Plate I

Plate I Terrassa, Group of Churches (after ERAUB).

Plate II

Plate II Barcelona. Plan of the Cathedral surroundings between the 6th and the 7th centuries (after MUHBA).

Plate III

Plate III Monastery of Khtskonk: Church of Surb Sargis (1024). (A. Kazaryan)

Plate IV

Plate IV Winchester Bible, f. 120v. The start of IV Kings. Text by the first scribe, decorative lettering by the second rubricator, initial by the Master of the Leaping Figures (John Crook)

Plate V

Plate V Winchester Bible, f. 131. The start of the Book of Isaiah written on a replacement bifolium by the second scribe. Decorative lettering by the second rubricator, initial by the Master of the Gothic Majesty (John Crook)

Plate VI (TOP)

Plate VI (TOP) Winchester Bible, f. 200v. Initial to the Book of Joel by the Apocrypha Master (John Crook)


Plate VI (BOTTOM) Winchester Bible, f. 3. Initial to St Jerome’s Letter to Damasus. Decorative lettering by the first rubricator (John Crook)

Plate VII (TOP)

Plate VII (TOP) Winchester Bible, f. 246. Unfinished double initial to Psalm 101, painted by the Morgan Master over a drawing by the Master of the Leaping Figures. © The Dean and Chapter of Winchester


Plate VII (BOTTOM) Winchester Bible, f. 250. Unfinished double initial to Psalm 109 by the Master of the Gothic Majesty (John Crook)

Plate VIII

Plate VIII Winchester Bible, f. 87v. The conclusion to the preface to 1 Kings and the start of the capitula (© The Dean and Chapter of Winchester)

Plate IX

Plate IX The Morgan Leaf, recto. The conclusion of the capitula to 1 Kings, and the story of Samuel and Saul, designed and partly painted by the Apocrypha Master, completed by the Morgan Master (© The Mogan Library and Museum)

Plate X

Plate X The Morgan Leaf, verso. The story of David, designed and partly painted by the Apocrypha Master, completed by the Morgan Master (© The Mogan Library and Museum)

Plate XI

Plate XI Winchester Bible, f. 88. The conclusion of the capitula and the start of the text of 1 Kings. Text by the first scribe, decorative lettering by the first rubricator, initial designed by the Apocrypha Master and painted by the Morgan Master (© The Dean and Chapter of Winchester)

Plate XII

Plate XII Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Lat. 5729, fol. 95v (Ripoll Bible): Temple of Solomon (1027-32). (© Biblioteca Apotolica Vaticana)

Plate XIII

Plate XIII Girona Cathedral Treasury: Creation Tapestry (c. 1097). (© Capitol Catedral de Girona)

Plate XIV

Plate XIV Mural paintings from the central apse of Sant Pere del Burgal (c. 1097–1106): funerary portrait of Lucy, countess of Pallars, bearing a candle. (Barcelona MNAC, 113138 © Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. Foto: Calveras/Mérida/Sagristà)

Plate XV

Plate XV (TOP) Rodes Bible. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, MS lat. 6, vol. II, fol. 130v. (© Bibliothèque nationale de France)

Plate XV

Plate XV (BOTTOM) Sant Quirze de Pedret: Central apse showing the souls of the martyrs under the altar (Solsona, Museu Diocesà i Comarcal) © Museu Diocesà i Comarcal de Solsona

Plate XVI

Plate XVI Barcelona: MNAC. Limousin Ciborium – general viewMuseu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. Foto: Calveras/Mérida/Sagristà)

Plate XVII

Plate XVII New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. Jaca panel (Accession N. 17.190.33). © The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Plate XVIII New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. Jaca panel (Accession N. 17.190.33). © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Plate XIX (TOP)

Plate XIX (TOP) Santa Maria de Terrassa: wall paintings: Apse semidome


Plate XIX (BOTTOM) Santa Maria de Terrassa: wall paintings: Murder of Thomas Becket

Plate XX

Plate XX Plan of Lucca c.1200, after Matraia – detail of the curtis.

Plate XXI (TOP)

Plate XXI (TOP) Saint-Martin de Fenollar: General view of the chancel (Christian Bachelier)


Plate XXI (BOTTOM) Santa Maria de Terrassa: cross-section of a sample taken from the candlesticks showing the use of tinfoil (Petula Stagni). Photo: CRBMC (Ricardo Suárez). In the image four different layers can be observed. The top layer is a brown translucid organic coat (lacqueror resin), the second layer is the metallic sheet shown in grey. The third layer in red colour corresponds to the pictorial layer (background colour of its sampling location). Finally, the white forth stratum is the preparation layer.

Plate XXII

Plate XXII Toledo Bible moralisée, New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.240, fol. 8r.