Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
aggregate environmental impact, 153
agriculture: Leopold on, 212; transition to, 26
alternative Western tradition, 27–31
antiglobalization movement, 351n8
appropriative economic activity, 293
Aristotle: on economic growth, 30; ethics relating to, 27–31; on household management, 29; on justice, 99–100; on usury, 29–30; on value and exchange, 28–31
atmospheric boundaries, 158–59
atmospheric nitrogen loading, 176–79
Balinese economics, 57–59
banking: investments relating to, 247–48; Islamic, 48–50
biogeochemical systems, 150
biophysical systems, 79; production as, 363
biosphere: human embeddedness and, 120; measurements for, 120; real economy and, 244–46
Buddhist economics, 45–47
Buddhist ethics: householding and, 43; interdependent impermanence and, 42–47; mindfulness and, 43–44, 45; process theorizing and, 44–45; Small Is Beautiful relating to, 43, 45–46
butterfly health model, 198
capitalism: climate change relating to, 327–28; cultural change and, 325–29; discourse theory on, 325–28; double movement from, 327; with ecological economics, 111; efficiency in, 239; evolution of, 325–26; globalization and, 329–30; growth dilemma in, 239–40, 245, 327, 330; Habermas on, 111; justice under, 107–8; labor and, 293–94; liberty and, 293–94; Marxism and, 293–94; neoliberal discourse of, 325–27; Polanyi on, 327; production and, 239; Speth on, 327–28
case studies: alternative Western tradition, 27–31; Balinese ethics and sustainable community, 57–59; Buddhist ethics and interdependent impermanence, 42–47; conclusion on, 59–60; Gandhian ethics, 38–42; Hopi, 51–57; introduction to, 26–27; Islamic economics and ethics, 47–51; Nayaka and ethics of gift, 35–38; St. Francis and ethics of abundance, 31–35
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 112
climate change: on biodiversity, 179–80; boundary, 170–76, 174–75; capitalism relating to, 327–28; cost of, 113–14; debt relating to, 81, 107; democracy and, 116nn2–3; global economy and, 96; global emissions pathways and, 172, 172–73; governance of, 170–76; IPCC on, 171–73, 176; justice relating to, 80; population relating to, 328; UNFCCC on, 113; wealth relating to, 79
common good: citizenship and, 311n17; humanity and, 289
communal organization, 301
community interest companies (CICs), 269n2
complex interacting systems, 141–42
composite indicators: description of, 131–32; limitations of, 132–35
consciousness industry, 333
consumption, 9; cultural change relating to, 330–34; dematerialization, 241–42; ethics, 212; hegemonic discourses of consumerism and, 325–34; materialism relating to, 73; media reinforcement on, 332–34; status relating to, 74
Copernican Revolution: on freedom, 104; of justice, 102–7; knowledge relating to, 102–3; second, 104–5
corporations, 234; benefit, 262–69; CICs, 269n2; conclusions on, 268–69; evolution of, 261; fair trade and, 261; fiduciary duty relating to, 270nn7–8; Global Impact Investing Ratings Systems relating to, 266–67; governance of, 265–66, 268; hybrid, 264–68; introduction to, 260–64; Jacobs on, 264–65; L3C, 269n3; LLCs, 269n3
creation: Islam on, 51; life and, 67–68, 360; of money, 247–48; religion relating to, 8
cultural change, 236, 286; capitalism and, 325–29; conclusions on, 350; consumer culture and, 330–32; consumption relating to, 330–34; discourse theory relating to, 321–25; Douglass on, 342–43, 346–47; elites relating to, 343–46; Enlightenment and, 344, 345–46; entropic thrift, householding, membership, and, 339; ethics and, 320–21; fight and protest against, 346–50; in future, 342–50; globalization and, 329–30; Gramsci on, 335–36; by grassroots mobilization, 343; Harvey, D., on, 337–38; historical systems and, 340–41; through history, 335, 336–37, 341–42; Hunter on, 343–46, 349–50; network overlap relating to, 345–46; political change and, 334–39; power relating to, 344–45; propositions on, 343–50; social reality relating to, 323–25; Wuthnow on, 336–37, 338–39, 341–42, 345–46
culture: consumer, 330–32; popular, 336. See also specific cultures
Curry, John Steuart, 227n7
debt: climate change relating to, 81, 107; justice and, 107; private, 240; recession relating to, 239–40
democratic dysfunction, 116n2
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 272, 306
discourse theory, 11; on capitalism, 325–28; on consumer culture, 330–32; on cultural change and political change, 334–39; cultural change relating to, 321–25; cultural frames and, 322–25; of neoliberalism and consumerism, 325–34; political ecology discourse, 327
distribution, 4–5; fair, 79–80; indicators relating to, 163–64; justice of, 99–100, 248; planetary boundaries relating to, 161; reconsidering, 360; right relationship relating to, 161
diversity-stability hypothesis, 227n6
ecological economics: agendas of, 3–9; capitalism with, 111; ecological political economy, 273–77; ethos, 85; explicit agenda of, 4–5; freedom relating to, 234–35; free trade and, 364–65; future implications of, 363–65; implicit agenda of, 5–7; indicators in, 10–11; justice in, 108–11; MFA and, 328–29; normative criteria for, 284; original premise of, 2–3, 15–16; physical systems relating to, 23–24; pivotal significance of, 9–12; planetary boundaries in, 115; premises of, 75–78; principles of, 78–81; reconstruction agenda of, 7–9, 80–81, 83; transition to, 107, 111–16, 318–20, 358–65; virtues of, 81–84
ecological macroeconomics, 11, 233–34; decoupling, 241, 245–46; beyond decoupling, 241–42; foundations for, 246–48; future of, 257; GEMMA framework, 255, 255–57; growth dilemma in, 239–40, 245, 327, 330; interest rates in, 245–46; introduction to, 237–38; investment relating to, 247–48; national accounting reform, 247–48; national green economy macro-model, 248–54; stock-flow consistent model of, 254–57; system dynamics, 242–44; system linkages, 244–46; variables in, 246–47
ecological political economy: liberty in, 273–77; on planetary boundaries, 274–75
ecological public philosophy, 277–79
economic growth: Aristotle on, 30; decoupling and, 241–42; degrowth movement, 352n19; dilemma of, 239–40, 245, 327, 330; The Limits to Growth on, 242–43, 348; in LowGrow, 249–51, 250, 251; media reinforcement of, 332–34; microeconomics and, 330; modeling and, 363; in recession, 239–40; slowing of, 239; stationary state relating to, 30
economics. See specific topics
economy: gift, 35–37, 55–56; global, 96; real, 244–46, 255–56; Victor on, 307n2; work, labor, and, 276, 287, 293–95
ecosystem: heterogeneity of, 126; humans and, 217–22; services, 102; terminology background, 216–17; Victor on, 307n2
ecosystem health, 127, 146n1; benchmarking, 201; Costanza on, 200–201; criticisms of, 201–2; definitions of, 199–203; discussion and conclusions on, 203–4; human health metaphor and, 190–99, 202–3, 222; humans relating to, 220–22; indicators of, 190–91, 202; introduction to, 190–92; land health, 209–10, 213–16, 220, 222; Leopold relating to, 209–10, 213–16, 216–25
efficiency, 4–5, 81; in capitalism, 239; freedom and, 99; indicators relating to, 163–64; justice and, 99
emancipation project, 67–68, 75–76, 85; Enlightenment and, 103; exemptionalism relating to, 103–4; intelligence and, 73; justice relating to, 103–4; truisms, 103
emancipatory claims, 97–98
embedded permeable person, 69–70
Enlightenment: cultural change and, 344, 345–46; emancipation project and, 103; freedom during, 105; knowledge relating to, 102–6
entropic thrift, 16, 77–78, 79; cultural change and, 339; Leopold and, 213; money and, 81
environmental economics, 101
environmental justice, 10
epistemological humility, 82
ethical foundations: entropic thrift as, 16; householding as, 16; introduction and summary of, 15–19, 66–68; membership as, 16; proposed, 358–61
ethics, 9–10; of abundance, 31–35; arguments in, 90–91; Aristotle relating to, 27–31; authoritarianism and, 91–93; Balinese, 57–59; Buddhist, 42–47; consumption, 212; CSR and, 262, 265, 267–68; cultural change and, 320–21; ecological politics, 10; ecology relating to, 211; economic theory relating to, 21–26; environmental justice, 10; freedom relating to, 234–35; Gandhian, 38–42; of gift, 35–38; Hopi and, 51–57; intrinsic right and wrong, 283; Islamic economics and, 47–51; justice and, 90–92; land, 209–13, 214, 224; moral behavior, 264; morality, liberty, and, 285–87; Nayaka and, 35–38; person and, 68–71; relational liberty and, 298–99; religion and, 25; rethinking, 358; science, knowledge, and, 71–75; social concern, 10; St. Francis and, 31–35; waste and, 77
exchange: Aristotle on, 28–31; justice of, 99
Franciscan movement, 32–35
freedom: Berlin on, 288–89; conclusions on, 305–7; Copernican Revolution on, 104; defining, 307n1; ecological economics relating to, 234–35; efficiency and, 99; during Enlightenment, 105; ethics relating to, 234–35; justice and, 99, 103, 106; land ethic relating to, 224; liberty compared to, 280, 307n1; Locke on, 74; Mill on, 74; relational liberty and, 295–97, 300–301; standard economics and, 22, 24
Game Management (Leopold), 216
Georgescu-Roegen, Nicolas, 4
global carrying capacity, 153–54
Global Impact Investing Ratings Systems, 266–67
global indicators, 129; uncertainty and, 157–58
globalization, 329–30; antiglobalization movement, 351n8
Good Work (Schumacher), 46
governance: on biodiversity, 179–82; on carbon emissions, 172–73, 176; challenges of, 164–66; of climate change, 170–76; of corporations, 265–66, 268; criteria for, 168, 170; filter, 166–67, 167; framework for, 174–75; indicators relating to, 133–35, 164–70; land use restrictions, 180; on nitrogen loading, 176–79; of planetary boundaries, 122, 155–56, 164–70, 174–75; rebuilding, 365–66; scarcity relating to, 166
grassroots mobilization, 343
Green Economy Macro-Model and Accounts (GEMMA), 255, 255–57
A Guide for the Perplexed (Schumacher), 46–47
hard-line objection, 92–93
health, 120–21, 122–23; allied health fields, 194–96; butterfly model of, 198; connotative concept of, 220, 221–22; contaminants relating to, 193–94; contextual factors of, 198; definitions of, 196–99, 220; ecosystem, 127, 146n1, 190–204; human health definitions, 196–97; human health metaphor, 190–99, 202–3, 222; indicators and measurements of, 127, 192, 194–96; International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health, 198, 199; land, 209–10, 213–16, 220, 222; Larson on, 197–98; physician roles, 191, 192–94, 196–97; population, 194, 195; Saracci on, 197; Smith on, 196–97; WHO on, 197–99
Hopi: background on, 51–53; birth ritual for, 53; conclusion on, 56–57; Earth Story, 53–55; ethics, economics, and, 51–57; gift economy of, 55–56
householding, 16, 76–77; Buddhist ethics and, 43; cultural change and, 339; Leopold on, 213
human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP), 151, 156; biodiversity relating to, 181–82
human-associated microbiota, 218, 221
The Human Condition (Arendt), 276
Human Development Index (HDI), 156–57
humanity: common good and, 289; liberty and, 275, 287
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), 112
indicators: aggregate, 131–32, 162–63; application of, 155–56, 182–83; on carbon emissions, 141–42; combining information, 132–33; commensurability relating to, 130–35; complex interacting systems and, 141–42; composite, 131–35; conclusion on, 142–43; considerations, of measurement process, 135–39; contextual considerations, 127–28, 154; distribution relating to, 163–64; in ecological economics, 10–11; of ecosystem health, 190–91, 202; efficiency relating to, 163–64; global, 129, 157–58; governance relating to, 133–35, 164–70; of health, 127, 192, 194–96; integrative approach to, 182–83; interpreting changes in, 133; introduction to, 125–26, 154–57; IPAT formulation and, 163; issues related to, 143–46; mixing disparate quantities, 132; models and prediction, 139–41; normative criteria for, 161–62; objectives for, 143; paradigm of accuracy, 139; on phosphorus cycle, 142; planetary boundaries relating to, 150–55, 157–58, 182–83; in policy, 133–35, 168; for production, 129–30; right relationship and, 157–58, 160; Rockström team on, 150–51, 153, 157–61, 164, 167–68, 184n4; safe operating space relating to, 155, 157–62; scale relating to, 128–30, 150, 162–63; scope relating to, 128; time relating to, 129; uncertainty and, 141, 157–58; validity of, 143–46, 156–57; variables of, 131, 135–36
intelligence: adaptive advantage of, 72–74; Chomsky on, 72; emancipation project and, 73; swarm, 94
intergenerational fairness, 79–80
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 171–73, 176
International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health, 198, 199
intrinsic right and wrong, 283
investment: ecological macroeconomics relating to, 247–48; in GEMMA, 256; Global Impact Investing Ratings Systems, 266–67
Islam: on animals, 48; on creation, 51; ethics, economics, and, 47–51; foundational belief, 47–48; Koran and, 48; on usury, 48–49; on zakat, 48
justice, 75; Aristotle on, 99–100; under capitalism, 107–8; climate change relating to, 80; after communism, 108; considerations, 98–102; Copernican Revolution of, 102–7; debt and, 107; dimensions of, 96–97, 97; of distribution, 99–100, 248; in ecological economics, 108–11; efficiency and, 99; emancipation project relating to, 103–4; emancipatory claims relating to, 97–98; environmental, 10; ethics and, 90–92; of exchange, 99; fear relating to, 106; Fraser on, 300–301; freedom and, 99, 103, 106; hard-line objection and, 92–93; introduction to, 89–95; liberal justice model, 103, 107–8; matrix, 97, 98, 100–101, 109; measurements for, 106; metaphysical, 100–101; metatheoretical, 94–98, 107–11; participatory parity relating to, 300–302; planetary boundaries and, 102–7, 163–64; reconsidering, 360; self-interest and, 99; social justice model, 107–8; soft-line objection and, 93–94; in standard economics, 98–102; theories, 95–96, 103; transitional, 111–16; truisms, 103
knowledge: adaptive advantage of intelligence and, 72–74; as approximate and provisional, 2; Copernican Revolution relating to, 102–3; Enlightenment relating to, 102–6; ethics, science, and, 71–75
labor, 287; capitalism and, 293–94; economy, work, and, 276, 287, 293–95; planetary boundaries relating to, 276; productivity, 239, 252
land: aesthetic, 212–13; community, 218, 219–20; data on, 221; health, 209–10, 213–16, 220, 222; human embeddedness in, 214, 218–19, 226; pyramid, 214, 227n8
The Land Ethic (Leopold), 211
“The Land-Health Concept and Conservation” (Leopold), 216
“Land Pathology” (Leopold), 216
Lansing, John Stephen, 58–59
Leopold, Aldo, 123–24; on agriculture, 212; on beauty, 212–13; Brown compared to, 213; on consumption ethic, 212; Curry relating to, 227n7; ecosystem health relating, 209–10, 213–16, 216–25; entropic thrift and, 213; final thoughts on, 225–26; Game Management, 216; on householding, 213; on humans, in ecosystem, 217–20; introduction and background on, 208–10; “The Land Ethic,” 211; land ethic of, 209–13, 214, 224; on land health, 209–10, 213–16, 220, 222; “The Land-Health Concept and Conservation,” 216; “Land Pathology,” 216; on land pyramid, 214, 227n8; on land use, 211–13; on membership, 213; “A Mighty Fortress,” 223–25; personal history of, 209–10, 227nn1–2; “The Role of Wildlife in a Liberal Education,” 215; on science, 214
liberationist critique, 290–92
liberty, 11; Berlin on, 288–90, 309nn8–10; capitalism and, 293–94; defining, 307n1; in ecological political economy, 273–77; ecological public philosophy and, 277–79; economic, 280–87, 292–95; extractive power relating to, 282, 291, 292–95; freedom compared to, 280, 307n1; humanity and, 275, 287; individual, 297; introduction to, 272–73; beyond liberalism, 287–95; of liberalism, 279–87; Macpherson on, 290–92; Mill on, 281–84; morality, ethics, and, 285–87; negative, 279–80, 284–86, 289–91, 308n5; positive, 289–92; relational, 295–305, 310n14; technological advance relating to, 276, 286
limited liability corporations (LLCs), 269n3
The Limits to Growth (Meadows et al.), 242–43, 348
LowGrow: description of, 249; economic growth in, 249–51, 250, 251; employment under, 252; GDP in, 249–51, 250, 251; labor productivity in, 252; as national green economy macro-model, 249–54; production in, 253–54
low-profit limited liability company (L3C), 269n3
Marx, Karl, 5; Schumpeter on, 27; on value, 28
material flow accounting (MFA), 328–29
Mawdidi, Sayyid Abu A’la, 51
measurements, 11; for biosphere, 120; challenges in, 126; errors in, 145; of global warming, 136–39, 137, 138; of health, 127, 192, 194–96; introduction and summary of, 119–26; for justice, 106; metric, 119; models compared to, 139–40; of monetary valuation, 130; of price, 361–62; rethinking, 361–63; scope relating to, 128; of temperature, 135–39, 137, 138; validity relating to, 143–46. See also indicators
metatheoretical justice: approach to, 94–98; fiduciary principle within, 109–11; shift to, 107–9
“A Mighty Fortress” (Leopold), 223–25
Mill, John Stuart: on freedom, 74; on liberty, 281–84
money: carbon intensity, per dollar, 241–42, 242; creation of, 247–48; entropic thrift and, 81; real economy and, 244
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal Protocol), 112–13
national accounting reform, 247–48
national green economy macro-model: importance of, 248–49; LowGrow as, 249–54
nature-deficit disorder, 7
nonreciprocal gift, 36–38
normative boundaries, 152
normative criteria: for ecological economics, 284; for indicators, 161–62; for planetary boundaries, 161–62, 164–65
normative pluralism, 95–96
person: embedded permeable, 69–70; essential questions relating to, 68; ethics and, 68–71; market manufacturing, 70–71; Nadeau on, 69; nature of, 68–69; quantum physics on, 69; rational, 68–69; systems theory on, 69–70
planetary boundaries: atmospheric boundaries, 158–59; for atmospheric carbon dioxide, 152; biodiversity boundary, 179–82; categories of, 151; climate change boundary, 170–76, 174–75; common features of, 151–52, 160; critique of, 160; distribution relating to, 161; in ecological economics, 115; ecological political economy on, 274–75; exemptionalism relating to, 103–4; governance of, 122, 155–56, 164–70, 174–75; HANPP, 151; human-Earth relationship guided by, 150–51; indicators relating to, 150–55, 157–58, 182–83; interrelatedness of, 152–53; introduction to, 150–54; IPAT formulation and, 153–54, 163; justice and, 102–7, 163–64; labor relating to, 276; nitrogen loading boundary, 176–79; normative boundaries, 152; normative criteria for, 161–62, 164–65; precautionary principle on, 159–60, 167–68; Rockström team on, 150–51, 153, 157–61, 164, 167–68, 184n4; thresholds and, 159, 160–61; tipping points, 157–58; trends in, 169; uncertainty relating to, 157–60, 169
plurality, of values, 362
political ecology discourse, 327
population: carrying capacity relating to, 153–54; climate change relating to, 328; expansion of, 9; health, 194, 195; impact of, 153–54; projections, 153; rural, 211–12
poverty: addressing, 248–49; Lady Poverty, 31; St. Francis and, 31–33
process theorizing, 44–45
production: as biophysical process, 363; capitalism and, 239; HANPP, 151, 156, 181–82; indicators for, 129–30; in LowGrow, 253–54; in neoliberal political economy, 293
property and ownership, 6; attachment to, 35; Locke on, 77; for Nayaka, 38; scarcity relating to, 34–35
reciprocity: Derrida on, 36–37; in gift ethics, 35–38; nonreciprocal gift, 36–38; Sahlins on, 36
relational liberty: community and, 301; defining, 295–96, 300–301; ethics and, 298–99; freedom and, 295–97, 300–301; on individual liberty and community solidarity, 297; liberalism compared to, 310n14; normative structure of, 299–305; participatory parity relating to, 300–302; self and, 297–99, 302–7; solidarity and, 297, 302–5
religion, 7; Bhagavad Gita, 39–40; Buddhist ethics, 42–47; creation relating to, 8; divine mandate, 8; ethics and, 25; Hinduism, 39–41; Islamic economics and ethics, 47–51; primitive, 8; on usury, 25, 29–30, 48–49
resilience: moral resiliency, 306; of resources, 79; scale and, 79
resources: extraction rates of, 245–46; resilience limits of, 79
right relationship: distribution relating to, 161; indicators and, 157–58, 160; safe operating space and, 157–62
Roland-Morris low back pain and disability questionnaire, 144–45
“The Role of Wildlife in a Liberal Education” (Leopold), 215
scarcity: abundance and, 33–34; governance relating to, 166; property and ownership relating to, 34–35; standard economics relating to, 34
Schumacher, E. F., 42; background on, 45–46; Buddhist economics and, 45–47; Good Work, 46; A Guide for the Perplexed, 46–47; Small Is Beautiful, 43, 45–46
Schumpeter, Joseph, 27, 30
science: ethics, knowledge, and, 71–75; Leopold on, 214
scientific model, of environment, 119–20
scientific revolution, 8–9
self: consumer culture and, 331; crises relating to, 330–31; ecological public philosophy on, 277–79; embedded, 69–70; -interest and justice, 99; Nadeau on, 69; relational liberty and, 297–99, 302–7; -rule, 41; solidarity and, 297, 302–5
Small Is Beautiful (Schumacher), 43, 45–46
social cognition studies, 352n17
social justice model, 107–8
social reality: cultural change relating to, 323–25; media and, 333–34
soft-line objection, 93–94
Spiritual Franciscans, 33
standard economics: appeal of, 22; challenges of, 22–23; dangers of, 23; disembedding, 24–25; distress signs in, 23–24; freedom and, 22, 24; justice in, 98–102; overlooked elements of, 1–2; quasi-science relating to, 2; scarcity relating to, 34; shift from, 107–9, 111–16. See also capitalism
St. Francis: background on, 31–33; ethics of abundance and, 31–35; Franciscan movement and, 32–35; poverty and, 31–33; Spiritual Franciscans and, 33
stock-flow consistent macroeconomic model, 254–57
sustainable community, 57–59
technical revolution, 8–9
Thatcher, Margaret, 10, 326
traditions: alternative Western, 27–31; embeddedness of, 24–26
United Kingdom (UK): carbon emissions in, 253, 253; CICs in, 269n2
United Nations Environmental Outlook (UNEP), 328–29
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 113
“Unto This Last” (Ruskin), 38–39
valuation techniques, 328
value: Aristotle on, 28–31; Marx on, 28; plurality of, 362; theory of, 28
virtues: atonement, 82–83; courage as, 81–82; of ecological economics, 81–84; epistemological humility, 82; fair share, 83–84; respect, 84
Western culture, 8–9; consumer culture of, 330–32; emancipation project relating to, 67–68; global hegemony of, 75–76; on progress, 85; shifts in, 336–37; superiority of, 76
“What is Life” (Schrödinger), 67
World Health Organization (WHO), 197–99