Congruence, Parallelograms, and Polygons

1.   At least one pair of congruent sides There is a great deal of information about congruent angles. Because Images, alternate interior angles are congruent, so ∠A ≅ ∠C and ∠B ≅ ∠D. In addition, ∠AOB ≅ ∠COD because vertical angles are congruent. But in order to prove the triangles congruent, it is necessary to have at least one pair of congruent sides.

2.   Given that Images bisects ∠WZY, it is possible to conclude that ∠WZX ≅ ∠YZX. Given Images bisects ∠WXY, it is possible to conclude that ∠WXZ ≅ ∠YXZ. Images and ΔWZX ≅ ΔYZX by ASA.

3.   If Images, as given, the ∠A ≅ ∠C by Alternate Interior Angle theorem, and in addition, ∠AOB ≅ ∠COD because vertical angles are congruent. Given that O is the midpoint of Images, Images, and ΔAOB ≅ ΔCOD by ASA.

4.   Images bisects ∠PQR is given and implies ∠PRT ≅ ∠QRT by the definition of bisector. ∠PRQ ≅ ∠QTR is also given and Images. ΔPTR ≅ ΔQTR by ASA, and Images by CPCTC.

5.   Given that Images and ∠ABC ≅ ∠DCB, it is necessary only to add Images (reflexive) and ΔABC ≅ ΔDCB by SAS. By CPCTC, Images and ∠A ≅ ∠D. Because vertical angles are congruent, ∠BEA ≅ ∠CED, and then ΔBEA ≅ ΔCED by AAS. Finally, Images by CPCTC.

6.   Images

ΔABC is isosceles with Images and Images is the perpendicular bisector of Images. ImagesADB and ∠CDB are right angles formed by the perpendiculars, and because all right angles are congruent, ∠ADB ≅ ∠CDB. Images by the definition of bisector. ΔABD ≅ ΔCDB by SAS, and ∠ABD ≅ ∠CDB by CPCTC. By the definition of angle bisector, Images bisects ∠ABC.

7.   Rectangle and square

8.   Rhombus and square

9.   Parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square

10.   Rhombus and square

11.   Trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square

12.   If M is the midpoint of Images and the midpoint of Images, then diagonals Images and Images bisect each other, and ABCD is a parallelogram. In a parallelogram, opposite sides are congruent, so Images. Alternately, Images and Images by the definition of midpoint and ∠AMD ≅ ∠BMC because vertical angles are congruent. ΔAMD ≅ ΔBMC by SAS and Images by CPCTC.

13.   10   In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent and consecutive angles are supplementary. Use those facts to write two equations, each involving x and y. Solve the system to find the values of x and y.


14.   In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent. If ABCD is a parallelogram, ∠A ≅ ∠C. If AEFG is a parallelogram, ∠A ≅ ∠F. By transitivity, ∠C ≅ ∠F. ∠C and ∠D are consecutive angles of a parallelogram, and so they are supplementary, which means m∠C + m∠D = 180°. ∠C ≅ ∠F, so m∠C = m∠F and by substituting, m∠F + m∠D = 180°. ∠F and ∠D are supplementary.

15.   Images

First, verify that PQRS is a parallelogram by checking that opposite sides are parallel. Find the slopes and show that opposite sides have the same slope. For Images Images For Images, Images For Images, Images For Images, Images

Opposite sides have the same slope, and so are parallel, therefore PQRS is a parallelogram. To show that PQRS is a rectangle, show that adjacent sides are perpendicular. It is only necessary to show that there is one right angle.

For Images Images For Images, Images

Because the slopes of Images and Images multiply to Images Images so ∠PQR is a right angle. Because it is a parallelogram with a right angle, PQRS is a rectangle.

16.   10   sides Solve Images to find 144n = 180(n − 2) and n = 10. The polygon has 10 sides.

17.   128.6°   In a regular heptagon, each interior angle measures Images

18.   2,340°   In a polygon with 15 sides, the total of the interior angles is 180°(n − 2) = 13(180) = 2,340°.

19.   Images

20.   374.1 square centimeters   If the radius of the circle is 12 cm, the radius of the hexagon is 12 cm, the side of the hexagon is 12 cm, divided into 2 segments of 6 cm by the apothem.


Because the right triangle is a 30°-60°-90° right triangle (or by using the Pythagorean theorem) the apothem is 6Imagescm. Images square centimeters.




Right Triangle Trigonometry


Trigonometry in Other Triangles


Similarity, Right Triangle Trigonometry, and Trigonometry in Other Triangles

1.   ΔABC ~ ΔQRP

2.   Images ΔWXY ~ ΔVXZ, so


3.   Images   If Images (given), then ∠A ≅ ∠E and ∠B ≅ ∠D because alternate interior angles are congruent. ∆ABC ~ ∆EDC by AA, and corresponding sides are in proportion, so Images.

4.   ΔXWZ ~ ΔWYZ by AA   ∠X ≅ ∠ZWY (given) and ∠Z ≅ ∠Z (reflexive), so ΔXWZ ~ ΔWYZ by AA.

5.   Images   Given that ∠DEA ≅ ∠EAC, it is possible to conclude that Images by Alternate Interior Angles converse. Then by the Corresponding Angle theorem, ∠BDE ≅ ∠BAC and ∠BED ≅ ∠BCA, so ∆BDE ~ ∆BAC by AA. Corresponding sides are in proportion, so Images.

6.   Images   If Images (given), then ∠Q ≅ ∠SRQ. Also given is ∠PRS ≅ ∠Q, and by transitivity, ∠SRQ ≅ ∠PRS. By the definition of angle bisector, Images bisects ∠PRQ. Because the bisector of an angle of a triangle divides the opposite side in a way that is proportional to the adjacent sides, Images.

7.   20.4 cm   Images becomes Images.

Cross-multiply to get 25x = 510, and solve to get x = 20.4 cm.

8.   63 cm   Images becomes Images. Cross-multiply to get 21x − 63 = 6x + 12, and solve to get 15x = 75 and x = 5. AC = 5 − 1 = 4 and XY = 2(5) + 4 = 14. Images becomes Images. Solve to find 3y = 84 and y = 28. The perimeter of ΔXYZ = XY + YZ + XZ = 14 + 21 + 28 = 63 cm.

9.   7.2 feet   Let x = the distance from the point where the man stands to the tip of his shadow.

Solve Images to get x = 10.8 feet. To have the tip of the man’s shadow match the tip of the tree’s shadow, he must stand 18 - 10.8 = 7.2 feet from the base of the tree.

10.   29.75 cm   Convert all measurements to centimeters to avoid confusion if you wish, but you can work with numerators in meters and denominators in centimeters, if you work carefully. Images becomes 15,300x = 38.25(11,900) and x ≈ 29.75 cm.

11.   a) sin∠R = Images

b)  tan∠T = Images

c)  cos∠R = Images

d)  cos∠T = Images

e)  csc∠R = Images

12.   21.5 centimeters   Images becomes

Images centimeters.

13.   36.9°   Images so Images

14.   5   Images

15.   5   Images

16.   0.98   Images

17.   19.5 cm m∠J = 63°, m∠K = 180° − (63 + 51) = 66°, and m∠L = 51°. JL = 20 cm. The triangle is not a right triangle, so use the Law of Sines.

Images becomes Images. Cross-multiply to get xsin(66°) = 20sin(63°) and solve for Images cm.

18.   61.7°


19.   195.8 square inches


Imagessquare inches.

20.   25°





Conic Sections


Circles and Conics

1.   Images

2.   ∠RST

3.   m∠RST = Images

4.   r = 12

5.   Images of the large circle is shaded Let D = diameter of the larger circle, R = radius of the larger circle, d = diameter of the smaller circle, and r = the radius of the smaller circle. Images. Area of the larger circle:Images Area of the smaller circle: Images. The shaded area is Images. This is what part of Images? Images of the large circle is shaded.

6.   2π   centimeters ∠OAE is an inscribed angle in circle C that measures 30° and so arc Images measures 60°. ∠OAE is also an inscribed angle in circle O, and so arc Images also measures 60°. The central angles that intercept these arcs will measure 60°. The length of arc Images is π cm, so set up Images and solve for r. Images, so r = 3 cm and R = 6 cm. The length of arc Images is Images centimeters.

7.   m∠PQR = m∠PRQ = 80°   Two tangents drawn from the same point will be congruent, so ΔQPR is isosceles and ∠PQR ≅ ∠PRQ. m∠P = 20°, so there is 180° − 20° = 160° for the two base angles. m∠PQR = m∠PRQ = 80°.

8.   CD = 14   AEEB = CEED becomes x(3x) = 2x(x + 2) or Images. Simplify to Images and solve by factoring to get x = 0, which is rejected, and x = 4. CD = 2x + (x + 2) = 8 + 6 = 14.

9.   m∠AED = 112°   ImagesImages m∠AEC = 180° − m∠AED = 180° − 68° = 112°

10.   Images

11.   x = 7 PBAP = PCPD becomes 3(17 + 3) = 5(5 + x) or 60 = 25 + 5x. Solve to find x = 7.

12.   Draw Images and bisect it. From the midpoint of Images, scribe a circle that passes through O and P and intersects the circle in two points. Those two points are the points of tangency. Draw from P to each point of tangency.


13.   Images To inscribe a regular hexagon in a circle, the circle is divided into 6 congruent arcs of 60° each. Images Images

14.   Images

15.   The length of Images ≈ 10 inches. The area of the sector is 34 square inches. Images so Images The radius Images inches. The length of Images is Images inches.

16.   Images radians Images cross-multiplies to 360r = 240π and Images radians.

17.   d = 135°   Images cross-multiplies to 2πd = 270π and d = 135°.

18.   Images

19.   Images The center is C(4, 3) and the radius is r = 5. The equation of the circle is Images.

20.   a) hyperbola

b)  circle

c)  ellipse

d.  parabola


Three-Dimensional Figures


Three-Dimensional Figures

1.   F = 8 F + V = E + 2 becomes F + 12 = 18 + 2. Solve to find F = 8.

2.   A possible map for a triangular pyramid:


3.   56.8 square inches   Perimeter = 12 means each side of the hexagon is 2 and the apothem is ImagesImages, and S = 2B + Ph Images square inches.

4.   1,105.8 square centimeters   Images Images≈ 1,105.8 square centimeters.

5.   1,320 cubic feet   Imagessquare feet. V = Bh = (110)(12) = 1,320 cubic feet.

6.   18,472.6 cubic inches   Images Images cubic inches.

7.   85 inches   Images Imagesinches.

8.   2,358 square centimeters   The area of the base octagon is Imagessquare centimeters. The slant height is Images cm, and the surface area is Images Images square centimeters.

9.   678.6 square inches   If diameter = 18, then radius = 9, height = 12 and slant height = 15 inches. ImagesImages≈ 678.6 square inches.

10.   32 cubic feet   Images cubic feet.

11.   7,938.8 cubic inches   If the circumference is 38π, then the diameter is 38 and the radius is 19 inches. Images Imagescubic inches.

12.   332 square feet   S = 2B + Ph = 2(2)(8) + 20(15) = 32 + 300 = 332 square feet. (Alternate method: S = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh = 2(2)(8) + 2(8)(15) + 2(2)(15)=32 + 240 + 60 = 332 square feet.)

13.   1,017.9 cubic centimeters   Images Images, and Images, so Images. Simplify to Images or Images. Solve by factoring. (r + 12)(r − 9) = 0 gives a solution of r = −12, which is rejected, and r = 9. If r = 9 then l = 15 and h = 12. Images Images cubic centimeters.

14.   14.7 inches   The area of the equilateral triangle base is Images inches. Images becomes Images. Simplify and solve to find

Images inches.

15.   7 meters   Images becomes Images, which simplifies to Images. Factor to get (r + 12)(r − 7) = 0, and solve, rejecting the negative solution and concluding that r = 7 meters.

16.   400 cubic centimeters   Images becomes Images or Images and the slant height l = 13. Then Images Imagescubic centimeters.

17.   The cone has the larger surface area. For the cylinder, d = 20 inches, so r = 10 inches and h = 20 inches. The surface area of the cylinder Images square inches. For the cone, the radius r = 15 inches and height h = 36 inches, so the slant height is Images = 39 inches. The surface area Images Images The cone has the larger surface area.

18.   5,652,833 cubic meters Images ImagesThe volume of the TransAmerica pyramid is approximately 5,652,833 cubic meters.

19.   39,219,187.2 cubic feet V = Bh = (79,515π)(157) = 12,483,855π ≈ 39,219,187.2 cubic feet.

20.   11.3 grams per cubic centimeter The diameter of the cylinder is 6 cm, the radius is 3 cm and the height is 2 cm. The volume of the cylinder is Images ≈ 56.5 cubic centimeters. If cast from iron, the cylinder will have a mass of 18π(7.9) ≈ 446.7 grams. Casting it in lead would increase its mass by 192 grams, making the mass of the lead cylinder approximately 638.7 grams. The density of lead is approximately 638.7 grams per 56.5 cubic centimeters, or approximately 11.3 grams per cubic centimeter.


1.   C   Translation will not change the orientation.

2.   B   Images = 30°

3.   B   Perimeter of ΔADE = AD + DE + AE = 4 + 8 +7 = 19

4.   A   PQRT is a trapezoid but because Imagesand Images, PQRS is a parallelogram, so m∠PSR = m∠Q = 108°. Because linear pairs are supplementary, m∠RST = 72°. If ΔSRT is isosceles with vertex ∠T, then TS = TR and m∠RST = m∠SRT = 72°.

5.   C   Because their bases are squares, the cube and the square pyramid could have square cross-sections. A rectangular prism could possibly have a square cross section if one of its bases is square. The triangular prism would have only triangular cross sections.

6.   C   cos(∠A) = sin(∠C) = Images

7.   D   The exterior angle is 115° and is equal to m∠ABC + m∠BAC, so A cannot be true. Choice B might be true but there is no information to support it. Choices C and D are similar but only D has the right pair of angles.

8.   C   To find the length of the legs, use a proportion with the leg as the geometric mean between the hypotenuse (4 + 12 =16) and the segment of the hypotenuse nearest the side. Images solves to give AB = 8, and Images solves to give BC = Images ≈ 13.9. Perimeter ≈ 16 + 8 + 13.9 = 37.9.

9.   B   Find the length of each side using the distance formula. Images Images Images Perimeter = 2.8 + 7.2 + 7.2 =17.2.

10.   B   Choice A says the diagonals of the parallelogram are congruent, which is sufficient. Choice C says the parallelogram has a right angle and choice D says that consecutive angles, which are supplementary in any parallelogram, are also congruent, so both right angles. Choice C says the diagonals are perpendicular, which would prove the quadrilateral is a rhombus, but would not assure that it is a rectangle.

11.   C   The sine of an angle is equal to the cosine of its complement, so sin(2x + 7) = cos(4x − 1) can become cos(90 − (2x+7)) = cos(4x − 1) and that means that (90 − (2x+7)) = 4x − 1. Simplify to get 83 − 2x = 4x − 1 and solve to get 6x = 84 and x = 14.

12.   B   Images Images Solve to find x = 33°.

13.   D   Images divides sides proportionally, so if, then Images. To find DE, use the Pythagorean theorem. Images becomes. DE = Images.

14.   B   The lighthouse, distance out to sea, and line of sight form a right triangle. Images so Images which rounds to 2°.

15.   C   To divide the segment in ratio 2:3, find the points that divide it into 5 equal lengths and then group into two-fifths and three-fifths. Horizontal change is Images and vertical change is Images. Starting from (1, 9) take 2 steps to (1 + 2(0.6), 9 − 2(2)) = (2.2, 5).

16.   C   The reflecting line will be the perpendicular bisector of the line segments connecting a vertex to its image. Those would be (2, 7), (4.5, 4.5), and (5, 4). The slope of the line that passes through those points is Images, so the equation of the line is y − 7 = −1(x − 2) or y = 9 − x.

17.   D   No conclusion can be drawn about congruent triangles because there is no information about congruent sides; however the parallel lines guarantee that the triangles are similar by AA.

18.   A   Images Images square centimeters.

19.   D   Images becomes Images Solve to find that SV ≈ 20.7 cm.

20.   B   The central angles of a regular octagon measure 45°, so rotations of multiples of 45° will carry the octagon onto itself.

21.   B   Rotating a right triangle about its hypotenuse will not produce a cone, so eliminate choice C. For the remaining choices, determine the radius and height of the resulting cone. In choice A, the radius is 24 and the height is 18. Images In choice B, r = 18 and h = 24, and Images. Choice D requires first finding the length of the altitude (14.4) and the lengths of the two segments of the hypotenuse created by the altitude (10.8 and 19.2). Luckily, choice B is correct.

22.   D   The endpoints of the segment are (0, −3) and (8, 3). The slope of this segment is Images so the slope of the perpendicular bisector is Images. The midpoint of the given segment is Images

The equation of the perpendicular bisector is Images. Choice A is the midpoint so that lies on the bisector. Images and Images, so B and C are points on the perpendicular bisector. Images Choice D is the point that does not lie on the perpendicular bisector.

23.   D   To find the population (number of people). multiply Images. Results are: New Hampshire 1,325,044; Indiana 6,591,984; Louisiana 4,666,032; Georgia 10,179,801.

24.   A   To prove the triangles congruent, a third piece of information is necessary, specifically, a pair of congruent angles, to complete AAS. That eliminates choices B and C. To choose between A and D, look at the congruence statement ΔABC ≅ ΔXZY. ∠A corresponds to ∠X. Choice A is correct.

25.   C   The diagonals of a rhombus divide the rhombus into 4 right triangles, each with legs of 12 and 4.5. Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the hypotenuse of the triangle, which is a side of the rhombus. Images Images so Images The perimeter of the rhombus is 4(12.8) = 51.2 centimeters.

26.   D   The equation of a circle centered at (h, k) with radius r is Images Eliminate B and C, which equal r, not Images. The center is (3, −4) so Images becomes Images or Images. Choice D is correct.

27.   B   Find the third angle of each triangle, assure that there is a correspondence, and make sure that the similarity statement spells out the correct correspondence.

28.   B   If the diameter is 30 cm, then the radius is 15 cm. The measure of ∠AOB is equal to the measure of Images The area of the sector is calculated by Images and it is given that Images. Simplify to Images and solve to find Images The length of Images is ImagesImages

29.   B   The intersection points C and D define the perpendicular bisector because they are equidistant from A and B. All that remains is to connect them by drawing Images.

30.   C   Choices B and D are not true. Choice A is true, but not enough to ensure that the line is the perpendicular bisector.

31.   Images

32.   Images

33.   If ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid (given), then Images by the definition of isosceles trapezoid. If F is the midpoint of Images, then by the definition of midpoint. ∠B ≅ ∠C because base angles of a trapezoid are congruent. ΔABF ≅ ΔDCF by SAS, and Images by CPCTC. Given that ∠EAD ≅ ∠EDA, by the Base Angle Converse theorem, Images. Images (reflexive) and ΔAFE ≅ ΔDFE by SSS.

34.   First, find the midpoint of the diagonals. In a parallelogram, the diagonals bisect each other, so expect them to have the same midpoint, which we’ll label X.


Next, find the midpoints of opposite sides of the parallelogram, which we’ll label M and N.

Images andImages

Now find the equation of the line that connects M and N, starting with the slope.


The slope of the line is zero, so it is a horizontal line and has the form Images. Point X has a y-coordinate of Images, so it is a point on Images Imagespasses through the midpoint of both diagonals, so it bisects both diagonals.

35.   Smallest to largest: square pyramid, hexagonal pyramid, cone. Each of the figures has a volume equal to one-third the area of the base times the height. All three calculations have the Images and the same height, so the difference will be in the area of the base. For the cone, Images. In the hexagonal pyramid, each of the small triangles created by central angles is equilateral, because the central angle is 60°. If the radius of the hexagon is r, the side is r, and the apothem is Images. The area of the hexagon is Images For the square, if the radius is r, the side is Images and the area of the square base is Images

Comparing Images, Images, and Images means ordering π, Images, and 2. Because π ≈ 3.14 and Images, we can conclude the square pyramid has the smallest volume

Images the hexagonal pyramid Images ranks second, and the cone Images has the largest volume.

36.   Circle with a radius of 9, centered at (−6, 3). The equation Images does not immediately look like the equation of a circle, but if you compare it to the form you expect, it can be transformed.



A little factoring will convert the given equation to Images. The equation represents a circle with a radius of 9, centered at (−6, 3).


37.   The best location for a pool would be at the rear of the property, in the space behind the garage and deck. The largest pool would be a rectangle with vertices at (50, 20), (65, 20), (65, 75), and (50, 75). It would have an area of 825 square feet. The best circular option would be centered at (50, 55) with a radius of Images ≈ 15.8 feet. The area would be slightly over 784 square feet. A circle centered at (55, 55) with a radius of 15 would give an area of almost 707 square feet, and a rectangle with vertices (35, 45), (65, 45), (65, 65) and (35, 65) would have an area of 600 square feet.

38.   The building covers an area of approximately 115,849 square meters. The side of the Pentagon is 281 meters, so its perimeter is 1,405 meters. To find the apothem, focus on the isosceles triangle created by one central angle. The central angle will measure 360° ÷ 5 = 72°, so the base angles of the triangle will be Images Half of a side will be 140.5 meters. Images so a = 140.5tan(54°) ≈ 193.38 meters. Then Images square meters. This is the area enclosed by the outer wall of the building, including the courtyard. Subtract the 20,000 square meters of courtyard, and the building covers an area of approximately 115,849 square meters.

The side of the courtyard is about 108 meters long. To find the side of the courtyard, express all the quantities in the area formula in terms of the side length. The apothem can be found from Images or Images. Perimeter is easier: P = 5s. Then Images and we know that the area of the courtyard is 20,000 square meters. Solve: Images