Abu Kamil, 57
al-Karajå, 60
algebraic irrationals, 180
Almagest, 65
analytic geometry, 77
Anderhub, J. H., 32
trisection of, 201
Apéry, Roger, 138
aperiodic tiling, 258
apotome, 50
Arago, Dominique François Jean, 97
Archimedean spiral, 276
Archimedes, 49
Aristotle, 13
arithmetic axioms, 249
Arithmetica Integra, 74
Arithmetica infinitorum, 85
Arithmetical Theorem, 135
Aryabhata, 254
Axiom of Eudoxus, 40, 43, 49, 167, 251
Beatty, Samuel, 261
Bell numbers, 293
Berlin Academy, 104
Bernoulli, Jacob, 96
Besicovitch’s Constant, 233
Besicovitch, A. S., 233
Bézout’s Identity, 166
Bhaskara II, 54
Binet formula, 221
binomial, 50
Blake, William, 152
Bolzano, Bernard, 237
Borel, Emil, 230
bride’s chair, 45
Brouncker, Lord, 93
Burkert, Walter, 12
al-Ma’mūn, 56
Harun al-Rashid, 56
Omar ibn Khattab, 56
Cantor–Heine–Méray Model, 242
Cartwright, Dame Mary, 113
Catalan constant, 112
catenery, 253
distribution, 252
sequence, 242
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, 237
Cavalieri Principle, 86
Chaitin, Gregory, 231
Constant, 232
Champernowne, David, 232
Chaucer, 66
Cicero, 65
commensurability, 13
commensurable in square, 48
common elements, 134
complementary sequences, 262
complete ordered field, 250
completeness axiom, 250
constructible numbers, 203
Conway Constant, 136
Conway, John Horton, 133
Copeland, A. H., 233
Copeland–Erds Constant, 233
coprime, 252
Cosmological Theorem, 135
countable set, 204
counter-earth, 14
Crelle, August, 236
Davis, Philip J., 277
De Divina Proportione, 74
De Morgan, Augustus, 47
de Stainville, M. J., 109
Model, 244
Dehn, Max, 269
Delian Problem, 201
dense set, 167
Descartes, René, 77
Diehard test suite, 229
Diophantine approximation, 154
Dirichlet’s Diophantine
Approximation Theorem, 163, 269
Dirichlet’s Simultaneous
Approximation Theorem, 270
Dirichlet, Johann Peter Gustav
Lejeune, 162
Discourse on Method, 80
Dobinski’s formula, 293
Drawer Principle, 162
Dudeney, Henry, 268
dunce’s cap, 64
Duns Scotus, 64
duplication of the cube, 201
dynamical systems, 258
Dyson, Freeman, 184
Einstein’s field equations, 253
equimultiples, 41
equivalence relation, 289, 290
Eratosthenes, 49
Euclid, 38
Euclid’s Elements, 10, 11, 21, 39
Eudemus of Rhodes, 14
Eudoxus’s method of exhaustion, 49, 238
Euler’s Constant, 263
Euler–Mascheroni constant, 112
exotic elements, 134
factorial function, 274
Fermat’s Last Theorem, 199
Fermat, Pierre de, 77
Fibonacci Sequence, 166
field, 250
Floor function, 113, 146, 157, 261, 266
Flos, 63
Folium of Descartes, 84
Fourier, Joseph, 109
Fraenkel, Aviezri S., 267
Frederick II, 63
Frege, Gottlob, 251
Freiman’s constant, 175
Galois, Évariste, 132
Gamma Function, 274
Gelfond Schneider Theorem, 198
curves, 80
mean, 50
Golden Ratio, 28, 74, 174, 220, 236, 255
Gray, Robert, 208
Great Year, 65
greatest common divisors, 166, 213
Hall’s Ray, 176
Hall, Marshall, 176
Hamilton, Sir William Rowan, 237
Hankel, Hermann, 238
Hardy, G. H., 32
oscillator, 253
height of a polynomial, 205
Hermite Identity, 192
Hermite, Charles, 113, 190, 193
hexagram, 27
Hilbert, David, 11, 169, 198, 248
Hindu civilization, 53
Hippasus of Metapontum, 20
Hobbes, Thomas, 85
Horn Angle, 40
House of Wisdom, 56
Hurwitz, Adolf, 169
incommensurability, 48
indicator function, 257
irrational numbers, 29, 53, 63, 65, 74, 77, 97, 165, 167, 172, 174, 176, 199, 204, 209, 232, 233, 237, 242, 245, 247
addition of, 126
alternative definition of, 3
and rational approximation, 160
and the Littlewood Conjecture, 172
and the quintic equation, 132
and the Zeta function, 153
as non-surd algebraic, 132
birth of, 9
Cantor’s construction of, 209
Cauchy definition of, 237
denseness of, 167
elementary definition of, 2
generation of using polynomials, 131
nineteenth-century definition of, 239
non-existence of, 204
quadratic, 176
Stifel’s view of them, 74
the most irrational, 219
Weierstrass view of, 239
Iwamoto, Y., 119
Johannes of Palermo, 63
Jowett, Benjamin, 29
Kant, Immanuel, 18
Khinchin, Aleksandr, 210
Klein, Felix, 169
Kronecker, Leopold, 204
La Disme, 76
Lady Isobel’s Casket, 268
Lagrange Spectrum, 174
Lambek, Joachim (Jim), 265
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 104
least common multiple, 145
Lehmer, Dick, 229
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 182
Library of
Babel, 234
Life of Brian, The, 52
Lindemann, Ferdinand, 194
Lindemann–Weierstrass Theorem, 200
Liouville Approximation Theorem, 183
Liouville, Joseph, 183
Littlewood, John Edensor, 172
Look and Say Sequence, 133
Louis XIV, 286
Luther, Martin, 75
Madhava of Sangamagramma, 55
spectrum, 222
McCabe, Robert L., 33
mean, 20
proportion, 50
mechanical curves, 80
medial, 50
Méray, Charles, 239
method of normals, 80
Minkowski, Hermann, 169
Moser, Leo, 265
Murray, James, 23
National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 254
Test Suite, 229
Newcomb, Simon, 252
Niven polynomial, 116
Niven, Ivan, 116
normal, 230
distribution, 253
in base b, 230
numbers, 230
number of the beast, 75
Ohm, Martin, 236
Omar Khayyam, 61
Rubaiyat, 61
Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, 209
order axioms, 250
ordered field, 250
Pacioli, Luca, 74
Patruno, Gregg N., 127
Penrose Tiles, 258
pentagram, 25
permeability of free space, 254
Perron, Oskar, 175
Pigeonhole Principle, 162, 226
Plato’s Dialogues, 29
Poinsot, Louis, 110
Poisson distribution, 253
Pope Leo X, 75
prime counting function, 147
Prime Number Theorem, 147
Profound Doctor, 66
Proteus, 90
constant, 1
Pythagoras’s Theorem, 18, 38, 45
surd, 212
quadratrix, 81
quadrature, 85
line, 278
point, 278
roots theorem, 130
Rayleigh, Lord, 261
Riccati Equation, 102
Riccati, Count Jacopo Francesco, 102
Riemann Hypothesis, 199
Rolle’s Theorem, 294
Roth, Klaus, 181
Ruffini, Paolo, 132
Schneider, Theodor, 199
schnitt, 241
sexagesimal, 63
Sierpiński, Waclaw, 231
similar figures, 36
continued fractions, 211
pendulum, 252
simply normal in base b, 230
size of a polynomial, 208
Skolem, Thoralf, 268
Smith, Henry, 162
Spiral of Theodorus, 7, 35, 47, 272
Śrīpati, 53
star polygon, 25
Steinhaus, Hugo, 259
Stevin, Simon, 76
Stifel, Michael, 74
Stupor Mundi, 63
Subtle Doctor, 64
Sum of Two Squares, 80
surd, 125
etymology of, 57
Swineshead, Richard, 66
Tannery, Paul, 248
Thales of Miletus, 9, 10, 12, 16
Theodorus Constant, 277
Thomas Bradwardine, 66
Thue, Axel, 184
functions, 81
numbers, 183, 185, 197, 199, 204, 210, 232
transuranic elements, 134
triangle inequality, 156
van der Poorten, Alfred, 139
van Pesch, J. G., 14
van Roomen, Adriaan, 70
Vesica Pisces, 28
Vièta, Francois, 70
Waclaw Sierpiński, 259
Wantzel, Pierre, 202
Weierstrass–Heine Model, 241
well-tempered musical scale, 254
Weyl, Hermann, 199
Wiles, Andrew, 199
Year of the Irrational, 239
etymology of, 62
Zeta function, 137