Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Page numbers in italics indicate figures or tables.
ABBA/BABA test, 104, 104–108, 106, 183
ABO blood group, 69–73, 7172
adaptation, 8, 9
adaptationist program, 8
adenine, 13–14
admixture, 116–119, 138
ADMIXTURE analyses, 143–148, 151, 186
Afer, 23–24
affirmative action, 169
Affymetrix, 86
African American, 170–171
African population, 56; ancestors of, 63–64; blood groups of, 70–72, 72; emergence of Homo sapiens in, 19, 44–45; genome variation and, 163; in human genome phylogeny, 105–108, 106; mtDNA and, 77–79, 78; skin pigmentation in, 61–64; STRUCTURE algorithm and, 146–152, 147, 149–150; sub-Saharan, 109–111, 148; Y chromosomal lineages of, 80
Aguilera, Christina, 57
AIM. See ancestral informative marker
Ainu, 58
alanine, 63
algorithms. See statistics
allelic frequencies, 10–11, 90, 137; adaptation conflation and, 165–167
allotypes, 42–43
allozyme analysis, 73–74, 137
“alt-right,” 175
amateur sport, 169–171, 188
American Indian, 58–59
Americans, xi, 56
Amerindian lineage, 116, 123, 124
Amniota, 40
Amos, William, 108, 183
analogy, 29
Anatolia, 115
ancestral informative marker (AIM), 91, 92, 125–126, 126, 138, 139; misrepresentation of, 163–164
Ancestral North Indian (ANI), 114
Ancestral South Indian (ASI), 114
ancestry company, 52
Angier, Natalie, 159
ANI. See Ancestral North Indian
Animalia (kingdom), 39
anthropologist, 17, 62, 96–97, 131, 173
apomorphy, 29
Archaea, 15, 38
archosaurs, 29
Aristotle, 16, 37
arthropod, 29
ascertainment bias, 90–91, 125, 182
ascertainment process, 86–91, 8990, 125–126, 146, 182
asexual gene transfer, 11
ASI. See Ancestral South Indian
Asian population: blood groups of, 70–72; genomic DNA and, 107; human migration and, 109–116, 113; skin pigmentation in, 63; STRUCTURE algorithm and, 146–152, 147, 149–150
Asiaticus, 23–24
athletics, 169–171, 188
Australasia, 112
Australian, 64
autosome, 14, 83, 162
bacteria, 11, 14–15, 38
Bangladesh, 87, 114
Bannon, Stephen K., 175
Bantu-speaking population, 111
Bar code of Life Database (BoLD), 47, 52, 180
barcoding gap, 54–55
base: of nucleotides, 13–14; of phylogenetic trees, 28
Bayesian statistics, 33–34, 99, 143
Beagle, 2, 57
behaviorist, 130–131
Bering land bridge, 79
binominal nomenclature, 37–38
biological species concept, 19–20
“biology of race” controversy, 155–156
biotin, 85
bipedalism, 8, 9
blood types, 69–73, 7172, 181
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 56
BoLD. See Bar code of Life Database
bonobo, 41
bottleneck, 118
Branch, Taylor, 170
branching diagrams, 4–6, 5, 6. See also phylogenetic analysis
branching nodes, 25–26
Branta canadensis, 47
Breitbart News, 158–159
Brocchi, Giambattista, 3
Brower, Andrew, 127
Cable News Network (CNN), 157, 188
Cambridge Reference Sample, 77
cancer, 19
Cann, Rebecca, 75
carnivore, 30
Caucasians, 56, 64, 163. See also European population
Caucasoid traits, 58
Cavalli-Sforza, Luca, 32, 70, 72, 73, 80, 137
cave art, 112, 115
CCES. See Cooperative Congressional Election Study
cell wall, 12
Chambers, John, C., 114
chimpanzee, 41, 104, 104, 124
Chordata, 40, 40
chromosome painting, 145, 145
chromosomes, 14–15. See also deoxyribonucleic acid
classification terminology, 38–40, 39
clique analysis, 152
clustering methods: AIMS and, 91, 92, 125–126, 126, 138, 139, 163; dimension reduction in, 134–135, 135–136, 141–142; fineSTRUCTURE in, 144–145, 148, 151, 186; human populations and, 129–140, 130, 132, 134–135, 138; introduction to, xi; misunderstanding of, 162; model-based approach to, 142–144; pairwise distance in, 142; PCA in, 133–142, 134–135, 138, 145, 151, 185; STRUCTURE analysis, 143–153, 144–145, 147, 149–150
CNN. See Cable News Network
coalescent theory, 122–123
coancestry matrix, 145
CODIS. See Combined DNA Index System
codon, 31
COI. See cytochrome oxidase I gene
Colbert, Stephen, 162–165, 188
college athletics, 169–171, 188
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), 47–52, 4849, 180
common ancestry, 28
compatibility analysis, 152
conservation biology, 19
convergence, 29, 32
Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES), 170, 174
Cope, Edward Drinker, 43–44
coverage, in sequencing, 86
cranial capacity, 60–61
Crick, Francis, 14
crisis discipline, 19
Cro-Magnon, 115
cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI), 46–47
cytosine, 13–14
Darwin, Charles, 1–10, 6, 16, 57; maternal lineage of, 80, 82; notebooks on, 4, 5, 177–178; population thinking and, 18; statistics and, 129; Y chromosomal lineage of, 80, 82
Darwin, Erasmus, 3
data matrix, 31, 130
daughter cell, 15
dendrogram, 132–133, 140–142
Denisova Cave, 88, 97
Denisovans, 79, 97, 99–101, 100, 102, 107–108
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 31, 32–34, 107; barcoding of, x, 46–55, 4849, 51, 53; CODIS and, 47–52, 4849, 180; fingerprinting in, 46–55, 4849, 51, 53; group inclusion in, 55; high-density chip sequencing and, 109, 110; introduction to, 12–15; microsatellite data and, 4849, 49–52, 51, 180; microsatellite profiling and, 52, 74–80, 76, 78, 82; mtDNA and, 69–82, 7172, 76, 78, 81; NGS in, 83–86; RFLP and, 74–75, 146; SNPs in, 83–91, 85, 89, 90, 92; STRUCTURE in, xi, 143–153, 144–145, 147, 149–150. See also phylogenetic analysis
DeSalle, Rob, ix, 45, 165, 177
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 8–9, 57, 178
descent with modification, 2, 4
deutorostome, 39–40, 40
developmental system, 10
dichotomous branch, 120, 129
differentiation, 19–20
dimension reduction, 134–135, 135–136, 141–142
dinucleotide, 50
direct-to-consumer ancestry companies, 52
distance-based approach, 142–144
distance matrix, 141–142
diversification, 18, 77, 128
D-loop, 75–77
DNA. See deoxyribonucleic acid
domains, in taxonomy, 38–39
Donnell, Peter, 141
double helix, 13–14
Driver, H. E., 131, 185
Dunbar, Robin, 171, 188
Edwards, Anthony, 32, 70, 72, 73, 151–152
EIGENSTRAT algorithm, 139, 185
endangered species, 19
Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (ESPN), 169
environmental pressure, 10, 109–110, 113, 167
Eriksson, Anders, 107–108, 183
ESPN. See Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
Essay on the Principle of Population, An (Malthus), 3, 178
Ethiopian population, 56
eugenics, ix, 80, 82, 129, 177
eukaryotes, 14, 38–39, 41
Eurasia, 112–114, 113, 184
Eurocentrism, 67
Europaeus, 23–24
European gorse, 37–38
European population, 56, 91–93, 93, 182; skin pigmentation in, 61–64; STRUCTURE algorithm and, 146–152, 147, 149–150
Eutheria, 40, 41
Evola, Julius, 175
evolutionary biology: Darwin and, 1–10, 5, 6, 16, 18; misunderstandings of, 162; of population, 6–7, 13–15; taxonomy in, 4–7, 5, 6, 27, 29; Wallace and, 1–3, 8. See also taxonomy
Evolutionary History of Man (Haeckel), 25, 26
eyefold, 61
Faces of America (PBS), 163, 188
false hypothesis, 155
family, in taxonomy, 2
Feather Identification Laboratory (FIL), 46–47
Felidae, 31
Fertile Crescent, 115
Ferus, 23–24
FIL. See Feather Identification Laboratory
fineSTRUCTURE, 144–145, 148, 151, 186
Fisher, R. A., 70
fitness, 3–4
fixed allele, 16
fossil evidence, 3, 26, 88; ancient genomes and, 95–98, 101, 102, 109; of early Homo sapiens, 57–59; in human migration, 109–114, 110, 113; of human remains, 96–99, 97, 99100; microbial interactions and, 95–96
François, Oliver, 136, 185
fruit fly, 14, 73
Fungi (kingdom), 39, 41, 179
Gallet, Felix, 64, 65
Galton, Francis, 82, 129–130, 130, 185
Garn, Stanley, 173, 188
gel electrophoresis, 49, 73
gender profiling, 52
genealogical tree, 75, 76
Genealogical World of Phylogenetic Networks, The (Morrison), 64, 180–181
genealogy: coalescent theory in, 122–123; single linkage group in, 121–123, 124; Woodger’s paradox in, 127–128
gene frequency, 16, 70, 90, 137; of microsatellites, 50–52, 51; in natural selection, 10–11
genes, introduction to, 13–14
Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change, The (Lewontin), 73
genetic drift, 7–8, 16, 61
genitalia, 83
genomic study, xi; European population in, 91–93, 93, 182; paleogenomes in, 101, 109–116, 137, 183; PCA in, 133–142, 134–135, 138, 145, 151, 185; racialization of, 154–166, 177; visualization of, 130, 137; worldwide sampling summary of, 137–139, 138. See also phylogenetic analysis
genotype, 15, 63; of blood groups, 69–73, 7172
“geographical races,” 126–127, 173
geographic clustering, 56, 91. See also migration
geology, 3
germ cells, 15
germ line mutation, 11
Ghiselin, Mike, 18–19
Gnathostomata, 40, 40
Gopalan, Prem, 148, 187
Gorilla (genus), 41
Gould, Stephen Jay, 8, 9, 59–60, 178, 180
Gower, J. C., 128, 151, 185
gravity, theory of, 8
Greece, 4, 37, 70
Greenlee, Jill, 174–175, 189
Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language (Dunbar), 188
group inclusion, 55
groups, populations as, 17
guanine, 13–14
hagfish, 40
hair, of mammals, 29
Haldane, J. S., 70
Hallwachs, Winnie, 47, 180
Hamilton, Andrew, 159, 188
Hammer, Mike, 80
Han population, 113–114
haplogroup, 75–82, 78, 8182
haplotype: chromosome painting in, 145, 145; mtDNA phylogeny and, 75–80, 76, 78
Hap Map, 86
Harris, Harry, 73
Hawaiian Islands, 118, 132
heat map, 130
Hebert, Paul, 46–47, 180
Hennig, Willi, 29–30, 126–127, 179
heterozygosity, 15, 118
HGDP. See Human Genome Diversity Project
high-density chip sequencing, 109, 110
Hillis, David, 90
Hirschfeld, Hanka, 69–70, 181
Hirschfeld, Ludwig, 69–70, 181
histomap, 67
History and Geography of Human Genes, The (Cavalli-Sforza), 72, 73–74
HIV. See human immunodeficiency virus
holotype, 42–43
Homininae, 40, 41
Hominoidea, 40, 41
Homo erectus, 77–79
homologous, 29, 85
Homo neanderthalensis, 19, 79, 108
homoplasy, 29, 32
Homo sapiens: branching within, 64–68, 6567; early fossil records of, 57–59; emergence of, 19; geographic divisions within, 23–24; “geographic races” of, 126–127, 173; hierarchical classification of, 39–45, 40; language in, 36, 64, 65, 161, 172; migration patterns of, 109–119, 110, 113, 117; mtDNA phylogeny of, 97–104, 99100, 103; Neolithic period and, 109–119, 110, 113, 117; Oceanian people and, 107, 112–113, 160; skull size in, 60–61; speciation of, 18–24, 2022; whole-genome sequencing of, 102, 104, 109–114, 110, 145–148
Homo sapiens americanus, 44–45
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, 38, 101
Homo sapiens sapiens, 38, 43, 45
homozygous, 15, 63
Hooton, Earnest, 67, 67–68
Hubby, Jack, 73
human divergence, 7–8; ancient genomes and, 95–98, 101, 102, 109; branching within, 64–68, 6567; coancestry matrix in, 145; early notions of, 56–68, 6567; environmental pressure in, 10, 109–110, 113, 167; geographic groups in, 56, 67, 67–68; hypothesis testing and, 33, 55, 97, 155–158; language and, 64, 65; misrepresentation of, 154–167; phylogeography of, 120–128, 124, 126; population structure and, 111–114, 141–151, 187; Y chromosome haplogroups in, 80–82, 8182. See also phylogenetic analysis
Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP), 86, 97, 148
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 19
human populations: admixture in, 116–119, 138; AIMs in, 91–94, 92, 93; bottleneck in, 118; clustering methods and, 129–140, 130, 132, 134–135, 138; dichotomous branches in, 120, 129; inbreeding in, 118; Lewontin’s fallacy in, 151, 187; PCA in, 133–142, 134–135, 138, 145, 151, 185; reciprocal monophyly in, 120–125; serial founder effect in, 116–118, 117; STRUCTURE analysis of, xi, 143–153, 144–145, 147, 149–150. See also Homo sapiens
Human Races (Garn), 188
von Humboldt, Alexander, 37
Hyperotreti, 40, 40
hypothesis testing, 33, 55, 97, 155–158
Iberian Peninsula, 115
ICZN. See International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
Illumina, 86
“impressionable years” hypothesis, 174–175
inbreeding, 118
India, 14, 70, 87, 114, 161
Indiana Jones fallacy, 166
ingroup, 30, 31, 105
integrated taxonomy, 54, 180
interbreeding, 17–19, 105–109, 127–128, 143, 167
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), 38, 41, 43, 179
Jain, Anil K., 139–140
Janzen, Dan, 47, 180
Jewish population, 70, 137, 148
Jorde, Lynne, 151–152
journalist, xi, 36, 146, 156, 159
Kayser, Manfred, 77
Keith, Sir Arthur, 64, 66
Kennewick Man, 58–59, 180
Kostenki paleogenome, 112, 113
Kroeber, A. L., 131, 185
Lachance, Joseph, 90
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 3, 25, 26, 179
Landsteiner, Karl, 69, 181
language: in stereotyping, 161, 172–173, 188; in taxonomic organization, 36, 64, 65, 161, 172
Lawson, Daniel, 144–145, 150, 186
lectotypes, 42–43, 44
length polymorphism, 49. See also restriction fragment length polymorphism
Levant, 111
Lewis, Jason, 59–60
Lewontin, Richard, 8, 9, 73
Lewontin’s fallacy, 151, 187
Li, Junzhi, 148
Linnaean hierarchy, 38, 41–42
Linnaeus, Carolus, 21, 23–24, 37–38, 56
Liu, Jianjun, 113–114
Livingstone, Frank, 160
Longoria, Eva, 163
low coverage, 87–88, 98, 114
Ma, Yo-Yo, 163
Malays (Indo-Pacific inhabitants), 56
Mal’ta-Buret paleogenome, 112, 113
Mal’ta lineage, 112, 113, 115–116
Malthus, Thomas, 3, 178
Mammalia, 17, 29, 37, 40, 40–41
mammary gland, 37
Manica, Andrea, 107–108, 183
Marks, Jon, 45
maternal inheritance, 74, 121, 162. See also mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid
maximum-likelihood approach, 27, 32–34; in blood groups, 70–72, 72
maximum parsimony, 27
Max Planck Institute, 96, 98
Mayr, Ernst, 4, 17–19, 178
Mayr species concept, 18
McTavish, Emily, 90
Measures of Taxonomic Distance and Their Analysis (Gower), 128, 151, 185
melanin, 63–64
Metazoa, 39
Michael, John, 59–60
microbe, 12, 15, 95–96
microbial deoxyribonucleic acid, 96, 98
“micro-races,” 173
microsatellite data, 4849, 49–52, 51, 180; profiling and, 74–80, 76, 78, 82
middle east population, 114, 149, 161
migration: China in, 87, 112–114; Eurasia and, 112–114, 113, 184; fossil evidence in, 109–114, 110, 113; Hawaiian Islands in, 118, 132; of human populations, x–xi; patterns of, 109–119, 110, 113, 117; Polynesia in, 113, 116, 131, 132, 185; regionality and, 158; serial founder effect in, 116–118, 117
Ming, Yao, 57
mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (mtDNA): blood groups and, 69–73, 7172; Darwin lineage of, 80, 82; genealogical tree of, 75, 76; microsatellite profiling and, 52, 74–80, 76, 78, 82; origin of Homo sapiens, 77–79, 78
mitochondrial Eve, x, 75, 181
MITOMAP, 79, 181
model-based approach, to clustering, 142–144
molecular clock method, 34
Mongolian population, 56, 64
monkey, 30, 36, 41
monogenism, 57
monophyletic group, 34, 54, 77; in blood groups, 70–72, 72; of Eukaryota, 39; reciprocal monophyly and, 120–125; in taxonomy, 120, 125–126
Monstrosus, 23–24
Morton, Samuel George, 59–60, 180
Mount Everest paradox, 164
mtDNA. See mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid
multicellularity, 12
multiethic society, 171–172
Murray, Charles, 154, 166, 188
Mus musculus, 122
mutation, 15, 32
Myth of Race, The: The Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea (Sussman), ix, 177
National College Athletic Association (NCAA), 169–170
National Geographic Society Genographic Project, 86
nationalism, 159–160
Native American, 58–59, 79, 113, 115–116
natural history, 1–10, 5, 6, 16, 18
natural selection, 15–16; branching diagrams and, 4–6, 5, 6; Darwin and, 3–4; populations and, 7–9
Natural Varieties of Humankind, On the (Blumenbach), 56
NCAA. See National College Athletic Association
Neanderthal, 38, 60, 63–64; ABBA/BABA test and, 104, 104–108, 106, 183; genes of, 19, 106, 108; mtDNA phlyogeny of, 97–104, 99100, 103; Yoruba genome and, 87, 90, 104, 104–105, 106
Neolithic period, 109–119, 110, 113, 117
neotypes, 42–43
nested set, 2
neutrality, in evolution, 7, 15–16
neutral variants, 16, 61
New Guinea, 112–113
Newton, Sir Isaac, 8
New York Times, 175
next-generation sequencing (NGS), 83–86
Nielsen, Rasmus, 110–111, 115, 184
nodes, in phylogeny, 27–28
nomenclature, 36–45, 3940
Northeast Peru Indians, 131
Northwest Coast Indians, 131
nosce te ipsum, 23
Novembre, John, 91–94, 115, 144, 151, 182, 186–187
Nteta, Tatishe, 174–175, 188–189
nuclear membrane, 38
nucleus, 14, 74
numerical taxonomy, 28
Numerical Taxonomy (Sokal and Sneath), 28, 131, 179
O allele, 69–73, 7172
Obama, Barack, 37, 174–175, 189
Occidental Quarterly, 158, 188
Oceanian people, 107, 112–113, 160
“old-fashioned racism,” 174–175, 188–189
1KPG. See 1000 Genomes Project
O’Neal, Shaquille, 57
1000 Genomes Project (1KPG): paleogenomes in, 97, 101; phylogenetic analysis and, 122–125; SNPs in, 86, 87; STRUCTURE analysis of, 148, 150; Y chromosome analysis in, 80
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (Darwin), 4–7, 6, 16, 25, 177–178
orangutan, 41
order, in phylogeny, 2
ornithology, 4
orthodoxy, 154, 166
outgroup, 30–31, 31, 98, 104–105
outlier, in AIMs, 93
van Oven, Mannis, 77, 80
Pääbo, Svante, 96, 98, 101, 183
pairwise distance, 142
Pakistan, 87, 114
paleogenome, 101, 109–116, 137, 183
paleogenomic revolution, 101, 109
Paleoindian populations, 58
paleontologist, 17, 67–68
palindrome, 74
panmictic population, 7
parsimony, 27, 31–34, 32
paternal lineage, 80–82, 8182
PCA. See principal components analysis
PCoA. See principal coordinates analysis
PCR. See polymerase chain reaction
Pearson, Karl, 129, 133
Pedigree of Man (Haeckel), 25, 26
Peter, Benjamin, 151, 187
phenetic method, 132
phenetics, 27
Philosophie Zoologique (Lamarck), 25, 26, 179
Pholidota, 31
phylogenetic affinity, 28
phylogenetic analysis, 26–27; distance-based approach in, 142, 144; maximum parsimony in, 31–34, 32; misrepresentation of, 162; of mtDNA genomes, 98–104, 99100, 103; of mtDNA haplotype, 75–80, 76, 78; PCoA in, 142; SNPs in, 83–91, 85, 89, 90, 92; STRUCTURE and, xi, 143–153, 144–145, 147, 149–150; unresolved trees in, 121–123, 162. See also statistics
Phylogenetic Systematics (Hennig), 29
phylogeography, 120–128, 124, 126
Pickrell, Joseph, 116, 118
pigmentation, of skin, 61–64
placental mammals, 41
Plantae (kingdom), 39
plesiomorphic, 29
polygenism, 57
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 49, 50
polymorphism, 16, 48–50; in blood groups, 70; RFLP in, 74–75, 146; SNPs in, 83–91, 85, 89, 90, 92
Polynesia, 113, 116, 131, 132, 185
Pongo (genus), 41
Ponto-Caspian area, 115
population aggregation analysis, 53, 53
population genetics, 181; blood groups in, 70; Hennig in, 127–128; microsatellites in, 49–52, 51; PCA in, 133–142, 134–135, 138, 145, 151, 185; speciation of hominids in, 19–24, 2022; STRUCTURE in, xi, 143–153, 144–145, 147, 149–150. See also phylogenetic analysis
population structure, 111–114, 141–150; Lewontin’s fallacy in, 151, 187
population thinking, 4, 7, 10, 18
Povich, Maury, 52
Poznik, G. David, 80
prairie dog, 36
primer, in PCR, 50
Primer of Phylogenomics (DeSalle and Rosenfeld), 179
principal components analysis (PCA), 133–142, 134–135, 138, 145, 151, 185
principal coordinates analysis (PCoA), 142
Principles of Systematic Zoology (Mayr), 179
prion, 12
Pritchard, Jonathan, 141–146, 186
probability, 157; in microsatellite frequency, 50–52, 51; in natural selection, 7. See also statistics
progenitor species, 2
protein, introduction to, 12–14
Protista (kingdom), 39
psychometrics, 133
Quadrupedia, 37
de Queiroz, Kevin, 18, 178
Race? Debunking a Scientific Myth (Tattersall and DeSalle), ix, 45, 165, 177
race inferiority, 57
racial classification: ancestry conflation and, 164–165; attitudes in, 169–175; Homo sapiens taxonomy in, 38, 40, 43–45, 156; Indiana Jones fallacy and, 166; nationalism and, 159–160; regionality in, 158; subjectivity in, 156–158; taxonomic misrepresentation of, 158–162; variation conflation and, 165–167; white nationalism in, 158–159
Racimo, Fernando, 101, 109, 183–184
reciprocal monophyly, 120–125
recombination, 15, 83–84, 105, 122
recreational genomics, 165
regionality, in defining race, 158
Regnum Animalia (Linnaeus), 42
regression line, 129
Reich, David, 114, 118, 139
relativity, 8
reproductive compatibility, 17–18
reproductive isolation, 17–18, 157
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 74–75, 146
Rieppel, Olivier, 68
root, in phylogenetics, 28
Rosenberg, Noah, 146–148, 160–161, 186, 188
Rosenfeld, Jeff, 179, 184
Sahul (continent), 113
sample size, 7; in AIM study, 93; in population speciation, 2022, 20–24; in SNP analysis, 137; in STRUCTURE analysis, 146–148
Sanger, Fred, 84
Sayre’s law, 27
self-centered world, 36
serial founder effect, 116–118, 117
sex chromosome, 14, 83
sex-limited genetic element, 83
Shintashta people, 113
short tandem repeat (STR), 49, 49, 52
Siberia, 88, 97, 113, 113, 115, 155
Sima de los Huesos, 96–104, 99–100, 103, 183
single linkage group, 121–123, 124
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 83–91, 85, 89, 90, 92; in STRUCTURE analysis, 148–151, 149–150
sister taxa, 28
skin pigmentation, 61–64, 180
Slatkin, Montgomery, 101, 109, 183–184
slavery, 57, 116
Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 2–3
Sneath, Peter, 28, 131–132
SNP. See single nucleotide polymorphism
social scientist, 130–131
Sokal, Robert, 28, 131–132
spandrels, 9
Sparks, John B., 67
speciation, process of, 18
species, in taxonomy: concept of, 16–17; Darwin and, 2; Latin origin of, 16–17; molecular basis of, 12–24, 2022
Sri Lanka, 87, 114
Statistical Inquiries into the Efficacy of Prayer (Galton), 129–130, 130, 185
statistics: AIMS and, 91, 92, 125–126, 126, 138, 139, 163; Bayesian statistics in, 33–34, 99, 143; clique analysis in, 152; compatibility analysis in, 152; EIGENSTRAT in, 139, 185; Galton and, 129–130, 130, 185; PCA in, 133–142, 134–135, 138, 145, 151, 185; population structure and, 111–114, 141–151, 187; regression line in, 129. See also clustering methods
Stearns, William, 43, 179
Stephen Colbert effect, 162–165, 188
Stephens, Matthew, 141, 185
Stewart, Patrick, 58
Stoneking, Mark, 75
STR. See short tandem repeat
STRUCTURE analysis, xi, 143–153, 144–145, 147, 149–150, 186–187; misrepresentation and, 160–161
de St. Vincent, Jean-Baptiste Bory, 45
subjectivity, in racial classification, 156–158
sub-Saharan Africa, 109–111, 148
subspecies: differentiation and, 23; Homo sapiens and, 38, 40, 43–45, 156; misunderstanding of, 158–159; race as synonym for, 159
subspecific differentiation, 23
Sullenberger, Chesley, 46
super domains, 38
superfamilies, 38
Sussman, Robert, ix, 177
synapomorphy, 29
synthetic map, 137
syntypes, 42–43
Systema Naturae (Linnaeus), 42
systematics, 27, 44, 56, 64; Hennig and, 29–30, 126–127, 179; phylogenetics and, 126–127, 131–132, 152, 162; taxonomy and, 22–23, 32, 39, 39, 54, 68
targeted sequencing, 84–85
Tasmania, 113
Tattersall, Ian, ix, 45, 165, 177
taxa, 25–26
taxonomy, x; conclusions in speciation, 22–24; dendrograms in, 132–133, 140–142; domains in, 38–39; Hennig and, 29–30, 126–127, 179; language in, 36, 64, 65, 161, 172; maximum parsimony and, 31–34, 32; Mayr’s definitions of, 39, 39; misunderstandings of, 158–162; Numerical Taxonomy in, 28, 131, 179; phenetic methods in, 132. See also phylogenetic analysis
Taylor, George, 70
tera-sampling, 148
teraSTRUCTURE analysis, 148–151, 150, 187
terminals, in phylogenetics, 27–28
threonine, 63
thymine, 13–14
Tibetan population, 148
Tishkoff, Sarah, 90, 148–149, 161, 182, 187
topology, of phylogenetic trees, 29–30, 30
transmutation, 2
Tree of Life, 6, 16, 39, 68
trinomen, 38
Troublesome Inheritance, A: Genes, Race and Human History (Wade), ix, xi, 146, 154–155, 166, 177
TruSight One, 86
Turkey, 115
type specimen, 42
Ulex europaeus, 37–38
ultraviolet radiation (UVR), 61–64
umwelt, 36
unresolved trees, 121–123, 162
unrooted distance tree, 76
Urochordata, 40, 40
Ursidae, 31
Ust’-Ishim paleogenome, 112, 113
UVR. See ultraviolet radiation
Vertebrata, 40, 40
virus, 12
vitamin D, 62
Wade, Nicholas, ix, xi, 154–166, 177
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1–3, 8
Wallsten, Kevin, 170
Wall Street Journal, 154, 188
Watson, James, 14, 84
Weidenreich, Franz, 67, 67–68
white nationalism, 158–159
whole-genome sequencing, 102, 104, 109–114, 110, 145–148
Wilson, Allan, 75
“wisdom of crowds,” 129–130
Woodger’s paradox, 127–128
worldwide sampling, summary of, 137–139, 138
Wright, Sewall, 70
X chromosome, 14, 83, 97
Yamnaya people, 113
Y chromosome, 14; Darwin lineage of, 80, 82; haplogroups of, 80–82, 81–82; in microsatellite analysis, 52
Y-chromosome Adam, x, 80, 181
Yoon, Carol, 36
Yoruba genome, 87, 90, 104, 104–105, 106
zoological nomenclature, 36–45, 3940
Zubin, Joseph, 131, 185