Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations

Aaron Ward, USS, 289

Abemama, 38

Abotellio, Al, 448

Admiral Ford, 111-12

Admiralty Islands, 174-75, 420, 437-39, 440

Agcaouili, Felix, 375-76

aircraft carriers, 280-81

flight training for, 339-41

stories of duty on, 161-65, 321-23

as target of early Japanese attacks, 17, 18, 19-20

see also specific carriers

Air Medal, 72

Aisek, Kimiuo, 395-96, 496-97

Akamatsu, Yuji, 495

Albritton, Carl, 134-37

Alcorn (Marine), 424-25

Aldrich, Del, 52-54

Aleutian Islands, 38, 284, 302

Alexander MacKenzie, 367, 368, 369, 372

America, 308, 421-22

American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor, 100

American Samoa, 20, 54, 127, 128, 183-84, 199, 319-20, 377-80, 401

Ames, Iowa, machinist school at, 231-32

amphibious tracked vehicles (amtracs), 22, 23

story of duty with battalion of, 450-54

Anderson, John, 44

Angaur, Palau Islands, 254, 255, 389

Anthony, Ray, 361

Antietam, USS, 341

Apia, British Samoa, 127-28, 380

Appalachian, USS, 202

Argonne, USS, 401

Arizona, USS, 28-29, 30, 39-44, 47, 57, 68, 77, 168-70, 318, 321, 399, 496, 500

band of, 56, 58

Whale Boat team of, 39, 39-40, 43, 44

USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, 47, 51, 72, 172, 264, 495, 496

Army Corps of Engineers, 365-76, 497

Astoria, USS, 285, 298, 299, 300

Atlanta, USS, 289

atom bomb, 27, 107-8, 110-11, 175, 197, 207-8, 240, 241, 264, 312, 341, 389, 412, 414, 433-34, 441, 481, 482-83, 486, 490, 491, 500

atrocities, 18, 181-82, 199, 207, 396

Australia, 17-18, 20, 21, 133, 173-74, 219, 253, 256, 262, 269, 295-98, 328, 333-334. 347- 355- 433, 497

Australia, HMS, 294

B-17 bombers, 70, 71-72, 131

B-18 bombers, 66, 70

B-24 bombers, 244-45, 253-60

B-25 bombers, 18-19, 122, 247, 247-52, 249

in Doolittle Raid, 19, 114-15, 116-23, 117, 407, 409-10

B-29 bombers, 24, 25, 27, 205, 265-67, 270-71, 329, 404-5, 447-48, 498

Baker, Commodore, 398

Baker, John, 39, 41, 43, 44

Balikpapan, Borneo, 254

Ballenger, Jack, 465

Balza, Firman, 31-38, 500

banzai attacks, 20, 175, 437, 442

Bartlett, David, 39

Barton, USS, 289

Basilan, Philippines, 235

Bataan Death March, 18, 90, 92, 97, 102-4, 498

Bataan Peninsula, Philippines, 18, 91-92, 97, 102, 104, 113


stories of duty on, 31-51

see also specific battleships

Becton, Commander, 470

Beddall, John, 246, 247, 247-52, 496

Belleau Wood, USS, 162

Bellows Field, Hawaii, 62

Beru (now Kiribati), 392-93, 498

see also Tarawa

Betio Island, 14-15, 22, 184, 189, 498-99, 500

Biak Island, 254

Bilibid Prison, Manila, 100, 105

Bismarck Sea, Battle of, 38

Black Dragon Society, 177

Blackhawk, USS, 296

black troops, 434

Bloody Ridge, Guadalcanal, 124-25

Boardman, Eugene, 187

Bodenlos, Al, 55, 55-58

Bogart, Humphrey, 284

Bond, Burnis, 39

Bong, Major, 262

Bora Bora, 20, 78, 285, 304, 552-53, 355-58, 359, 359, 497

Borneo, 235-38, 254, 291

Bougainville, 21, 220, 422-23, 428

Bower, Bill, 116, 117, 117-23

Bowfin, USS, 499

Bowman, Charles, 146

Bowman, David, 138, 138-53, 149, 499

Brandemhil, Frank, 421

Brewer, Captain, 132

Brickley, Eugene, 39

Briner, Dave, 44

Brisbane, Australia, 333, 334, 347

British Samoa, 54, 127-28, 380

Bronze Star, 195-96, 315, 439

Bruer, John, 90, 101-13, 498, 500

Bryant, Lieutenant, 247

Buckman, Paul, 36-37

Buckner Bay Okinawa, 313-16

Bunkley Captain, 398

Burgess, Fred, 470

Bush, George (elder), 86

C-47 aircraft, 268-69

C-54 aircraft, 274-77

Cabanatuan prison camp, Philippines, 100, 105-6

Cabiness (Marine), 44

Cabras Island, 424

Caine Mutiny, The (Wouk), 296

Cale, Sterling, 166-72, 497

California, USS, 309, 398-400

Callaghan, D. J., 289

Camp Elliot, Calif, 183, 202

Camp John Hay, Baguio, Philippines, 96

Camp O'Donnell, Philippines, 92

Camp Pendleton, Calif, 202, 207

Camp Savage, Minn., 209

Camp Seventeen, Amuta, Japan, 106-9

Canberra, 298, 299, 300

Canton Island, 58, 367

Cape Gloucester, New Britain, 21

Caroline Islands, 325

Cary Otis, 192

Cascade, USS, 367

Cassin, USS, 308-11

casualties, 156-77

among comrades, dealing with, 220, 322, 437, 455-56, 467, 470-71, 476-77

buried at sea, 295

chaplains and, 147

civilian, 27, 440-41

evacuation of, 185, 275, 276

friendly fire and, 148, 439

identification of bodies, 168-70

Japanese, American POWS forced to care for, 99

Japanese, burying of, 160

mental breakdowns, 137, 142-44, 151-52, 275, 276, 328-29, 432-33

Purple Heart and, 137, 176, 238, 314, 428

sent back into combat, 142-43, 426

shrapnel wounds and, 135-36

stories of servicemen hit, 148-52, 344-45, 425-28, 441, 450-51, 453

telegrams and, 137, 176, 466-67

see also medics and corpsmen; specific engagements

Catch-22 (Heller), 122

Cates, Clifton, 206

Celebes, 254, 255

Chamorros, 24, 193, 330, 397-403

chaplains, 147-48

Chester, USS, 310-11

Chiang-kai Shek, Madame, 122

Chicago, USS, 293-301

China, 17, 43, 227, 488, 489

B-25 missions in, 18-19, 116, 119, 121-22

Japanese invasion of, 181-82, 199-200, 207, 397, 409, 412-13, 457

USMC occupation of, 207

China Sea, story of submarine patrol in, 348-51

"chopping block, " 107

Christmas Island, 38, 253

Chungking, China, 121-22

Cifra, Brigidio, 376

CINCPAC (Commander in Chief, Pacific), 74-77, 189

"Cinderella Liberty, " 32

Clack, Robert, 161-65, 499

Clark, J. J. (Jocko), 165

Clark Field, Philippines, 102, 111, 255, 433, 485

Clarkson, Major General, 212

Cloer, Calvin, 475

Coast Guard, 324-30

code breaking, 19-20, 189, 202, 219, 427

Colley Captain, 251

Colorado, USS, 283, 284, 285

Columbia, USS, 316

"comfort women, " 204

Commemorative Air Force, 252

Cook, Clarence, 317-20

Cook, Doc, 61

Cope, Bill and Ruth, 66, 66-72, 497

coral airstrips, 244-45, 386-87, 387, 497

Coral Sea, Battle of, 294-95

Corpus Christi, Tex., flight training at, 339-40

Corregidor Island, Philippines, 95-100, 103-4, 258, 372, 498

Malinta Tunnel on, 88-89, 97-99, 104, 105, 498

peacetime duty on, 95-96

siege and fall of, 18, 21, 88-89, 97-100, 104-5

correspondents, 23, 326-27

Corsair fighters, 340, 341, 387, 388

Cowpens, USS, 161, 163

Crane, USS, 45

Crawford (Marine), 44

Crescent City, USS, 128

Cristobal, Jorge, 397-403, 495-96

Crommelin (pilot), 158

Crosby, Bing, 284

Crow, Howard, 37

cruisers, story of duty on, 293-301

Csizmadia, Joe, 247

Cumpston, Milo, 444-49, 499

Curtis, USS, 53

Cushing, USS, 289

Damage-control teams, 161-65

Dan C. Kingman, 365, 369-74, 375

Davis, Wylie, 293-302

Dean, Hoadley 485-87

DeBolt, Mike, 335-38

Decker, Bill, 192

Delewski, Larry, 470, 472-78, 499

depth charges, 348, 349


Japanese, PT boats and, 220, 223, 224

stories of duty on, 52-54, 284-92, 307-12, 462-81

see also specific destroyers

"Dilbert Dunker, " 273

Distinguished Flying Cross, 72

Distinguished Service Cross, 165

dogs, war, 423-24

dog tags, 49, 169, 171

Doolittle, Jimmy, 19, 114-15, 121, 122, 407, 409-10

Doolittle Raid, 19, 114-15, 116-23, 117, 311, 407, 409-10

Dorsey Leo, 339-41

Downes, USS, 311

Downs, Pete, 247

Drayton, USS, 290

Dreesbach, Herbert, 39

Dublon, 395, 396

Dunnam, Robert, 39

Durbin, Deanna, 130

Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), 17, 18, 262, 479

Edson, Mike, 126, 185

Eighth Air Force, 266

elephantiasis, 380

Ellet, USS, 311-12

Ellice Islands, 367-69

Elvida, 73-74, 77

Engelken, Ben, 46

Eniwetok, 157, 291, 309, 310, 313, 317

Enterprise, USS, 163, 165

Epstein, Lyle, 333

equator, Neptune Parties and, 234, 319, 332-33, 430

Erskine, Robert, 39

Espiritu Santo, 71, 128, 285, 289

Essex, USS, 161, 165

Evangeline, 375

Ewart, George, 189, 190, 196

F8F Bearcat, 340-41

Facteau, Homer, 222

Fairchild, Herb, 74

Falavi, 393-94, 497

Farrell (Doolittle Raider), 121

FBI, 201

Fifth Marine Division, 204, 418-19, 444

Fighting Lady (movie), 158

Fiji, 20, 54, 71, 294

fire-bomb raids, 256, 270-71, 408, 411-12

First Armored Division, 139

First Cavalry Division, 173, 436-41

First Marine Division, 43, 44, 128, 139, 146, 388-89

Fleetwood, Donald, 39

Fletcher, USS, 284-92

Flint, Chester, 476

Ford Island, Hawaii, 33, 38, 40, 42, 70, 75, 76, 81, 167, 399, 400, 496

Ford Motor Company, 118

Formosa (now Taiwan), 21, 254, 255, 256, 267

Fort Shafter, Hawaii, 70

Fourth Marine Division, 139, 202-7, 45°

Fraser, Harvey and Jean, 59-61

Frederick Funston, 366

Freeland, Frank, 220

French Polynesia, 20, 355

see also Bora Bora; Tahiti

friendly fire, 148, 439

Frink, Russell, 283-92

FRUPAC (Fleet Radio Unit Pacific), 202

Fujita, Ted, 414

Fukuhara, Henry, 180, 209, 209-13, 484, 500

Fukuhara family, 209, 209, 212-13

Fukuoka prison camp, Japan, 92-94

Funafuti Island, 244-45, 291, 367-69, 393

Fuqua, Lieutenant Commander, 41-42, 43

Gard, Dr., 164

Garrett, Vern, 16, 156, 157, 157-60, 496, 499

gas attacks, 150

Gherardi, USS, 308

Ghormley Robert L., 400-401

G1 Bill, 277, 329, 330, 435

Gila River Internment Camp, Ariz., 209, 210

Gilbert Islands, 38, 162, 248, 251, 393-94

Giles, Fred, 355, 355-59, 497

Gilmore, USS, 351

Goodman, Corporal, 41

Great Britain, 17-18

Green, James William, 44

Griffin, Lawrence, 39

Griffin, USS, 346-47

Guadalcanal, 20-21, 71-72, 128-33, 139, 143, 158, 168, 170-72, 183, 214-15, 217, 229, 253, 285-86, 289-90, 291, 355, 380, 386, 401, 421, 422, 437, 497

Battles of Savo Island off coast of, 28-300, 132-33, 285

Bloody Ridge in, 124-25

Iron Bottom Sound in, 20, 71-72, 132-33, 497

Japanese evacuation of, 216, 223-24, 300

PT boats at, 218-24

Guam, 2-5, 17, 18, 23, 24-25, 58, 208, 275, 276, 311, 371, 372, 373, 401-2, 422-25, 428, 497-98

bombers based on, 265-66, 267, 404-5

story of native of, 397-403, 495-96

Gudgeon, USS, 347

Guenther, Ken, 484, 488-91

"Gung Ho, " 147

Gutterman, Dave, 173-77, 498

Hahn, Al, 250, 230-43

Hallsted, Rocky, 33

Halmahera, 382-83, 384

Halsey William F., 23, 145, 401

Hamilton, Carl, 385-89, 497

Hancock, Alan, 91-94

Hancock, USS, 280-81

Hastings, Bill, 450-54, 499

Hastings, USS, 317-20

Hauff, Richard, 44


peacetime duty in, 32, 45-46, 55-56, 62-63, 66-68, 79-81

in wartime, 189-91, 196, 250-51, 274-75, 318, 331-32, 342-43, 360-61, 366-67, 369-70, 444-45

yard patrol in, 73-74

see also Pearl Harbor

Hazen, Laverne, 467

Helena, USS, 289, 290

Heller, Joseph, 122

Hell's Kitchen: Tulagi 1942-43 (Larson), 78

Helmboldt, H. H., 369

Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, 126, 128-33, 285-86, 386

Herman, George, 447

Hermle, Leo, 184, 185-86, 187

Hershey, USS, 177

Hickam Army Air Base, Hawaii, 62-70, 77-497

Hiei, 288

Higgins landing craft, 22, 159, 185

Hilger, Jack, 119

Hindenburg, 166

Hindmarsh, Albert, 182, 199, 200, 201

Hirohito, Emperor, 93, 182, 183, 188, 414-15, 416

Hiroshima, 27, 108, 207-8, 209, 211-13, 412, 414, 482-83, 500

see also atom bomb

Hobson (Marine), 424-25

Hollandia, 226-27

Hollandia, New Guinea, 221, 226-27, 234-35, 479

Hollywood Canteen, 458-59

Holmes, "Smilin' Jack, " 145-46

Homma, General, 92

Honolulu, 374-75

inadvertent bombing of, 34, 53

in wartime, 189-91, 196, 250-51, 274-75, 342-43, 361, 366-67, 369-70

see also Hawaii; Pearl Harbor

Honolulu, USS, 290

Hoover (Doolittle Raider), 121

Hope, Bob, 58

Hornet, USS, 19, 114-15, 117, 118-19, 120, 121, 280-81, 311, 360

Howell, Gunner, 447

Hughes, Marvin, 39

Hughes, USS, 473

Hunter Liggett, USS, 133

Hyland, Everett, 45-51, 86

le Shima, 278-79, 318

Independence, USS, 161, 368-69

Indianapolis, USS, 45, 48-49

Indonesia, see Dutch East Indies

interpreters, 180-213

island native as, 401-3

Japanese-Americans as, 209-13

in occupied Japan, 209, 211-13

prisoners interrogated by, 185-89, 191, 194-95, 198, 202_3, 205-6

recruitment of, 182, 200-201

surrender of Japanese facilitated by, 187, 188-89, 191-92, 195-96, 203, 310

training of, 182-83, 198-99, 201-2, 209

Iron Bottom Sound, Guadalcanal, 20, 71-72, 132-33, 497

island natives, 241-42, 258, 319-20, 330, 392-403, 495-97

contagious diseases and, 128, 377

interrogation of, 193, 383

relationships between U.S. military personnel and, 78, 356-59, 359

in war effort, 236, 390-91, 392-94, 398-402

Iwo Jima, 25, 49, 204_6, 208, 267, 311, 418-19, 428, 445-49, 451-59, 455

fiftieth anniversary trip to, 453-54, 459- 499

Mount Suribachion, 25, 206, 445, 447-452

Jaluit, 162, 163

Jamestown, USS, 223


American POWS in, 81, 85, 92-94, 100, 106-11, 112

bombing missions over, 18-19, 24, 25, 114-15, 116-23, 205, 266-67, 270-71, 329, 404-5, 407-12, 498;see also atom bomb

occupation of, 177, 209, 211-13, 316, 415-17, 449, 484, 486-87, 490-91

preparations for invasion of, 27, 38, 107, 175, 194, 196, 206, 208, 211, 213, 227, 240, 264, 266, 341, 413-14, 433-34, 441, 481, 486, 489-90

stories from, 406-17

strategy for defeat of, 21

surrenderor, 24, 26, 27, 77, 93-94, 177, 197, 239-41, 264, 266-67, 335, 341, 414-15, 486, 500

Japanese Americans:

arrests of, 57

internment of, 182, 183, 201, 209-10

sabotage fears and, 60, 65, 68

in war effort, 182-83, 201, 209_13

Japanese language, 445

see also interpreters

JICPOA (Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Area), 203, 206

Johnson, Wayne "Jim, " 62-65

Johnston, Perry Max, 303-6

Johnston Island, 401

Jones, K. D., 469, 471

Juneau, USS, 145, 289

jungle rot, 263

Kagoshima, Japan, 109-10

Kalk, USS, 374

kamikaze attacks, 282, 313-15, 321-22, 327, 340, 460-61

airplanes as targets of, 2 54

by swimmers and speedboats, 327

techniques of, 473

on USS Laffey, 462-81

Karama Reto, 473

Karr, Bob, 468-71, 472, 499

Kasahara, Akira, 406, 409-17

Kennedy, John F., 216, 218, 224-25, 226, 228-29, 239

KestleyJ. J., 367, 369

Ketron (sailor), 476, 477

Killian, Dale, 462, 479-81

Kimmel, Husband E., 32, 75-76, 77

King, Ernest J., 298

King, General, 91

King George Medal, 394

Kingman (in full, Dan C. Kingman), 365, 369-74. 375

Kiribati (formerly Beru), 392-93, 498

see also Tarawa

Kirsch, Dr., 157, 160

Kleypas, A. C., 253, 253-60, 257

Klimcack, Joe, 33

Knight, Bus, 247, 248, 249, 250

Korea, 412-13

laborers from, in Japanese forces, 187, 192, 193

Korean War, 267, 341

Kowalski, Dr., 427-28

Kunming, China, 119

Kurabayashi, General, 205-6

Kurile Islands, 490

Kuroda, Paul, 407-8

Kwajalein Atoll, 23, 38, 202-3, 250-51.275, 291, 335, 343, 344, 345, 369, 489-90

see also Roi-Namur

Laffey, USS, 289, 463-78, 472, 499

LaFrancois, Captain, 147

Lamson, USS, 290

LaPointe, Jim, 475

Lardner, USS, 290

Larson, Tom, 75, 73-78

Lawson (Doolittle Raider), 121

Lawson, Chester, 421

LCSLS (Landing Craft Support-Large), story of duty on, 313-16

LeMay Curtis, 266-67, 270

Leverenz, Oz, 307-12

Levy, Dave, 12-13, 214_15, 216, 217, 217-29, 497

Lewis, Bill, 282, 313-16

Lewis, Dave, 424

Lexington, USS, 77, 162, 163, 165, 280-81, 293-94, 295

Leyte, Philippines, 2, 23, 24, 145, 175, 255, 261, 311, 372, 374, 439-40, 441, 485, 488-89, 498

bombers based in, 262-66

Lingayen Gulf, 348-50, 481

Lipa, Batangas, Philippines, 94

Lockhart, Jim, 346-51, 499

Lorengau, Manus Island, 175

Lott, Russ, 44

Louisville, USS, 301, 321-22

LSTS (Landing Ship Tanks), stories of duty on, 303-6, 325-29, 479-81

Lurline, SS, 49, 67, 127, 183, 344, 380

Luzon Island, Philippines, 18, 23, 24, 96, 211, 268-69, 389. 440-41, 485

Lynch, William, 73

MacArthur, Douglas, 383, 416, 488

fall of Philippines and, 21, 97, 98

liberation of Philippines and, 23-24, 145, 211, 436, 498

strategy for defeating Japan and, 21

at surrender ceremony, 26, 500

MacKenzie (in full, Alexander MacKenzie), 367, 368, 369, 372

MacKenzie, John McGinnis, 308

Mahood, Robert, 126, 127-33, 497

Majuro Atoll, 23, 248, 249-50, 332, 334

Makassar Strait, USS, 197

Makin Atoll, 147, 163, 247, 248

malaria, 20, 71, 171-72, 175, 229, 263, 269, 443

Malaya (now Malaysia), 18

Malinta Tunnel, Corregidor, Philippines, 88-89, 97-99, 104, 105, 498

Maloelap Atoll, 248

Manchuria, 181, 199, 200, 412-13

Manila, Philippines, 99, 330

Bilibid Prison in, 100, 105

fall of, 96-97, 104, 105

liberation of, 23, 24, 175, 255, 372-74, 431, 436, 440-41

peacetime duty in, 101-2

POW repatriation camp in, 111-12

Manila Harbor, mining of, 431

Manus Island, 174-75, 437

Marcos, Ferdinand, 375-76

Marcus Island, 310-11

Marianas, 21, 23, 24-25, 191, 330

see also Guam; Saipan; Tinian

Mariposa, USS, 380

Mariveles, Philippines, 91, 102

Marshall Islands, 21, 38, 162, 248, 251, 291, 294, 343, 369

see also Eniwetok; Kwajalein Atoll

Maryland, USS, 31-38, 54, 398

Mashaw, Bill, 272-77

Matsonia, SS, 134, 233-34

Matson Line, 112

Matt, Bob, 122

Maui, Hawaii, 203, 204, 206

Maury, USS, 290

McCain, John S., 311

McCool, Dick, 315-16

McCurdy Russell, 30, 39, 39-44, 500

McEvoy Doug, 360-64, 498

McKenzie, Coke, 46, 47, 50

McNeal, Charles, 354, 377-81

Medal of Honor, 34, 42, 131, 262, 316

medics and corpsmen, 79, 134-37, 147, 149-50, 154-55, 156-77

in damage-control teams on board ships, 161-65

in Pearl Harbor attack, 167-70, 171

see also casualties

Meehl, Jerry, 375, 376

Meehl, Louis, 278, 278-79

Mejit, 370-71

Mele, Joe, 470, 477

Melville, R.I., machinist school at, 23 2

Memphis, USS, 50

mental breakdowns, 137, 151-52, 275, 276, 328-29, 432-33

Merchant Marine, 317-20

Midway Island, 17, 293-94, 333-34, 361-63, 364, 498, 499

Battle of, 19-20, 38, 70, 284, 295

Mili Island, 158, 162-63

Military Intelligence Service, 209-13

Military Language School, 209

Milliff, Jim, 421-28, 498

Mindanao, Philippines, 145, 485-86

Minneapolis, USS, 290, 321

missing in action, 112, 466-67

Missouri, USS, 38, 500

surrender ceremony aboard, 26, 27

Momote airfield, Manus Island, 174-75

Monahan, USS, 53

Monrovia, USS, 184

Monssen, USS, 289

Monterey, USS, 380

Moore, General, 97

Morotai, 382-84, 479

Mount, Clyde and Florence, 210-11

Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima, 25, 206, 445, 447, 452

Munda, 387, 388, 497

Naganuma, N., 198

Nagasaki, 27, 107-8, 110-11, 414, 500

Naha, Okinawa, 147, 150-51

Namur, see Roi-Namur

natives, see island natives

Naval Intelligence, 201

Naval Mine Worker Association, 54

Navy Cross, 219

Navy Japanese Language School, 182-83, 108, 199, 201-2, 207

Navy Radio Service, 355-56, 357

NCDUS (Naval Combat Demolition Units), 342-45

Neptune Parties, 234, 319, 332-33, 430

Netherlands, 17-18

Nevada, USS, 33, 496

New Britain, 21

New Caledonia, 20, 54, 70-71, 83-84, 218, 285, 286, 355, 358, 386, 401

New Georgia, 299

New Guinea (now West Papua and Papua New Guinea), 18, 21, 23, 134-37, 174, 221, 234-35, 261, 291, 382, 383, 430-31, 436-37, 479-80

bombers based in, 253-55, 257, 257-58

see also Manus Island

New Hebrides, 20, 54, 71

see also Espiritu Santo

New Mexico, USS, 331

New Orleans, USS, 290

Newport, R.I., torpedo school at, 218, 225-26, 308

New York, USS, 73

New Zealand, 17-18, 20, 21, 183, 219, 224, 355, 393-94, 400-401, 422

Ngesebus, 143-44

Nichols Field, Philippines, 101-2

Nicoloric (PT boat crewman), 222

Nightingale, Earl, 41, 42, 44

Nimitz, Chester, 21-22, 23, 24, 76, 77, 145, 189, 202, 249, 250

Northampton, USS, 290

Noumea, New Caledonia, 285, 286

nurses, at Pearl Harbor, 49, 79-87

Oahu, Hawaii, 68, 70, 76

Oba, Captain, 194

O'Bannon, USS, 285, 286, 288

Occupation of Japan, 177, 209, 211-13, 316, 415-17, 449, 484, 486-87, 490-91

Office of Naval Intelligence, 182

Okinawa, 21, 25-27, 43, 44, 58, 110-11, 146-51, 196, 264, 318-19, 326-27, 335, 486, 499-500

kamikaze attacks on ships off, 313-16, 464-78

typhoon in, 305-6

Oklahoma, USS, 32-33, 34-35, 36, 38, 41, 57, 76, 77, 168, 332, 400, 500

Oldfield, Rex, 374

Operation Bobcat, 355-56

Osmond (Navy radioman), 48

Owi Island, 254-55, 257

Pacific, 367, 369

Pacific Legacy (Meehl and Smith), 375, 376

Pago Pago, American Samoa, 20, 54, 127, 128, 319-20

Palau Islands, 255

see also Angaur; Peleliu

Palawan, 291

Papua New Guinea, see New Guinea

Parker, Major, 147

Patriots Point, Charleston, S.C., 499

Pavuvu, 139, 144, 145-46

Peabody Eddie, 361

Pearl Harbor, 162, 165, 203, 206, 297, 341, 499, 500

code-breaking unit at, 189, 202

Japanese POWS at, 188, 189

remains of sunken ships in, 158, 161, 330-31, 360

VJ Day at, 206-7

Pearl Harbor (movie), 87

Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 17-18, 28-29, 30-87, 102, 293-94, 208, 308, 311, 375, 413, 436, 456, 495, 496, 497

American reactions to, 230, 261, 283-84, 307, 330-31, 365, 378, 385, 429

Arizona Memorial and, 47, 51, 72, 172, 264, 495, 496

Army airfield and barracks in, 57-71

Battleship Row in, 28-29, 31-54, 399-400

casualties in, 37, 47-50, 82-83, 168-70, 332

CINCPAC in, 74-77

fiftieth anniversary of, 46, 50, 86

Japanese-Americans and, 57, 209, 210

Japanese reactions to, 407, 409

medical personnel in, 79-87, 167-70, 171

retaliatory attacks after, 18-19; see also Doolittle Raid

Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, 44, 51, 54, 58, 495

Peck, Gregory, 67, 72, 427

Pedrotti, Francis, 39

Peleliu, 23, 24, 43, 44, 139-45, 149, 150, 154-55, 335, 386, 388-89

Pelzel, John, 187

Pennsylvania, USS, 38, 40, 45-48, 56

Pensacola, Fla., flight training at, 272-73

Pensacola, USS, 290, 310-11

Perkins, USS, 290

Phelan, Robert, 382-84

Philippines, 17, 57, 221, 227-28, 229, 261, 275, 276, 304, 318, 326, 375-76, 389, 407, 413, 434, 463, 466, 473, 479, 485-86, 488-89

Bataan Death March in, 18, 90, 92, 97, 102-4

Battle of Surigao Strait in, 3 3 5-3 8

bombers based in, 262-66

C-47 runs in, 268-69

evacuation of big brass from, 21, 98

fall of, 18, 21, 88-89, 90-113, 498

liberation of, 2, 23-24, 134, 135-37, 145, 175, 176-77, 211, 255, 258, 291, 321-22, 372-75, 431-33, 436, 439-41, 498

POWS in, 18, 88-89, 91-92, 94, 97, 99-100, 102-4, 105-6, 436, 440

PT boats in, 226-27, 230, 235, 239-42, 336, 337

see also Bataan Peninsula; Corregidor Island; Leyte; Luzon; Manila

Polynesia, see Bora Bora; French Polynesia; Tahiti

Ponape, 204, 251

Pond, Bill, 321-23

Portland, USS, 335

post-traumatic stress disorder, 151-52

Pound, Bill, 119

POWS, American, 81, 251, 396

"chopping block" and, 107

forced to man Japanese ships, 3 50-51

held in Japan, 81, 85, 92-94, 100, 106-11, 112

legacy of experiences of, 100, 112-13

liberation of, 108-10

listed as missing in action, 112

Nagasaki bombing and, 107-8, 110-11

parachuting of supplies to, 108-9, 267

in Philippines, 18, 88-89, 91-92, 94, 97, 99-100, 102-4, 105-6, 436, 440

POWS, Japanese, 207, 211-12, 223, 239, 445-457

facilitation of surrender and, 187, 188-89, 191-92, 195-96, 203

interrogation of, 185-89, 191, 194-95, 202-3, 205-6

President Polk, USS

PT boats, 214-15, 216-43, 497

hearing damage on, 229, 242-43

Kennedy's experiences with, 216, 224-25, 239

in Philippines, 226-27, 230, 235, 239-42, 336, 337

scrapping of, 227, 242

in Solomon Islands, 218-25, 226, 229, 239

Puller, "Chesty, " 140

Purple Heart, 137, 176, 238, 314, 428

Pu-Yi, Henry, 200

Pyle, Ernie, 147, 278, 318

Quarantine Houses, 128

Quincy, USS, 285, 298, 299, 300

Ramapo, USS, 74

Ramsey, USS, 52-54

Randolf, USS, 341

Rasmussen, Colonel, 68

Redshaw, Ward, 109

Regal, USS, 400-401

Republic, USS, 61

Rheaume, Alex, 147, 149-50

Rickert, Bud, 79, 79-81, 83, 85-86

Rickert, Lenore, 49, 79, 79-87

Riley, Red, 220

Roberts, Ensign, 37

Robinson, "Little, " 224

Roi-Namur, 38, 139, 143, 202-3, 343-44 345

Romer, Colonel, 104-5

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 84

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 21, 293

Rosenbrock, Jim, 261, 261-64

Rosenbrock, Mel, 261, 263

Rosenthal, Joe, 25, 206

RP (Radar Picket) stations, 313-14

Runk, Lt. Commander, 470, 476

Russell Islands, 224

Russia, 122, 490-91

Ryder, General, 488-89

Sabotage, 60, 65, 68, 92

Saipan, 23, 24-25, 58, 185, 192-94, 195-96, 203-4, 266, 267, 310, 313, 326, 327, 329, 450-51, 492-93, 496, 497-98

Saiz, Fred, 420, 436, 436-43, 496, 498

Salt Lake City, USS, 310-11

Samar, Philippines, 255, 275, 276, 440

Samoa, see American Samoa; British Samoa

San Francisco, USS, 289

Sangay, USS, 367

Santo Tomas, Philippines, 436, 440

Saratoga, USS, 128, 165

Saturday Evening Post, 147

Savo Island, 299-300, 132-33, 285

SBD dive-bombers, 272-74, 339

Schmidt, J. W., 308

Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, 55, 55-61

Scott, Randolph, 147

Seabees, 71, 249, 249-50, 352-53, 386-89, 422, 497

Sea Pike, 382

Searles, Jack, 218, 219, 222

Second Marine Division, 183, 196, 197, 203, 204

Sem-Sem, 384

Seventh Air Force, 244-45, 255

Seventh Army Division, 202

Seventh Fleet, 77, 304

Shanghai, China, 181-82, 199-200, 207

Shapley Alan, 41, 42, 43, 44

Shaw, Artie, 332

Shaw, USS, 332

Sheeks, Robert B., 16, 178-79, 181, 181-97, 203-4, 408, 499

Sherrod, Robert, 194

Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 26

Shive, Gordon, 39

Shore Patrol (SP), 183-84

Shoup, Dave, 188, 194-95

Sibuyan Sea, 311

Signal Corps, 95

Silver Star, 42, 176-77, 223, 315

Simonsen, Second Lieutenant, 40

Smith, Rex Alan, 365, 365-76

Smoot, Roland, 309

SNJ aircraft, 339-40

Snyder, Jake, 470

Solomon Islands, 20-21, 71-72, 77, 228, 298-301, 387, 388, 390-91, 497

PT boats in, 218-25, 226, 229, 239

see also Guadalcanal; Pavuvu; Tulagi

Sommelsteich, 444

South Dakota, USS, 128

Southeast Asia, 17, 20

Sperry, USS, 331-34, 368

Spielbush, Edward, 421

Spriggs, Jim, 463, 463-67, 472, 499

Stassen, Harold, 85

Stearman biplane, 339, 341

Sterett, USS, 289

Storla, Clarence "Dude, " 324-30

Straus, Vernon, 466

Strobing, Irving, 95-100, 498

submarines, 499

Japanese, 53, 290-91, 295-98

midget, 53, 295-98

story of duty on, 346-51

submarine tenders, stories of duty on, 331-34, 346-47


Japanese mentality and, 187, 194, 203, 457

see also banzai attacks; kamikaze attacks

Sullivan brothers, 145, 289

Sulu Sea, 311

Sumner, 367-69

Suribachi, Mount, Iwo Jima, 25, 206, 445, 447, 452

Surigao Strait, Battle of, 335-38

Sutton, Don, 47

Suva, Fiji, 294

Sydney Harbor, Australia, 295-98

Tahiti, 354, 358-59

Taiwan, see Formosa

Tarawa Atoll, 14-15, 22-23, 38, 139, 158-60, 163, 184-89, 291, 368, 393, 394, 498-99, 500

Taroa, Maloelap Atoll, 248

Tassafaronga, Guadalcanal, 289-90

Te Bua Bua, 369, 371

telegrams, casualties and, 137, 176, 466-67

Temple, Shirley, 130

Tennessee, USS, 36, 38, 61

Third Armored Division, 139-53

Third Marine Division, 139, 401-2, 422

Thirty-third Infantry Division, 211-13

Thom, Lenny, 224

Thoma, George, 331-34

Ticonderoga, USS, 280-81

Time, 194

Tinian, 23, 24-25, 27, 58, 178-79, 192, 194-96, 204, 266, 267, 310, 497-98 B-29s based on, 270-71

Tokyo, 107, 316, 330, 402-3, 415-17

bombing raids over, 19, 205, 270-71, 407-12

stories from, 406-17

Tokyo Rose, 81, 85, 329

Tonga, 128

Tongatapu, Tonga, 128

torpedo alcohol, 221-22

torpedoes, 220, 287, 288, 298, 300-301, 330, 343-44, 350

firing of, 347-48, 350

Trinidad, Captain, 375

Truk, 145, 163, 193, 335, 395-96

Truman, Harry, 213, 433, 490

Tulagi, 20, 77, 78, 228, 497

PT boats at, 217, 218-24

Tulagi, USS, 321-23

Turner, Richmond K., 315

Twenty-first Infantry Regiment, 61

Twenty-second Marine Regiment, 127-33

Twenty-seventh Army Infantry Division, 203

typhoons, 279, 305-6

UDTS (Underwater Demolition Teams), 342-45

Ulithi Atoll, 280-81

Umezu, Ybshijiro, 26

Underwood, Elbert Ross, 421

Upolu, British Samoa, 127

Utah, USS, 52, 54, 496

V-7 Officer's Candidate program, 73, 293, 307

Vandergrift, Alexander A., 129, 444

Van Inwegen, Don, 270-71, 498

Vestal, USS, 47

Victory ships, story of duty on, 317-20

Vincennes, USS, 142-43, 285, 298, 299, 300

VÌnzant, John W., 265-67, 498

Vlach, Jim, 44

Wainwright, General, 98, 99

Wake Island, 17, 18, 81, 83, 162, 206

Walker, Warren, 477

Wall, Harlan, 429, 429-35

Walne, Florence, 199

Walter, George, 421

war crimes, 396, 402-3

WARD S (Women's Air Raid Defense), 70

Washington, 421

Wasp, USS, 280-81

Weiss, Dr., 146

West Point, USS, 308

West Virginia, USS, 36

Wheeler Army Air Base, Hawaii, 57, 59, 60, 68

White, Byron, 228

Wilkinson, Theodore S., 401

William P. Biddle, USS, 377

Williams, Dan, 198, 198-208, 498

Williams, Ted, 273

Williamson, John, 146-47

Willis, Solomon, 249, 250, 251

Winchell, Walter, 130

Wismer (sailor), 476-77

Wismer, Stanley, 470

Wolken, Fred, 268-69

Woods, Joe, 455-59, 499

Wouk, Herman, 296

Wygant, Captain, 307

Yard patrol (YP), 73-74

Yorktown, USS, 158, 160, 161-65, 280-81, 295, 356, 460-61, 499

Young (Marine), 41

Zamboanga, Philippines, 239

Zero aircraft, 63, 66, 72, 131, 318-19

Zupon (sailor), 470-71