Successful reproduction is the name of the evolutionary game for all organisms, but in species that have evolved pregnancy-like phenomena, parents often go to extraordinary lengths in promoting the survival of their young. Pregnancy as a biological syndrome presents several enigmas. The phenomenon is simultaneously the epitome of both self-sacrifice and selfishness because a parent jeopardizes its own health by nurturing embryos inside its body, yet its ulterior evolutionary motive is to cultivate its own personal genetic contribution to succeeding generations. Another paradox is that pregnancy symbolizes safety and danger alike because internal gestation connotes the essence of warmth and protection, albeit during one of life’s most perilous periods. Pregnancy also represents a contradiction because it seems to be the ultimate collaborative endeavor between two individuals (parent and child), yet it concurrently constitutes an evolutionary battleground for several competing interests (fig. 1.1), including those of maternal versus paternal genes and even between the genes of mother and fetus. Pregnancy might seem to be about unbridled love, yet it is also about biological exploitation that almost borders on parasitism. Finally, pregnancy is enigmatic because it can rank among life’s greatest joys even while being one of life’s most arduous tribulations.
The lengthy but taxonomically variable time and the considerable energy expended by a pregnant individual on behalf of its gestating young raise many biological questions. For example, what should qualify as “pregnancy” in various taxa? Is pregnancy an all-or-nothing phenomenon throughout the biological world, or is it a matter of degree? Such queries apply both to the phylogenetic histories of species and to the ontogenetic histories (developmental profiles) of individuals, two major biological arenas that are intertwined evolutionarily (Gould 1977). The pregnancy phenomenon prompts many additional evolutionary questions such as this: how are natural selection (arising in this case from interactions between parent and fetus) and sexual selection (stemming from differences in mating success) affected by a syndrome that imposes on one sex much more so than on the other? With a few notable exceptions detailed later, pregnancy is a burden normally borne exclusively by females. However, this huge reproductive obligation is accompanied by a strong evolutionary bias toward feminine control over key biological decisions about species’ reproductive modes. Thus, even standard female pregnancy is a double-edged evolutionary sword for both genders, simultaneously conferring upon females much of the reproductive responsibility but thereby in some ways also empowering them while depriving males of much reproductive authority. For these and other reasons, species that display “male pregnancy” are of special interest to evolutionary biologists because in certain cases conventional reproductive roles are reversed.

FIGURE 1.1 Three potential sources of intrafamilial conflict in species that display pregnancy (after Parker et al. 2002).
Thus, when viewed from a comparative perspective, pregnancy speaks not only to many issues relevant to human health but also to the broader ecology and evolution of animal mating systems and a wide range of associated reproductive topics. Finally, pregnancy-like phenomena in nature have diverse natural histories that are fascinating in their own right, both empirically and conceptually. Therein lie the evolutionary themes that this book explores.
The reproductive life cycle of any sexual species is an endless sequence of four signature events (fig. 1.2): (I) gamete production (gametogenesis), (II) gamete deployment, (III) gamete union (syngamy), and (IV) development (ontogeny) of progeny eventually into an adulthood that culminates in aging and death. In each organismal generation, males and females generate haploid sex cells and then deploy these gametes in ways that promote fertilization or syngamy (from “syn,” meaning “together,” and “gamos,” meaning “marriage”) to initiate a new generation of offspring. In other words, each fertilization or conception forges a diploid cell (known as a zygote) that then proliferates mitotically into a new individual, in which gametogenesis will again take place and restore the life cycle’s haploid phase. The hereditary loops in this iterative process stretch unbroken across successive organismal generations like continuous spirals in a Slinky toy or a coiled spring. In some species, pregnancy is an important component of ontogeny (for both parent and child). Conventionally, pregnancy is defined as a period of internal gestation that precedes the birth of free-living progeny. As such, pregnancy constitutes an intriguing biological arena for evolutionary investigations because it is the only time during the sexual life cycle when members of consecutive generations are physically nested inside one another. Furthermore, pregnancy becomes an even more engaging topic for comparative evolution when we expand its definition to include additional categories of embryonic gestation and parental investment in the young.
Factoid: Did you know? Each human body comprises about 50 trillion somatic cells that all trace back to one diploid cell (the zygote) that initiated each pregnancy. About 6 billion people are alive today, so the total number of human somatic cells on earth is an astronomical 300 sextillion (300,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000). Coincidentally, 300 sextillion is also what physicists estimate the total number of stars in the known universe to be.
FIGURE 1.2 Signposts in each generational cycle of sexual reproduction. During gametogenesis, meiosis generates haploid sex cells in males and females. Later, during ontogeny, mitotic events proliferate diploid cells in each offspring that was conceived by the union (syngamy) of parental gametes from its sire and dam.
The four major stages in the sexual life cycle are sequential, so where and when each takes place in a given species influences how the successive stages play out. The following sections hint at the diverse locations of gametic production, deployment, union, and embryonic development across a potpourri of animal and plant species.
This process is initiated by diploid cells (primary spermatocytes and oocytes) in the testicular and ovarian tissues of animals or by analogous cells in the male and female flowers of plants. The cells that enter meiosis trace their own mitotic ancestries back to the zygote, which was also the ultimate progenitor of all other cells in each organism’s body or soma.
Factoid: Did you know? Each human zygote is a single cell about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.
When a multicellular organism begins to grow by mitotic cell divisions from a fertilized egg, there comes a time when its germ line (which is destined to produce gametes) segregates from the soma (diploid cell lines that otherwise make up the body). In many animals, this sequestration occurs quite early in development and leads to the gonadal tissues of males and females, wherein spermatogenesis and oogenesis, respectively, transpire. In plants, the sequestration between germ line and soma may occur later, so, until meiosis begins, there may be no evident distinction between an individual’s somatic and germ-line cells. Thus, with regard to cellular origins and bodily locations of reproductive tissues, plants generally have more developmental flexibility (phenotypic plasticity) than do most animals. In other words, with regard to reproduction, plants have relatively broad “norms of reaction” during ontogeny. Nevertheless, even vertebrate animals show considerable variation from group to group with respect to when and where gametogenesis occurs. For example, in bony fishes the testes and ovaries derive during ontogeny from a single precursor tissue that can differentiate rather flexibly during an individual’s lifetime, thereby helping to account for the great diversity of sex-determination mechanisms in fishes (DeWoody, Hale, et al. 2010; Mank et al. 2006; Mank and Avise 2006b, 2009) compared to the uniformity of sex-determination modes in mammals or birds (box 1.1).
BOX 1.1 Sex-Determining Mechanisms
Most mammals, including humans, have a chromosomal mode of sex determination, in which each “heterogametic” male carries two types of sex chromosomes (X and Y) and each “homogametic” female carries two copies of the X. Thus, during gametogenesis each haploid sperm cell receives either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome with approximately equal likelihood, whereas every ovum receives an X. Whether a boy or a girl is conceived during syngamy then depends on whether an X-bearing or a Y-bearing sperm cell fertilizes the oocyte. Sex determination in birds is likewise chromosomal, but the rules are reversed: females are the heterogametic sex (conventionally designated ZW), males are homogametic (designated ZZ), and each offspring’s sex registers whether the relevant oocyte from its mother was Z bearing or W bearing.
Mechanisms of sex determination are collectively far more varied in other vertebrate and invertebrate taxa. In fishes, for example, various species are known to display male heterogamety (much like mammals), female heterogamety (much like birds), combinations of XY-like and ZW-like systems (Cnaani et al. 2007; Vicari et al. 2008), or various expressions of monogenic or polygenic rather than strictly chromosomal sex determination (Mair et al. 1991; Vandeputte et al. 2007). Indeed, some piscine species have dispensed almost entirely with direct genetic control over gender, relying instead at least partly on environmental cues. In some fish species, for example, the temperature of incubation strongly influences the sex of the progeny (Mair et al. 1980; Desperz and Melard 1998; Baras et al. 2001). The general fluidity of sexual ontogeny in fish is also illustrated by hermaphroditic species, in which an individual functions simultaneously as male and female or perhaps switches back and forth between male and female during its lifetime, often depending on the social environment (Avise 2011).
In essentially all sexual species, haploid reproductive cells that emerge from meiotic events come in two distinct size classes that define the two genders. The small male gametes of plants and animals are called pollen (technically, male gametophytes) and sperm, respectively, whereas the much larger female gametes in all species are known as ova, oocytes, or unfertilized eggs. This size difference, termed anisogamy, arose hundreds of millions of years ago in the early evolutionary history of multicellularity and sexual reproduction (Majerus 2003), apparently via disruptive selection pressures that favored the union of large and relatively immobile sex cells with smaller and more mobile ones (box 1.2). Today, strongly bimodal distributions of gamete size and mobility continue to characterize extant multicellular species that reproduce sexually. Indeed, gamete size is the only phenotypic feature that consistently distinguishes males from females in any plant or animal taxon. By definition, individuals that produce relatively small gametes are males, whereas those that produce the bulkier gametes are females. The same distinction holds true even for dual-sex individuals in hermaphroditic species. By definition, a hermaphrodite functions at any specified time as a male or as a female depending, respectively, on whether the gametes that it deploys at that time are either small and mobile or large and immobile (Avise 2011).
BOX 1.2 Evolutionary Origins of Anisogamy and Separate Sexes
Anisogamy is the pronounced difference in size (and often in mobility) between male and female gametes. This ancient condition probably originated around the same evolutionary time as did multicellularity and sexual reproduction. How this bimodal distribution of gametes (large versus small) first came about has been the subject of much informed theorizing.
In an evolutionary scenario developed by Parker et al. (1972), a primeval “competition” among gametes precipitated the original transition from isogamy (the presumed ancestral condition of equal-sized gametes) to anisogamy. Imagine an ancestral population of isogamous organisms in which a new mutation initially led one individual to produce smaller than normal gametes. Because its sex cells were smaller, that organism could produce more gametes with the same energetic investment, so it would have enjoyed an initial fertilization advantage over its compatriots who still produced larger gametes. The small-gamete mutation would thus increase in frequency in the population. As the mutant allele became more common, the likelihood increased that two small gametes would meet and fuse. The resulting zygote would likely be debilitated, however, because the small gametes that produced it offered few nutrients for the nascent embryo. Thus, natural selection would favor any tendency for small gametes to fertilize only large ones, and the resulting competition among small-gamete individuals for successful fertilization would select for individuals who produced even smaller (and thus more) gametes. As tiny gametes became more prevalent, selection pressures escalated on large-gamete individuals to produce larger gametes to compensate for the limited nutrients that the tiny gametes contributed to a zygote. From this disruptive-selection regime favoring both large and small gametes, anisogamy eventually emerged as an evolutionarily stable outcome.
Hurst (1990) offered a different scenario for the evolutionary origin of anisogamy. It is well known that intracellular parasites such as bacteria often inhabit the cellular cytoplasm and that they can impose strong selective pressures on hosts (Burt and Trivers 2006). Hurst argued that anisogamy evolved because of an advantage it conferred (relative to isogamy) in reducing the probability of infection by a disease agent during fertilization. Today, small male gametes contribute little cytoplasm to the fertilized egg, which instead acquires cytoplasm mostly from the ovum. Because only the female contributes appreciable cytoplasm to a zygote, anisogamy diminishes the probability that a zygote acquires a cytoplasmic agent of a sexually transmitted disease via syngamy. This advantage probably also applied early in evolutionary history and perhaps contributed to selection pressures favoring anisogamy.
A third hypothesis for the evolution of anisogamy also builds on the observed disparity between male and female gametes in cytoplasmic contributions to the zygote. Mitochondria are organelles that reside by the hundreds or thousands in the cytoplasm of each somatic and germ cell. They carry tiny genomes that encode key components of the molecular machinery by which cells produce chemical energy. Mitochondria are not cellular parasites, but, like cytoplasmic bacteria, they normally are transmitted via the oocyte from one organismal generation to the next. This uniparental mode of maternal inheritance led Hurst and Hamilton (1992) to propose that anisogamy was (and still is) favored by natural selection because it minimizes the potential for intrazygote conflict between what would otherwise be genetically distinct populations of cytoplasmic organelles delivered by the fusing gametes. Similar kinds of evolutionary arguments in favor of anisogamy can be made with respect to a plant’s cytoplasmic organelles, which in addition to mitochondria include chloroplasts, which also carry their own little genomes.
These three hypotheses for the origin of anisogamy are not mutually exclusive, so all of them probably contributed to the evolutionary emergence and maintenance of the phenomenon.
Factoid: Did you know? Although biologists speak of female sex cells as being the larger class of gametes (compared to those of males), an oocyte is tiny in absolute terms, barely visible to the naked human eye.
After producing sex cells, each prospective parent must deploy them in ways that promote their union with gametes from one or more members of the opposite sex. Males and females often approach this task in very different ways, however, due ultimately to differences in gamete size and mobility that accompany anisogamy. Sperm cells typically have tails for swimming, and male gametophytes in most plants (while not necessarily motile) are highly mobile when dispersed as pollen. By contrast, the ova of plants and most animals (with some notable exceptions) tend to be sedentary, typically remaining cloistered inside the ovules of female flowers or nestled in the innermost reproductive tracts of female animals. Thus, whereas females usually retain their ova internally at least for some time, males almost invariably expel gametes from their bodies. By safeguarding her precious ova until a proper opportunity for fertilization arises, each female in effect is wisely managing her valuable genetic assets; moreover, by dispensing his inexpensive gametes with relative abandon (i.e., by “sowing his oats”), each male also is striving to improve his odds in the reproductive sweepstakes. This basic dichotomy of reproductive tactics (gamete shedding by males versus gamete retention by females) is a major reason that the female sex is predisposed to evolve pregnancy-like phenomena. Internal gestation normally starts with stay-at-home female gametes that await fertilization by their more adventuresome male counterparts.
On the other hand, in certain species the females, too, seem cavalier about dispersing their gametes. I am referring now to the many marine invertebrates and pelagic fishes in which females and males broadcast large numbers of relatively naked gametocytes (those without heavy protective casings) into the sea, trusting mostly to chance that some will encounter gametes from the opposite sex. To improve the odds of fertilization, adults typically release species-specific pheromones (out-of-body chemical signals) or employ environmental cues (such as photoperiods or tidal cycles) to synchronize reproductive efforts. In many such “broadcast spawners,” a further coordination of sexual efforts can take place when individuals of both sexes stockpile large numbers of gametes in special body cavities (often the coelum) before releasing them synchronously in mass spawning. Although broadcast spawning by both sexes is common in marine invertebrate species, it is virtually nonexistent in freshwater and terrestrial invertebrates, presumably because osmotic stresses and desiccation compromise gametic survival in these two respective environments.
Broadcast spawning by females normally entails external fertilization and no parental care of the young (i.e., no pregnancy), so henceforth in this book we can mostly disregard this mode of gametic deployment. Not so easily dismissed, however, are the many animal and plant species in which male gametes alone are spewed into the environment either by males or by hermaphroditic individuals. In wind-pollinated plants and in “spermcasting” (Bishop and Pemberton 2006) marine invertebrates, such individuals release pollen or sperm that then emigrate through air or water to gravid but sessile females. If and when fertilization then takes place within the female body, opportunities arise for prolonged embryonic gestation by dams. For marine invertebrates, the term brooding (rather than pregnancy) is often employed, but the net effect is similar, especially when females offer additional resources to their brooded young (chapter 4).
In most other animal species, males offer much more personalized reproductive services to females. One such sexual service is direct “home-delivery” of sperm via copulation and ejaculation, the standard prelude to internal fertilization in most viviparous (live-bearing) vertebrates (chapter 2) and other animals with internal female pregnancy. Another personalized but less intimate approach entails partner spawning without intromission or insemination, a standard prelude to external fertilization in many oviparous (egg-laying) fishes, amphibians, and other animals (chapter 3). A third approach—prepackaged sperm drop-off—is an even less personalized method of gametic transfer. In many invertebrates and some vertebrate species, a male externally deposits a sperm packet (spermatophore), which a female then picks up from the substrate (perhaps using her cloacal lips, as in many primitive salamanders with internal fertilization; Wake 1993). What a female does next with such packaged gifts varies tremendously among species. In some cases she might use the sperm merely as nutritional supplements, like vitamin pills, either to digest herself or perhaps to feed to her gestating offspring (Dobbs 1975; Gardiner 1978); in other cases she might store viable sperm (in specialized compartments known as spermathecae) for as long as several years before using them to fertilize her ova.
In the botanical world, male and female plants do not copulate directly, but many of them do so vicariously by employing animal intermediaries (such as insects, birds, or bats) that they attract and bribe with sensual flowers and nutritious nectars and pollen. By delivering pollen from one flower to another, pollinators are recompensed mediators of plant “mating events.” Thus, just as surely as do animals that copulate, animal-pollinated plants have mating systems (and body parts, including flowers) that are subject to both sexual and natural selection. Indeed, the mating games played by such plants can be especially Machiavellian because complicated selection pressures often underlie the coevolutionary dances between plants and their animal pollinators. In any event, next time you go outdoors, try reflecting on the following truth: a great majority of nature’s intriguing sights, sounds, and odors (including many more that are beyond human senses) are proximate signals by which males and females of various plant and animal species communicate with one another with the ultimate end of uniting conspecific gametes.
Overall, the diversity of ways in which sexual animals and plants deploy their gametes can seem bewildering, but all such routes conform to one universal anisogamy-related truth: wherever members of the female sex present their precious ova for fertilization, conspecific members of the male sex (or at least their gametes) are sure to follow.
The next crucial step in each sexual life cycle is the union of male and female gametes during fertilization. As mentioned earlier, syngamy normally takes place at a location that is either removed from both parents (as in broadcast spawners) or within or near the body of the dam (in the many species in which ova are retained by the female sex and some form of female pregnancy often ensues). Much less common is the converse situation, in which females deliver and entrust their gametes to particular males. Nevertheless, this is precisely what happens when a female pipefish or seahorse (family Syngnathidae) deposits her unfertilized eggs into the brood pouch of a male, who then fertilizes the ova internally and incubates the embryos for several weeks until giving live birth (chapter 7). The syngnathids provide otherwise rare examples of syngamy within a male’s body and they illustrate the phenomenon of male pregnancy in quintessential form. By analogy, the many nest-tending fish species can be deemed to display “external male pregnancy” (Avise and Liu 2010). In such cases a female lays her oocytes into the nest of a “bourgeois” (shopkeeper) male who then fertilizes the eggs and tends to the embryos externally (chapter 7). Finally, “external female pregnancy” might be said to occur when a female lays oocytes or fertilized eggs and then incubates progeny outside her body, a common practice in many invertebrate animals.
In any species, syngamy marks the beginning of the next generation and introduces a new genetic participant—the progeny—to each unfolding reproductive drama. Each fertilization is especially consequential in species that display pregnancy, in part because an offspring who then gestates or otherwise receives care from its dam or sire inevitably creates a family triangle with inherent genetic conflicts of interest (as well as new mutualities of interest) among the three genetically involved parties (dam, sire, and progeny). Part II of this book explains how this social complexity plays out during various forms of pregnancy.
Every zygote requires nourishment as it begins to divide and multiply into a multicellular embryo. This sustenance comes initially from organic materials (yolk) deposited in the ovum’s cytoplasm (box 1.3), usually supplemented with other foodstuffs (notably an endosperm in flowering plants) that the dam has provisioned for her progeny, and the source of these comestibles then influences how ontogeny proceeds in each taxon. Yolk deposition (vitellogenesis) is the maternal deposition of nutritional resources into an egg, a process that occurs in most animal species (with the notable exception of placental mammals). Each embryo then requires additional resources as its development continues, with the magnitude and source of the supplementation helping to define the type of pregnancy (or lack thereof) of a given species.
BOX 1.3 The Cellular Cytoplasm
All multicellular algae, plants, fungi, and animals are composed of eukaryotic cells, in which a semipermeable membrane demarcates the nucleus from the cytoplasm. The nuclear compartment houses chromosomes that carry each organism’s nuclear genome, whereas the cytoplasm houses nearly everything else, including mitochondria (biochemical “factories” that generate energy in all eukaryotic cells) and chloroplasts (key enablers of photosynthesis in plants and algae). These two organelles carry their own little snippets of genetic material, known as mitochondrial (mt) DNA and chloroplast (cp) DNA, respectively, which are closed-circular molecules, each a few tens of thousands of nucleotides long. Although these two cytoplasmic genomes are individually tiny in comparison to the nuclear genome (which typically has several billion base pairs), they occur in great abundance in some cells. For example, the cytoplasm of a mature oocyte may house several hundred thousand mtDNA molecules, whereas a sperm cell typical carries only about 100 such copies. The cellular cytoplasm is home to many other biochemical substances and processes as well, including legions of organelles known as ribosomes, which translate nucleic acids into proteins that conduct each organism’s daily metabolic chores.
When a male gamete and a female gamete unite during fertilization, the vast majority of the zygote’s cytoplasm comes from the ovum. This basic sexual asymmetry, due to anisogamy, helps explain why mtDNA and cpDNA are maternally inherited in most animal and plant species. It also helps to account for the extraordinary control that the female sex has over “periconception” (Bourc’his and Voinnet 2010), which encompasses gametogenesis, syngamy, and early zygotic development. During this crucial time in the sexual life cycle, “cytoplasmic determinants” (proteins, RNA molecules, and other substances that the mother produced and deposited in the ova) play key roles in regulating gene expression, which affects the early development of the embryo.
For species with internal fertilization and embryonic development inside a pregnant dam or sire, a parent’s investment in its offspring can soar during the gestational phase of the life cycle. In viviparous mammals and also in many live-bearing fishes, a placenta delivers massive amounts of nutrition to the fetus, as evidenced by two facts: (a) embryos in such taxa typically gain weight during a pregnancy, and (b) each newborn must make new feeding arrangements (such as suckling) soon after parturition to compensate for the loss of parental support via the placenta. By contrast, in oviparous (egg-laying) species such as birds and many reptiles, each prehatch embryo must ration the finite yolk and other nutriments that came prepackaged within its harder-shelled egg.
Gestational phenomena can be matters of degree (fig. 1.3) that defy attempts to define pregnancy by any single universal criterion (Wourms 1981; Blackburn 1994, 2000). However, it is much more important to appreciate the diversity of nature’s incubational modes than it is to quibble about formal definitions of pregnancy.
FIGURE 1.3 Several biological dimensions along which different taxa collectively show gradations between nonpregnancy and “pregnancy.” Along each dimension, species toward the right side of the continuum conform more closely to traditional concepts of pregnancy. Note that the positions of species along several of these gestational scales often covary.
Some biologists might wish to equate pregnancy with internal fertilization under the rationale that in all such cases a parent (usually the dam) internally carries—at least temporarily—one or more cells of the following generation. However, by this definition, all birds and other such oviparous species would have to be counted among the organisms that display pregnancy (which many people might argue is going too far). Any such definition of pregnancy would also exclude all species with external fertilization even if the embryos receive substantial parental care (as in many nest-tending fishes) and even if the embryonic gestation occurs within a parent’s body (as occurs, for example, in gastric-brooding frogs and mouth-brooding fishes, described later).
Another argument is that internal fertilization is just a standard prelude to viviparity, which itself should be the criterion for establishing whether a species displays pregnancy. However, viviparity and its traditional antithesis (oviparity or egg laying) are bridged in many taxonomic groups by ovoviviparity (chapter 3), a gestational mode in which an embryo begins development in a shelled egg but then hatches inside its mother before being born alive. Furthermore, among ovoviviparous species the relative duration of an embryo’s intradam development while encased in an egg rather than being hatched varies greatly—from nil to almost full term (as defined by parturition in the dam).
Another conventional distinction relevant to pregnancy concerns whether an internally gestating embryo receives nutrients solely from yolk (lecithotrophy) or whether the dam adds supplements (matrotrophy). However, this dichotomy, too, can be strained. For example, embryos in ovoviviparous species typically are succored by yolk initially but later in the pregnancy may tap additional maternal resources more directly. Indeed, these two phases of intraparent gestation are themselves matters of degree. Some ovoviviparous species show delayed hatching and mostly lecithotrophic development; others show early hatching and high matrotrophy; and still others display various other combinations in the source, amount, and duration of nutritional investment by the incubating parent. Thus, conventional oviparity, viviparity, and ovoviviparity form a gradient of gestational modes that make it hard to demarcate species that do or do not display pregnancy. Furthermore, the parental-care gradient can extend well beyond parturition in the many species in which one or both parents provide varying degrees of care to their postpartum embryos.
Overall, given that pregnancy can be a matter of degree in several evolutionary respects, this book adopts a heuristic approach by comparing a wide variety of gestational phenomena.
Another way to think about the temporal schema of sexual reproduction in viviparous species is to appreciate the fact that several landmark events—gametogenesis, copulation, conception, implantation, and birth—also demarcate distinct biological arenas where different categories of selection may take place (fig. 1.4). For example, each viviparous pregnancy is flanked by conception and birth and thus constitutes a temporal window in which viability-based natural selection is likely to materialize due in part to the delicacy of genetic and physiological interactions between parent and fetus. By contrast, sexual selection is likely to register in a prezygotic domain bounded by gametogenesis and syngamy. This area itself is split by the copulation event into two major playing fields for sexual selection: precopulatory mating behaviors and postcopulatory gametic phenomena (discussed later). Various prezygotic phenomena are themselves linked to some extent, such as when multiple mating precedes effective sperm competition within a female’s reproductive tract. Pre- and postconception phenomena also have various evolutionary connections, for example, when pregnancy itself generates selection pressures on the mating behaviors of males and females (chapters 7 and 8). Thus, although viviparous pregnancy occupies only a modest fraction of the reproductive timeline in species with internal gestation, it can have major ramifications for how selection processes operate throughout the procreative process.

FIGURE 1.4 The position of standard viviparous pregnancy in the temporal schema of organismal reproduction.
Like tabs on a typewriter, the hatched bars in figure 1.4 can shift to the left or right during the evolutionary process in response to selection pressures that widen or narrow the ontogenetic arenas that these tabs demarcate. Such shifts in the timing and mode of ontogeny are called “heterochrony,” a general evolutionary phenomenon that affects numerous biological processes, including various pregnancy-related events. For example, when the tab for birth shifts to the left such that parturition falls earlier rather than later in ontogeny, embryonic development in a genetic lineage might undergo an evolutionary transition from standard viviparity (with mostly internal embryonic gestation) to oviparity (with mostly external embryonic development). Heterochronous changes of this sort underlie evolutionary shifts along a gestational continuum that ranges from viviparous live birthing (chapter 2) to ovoviviparity to oviparous egg laying (chapter 3).
Heterochronous shifts in ontogeny during evolution are often promoted by natural selection (chapter 6) and sexual selection (chapters 7 and 8), but causality also occurs in the reverse direction: heterochronous shifts in the ontogenetic timeline affect the operation of different forms of selection. For example, a common shift of ontogenetic tabs occurs when copulation and syngamy (fig. 1.4) move farther apart in time, as routinely happens when a mated female stores sperm before using them to fertilize her eggs (box 1.4). Female sperm storage can widen the temporal window for prezygotic sexual selection via postcopulatory sperm competition and/or cryptic female choice (box 1.5). Similarly, any shift of the ontogenetic tabs that widens the gap between gametogenesis and copulation (fig. 1.4) might enhance the opportunity for precopulatory mate choice, another standard form of prezygotic sexual selection (chapter 7).
BOX 1.4 Sperm Storage by Females
The reproductive tracts of many female animals include special internal organs that can store viable sperm for considerable periods of time. For example, a fruit fly can utilize stored sperm to fertilize her eggs for up to two weeks following copulation. The same is true for many bird species. In most mammals, females can store and use viable sperm for only a few days at most, but some bats are able to do so for as long as 30 weeks postmating, and some female lizards can store sperm for two months or more before fertilizing their eggs. Likewise, several months may intervene between copulation and egg laying in some newts and salamanders. In some fish species that have internal pregnancies and bear live young, females can stockpile viable sperm for 3–10 months after mating. Even more impressive, however, are animals whose feats of gamete hoarding are measured in years. These include some social insects in which a queen bee or ant continues throughout her life to produce offspring, using sperm stored since her wedding flight.
Among vertebrate animals, the endurance champions of sperm storage are female turtles and snakes, who can employ sperm from bygone nuptial affairs for 5 years or more. Such long-term sperm storage came to light from the observation that captive females housed in isolation sometimes continued to produce offspring long after they had last been with a male. Unless these progeny arose via virgin birth (parthenogenesis), these females must have used sperm stored from a carnal liaison that had taken place years before. In recent years, geneticists have confirmed that successful long-term female sperm storage in reptiles can indeed happen both in captivity and in the wild (see Avise et al. 2002).
BOX 1.5 Sperm Competition and Cryptic Female Choice
In his second most famous book, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, Darwin (1871) defined sexual selection as the “advantage which certain individuals have over other individuals of the same sex and species, in exclusive relation to reproduction.” Darwin stated that sexual selection could be mediated both by intrasexual competition or combat (especially among males) and by intersexual preferences (e.g., female choice of attractive mates). He also noted that sexual selection could function in opposition to natural selection with respect to particular phenotypic traits (such as a peacock’s tail), but he generally viewed sexual selection as being less effective than natural selection.
Today, we far better appreciate not only that sexual selection’s two cornerstones—“male-male competition” and “female choice”—can be extremely powerful evolutionary shaping forces but also that these two processes routinely operate both before and after copulation, a fact that uncharacteristically escaped Darwin’s notice (Eberhard 2009). When these two modes of sexual selection take place inside the female reproductive tract during the interval between copulation and syngamy, they are termed sperm competition and cryptic female choice (Baker and Bellis 1995; Birkhead and Møller 1992, 1998; Parker 1970; Smith 1984), two miniature worlds of gametic action that are every bit as fascinating as the macroscopic worlds of mate competition and mate choice, which were the traditional foci of research on sexual selection.
Sperm competition can occur whenever sperm from two or more males directly vie for the fertilization of ova. For species with internal fertilization, sperm competition implies that a female either mated with or otherwise acquired sperm from multiple males (another route being spermatophore take-up). Especially for species with direct intromissive copulation, many morphological characteristics and reproductive behaviors of males have been interpreted as adaptations to the genetic challenges of competing with other males’ sperm. For example, in many worms, insects, spiders, snakes, and mammals, a male secretes a plug that serves as a temporary chastity belt to block a female’s reproductive tract from subsequent inseminations. In many damselflies and dragonflies (order Odonata), males have a recurved penis, which, when inserted into a female, physically scoops out sperm from males with whom she previously mated. Other widespread male behaviors often interpreted as offering paternity assurance in the face of potential sperm competition include prolonged copulation (up to one week in some butterflies), multiple copulations with the same female, and postcopulatory mate guarding.
From a female’s perspective, mechanisms to prevent sperm competition are not necessarily desirable, and this can lead to reproductive conflicts of interest between the sexes (Eberhard 1998; Knowlton and Greenwell 1984), such as when a female seeks the best possible sperm to fertilize her ova even if they did not come from her caregiving partner. Thus, growing evidence suggests that female reproductive tracts often play far more active roles than previously supposed in postcopulatory cryptic female choice of sperm for the fertilizations (Birkhead and Møller 1993).
Just as the pattern of gamete deployment in each species dictates where fertilizations or conceptions take place, so does the site of syngamy influence the nature and course of any pregnancy-like phenomena that might ensue. Copulation and internal fertilization are standard prerequisites for internal gestation (standard pregnancy) and eventual birth, but even this seemingly obligatory biological connection has a few exceptions, as the following extraordinary examples illustrate.
In the South American frog Rhinoderma darwinii (fig. 1.5) a male amplexes a female by holding onto her back and releasing sperm as she lays ova. Later, he scoops up the externally fertilized eggs in his mouth and deposits them in his vocal sac, where the embryos develop and metamorphose into froglets over a period of several weeks (Busse 1970). The father then spits out his brood. Similar kinds of incubational arrangements characterize many fish species in which a sire or dam carries externally fertilized eggs and embryos in its oral cavity or gill chambers. “Mouth brooding” (chapter 7) has been documented in members of six taxonomic families: Ariidae (sea catfish), Cyclopteridae (lumpfish), Apogonidae (cardinal fish), Cichlidae (Kobmuller et al. 2004), Opistognathidae (jawfish), and Osphronemidae (gouramies) (Helfman et al. 1997). In various cichlids, for example, a sire or dam (or both in some species) collects and holds fertilized eggs in its mouth until the embryos hatch, after which the parent may continue to mouth-carry its fry, especially when danger threatens.
Although some people may disagree that mouth brooding in frogs or fish qualifies as internal incubation (much less as pregnancy), a more dramatic example involving another amphibian is less ambiguous in that regard. In the Australian gastric-brooding frog, Rheobatrachus silus (fig. 1.6), a female ingests her externally fertilized clutch of about 30 eggs before temporarily shutting down her digestive system (Tyler et al. 1983) and brooding the young in her stomach. At the end of this 8-week process, the pregnant dam gives “oral birth” by regurgitating metamorphosed froglets, who then simply hop away (Corben et al. 1974; Tyler and Carter 1981).
FIGURE 1.5 Rhinoderma darwinii (Rhinodermatidae), a South American frog in which males brood embryos in their vocal sac.
Factoid: Did you know? The gastric-brooding frog was thought to be common when it was discovered in 1973, but, sadly, within a decade the species seems to have disappeared and may now be extinct.
FIGURE 1.6 Rheobatrachus silus (Myobatrachidae), an Australian frog with “gastric pregnancy,” in which a female ingests fertilized eggs and gestates the embryos in her stomach.
In another nonstandard route to internal pregnancy, some species have dispensed with meaningful sex and syngamy altogether. In about 100 extant vertebrate species (0.1% of the world’s total), as well as in some invertebrate animals, embryos are “immaculately conceived” within virgin mothers who have engaged in some form of parthenogenesis (from “parthenos,” meaning virgin, and “genesis,” meaning origin). Parthenogenesis is a form of clonal reproduction (Avise 2008), so the progeny in these all-female species are genetically identical to their respective dams and typically have neither a father nor paternally derived genes. In such parthenogenetic organisms, females produce nonfertilized but nevertheless diploid eggs that give direct rise to daughters via mitotic cell divisions. Although many parthenogenetic females lay eggs that hatch externally, dams in some other parthenogenetic taxa give live birth to their daughters and therefore surely qualify as having been pregnant. Examples include some sharks (Chapman et al. 2007), a few snakes (Booth et al. 2010), various fish species in the family Poeciliidae (Avise et al. 1992), and many aphid insects.

FIGURE 1.7 The Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa (Poeciliidae), a viviparous all-female fish species in which pregnant females give “virgin birth” to offspring that are genetically identical to their dams.
Factoid: Did you know? In some parthenogenetic aphids, a pregnant female may carry a daughter who herself quickly produces a daughter, such that three generations “telescope” inside one another like the nested figurines of a Russian doll.
With regard to the unisexual live-bearing fishes, consider, for example, the viviparous Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa (fig. 1.7). In this all-female species from streams in northeastern Mexico, each pregnant dam employs a parthenogenesis-like reproductive mode known as gynogenesis to produce and then give live birth to progeny that are clonally identical to one another and to their mother. Like all other unisexual vertebrate taxa (Avise 2008), the Amazon molly arose following interspecific hybridization between normal bisexual species, in this case Poecilia latipinna and P. mexicana (Avise et al. 1991; Stöck et al. 2010). Ever since that date of origin, perhaps 300,000 years ago (Schartl et al. 1995), its clonal lineages have persisted without material genetic input from males.
In rare instances, other unisexual fish species have arisen from more complex hybridization involving more than two ancestral species (Vrijenhoek and Schultz 1974). One example is the live-bearing Poeciliopsis monachalucida-viriosa (fig. 1.8) from northwestern Mexico. In this case, the clonal offspring to which the viviparous females give birth carry genes from three ancestral taxa.
FIGURE 1.8 Poeciliopsis monacha-lucida-viriosa, a viviparous unisexual fish species that arose via hybridizations involving three bisexual progenitor species and now propagates by gynogenesis.
Factoid: Did you know? The Amazon molly derives its common name from warrior Amazons, the fictitious tribe of all-female humans in classical mythology.
Factoid: Did you know? Pregnant females in many unisexual taxa are not always strictly virgins. In many such live-bearing species, a female does mate (with males from related sexual species), but the sperm cells she acquires merely stimulate parthenogenetic development of clonal offspring from her technically unfertilized eggs.
It would be hard to overstate the evolutionary significance of anisogamy, which directly or indirectly underlies many of the gender-based asymmetries that pervade sexual reproduction. As described earlier, anisogamy promotes gender-specific proclivities (such as gamete retention by females and gamete dispersion by males) that often promote within-female syngamy; which in turn predisposes the female sex to evolve pregnancy-like phenomena; which in turn makes females even more limiting as a reproductive resource compared to males; which in turn amplifies the evolutionary control of reproduction by the female gender, influences the operation of sexual selection, and exacerbates the proverbial “battle between the sexes” (chapter 7).
An ovum’s large initial size (compared to that of a sperm cell) comes mostly from its large cytoplasm (see box 1.3) that houses nutrients, as well as many of the chemical instructions necessary to support and direct early mitotic cell divisions of the zygote. A male gamete carries much less cytoplasm and therefore contributes little more than its nuclear genes to a fertilized egg. In many animal species, an ovum’s bulk is further enhanced during vitellogenesis when the dam adds yolk substances that make each egg an even richer pantry for her developing embryos. In flowering plants, a functional equivalent of yolk is a starch- or lipid-rich endosperm that nourishes each seed-encased embryo.
Anisogamy implies that the small gametes of males are individually much cheaper to produce than ova, meaning that a male has the inherent capacity to produce vastly more sperm or pollen than a female can produce fertilizable eggs. This potential is realized routinely. For example, a human male during his lifetime spews out more than 10 trillion spermatozoa (500 million per ejaculate), whereas a woman releases into her upper reproductive tract only about 400 ova (on a monthly cycle). Huge numerical inequalities of this general magnitude characterize most sexual species, and they have profound evolutionary ramifications for how males and females conduct their reproductive affairs in their never-ending efforts to enhance personal genetic fitness via successful offspring production.
Because of its sex-specific effects on sexual selection and natural selection, anisogamy has many evolutionary consequences. As elaborated in later chapters, anisogamy almost automatically tips the scales toward stronger sexual selection on males than on females in many species because females and their ova become a limiting reproductive resource over which males and their gametes actively compete for fertilization. Having been consigned by evolution to produce the costlier class of sex cells, females right from the outset have invested more in each zygote than their partners have. Over time (during both ontogeny and evolution), this basic asymmetry of investment in turn predisposes females to commit even more time and resources to rearing progeny. Placental pregnancy in mammals is merely one illustration of how this gender-specific feedback process has amplified over evolutionary time into extreme manifestations of maternal devotion and apparent female self-sacrifice on behalf of internally gestated young.
From this evolutionary perspective, anisogamy might be deemed the primal source of female enslavement to procreation (i.e., as the original first step down a long and slippery evolutionary slope that ever since then has burdened the female sex with a disproportionate responsibility for offspring care). Or, equivalently, anisogamy might be seen as the ultimate liberator of males with regard to many aspects of reproduction. However, with freedom of responsibility also comes a loss of control (and vice versa—with responsibility comes power). Almost by definition, male gametes normally are far more abundant than conspecific ova, so the latter are a limiting factor in any fertilization process that necessitates a union of the two. Moreover, because females produce and thereby control that limiting resource, the law of supply and demand implies that the female sex typically retains much of the ultimate authority over reproduction. Just how firm this feminine grip can be is illustrated by several reproductive quandaries (fig. 1.9) that primarily the female gender must resolve in various phylogenetic lineages. Several of these evolutionary “decision points” are elaborated in the sections that follow.

FIGURE 1.9 Female control of (and responsibility for) reproduction. Shown are five evolutionary questions that nature poses mostly to females, all pertaining to how females might handle the gametes and embryos that anisogamy has entrusted to them (see text). The tactics that females have adopted in various phylogenetic lineages help to define alternative modes of reproduction and embryonic development because males must basically accommodate whatever answers (Y = yes; N = no) their conspecific females have “decided.”
For marine invertebrates with external fertilization and mobile pelagic larvae, biologists recognize two distinct ontogenetic trajectories based on the amount of yolk initially present in the egg. Lecithotrophic larvae get their nutrition from large yolks that represent a considerable maternal investment, whereas planktotrophic larvae develop from eggs with few or no food reserves (meaning that the larvae must feed while adrift in the ocean). Suites of life-history features go with these distinct ontogenies. For example, due to their endogenous yolk supplies, lecithotrophic larvae usually develop faster and have a shorter pelagic duration than their planktotrophic counterparts. They also tend to have simpler morphologies because they do not require complex feeding apparatuses. These differences in turn have had evolutionary ramifications ranging from species’ clutch sizes to geographic distributions to rates of gene flow among conspecific populations (all of which tend to be greater in planktotrophic species) and even to speciation rates (which tend to be higher in lecithotrophic clades). For example, clutch sizes are typically smaller in lecithotrophic species because dams put more of their finite resources into yolks, leaving themselves with less energy to make additional eggs.
The term lecithotrophy, or “yolk feeding,” is sometimes also applied to vertebrate animals when a female retains fertilized eggs within her body but offers no further internal nourishment to her embryos. Lecithotrophy then is distinguished from matrotrophy, or “mother feeding,” in which a dam provisions her embryos more directly (as in mammalian pregnancies). In lecithotrophic species, the mass of an offspring at parturition is considerably lower than that of an egg at fertilization due to the gradual depletion of yolk as it supports the metabolic costs of embryonic development. In matrotrophic species, by contrast, an offspring at birth may weigh considerably more than the fertilized egg, evidencing the fact that the mother provided nutrients that more than offset the costs of embryonic maintenance. A somewhat analogous distinction applies to certain plants. In angiosperms (flowering plants), the maternal parent packages each zygote with a triploid endosperm that supplies the embryo with food immediately after the seed (which housed a zygote and an endosperm) germinates. An additional “weighty” maternal investment by angiosperms occurs when the dam encases her dormant seeds in a mature ovarian structure known as a fruit, which protects the seed and aids in its dispersal. In gymnosperms, by contrast, the dam packages her zygotes in “naked seeds” (albeit perhaps adorned with fleshy structures to facilitate dispersal) that contain haploid gametophytic nutritional tissue and are usually protected by woody cones.
As makers of ova and the gatekeepers to reproduction, females and their unfertilized eggs are sure to be pursued by conspecific males and their gametes. Thus, another evolutionary choice that anisogamy has relegated mostly to females pertains to the site of fertilization (inside versus outside the female body). For lineages in which females retain ova internally and then allow male gametes to enter through an orifice (e.g., via copulation), internal fertilization can obviously pave evolutionary paths toward female pregnancy and brooding. Furthermore, when the gametes from two or more males gain nearly simultaneous access to a female’s reproductive tract, what routinely ensues are spirited sperm competition and cryptic female choice. Analogous opportunities for gametic competition arise in flowering plants when pollen grains from two or more donors arrive on a fertile female flower. Each grain then germinates on the stigma and begins to grow a pollen tube through elongate feminine tissue (the style) toward the flower’s ovule-housed ova. In these cellular track meets or “pollen competitions,” the fastest pollen-tube racers often achieve victory (successful fertilization), but the genetic composition and reproductive parts of female flowers help to decide the victors as well.
For a phylogenetic lineage that has already evolved internal fertilization, the next key evolutionary choice for females is whether to encase each zygote and embryo in a yolk-rich egg. A “yes” answer can set the evolutionary course toward oviparity or egg laying (chapter 3), with further refinements in that decision influencing whether the eggs eventually become hard and impermeable (as in birds and reptiles) or softer and more permeable (as in fish and amphibians). In turn, the nature of the egg casing influences myriad ecological and evolutionary trajectories, not least of which is the type of habitat that a species might occupy (typically aquatic in the case of soft eggs and terrestrial in the case of hard eggs). However, when females have “decided” during evolution to retain naked embryos rather than encase them in shells, entirely different evolutionary trajectories (toward viviparity and pregnancy) might be launched.
Viviparity, or “live birth,” entails the kind of pregnancy with which humans are most familiar. However, when viewed from the comparative perspectives of either animal development or evolution, viviparity is not as distinct from oviparity as it might at first seem. Instead, both phenomena reside along a continuum involving the many different times and places (relative to a “pregnant” individual’s body) that pertain to the hatching of fertilized eggs (chapters 3 and 4).
Finally, another evolutionary choice that females in various taxa have decided differently involves whether to entrust males with the exclusive care of ova and/or offspring. Such transfer of reproductive responsibility (and control) between the sexes is uncommon in the biological world, suggesting that this evolutionary step has not been taken lightly. Furthermore, unlike many other reproductive decisions during evolution, the outcome in this case is not simply “woman’s prerogative” because males can be expected to have had a say in any such shift of the reproductive burden. At the very least, we might expect males in “sex-role-reversed” lineages to demand assurance of genetic paternity for the offspring they tend. Indeed, in pipefishes and seahorses, each pregnant male can be certain that he sired his brood because he fertilized the ova inside his own brood pouch.
Nevertheless, in many other animal species (such as nest-tending fishes and birds), males sometimes invest heavily in offspring care even without guarantees of paternity. For this and other reasons, “external male pregnancy” presents some interesting evolutionary departures from both standard female pregnancy and internal male pregnancy (chapters 7 and 8).
As described earlier, pregnancy is just one of anisogamy’s evolutionary consequences that differentially affects the two genders. In addition, pregnancy in turn generates several other fundamental sexual asymmetries related to parenthood, including the assurance of maternity and the assessment of paternity.
Because of ova retention, the pregnant sex (typically the female) normally has complete assurance that she is the biological mother of all offspring in her brood. By contrast, her mate has no comparable guarantee that he is the genetic sire of those progeny (some or all of whom might have been fathered by other males). As elaborated in chapters 7 and 8, this huge difference between the sexes in the assurance of genetic parenthood has profound implications for the selective pressures that influence the evolution of mating systems, reproductive behaviors, and modes of parental care in species that display the pregnancy phenomenon.
A second sexual asymmetry that follows from the first is more technical than biological. For logistical reasons, molecular parentage analyses are usually best suited for assessing rates of multiple paternity within the broods of female-pregnant species and multiple maternity within the broods of male-pregnant species (DeWoody et al. 2000; Neff 2001). In other words, for any pregnant species in which the brooding parent can be collected with its offspring, geneticists can deduce the number of mates and frequencies of multiple mating by the brooders much more readily than they can for members of the nonpregnant sex. This asymmetry reflects the fact that each brood of half-sib embryos is physically associated with its pregnant sire or pregnant dam. By contrast, documenting the frequency of multiple mating by members of the nonpregnant sex is much more difficult because each such individual might have parented other broods not included in the genetic assays. This consideration becomes important when using molecular markers to assess the potential impact of pregnancy on the evolution of animal mating systems, mating behaviors, and sexual selection (chapters 7 and 8).
Scattered throughout this book are examples of researchers’ attempts to reconstruct evolutionary sequences of events that underlie various pregnancy-related features and phenomena. Such reconstructions are part of the “comparative method” (Harvey and Pagel 1991), wherein alternative expressions of a trait are mapped across related species in efforts to uncover the chain of historical events that led to the modern-day distributions of those traits. This approach, known more specifically as “phylogenetic character mapping,” or PCM (Avise 2006), is outlined in box 1.6.
BOX 1.6 Phylogenetic Character Mapping (PCM)
Phylogenetic character mapping entails deducing the evolutionary histories of phenotypic characters (such as different fertilization modes or alternative categories of pregnancy) in a particular taxonomic group. A popular approach is to use an independent molecular estimate of phylogeny as a historical backdrop to map or “reconstruct” the likely route(s) of evolutionary transformation among those phenotypic traits. The process involves four steps: (1) gather molecular data (typically DNA sequences) from homologous genes in living species; (2) apply suitable phylogenetic algorithms to estimate a molecular phylogeny for those species; (3) survey and characterize relevant species for the phenotypes of interest (such as internal versus external fertilization); and (4) use suitable phylogenetic methods to deduce and plot probable character states throughout the tree. From such PCM exercises, robust conclusions about the evolutionary histories of particular phenotypes can often be drawn (Garland et al. 2005).
The basic concept of PCM is outlined in the accompanying figure (from Avise 2006). Shown across the top are eight hypothetical species (A–H) that display one or the other of two different character states of a phenotype, such as viviparity (black squares) versus oviparity (white squares) as alternative reproductive tactics. Knowledge of the evolutionary relationships of these eight species (e.g., from DNA sequences) can be used to determine how these reproductive modes evolved. For example, if species A–H prove to be phylogenetically related, as shown in diagram I, then oviparity was probably the group’s original ancestral condition, and viviparity is a shared-derived condition (i.e., a synapomorphy) for the ADE clade. However, if the species are allied as shown in diagram II, then viviparity was the likely ancestral condition, and oviparity is a shared-derived state for the clade BCFGH. Many other outcomes are possible. For example, if the true phylogeny for the eight species is as shown in diagram III, then oviparity was probably the ancestral state from which viviparity evolved independently on three separate occasions, and the conclusion thus would be that viviparity was polyphyletic.

Phylogenetic character mapping is straightforward in principle, but complications and limitations often arise in practice. These raise problematic questions such as these: How accurate is the molecular tree? Were the phenotypes properly described? Were the phylogenetic reconstructions properly conducted? Thus, PCM-based conclusions (like all findings in science) should be viewed as informed but provisional.
1. The reproductive life cycle in any sexual species is an endless succession of gamete production (gametogenesis), gamete deployment, gamete union (syngamy), and development (ontogeny) of the individual from zygote to adulthood. Because these four stages are sequential, where and when each takes place in a given species influences the trajectory of successive stages. In certain species, a particular form of pregnancy superimposes on this intergenerational reproductive process as an important component of ontogeny for both parent and child.
2. Gestational modes in various species can be matters of degree that defy attempts to define pregnancy by any single universal criterion. Among the many pregnancy-related biological features that collectively vary along continua are the following: the site of fertilization and early ontogeny (from intraparent to extraparent); the magnitude and nature of embryonic provisioning (from pure yolk feeding to extensive dam feeding); the category of parturition from the parent (from egg laying to live bearing); the magnitude of parental investment in progeny (from trivial to huge); and the precise site of parental care (from within-body to on-body to off-body). When defined broadly, pregnancy-like gestational phenomena in vertebrate and invertebrate animals offer a smorgasbord for comparative evolutionary analyses.
3. Typically associated with pregnancy are several landmark events, including gametogenesis, copulation, conception, implantation, and parturition, which not only help to distinguish alternative reproductive modes but also demarcate biological arenas within which different forms of selection take place. For example, the ontogenetic domain flanked by conception and birth, constitutes a temporal window within which viability-based natural selection is likely to materialize due to the intimate interactions between parent and fetus; alternatively, the arena flanked by copulation and syngamy offers fertile opportunities for intrafemale sperm competition and cryptic female choice. Evolutionary shifts in the timing of these and other ontogenetic events (heterochrony) can both shape and be shaped by natural selection and sexual selection.
4. Although mammals may embody the essence of pregnancy, many other animals display gestational modes that qualify as pregnancy-like by particular definitional standards. Even viviparous pregnancies have arisen in various nonmammalian taxa by several alternative and often surprising evolutionary routes, such as internal gestation following external fertilization in gastric-brooding frogs, and virgin births via parthenogenesis in several piscine and reptilian groups.
5. For better or for worse, gender-based asymmetries pervade reproductive operations in sexual species. Many of these sexual biases can ultimately be traced to an ancient evolutionary condition known as anisogamy: the strongly bimodal distribution of gamete size and mobility that continues to characterize essentially all sexual species. By definition, individuals who produce the relatively small and motile class of gametes are males, whereas those who produce the bulkier and less mobile class of gametes are females. Internal pregnancy itself, which typically burdens females far more than males, can be viewed both as a logical evolutionary outgrowth of anisogamy and as a profound amplifier of anisogamy’s evolutionary effects. For example, pregnancy often makes the female sex even more of a limiting resource in reproduction and thereby amplifies the typical impact of natural selection and sexual selection on the two genders.
6. From an evolutionary perspective, anisogamy might be deemed the primal source of any female enslavement to procreation. On the other hand, anisogamy might equally be deemed to have been the ultimate liberator of males with regard to many aspects of reproduction. However, with freedom of responsibility also comes a loss of control (and vice versa: with female responsibility comes female power). During phylogeny, the female sex in effect has driven most of the key evolutionary decisions with regard to the general reproductive modes displayed by various taxa. Among the evolutionary “decision points” that have been basically relegated to the female sex are whether to provision the ova with yolk, accept sperm for internal fertilization, encase each embryo in an egg, give birth to live young, and entrust any postparturitional care of offspring to males.
7. Pregnancy also entails other types of sexual asymmetries. One biological example is the far greater assurance of genetic parenthood of a brood for females than for males, a fact that has many evolutionary ramifications. Another important consideration related to pregnancy is that geneticists can use molecular markers to deduce the incidence of multiple mating by members of the brooding sex much more readily than they can for members of the non-pregnant gender.