

Robyn Bargh

Murray’s Special Day

Tracey Andersen


Cassandra Barnett


Marino-Moana Begman

Para Pounamu

Pine Campbell

Tangaroa Pūkanohi Nui!

Hineteahurangi Mere Nape Durie-Ngata


Paipa Edmonds

Tiakina! Tiakina!

Tīahomarama Fairhall


Olivia Aroha Giles

Rocket-ship Pyjamas and Plum Jam

Olivia Aroha Giles

Kōkiri ki mua – Charge Forward!

K M Harris

My Three Friends at Primary School

Josh Hema

The Pledge

Nadine Anne Hura


Kelly Joseph

The School of Life

Lauren Keenan

Tina’s Coming on Tuesday

Lauren Keenan

Ko te Ao tō Marae

Hēmi Kelly

Just Holden Together

Colleen Maria Lenihan

One of the Good Ones

Moira Lomas

Aunty’s Teeth

Annette Morehu

Te Kai a te Rangatira, he Mahi

Zeb Nicklin

Te Kurī Hīroki o te Āporo Nui

Zeb Nicklin

The Guises of Death

Kahuru Pumipi

The Bartender

Michelle Rahurahu Scott

White Sheep – A Colonial Story

Penny Smits

Whakaurupā Taku Aroha

Amiria Stirling

Nō te Uku – From the Clay

Bronwyn Te Koeti

The Authors