
Aden, Yemen, 14447, 148

Afghanistan, 125, 138

Alabama: Civil War, 20; World War II, 136

Alabama: Great White Fleet, 60, 82

Aircraft carrier, 12, 82, 84, 96, 115, 13839

Aleutian Islands, Battle of, 90

Alexandria, Louisiana, Battle of, 37, 3944, 4546

Almirante Tamandare, 103

Alvarado, Juan Bautista, 6

Anaconda Plan, 22

Anderson, Jack, 129

Annapolis. See U.S. Naval Academy

Arizona: 85, 127, 13638

Arkansas: Civil War, 3233, 46; World War II, 94

Arleigh Burke, 143, 147

Arthur, Stanley, 133

Ashcroft, John, 126, 136

Atomic weapon, 100, 11516

Attack submarine, 11820

Auckland, New Zealand, 69

Australia, 6970, 75, 88, 90

Austrian Empire, 1315, 48, 74

B–29 bomber, 100, 102

Baghdad, 132, 150

Bailey, Joseph, 4145

Ballistic missile submarine, 11516, 120

Baron de Kalb, 3336. See also St. Louis

Baron de Kalb, John, 3334

Baton Rouge, 120

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 33, 35

Battleship, 12, 3, 4849, 5253, 58, 76, 82, 84, 94, 11415

Bear (pet), 10, 67

Benton, 28

Berliner Tageblatt, 60

Big Black River, 32

Black sailors, 23, 31, 106

Blue Marlin, 14647

Bolivar, Simon (Great Liberator), 5, 94

Boomers, 116, 118, 120

Boonville, Missouri, 94

Bradshaw, Terry, 149

Brazil, 13, 6263, 103, 108

Breckinridge, John, 33

Brickner (gunner’s mate), 94

British Royal Navy, 3, 4, 7, 17, 54, 61, 69, 76, 100

Brooklyn: Civil War, 20

Brooklyn Navy Yard, 6, 94, 105

Brown, Isaac Newton, 32

Brown, William: fourth Missouri, 11012

Buckner, Simon, 26

Bull Run, Battle of, 24

Bush, George H. W., 130, 132, 13536, 151

Bush, George W., 150

Byrnes, James, 10

Caddo, 37

Cairo, 23, 28, 34, 36, 46, 122

Cairo, Illinois, Naval Base, 2122, 24, 26, 28

Callaghan, William M.: World War II Missouri, 95, 99

Callao, Peru, 65

Campbell, Colin: World War II St. Louis, 9091

Cape Horn, 5, 57

Cape of Good Hope, 6, 103, 106

Carnahan, Mel, 140

Carney, James: last Missouri, 128

Carondelet, 2324, 2728, 3132, 35, 39, 43, 46

Carter, Jonathan, 3739, 41, 45

Carter, Ted, 141

Chandler, Ralph: first St. Louis, 15

Chapelle, Dickey, 123

Chase Hotel, 106

Cher, 129

Chesnesky, John: last Missouri, 129

Chillicothe, 34

China, 1, 4, 67, 9, 106, 114

Chongjin, Korea, 11314

Churchill, Winston: Iron Curtain Speech, 107, 110

Cincinnati, 2324, 28

Clam, Alfred: first Missouri, 10

Clark, Vern, 147

Clinton, Bill, 140

Coach—Truman Athletic Club, 1089

Cohen, William, 140, 149

Cole (DDG–67), 2, 14348, 151

Cole, Darrell Samuel, 94, 14344

Columbia, Missouri, 144

Conestoga, 30

Congress, 67, 13, 17, 33, 44, 5253, 83, 95, 112, 139

Connecticut: Great White Fleet, 58, 73

Constantinople, 1516, 81. See also Istanbul

Contraband, 31, 41

“Cotton-stealing association of the U.S. Navy,” 40

Cox, Robert E.: third Missouri, 54

Cruiser, 1, 50, 76, 83, 84

Cuba, 4851

Cumberland River, 20, 24, 26

Cushing, Caleb (minister to China), 1, 6, 7, 9, 10

Daniel Boone (SSBN-629), 2, 11718

Davidson, John, 126

Davis, Charles Henry, 2728, 31, 33, 45

Davis, Jefferson, 18, 24, 45

“Dear Abby,” 129

Dennison, Robert: fourth Missouri, 109

Dewey, George: Civil War, 35; Spanish-American War, 50, 52, 71

Dewey, Thomas, 104

Donnel, Forrest C., 95

Donnelly, Phil M., 106

Doolittle, Jimmy, 96

Doyle, Robert: third Missouri, 67

Dreadnought (1875), 48, 53; (1906), 76

Duble, John: of Conestoga, 30

Eads, James, B., 21, 33, 3639, 46, 51, 53, 122

Eastport, 40

Eberle, Edward, 82

Edsall, Warner R.: Missouri in Korea, 114

Eisenhower, Dwight, 114

Electric Boat Division, General Dynamics, 118

Ellet, Charles, 28

Emory, William, 63

Enterprise, 84

Essex, 24; World War II, 138

Evans, Robley D., 5866, 69

Ewing, Francis, 34

F/A-18 fighter-bomber, 142, 150

Farragut, David, 12, 27, 31, 3234, 37, 47

Fauntleroy, Charles M., 38

Fisher, Sir John, 76, 78

Fitzhugh, W. E., 45

Fitz Roy, Robert, 12

Flat River, Missouri, 94, 106, 143

Fletcher, C. Paul, 10

Foote, Andrew Hull, 2324, 26, 33, 38

Ford Island, 87, 138

Forrest, French: Civil War, 18; first St. Louis, 6

Fort Donelson, 24, 46

Fort Henry, 24, 46

Fort Jackson, 27

Fort Pemberton, 34, 37

Fort Pillow, 2728

Fort St. Phillip, 27

Forty-Eighters, 13

Forty-Sixth Indiana Infantry Regiment, 2930

France, 3, 74, 80, 83, 106

Francis, Lakeina Monique, 148

Franklin, Ben, 3

Fraser, Sir Bruce, 100, 127

Frigate, 2, 3, 4, 7, 135

Fulton, Missouri, 107

Fuqua, Samuel Glenn: Arizona at Pearl Harbor, 8586

Gamarra, Augustín (Peruvian president), 5

Geier, 79

General Dynamics, 118, 131

George C. Marshall, 120

George Washington, 116, 118

Georgia: Great White Fleet, 71

Germany, 13, 55, 7576, 78, 119

Gettysburg, Battle of, 36

Gibraltar, 1, 9, 10, 12, 7475, 107

Glenn, John (astronaut, senator), 149

Gloucester, 134

Goodrich, Casper: St. Louis, 4950

Grant, Ulysses S., 24, 26, 3435, 37, 40, 45

Great White Fleet, 5778, 81, 82, 107, 109, 127

Greece, 74, 107

Griggs, John: World War II St. Louis, 100

Guadalcanal, Battle of, 90, 143

Guam, 91, 102, 119

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 50, 54

Gunslingers, 142

Halsey, William F., 54, 68, 84, 87, 95, 100101

Hampton Roads, Virginia, 5, 9, 54, 58

Hanford, Washington, 117

Harry S. Truman (CVN-75), 1, 13942, 14851

Hartford, 35

Hawaii, 4849, 55, 6869, 78, 84, 87, 112, 136

Heke, Honi, 12

Higginsville, Missouri, ix

Hillenkoetter, Roscoe, 106

Hiroshima, Japan, 100, 116

Honolulu, Hawaii, 6869, 79

Hope, Bob, 112

Hungary, 1314

Hussar, 1416

Hussein, Saddam, 119, 125, 13031, 13435, 150

Illinois: Great White Fleet, 74

Independence, 138

Independence, Missouri, 95

Ingraham, Duncan: Civil War, 1718; first St. Louis, 1417

Iowa, 94, 100, 112, 114, 125, 129

Iran, 125, 130

Iraq, 119, 128, 130, 132, 150

Ishino, Setsuo, 97

Island Number 10, 26

Istanbul, 107, 127. See also Constantinople

Iwo Jima, Battle of, 94, 96, 143

Jackson, Andrew, 6

Jackson, Claiborne, 21

James Madison, 120

Japan: hostility toward, 49, 5558, 6364, 66, 6970, 72

Jefferson, Thomas, 4

Jefferson City (SSN-759), 2, 11920, 151

Jefferson City, Missouri, 126

Jewel (singer), 149

Joint Stand-off Weapon, 150

Jones, John Paul, 3

Kaiss, Lee: last Missouri, 126, 129, 13637

KAL–107, 125

Kamikaze, 9293, 9798

Kansas City (AOR-3), 131

Kearny, Lawrence, 7

Kearsarge: Great White Fleet, 58

Kennedy, John F., 116

Kentucky: Great White Fleet, 58

Kid Rock, 147

Kimmel, Husband, 68

King Neptune, 62, 109

Knox, 123

Kolombangara, Battle of, 91

Korean War, 106, 11214, 138

Kossuth, Lajos, 13

Kossuth, Missouri, 13

Koszta, Martin, 1318, 74

Kuwait War (1990–1991), 119, 13035

Laddonia, Missouri, 85

Lafayette, 11617

LaFuente, General (Peruvian vice president), 5

Larson, Norm, 14445, 148

Lee, Robert E., 36, 45

Lewis, John, 136

Lexington, 82

Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 9192, 96

Lincoln, Abraham, 21, 24, 36, 41

Lippold, Kirk S., 14445, 147

Litton/Ingalls Shipyard, 143

Long Beach, California, 66, 114, 125, 127, 13537

Los Angeles, 11820

Louisiana, 32

Louisville: Civil War, 2324, 28, 35, 39, 43, 46; World War I, 80

“Lucky Lou,” 87, 91, 103. See also St. Louis

Lusitania, 78

Lyon, Caleb, 15

Macao, 20

MacArthur, Douglas, 88, 91, 1012, 112

MacArthur, James D., Jr., 148

McDaniel, Zedekiah, 34

McDonnell Douglas, 142

McKeever, Isaac: first St. Louis, 12

Magic Carpet, 103

Maine: Havana Harbor, 49, 52

Maine: Great White Fleet, 52, 60, 66

Malabar, 910

Mallory, Stephen, 18, 20, 3637, 39, 45

Manassas, 32

Manila Bay, Battle of, 35, 5052, 64, 7172, 74

Maori, 12, 70

Mare Island Naval Shipyard, 117

Mayaguez, 124

Medal of Honor, x, 54, 86, 94, 14344

Mekong River delta, 122

Melbourne, Australia, 7071

Memphis, Battle of, 28, 39

Merriam, Greenlief: third Missouri, 59, 67

Mexican War, 18, 21

Meyerkord (DE-1058), 12325

Meyerkord, Harold Dale, 12223

Midway, Battle of, 8890

“Mighty Mo,” 151. See also Missouri

Mikasa, 73

Miller, Doris “Dorie”: at Pearl Harbor, 106

Minnesota: Great White Fleet, 60, 66

Mississippi: Confederate, 32

Mississippi: sistership to first Missouri, 711, 13, 27, 35, 38, 50, 101

Mississippi River Defense Fleet, 27

Missouri: Confederate, 3741, 4546

Missouri: first, 12, 612, 75

Missouri: last (BB-63), x, 12, 10, 94103, 10415, 12529, 13038

Missouri: third (BB-11), ixx, 48, 5255, 5961, 63, 66, 6768, 70, 7276, 78, 81, 82, 83, 95

Missouri, University of, ixx, 123

“Missouri Waltz,” 107, 112

Mitchell, Billy, 82

Mitscher, Marc, 96

Molokai, Hawaii: Leper colony, 68, 127

Monroe Doctrine, 48

Monssen, Mons: third Missouri, 54

Montgomery, James, 2728, 32

Montt, Pedro (Chilean president), 65

Morrison, Charles H.: World War II St. Louis, 83

Mound City, 23, 2830, 35, 39, 43, 46

Murray, Stuart: World War II Missouri, 101, 104, 106

Nagasaki, Japan, 100, 116

National Geographic, 123

Nautilus, 115

Nevada, 8687

New Falls River, 41

New Jersey: Great White Fleet, 82; World War II, 94, 96, 114, 129

New Madrid, 2627

New Orleans, 12, 27, 32

Newport News Shipyard, 54, 83, 11819, 139

Newton, John T: first Missouri, 6, 9; first St. Louis, 6

New York Herald, 56

New York Navy Yard, 7

New Zealand, 12, 69, 75

New York Times, 141

Nimitz, 139, 14142

Nimitz, Chester, 87, 101

Norfolk Naval Shipyard/Base, 18, 110, 142, 144, 14748, 15051

North Carolina, 126

Offley, Edward S., 1315

Ohio: Great White Fleet, 52, 60, 66, 74, 78

Operation Eagle Pull, 124

Operation Frequent Wind, 124

Operation Market Time, 131

Otterbein, Thomas G., 14041

Ottoman Empire, 13, 74

Palmyra, Missouri, 136

Panama Canal, 48, 57, 7879, 94, 96, 127

Pardo, Jose (Peruvian president), 65

Pascagoula, Mississippi, 143, 14748

Patrol Boat River (PBR), 121, 123

Pearl Harbor, 1, 68, 7980, 82, 8488, 90, 99, 106, 126, 13637, 140

Pemberton, John, 35, 38

Pennsylvania Naval Militia, 49

Pensacola, Florida, Naval Base, 6, 18, 20, 54

Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 7, 101

Persian Gulf tanker war, 125, 12728

Peru, 5, 65

Phalanx gun, 125, 134, 143

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 49, 8081, 103

Pioneer drone, 130, 133, 135

Pittsburg, 2324, 27, 3435, 39, 43, 46

Pittsburgh, 100

Plum Run Bend, Battle of, 2728

Polaris missile, 11617

“Ponto,” 24

Pook, Samuel, 22

“Pook’s turtles,” 23

Pope, John, 2627

Porter, David Dixon, 27, 30, 33, 3537, 3944, 46, 4748, 122

Port Hudson, Louisiana, 33, 3536, 38, 50

Potomac River, 8

Powell, Colin, 131, 13536

Predator unmanned aerial vehicle, 147

President Coolidge, 88

Queen Liliuokalani, 69

Queen of the West, 29, 32

Quezon, Manuel, 88

Ranger, 138

Reagan, Ronald, 125, 130, 133

Red River, 20, 3745

Red River campaign, 3945

Red River Squadron, 39

Rhode Island: Great White Fleet, 72

Rickover, Hyman, 138

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6264, 109, 126

River gunboat, 2, 2223, 12223

Roberts, Ralph H.: World War II St. Louis, 9192

Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), 140

Rood, George: St. Louis at Pearl Harbor, 84, 8687, 90

Roosevelt, Franklin, 83, 95, 99

Roosevelt, Theodore, 49, 5660, 65, 68, 745

Russell, New Zealand, 12

St. Charles, Arkansas, Battle of, 2930, 43

St. Joseph Lead Company, 106

St. Louis: Civil War, 2124, 2829, 33, 46, 51. See also Baron de Kalb

St. Louis: first, 1, 46, 612, 1417, 18, 2021, 33, 49, 74, 78, 151

St. Louis: liner, 4951, 80

St. Louis: World War I (CA-18), 7881; World War II (CL-49), 1, 8384, 8688, 9094, 143

St. Louis Democrat, 23

St. Louis Post–Dispatch, 136

Sampson, William, 52

San Diego, 65, 68, 80, 119, 124

San Francisco, 6, 18, 5557, 60, 6567, 78, 88, 9091, 103, 117, 126, 137

San Francisco Chronicle, 56

San Pedro, California, 66, 123

Santa Barbara, California, 66

Santiago de Cuba, Battle of, 5052, 64

Saratoga, 82

Sartorius, Sir George, 9

Schepke, Charles S.: third Missouri, 54

Schroeder, Seaton, 68

Schurz, Carl, 13

Schwarzkopf, Norman, 13133, 135

Scott, Winfield, 21

von Schwarz, August, 15

Seagal, Steven: Under Siege, 136

Sea Isle City, 128

SEALs, 121, 151

Semmes, Raphael, 20

Shenandoah: Civil War, 20

Sherman, William T., 3435, 37

Shreveport, Louisiana, 37, 4041, 45

Skelton, Ike (congressman), x, 137, 140

Silkworm missile, 128, 13435

Slaves, 17, 18, 23, 4041

Sloat, John D.: first St. Louis, 4, 5

Sloop of war, 1, 3, 4

Smith, Kirby, 39

Smyrna, Turkey, 1316, 74

Spanish–American War, 4852

Sperry, Charles S., 69, 7273, 75

Stalin, Joseph, 106, 114

Strait of Hormuz, 128, 131

Strait of Magellan, 64, 67. See also Cape Horn

Stark, 128, 130

Stark, Harold, 68, 83

Suez Canal, 57, 60, 65, 74, 107, 127

Sutton, John: first Missouri, 10

Sydney, Australia, 7071, 127, 129

Tennessee, 32

Tennessee River, 20, 24, 26

Thimble Shoals, 111

Thomas, Charles, 60, 63, 6566

Thompson, Jeff, 27, 29, 32

Tilghman, Lloyd, 24

Tito, Josef, 109

Tokyo, Japan, 63, 72, 9596, 1012, 104

Tomahawk cruise missile, 118, 120, 12526, 13233, 143, 151

“Torpedo” mines, 20, 34, 36, 46

Triton, 117

Truman, Harry S., 95, 99, 100, 1045, 1079, 114, 126, 14041, 149

Truman, John C., 95, 104

Truman, Margaret, 95, 104, 10910, 112, 140

Turkey, 13, 16, 81, 107

Tyler, 32

Tyler, John, 1, 9

Undersea cable, 50

United Nations, 112, 114, 150

Usama bin Laden, 145

U.S. Army: Department of the Tennessee, 34; Mississippi Ram Fleet, 28; Mississippi River Gunboat Flotilla, 2324, 26, 27, 31

U.S. Naval Academy, 78, 95, 101, 106, 110, 114

U.S. Navy: Atlantic Fleet, 54, 58; East Indies Squadron, 6; European Squadron, 20, 81; Home Squadron, 17; Mediterranean Squadron, 17; Mississippi Squadron, 30, 33, 3941, 4546; Pacific Fleet, 78; Pacific Squadron, 56; South American Squadron, 13; West Indies Squadron, 6

Valparaiso, Chile, 6465

Van Dorn, Earl, 32

Vermont: Great White Fleet, 58

Vernon County, Missouri, 44

Vicksburg, Battle of, 317, 39, 46, 51, 122

Vicksburg National Military Park, 34

Vietnam War, 12124, 131

Virginia: Civil War, 36

Virginia: Great White Fleet, 58, 82

Wake Island, 84

Walke, Henry, 29

Washington, D.C., 52, 68

Washington, George, 3, 7

Washington Navy Yard, 1, 4, 8, 52

Webb, 39

Webster, Daniel, 9

Welles, Gideon, 22, 31, 36

West Virginia, 106

White River, 29, 43

Wichita, 131

Williams, William J.: first Missouri, 10

Wilson, Sir Robert T., 9

Wilson, Woodrow, 81

Wireless radio, 52, 60, 6465, 75

Wisconsin, 9496, 100, 114, 13235, 138

Yangtze River Patrol Force, 103

Yazoo City, Mississippi, 3637

Yazoo River, 32, 3436, 122

Yokohama, Japan, 7273

Yorktown, 65; World War II, 87

Yorktown, Battle of, 3