Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page

Front Matter

Handbook of the History of Logic

Front Matter

Handbook of the History of Logic

Copyright page



Chapter 1: Logic Before Aristotle: Development or Birth?


1 Developing the Conceptual Foundations

2 Concepts and Vocabulary Presupposed by Logic

3 Logic and Definitions

4 Logic and the Method of Division

5 Summary

APPENDIX 1 Did Aristotle Base Logic on Solid Foundations?

APPENDIX 2 Logic and Grammar: EpistemĒ, TechnĒ Empeiria?

Chapter 2: Aristotle’S Early Logic

1 Biographical Background

2 Motivation

3 Origins

4 Syllogisms in the Generic Sense

5 Why the Fallacies are Important

6 A Logic of Generic Syllogisms

7 Inferentializing the Consequence Relation

8 Aristotle’s Validity

9 Necessities

10 Refutations

11 Ad Hominem Proof

12 Sophistical Refutations


Chapter 3: Aristotle’s Underlying Logic

1 Introduction

2 Aristotle’s Ancient Model of an Underlying Logic

3 Aristotle’s Logical Methodology for Establishing Deduction Rules

4 Refining the Set of Syllogism Rules

5 Concepts in Aristotle’s Logic

6 Summary of Aristotle’s Accomplishments in Prior Analytics

7 Concluding Remarks


Chapter 4: Aristotle’s Modal Syllogisms

1 Łukasiewicz’s Assertoric System, Ła

2 Łukasiewicz’s Modal System, ŁM

3 Modern Modal Predicate Logic

4 Mccall’s L-X-M System

5 Semantics for L-X-M

6 The Chain Condition, Relevance Logic and The Ap System

7 Contingent Syllogisms

8 Qlxm’

9 The Aristotelicity of Qlxm’

10 Tally of the Two-Premised Q-Valid Syllogisms

11 Extensions

Chapter 5: Indian Logic

1 Argumentation within Dialectic and Debate: Pragmatic Criteria for Good Argumentation

2 Buddhist Contributions in Indian Logic: Formal Criteria for Good Argumentation

3 Jaina Contributions in Indian Logic: the Logic of Assertion

4 Logic in Navya-Nyya: the Metaphysical Basis of Logic

Chapter 6: The Megarians and the Stoics

1 Introduction

2 Historical Survey

3 Preliminaries

4 Semantics

5 Lekta

6 Axiōmata

7 The Conditional Axiōma

8 Semantics and Inference

9 Form in Stoic Logic

10 The Linguistic Evidence

11 What Stoic Disjunction May Have Been

12 Stoic Disjunction as a Hyper-Relation

Chapter 7: Arabic Logic

Introductory Comments

1 Limits, Methods and Sources for the Chapter

2 The Translation of the Organon

3 Alfarabi and Avicenna

4 Logic and the Islamic Disciplines

5 Logic After Avicenna

6 Concluding Remarks


A Avicenna’s Modals

B Later Modal Logic

C Bibliographical Notes

Chapter 8: The Translation of Arabic Works on Logic into Latin in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

