All page numbers in the index refer to the print edition.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Aaron, John, 14–16, 27, 50–51, 73; and Apollo 1 fire, 97, 99; and Apollo 8, 117; and Apollo 12, 180–82, 185–87, 191–92; and Apollo 13, 199, 212–13, 216, 218, 221–24, 239–42; and Apollo 14, 251; crater named for, 128; and first moon walk, xii–xiv; and Gemini 5, 72, 73–74
aborted flights, 118, 184, 216
Abort Guidance System (AGS), 137, 146, 237–38
abort switch problem, Apollo 14, 254
Accola, Anne L., 291
acquisition of signal (AOS), 124–25
Advanced Range Instrument Aircraft (ARIA), 109
Agena Target Vehicle, 17, 75–76, 81–82, 84
AGS. See Abort Guidance System (AGS)
Aldrich, Arnie, 37, 46, 48, 50–51, 141; and Apollo 8, 110–11, 114; and Apollo 13, 199, 212–13, 222–24, 239; and Skylab, 274; and Space Shuttle program, 288–89
Aldrin, Buzz, xi, 74, 129; and Apollo 11, 160, 164, 169–75; and Gemini 9a EVA, 85–86; and Gemini 12, 93
Algate, Andrew F., 283
Alibaruho, Kwatsi L., 319, 320
Alignment Optical Telescope (AOT), 232
Allen, Joseph P. “Joe,” 266, 294
ALSEP. See Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP)
altitude records, 90–91, 92–93
America (Apollo 17 Command Module), 277
AMU. See Astronaut Maneuvering Unit (AMU)
Anderson, William M., 28
Anson, Kim, 22
Antares (Apollo 14 Lunar Module), 251–54, 256
AOS. See acquisition of signal (AOS)
AOT. See Alignment Optical Telescope (AOT)
Apollo 1, 95–101
Apollo 8, 110–21
Apollo 9, 135–42
Apollo 12, 180–98
Apollo 13 (documentary), 245, 311
Apollo 13 (motion picture), xv, 26, 203, 312–14
Apollo 14, 250–60
Apollo 15, 260
Apollo 16, 268
Apollo 17, 4, 268, 273, 277–78
Apollo EECOM (Liebergot), 216, 265, 315
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP), 256–57
Apollo program, 17, 96–97, 274, 277
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, 260
Aquarius (Apollo 13 Lunar Module), 207, 218, 220, 223–24, 226–29, 234, 237
Arabian, Donald D., 38
ARIA. See Advanced Range Instrument Aircraft (ARIA)
Armstrong, Lawrence L. D. “Larry,” 22
Armstrong, Neil, xi, xiii, 129; and Apollo 11, 2, 160, 162, 163–64, 169–76; and Gemini 8, 81–83; and Gemini 9a EVA, 86
artificial gravity, 92
ascent and descent engines, 31
Astronaut Maneuvering Unit (AMU), 87–88
astronauts, 13, 28, 40, 61–62, 67, 267–68
ATDA. See Augmented Target Docking Adapter (ATDA)
atmospheric reflection, Apollo 12, 190
Atomic Energy Commission, 242
Attitude Control System, 31, 228
Augmented Target Docking Adapter (ATDA), 84–85
Baerd, Donald H., 29
Bales, Stephen G. “Steve,” xiii, xvi, 11, 46–47, 152–55, 159–64
Bantle, Jeffrey W., 287
Bassett, Charles M., II, 84
Bean, Alan L., 154, 182, 186, 194–95, 197
Beers, Kenneth M., 12
Benson, Richard B., 16
Berry, Charles A. “Chuck,” 12, 268
Beyond the Moon, 288
Biomedical Results of Apollo, 267
Black, Harold, 22
Blaha, John E., 303
Blair-Smith, Hugh, 164
Bliss, George, 208
Boeing Company, 97
Bolender, Carroll H. “Rip,” 65, 238
Bollendonk, Walter W. “Bill,” 296
Boone, William J. “Bill,” III, 7, 9, 199–202, 230
Borman, Frank F., II, 76, 78–79, 110–11, 121, 124–25, 139–40
Borman, Susan, 125
Bostick, Jerry C., xvi, 7; and Apollo 1 fire, 98; and Apollo 8, 114, 126; and Apollo 13, 216, 245; and Apollo 13 (motion picture), 312–14; as FIDO, 9, 10; and Flight Dynamics Branch, 3; and Gemini 6a, 81; later career of, 305–6, 317–18; on MOCR, 55–56; relocating of, to Houston, 42–43; as retro, 6; and training, 46
Bostick, Michael, 311–12
Brekke, Michele, 294
Briscoe, Alan L. “Lee,” 285, 301
Brooks, Mel, 51, 75–76, 91, 92
Brown, Richard T. “Dick,” 22, 181, 208, 210, 219, 238
Broyles, William, Jr., 314–15
Bucholz, William F. “Bill,” 77–78
Burton, William C. “Clint,” 14, 225–27
Cain, R. R., 28
Calio, Anthony J. “Tony,” 262
Canin, Lawrence S. “Larry,” 16, 143
capcom. See capsule communicator (capcom)
capsule communicator (capcom), 13–14, 59–60, 66–67
carbon dioxide poisoning, 235–36
Carlton, Bob, xiii, xvi–xvii, 34–36, 143; and Agena failure, 75–76; and Apollo 9, 140; and Apollo 10, 148–49; and Apollo 11, 31–32, 157–59, 161–69; and Apollo 14, 255; on computer capabilities, 55; The Entire Endtime Sequence as Foretold by Jesus Christ, 308; and Gemini 8, 83; and Gemini 11, 92; and hiring staff, 18–20; later career of, 306–8
Carr, Earl, 29
Carr, Gerald P. “Jerry,” 124–25, 182–83, 185–88, 194
Carrying the Fire (Collins), 119–20, 123
Carter, Thomas F. “Tom,” 6
Casey, Robert R. “Bob,” 42
Casper (Apollo 16 Command Module), 270–71
Castle, Robert E. “Bob,” 295
Ceccacci, Anthony J., 287
Cernan, Eugene A. “Gene,” xii, 4, 84–89, 143–48, 252–53, 252, 273, 277
Chaffee, Roger B., 96
Chaikin, Andrew L.: A Man on the Moon, 190
Challenger (Apollo 17 Lunar Module), 278
Challenger (Space Shuttle), 281–89
Charlesworth, Clifford E. “Cliff,” 35, 46, 84, 107–8, 116, 119
Charlie Brown (Apollo 10 Command Module), 135, 143–44, 146, 150
Chauvin, Clarence A. “Skip,” 95
Cheshire, Lizbeth H. “Betsy,” 291
Clements, Henry E. “Pete,” 29–30
CMP. See Command Module pilot (CMP)
Coen, Gary E., 16, 143, 221, 271, 295
Cold War, 2. See also Soviet Union
Collier Trophy, 296
Collins, John W., 77
Collins, Michael, xii, 2, 89–90; Carrying the Fire, 119–20, 123
Columbia (Apollo 11 Control Module), 152, 178
Columbia (Space Shuttle), 294–95
Command and Service Module (CSM), xii, 14, 17, 111, 180–81
Command Module pilot (CMP), 136
communications problems, Apollo 10, 144, 146
competence, 32–33
competition, 56–57
computers, 55–56, 152–53. See also Real Time Computer Complex (RTCC)
Conditt, Julius M. “Julie,” 29
Cone Crater, 257–58
confidence, 33, 35–36, 47, 52, 94, 138, 221, 266. See also arrogance
Conrad, Pete, 154; and Apollo 12, 182–84, 186–88, 194–95; and Gemini 3, 62–63; and Gemini 5, 71–75; and Gemini 11, 91
control officer, 18
Conway, George W., 264–65
Cooper, Gordon, 71–75
Covey, Richard O., 281–82, 284–86
Covington, John H., 28
Craven, Jackson B. “Jack,” Jr., 18, 143
Crew Systems Division, 236
cryogenic tank problems, Apollo 13, 205–6, 207, 209, 219–20
CSM. See Command and Service Module (CSM)
“dead man’s curve,” 164
DeAtkine, Joseph N. “Joe,” 13, 16–17, 22
decision making, 19–20
DeCosmo, Ronald L., 29
Deiterich, Charles F. “Chuck,” 6, 7; and Apollo 8, 114–15; and Apollo 10, 147; and Apollo 11, 166; and Apollo 12, 183, 189–90; and Apollo 13, 199, 217, 232–33, 241–42
Delmont, John A., 14
Dempsey, Robert C. “Bob,” 319, 320
Department of Defense (DoD), 30, 299–303
descent orbit initiation (DOI), 160
Descent Propulsion System (DPS), 217
docking problems, Apollo 14, 251–53
DoD. See Department of Defense (DoD)
DOI. See descent orbit initiation (DOI)
Douglas Aircraft Company, 97
DPS. See Descent Propulsion System (DPS)
Draughon, Harold M., 24
Duke, Charlie, xiii, 148, 165; and Apollo 10, 145–46; and Apollo 11, 163–64; and Apollo 13, 232; and Apollo 16, 269, 272; and rubella, 202
Dumis, Charles L. “Charlie,” xi, 14, 141
Dyson, Marianne J., 293, 295; Fire in Mission Control, 291–92
Eagle (Apollo 11 Lunar Module), xi, xiii, 135, 151–52, 160–62, 164–68, 175–77
Ealick, Perry L., 24
Earthrise, 130
EECOM. See environmental, electrical, and communications (EECOM)
Egan, George M., 29
emergencies, response to, 59, 81–83
EMU. See Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU)
Endeavor (Apollo 15 Command Module), 267
England, Anthony “Tony,” 236
Engle, Joseph H. “Joe,” 257
The Entire Endtime Sequence as Foretold by Jesus Christ (Carlton), 308
environmental, electrical, and communications (EECOM), xii, 14–16
EVA. See extravehicular activity (EVA)
Evans, Ronald E. “Ron,” 177, 273
extravehicular activity (EVA), 63, 87–88; and Apollo 9, 138–39; and Apollo 11, xi–xiv, 166–67, 169–70; and Apollo 12, 195–96; and Apollo 14, 256–59; and Apollo 15, 266–67; and Apollo 16, 272–73; cancellation of, for STS-5, 294–95; and Flight Plan X, 65–69; and Gemini 9a, 85–86; and Gemini 10, 89–90; and Gemini 11, 91–92; and Gemini 12, 93
Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU), 17–18
Faget, Maxime A. “Max,” 298
Failure Is Not an Option (Kranz), 26, 315
Falcon (Apollo 15 Lunar Module), 265, 267
Fanelli, Joseph G., 22
FAO. See flight activities officer (FAO)
Fendell, Edward I. “Ed,” 20–22, 24, 59–60, 143, 263; and Apollo 1 fire, 98; and Apollo 10, 144–45; and Apollo 11, 177–78; and Apollo 13, 214, 235; and controllable television camera, 262; doubts of, about lunar landing, 151–52; and faux heart attack, 77–78; and filming liftoff from lunar surface, 277–78; and Flight Plan X, 64–65, 67; later career of, 316–17
Fenner, William E. “Will,” 11, 115, 141, 208
Ferguson, Jonny E., 11
FIDO. See flight dynamics (FIDO)
Fire in Mission Control (Dyson), 291–92
Fitts, Richard, 16
flight activities officer (FAO), 28–29
flight controllers, 185–86
Flight Control Room, 280. See also Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR)
Flight Crew Operations Directorate, 28
Flight Data File, 28
flight directors, 25–26, 56, 274–76; class of (2005), 319, 320; and crises, 27; extent of authority of, 85–86; for Gemini 5, 72–73; for Gemini 10, 89–90; and lunar landings, 136; from outside mission control, 101–4; during Project Gemini, 83; training for, 102–3
flight directors, assistant, 22–25
flight directors, deputy, 268–69
flight dynamics (FIDO), 5, 66, 200
Flight Dynamics Branch, 3, 9–10
Flight Plan X, 65–69
flight problems, Apollo 11, 165–66
flight surgeons, 12–13
“Foundations of Mission Control,” v
Frank, M. P. “Pete,” 101–3, 149, 251
free return, 217
From the Trenches of Korea to the Trench in Mission Control (Llewellyn), 6
From the Trench of Mission Control to the Craters of the Moon, 4, 5, 87, 127
Fucci, James R. “Jim,” 22, 82–83
fuel cell problems, Apollo 10, 149–50
Fullerton, C. Gordon, 251–52
Gagarin, Yuri, 278
Gardner, Guy S., 300
Gardner, Spencer H., 28
Garman, John R. “Jack,” xiii, 31, 154, 155, 156, 162–63
Gemini 3, 57
Gemini 4, 60–71
Gemini 5, 71–75
Gemini 6, 75–81. See also Gemini 7/6
Gemini 6a, 79–81
Gemini 7, 76. See also Gemini 7/6
Gemini 7/6, 76–77
Gemini 8, 81–83
Gemini 9, 84
Gemini 9a, 84
Gemini 11, 90–93
Gemini 12, 93–94
Gemini program, 4, 17, 28, 47, 61–62
Gemini Systems Branch, 48
Gibson, Robert L. “Hoot,” 174, 300–301
Gilruth, Robert R. “Bob,” 40–41, 206, 232, 308–9
GLCM. See Ground Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM)
Glines, Alan C., 22
Glover, Richard D. “Dick,” 14, 72, 73
Goddard Space Flight Center, 40
Goett, Harry J., 40
“go fever,” 116
golfing on the moon, 258–59
go/no go calls, xiii
Gonzales, Robert, 29
Gordon, Richard F. “Dick,” 91, 182–85, 263–64
Gravett, William “Bill,” 6, 92–93, 97, 105–9
Greene, Jay H.: and Apollo 6 test flight, 106–8; and Apollo 8, 120; and Apollo 11, 155, 167; and Apollo 12 guidance system problems, 189–90; and Challenger accident, 281–87, 288; as FIDO, 9
Gregory, Frederick D. “Fred,” 285
Griffin, Gerald D. “Gerry,” xv, 16, 51–52, 101–4, 275; and Apollo 12, 182–89, 191–92; and Apollo 13, 199, 205, 214, 221, 232, 234, 240, 242, 244; and Apollo 13 (motion picture), 312; and Apollo 14, 255–56; and Apollo 15, 268; and Apollo 16, 270; and Apollo 17, 274; on assistant flight director position, 23; as director of Johnson Space Center, 289–90; on systems controllers, 17
Grissom, Virgil I. “Gus,” 8, 63, 67–68, 95–96
Ground Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM), 30
Grumman Aerospace Corporation, 37, 97, 158, 159, 238
guidance, navigation, and control, 11–12, 16–17, 37
guidance system, Apollo 12, 189
Guillory, Ted A., 28
Gumdrop (Apollo 9 Command Module), 137–42
Guthrie, George C., 9
Haise, Fred W., Jr., 3; and Apollo 13, 199, 210–11, 227–28, 232, 237, 240; and Apollo 14, 255–57, 258–59
Ham, Linda, 294
Hanchett, Thomas L., 22
Hanks, Tom, 313–14
Harlan, Charles S. “Charlie,” 24, 80, 252
Harpold, Jon C., 106
Hartsfield, Henry W. “Hank,” 271
heart irregularities in astronauts, 267–68
heater circuitry modification, 238
Heflin, Milt, xviii–xix, xviii, 150, 279, 318–20
helium leak, Apollo 16, 270
Henize, Karl G., 263–64
Heselmeyer, Robert H. “Bob,” 17, 59; and Apollo 9, 137–38; and Apollo 13, 199, 209–10, 218, 234–35; as movie extra, 311
Hirasaki, Parrish N., 291
hiring of staff, 18–20, 44–46, 48–49
Hodge, John, 26, 40, 45, 72, 73, 83, 104–5
Holloway, Tommy W., 28–29, 141, 290, 294–95, 300
Horowitz, Linda G., 291
Horstman, Charles M., 29
Houston, We’ve Got a Problem, 310–11
Howard, Jenny, 291
Howard, Lloyd V., 14
Howard, Ron, 312–13
Humbert, George F., 12
Hunter, Dan, 62–63
Huntoon, Carolyn L., 291
Hurricane Carla, 42
Huss, Carl R., 10
Hutchinson, Neil B., 11, 16, 53, 141, 275; and Apollo 6 test flight, 106–7; as deputy flight director, 268; as flight director, 274–76
IBM. See International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
IMU. See Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
INCO. See instrumentation and communications (INCO)
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), 187, 188–89, 225–26, 269
Inertial Upper Stage (IUS), 299
instrumentation and communications (INCO), 16, 22, 144–45
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), 53
Intrepid (Apollo 12 Lunar Module), 192–95
Irwin, Jim, 261, 262–63, 265–66
IUS. See Inertial Upper Stage (IUS)
Jarvis, Gregory B., 282
“J” missions, 261
Johnson, Anngienetta R. “Angie,” 291
Johnson, Bill, 141
Johnson, Howard C., 24
Johnson, Lyndon B., 41–42
Johnson Space Center (JSC), 2, 42, 280, 289–90
Joki, James A. “Jim,” 138–39, 140, 170–71, 175
JSC. See Johnson Space Center (JSC)
Kamman, John A. “Jack,” 16
Kelly, James J. “Jim,” 184–87, 223–24, 239, 251
Kelso, Robert M. “Bob,” 297–99, 302–4
Kennedy, John F., 39, 43–44, 95, 201, 318
Kennedy, Maurice G., 9, 22, 47–48
Kennedy Space Center (KSC), 289
Kerwin, Joseph P., 203, 204, 236, 242, 244–45
Kill Carlton Sim (simulation), 35–36
Kitty Hawk (Apollo 14 Command Module), 251–52, 254
Knight, Jack, Jr., 17, 112, 138, 159–60, 199, 235–36
Koos, Richard H. “Dick,” 153–54
Korean War, 6–7
Kraft, Chris, 73, 77–78; and Apollo 1 fire, 98; and Apollo 8, 110–11, 114; and Apollo 9, 142; and Apollo 12 lunar landing, 191–92; and Apollo 13, 232; and “Chris’s Boys,” 275; as consultant, 30–31; and controllable television camera, 262; and establishment of mission control, 40; and first moon walk, xv; on flight director position, 25–26; and Gemini 3, 62–63; and Gemini 4, 71; and Gemini 5, 72–73; and Gemini 9a, 85–86; and Gemini 11, 92
Kranz, Gene, 14, 22–23, 73, 165, 246, 275; and Agena failure, 76; and Apollo 1 fire, 98–100; and Apollo 8, 101, 114; and Apollo 9, 136; and Apollo 11, 159–69; and Apollo 13, 205–7, 210–16, 218–19, 222–25, 230, 234, 241, 245, 247, 267; and Apollo 13 (motion picture), 314; and Apollo program, 96–97; and Challenger accident, 287–88; on computer capabilities, 55; Failure Is Not an Option, 26, 315; and first moon walk, xiii, xv; as flight director, 25–28, 56–57, 105; and Gemini 3, 62–63; and Gemini 5, 72–73; and Gemini 9, 84–86; and hiring staff, 48–49; and instrumentation and communications, 144–45; on mission rules, 19; relocating of, to Houston, 43; retirement of, 280; and Rob Kelso, 298–99; on Russians, 64; and simulations, 35–36, 153–54; and Staff Support Rooms, 31
KSC. See Kennedy Space Center (KSC)
Landing and Recovery Division (LRD), 38
landing radar problem, Apollo 14, 255–56
Larsen, Axel M., 22
Larsen, Russ, 163
launch postponements and Challenger accident, 282–83
Lazzaro, Joseph, 22
LCG. See Liquid Cooling Garment (LCG)
leadership, 26
Lenoir, William B. “Bill,” 294
Lerdal, Ronald, 16
Lewis, Charles R. “Chuck,” 24–25, 141, 268, 276–77
Lewis, James L., 13
Liebergot, Seymour A. “Sy,” 14, 143, 250; and Apollo 8, 127–28; and Apollo 10, 149; and Apollo 12, 184; and Apollo 13, 199, 206–16, 218–20, 225, 247; and Apollo 14, 259; and Apollo 15, 262–65; Apollo EECOM, 216, 265, 315; on assistant flight director position, 24; later career of, 315; and practical jokes, 253–54
lightning and Apollo 12, 183, 189, 190
Lindsey, Turnage R., 28
Liquid Cooling Garment (LCG), 236
Llewellyn, John S., 3, 6–9, 7, 113, 141; and Apollo 8, 114–15; and Apollo 10, 149–50; argument of, with Alan Shepard, 63; From the Trenches of Korea to the Trench in Mission Control, 6; and Gemini 4, 71
Loden, Harold A. “Hal,” 18, 27–28, 141, 143, 176, 227
Loe, Greg, 309–10
Loe, Thomas R. “Rod,” xvi, 14, 49–50, 110–11, 117, 309–10
LOI. See lunar orbit insertion (LOI)
LOS. See loss of signal (LOS)
loss of signal (LOS), 124, 125–26
Lousma, Jack R., 207–8, 211–14
Lovell, James A. “Jim,” Jr., 3; and Apollo 8, 111, 121, 127; and Apollo 13, 199, 208–9, 213, 227–28, 232, 237, 239, 243; and Gemini 7, 76, 78–79; and Gemini 8, 82–83
Low, George M., 113–14, 197, 233–34
LRD. See Landing and Recovery Division (LRD)
Lunar Exploration Working Group, 104
lunar landings, 151, 160, 166–67, 191–92, 261–62. See also moon
Lunar Module, 14, 17, 135–42, 237
Lunar Module enrichment procedure, 263–64
lunar Olympics, 272–73
lunar orbit, 115, 123–24, 143, 193–94
lunar orbit insertion (LOI), 124, 125
Lunar Roving Vehicle, 261, 265–66
Lunney, Glynn, xv, 6, 246; and Apollo 1 fire, 98; and Apollo 7, 101; and Apollo 8, 116–18, 126–27; and Apollo 10, 143; and Apollo 11, 176; and Apollo 12, 192; and Apollo 13, 199, 214, 220–21, 226–32, 234; and Apollo 15, 260, 267; on assistant flight director position, 23–24; and Bill Stoval, 10–11; as flight director, 25–26, 28–29, 56–57; on Gemini program, 61–62, 84–86; and hiring and training staff, 45–46; on John Llewellyn, 9; and Kill Carlton Sim, 35–36; reflections of, 318; relocating of, to Houston, 43
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. See Johnson Space Center (JSC)
Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU), 296–97
Manned Spacecraft Center, 39–40
Manned Spaceflight Network (MSFN), 175
A Man on the Moon (Chaikin), 190
marriages of staff, 308–9
Mars, 274
Marshall Space Flight Center, 4, 118, 265–66
“mascons,” 193–94
Massaro, Dave, 6
Mathews, Charles W. “Chuck,” 85–86
Mattingly, Thomas K. “Ken,” II, 13, 129; and Apollo 8, 125, 129, 131; and Apollo 13, 202–3, 204–5, 205, 214, 220–21, 236, 240; and Apollo 16, 269–71
Mayer, John P., 115
McAuliffe, S. Christa, 282
MCC. See Mission Control Center (MCC)
McCandless, Bruce, 170–75, 253–54, 259, 295–96
McClendon, J. Steve, 14
McDivitt, James A. “Jim,” 64, 67–68, 73, 136, 141–42
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, 31, 96
McLeaish, John E., 127
McNair, Ronald E., 282
McNutt, Will, 291
media coverage, 79
MER. See Mission Evaluation Room (MER)
Mercury Control Center, 53–54, 54, 62
Mercury-Redstone failure, 31
Merritt, W. Merlin, 17, 60; and Apollo 13, 199, 227, 229–31, 243; and Apollo 15, 262–64; later career of, 308
MET. See Modular Equipment Transporter (MET)
Meyer, Lawrence D. “Larry,” 29
Mill, Jerry W., 11, 112–13, 269
Miller, Harold G. “Hal,” 33–34, 36
Mission Control Center (MCC), 291
Mission Evaluation Room (MER), 36–37
Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR), xviii, xx, 54–55, 124, 129, 141, 143, 206; description of, 1–2; mission plaques in, 30; replacement of, 304; restoration of, 316–17
Mission Planning and Analysis Division (MPAD), 32, 193, 291
MMU. See Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU)
MOCR. See Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR)
Modular Equipment Transporter (MET), 257
Monkvic, John A., 29
moon: environment of, 193; geography of, 128, 129, 146, 194; geology of, 266
Moon, William J. “Bill,” 14, 248–50, 250, 264
moon explorations. See “J” missions
moonwalk, xi–xiv, 169–70. See also lunar landings
Moser, James F. “Jim,” 50
Moses, Michael P. “Mike,” 319, 320
motion sickness, 139–40
MPAD. See Mission Planning and Analysis Division (MPAD)
MSFN. See Manned Spaceflight Network (MSFN)
Mullane, Richard M. “Mike,” 300–301
Myers, Larry, 141
NACA. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)
Nance, Robert S. “Bob,” Jr., 31, 168–69
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 271
Nelson, John L., 31
Nesbitt, Stephen A., 286
network controller, 29–30
Nicholson, David E., Jr., 24
Nicholson, David F., 22
nicknames, 5–6
Nixon, Richard M., 163–64, 172–73, 182
North American Aviation, 37, 96–97, 223, 238
Northcutt, Francis M. “Poppy,” 291
O&P. See operations and procedures (O&P)
OAMS. See Orbit Attitude and Maneuvering System (OAMS)
Odyssey (Apollo 13 Command Module), 200, 229
Ojalehto, George D., 29
O’Neill, John W., 28
Onizuka, Ellison S., 282
operations and procedures (O&P), 22
Orbit Attitude and Maneuvering System (OAMS), 74
Orion (Apollo 16 Lunar Module), 270–71
Overmyer, Robert F., 294
Page, George F., 98
Parker, Charley B., 11–12, 37, 115–16
parties, post-mission, 21
passive thermal control (PTC), 265
Paules, Granville E. “Gran,” 11, 162
Pavelka, Edward L., Jr., 9, 115–16, 155, 157
PC–plus 2 burn, 234
PDI. See powered descent initiation (PDI)
Pennington, Granvil A., 22
Perry, Brian D., 284
Perry, William E. “Bill,” 261, 286
Personal Life Support System (PLSS), 137, 196
Peters, William L. “Bill,” 17–18, 141; and Apollo 11, 170–71; and Apollo 13, 199, 209–10, 222–24, 237, 238–39; and Apollo 15, 265–66; and Gemini 11, 91; and instrumentation and communications, 145
PGNS. See Primary Guidance Navigation and Control System (PGNS)
Pippert, Elvin B., 28
Platt, William E., Jr., 24
PLSS. See Personal Life Support System (PLSS)
Pool, Sam L., 12
powered descent initiation (PDI), 160
power-up procedures, Apollo 13, 239–41
practical jokes, 13, 91, 253–54
Presley, Willard S. “Will,” 11, 97, 243
pressure tank problem, Apollo 11, 158–59
Primary Guidance Navigation and Control System (PGNS), xi–xiv, 31, 162
PTC. See passive thermal control (PTC)
public affairs officer, 30, 286
Puddy, Donald R. “Don,” 17, 143, 268
Radar Evaluation Pod (REP), 74
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG), 242
Ramsell, Richard B., 22
Randall, Ernest L., 29, 141, 143
range safety officer (RSO), 286
Rate Feedback Sensor failure, Apollo 16, 270–72
Rayburn, Samuel T. “Sam,” 42
RCS. See Reaction Control System (RCS)
Reaction Control System (RCS), 31, 83, 219, 233
Real Time Computer Complex (RTCC), 36–37, 55–56, 114, 237, 241
Recovery Operations Control Room (ROCR), 38
Rector, R. John, 287
Reed, David H. “Dave,” xvi, 34, 141, 178; and Apollo 9, 137, 141–42; and Apollo 11, 151, 155, 157, 175–79; and Apollo 12, 193–95, 197; and Apollo 13, 199, 204, 217, 232–33, 241–42; on confidence, 38; as FIDO, 9, 10; on John Llewellyn, 9
reentry: alternatives to, 70–71; and Apollo 13, 217, 224, 231, 233–34, 242–45; problems with, 92–93
Reiley, Keith A., 286–87
Reinert, Al, 314–15
rendezvous: and Apollo 9, 137, 140–47; and Apollo 10, 146–47; and Gemini 7/6, 76, 81; phantom, 74
Renick, J. Gary, 11, 48, 137, 189, 225–26
REP. See Radar Evaluation Pod (REP)
Resnick, Judith A. “Judy,” 282
retro. See retrofire
retrofire, 5–6
Rice University, 41–42
Ride, Sally K., 295
Riley, Jack, 141
Rippey, James O., 13
Roach, Jones W., 24
Roberts, Tecwyn “Tec,” 45
Rockwell International, 96–97, 223, 271–72
ROCR. See Recovery Operations Control Room (ROCR)
Roosa, Stuart A. “Stu,” 141, 141, 251, 253
Rover. See Lunar Roving Vehicle
RSO. See range safety officer (RSO)
RTCC. See Real Time Computer Complex (RTCC)
RTG. See Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG)
Russell, Kenneth W. “Ken,” 11, 232, 243
S&AD. See Science and Applications Directorate (S&AD)
Saturn V rockets, 4, 97, 106–7, 118, 189, 203
SCE. See Signal Conditioning Equipment (SCE)
Scheisser, Emil R., 193
Schirra, Walter M. “Wally,” 75, 80–81
Schmitt, Harrison H. “Jack,” 129, 132, 273, 277
Schulman, Ellen L., 291
Schweickart, Russell L. “Rusty,” 136, 138–39, 141–42
Science and Applications Directorate (S&AD), 262
Scobee, Francis R. “Dick,” 3, 282, 284–86
Scott, David R., 82–83, 136, 139–40, 261, 262–64, 265–66, 312
Scott, Homer, 44
Sea of Tranquility, 129
See, Elliott M., Jr., 73, 81, 84
separation problems, Apollo 10, 148
Service Propulsion System (SPS), 121
sexism, 291
sexual harassment or discrimination, 292, 294
Shaffer, Philip C. “Phil, Jolly Red,” 9, 121–23, 268–69
Sheehan, Thomas W., 29
Shelley, Carl B., 77
Shelton, Mark, 279–80
Shelton, Terry, 279–80
Shepard, Alan, 39, 63, 202; and Apollo 14, 251, 256; and golfing on the moon, 258–60; and incident with Jerry Bostick, 66–67; prayer of, 138
Shepherd, William M. “Bill,” 300
Signal Conditioning Equipment (SCE), 181, 184–85
Simpkinson, Scott H., 219
sims. See simulations
simulations, xiii, 5, 13, 17, 32–34; and Apollo 6, 105; for Apollo 11, 153–54; of EVAs, 66; and faux heart attack, 77–78; on flight aborts, 118; for lunar descent, 152–53; of lunar mission, 136–37; and Lunar Module as lifeboat, 227; and troubleshooting, 239, 241. See also Kill Carlton Sim (simulation)
Simulation Task Group, 32–33
Sinise, Gary, 203
Sjoberg, Sigurd A. “Sig,” 214
Slayton, Donald K. “Deke,” 62–63, 129; and Apollo 8, 131–32; and Apollo 11, 164–65, 173–74; and Apollo 13, 240; and Gemini 9a, 85–86
Smith, Harry, 265
Smith, Michael J., 282, 285–86
Smylie, Edward E. “Ed,” 236
Snoopy (Apollo 10 Lunar Module), 135, 143–48
Soetaert, Walter, 29
Solid Rocket Booster (SRB), 283
Soviet Union, 2, 39, 46, 63–64, 113, 277–78
The Space Center Roundup, 309–10
Spacecraft Analysis (SPAN), 36–37, 265–66
space race. See Soviet Union
Space Shuttle program, 118–19, 279; and Challenger accident, 174, 281–88; and STS-5, 289, 294–95; and STS-7, 295–96; and STS-27, 300–302; and STS-36, 303; and STS-41B, 295, 296; and STS-51C, 300; and STS-53, 303; and STS-107, 302
spacesuits, 78–79, 88, 171, 294–95
Space Task Group (STG), 39–40, 56
space walks. See extravehicular activity (EVA)
SPAN. See Spacecraft Analysis (SPAN)
Spider (Apollo 9 Lunar Module), 135, 137–40
SPS. See Service Propulsion System (SPS)
SRB. See Solid Rocket Booster (SRB)
SSRs. See Staff Support Rooms (SSRs)
Stachurski, Richard J., 29–30, 143
Stafford, Thomas P. “Tom,” xii, 75, 84–89, 143–48, 226
Staff Support Rooms (SSRs), 31
Stahl and Myers Building, 44–45
Staresinich, Craig, 14
Stewart, Robert L. “Bob,” 296
STG. See Space Task Group (STG)
Stone, B. Randy, 11
Stough, Charles L., 28
Stoval, William M. “Bill”: and Apollo 13, 199–202, 217, 219, 237–38; and Apollo 17, 273; as FIDO, 9; and Lunney family, 10–11
Strahle, William J. “Bill,” 16, 141
STS (Space Transportation System). See Space Shuttle program
Sturm, William E., 31
Swigert, John L. “Jack,” 3; and Apollo 13, 199, 219, 227–28, 237–38, 239–40, 243–44; income tax extension for, 236
systems controllers, 14–15, 17. See also Command and Service Module (CSM)
systems failure, Apollo 13, 209, 220
Talbott, Norman R., 285
TDRS. See Tracking and Relay Satellite (TDRS)
Teague, Olin E., 42
Teague, Raymond F., 11
teamwork, xiv, 19, 21, 27, 49, 166
telcom. See telemetry, electrical, and communications
telemetry, electrical, and communications, 17–18, 171, 243
television transmission from space, 128–29, 197, 205–6, 206, 261–62
telmu. See telemetry, electrical, and communications
thermal control, Apollo 9, 140–41
thermal vacuum test, 149
Thomas, Albert R., 42
Thorson, Richard A. “Dick,” 18, 35–36
Tilton, Sharon R., 291
Tindall, Howard W. “Bill,” 74, 90, 115, 167–68
TLI. See trans-lunar injection (TLI)
Toups, Dean, 141
Tracking and Relay Satellite (TDRS), 299
tracking stations, 57–60, 62–63, 137, 189–90
training of staff, 18–20, 32–33, 45, 102–3
trajectory adjustment, Apollo 13, 241
trans-lunar injection (TLI), 119–20
“Twas the Night before Christmas” parody, 132–33
1202 program alarm, 155, 162–63
“UHF-6” tests, 78–79
urine dumps, 230–31
USS Hornet, 178
USS Okinawa, 109
USS Princeton, 150
Van Rensselaer, Frank, 4–5, 118–19, 182, 189, 203
Vice, Joseph R., 29
Voice Operated eXchange switch (VOX), 67–68
von Braun, Werner, 4
von Ehrenfried, Manfred H. “Dutch,” 23, 43, 53, 59, 97, 99, 65–69
VOX. See Voice Operated eXchange switch (VOX)
Wafford, Larry, 141
Warren, Dickie K., 13
Wash, Michael R., 13
water chlorination port, leak around, 264–65
water shortage, Apollo 13, 229–31
Watros, Gary C., 17
Watson, Raymond S. “Terry,” 16, 150, 270–71, 306
Wegener, John A., 18, 270, 292
Weichel, Thomas E. “Tom,” 6
Wells, C. Roger, 11
Weyer, Harley W., 22
White, Edward H., II, 64–65, 67–69, 87, 95–96
White, Robert, 6
Whitsett, Charles E. “Ed,” Jr., 296
Williams, Clifton C. “C.C.,” 80
Williams, Pete, 176
Willoughby, Briggs N. “Buck,” 16, 188, 213
Wilson, Douglas R., 29
Windler, Milton L., 101–3, 199, 203–4, 221, 235–36, 262–64
Wolf, Bob “Bud the Cigarette,” 106–7
Wolfer, Barry, 24
Womack, Pamela, 307–8
women as flight controllers, 291–92
Wood, William B., 22
Worden, Alfred M. “Al,” 261
Wrinkle, Fred H., 29
Yankee Clipper (Apollo 12 Command Module), 197
Young, David A., 29
Young, John, 63, 89–90, 119, 232, 252, 269, 272
Young, Kenneth A. “Ken,” 5, 32, 74, 132–33
Zedakar, Raymond G., 28
Zieglschmid, John F., 12