
Abdominoplasty 323–4, 333

About Face 378

acceptance see self-acceptance accidents 12, 47, 50, 216–23, 234–6, 283–5, 286

acne 5–6, 47, 240, 241

Acne Support Group 375


avoidance of 103–5, 176

and distraction 275, 278

scheduling of 244

adolescents, anti-depressants for 345–6

aesthetic sensitivity 46, 55

ageism 7

aggression 251

AID see amputee identity disorder airbrushing 9


abuse 38–9

and SSRIs 343

‘all or nothing’ thoughts 124, 292, 294

Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness 378

amputee identity disorder (AID) 32

anonymity, loss of 288–9

anorexia nervosa 28–9

perception of body size 2, 47

treatments for 29


for children and adolescents 345–6

and relapses 341, 358–9

side effects 346–53, 354–6

SSRIs 341–53

stopping 338, 350, 356–61

and suicidal ideas 344–5

tricyclics 353–6

anti-obsessional medication 21–2

anti-psychotic drugs 362–3

anxiety 73

avoidance of see safety behaviors not harmful 174–5, 251

rating severity of 111–13

and SSRIs 352

see also exposure

Anxiety Recovery Centre, Australia 379

appearance 1–2

accepting imperfections 204

answering questions about 303–7

and bullying 6–7

and discrimination 4–5

focusing less on 115–21

making the most of 297–8

and self-definition 65, 198, 285–6

and sexuality 5

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 373, 378


adjusting 138–45

bias 68–70, 133–7, 204, 228

attentional training 142–5

attractiveness 4–5

importance of 11–12

rating your own 46–7

Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy 374

avoidance 80, 81, 88–9, 103–5, 173, 176

and CSP 262

of mirrors 196

obstacles to stopping 185

of photographs 196

relatives’ participation in 250–1

   and visible difference 289, 291

bat ears 330

BDD see body dysmorphic disorder

BDD Foundation 374, 375

BDD Help 374, 375

BEAT (formerly Eating Disorders Association) 374, 375–6

Beck, Aaron T. 21, 123

behavioral experiments 174–87

‘abnormal’ 185–6

case studies 229, 245, 294–5

increasing and decreasing behaviors 186–7

ten golden rules for 176–83

benzodiazepines 363

bias, attentional 68–70, 133–4, 204, 228

biology, and BDD 49, 51–2, 55

birthmarks 238–40, 287, 290

black and white thinking 124

body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and alcohol and substance abuse 38

and anorexia 28–9

biological causes 49, 51–2, 55

and body modification 33

and bulimia 30

choosing a therapist 366–7

and cosmetic surgery 325–30, 333

and compulsive skin-picking (CSP) 261

definition and diagnosis 15–20

and depression 33–4

genetic factors 46

and health anxiety 38

helping someone with 247–60

and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 36–7

and Olfactory Reference System (ORS) 39

playing down 256–7

psychological factors 46–7, 55

recovery process 259–60

refusal of help for 255–8

relapses 341

and self-acceptance 199

and social phobia 35–6

treatability 259

treatments 20–3

CBT 21–3, 247, 252, 258, 333, 339

medication 21–3, 258, 338–64

other 364

understanding 248

changes with age 4–7

cultural factors 7–8, 47–8

and media idealization 8–9, 10, 316–18

body image

‘normal’ 9–11

perception in 59–61

what it is 2–4

body image problems

causes of 43–5, 158

celebrities with 40–2

development of 43–57

exaggeration of ‘defects’ 185–6

have you got? 15–42

helping someone with 247–60

identifying problem features 95–101

impact on life 109–11

psychological causes of 50–3

severity of symptoms 101–8

taking action about 173–97

testing alternative theories about 85–7

triggers for 50, 53, 56

vulnerability to 45–9, 53–7

what keeps them going? 58–94

see also specific disorders by name

body integrity identity disorder (BIID) 32

body language 1–2, 11–12, 290, 300

body mass index (BMI) 28

body modification 32–3

body odour 39

body piercing 33

body shame 71–2

and self-acceptance 199

thinking styles 123–5

body-rocking 263

Bogels, Sandra 138

borderline personality disorder (BPD) 24, 33, 261

botox 316


lack of 52

setting consistent 248

BPD see borderline personality disorder brain

surgery 364

training of 89–90

breastfeeding, medication during 361


and cosmetic surgery 314–15, 317, 331

and BDD 19

breathing, diaphragmatic 274, 275

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons 332, 376

British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) 373, 376

brooding 78–80, 150–7

assumptions about 158–60

bulimia nervosa 29–30

medication for 338, 339

bullying 6–7, 44–5, 47, 50, 211

burns 283–5, 286

buspirone 362

cancer 286, 287, 314

case studies 12–13, 216–46, 255

birthmarks 238–40

compulsive skin-picking 279–82

cosmetic surgery 314–15, 317, 318–25, 328–9

dog bites 308–10

scars 216–23, 234–8, 283–5

staring 294–5

vitiligo 300

catastrophizing 73, 123, 152, 298–9


and body image problems 40–2

comparison with 204

Changing Faces 27, 236, 239, 291, 292, 308, 374, 376

charities 374

checking activities 188–96, 242

reasons for 192–4

cheek-chewing 263

chemotherapy 287


abuse 33, 44, 47, 52

accepting nature of young 4, 238, 293

anti-depressants for 345–6

and cosmetic procedures 330–1

questions from 306

Cialis 351

citalopram 342, 344, 345, 347

cleft lip/palate 287, 311

clinical psychologists 370

clomipramine 346, 353–6, 361


colourful 299

and disguise 298

co-therapists 247

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

for anorexia 29

for BDD 21–3, 247, 252, 258, 333, 339, 366

for bulimia 30

for disfigurement 27, 291–7, 312

finding help 365, 373

health professionals and 370–1

medication as alternative/ adjunct to 339

comments, about visible difference 288

communication 254

comparing 167–72

motivation for 169

competing response 274–5

compulsive behaviors, and BDD 15–16

compulsive skin-picking (CSP) 24–6, 255

consequences of 270

cost-benefit analysis 264–5

overcoming 261–82

picking behavior 269–70

self-monitoring 272–3

shame of 266

triggers 266–9

confidentiality 367–8

constipation, and antidepressants 348, 355

conversation, making 180–1, 301–3

coping strategies see safety behaviors

cortisol 51

cosmetic procedures 9, 10, 47–8, 313–37

and BDD 325–30

definition of 313–16

and psychological well-being 322–30

reasons for requesting 316–22

repeat procedures 326, 328, 329–30, 333

satisfaction/dissatisfaction with 325–30

suitability for 332–7

see also plastic surgery

cost-benefit analysis 257, 435

of skin-picking 264–5

counselling psychologists 370

cranio-facial syndromes 287

CSP see compulsive skin-picking

curiosity, about visible difference 288

deep brain stimulation 364

demands 125

depression 33–5, 73

in children and adolescents 345–6

and cosmetic surgery 333

medication for 338, 339, 342, 353

rating severity of 111–13

relapses 358–9

and self-attacking thoughts 160

SSRIs and suicidal ideas 344–5

dermabrasion 316

diarrhoea, and SSRIs 348

diets 230–1

disfigurement 12–13, 26–7, 216–23, 234–8

special problems of 283–312

disgust 71

dissociation 235

distancing, from thoughts 131–2

distraction techniques 275, 278, 307–8


measuring 176, 183

tolerance of 252

dizziness, and anti-depressants 354

dofepramine 350

dog bites 286, 308–10

dopamine-blocking drugs 362–3

drowsiness, and antidepressants 349, 355

drug abuse 38

dry mouth, and antidepressants 348–9, 354

Dryden, Windy 203

Dryden invitation technique 203

dysmorphophobia see body dysmorphic disorder

eating disorders 30–1, 333, 374

see also anorexia nervosa; bulimia nervosa; diets

Eating Disorders Association Inc. 379–80

eczema 47

education and training 118

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 364

Ellis, Albert 123

emotional reasoning 125


and appearance 7, 11, 292–3

and BDD 16

and values 118

environment, focus on 138–9, 182, 228

epileptic fits, and antidepressants 355–6

escape 80, 81, 88–9, 174

escitalopram 342, 344

European Association for Behavioural Cognitive Therapies 373

exaggeration of ‘defects’ 185–6

exercise, and relaxation 275


the A, B, C, D, E of brooding, worrying or self-attacking 155–7, 415–17

the A, B, C, D, E of comparing 170–2, 422–4

the A, B, C, D, E of mental planning and trying to solve the wrong problem 164–6, 418–20

the A, B, C, D, E of self-focused attention 147–8, 411–12

the A, B, C, D, E of understanding your checking 190–2, 428–30

appearance anxiety inventory 406–7

brooding and worrying self-monitoring chart 153, 414

comparing self-monitoring chart 168, 421

consequences of thought suppression 78

cost-benefit analysis 435

distancing 132

effect of your mood on your body image 74–5

frequency of checking 189, 427

goal list 115, 405

habit reversal form 437

hierarchy of exposure to feared triggers 178, 425

identifying your common thinking styles 126

internal or external shame? 72

intrusive thoughts and reality 67

labelling your habitual thoughts 127–8

monitoring self-focused attention chart 409

problem list 113, 404

questioning your motivation for being self-focused 149, 413

rating your attention percentages 136–7

record of attention training 410

record of experiments 184, 426

recording your characteristics 201

self-definition pie chart 65

self-portrait 63

skin-picking monitoring form 436

Theory A versus Theory B 85–7

thought monitoring chart 408

understanding your values 120

what do I brood or worry about? 80

what do you over-notice? 69–70

which features do you view as attractive and unattractive? 61


‘abnormal’ 185–6

as alternative to surgery 324

graded 174–84

hierarchy 174, 176, 226, 228, 309

length and frequency of 181

and mirrors 196

ten golden rules for 176–83

external body shame 71–2

eye contact 3, 12, 180, 290, 298, 301


and communication 1

medical conditions and changes to 48, 286–7

symmetry of 4

and visible difference 12–13, 286–97


and body image 48, 233

helping someone with body image problems 247–60

impact of BDD on 248, 249–50, 252, 255–6, 260

relationships 118

fashion industry 9


deliberately facing 179, 181

hierarchy of 176–8

without safety behaviors 175

‘FEAR’ acronym 175

first impressions 1–2, 10, 11

fluoxetine 342, 344, 345, 346, 349, 350, 351, 352, 357, 360, 361

fluvoxamine 343, 344, 347, 349

fortune-telling 124

friendships 118, 293

funding, inequalities in 23

generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) 37

genetic factors 46, 52, 249


and BDD 19

modification of 33

ghosts from the past 7, 45, 55, 60, 62, 66, 134, 181, 204–11, 316

ginkgo biloba 350–1


for graded exposure 176

for mirror use 194–6

setting 113–15, 116

GPs 371–2

habit disorders 263

habit reversal 24, 263, 274–9, 281–2


and BDD 19

and covering of facial conditions 299

reducing time spent on 195

rituals and safety behaviors 107–8

trichotillomania 27–8, 263

headaches, and anti-depressants 348, 355


anxiety 38

and cosmetic procedures 332–3

values 119

heart problems, and anti-depressants 356


and exposure 174

of fears 176, 226, 228, 309

high standards 89

honesty, with therapist 247–8

Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale 34, 385–9

human beings, complexity and worth of 199–201


fear of 60

and self-acceptance 202–3

humour 254

hypochondriasis 38

‘If only’ thoughts 152


intrusive 62, 75–6

re-scripting 205, 208–11, 246

implants, decorative 33

impulsive behaviors 40

infections, compulsive skin-picking and 262

initiative, taking the 223, 236–8, 289, 308, 310, 312

injuries see accidents

insomnia, and SSRIs 349

internal body shame 71–2

intimacy 117

intrusive thoughts and images 62, 64, 75, 183

knuckle-cracking 263

labelling, self- 125, 199

laser treatment 316

leap of faith 185

life events 47, 55, 204–11, 438

changing the meaning of 208–11

lip-biting 263


and facial disfigurement 298

reducing 195–6

reliance on 11

mania, and SSRIs 352

Manson, Shirley 41–2

media, and body image 8–9, 10, 47, 316–18

medical conditions, and body image 48–9


for BDD 21–3, 258, 338–64

frequently asked questions 340–1

liquid preparations 360–1

side effects 346–53, 354–6

stopping 340, 356–61

meditation 275

memories, painful or traumatic 204–11

menstruation, and CSP 262

mental filtering 124

mental health, values 119

mental health services 258, 259

mind-reading 124

mirrors 188–96, 242

avoidance of 196

goals for use of 194–6


body shapes 8–9

comparison with 204, 318

mood, effect on body image 73–5

mood swings

and BPD 40

and bulimia nervosa 30

muscle dysmorphia 19–20

nail-biting 263

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) 20, 372, 376–7

nausea, and SSRIs 347

nefazadone 350

negative thoughts 64, 123

neglect, emotional 44, 47, 52

nervousness, and SSRIs 352

neurosurgery 364

Neysa Jane BDD Fund, Inc. 374, 379


and cosmetic procedures 315, 330, 332

therapy services 372

nose, shape of 224–30, 318–19, 325, 328–9

nurse therapists 370

obesity 8, 332–3

objective appearance 3

obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 20, 36–7, 342, 353

and CSP 24, 261

Obsessive Compulsive Information and Support Centre, Inc. 380

obstacles 185

OCD Foundation 374, 379

OCD Action 374, 377

OCD Association of South Africa 381

OCD Support Group (NZ) 380–1

OCD Youth 377

Olfactory Reference Syndrome (ORS) 39

Ontario Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Network 380

ORS see Olfactory Reference Syndrome

other people

and cosmetic procedures 331

observing behavior of 180

opinions of 202–3, 318–22

reactions to visible difference 287–9

over-generalization 124

panic attacks 342

paranoia 362

parents, involvement in therapy 247

paroxetine 342, 344, 346, 357, 359–60, 361

Partridge, James 236, 291

peer group

fitting in with 6, 14

teasing by 44, 50

penalties 278

perception 59–60

perfectionism 89

personalization 125, 295–7

photographs 196–7

modified images 9, 318

physical defects 27

pimozide 362

pinnaplasty 330

plastic surgery 311, 313, 332

see also cosmetic procedures

polycystic ovary syndrome 48

port wine stains see birthmarks

positive information, disqualifying 124

post-traumatic stress disorder 235

posture 11–12, 180, 300


making and testing 174, 175, 179–81

monitoring 183

photo or video feedback 197

Theory A versus Theory B 85–7, 179, 225, 241

pregnancy, medication during 361

priapism 350

problem features

comparing 167–72

identifying 95–8

listing 112–13

noticeability of 99–101

problem solving, wrong 162–6

professional help

finding 365–74

refusal of 255–8

Prozac 366

psychiatrists 369–70

psychogenic excoriation 24–6

psychological factors 46–7, 55

psychological treatments, funding inequalities 23

psychologists 370

psychotherapists 370

puberty 5–7

quality of life 12–14


acting ‘as if’ 213–14

avoiding situations 103–5

do I have compulsive skin-picking? 25–6

features causing concern 96–7

have I got an eating disorder? 31

have I got BDD? 17–18

have I got a drink problem? 39

identifying early experiences that may be relevant to the development of your body image problem 205–7, 431–4

identifying the problem feature 97–8, 334–7

life events scale 438 performing rituals and safety behaviors 106–8

rating the impact on your life 109–11, 401–3

rating the noticeability of your problem feature 99–101, 391–3

rating the severity of your body image symptoms 102–3

understanding the problem of skin-picking 263–4

questions, about visible difference 288, 303–7

racial characteristics 9

rashes, and SSRIs 352

reboxetine 350

reconstructive surgery 313–15

record keeping 181

recreation, as value 119

reflective surfaces 188, 195

see also mirrors

rejection 47, 71


and appearance 10, 293

and BDD 16

and borderline personality disorder (BPD) 40

bullying in 44–5

effects of safety behaviors on 82–3, 88

family 118

intimacy 117

social 118

relaxation 274, 275

repetitive behaviors 263

rewards 275

rheumatic diseases 287

rituals 105–8, 173, 251

role play 289, 303

rules, unhelpful 253

ruminating see brooding

Rumsey, Nichola 291

safety behaviors 80–3, 87–9, 90–2, 105–8

and graded exposure 174–5, 182

monitoring form 390

obstacles to dropping 185

relatives’ involvement in 250–1

St John’s wort 343

Samaritans 377–8

Sane & Saneline 378

Scar Information Service 377

scars 48, 50, 216–23, 234–8, 283–5

schizophrenia 40

selective serotonergic reuptake

inhibitors see SSRIs

self-acceptance 198–204

self-attacking thoughts 150–7, 199

assumptions about 160–2


and body image problems 4, 34, 52, 198–9, 324

and bulimia nervosa 30

and self-attacking thoughts 160

self-focused attention 68–70, 73, 133–7

adjusting 138–45

motivation for 145–9

self-fulfilling prophecies 290–1, 294

self-harm 33, 40, 261

self-identity 65, 198, 285–6

self-monitoring, and CSP 263, 272–3, 281


activity of 51–2

imbalance of 49

see also SSRIs

sertraline 343, 344, 345, 349, 357, 361

setbacks 222, 248, 253–4, 260, 310–11

sexual abuse 47

sexual problems, and anti-depressants 349–51, 355

shape, preoccupation with 230–4

situations, threatening 103–5, 176


abdominoplasty 323–4, 333

disorders and disfigurement 26–7

infections 262

preoccupation with 240–6

prizing of unblemished 7–8

rituals and safety behaviors 107–8

see also compulsive skin-picking (CSP)

smiling 180, 300–1

smoking 332–3

social anxiety 35, 142, 173

social factors 47–8

social phobia 35–6

social services 254

social situations

interactive programs for practising 308

positive approach to 308–10

social skills training 291, 292

spirituality 119

SSRIs 21, 341–53

side effects 346–53

withdrawal symptoms 356–61

Standard Units of Distress see SUDs

staring 287–8, 294–5

managing 307–8


abuse of 19

and body and skin changes 48, 287

stress 73–4

subjective appearance 3

SUDs (Standard Units of Distress) 176


and BDD 20, 330

professional help 365

and SSRIs 344–5, 347, 352

support groups 374

surgeons, finding 332

sweating, and anti-depressants 348, 355

symmetry 4, 19, 36

tanning 8

task-concentration training (TCT) 138–42, 185, 228, 244

tattoos 33

TCT see task-concentration training teasing 44, 50, 52


choosing 366–7

getting the most from 268–9

problems with 371

types of 369–71


brooding and self-attacking 150–7, 203

fusion with reality 66–7, 122, 212

intrusive and negative 64, 75–6, 183, 203, 298–9

keeping a record of your 129–30

labelling your thinking style 122–6

labelling your thoughts and feelings 127–8

passive observation of 131–2

strengthening helpful 212–14

suppression of 75–8, 122

unhelpful 123, 292–4

Thurman, Uma 42

thyroid problems 48, 49, 286–7

tolerance, low frustration 125

tranquillizers 363

trauma 44, 47, 235, 286

trazodone 349, 350

tremor, and anti-depressants 349, 354–5

trichotillomania 27–8, 263

Trichotillomania Learning Center, Inc. 379

tricyclics 353–6


of body image problems 50, 53, 56, 176

distress ratings 176

of skin-picking 266–9, 277–8, 279

triple column method 208

tummy tucks 323–4, 3333

unhelpful thoughts 123

identifying and challenging 292–4

urinary problems, and anti-depressants 356

values 115–21, 199, 244

vegans, and SSRIs 344

venlafaxine 346, 357

verbal skills 301–3

Viagra 351

vicious circles 69, 74, 82

vicious flower model 91–4, 227, 232, 243

video feedback 197

visible difference 286–9

and CBT 291–7, 312

and changed behavior 290–1

and plastic surgery 311, 319

positive approach to 299–307

visualization methods 308

vitiligo 300

voluntary work 119

Warhol, Andy 41


and anti-depressants 351, 355

and cosmetic surgery 333

preoccupation with 230–4

and rituals and safety behaviors 107–8

Wells, Adrian 142

‘What if . . . ?’ questions 79, 152

‘Why?’ questions 152

withdrawal symptoms 340, 356–61

work 118

worry 78–80

excessive 11, 152, 153, 155–7

motivations for 158–60