifiedForest, box 597, file 201 -06.

20. Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 101 - 2.

21. 1bid., 75.

22. Dean MacCannell, The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class (New York: SchockenBooks, 1976), 136; also Jakie, The Tourist, 23 - 26.

23. Irvin S. Cobb, Roughing It De Luxe (New York: George H. Doran Co., 1913),45.

24. William Nelson to Director, NPs,7 July 1922, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, PEFO,box 597, file 201-06, pt. 1.

25. Arno Cammerer to William Nelson, 13 July 1922 and 25 July 1922, NA, RG 79, NPSMonuments, Petrified Forest, box 597, file 201 -06.

26. William Nelson to Director NPS, 17 July 1922, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, box 597,PEFO,1921-1932,file 201-06,pt. 1.

27. William Nelson to Director NPS, 29 July 1922, NA, RG 79, box 747, file 1215.

28. Arno Cammerer to Charles Gable, 9 June 1925, NA, RG 79, box 597, NPS Monuments,Petrified Forest, file 204.

29. Frank Pinkley to Stephen Mather, 16 September 1922, NPS Monuments, PetrifiedForest, file 204.

30. See Hal Rothman, "Second-Class Sites," 45- 56.

31. Arno Cammerer to Carl Hayden, 1 December 1923, NA, RG 79, box 747, file 12.

32. Southwestern National Monuments, Monthly Report, October 1923, Western Archeologyand Conservation Center (WACC), Tucson, Ariz.

33. Southwestern National Monuments, Monthly Report, December 1923, WACC; WilliamNeisonLO Director, NPS, [?] 1923, NA, RG 79, box 747, file 12.

34. L. Caldwell to Carl Hayden, 23 November 1923, NA, RG 79, box 747, file 1215.

35. William Nelson to Director, NPS, n.d. 1923; Frank Pinkley to William Nelson,3 January 1924, NA, RG 79, box 747, file 12 1 5.

36. Southwestern National Monuments, Monthly Reports, March, May, and June 1924,WACC; see also Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 120-24.

37. William Nelson to Director NPS, 15 March 1922, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments PetrifiedForest, file 201; Anna M. Marleau to Stephen T. Mather, 25 November 1924, NA, RG79, box 747, file 204; Arno Cammerer to Frank Pinkley, 7 January 1925, NA, RG 79,NPS Monuments, box 597, file 204.

38. Arno Cammerer to Frank Pinkley, 7 January 1925, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, box597, file 204.

39. Mrs. Henry Henderson to Frank Pinkley, 1 June 1925; Clark M. Terry to Frank Pinkley,1 June 1925; Arno Cammerer to William Nelson, 25 August 1925 and 2 November 1925;Frank Pinkley to Stephen Mather, 27 August 1925 and 15 September 1924; NA, RG 79,box .597, file 204.

40. Frank Pinkley to Stephen Mather, 12 April 1926, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, PetrifiedForest, file 201.

41. Arno Cammerer to L. W. Douglas, 28 April 1929, NA, RG 79, box 747·

42. Arno Cammerer letter, 4 June 1929, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, Petrified Forest,box 597, file 204-010.

43. Arno Cammerer to F. A. Kittredge, 13 May 1929, NA, RG 79. NPS Monuments, file207.

44. Arthur Demaray to George D. Pratt, 15 June 1929. NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, box597, file 204.

45. See Horace M. Albright's reminiscences, The Birth of the National Park Service:The Founding Years, 1913- 1933, as told to Robert Cahn (Salt Lake City: Howe Brothers,1985).

46. M. R. Tillotson to Horace M. Albright, 27 May 1929, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments,Petrified Forest, box 597, file 204-010.

47. T. S. Palmer to Horace M. Albright, 2 August 1929, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments,Petrified Forest, box 599, file 857.

48. 1bid.

49. M. R. Tillotson, Report on Petrified Forest National Monument, 9 September 1929,NPS Monuments, Petrified Forest, box 597, file 204-010.

50. 1bid.

51. 1bid.

52. 1bid.

53. 1bid.

54. Schmitt, Back to Nature, 162.

Chapter 6

1. Charles J. Smith, Petrified Forest National Monument, 22 March 1932, NA, RG 79,box 2331, file 207. Also see "Address, by Charles F. Smith," Fiftieth Anniversaryof Petrified Forest National Monument, 8 December 1956; copy in Petrified Park NationalPark Library (PFNPL). Also see the account by Smith's wife, Dama Margaret Smith,I Married a Ranger (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1931). 2 - 3, 6.

2. Horace M. Albright to Secretary of the Interior, 18 December 1929, NA, RG 79,NPS Monuments, Petrified Forest. box 597.

3. Smith, Petrified Forest National Monument, 22 March 1932, NA, RG 79, box 2331,file 207; Smith, "Address." In all, the land company held 12,792 acres within themonument, which was exchanged for land valued at $88,000, according to Smith. Theland was deeded to the federal government in June 1933.

4. Smith, Petrified Forest National Monument, 22 March 1932. NA, RG 79, box 2331,file 207; U.S. Statutes at Large 16 (1930), Stat. 3040.

5. Charles E. Peterson, Report on Petrified Forest National Monument, January 1930,NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, Petrified Forest, box 597.

6. D. H. Thomas, The Southwestern Indian Detours: The Story of the Fred Harvey /Santa Fe Railway Experiment in "Detourism" (Phoenix, Ariz.: Hunter Publishing Co.,1978),44, 90; Petrified Forest National Monument (PFNM), Superintendents MonthlyReport, June 1930. Since accommodating these detours required delaying regular trains,some travelers were understandably irate at the delay, Thomas points out in SouthwesternIndian Detours, 90.

7. Thomas, Southwestern Indian Detours, 59-63, 224, 261-63.

8. PFNM, Superintendents Monthly Report, September 1930. Statistics relating to thenumber of visitors at Petrified Forest are taken from Superintendents Annual Reports,which reflect numbers for fiscal years. These can differ from the annual totals compiledby the Park Service.

9. Rose Houk, The Painted Desert: Land of Light and Shadow (Petrified Forest NationalPark, Ariz.: Petrified Forest Museum Association, 1990), 22 -23; National Park Service,The Painted Desert Inn: Evaluation of Structures and Cultural Resources (San Francisco:NPS Western Regional Office, 1974), 13. Lore estimated that some 70,000 people hadvisited the Painted Desert in 1930.

10. Charles J. Smith to Conrad L. Wirth, 18 May 193 1, copy in Painted Desert InnHistory File, PFNPL; Smith to Wirth, 8 June 1931, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, PetrifiedForest, box 598, file 601 - 1.

11. Conrad Wirth Memo, 3 June 1931, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, Petrified Forest, box598, file 602- 1.

12. Charles J. Smith to Director NPS, 8 June 1931, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, PetrifiedForest, box 598, file 602-1.

13. Roger W. Toll to Director NPS, 21 March 1932, NA, RG 79, NPS monuments, PetrifiedForest, box 598, file 602- 1.

14. Roger W. Toll to Horace Albright, 14 March 1932, NA, RG 79, NPS Monuments, PetrifiedForest, box 598, file 602- 1. The Painted Desert Inn was comparable to EI Tovaronly as a symbol. The Grand Canyon's elegant hotel initially had more than a hundredrooms and could accommodate 250 guests. Painted Desert Inn was modest in comparison;even after its remodeling in the 19 30s, it had only six guest rooms.

15. U.S. Statutes at Large 47 (1932), Stat. 2532; Superintendents Monthly Report,October 1932, PFNPL.

16. Southwestern National Monuments, Monthly Reports, March 1932, May 1932, WACC.

17. Southwestern National Monuments, Monthly Report, September 1932, WACC; Thomas,Southwestern Indian Detours, 273-74, 305-7.

18. Kelly, Route 66, 37, 71 -72; also Wallis, Route 66, 179-82.

19. Southwestern National Monuments, Monthly Report, February 1933, WACC.

20. Harold L. Ickes to Julia B. Miller, 24 July 1933, NA, RG 79, box 2330, file 204·

21. Harold L. Ickes to Julia Miller, 24 July 1933; Julia Miller to Harold L. Ickes,15 August 1933; Julia Miller to Arno B. Cammerer, 15 August 1933; NA, RG 79,box 2330, file 204.

22. Charles J. Smith to Director NPS, 5 August 1933; Secretary Ickes to A. B. Cammerer,26 August 1933; NA, RG 79, box 2330, file 204.

23. Paul F. Cutter to Director, NPS, 10 August 1934, NA, RG 79, box 2332, file 204·

24. Harold Sellers Colton, "Racking My Brain: An Autobiography," pt. 4, manuscriptat the Library of the Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Ariz.; also see Rothman,Preserving Different Pasts, 130.

25. Louis R. Gladdis to Secretary of the Interior, 11 October 1934, NA, RG 79, box2330, file 204.

26. Kelly, Route 66, 111, 168; Jakie, The Tourist, 146.

27. Richard Lowitt, The New Deal and the West (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1984), 219.

28. Donald C. Swain, "The National Park Service and the New Deal, 1933-1940," PacificHistorical Review 41 (August 1972): 323- 27.

29. Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 165-66.

30. PFNM, Superintendents Monthly Report, December 1933, PFNPL.

31. Yvonne Stewart, Archeological Overview, 82-83, 106-7, 114, 139-48.

32. Southwestern National Monuments, Monthly Reports, April 1934, WACC.

33. A brief survey of the topiC is National Park Service, The Civilian ConservationCorps and the National Park Service, 1933-942: An Administrative History, by JohnC. Paige (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1985).

34. PFNM Annual Report, 1935, PFNPL.

35. Lorimer H. Skidmore, "Report to the Chief of Planning on the Construction ofthe Painted Desert Inn at Petrified Forest National Monument," 2, in Painted DesertInn History File, PFNPL.

36. 1bid., 5; also Harold W. Cole, "Construction History, Painted Desert Inn, PetrifiedForest National Monument," 4- 5, typescript (5 June 1976) in Painted Desert Inn HistoryFile, PFNPL.

37. PFNM, Superintendents Monthly Report, September 1937, PFNPL.

38. Skidmore, "Report to the Chief of Planning," 4.

39. National Park Service, Painted Desert Inn, 21.

40. Charles J. Smith to Director NPS, 8 March 1938, NA, RG 79, box 2337, file 601.

41. Newspaper clipping, NA, RG 79, box 2329, file 201.

42. 1bid.

43. Harry G. Slattery to Alva B. Adams, 25 March 1939; Harold Ickes quoted in clipping,RG 79, NA, RG 79, box 2329, file S892.

44. Roger Toll, quoted in Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 156.

45. 1bid.

46. St. Johns Observer, 15 April 1939.

47. PFNM,AnnualReports, 1938 and 1940,PFNPL.

Chapter 7

1. PFNM, Annual Report, 1940; Superintendents Monthly Reports, July 1940 and September1940. Superintendents Monthly Reports and Annual Reports cited hereafter are locatedat the Petrified Forest National Park Library (PFNPL), unless otherwise designated.

In addition to the concessionaires at Painted Desert Inn and Rainbow Forest, thePark Service had granted a single grazing permit on 6,880 acres and a special usepermit on a single acre. Hunter Clarkson also retained his permit to transport touriststhrough the monument, but his operation was not actively involved.

2. PFNM, Annual Report, 1943.

3. Kelly, Route 66, 148-49. Cynthia Troup's husband, Bobby, composed the lyrics to"Get Your Kicks on Route 66" during the course of their 1946 journey to Los Angeles.

4. PFNM, Annual Report, 1945; Annual Report, FY 1947.

5. PFNM, Annual Report, 1947; Virginia 1. Grattan, Mary Colter: Builder upon theRed Earth (Flagstaff, Ariz.: Northland Press, 1980), 102- 3.

6. Grattan, Mary Colter, 102 - 3; Fred Kabotie, "The Zuni Salt Lake Trip Mural,"typescript in Painted Desert Inn History File. PFNPL.

7. PFNM, Annual Report, FY 1947.

8. 1bid., Annual Report, FY 1947, and Annual Report, FY 1949.

9. PFNM:, Annual Report, FY 1948.

10.PFNM, Annual Report, 1950-51; Superintendents Monthly Reports, November 1950,December 1950, May 1951.

11. Kelly, Route 66, 158.

12. 1bid.

13. PFNM, Annual Report, FY 1943; Superintendents Monthly Reports, June 1951,July1951, August 1951.

14. PFNM, Annual Report, FY 1943; PFNM, Superintendents Monthly Reports, September1950, January 1953, March, 1953, August 1953.

15. PFNM, Annual Report, FY 1952-53; Monthly Report, April 1953.

16. PFNM, Superintendents Monthly Report, November 1955 and June 1956.

17. Conrad L. Wirth, Parks, Politics, and the People (Norman: University of OklahomaPress, 1980),226-27,234.

18. 1bid., 234. Charles Stevenson, "The Shocking Truth about Our National Parks,"Reader's Digest, January 1955, 45; Bernard De Voto, "The Easy Chair," Harper's Monthly,October 1953,50-52. See also De Voto's "Easy Chair" column, February 1954,12- 17.

19. Wirth, Parb, Politics, and the People, 239-43,256.

20. F. Fraser Darling and Noel D. Eichhorn, "Man and Nature in the National Parks,"National Park MagaZine 43 (April 1969): 17; Devereux Butcher, "Resorts or Wilderness?"Atlantic, February 1961,45- 51.

21. Runte, National Parks, 212- 13.

22. PFNM, Annual Report, FY 1956.

23. Robert E. Merriam to James E. Murray, 13 January 1958, Carl V. Hayden Collection,Hayden Library, Arizona State University; U.S. Statutes at Large 72 (1958), Stat.69.

24. National Parks and Conservation MagaZine, July-September 1957, 127; DevereuxButcher to Conrad Wirth, 12 April 1958, Hayden Collection, Arizona State University.

25. Butcher, "Resorts or Wilderness?" 46,51.

26. Petrified Forest was a case in point. Rangers there presented interpretive lecturesin a twenty-by-thirty-foot room crowded with visitors. People regularly fainted becauseof the closeness; in 1956, Superintendent Fagergren simply canceled the lectures.

27. PFNM, Superintendents Monthly Report, August 1962.

28. PFNM, Annual Report FY 1963.

29. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Wilderness Recommendationfor Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona (November 1967), 20- 22, 31 - 32, PFNPL.

30. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Statement for Management,Petrified Forest National Park, May 1988, 12.

31. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Petrified Forest NationalPark Natural Resources Management Plan (February 1981 revision), 13.

32. Natural Resources Management Plan, (February 1981 revision), 5,13; see alsoJohn C. Freemuth, Islands under Siege: National Parks and the Politics of ExternalThreats (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1991), 109, which notes a "yellowish-brownlayered haze" visible at the park in a 1988 EPA report. In a Class I area, particulatematter may not exceed 0.10 micrograms per cubic meter in a twenty-four-hour period;sulphur dioxide may not increase beyond 0.5 micrograms in a twenty-four-hour period.

33. Department of the Interior, Statement for Management, Petrified Forest NationalPark (May 1988), 13.

Chapter 8

1. Albright, Birth of the National Park Service, 270-71; Rothman, Preserving DifferentPasts, 174.

2. Matthews, Guide to the National Parks, vol. 1, ix.

3. H. P. Mera, "Observations on the Archaeology of the Petrified Forest NationalMonument," New Mexico Laboratory of Anthropology Bulletin, Technical Series, no.7 (1934): 2; also Fred Wendorf, "Early Archaeological Sites in the Petrified ForestNational Monument," Plateau 21 (1948): 29-32; and Yvonne Stewart, Archeological Overview,82 - 8 3 and 140-41, for a brief summary of Mera.

4. C. B. Cosgrove, "Report on Excavation, Repair, and Renovation of Agate House andOther Sites." CWA Archaeological Program, Winter 1933- 34, 1- 10; NA, RG 79, box2339, file 619- 1. A convenient summary and evaluation of the CWA projects appearsin Stewart, Archeological Overview, 144-48.

5. Stewart, Archeological Overview, 141, 147 - 48.

6. A convenient summary of Reed's survey, sponsored by the Park Service and Museumof Northern Arizona, is in Stewart, Archeological Overview, 152 - 58. Reed's "SpecialReport on Review of Archaeological Survey Potsherd Collections, Petrified ForestNational Monument, Arizona" (Santa Fe, N.M., (947) is reproduced in Stewart's workas appendix 2, 191- 221 .

7. Wendorf, "Early Archaeological Sites," 30-32, Archaeological Studies in the PetrifiedForest National Monument, MNA Bulletin No. 27 (Flagstaff. Ariz.: Museum of NorthernArizona, 1953), I, and "The Flattop Site in the Petrified Forest National Monument,"Plateau 22 (1950): 43.

8. Wendorf, "Flattop Site," 45-47, 50- 51. This is a preliminary report on the Flattopexcavation; for more detail see Wendorf's Archaeological Studies and Yvonne Stewart,Archeological Overview, 155 - 63.

9. Wendorf, Archaeological Studies, 78-80; also see Wendorf, "Archaeological Investigationsin the Petrified Forest: Twin Buttes Site, a Preliminary Report," Plateau 24 (1951): 77-78.

10. Stewart, Archeological Overview, 164, 166-68, summarizes Wendorf's work at TwinButtes; see his Archaeological Studies for additional detail.

11. Wendorf, Archaeological Studies, 160 - 61, 175, and "Twin Buttes Site," 81,83; Stewart, Archeological Overview, 92, 168.

12. Wendorf, Archaeological Studies, 175; "Twin Buttes Site," 83·

13. Wendorf, Archaeological Studies, 175.

14. 1bid., 171 - 76.

15. Wendorf, "Twin Buttes Site," 78; also, National Park Service, Petrified ForestNational Park, Final General Management Plan / Development Concept Plan / EnvironmentalImpact Statement (Denver: NPS Denver Service Center, 1993), 35 - 36.

16. Yvonne Stewart, Archeological Overview, 116- 17.

17. 1bid., 117-19.

18. Myrl Walker, quoted in Long, notes, 16- 17.

19. Myrl V. Walker to Harold Bryant, 23 February 1933, PFNM, Park Naturalists MonthlyReport, PFNPL; Ash, "Search for Plant Fossils," 56.

20. Gottesfeld, "Paleoecology," 61.

21. Ash, "Search for Plant Fossils," 56.

22. Lyman H. Daugherty, "Schilderia adamanica: A New Fossil Wood from the PetrifiedForest of Arizona," Botanical Gazette 96 (December 1934): 363-66; Ash, "Search forPlant Fossils," 56- 57. For an artist's illustration of the fossil, see Long andHouk, Dawn of the Dinosaurs, 78-79.

23. Long, notes, 17·

24. 1bid., 18.

25. Welles, "Collecting Triassic Vertebrates," 237.

26. Erik K. Reed, Special Report: Petrified Forest National Monument, Arizona, NA,RG 79, NPS Central Classified File, 1939- 1949, box 2331, file 207, Part I.

27. Long, notes, 19.

28. 1bid., 21.

29. 1bid., 21- 22; Long and Houk, Dawn of the Dinosaurs, 48- 51.

30. Long, notes, 22-23.

31. Department of the Interior, Statement for Management, May 1988, D1 -D2.

32. David Gillette, quoted in Department of the Interior, Statement for Management,May 1988,7.


1. Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness (New York: BallantineBooks, 1968),58-60; also see Michael Frome's more recent work, Regreening the NationalParks (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1992).

2. Sax, Mountains without Handrails, 79.

3. Petrified Forest National Park, Final General Management Plan, 1993, 20-21.

4. 1bid., 21 , 30

5. 1bid., 50.

6. 1bid., 28.

7. 1bid., 51.

8. 1bid.. 51-52.