Note: An italic page reference indicates pages with relevant illustrations but without matching indexed text.
Surnames were seldom used consistently until the end of the Middle Ages. In what follows, individuals whose surnames are known appear listed by that name (e.g. ‘Chaucer, Geoffrey’). When an individual was instead known by a geographical distinction (e.g. ‘Anne of Bohemia’, ‘Caspar von Regensburg’, ‘Teresa de Cartagena’), they are listed by their first name. The many Arabic names are reproduced by surname or patronym as they appear transcribed into English in the text.
acoustics 66–8
Adalbero, Bishop 18
Adam (in Genesis) 33, 105–6, 222
Adrian I, Pope 263
steadfastness of belief in 132
as sweet-smelling 63
ages of man, link to elements 15
Al-Baghawi, Husayn 118
Al-Balkhi, Abu Zayd 283
Al-Baytar, Abu Bakr 114
Al-Dawlah, Adud 18
Al-Idrisi, Sharif al-Din 284
Al-Istakhri, Muhammad 283
Al-Katib, Ali ibn Nasr 256
Al-Masudi, Abu al-Hasan 94–5
Al-Muqaddasi, Muhammad 282
Al-Safadi, Khalil 59
Al-Sulayhi, Arwa, Queen of Yemen 247
Al-Wasiti, Yahya 246
Al-Zahrawi, Abu al-Qasim (Albucasis) 77, 178, 185–6
Albrecht IV, Duke of Bayern-München 261
Albucasis see Al-Zahrawi, Abu al-Qasim
Alderotti, Taddeo 22
Alphonse of Poitiers 219
Friedrich III, Holy Roman Emperor 260, 261–3
anal fistulae 224–6
anatomy 83–4, 111, 217, 290, 291
see also dissection
The Anatomy of the Human Body (Tashrih-i badan-i insan), by Mansur ibn Ilyas 111
Angles and Anglo-Saxons 7, 73, 223, 277
animal medicine 114–15
Anna, grave of 120–1
Anne of Bohemia 269
Anothomia, by Mondino dei Liuzzi 31, 85, 87
Anthony of Padua, Saint 73, 74, 142
anthropocentric worldview 14, 15
anxiety states 37
Apollonia, Saint 48
Aquinas, Saint Thomas 47, 117, 122, 219, 221
Arabic translations 17
Arboleda de los Enfermos, by Teresa de Cartagena 65
Ardashir I, King of Sasanian Persia 198, 199
Arderne, John 224–6
De anima 135
support for intromission 56
on touch as the essential sense 183, 187
Arnau de Vilanova 37–8
artworks, reflecting medieval views of the body 27
astrolabes 275–7
astronomy and blood-letting 161–2
Muslim 64
Augustine, Saint 63, 105, 152, 202
autopsy see dissection
Avicenna see ibn Sina
Bacon, Roger 56
bad breath 75
badgers 206–7
Baldassare degli Embriachi 130
baldness 43
Bartholomew, Saint 82
Bartolomeo di Fruosino 242, 243, 247
Basil II, Byzantine Emperor 288
bathing and washing clothes 64
beauty, standards of 43
Bede 195
beheadings 43–5, 46, 47, 49, 145
Béla IV, King of Hungary 214
bells and their ringing 68–9
Benedict of Nursia, Saint 91
Berengario da Carpi, Jacopo 290
Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint 100, 152
bimaristans 18
bioarchaeology 292–4
bipedalism, as defining humans 32
birthing gifts 242
‘biting crafts’ 187
the Black Death 12
Blanche of Castile 219–20, 244
blindness 58–60
circulation 138
from icons and relics 173–5
importance in the medieval body 159
sperm generation from 232
as symbol of vitality 172–3
from transubstantiation 167–72
treatment of bleeding 176–8
see also Holy Blood
blood-letting (phlebotomy) 16, 89, 160–2, 200
locations and timing 160–1
blood libel, and antisemitism 163, 165, 179
Boccaccio, Giovanni 143
bodily resurrection 84, 118, 120, 289
the body
body-soul dualism 116–17
and distance measures 272–3
image of vital organs 137
the Body Politic 44, 145, 212, 263
body size 12
Boethius 66
A Boke of Kokery 211
Bonaventura 154
bone sculptures 130
controversy over number 109
fractures and dislocations 112–14
see also skeleton
The Book of Good Food (Das Buoch von guoter Spise) 212
Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices, by Ismail al-Jazari 200, 201
The Book of Routes and Realms (Kitab al-masalik wa-almamalik) 283
The Book of Scientific Knowledge (Danishnama-yi Ala’i) by Ibn Sina 56
cordiform 147
gynaecological manuscripts 236–7, 238–9
health books 21–2
red prayer-book 169–70
travelogues 281–7
Borgognoni, Teodorico 112
Boussac 53–4
diagrammatic representation 35
link with male ejaculate 232
Brassica silvatica 207–8
burial practices
Christian 115–17
epidemic victims 122
images of the deceased 123–7
Islamic 118
Jewish 119–21
separation of entrails 219–20
Byzantium see Constantinople
Caesarian section 242
Caliphate, extent of 8
Camden, William 4
Canon of Medicine, by Ibn Sina 233
Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer 42
Carleton, Thomas 104
Carmina Burana 241–2
Caspar von Regensburg 149, 150–1
castration anxiety 251
Catherine of Siena, Saint 48–9, 154, 254
Causae et curae (Causes and Cures), by Hildegard of Bingen 234
within the brain 34–7
within the uterus 233
censers 61
cephalophores 49
chalices, Eucharistic 169, 170
charitable endowment hospitals 17–18
religious institutions 117–18, 122
Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor 255, 263
Charles IV, King of France 220–1
Charles the Bald, King of the Franks 116
Charles the Simple, King of the Franks 263
Charles V, King of France 220–1, 285
Charles VI, King of France 38–9
charms, recitation 179
Chaucer, Alice 125, 126, 127, 216
Chaucer, Geoffrey 42, 125, 276
Chiara Vengente (later Saint Chiara da Montefalco) 133–4, 143, 156
childbirth 172, 235, 241, 243, 248
chiromancy (palmistry) 193–5
Chirurgia Magna, by Henri de Mondeville 82, 83–4
Chroniques, by Jean Froissart 45, 46
Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem 277, 278–9, 280
chyle, in the digestive system 205
population size 9
clothing 102–8
liturgical vestments 106–8
Cluny, Abbey of 195–6
Cluny, Hôtel de (later Musée de), tapestries 54–6, 78–9, 80, 195
Cokaygne, The Land of 203
Colette of Corbie, Saint 214
common sense (sensus communis) 36
compasses 275
Constantine VI, Byzantine Emperor 247
Byzantine emperors 7, 123, 247, 263–4
and the Muslim expansion 6–7
contraception 239
cookery books 209–13
Copage, Antony 186
Cordwainers, London Company of 269
cosmetic operations 90
courtly love 140–2, 147–9, 259
and exposed fakes 175
over mythical beings 31
Cresques, Abraham 285–6
Cromwell, Oliver 165
Croxton Play of the Sacrament 257
crucifixion wounds, numbering 171–2
cruentation 173
The Crusades
Fourth 50
histories of 95
Third 96
cultural exchange multicultural medicine 162
pilgrimage and 94
The Dance of Death, (painting) by Janez iz Kastva 129
The Dance of Death, (poem) by John Lydgate 127–8
Danish-nama-yi Ala’i (The Book of Scientific Knowledge) by Ibn Sina 56
danse macabre 129–30
Dante (Alighieri) 205
Dar’i, Moses Ben Abraham 139
‘Dark Ages,’ modern view of 2–3, 27
see also medieval; Middle Ages
Das Buoch von guoter Spise (The Book of Good Food) 212
dates, defining the Middle Ages 5–6
De anima (On the soul), by Aristotle 135
De animalibus (On animals), by Aristotle 217, 218–19
De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem (On surgical grafting), by Gaspare Tagliacozzi 89
De institutione musica (The fuindamentals of music), by Boethius 66
de Montbaston, Richard and Jeanne 252–3
De ordine (On order), by Saint Augustine 105
De regimine pregnantium (On the Regimen of Pregnant Women), by Michele Savonarola 238–9
De secretis mulierum (On the Secrets of Women) 235
deafness 65–6
and bodily resurrection 84, 118, 120, 289
context of representations 132
maternal mortality 241–2
skeleton as symbolic of 115, 125
The Debate of the Carpenter’s Tools 186–7
Decameron, by Giovanni Boccaccio 143
decapitation see beheadings
demonic possession 240
Denis, Saint 49
menstrual blood in 234
sense of touch in 183
the skin in 90
the tongue in 75
from urine 256–9
dietary laws, Islamic and Judaic 214
On Dignities and Offices 264
the disabled, persecution 38, 59
bacterial DNA analysis 294
as caused by vapours 65
curable by royal touch 199
and bodily resurrection 84
human vivisection 216–17
Mondino dei Liuzzi on 31, 85, 87
opposition to 85–6
distance measures 272–3
Divina Commedia, by Dante 205
divine punishment, epidemics as 23
DNA extraction 294
documentation see books
du Sommerard, Alexandre 54, 195
du Sommerard, Edmond 53–4
Duccio di Buoninsegna 265, 266, 267, 271
availability 11–12
Edward I, King of England 44–6
Edward II, King of England 21
Edward III, King of England 104
effigies 123–7
Eghe, Walter 45–6
Egill, saga of 222
Elzéar of Sabran, Saint 26
Embriachi, Baldassare degli 130
embryo formation and development 232–3
see also surgeons
Encyclopedia of Pleasure (Jawami’ alladhdha), by Ali ibn Nasr al-Katib 256
English language 72–3
Enlightenment view of the Middle Ages 4
entrails, separate burial 219–21
epidemics, as divine punishment 23
Estienne, Charles 290
estimation (estimativa) 36
the Eucharist
miraculous wafers 173–5
and transubstantiation 167–8
unpleasant associations 172
Euclid 56
Eve (in Genesis) 105–6, 109, 222–3
exploration 290
eye, diagram of 57
false teeth 77
Fasciculo di medicina 87
connotations of barefootedness 269–72
and distance measures 272–3
of the poor, washing 271
the Sciopodes 30–1
‘female sperm’ 232
gender imbalance 233–5
role in reproduction 232
The ‘Five Senses’ 55
flatulence 223–4
Florentius de Valeranica 190–1
foetus, various presentations 236–7
footwear 267–72
Fortuna, goddess 9–10
Fourth Ecumenical Council 167
fragrances see smell
Francis of Assisi, Saint 271
Friedrich III, Holy Roman Emperor 260, 261–3
Fritz, Brother, the Parchment-Maker 98, 99
Fruosino, Bartolomeo di 242, 243, 247
The Fundamentals of Music (De institutione musica), by Boethius 66
Galen 19, 34, 57, 135, 138, 205
game of Hot Cockles 180, 181, 202
Garland, John 269
Gesta Normanorum 263
clerical 196–7
implying spiritual equality 271
importance of 195–8
Giles of Rome 233
gimbals, in incense-burners 64
glass delusion 39
gluttony, exaggerated 203–5
epidemics as divine punishment 23
human body as the image of 32–3
Grassi, Giovannino de’ 62–3
grave-robbing 88
gravestones 120–1
see also tombs
Gregory IX, Pope 68
Gregory of Nazianzos 92
Grove of the sick (Arboleda de los Enfermos), by Teresa de Cartagena 65
Guidonian systems / Guido of Arezzo 191, 193, 195
gynaecological manuscripts 236–7, 238–9
Gynaikeia 238
Hagia Sophia, Constantinople 66, 67, 68
hair, as an indicator of character 41–2
handfasting 197
counting on the fingers 195
gesturing, signing and clasping 195–202
as manicules 189–90
palmistry 193–5
surgeons’ fingers 184–5
Harvey, William 138
gargling treatment 34
prayers for relief 51
beheadings 43–5, 46, 47, 49, 145
the Blemmyae as headless 29–30
head of state image 44
headless saints 49
see also brain
blood-letting guide for 158, 159
ingested medicines 206
John Arderne 224–6
John of Aron 113
multiplicity 16
from religious institutions 24–5, 26
treating uterine suffocation 240
health books 21–2
the ‘six non-naturals’ 212
wrong-headed treatments 12–13
hearing (sound)
medieval view of 65–71
Cult of the Sacred Heart 152, 153, 154
as directly sensible 135
emotional states and 138–45, 147–8
heartless body 142–3
medieval view of role 135–6, 138, 155–7
preservation of 133
ring finger connection 184
and secular amorousness 148–52, 197
shape of, and symbol for 136, 146–7, 149
whether the location of the soul 135–6, 157
association with the elements 13
and the eye 58
and the heart 136
sexual differences 234
Heigerloch, Albrecht von 141
heights, average 12
Heinrich VI, Holy Roman Emperor 141
Heinrich von Bülow 173
Henri de Mondeville 82, 83–4, 88, 184
Henry de Sprowston 162–3
Henry II, King of England 223
Henry III, King of England 169
Higden, Ranulph 72
highway robbery 273
Holy Blood
from transubstantiation 167–8, 169
Holy Communion see Eucharist
Holy Foreskin 253–4
homosexuality, female 256
homosexuality, male 255–6
Hôpital des Quinze-Vingts 59
charitable endowment 17–18
psychiatric care 38
Hot Cockles (game) 180, 181, 202
Hôtel de Cluny, later Musée de Cluny 54–5, 195
houris 64
human body
alleged perfection 32–3
as metaphor 25
stratified view 32
supposed workings of 12–16
humours, theory of 13–16
and baldness 53
and blood 159
eventually challenged 290
and the eye 57–8
and the female body 234–5
hair growth 42–3
and the heart 136
and racial differences 94
and urine 256–9
hysteria, as ‘uniquely feminine’ 240
ibn al-Hajj 270
ibn Ayyub, Salah adDin Yusuf, Sultan (Saladin) 96–7, 108
ibn Battuta, Muhammad 277
ibn Ishaq, Hunayn 57
ibn Ishaq, Muhammad 154
ibn Sina, Abu Ali al-Husayn (Avicenna)
on the brain as a cognitive centre 34
on conception 233
supports intromission 56
different guises of the Virgin 280
recorded as bleeding 173–5
illness see diseases
illustrations, disguising blemishes 99, 100
imagination (ymaginatio) 36
Les Innocents, cemetery 129–30, 132, 204
intercession, saintly 47
intromission theory of sight 56
investitures 198
I’r cedor (To the vagina), by Gwerful Mechain 250
Irene, Byzantine empress 247–8
Irene of Chrysobalanton, Saint 62–3
afterlife as sweet-smelling 63
burial practices and monuments 118, 123
childbirth and 241
clerical gestures 196–7
expansion and intercultural conflict 94
halal dietary laws 214
marriage 245–7
Ottoman expansion 290
the Qur’an on lepers 92
Islamic world
cartography 283–5
classical heritage 7–8
medical expertise 17–18
Muslim astronomy 64
ritualised drinking 23
unification by language 8
Jacopo da Milano 149
Janez iz Kastva 129
Jawami’ al-ladhdha (Encyclopedia of Pleasure), by Ali ibn Nasr al-Katib 256
Jean de Roye 216
Jeanne d’Évreux 220–1
Jeanne-Marie de Maille 173
Latin Kingdom of 280
pilgrimages to 272, 277, 280–1
explusions and persecution 165, 270
frequency of divorce 245
kashrut dietary laws 214
Seder (Passover) meal 167, 213
in the Travels of Benjamin 281–2
yad pointer 191
Jofré, Joan Gilabert 38
John of Aron 113
John the Baptist, Saint 49–51, 211, 280
John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy 123
Jordaens, Willem 265
Judas Iscariot 223
Kempe, Margery 60
Khamsa, by Nizami Ganjavi 40
the ‘king’s evil’ 199
as subject to Fortuna 10–11
couples 131
to cure the sick 214
icons, manuscripts and relics 75, 191
kissing couple ivory carving 131–2
Kitab al-masalik waal-mamalik (The Book of Routes and Realms) 283
Kitab at-Tasrif (The Method of Medicine), by Abu al-Qasim alZahrawi 185
Knute, Saint 281
Konrad von Altstetten 141, 142
The Lamps of Prophetic Teaching (Masabih al-Sunna), by Husayn al-Baghawi 118
The Land of Cokaygne 203
land ownership 11
Lanfranc of Milan 184
Islamic world 8
judgement of foreigners 72–3
symbolic communication 195–6
Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 280
Layla and Majnun 39–41
legislation, UK 101–2
Leo XIII, Pope 134
lesbianism 256
Liber de coquina 209
Life and Miracles of Saint William of Norwich, by Thomas of Monmouth 164–5
life expectancy, comparative 11
literacy 12
liver, supposed role in embryos 232
living things
blood as a symbol of vitality 172–3
Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Prince of Wales 44
longevity of parchment 101–2
Longinus, Saint 133, 152, 154, 175
Louis VIII, King of France 116, 244
Louis IX, King of France 219
Louis XI, King of France 216
courtly love, emergence 140
dependence on eyes and heart 139
unrequited, and madness 39–41
Lucy, Saint 48
Lupi, Matteo 261
Luther, Martin 290
Madonna dei francescani (painting) 265, 266, 267
Maimonides 152
Majnun, Layla and 39–41
Mandragora (mandrake) 207, 208
manicules 189–90
Mansa Musa, King of Mali 285
Maqamat, by Muhammad al-Hariri 246
Margaret of Hungary, Saint 214
marginal decorations 96, 218, 251–2
featuring almost-men 30–1
manicules 189–90
the Marnhull Orphrey 106–8
alternatives to 248
in Islam 245–7
women’s age at 244
Marshal, William, Second Earl of Pembroke 125
distinction from saints 47
origins of the blood libel 163–4
Masabih al-Sunna (The Lamps of Prophetic Teaching), by Husayn al-Baghawi 118
maternal mortality 241–2
Maubuisson, Abbey of 219–21, 244
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor 261
Mechain, Gwerful 250
medical care, free 22
medical expertise
anatomical presentations 27
in Islam 17
monasteries 24
distinction from surgery 21
materia medica 206
sympathetic medicine 179
theoretic underpinnings 15–16
therapies of the blood 159
medieval world
in popular culture 3–4
role of religion 9
stereotyped view 2–3
see also Middle Ages
Meister Eckhart 154
melosthesia 161
memory (memorativa) 36
Le Ménagier de Paris (The Parisian Household Book) 210
menstrual blood, as an indicator of character 234–5
diagnostic value of blood 234
and misogyny 234–5
mercy, of King Edward I 45–6
Mérimée, Prosper 53
The Method of Medicine (Kitab at-Tasrif), by Abu al-Qasim alZahrawi 185
the miasma 65
Middle Ages
classical heritage 6
defining start and end of 5–6
Enlightenment and nineteenth century views 4
modern view of 2–3
see also medieval world
midwifery 240–2
Minnesänger 140
Minuti, Branca 90
miraculous cures 23–4, 27, 92–4, 214
misogyny 234–5
moisture, and the elements 13
Abbey of Cluny 195–6
Abbey of Maubuisson 219–21, 244
appeal of convent life to women 248
medical expertise 24
near Salerno 18
silent orders 195–6
washing paupers’ feet 271
Mondino dei Liuzzi 31–3, 85–6, 87, 217
the Panotii, the Cynocephali and the Sciopodes 30
Moshe ben Shem-Tov 214
the mouth 72–80
movies, Pulp Fiction 4
‘multimedia performance’ 71
murders and cruentation 173
ritual murder 163–6
Muscio 238
Musée de Cluny, Paris 54–5, 195
Musée du Louvre, Paris 220
Musée national du Moyen Âge 54
Museum of London 292
museum visitor survey 2–3
earliest notation 69–71
Guidonian system 191, 193, 195
music of the spheres 66
Muslim see Islamic world
mythical creatures
the Cynocephali, Panotii and Sciopodes 30–1
nakedness 105–6
nation states
emergence 7
sartorial stereotyping 103
nineteenth century, view of the Middle Ages 4
‘non-naturals’ 212
nudity 105–6
alternatives to marriage 248
dissection of Santa Chiara 133–4
and the penis tree 252–3
visionary experiences 63, 154, 230
washing feet 271
Olaf, Saint 280
Omne Bonum, by James le Palmer 76
On the Regimen of Pregnant Women (De regimine pregnantium), by Michele Savonarola 238–9
On the Secrets of Women (De secretis mulierum) 235
Onesti, Azzolino degli 85
Onuphrios, Saint 280
oratory 73
Oribasius 90
Ortolf von Baierland 176
Ottoman expansion 290
pain relief 261
palmistry 193–5
paper, and parchment 97
Paracelsus 290
The Pardoner (Canterbury Tales) 42, 175
Paris, Matthew 168
The Parisian Household Book (Le Ménagier de Paris) 210
Passover (Seder) meal 167, 213
Paul of Aegina 178
Pedro IV, King of Aragon 285
penis size 253
perfumes see smell
Perspectiva, by Roger Bacon 56
Petrarca, Francesco 4, 6, 218, 292
pharmacology 17
Philip Augustus, King of France 59, 165
Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy 123
phlebotomy see blood-letting
phobias 37
and cultural exchange 94
and miraculous cures 24
plague pits 293
plastic surgery 90
Plato, view of the brain 34, 135
plethora 159
pneuma see spiritus
Polo, Marco and Niccolò 282
Adrian I 263
foot kissing 263
Gregory IX 68
Leo XIII 134
sculptural depiction 124
popular culture, medieval world in 3–4
population size, medieval world 9
post-mortems see dissection
potatoes, anachronistic 3
poverty, as relative 9
Practice of Anal Fistula, by John Arderne 225
prayers for saintly intercession 47
pregnancies 231–2
Preston, Thomas 101
preventative blood-letting 160
priests, clothing 106–8
prostitutes 105
Pseudo-Apuleius Complex 206–7
Ptolemy 56
public attitudes, to renaissance and medieval periods 2–3
Pulp Fiction (movie) 4
as barefoot 269
beheading and hanging 43–4
Purgatory 47, 117, 122, 219, 221
purging 15, 160, 222, 234, 239
The Qur’an
on burial 118
on lepers 92
Qusta ibn Luqa 37
race relations 92–4
racial stereotyping 96
rape 251
habits of 189–90
recipes (cookery books) 209–13
The Reformation 290
relics and reliquaries
exposure of fakes 175
heads of John the Baptist 49–51
heart of Saint Chiara 134
Holy Foreskin 253–4
Holy Lances 154–5
importance of touching 197
jawbone of Saint Anthony of Padua 73–4
reported as bleeding 173
scientific analysis 294–5
supposed significance 118
survival 27–8
William of Norwich 164
importance of smells in the Church 62–3
and physical health 22–4
role in the medieval world 9
sanctity of music 66
religious institutions
acoustics 66–8
founding benefactors 117–18, 122
see also monasteries
religious minorities, prescribed clothing 105
religious teachers
admired 73
clothing of the clergy 106
religious wars 94
see also Crusades
René, Count of Anjou 224
Richard I, King of England 96, 255
Richard II, King of England 269
Richard of Devizes 255
ring finger 184
ritual ablutions 200
ritual murder 163–6
ritualised drinking bowls 23
roads 273
Robert II of Artois 219–21
Roger II, King of Sicily 284
Roland the Farter 223
Rollo (Viking) 263
Le Roman de la Poire (The Romance of the Pear) 145, 146
Le Roman de la Rose (The Romance of the Rose) 252, 257
Roman Empire, collapse 5–6
rosary beads 131–2
Ruman mac Colmáin 274
Rutebeuf 58
Rutland Psalter 30
Sabas, Saint 280
Sacred Heart, Cult of 152, 153, 154
Saewulf 277
Apollonia 48
Bartholomew 82
Benedict of Nursia 91
Catherine of Alexandria 48–9
Chiara da Montefalco 133–4, 143, 156
Colette of Corbie 214
Denis 49
Elzéar of Sabran 26
Francis of Assisi 271
Irene of Chrysobalanton 62–3
John the Baptist 49–51, 211, 280
Knute 281
lives and ritualised deaths 47–51
Lucy 48
Margaret of Hungary 214
Olaf 280
Onuphrios 280
Sabas 280
Stephen 48
Thomas Aquinas 47, 117, 122, 219, 221
Wilgefortis 248–9
Saladin (Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub) 96–7, 108
Salih, Artuqid King 200
Salimbene da Parma 84
sanitation 22
Santiago de Compostela 69, 254
Savonarola, Michele 238
see also Angles and Anglo-Saxons
scatological humour 223
Schedel, Hartmann 155, 156–7, 165, 166
scrofula 199
sea travel 273–4
seasons, link to elements 15
sectio in mortua 242
as five in number 55
sensory archaeology 60–1
sensory information processing 36
Seuse, Heinrich 154
The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus 288, 289, 296
sewage and waste disposal 22
sex determination 233
sex organs, viewed as mirrored 232
sex workers 105
sexual assaults 251
sexual behaviour
game of Hot Cockles 181–2
lust allied to gluttony 204–5
Seyff, Hans 261–3
shoes 267–72
Shrine Madonnas 228, 229–31, 233
love’s dependence on eyes and heart 139
medieval theories of 56–60
reading aids 58
Sigismund of Luxemburg, Holy Roman Emperor 154
exaggerated gluttony 203–5
and sickness 22–3
and skin colour 95
Sister Candide 230
carving, paired with kissing couple 131–2
continuing excavation of 292–3
diagrammatic representation 110, 111, 112
medieval knowledge of 109
relative inaccessibility 110
see also bones
diagnostic usefulness 90
flayed figure carrying 82
see also race
elusive subjectivity 60
medieval understanding of 60–5
saintliness 63
smiling, as rare 77
social stratification / class
and cooking 211–12
etiquettes of deference 263–5
and gender perceptions 247
land ownership and life expectancy 11
in a poetry anthology 141
social taboo against dissection 85–6
sodomy 255–6
Soranus of Ephesus 238
the soul
anatomical role 34
body-soul dualism 116–17
emergency baptisms 242
fate of, after death 116–17
sources, scarcity 6
spanking 181–2
speech, inaccessibility of medieval speech 72
sperm, supposed sources 232
Stafford, John, Archbishop 211
standards of living 11–12
Stephen, Saint 48
Sturt, Godwin 164
styptic recipe 178
substances see humours; spiritus
sumptuary laws 104–5
surgeons and surgery
apprenticeships 19
in dentistry 77
Mondeville’s contribution 83
plastic surgery 90
suturing 178–9
treatment of bleeding 176
veterinary 114–15
surgical tools and instruments 20, 21, 184–9
sympathetic medicine 179
Syon Abbey 271
syphilis 90
tapestries, depicting the senses 52, 53–5, 78–9, 195
Tashrih-i badan-i insan (The Anatomy of the Human Body), by Mansur ibn Ilyas 111
Tassilo III, Duke of
Bavaria 170
taste, tapestry depicting 55
false teeth 77
Teresa de Cartagena 65
terminology of optometry 57–8
protectionism 104
Thomas Aquinas, Saint 47, 117, 122, 219, 221
Thomas of Monmouth 163–5
Thorney Computus 14
thought, processes of 34–7
The Three Women of Paris (Les Trois Dames de Paris) 203
tomb sculptures and monuments 26, 121–5, 126, 127
Capteian tombs as multiple 219, 221
preservation inside 102–3
veneration 75
tongue, diagnosis and administration of medicines 75
The Debate of the Carpenter’s Tools 186–7
navigational instruments 275
surgical tools and instruments 20, 21, 184–9
as directly sensible 182–3
medieval concepts 182–3
tapestry depicting 55
transplantation of a limb 92–4
transubstantiation 167–72
travelogues 281–7
Travels of Benjamin, by Benjamin of Tudela 281
Travels of John Mandeville 282–3, 285
of urine colour samples 257–9
Les Trois Dames de Paris (The three women of Paris) 203
UK laws 101–2
Ulrich von Lichtenstein 141, 142
unicorns, tapestry of a woman with lion and 52, 54–6, 60, 78–9, 80
universities, emergence 18
uroscopy 256–9
uterus see womb
Vagina, To the (I’r cedor), by Gwerful Mechain 250
verticality, as defining humans 32
Vesalius, Andreas 290
vessels, for ritualised drinking 23
veterinary medicine 114–15
‘visible words,’ hands as 202
vision see sight
vivisection, human 216–17
vomiting 222
voyages of discovery 290
Wales, revolt against Edward I 44
washing clothes and bathing 64
Weltchronik, by Hartmann Schedel 166
Western Europe, classical heritage 7
widowhood 245
Wilgefortis, Saint 248–9
William of Rubruck 72
William of Tyre 272
Winwick Brooch 197–8
comprising seven sections 233
contradictory views of 251
uterine suffocation 239–40
various foetal presentations 236–7
attractions of the monastic life 248
role in reproduction 232
standards of beauty 43
writing surfaces 97
Wundenmann / Wound Man image 176, 177, 179
ymaginatio 36
Yperman, Jan 184–5
Zancariis, Alberto de’ 88
Zheng He 277