Photographs and illustrations are indicated by page numbers in italic. Tables are indicated by a “t” following the page number.

Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, 246

Afghanistan, 135, 136, 148, 180, 183, 216, 232

African Group, 76–77, 232

African Union, 120, 128–29, 131, 167, 169

African Union–UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), 131, 181

Agenda 21 plan, 223

AIDS, 72, 182, 187

Akram, Munir: on ECOSOC, 172

on General Assembly, 89–91

on human rights, 162–63, 168

on reform, 238

on Security Council, 73–75, 77

on terrorism, 135–37, 139, 149, 151

Albright, Madeleine, 42

as ambassador, 49

on diplomacy, 52

on reform, 239

on UN Village, 99

on value of UN, 11–12, 14–15, 61

Algeria, 76, 149, 150

Al-Nusra Front, 65

Amano, Yukiya, 144, 145

American ambassador, 46–54

Amos, Valerie, 33, 176–79, 179

Annan, Kofi, 13, 23, 26, 27, 29, 67, 102

administrative reforms of, 30–32, 178, 237, 239

agenda of, 35, 36

on civil society, 174

and human rights, 167–68

and MDGs, 189

Nobel Peace Prize, 14

on nuclear weapons, 146

personality and style of, 35, 109–10

Annual Ministerial Review (AMR), 172–73

Arab Group, 232

Arbour, Louise, 165

Argentina, 77

Arms Trade Treaty, 152

Ashe, John, 78, 163

Asian Group, 232

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 41, 232–33

Astor, Brooke, 110

Aung San Suu Kyi, 160

Austin, Warren R., 49

Australia, 232

Ayala-Lasso, José, 165

Bainimarama, Josaia V., 190

Ball, George W., 49

Bangladesh, 113, 122

Ban Ki-moon, 24, 29, 37, 48, 80, 109, 166, 198

administrative reforms of, 30, 36–37, 75, 236, 241, 241

administrative team of, 32, 33, 34

agenda of, 35–39

and climate change, 220–21, 222, 224–25, 226

and development, 188, 200, 205

and drug control, 217

and global politics, 40, 43–45

and human rights, 160, 167

life of, 25

and peace operations, 115, 130, 130, 131

personality and style of, 35–36, 109

on politics and diplomacy, 23, 82, 186

and R2P, 170

on sanctions, 65

selection of, 25–27

on terrorism, 139

on US-UN relations, 12, 44

on workings of UN, 11

al-Bashir, Hassan, 158

Beckett, Margaret, 74

Belarus, 105

Bern Treaty (1874), 210

Bin Laden, Osama, 135, 136

Bloomberg, Michael, 226

Bokova, Irina, 213

Bolton, John: as ambassador, 49, 51, 70, 100

on Ban Ki-moon, 36

on budgeting, 248, 250–51

on General Assembly, 91

on human rights, 161–62

on nature of UN, 5

on peace operations, 123–24, 129

on Security Council, 62

on terrorism, 139

Bosnia, 127

Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 26, 30, 178

Brahimi, Lakhdar, 118, 149

Brahimi report, 118

Brazil, 41, 75, 77, 78, 169, 232

Bretton Woods Institutions, 171–72

BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), 41

Brimmer, Esther: on ECOSOC, 173

on global politics, 43, 208

on human rights, 154–56, 158–59, 164

on reform, 240

on US-UN relations, 13–14

on workings of UN, 106

Britain, and Palestine, 91–92, 114

budgeting, 239–53

demands on, ix, 242, 248–51

problems in, 242, 251–53

process for, 245–48

reform of, 239–43

revenue sources for, 244–46, 248–52, 249t

UN Charter on, 252

Bunche, Ralph, 14, 91

Burleigh, Peter, 49

Burnham, Christopher, 240

Bush, George H. W., 49, 62

Bush, George W., 5, 12, 48, 50, 56, 64, 158, 233, 248

Canada, 42, 77, 167

capacity building, 194–95

Cardi, Sebastiano, 77

Central African Republic, 119–20, 168

Centre for International Crime Prevention, 218

Charter of the African Union, 167

chemical weapons, 142

Chemical Weapons Convention, 142

Chicago Convention, 211

children: child labor, 206

rights of, 86, 87, 155, 182

UNICEF, 4, 6, 14, 35, 180–82, 186

China: and climate change, 223–26

financial contributions to UN from, 250

and global politics, 40

and human rights, 160–61, 165

and Nonaligned Movement, 89

and peace operations, 114

and R2P, 169–70

as Security Council member, ix, 18, 57, 59, 62–65, 67, 72, 76

voting record of, 232

Churchill, Winston, ix, 1

Churkin, Vitaly I., 63, 99, 179

civil society, 174, 175

civil wars, 115

climate change, 72, 200, 220–28

protections against, 226–28

responses to, 223–26

science of, 221–23

UN actors concerned with, 228

Clinton, Bill, 5, 12, 48, 52, 96, 158

Clinton, Hillary, 107

Clooney, George, 35

Cold War, 2, 40, 88, 142, 178

Colombia, 77

Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 215–16, 218

Committee for Program and Coordination, 247

Committee of Ten (C10), 76–77

committees of the General Assembly, 84–86

Conference on Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Status (CONGO), 175

conferences, 93–94

consensus, 88, 223, 230–31

Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 216

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 86

Convention on International Civil Aviation, 211

Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 216

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling, and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, 151–52

Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, 213–14

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 87

Convention on the Rights of the Child, 86, 87, 155, 182

Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa, 86–87

corruption, 192, 194

Costa Rica, 77

Côte d’Ivoire, 168

Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), 136–37

Cousin, Ertharin, 180

Credentials Committee, 85

crime, 215–17

crises, 176–84

Cyprus, 122, 129, 230

Danforth, John C., 49, 51, 54

Darfur, Sudan, 35–36, 130–31, 158, 168, 181, 184

decolonization, 91–92


Dining Room, 108

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 12, 76, 111, 119–20, 122, 125, 158, 180

Department of Field Support (DFS), 113, 122

Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA), 178

Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), 111–13, 121–22

Department of Political Affairs (DPA), 125–26

deputy secretary-general, 31–33

development, 188–207

changing landscape for, 196–99

Millennium Development Goals, 189–91, 199–205

UN actors concerned with, 205–7

UNDP and, 191–96

women and, 190, 195–96. See also sustainable development

Development Cooperation Forum, 173

diplomacy: characteristics of effective, 261–62

food and, 108

and formality/informality, 97, 106–8

and interpersonal relations, 97, 105, 108

and the media, 98, 103

permanent representatives and, 46–54

preventive, 124

in UN Village, 96–98

disaster aid, 176–83

Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW), 7, 206

DPKO. See Department of Peacekeeping Operations

DRC. See Democratic Republic of the Congo

drug trafficking, 215–17

E10, 57, 60, 62

Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), 94, 223

Earth Summit+5, 223

Eastern Europe Group, 232

East Timor, 115, 132–33

Eckhard, Frederic (Fred), 103, 110

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), 4, 6, 173

and drug control, 215–16

members of, 18, 80

and NGOs, 174–75

role and authority of, 7, 171–73

and UNHCR, 186

Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), 119–20

Egypt, 92, 113, 195–96

“eight important votes,” 232, 233t

ElBaradei, Mohamed, 14, 144, 151

Eliasson, Jan, 198

on climate change, 220

on crisis and recovery, 178, 183, 184, 186

on development, 200

on global politics, 43–44

on peace operations, 126

on Secretariat, 30–31

Secretariat duties of, 32–33

on UN workings, 1, 30

on women’s empowerment, 195

“emerging nations,” 234

Equatorial Guinea, 76

Eritrea, 128

Ethiopia, 128

failed states, 127, 135

Feller, Stefan, 121

Feltman, Jeffrey, 33, 125

Fifth Committee, 86, 251

food, 108

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 205

Forman, Shepard, 240, 252–53

Formed Police Units, 120, 122

France: and global politics, 41, 42

as Security Council member, 18, 57, 61

and terrorism, 149

Fréchette, Louise, 32

functional commissions, 7

“funds and programmes,” 4, 6–7

G4, 77

G7, 42

G8, 42

G20, 41

G-77, 78, 88–90, 238, 250

Gaddafi, Muammar, 63, 138, 168–70

Gaer, Felice, 154

Gaza, 162

gender. See women

General Assembly, 4, 79–94

agenda of, 83–84

and budgeting, 245–47, 249

ceremonies and procedures of, 82–84

and children’s rights, 182

committees of, 84–86

conferences hosted by, 93–94

and crisis management, 178

and decolonization, 91–92

and human rights, 161, 165

and MDGs, 189–91

and peace operations, 123

politics and workings of, 84, 88–91, 98–99

role and authority of, 6, 7, 72–73, 79–81, 83

secretary-general in relation to, 238–39

secretary-general selection, 26–27

Security Council in relation to, 72–73, 88, 90

and Security Council structure, 76, 78

and security issues, 72–73

special sessions of, 80–81

and terrorism, 136, 137

and treaties, 86–88

UN Charter on, 18, 79–82

and UNHCR, 186

voting blocs of, 88–91, 103–5

voting in, 88, 103–5, 250–52

voting records in, 229–33

and women’s empowerment, 207

General Committee, of General Assembly, 85

Germany: and global politics, 41, 42

and R2P, 169

as Security Council member, 77

voting record of, 232

Gettu, Tegegnework, 33

Gildersleeve, Virginia, 19

global connections, 208–19

crime and drug trafficking, 215–17

North-South divide, 234

UN actors concerned with, 209–15, 218–19

global landscape and politics, 40–45

chief players in, 41–42

information revolution and, 42

North-South divide, 74, 162–63

power in, 41–44

global warming. See climate change

Goldberg, Arthur J., 49

Goodwill Ambassadors, 35

Gore, Albert (Al), Jr., 14, 72, 222

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 240

Gowan, Richard: on climate change, 223

on peace operations, 124, 126–27

on secretary-general, 38, 39

on Security Council, 66

on value of UN, 12

Group of Four (G4), 77

Group of 77 (G-77), 78, 88–92, 238, 250

Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (G20), 41

Guéhenno, Jean-Marie, 122

Guinea, 126

Gulf War, 52

Habitat, 206

Haiti, 12, 120, 122

Hammarskjöld, Dag, 14, 26, 27, 28

HIV/AIDS, 72, 182, 187

Holbrooke, Richard, 48

as ambassador, 49, 50, 72

on General Assembly, 90

on nature of UN, 5

on reform, 237

on secretary-general, 27

on Security Council, 61

on UN Village, 96, 108

on US-UN relations, 12, 245

Human Development Index (HDI), 192, 193t

Human Development Report, 191–92

human rights, 153–70

emerging body of law on, 154–55

expanded definition of, 188

importance of, in UN, 153–54, 156, 188

international courts concerned with, 156–59

and R2P, 166–70

security in relation to, 155–56

treaties concerning, 155

UN bodies concerned with, 159–65

UN Charter on, 153, 159

UNDP and, 192. See also Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Human Rights Council, 7, 165

Hussein, Bishar A., 210

Hussein, Saddam, 52, 56, 64, 66–67

India: and global politics, 41

and Nonaligned Movement, 88–89

and nuclear weapons, 143

and peace operations, 113, 122

and R2P, 169

as Security Council member, 75, 77–78

information revolution, 42

intellectual property, 214–15

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 14

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 7, 14, 144, 147–48, 151

International Bill of Human Rights, 22, 154

International Children’s Emergency Fund, 181

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 4, 211–12, 218

International Commission on State Sovereignty, 167

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 214

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 214

International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, 136

International Court of Justice (ICJ), 4, 6, 80, 156–57

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 22, 153

International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, 22, 153

International Criminal Court (ICC), 157–59, 169

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, 7

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, 230

International Fund for Agricultural Development, 205

International Labour Organization (ILO), 14, 205–6

International Law Commission, 154

International Maritime Academy, 218

International Maritime Law Institute, 218

International Maritime Organization (IMO), 214, 218

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 4, 6, 172, 212, 218

International Narcotics Control Board, 216

International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), 7, 206

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 7, 209–10, 218

International Trademark System, 215

Iran: and human rights, 160, 165

and nuclear weapons, 53, 147–48

sanctions against, 70–71, 148

Iraq, 52, 56, 64, 65–67, 149

Islamic State in Syria (ISIS), 65

Israel, 92, 114–15, 143, 160, 162–64, 178

Italy, 42, 77

Ja’afari, Bashar, 179

Japan: financial contributions to UN from, 248–50

and global politics, 41, 42

and peace operations, 114

as Security Council member, 60, 75–77

Johnson, Herschel V., 49

Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, 187

Jordan, 113, 186

Kane, Angela, 33, 141–43, 151

Keating, Colin, 68

Kennedy, John F., 25

Kenya, 76

Kerry, John, 10, 143, 224

Khalilzad, Zalmay: as ambassador, 49, 51

on budgeting, 244

on diplomacy, 48, 50

on peace operations, 129–30

on value of UN, 12

Khan, A. Q., 145

Khrushchev, Nikita, 261

Kim, Jim Yong, 198, 199

Kim Jong-il, 69–70

Kim Jong-un, 70

Kirkpatrick, Jeane J., 49

Koenders, Bert, 74

Koroma, Ernest Bai, 130

Kosovo, 12

Kubis, Ján, 74

Kuwait, 52, 66

Kyoto Protocol, 72, 223

Kyrgyzstan, 127

L69 group, 77

Ladsous, Hervé, 33

Lake, Anthony, 129

Latin America and Caribbean Group, 232

Laurenti, Jeffrey: on countries’ voting records, 234

on diplomacy, 46

on human rights, 162

on nature of UN, 5–6

on politics and diplomacy, 84, 106

on Security Council, 61

on UN Charter, 18

Lavrov, Sergey V., 107

League of Nations, 2, 19, 20, 91

Lebanon, 157, 162, 186

Li Baodong, 99, 139

Liberia, 123, 132, 194

Libya: civil war in, 115

R2P and, 164, 168–69

Security Council on, 53, 63–64, 78, 148

and UN politics/diplomacy, 76

Lie, Trygve, 26, 91

Linkevičius, Linas Antanas, 166

literacy, 195–96

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 49

Luck, Edward, 36, 56–57, 168, 236

Luers, William, 36, 148

luxury goods, sanctions on, 69

Ma, Yo-Yo, 35

Macedonia, 105

Main Committees, of General Assembly, 85–86

Mali, 111, 128, 149, 178, 183, 184

Malloch-Brown, Mark, 32, 71

on development, 196–97

on diplomacy, 51, 105

on global politics, 44

on peace operations, 127, 130

on reform, 238–39, 242–43

on R2P, 169–70

on secretary-general, 27

on Security Council, 63–65

on UNDP budget, 247–48

on US-UN relations, 13

Malone, David, 96

on development, 197

on diplomacy, 48, 50

on ECOSOC, 172, 173

on General Assembly, 83

on peace operations, 132

on Secretariat, 31

on Security Council, 61–62

on treaties, 86

Malta, 77

McHenry, Donald, 49

MDGs. See Millennium Development Goals

media, 98, 103

Mehta, Hansa, 20

Melrose, Joseph, 47, 97, 108, 261–66

Messengers of Peace, 34–35

Mexico, 41, 77, 101–2

Migiro, Asha-Rose, 32

Millennium Assembly, 94

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 36, 94, 122, 173, 189–91, 199–200, 201–4t, 204–5

Millennium Development Goals Gender Chart, 207

Millennium Summit (September 2000), 94

Minamata Convention on Mercury, 228

“minilateral” relations, 42–43

Mitri, Tarek, 64

Model UN, 259–66

Montreal Protocol, 227

Moreno-Ocampo, Luis, 158

Moynihan, Daniel P., 49

multilateral relations, 42–43, 105

Namibia, 76, 194

National Collegiate Conference Association, 260, 266

national sovereignty, 18

Negroponte, John D.: as ambassador, 49–51, 102

on diplomacy, 96–97, 101–2

on NGOs, 174

on Security Council, 65, 230

on terrorism, 135

on UN Village, 96–98

Neuer, Hillel, 165

Nigeria, 75, 77, 113, 149, 158

9/11 terrorist attacks, 50–51, 134–36

Nobel Peace Prize, 14, 92, 142, 151, 152, 180, 206, 222

Nonaligned Movement (NAM), 42, 78, 88–92, 232–33, 250

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 4, 174–75

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 63–64, 169, 232–33

North Korea, 164

sanctions against, 51, 53, 68–70, 147

and WMDs, 51, 53, 67, 143, 145, 147

North-South divide, 74, 162–63, 234

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 143, 146–47

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 68, 70, 152

Nye, Joseph S., Jr., 42

Obama, Barack / Obama administration, 14, 48, 52–53, 77, 149, 164, 225, 252

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 177, 178

Office of Internal Oversight Services, 239

Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI), 118

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. See UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women (OSAGI), 7, 206

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. See UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Oil-for-Food Program, 67

Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, 204

Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, 7, 14, 142, 151–52

Organization of African Unity, 128–29

Organization of Islamic Conference, 232

Osorio, Néstor, 99

P5. See Permanent Five

Pakistan, 75, 77, 113, 143

Palestinian situation, 60, 91–92, 102, 114–15, 162–63, 178

Parry, Emry Jones, 74

patents, 215

Patrick, Stewart: on Ban Ki-moon, 38

on countries’ voting records, 234

on global politics, 41–43

on human rights, 164–65

on peace operations, 112

on Security Council, 56, 75–78

peacebuilding, 123, 124, 126

Peacebuilding Commission, 123–25

peace enforcement, 124

peacekeeping: budgeting for, 247–49

current operations, 116, 116, 117t

evolving concept of, 114–15, 118–20

monitoring staff of, 122–23

process of, 112–14

peacemaking, 124, 125

peace operations, 111–33

budgeting for, 247–49

effectiveness of, 127–33

extent of, 111

glossary, 124

money for, 113, 114t

monitoring staff of, 122–23

peacebuilding, 123–25

peacekeeping, 111–23

police for, 120–22

political missions, 125–27

Security Council and, 111, 113, 118–20, 123, 126, 129, 132–33

troops for, 113

UN Charter on, 111, 114

women and, 73, 120–22

Pérez de Cuéllar, Javier, 26, 39

Perkins, Edward J., 49

Permanent Five (P5), 57–65

financial contributions to UN from, 250

politics of, 67, 68, 170

role and workings of, 61–65

and Security Council structure, 75

and terrorism, 136

UN Charter on, 18

veto power of, 18, 57, 59, 62–63

permanent representatives, US, 46–54

Pickering, Thomas R., 49

Pillay, Navenethem (Navi), 165–66

Poland, 258

police, 120–22

political missions, 124, 125–27, 126

poverty, 189–91, 196, 198–200

Power, Samantha: as ambassador, 49, 53, 53–54

on budgeting, 241–42

on civil society, 175

on reform, 236

on Syrian civil war, 59

on US-UN relations, 13

Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, 152

preventive diplomacy, 124, 125

Procurement Task Force, 239

Puri, Hardeep Singh, 140

al-Qaeda, 74, 135, 136, 149

quick impact projects, 180

recovery, 183–87

reform: Kofi Annan and, 30–32, 178, 237, 239

Ban Ki-moon and, 30, 36–37, 75, 241, 241

of budgeting process, 239

initiatives for, 239–40

management-driven, 237–42

proposals for, 236–43

of Secretariat, 30

of Security Council, 75–78

refugees, 254–58

regional commissions, 7

Reitano, Richard, 261–66

resistance movements, 115

responsibility to protect (R2P), 37, 166–70

Rice, Condoleezza, 71, 153

Rice, Susan E., 57

as ambassador, 49, 52–53

on global politics, 42

on terrorism, 134

on value of UN, 11

Richardson, Bill, 49

Rio+20, 92–93, 94

Robinson, Mary, 165

Rome Treaty (1998), 157–59

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 19–21, 21, 159

Roosevelt, Franklin D., ix, 1, 19

R2P. See responsibility to protect

Russia: financial contributions to UN from, 250

and global politics, 40–42

and human rights, 160–61

and peace operations, 114

and R2P, 169

as Security Council member, ix, 18, 57, 59, 62–65, 67

and Syria, 142. See also Soviet Union

Rwanda, 53, 127, 157, 168

Sahel: region, 183–84, 242

strategy, 183–84, 185t

sanctions, 65–71

on Iraq, 66–67

targeted, 67–71

UN Charter on, 69

value of, 65

San Marino, 77

Saudi Arabia, 60, 102, 161, 165, 232

Scali, John P., 49

Scranton, William W., 49

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), 204–5

Secretariat, 4, 6, 10, 29–31, 109

departments of, 10

offices of, 29

oversight of, 31–35

reform of, 30

staff of, 29–31, 238

UN Charter on, 27

secretary-general, 10, 23–39

agenda of, 35–39

General Assembly in relation to, 238–39

list of office holders, 26

oversight function and team of, 31–35, 33

role and responsibilities of, 23, 25, 27–29

selection of, 23, 25–27, 39

UN Charter on, 27

and UN Village, 109–10

security: rights in relation to, 155–56

Security Council and, 71–75

Security Council, 4, 51, 55–78, 109, 231

and children’s rights, 182

desirability of membership on, 60, 101–3; E10, 57, 60, 62

General Assembly in relation to, 72–73, 88, 90

and human rights, 157

meetings, resolutions, and vetoes (1998–2012), 59t

members of, 18, 57, 60, 75, 80

and peace operations, 111, 113, 118–20, 123, 126, 129, 132–33

politics and workings of, ix, 40–41, 98, 100–106

president of, 57

restructuring, 75–78

role, authority, and responsibilities of, 6, 7, 55–56, 61, 72–75

and R2P, 168–70

sanctions by, 65–71

secretary-general selection, 26–27

and security issues, 71–75

selection procedures for, 103–5

setting of, 100–101

subsidiary bodies, 57

and terrorism, 134, 136–40, 148–49

UN Charter on, 18, 55

voting records in, 229–30, 230t

and WMDs, 145–46. See also Permanent Five (P5)

Senegal, 76

Senior Management Group, 33–34

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 50–51, 134–36

sexual abuse, violence, and exploitation, 122–23

Shanghai Cooperation Organization, 42

Sheehan, Michael, 27–28

Sierra Leone, 76, 125, 130–32, 132, 157

Singapore, 254–58

Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 216

“sixth veto,” 62

Slovenia, 103–5

Smith, Carolyn, 261–66

Soderberg, Nancy: on General Assembly, 88, 90

on nature of UN, 5

on reform, 237–38

on Security Council, 76

on UN Village, 100, 101, 107–8

“soft infrastructure,” 209, 214–15

Somalia, 128, 180, 182

South Africa, 41, 75, 77

South Korea, 41, 77

South Sudan, 58, 121, 122

Soviet Union, 2, 40, 62, 88–89, 141–43. See also Russia

Spain, 77

specialized agencies, 6, 7

Srebenica, Bosnia, 127, 168

State of the World’s Children, 182

Stettinius, Edward R., 49

Stevenson, Adlai E., 49

subsidiary bodies, 7, 57

Sudan, 115, 148, 230. See also Darfur, Sudan; South Sudan

sustainable development, 94, 190, 192, 200, 204–5, 223. See also development

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 204–5

Syria: chemical weapons in, 67, 142, 152

civil war in, 38, 115

crisis management in, 178, 180

human rights in, 164

P5 on, ix, 59, 62, 65

recovery operations in, 184, 186

Security Council on, 59–60, 102

UN intervention in, 170

Taliban, 74, 135, 136, 148, 149

Tanzania, 194

Taylor, Charles, 131

terrorism, 134–40

conventions and protocols on, 138

defining, 138–39

failed states and, 135

types of responses to, 135

UN actions on, 134, 136–37, 148–49

UN as target of, 149, 150

and WMDs, 134, 140–41

Thailand, 192, 194

Thant, U, 26

Tharoor, Shashi, 26, 254–58, 255

Timor-Leste. See East Timor

Titanic (ship), 214

Titov, Dmitry, 118

Touré, Hamadoun, 210, 211

Toyberg-Frandzen, Jens Anders, 130

treaties, 86–88

“triple crisis,” 183–84

Truman, Harry S., 19–20

Trusteeship Council, 4, 6, 80, 89

Türk, Danilo, 95, 98, 103–6

Turkey, 77

Uganda, 76

Ukraine, 62

UN Center for Human Settlements, 206

UN Charter, 16–20

amendments to, 18

on budgeting, 252

on ECOSOC, 171

on General Assembly, 18, 79–82

on human rights, 153, 159

on peace operations, 111, 114

poster about, 3

Preamble, 1–2, 4, 19

ratification of, ix

on sanctions, 69

on Secretariat and secretary-general, 27, 30

on Security Council, 18, 55

signing ceremony, 17

on use of force, 67

on voting, 88

UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 4, 6, 14, 35, 180–82, 186

UN Commission on Human Rights, 20–21, 159–62

UN Commission on Sustainable Development, 223

UN Commission on the Status of Women, 7, 21

UN Conference on Environment and Development. See Earth Summit

UN Conference on Sustainable Development, 92–93, 94

UN Conference on Trade and Development, 172

UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), 7, 207

UN Development Program (UNDP), 4, 191–97, 206, 240, 247–48

UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 6, 212–14, 219

UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, 176

UN Environment Program (UNEP), 6, 35, 221, 227, 228

UN Ethics Office, 240

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, 223

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 161, 165–66

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 4, 7, 14, 35, 180, 186, 249, 254–58

UN Human Rights Council, 161–65

UN Industrial Development Organization, 206

UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste, 132–33

UN Integrated Peace Building Mission in Sierra Leone, 130

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 221–23

UN International Drug Control Program, 215, 218

UNITE (campaign to end violence against women), 122

United Kingdom: and global politics, 41, 42

and R2P, 169

as Security Council member, 18, 57, 72

voting record of, 232. See also Britain, and Palestine

United Nations: attitudes toward, 2–3

and children’s rights, 182

establishment of, ix, 1–2

founding documents, 1–2, 16–22

headquarters of, 4, viii

issues facing, ix

member states, 5, 92, 275–80

nature of, 4–6

personal account of, 254–58

politics of, 10, 77

power of, 5–6, 19, 77

and R2P, 169–70

significance of people and diplomacy in, 3, 95–110

small countries in, 105–6

specialized agencies, 4

system of, 4, 6–10

as terrorist target, 149, 150

US relations with, ix, 11–15, 38–39, 44, 46–54, 56, 245, 250–52

value of, for Americans, 11–12

workings of, 10–11

United States: ambassador to UN, 46–54

and climate change, 224, 225

and countries’

voting records, 229–35

and development organizations, 205–6

financial contributions to UN from, 246–52

and global network, 208

and global politics, 41–42

HDI rating of, 192

and human rights, 160–62, 164

and international courts, 157–59

and international organizations, 218

Iraq invasion by, 56, 64

and peace operations, 111–12, 114, 128, 129, 133

and refugee status, 258

relations with UN, ix, 11–15, 38–39, 44, 46–54, 56, 245, 250–52

as Security Council member, ix, 18, 57, 61–62, 67

and Syria, 65, 142

and terrorism, 135, 139

and UNEP, 228

and UNICEF, 186

and UN sanctions, 70–71

Uniting for Consensus, 77

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 20–22, 21, 71–72, 153–54, 188, 191

text of, 267–74

Universal Periodic Review (UPR), 163–65

Universal Postal Union (UPU), 210–11, 219

UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea, 129

UN Mission in the Republic of South Sudan, 121, 122

UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, 128

UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), 141–42, 152

UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 216, 218

UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 119

UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 119

UN Peacebuilding Fund, 124–25

UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), 122, 129

UN Peacekeeping Forces, 14

UN Police (UNPOL), 120–22

UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), 178

UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti, 57

UN Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), 132

UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), 114–15, 115

UN Village, 95–110

diplomacy in, 96–98

food in, 108

formality and informality in, 97, 106–8

gender issues in, 99–100

“neighborhoods” of, 98–100

secretary-general and, 109–10

Security Council in, 100–106

UN Women, 7, 195, 206–7

Urquhart, Brian: on Ralph Bunche, 91

on Security Council, 78

on Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 20, 22

on value of UN, 16

on workings of UN, 10–11

US Congress, 19, 85, 158, 229, 242, 250

US Constitution, 19

US Environmental Protection Agency, 225, 228

use of force, 67, 118–19, 124

US State Department, 20, 137, 164, 229–35

veto power, 18, 57, 59, 62–63

Vieira de Mello, Sérgio, 132, 149, 165

Vike-Freiberga, Vaira, 26

violence against women, 73, 122

von Einsiedel, Sebastian, 148–49

voting blocs, 10, 76, 78, 88–91, 232, 233

voting, in General Assembly, 88, 103–5, 250–52

voting record, US monitoring of, 229–35

Wadsworth, James J., 49

Waldheim, Kurt, 26

Walters, Vernon A., 49

watchdog committees, 155

weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), 140–48

IAEA and, 144

Iraq and, 66

non-proliferation vs. abolition, 146–48

state possession of, 142–43

terrorism and, 134, 140–41

UN actions on, 145–46

UN actors concerned with, 151–52

Wedgwood, Ruth, 134, 147, 154, 162, 163, 165

West Africa, 12

Western Europe and Others Group, 232

WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 87

Wiesel, Elie, 35

Wiggins, James Russell, 49

women: empowerment of, 195–96

language of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 20–21

MDGs and, 190

and peacekeeping, 73, 120–22

UN organizations for, 7, 195, 206–7

in UN population, 99–100

violence against, 73, 122

Wonder, Stevie, 35

World Bank, 6, 172, 197–99, 207

World Court. See International Court of Justice (ICJ)

World Economic Forum on Climate, Growth and Development (Davos, 2014), 225

World Food Program (WFP), 179–80, 181, 186–87, 249

World Health Organization (WHO), 4, 6, 87, 182–83, 187, 196

World Heritage Sites, 213

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 215, 219

World Maritime University, 218

World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 221, 228

World Trade Organization (WTO), 172

Wu Hongbo, 33

Yemen, 168, 183, 242

Yoo Soon-taek, 37, 109

Yost, Charles W., 49

Young, Andrew, 49

Yugoslavia, 88, 103, 104, 157, 248

Zambia, 76

Zeid al-Hussein, Zeid Ra’ad, 166

Zerrougui, Leila, 33

Zimbabwe, 62

Zmeevsky, Alexander, 139