Aaen-Stockdale, Craig, 104
Absorption, 26, 84–85, 105, 122, 156, 158, 160, 164
Abu-Dyab, Rabih, 185–187
Adams, Douglas, 134
Adamski, George, 147
ADE-651, 285–286
Affirmation of the consequent, 238
Alcock, James (“Jim”), xiv, xvi, xix, 222
Alien abduction, 16, 58, 147, 149–156, 175, 178, 238–239, 284–285
Alien implants, 154
Alpdrück, 58
Al Younis, Jad, 181
American Society for Psychical Research, 112, 316
Amityville Horror, 76–77
Amygdala, 52
Angels, 9–10
Anomalistic psychology, xiv, xx, xxi, xxiii, xxv, 2, 15–19, 26, 247, 283–284, 285, 301
Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit (APRU), xxv, xxvi, 106, 247, 249, 259, 298
Anoxia, 210
Anson, Jay, 76–77
Apophenia, 244
Area 51, 135
Asimov, Isaac, xix
Atkinson, Gilbert, 160
Aubrey, Nell, 40
Augustine, Keith, 204
Australian Sheep-Goat Scale (ASGS), 23, 107, 108
Autobiographical memory, 88, 195
AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation) project, 205
Ayahuasca, 211
Azande, 31
Barber, Jacques, 49
Barber, Theodore X., 161–162
Barbieri, Suzanne, 263
Bar-Hillel, Maya, 231
Barnum effect, 115–118
Barrett, Justin, 244
Bartholomew, Robert, 162
Base rate fallacy (a.k.a. base rate neglect), 231
Bastos Jr., Marco Aurélio Vinhosa, 114
Beattie, Elaine, 256
Beischel, Julie, 114
Belief bias, 237–238
Bem, Daryl, 288–291
Bergier, Jacques, 218
Bernstein, Morey, 175–176
Besterman, Theodore, 94
Bigfoot, 8
Biklen, Douglas, 287
Birthday problem, 221–222
Bishop, Bridget, 56
Black-and-white thinking, xxii
Blackmore, Susan, xvii, xxi, 104, 117, 154, 196, 197, 199, 200, 203–204, 210
Blanke, Olaf, 211–212
Bloxham, Arnall, 176
Boas, Antonio Villas, 149
Bokhari, Akhawayni, 55
Borjigin, Jimo, 209
Boyer, Christina, 76
Braithwaite, Jason, 102–103, 105, 106, 209
Brazel, William “Mac,” 135–136
Britain’s Psychic Challenge, 247–251
British False Memory Society, 158
Brown, Derren, xxvii
Browne, Sylvia, 111
Brugger, Peter, 82
Bruno, Nicolas, 62
Buchanan, Lyn, 304
Bullard, Thomas E., 164
Bunton-Stasyshyn, Rosie, 256, 257
Bush, Nancy Evans, 193
Buxton, Laura, 219
Cabs problem, 231
Cannabis, 211
Carpenter, William Benjamin, 125
Carroll, Robert Todd, 81
Categorical syllogism, 237
Chawla, Lakhmir, 208
Chesterton, G. K., 315
Cheyne, J. Allen, 38, 51, 53–54
Child prodigies, 173
Childhood sexual abuse, 157, 158, 284–285
Childhood trauma, 160–161, 162, 163
Chiswick Coincidence, The, 315
Churchill, Winston, 299
Clark, Kimberley, 201
Clarke, Arthur C., 170
Clinical psychology, 27
Close encounters of the fifth kind, 147
Close encounters of the first kind, 142
Close encounters of the fourth kind, 147
Close encounters of the second kind, 142, 144–145
Close encounters of the third kind, 139, 147
Cognition, 27
Cognitive biases, xx, 20, 28, 215–216, 235–245, 283
Coincidence, 216–234, 236, 268, 313
Cold reading, 28, 114–122, 251, 259
Columbus poltergeist, 74–76
Coman, Richard, 56
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), xix, xxvi
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), xix, xxvi
Communication with the dead, 18, 111–131
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), 13–14, 21, 284
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur, 11
Conditional syllogism, 238–239
Confirmation bias, 132
Conjunction fallacy, 232–233
Conrad, Klaus, 244
Consciousness, 6, 69–70, 88, 131, 191, 192, 195, 200–209, 210, 240–242
Conspiracies, 14
Contactees, 147
Context, 79–80
Cooper, Alice, xvi
Cortical disinhibition, 199
Costain, Thomas B., 177
Cottingley fairies, 10–11
Cox, Brian, xxvii
Cox, Sarah Elizabeth, 33–35, 38
Crashing memories technique, 159, 161
Crawley, Susan, 241
Crombag, Hans, 159
Crookes, William, 113
Crossley, Rosemary, 287
Crowley, Aleister, 218–219
Cryptomnesia, 178
Cryptozoology, 8–9
Crystal balls, 12
Crystals, 13
Dab tsog, 60–61
Dark matter, 6
Darwin, Charles, 112–113
Davey, S. John, 93
Davies, Neil, xxvii
Davies, Owen, 56
da Vinci, Leonardo, 81
Dawkins, Richard, xxvii, 104, 252, 256, 257
Deductive reasoning, 239
Deese, James, 159
DeGeneres, Ellen, 170
Delin, Peter, 240
de Maupassant, Guy, 63–64
Demons, 9, 16, 22, 52–53, 67, 77, 193
Derealization, 160
De Ridder, Dirk, 212
Descartes, René, 69
Developmental Psychology, 26, 28
Dissociativity, 26, 156, 158, 160–161, 163–164, 168
Distance healing, 13
Dobson, Barrie, 177
Doghramji, Karl, 36, 56, 58, 66
Donnelly, Steve, xxvi
Dossey, Larry, 203–204
Double-blind, xxiv, 104, 250, 252, 256, 287
Downer, Robert, 56
Drake equation, 134
Drake, Frank, 134
DRM method, 158–159, 164, 179, 298
Druse (also spelled “Druze”), 171, 179–189
Dying brain hypothesis, 196–214
Ectoplasm, 91
Edward, John, 111
Ehrsson, Henrik, 213–214
Electromagnetic fields, 101–105, 106–109
Electronic voice phenomenon (EVP), 7, 127–131
Environmental factors, 100–109
Escoffey, Philip, 248
Evans, Jane, 176–177
Evans, Joan, 177
Evolutionary psychology, 28
Exorcism, 9
Exploding head syndrome (EHS), 47
Extraordinary life forms, 23
Extrasensory perception (ESP), xviii, xxi, 6, 13, 23, 227, 229, 236, 241–242
Extraterrestrial hypothesis, 9
Eyewitness testimony, 87, 93–100
Facilitated communication (a.k.a. progressive kinesthetic feedback or supported typing), 286–287
Fairies, 10
False memories, 16, 59, 100, 156, 157–169, 175–179, 194–195, 211, 284
False pregnancy (pseudocyesis), 155, 161
Fantasy proneness, 26, 156, 158, 160, 161–164, 168, 178
Farley, Tim, 20
Feifer, George, 217–218
Fenwick, Peter, 208
Fermi, Enrico, 134
Fermi’s paradox, 134
Finucane, R. C., 70
Fish, Marjorie, 150
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 63
Fleming, Alexander, 234
Folklore, 10
Forer, Bertram R., 115
Fox sisters, 111
Fox, Kate, 91
Frazier, Kendrick, xix
French’s First Law, 77
French’s Second Law, 122
Frost, David, 228
Fry, Stephen, xxvii
Fukuda, Kazuhiko, 49
Fuller, John G., 151–152
Fuseli, Henry, 61–62
Gabbert, Fiona, 99
Galak, Jeff, 294
Gallup, George, 141
Gambler’s fallacy, 232
Gardiner, Ian, 36–37
Geller, Uri, xiv, xvii, 6, 95–96, 97, 228–229
Ghost oppression, 58
Ghosts, xxi, 7, 16, 22, 26, 29, 67, 69–109, 308
G-LOC, 198
Glossolalia, 9
Gluck, Gerald, 261
God, 9–10
Goddard, Trisha, 247
Golzari, Samad, 55
Good Thinking Society, xxviii
Granqvist, Pehr, 105
Grant, Richard E., 218
Green, Dave, 303–305
Greyson, Bruce, 193–194, 207, 208
Griffith, Frances, 10–11
Grof, Stanislav, 195
Grom, Jessica, 65
Grossman, Wendy, xxvi
Guided imagery, 157
Haidar, Ramiz, 184
Halifax, Joan, 195
Hallucinations, 39, 40, 42, 46, 47, 52, 56, 57, 64, 80–81, 102–103, 105, 106, 122, 156, 197, 198, 200, 204–205, 211
Halt, Charles, 138=139
Hampton Court Palace, 80, 100, 101
Haque, Usman, 106
Haraldsson, Erlendur, 172
Harden, Mike, 75
Hardy, Thomas, 63
Harr, Amanda, 251
Harris, Melvin, 177
Hasted, John, xiv
Hatzimasouras, Jane, 216
Hearne, Keith, 280–282
Hemingway, Ernest, 63
Hendry, Allan, 141
Heuristics, 243
Hexendrücken, 58
Heydrich, Lukas, 212
Hibous, Mehdi, 185
Highway hypnosis, 168
Hill, Betty and Barney, 149–152, 166–167, 168
Hmong refugees, 60–61
Hoaxes, 71–77
Hoggart, Simon, 218
Hopkins, Anthony, 217–218
Hopkins, Budd, 153–154, 165, 168–169
Hot reading, 123
Hough, Peter, 162
Houran, James, 79
Howard, Toby, xxvi
Hyde, Deborah, xxvii
Hyman, Ray, xviii–xix, 93, 115, 121, 252
Hynek, J. Allen, 139–140, 142, 147
Hyperactive agency detection device (HADD), 244–245
Hypercarbia, 199
Hypnotic regression, 16, 59, 150–152, 153, 155, 157, 164–167, 174–179, 187, 261, 284
Hypnotic susceptibility, 27, 161, 162, 175, 178
Hypoxemia, 209
Hypoxia, 198–199
I Ching, 12
Icke, David, 14
Ideomotor effect, 125, 258, 285
Imaginary playmates, 29, 30, 161, 188
Imagination inflation, 159, 195
Inattentional blindness, 83–87, 91, 96, 298
Ince, Robin, xxvii
Infrasound, 105–109
Intelligence quotient (IQ), xxiii
Intuition, 242–243
Iverson, Jeffrey, 176–177
Jacobs, David, 169
Jago, Crispian, xxvii
James, William, 316
James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF), 261–262, 263
Jansen, Karl, 198
Jesus, 9–10
Johansen, Mark, 234
Jones, Warren H., 1
Judson, I. R., 197
Juhasz, Panka, 263
Jürgenson, Friedrich, 128
Kammann, Richard, 236
Katon, Lesley, 275–278
Keogh, Angela, 39–40
King, Brian, 219
Kletti, Roy, 196
Koestler Chair of Parapsychology, xviii, xxiii, xxiv
Koestler Parapsychology Unit, 95
Kokma, 58
Koren helmet (a.k.a. God helmet), 104
Korff, Kal K., 137
Kottmeyer, Martin, 166
Krueger, Freddy, 63
Kurtz, Paul, xix
Lange, Rense, 79
Language, 27
La Plante, Lynda, 248
Law of truly large numbers, 220, 267
Lawrence, Tony, 78
Lawson, Alvin, 167
Ledger, Chris, 181
Legare, Christine, 30
Lenggenhager, Bigna, 213–214
Le Page, Sally, 258
Life after death, 7, 23, 131, 192, 195
Life review, 193
Loch Ness monster, 8
Louder, John, 56
Lucid dreams, 303–305
Lucky charms, 11
Lund, Frederick, 229
Lutz, George and Kathy, 76–77
Lynn, Steven J., 162
Lytton-Cobbold, Antony, 251
Lytton-Cobbold, Henry, 251
Lytton-Cobbold, John, 251
Magical thinking, 29–31
Magnusson, Magnus, 176
Magritte, René, 62
Majdalani, Tima Khalil, 181
Mancuso, Frank, 76
Mandell, David, 268–174
Marcel, Jesse, 136
Marks, David, 236, 301–302, 314–316
Marshall, Michael, xxviii, 264
Martin, Susan, 56
McCormick, James, 286
McDermott, Kathleen B., 159
Mckears, Stephen, 78
McNally, Richard, 155–156
McWhirter brothers, 223
Media, 28
Mediums, 7, 15, 21, 93, 111–114, 117
Melerb, Melhem, 185
Melville, Herbert, 63
Memory conformity, 97–100
Merseyside Skeptics Society, xxviii, 264
Meyersburg, Cynthia, 179
Miracles, 70
Mirren, Helen, 248
Missing time, 151–152, 168, 170
Monism, 70
Monsters, 29
Moody, Raymond, 192
Morris, Robert (‘Bob’), xviii, xxiii–xxiv, 76, 95, 316
Morse, Melvyn, 198
Mossbridge, Julia, 303–305
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 173
Munroe, James, 263
Murphy, Bridey, 175–176
Naloxone, 198
Near-death experience (NDE), 9, 27, 191–214, 274
Nees, Michael, 129
Nelson, Leif, 292–294
Night terrors (pavor nocturnis), 47
Nonconscious processing, 240–242
Nonverbal communication, 120
Nosek, Brian, 294
Noyes Jr, Russell, 196
Ogilvie, Derek, 258–261
O’Keeffe, Ciarán, 123
Opinion polls, 18, 21, 135, 141
Osman, Magda, 234
Otgaar, Henry, 167
Ouija board, 124–125, 285, 287
Out-of-body experience (OBE), xviii, 27, 53–54, 55, 161, 162, 191, 192, 198, 199–207, 209–214
Påhlsson, Lena, 217
Panic attack, 46
Paranormal, 2–14
Parapsychology, xiv, xx, xxiv, xxvi, 15–17
Parnell, June O., 156
Pascal, Blaise, 173–174
Past-life therapy, 175
Patternicity, 244
Paulos, John Allen, 224
Pauwels, Louis, 218
Peach, Bernard, 56
Pecararo, Ralph J., 76
Penfield, Wilder, 211
Penniston, Jim, 138
Persinger, Michael, 102–105
Personality, 26
Petkova, Valeria, 214
Phillips, Charlotte, 129
Piaget, Jean, 28–30
Plimmer, Martin, 219
Population stereotypes, 226–229, 298
Possession, 9
Post-event misinformation, 98
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 54, 155, 156, 194
Precognition, 6, 9, 13, 23, 288–291, 314
Precognitive dreams, 224–225, 267–282, 303–305
Preregistration, 294
Presence, Sense of, 36, 37, 46, 52, 55, 64, 71, 80, 105, 107, 168–169, 238–239
Probabilistic reasoning, 231, 298
Probability, 220
Project Blue Book, 140
Project Mogul, 137
Project Sign, 140
Pseudoscience, xx
Psi, xix, xxi, xiv, xxiv, 19, 241, 288, 301, 314, 316
Psychobiology, 27
Psychokinesis, 6, 9, 23, 75, 95, 96–97, 314
Psychology, 26–31
Psychopathology, xxiii, 27, 56, 156, 178, 240
Psychosis, 81
Publication bias, 290
Puthoff, Harold, 235–236
Putt, Patricia, 261–266
Questionable research practices (QRPs), 292–297
Radford, Ben, xxvii
Ramey, Roger, 136
Randi, James, xvi–xvii, xix, xxvii, 75, 259, 261, 280–281, 286
Randolph, Marcy, 278
Randolph, Phil, 279
Randomness, 231, 232, 233, 244
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 50
Raudive, Konstantin, 128
Reasoning, 27
Reincarnation, 7, 147, 171–189, 285, 308
Reliability, 23
Religious belief, 23
Remote viewing, 235–237
Repetition avoidance, 232
Replication crisis, 291–298
Representativeness heuristic, 233
Resch, John and Joan, 76
Resch, Tina, 74–76
Retroactive facilitation of recall, 289–291
Revised Paranormal Belief Scale (RPBS), 23, 26
Reynolds, Pam, 202–203
Rhine, Joseph Banks, 241
Rhue, Judith W., 162
Richards, Anne, 84, 89, 90, 130
Ridpath, Ian, 139
Ritchie, Stuart, 289
Ritualized satanic abuse, 157, 284
Rivers, Andy, 219
Roberts, Maxwell, 239
Robinson, Chris, 274–282
Rodeghier, Mark, 162
Roediger III, Henry L., 159
Roll, William, 75
Rosing, Christopher J., 163
Roswell, 135–137
Rowland, Ian, 115
Rubber hand illusion, 212–213
Sabom, Michael, 202
Salusbury, Matt, 37–38
Savva, Louie, 270
Schegoleva, Anna, 57–58
Schizophrenia, 244
Schouten, Sybo, 113
Schwartz, Gary, 275
Seager, Paul, 239
Shakespeare, William, 111
Shanley, Garrett, 38–39
Shannon, Fred, 75
Sharpless, Brian, 35, 36, 49, 56, 58, 64, 65, 66
Shermer, Michael, 244
Simmons, Joseph, 292–294
Simonsohn, Uri, 292–294
Sinclair, Mrs, 44–45
Singh, Simon, xxvii, xxviii, 264
Skeptic Trumps, xxvii
Slade, Henry, 94
Sleep cycle, 50
Sleep hygiene, 65
Sleep onset REM period (SOREMP), 51
Sleep paralysis, 27, 33–67, 69, 81, 168–170, 211, 239
Smith, Gordon, 264
Smith, Martin J., 258
Social marginality hypothesis, 22, 26
Society for Psychical Research, 112, 255
Source attribution error, 178
South Bridge Vaults, Edinburgh, 100–101
Spearpoint, Ken, 206–207
Spiritualism, 23, 91, 93–94, 111, 122
Sprinkle, R. Leo, 156
Stemmen, Roy, 180
Stokes, Doris, 112
Stone, Anna, 2
Story, Ronald, xiii
Strieber, Whitley, 152–153, 168
Subjective validation, 235–237, 244, 275
Subliminal priming, 242
Succubus, 57
Sudden unexpected nocturnal death syndrome (SUNDS), 60–61, 63
Suggestion, power of, 94, 96–97, 100
Sullivan, Roy, 219
Supernatural, 9
Svartalfar, 58
Syllogistic reasoning, 237–240
System 1 thinking, 242–243, 245
System 2 thinking, 242–243, 245
Table tilting (a.k.a. table-turning, table-tapping and table-tipping), 125, 127, 285
Taqamus, 180
Targ, Russell, 235–236
Tartarini, Fabio, 263
Taylor, John, xiv
Telepathy, 6, 7, 22, 26, 150, 228, 229, 235, 308, 314
Tellegen, Auke, 160
Temporal lobes, 102–103, 105, 199, 211
Temporoparietal areas, 199–200
Temporoparietal junction, 211–212
Tennison, Jane, 248
Terzaghe, Michele, 51
Thalbourne, Michael A., 23, 172, 240–241
Thurkettle, Vince, 139
Time distortion, 160
Tobacyk, Jerome J., 23
Tooth fairy, 29
Top-down processing, 88–89, 142, 210–211, 240
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 102
Transliminality, 240–242
Triple-blind, 114
Tversky, Amos, 233
Type I errors (a.k.a. false positives), 243–244, 297
Type II errors (a.k.a. false negatives), 243, 297
Ufology, 8–9
Unlucky 13, 11
Unrealistic optimism (a.k.a. optimism bias), 300
Unusual bodily experiences, 51, 53–54
Validity, 23
van Lommel, Pim, 194, 203, 208
Van Praagh, James, 111–112
Visual cortex, 199
von Däniken, Erich, xiii
Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan, 295–296
Wallace, Alfred Russell, 112–113
Watt, Caroline, xxiv, 239–240, 302
Weaver, Matthew, 258
Webb, Mark, 130
Weber, William, 77
Westover, William, 278
Westrum, Ron, 169
Whinnery, James, 198–199
Wierzbicki, Michael, 239
Wilcox, Maureen, 219
Wilde, Oscar, xxii
William, 41–42
Williams, Mark, 255
Wilson, Ian, 177
Wilson, Krissy, 99, 119, 161, 216, 259–260
Wilson, Sheryl C., 161–162
Wiltshaw, E., 197
Wiseman, Richard, xviii, xxi, xxiv, 80, 94–95, 96, 99–101, 117, 239–240, 262, 263, 280, 289
Witches, 29
Woerlee, G. M., 202
Woolley, Jacqueline, 29
Wright, Elsie, 10–11
Yapko, Michael, 166
Youens, Tony, 97
Zener, Karl, 229
Zetetic, 314
Zombies, 10
Zusne, Leonard, 1