
abducting 84, 913, 285, 307

abstracting 20910, 222

accidents, organisational 3445

accountability 2, 5, 7, 10, 22; valuing/validating 271, 313, 354

accounting realism 128

activating the present 3, 202

activism 22831, 2356, 3401

Actor-Network Theory (ANT) 126, 1489, 162, 225

Ad Infinitum (Rotman) 59

Adam, B. 867, 132

Addison-Smith, H. 289

adequate ideas 152, 1545

Adiche, C.N. 260

Aerocene (Saraceno) 190

aesthetics 512, 152, 210, 212, 226

affect 11415, 1478

affective analysis 1527

Africa 2416, 24850, 253, 2612, 312

After Effects 20

Agamben, G. 2979

agave 2413

agencement 30

Agnew, J. 68

Agre, P. 127, 129, 353

Ahmed, S. 179, 240

Akama, Y. 21, 2724, 28790

Al-Nakib, M. 155

Alexander, C. 285

algorithms 20, 589, 87, 101

Allen, J. 68

Alone (Arnold) 17

alphabet 11618

Amani Institute 245

Amazon 64, 66

Amnesty International 174

Amoore, L. 101

Andersen, H. 334

animals 21317, 219, 226, 289, 31726

anonymising 70, 217, 258, 260

Anscombe’s Quartet 1345, 1378

anthropology 69, 291, 3078, 313; design 2878

antibiotics 345

anticipating 1213, see also futures

Appiah, K.A. 230

application programming interfaces (APIs) 12630

archaeology 1656, 313

architecture 122, 21012, 214, 2915

archiving 86, 958, 165, 200; seeds 205, 23947

Arctic 245

Ardèvol, E. 289

area studies 8

Argentina 1011

Arondekar, A. 2413, 245

arranging 20, 38, 415

arrows 2203, 225

art(s) 2, 120, 200, 236, 240, 252; diagramming 210, 214, 219; drawing 4752; engaging/ distributing 1525, 166, 18990; history 345; imaging 61, 646; valuing/validating 2734, 3014, 343; visualising 1389

Asia 89, 204

assembling 2939, 62

associative query-snowballing 169, 1714

atherosclerosis 271

atmospheres 18794

attention 55, 77

Atwood, M. 320

auditing 66, 203, 2578, 269, 306

Auerbach, E. 112

Australia 39, 714, 311, 31314, 324, 335

Austria 171

autonomic responses 154

autonomy 2, 5, 7, 22

Ayres, C. 4, 32, 37, 7680

babble 350

Back, L. 66

ballet 20, 38, 412, 45

balloons 18991

Bandak, A. 2967, 300

Bantu 312

Barad, K. 1089, 147, 178

barcamps 1589

Barry, A. 2, 271, 314

Barrymore, D. 1523

Barthe, Y. 160

Batcheller, A. 344

Batty, M. 14

Bauman, Z. 308

Bayer 246

BBC 25960

Beautiful Data (Halpern) 45

beauty 212, see also aesthetics

becoming 210, 288; capturing/composing 834, 867; engaging/distributing 1467; moving methods 1778; speculating 3478

Beer, D. 306

Behrendt, L. 311

Bench, H. 20, 32, 38, 416

Benjamin, W. 34, 165

Bennett, J. 33

benzene 58

Bergson, H. 153, 176, 181, 329

Berlin 54, 165, 189, 2404

beta 85, 88, 123

Beuys, J. 49

Bible 112

Bigo, D. 100

Billion Prices Project (BPP) 1011

biographies 123, 21617, 275; of objects 242

Biologisch-Landwirtschaftliche Versuchsanstalt 244

biology 220, 243, 344; synthetic 3301, 3524

biotechnology 209, 21720, 246, 326

Bissell, D. 4, 37, 7680, 179

black boxes 123

Blackwell, A.F. 2012

blogs 2548

bodies 335, 62, 115, 1526, see also embodiment

The Body Multiple (Mol) 271

The Body in Pain (Scarry) 30

Boix Mansilla, V. 2, 9

border/ing 845, 99103, 203, 231

Borgdorff, H. 52

Borges, J.L. 223

Borgman, C. 344

Born, G. 2, 271

botany 2415

bots 34950

bottled water 273, 3402

bottom-up methods 69, 100, 103, 229

Boulton, C. 201

Bourdieu, P. 35

Bowker, G.C. 240, 344

Bradley, H. 242

Braidotti, R. 155

Brambilla, C. 102

Brazil 11, 244, 324

Brighenti, A.B. 6, 16

Brooks, F. 3434

Brosnan, C. 271

Brown, E. 235

Brussels 54

Bruun Jensen, C. 212

Buchanan, I. 30

Buchanan, R. 285

Bulgaria 171

Büscher, M. 1478, 17682

Butler, J. 232, 245

Cage, J. 116, 2356

Calişkan, K. 339

Callard, F. 2013

Callon, M. 127, 160, 33940

Calvert, J. 2723, 275, 3524

Canada 31214

Canguilhem, G. 329

Capella, M. 120

capital 209, 244

Caplan, D. 42

capturing 839

care 282

Carey, J. 51

Carter, P. 36

cash 2612

casing 84, 1047

Castaneda, C. 114

categorising 19, 1278


ceremony 314

change 62, 87, 290, 347

Charlie’s Angels 152, 155

charts 133, 1368, 210, 214, 226

Chatterjee, P. 9

chemistry 578, 60

Chen, K.H. 9

Chengdu 335

children 49, 72, 114, 204; politics of dirt 24953, 263; troubling 320, 325

Chile 11, 2915

Chilisa, B. 312

Chimurenga Chronicle (Hardy) 235

China 220, 335

cholera 13940

Christianity 11213

Christiansen, P. 49

cinema see film

Cixous, H. 232

Clark, A. 19

class 202, 228, 231, 235

climate change 1602, 231, 344, 350

co-link mapping 170

coding 1516, 18, 589, 160, 223

Coelho, P. 104

Coleman, R. 38, 617

collaborating 910, 161, 2001, 240, 249, 309; compromising 27983; diagramming 209, 21617, 232; problem-making 3301; scaling 3435; valuing/validating 2756

collage 4950, 614

Collingridge, D. 344

Colombia 11

colonialism 197, 2035, 219, 255, 300; Indigeneity 311, 313, 315; seeds/haunting 2416, see also decolonising; postcolonial

Colorado 166

commodities 3401

communicating 717, 155, 2234, 249, 254

communities 1112, 59, 198, 210, 294, 303; imagined 276; politics of dirt 2526; speculating 34950

comobility 178

companionship 21

comparing 89

complexity 90, 92, 110, 213

composing 21, 839

compound methods 7, 834, 86, 88, 147

compromising 9, 27983, 2913, 331, 353

computer games 183

computer-generated images (CGIs) 18

computing 5, 14, 18, 41, 86, 95, 118; figuring 5760, see also digital; software

Comte, A. 161

concept 1536

confidentiality 2534, 2589, 264

configuration 112

conjectural paradigm 32, 356

consent forms 2534, 2578

Constitución 2915

constitutive outsides 245

constructivism 184, 348, 350

Consumer Price Index (CPI) 1011

context 19, 343

controversy mapping (CM) 158, 1602

Copenhagen 229

correlation 1056

Corsín Jiménez, A. 911, 21, 85, 88, 1225

cosmogram 292

cosmopolitics 2801, 327

Côté-Boucher, K. 100

Crabtree, A. 336

Craig, C. 24866

Creative Commons 122, 124

creativity 35, 164, 184, 209, 236, 282; abducting 902; drawing 4952; moving methods 17881

Crenshaw, K. 231

Crick, 58

Crochet Coral Reef (Wertheim & Wertheim) 589

Cultural Politics of Dirt in Africa (Dirtpol) 2489, 2545, 261

culture(s) 69, 113, 315; project-ing 3346; valuing/validating 2702

curating 66, 174, 3014

cut 298

dance 20, 324, 415, 4951, 73

Darin, B. 17

data 1012, 14, 646, 78, 95, 101, 118, 159, 177, 282, 289; arranging 425; capturing/composing 857; diffracting 10810; doing 2734; ethics 2589, 2614; rendering 1820; retrieving 12631; sprinting 148, 15863; troubling 3256; valuing/validating 2745; visualising 13341

Davies, G. 4, 7, 200, 20927

Dawney, L. 84, 10814

de Melo, A.T. 84, 904

Dead wasps fly further (Nadim & Sonjasdotter) 240

debt 106

decolonising 98, 204, see also colonialism; postcolonial

Decolonizing Methodologies (Smith) 198, 234

deconstruction 2345, 348

Degen, M. 18

del Rio, E. 152

DeLanda, M. 341

Deleuze, G. 301, 1526, 210, 348

democracy 2915, 330

Demos 169

Denmark 171, 2289

dependent variable 105

deriving 2846

Descartes, R. 306

design 45, 1213, 291, 334, 353; deriving 2846; disrupting 28790; speculating 3234, 3267; valuing/validating 27981

Design Space 14, 856, 1359, 141

Desrosieres, A. 128

Deutsche Bank 244

Dewey, J. 6, 10, 162

diagramming 4, 20927; ethnography 21013; experiments 21320; translation 2206

differences 3347

difficult objects 326

diffracting 10811, 147

digging 4, 10, 146, 1648

digital 41, 70, 85, 118, 180; archiving 958; data-sprinting 15862; diagramming 210, 220, 223; digging 1667; engaging/distributing 1489; figuring 579; issuecrawling 16975; retrieving 1267, see also computing; software

Digital Methods Initiative 161

dirt 21, 205, 2489, 2545, 2602, 264

disability 228, 231

DiSalvo, C. 2723, 2846

discomfort 79

discourse 31, 6970, 234, 334

disrupting 274, 28790

dissenting 6, 274, 2935

distant reading 118

distributing 14551

division of labour 303, 309

DIWO (Do It With Others) 10, 167 174

DNA 589

documenting, society 978

dogs 317, 3245

doing 836, 11011, 206, 232; data 2734, see also verbs

Doomsday Vault 23940, 245

Douglas, M. 308

drawing 23, 389, 4752, 210, 223, 2512; sand 715

Dream Lover (Darin) 17

Dreaming 311, 314

dress 334, 320

Driesser, T. 2723, 296300

Dublin accord 102

Dunne, A. 323

Duranti, L. 86, 958

Durham University 201

The Dying Swan (Pavlova) 45

Eastman, J. 2356

ecology 55

economies 1011, 339, 342; knowledge 2015; of scale 344

Edinburgh, University of 306

editing 20

Edwards, P. 344

Egypt 244

Elder, C. 5, 2723, 31116

Elsevier 202

emancipation 2934

EMAPS project 1601

embodiment 335, 59, 220, 2223, see also bodies

emotion 155, 17980, 289

enchaînement 20, 38, 415

energy 349

engaging 14551

Engelmann, S. 8, 146, 148, 18794

engineering 166

entanglement 10810, 288

epistemology see knowledge

equality 282, 294

errors 1056

Essaying Essays (Kostelanetz et al.) 1315

ethics 108, 1989, 205, 289; dirty methods 24950, 2534, 25762, 264; playing with 1836; problem-making 32930; suspending 789; troubling 3245

ethnicity 311

ethnography 12, 79, 187, 224, 240, 273; diagramming 21013; digital 149; disrupting 28790; experimenting 545; generalising 306, 308; moving methods 1769; project-ing 3345; troubling 323, 326

ethnomethodology 281, 3345

etymologies 29, 84, 95, 116, 279, 293

eugenics 243

Eurocentrism 259

Europe 16973, 197, 204, 2412, 2612

European Commission 270

European Research Council (ERC) 249, 2534, 258, 262

European Union (EU) 102, 160

event 308, 3489

Evian 3401

exclusion 2056, 2978, 300

exemplifying 273, 296300, 308

Exeter University 213

experimenting 7, 9, 38, 536, 146, 198, 233, 237, 270; diagramming 21320, 225; qualifying 3412; sensing atmospheres 18992

expert lists 1734

explaining 3015

extension 309

extremism 16973

Facebook 120, 129, 170

fantasy 3225

Farah, M. 115

‘Fashioning Diaspora Space’ 20910, 217

Faulkner, W. 240

feminism 5; engaging/distributing 147, 155, 17880; interdisciplinarity 2034, 22831, 235, 242; making/assembling 38, 59, 62, 69

Feminist Studies (Lykke) 228

Fensham, R. 2940

Ferguson, H. 179

Fibonacci, L. 117

the field 199, 254

Field’s Prize 345

figurationing 84, 11214

figuring 38, 5760

film 20, 148, 212, 259; affective analysis 1523, 1556; making/assembling 345

finance 347

First World War 43

Firstness 1534

Fitzgerald, D. 2013

flat methods 2967, 299

Fleming, A. 345

floor plans 21012

fluidity 18, 146

focus group discussions (FGDs) 2502, 254, 2569, 2612, 264

folding 6, 1516, 21, 87, 189

Food and Agricultural Organisation 239

form 23, 1315, 245

Foucault, M. 33, 11314, 120, 307, 329

Fox Keller, E. 59

fractals 57

framing 217, 302, 307

France 171, 340

Frankenstein (Shelley) 214

Franks, P. 98

Fraser, M. 348

free software 1224

Frege, G. 120

Freud, S. 33, 37, 165

Freudendal-Pedersen, M. 180

Frickel, S. 313

Friedman, M. 1516

Froebel, F. 57

Fukushima, M. 2723, 2756, 3436

funding 199, 2015, 230, 2367, 353

futures 1213, 2056, 2945, 347, 353; disrupting 28790

Gabrys, J. 188

Gad, C. 212

Galloway, A. 2724, 31728

Galton, F. 37

games 183

Garfinkel, H. 308

Gates Foundation 133

Gatt, C. 288

gender 166, 202, 22831, 2356, 243, 254; affective analysis 1556; making/assembling 35, 38, 59, 62; valuing/validating 276, 308

genealogy 114

generalising 2968, 30610

genetics 239, 317, 3256

geographical information systems (GIS) 197

geographical positioning systems (GPS) 178

geography 54, 68, 146, 197, 203, 206, 236; diagramming 21920, 225

geometry 16, 38, 579

geopolitics 197, 2035, 245

Gerlitz, C. 12, 85, 12631

Germany 1701, 240, 2425

gerunds 3

gesture 74

ghosts 114, 23940, 2426

Gibbons, M. 230, 237

Gichagi 250

gift 646

Ginzburg, C. 29, 356

Gisler, P. 2723, 3015

Glissant, E. 2056

global 79, 206; South/North 2035, 264

Glodin, I. 236

Glucksmann, A. 312

Goduka, I.N. 312

Goffman, E. 3078

Goldsmiths College 206

Goodman, N. 11617, 121

Google 18, 85, 87, 16973

Google Books 118

Google Scholar 170, 173

Gordon, A. 244, 246

Graham, C. 2723, 3348

grammar 11920, 1279

graphs see visualising

Green, J. 39, 715

greenhouse gas (GHG) 1601

Grosz, E. 155

Guardian 260

Guatemala 114

Guattari, F. 301, 1524, 192

hacking 1589, 1667, 189

Hacking, I. 878, 120

Hall, A. 100

Hall, P. 1334

Halpern, O. 45

Hamilton, R. 345

hand 220, 2223

Hansen, M. 188

Haraway, D.: engaging/distributing 147, 180; interdisciplinarity 222, 233, 235; making/ assembling 59, 1089, 11213; valuing/ validating 274, 288, 3267

Harding, S. 232

Harney, S. 230

Harrison, P. 77

Harvard University 11, 197

Harvey, I.E. 300

haunting 114, 23940, 2426

Hawkins, G. 7, 2723, 33942

Hearing the Voice 201

Heidegger, M. 3078

Heller-Nicholas, A. 2940

Herfindahl–Hirschman index 69

hermeneutics 45, 118, 288

hierarchy 204, 2967, 299

Higgs Boson 306

highlighting 2223

Hindorf, R. 2412

history 96, 313; of art 345; of interdisciplinarity 202; natural 2406; problematology 329

History of Sexuality (Foucault) 113

Højer, L. 2967, 300

Homo Ludens (Huizinga) 183

Hong Kong 243

Horst, M. 2724, 32933

Hughes, C. 243

Hughes, J. 334

Huizinga, J. 1834

human 334, 337

humanities 69, 1878, 231, 2846, 3302

Humboldt University 165

Hume, D. 3067

Hungary 171

Hunt, A. 85

Hurricane Katrina 231

hybridisation 146, 149

hyperbolic space 58

Hyphe 174

iBorder/ing 845, 99103

ideas, adequate 152, 1545

idiocy 285, 295

imagination 2023, 297, 323, 347

imagined communities 276

imaging 38, 617

Imperial College, London 18

imperialism 180, 203, 23946

inclusion 2978

Indigeneity 5, 39, 1978, 31116, 337; sand drawing 714

individualism 3445

induction 307

industries 128, 226, 326, 352; haunting/seeds 2415; rescaling 6870

inference 91

infinitives 2

inflation 1011

infographics 138

information 20, 153

infra-empirical 19

infraction 308

infrastructure 1012, 122, 124, 1656

Ingold, T. 4, 76, 188, 288

-ings 24, 7, 1314, 1922, 61, 149

innovation 202, 289

Institute for Figuring (IFF) 579

institutions 2013, 229, 233, 312

instrumentality 313, 350

Inteligencia Colectiva (IC) 122

intelligibility 2979

intensity 778

Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) 89

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 106

Internet 14, 1820, 87, 101, 258; engaging/ distributing 1489; issuecrawling 16975; troubling 320, 3234

intersectionality 235

interviews 87, 198, 214, 233; ethics 2505, 257, 25962; suspending 769

intuition 356

Inventive Methods (Lury & Wakeford) 234, 285, 348

Irwin, A. 2724, 32933

issuecrawling 16975

iteration 1719, 161

Jacobs, J.A. 313

Japan 343, 345

Java 244

Jellis, T. 3, 7, 21, 32, 38, 536

Jeremijenko, N. 166

Johnson, M. 155

Kangemi 249, 257

Kann, M. 313

Kant, I. 165

Kelty, C. 124

Kenya 244, 24850, 2534, 2569, 2613

Kenyatta University 205

Kew Gardens 245

Kibera 254, 258

Kimbell, L. 4, 6

King, V. 334

Kirori, A. 24866

Kittler, F. 165

Knell, J. 201

knowledge 19, 22, 31, 52, 119, 147, 217, 2314, 292; -ings 56; diffracting 1089; digging 1647; economy 2015; exemplifying 2979; hierarchies 204; Indigenous 31115; production 160, 230, 314, 348; suspending 878; valuing/ validating 2702; vectors of research 1112

Kolko, J. 285

Konstanz University 118

Kosovo 171

Kostelanetz, R. 1315

Kovach, M. 5, 312, 314

Krauss, R. 2

Kristeva, J. 232

Kuhn, T. 29, 299, 307

labelling 212, 214

laboratories 124; diagramming 214, 217; experimenting 535; valuing/validating 2701, 332, 345

Laboratory Life (Latour) 225

labour, division of 303, 309

Lagos 248, 250, 252, 255, 25763

Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) 255, 260

Lagos University 205, 255, 2601

Lakoff, G. 155

Lammes, S. 14551

Lamont, M. 2

land 311, 314

landscapes 76

language 16; diagramming 213, 216, 219; methods 249, 2613; notating 11920; sand drawing 715, see also etymologies

Language of New Media, The (Manovich) 42

Lanzeni, D. 289

Lascoumes, P. 160

Last, A. 22, 22838

lateral methods 212

Lather, P. 323

Latimer, J. 2723, 30610

Latour, B. 31, 124; engaging/distributing 149, 180; interdisciplinarity 217, 220, 2245, 231, 235; valuing/validating 273, 276, 280, 303, 307, 348, 354

Laurier, E. 177

law 314

Law, J. 204

Le Guin, U.K. 323

Lewis, G. 78

Lezuan, J. 341

Lin, W.Y. 204

linguistics 712, 74, 119, 313

Linköping University 229, 2313

Lippman, W. 158, 162

Listening Room, The (Magritte) 343, 345

literature 11213, 118, 214, 232

Livelton, T. 96

lively metrics 12930

Lobato, R. 6, 33, 37, 39, 6870

logic 1534, 156, 306

London 18, 54, 171, 179; diagramming 21013, 217, 220; haunting/seeds 242, 245; interdisciplinarity 200, 206

looping effects 120

Los Angeles 57

Lowrie, M. 296, 299

Lüdemann, S. 296, 299

Lupi, G. 1389

Lury, C. 83, 147, 204, 234, 243, 285, 348; introduction 125

Lykke, N. 202, 22838

McCormack, D. 8, 146, 148, 18794

McInerny, G. 7, 14, 85, 13341

McNeil, M. 235

magic 294

Magritte, R. 343, 345

Mai Collection 2401, 2435

Mai, D.H. 241

mail art 646

making 2939, 166, 284, 288

management 263, 331, 343

Manovich, L. 42

Maori 314

mapping 1415, 212, 21920, 223; co-link 170; controversy 158, 1602

‘Mapping the Margins’ (Crenshaw) 231

Mapping Touring 413

mark making 49, 715

markets 3402

Marks, L.U. 148, 1527

Marres, N. 10

Marston, S.A. 68

Martin, K. 31314

Marx, K. 35, 161

Massumi, B. 30, 778, 154, 296

material participation 10

Material Thinking (Carter) 35

materiality 1516, 5960, 225

mathematics 579, 11718, 345

matter, vibrant 33

Maurer, B. 13

Mayernik, M. 344

Mbembe, A. 202

m’Charek, A. 235

Méadel, C. 340

meaning 3024, 306

measuring 6, 12930, 2034, 340

media 345, 114, 148, 1534; arranging 412; digging 1656; imaging 612; politics of dirt 2489, 25860, 2634; rescaling 6870, see also social media

medicine 2012, 217, 2312, 2702, 310

Meillassoux, Q. 348

Melhuish, C. 18

memory 4950, 52, 779, 156

merino 216, 3234

Merriman, P. 176

Merton, R.K. 275

Mesman, J. 176

metaphor 155, 352, 354

metaphysics 3078

metrics 6, 2034, 340; lively 12930

Meunier, A. 148, 15863

Mexico 2413

mice 200, 214, 217, 21920

Michael, M. 3, 6, 9, 21, 66, 285, 348; compromising 27983; troubling 3267; valuing/validating 26978

Middle Ages 11617

migration 102, 176, 180; digging 169, 171; problem-making 32930

minjian 9

misogyny 1556

mixed methods 109

Mnemosyne Atlas (Warburg) 34

mobile methods 17682, see also movement(s)

mobile phones 289

modelling 1415, 18, 123

models 220

Mohr, B. 241

Mol, A. 176, 271, 281

molar v. molecular level 1524

molecules 5760

Moline, K. 2889

Monsanto 246

monstrous 214, 225

Montreal 54

morality see ethics

Morelli, G. 37

Moreton-Robinson, A. 313

Moretti, F. 118

Moten, F. 230

motility 30910

movement(s) 31, 335, 39, 87, 119, 1478; arranging 412; sand drawing 724; social 113, 313

moving methods 17682

Muddying the Waters (Nagar) 203

Mueck, R. 343

Mulkay, M. 275

multidisciplinarity 1, 100, 234, 2367

multimodality 71, 75

Mulvey, L. 34

Muniesa, F. 341

Munk, A. 148, 15863

Munro, R. 2723, 30610

Museo Aero Solar (Saraceno) 190

Museum für Naturkunde (MfN) 2403

museums 217, 219, 23946, 3014

music 74, 117, 119, 235

Mwaura, J. 24866

myopia 139

Myths of the Near Future (Moline) 2889

Nadim, T. 20, 205, 23947

Nagar, R. 203

Nairobi 24850, 2534, 2569, 2613

narrative 20, 718, 86, 205, 31415; figurationing 11215; Indigenous 31415

NatCen Social Research 249

National Security Agency (NSA) 20, 101

nationalism 240

natural history museums 2406

Nebe, J. 24866

Nêhiyaw 5

neoliberalism 154, 230, 324

Netherlands 171

New Orleans 231

New York City 43

New Zealand 31720, 3235

Newell, S. 24866

Nigeria 204, 248, 2503, 255, 25763, 309

Niranjana, T. 89

Nobel Prize 344

Noë, A. 120

norms 275

Norway 171, 239

notating 86, 11621

nouns 269

Nowotny, H. 230, 237

numerals 11718, 308

NVivo 249

OAuth 127

objectivity 217

object(s) 10810, 166; biographies 242; difficult 326; of research 2734

O’Dowd, L. 100

Oloko, P. 24866

ontic 83, 878

ontology 30, 2045, 274, 348; Indigenous 311, 314; politics of 271, 281; troubling 10

Onwong’a, R. 24866

open access 9, 124

open source 1112, 18, 1224, 158

opening up 3534

organisational accidents 3445

Osborne, T. 329

outreach 354

pain 30

paradigm 29, 2979, 307; conjectural 32, 368; failure 205

Parikka, J. 4, 10, 146, 1648

Parisi, L. 39

Parker, J. 312

parks, national 7680

Parks, L. 166

participation 910, 38, 54, 188, 205

particular 296300, 30810

Passagen-Werk (Benjamin) 34

passengering 177

Patch, H. 114

Pavlova, A. 435

peer-to-peer 11

Peirce, C.S. 84, 912, 1534, 156, 307

perception 1526

Perec, G. 198

Perelman, G. 345

performance 425, 4950, 61, 74, 236; practices 187; studies 334

performativity 177, 199, 213, 339

PermaLamb 274, 31726

PhD programmes 22930

phenomenology 153, 155, 183

phones 289

physics 60, 108

Pidgin 2623

Pink, S. 21, 2724, 28790

pirates 70

Pitt-Rivers Museum 242

place 5, 312

plants 23947, 289

platform 9

playing 148, 2001, 206; with ethics 1836

poetry 120, 236

Poincaré conjecture 345

Poitras, L. 20

politics 2056, 277, 300, 323; of dirt 252, 255; dissenting 2915; of interdisciplinarity 1612; issuecrawling 16973; ontological 271, 2801; problem-making 32930; qualifying 3412; sensing atmospheres 18990

Popper, K. 307

populism 16973

positivism 307

POST commands 1278

postcards 61, 646, 178

postcolonial 69, 245, 313, see also colonialism; decolonising

postdisciplinarity 234, 236

potato 2401

Potskin, J. 5, 2723, 31116

Pötzsch, H. 845, 99103

Povinelli, E. 113

power 198, 2035, 2356, 294, 332; figurationing 11213; generalising 30910; iBorder/ing 1003

practice 45, 356, 103, 206; compromising 2802; iBorder/ing 1001; sensing atmospheres 1878; situated 165; valuing/validating 2745

prepositions 1, 3, 6

present, activating 3, 202

preservation 956

prices 1011

print 118

probes 2945

problem-making 3, 2745, 32933; global 79

process 29, 1516, 212, 132, 288, 348; capturing/composing 85, 87; deriving 2845; diffracting 10910; drawing 4952; engaging/ distributing 1479; figurationing 11215; imaging 616; making/assembling 2932, 379

products 3401

project management 263, 331, 343

project-ing 3348

projective technique 47, 52

promise 280

proof-in-use realism 128

proteins 60

prototyping 1225

Prussian Geological Survey 241

psychology 228, 312

public 327; opinion 2489, 252

Public Lab 1889

publishing 2045, 3034, 306, 3301

Puerto Rico 43

Puig de la Bellacasa, M. 282

Puwar, N. 66

qualifying 7, 33942

qualitative research 767, 84, 100, 105, 1701, 183

Quandamoopah 314

quantitative research 84, 1056, 1701, 210, 307

quantum theory 108

queering 228, 230, 241

query-snowballing 169, 1714

questions, research 15961, 280

Rabehariosa, V. 340

Rabinow, P. 9

Raby, F. 323

race 202, 228, 231, 2356, 244, 31113

Ragin, C.C. 84, 1047

Rancière, J. 2934

Randolf, L. 109, 113

rape 345

Raskin, D. 153

rationality 37

reading 5; distant 118

realism 128, 153, 3234, 348

Reason, M. 3, 32, 38, 4752

reasoning 913, 285

Reckwitz, A. 45

recognising 7, 222, 243

recursion 1719, 83, 85, 90, 124, 148

referendums 2915

reflection 109

reflexive differences 3357

reflexivity 1467

refraction 147

relations 2756, 312, 337

relay 21, 55

rendering 1921

repetition 1719, 161

representationalism 61, 110, 153

rescaling 6, 39, 6870

research councils 202, 236, 258

Research Excellence Framework (REF) 203

research questions 15961, 280


retrieving 12631

returning 243

RFID 101

Rheinberger, H.J. 16

rhetoric 285

rhizome 225

right wing 16973

rights 1112

Riles, A. 6, 308

risk 347

Roberts, C. 235

Rocha, L. 19

Rodden, T. 334

Rogers, R. 1489, 16975

Rose, G. 18

Rosetta Stone 219

Roskilde University 229

Rotman, B. 59

Rouncefield, M. 336

Rozeboom, W.T. 91

ruinations 23940, 2445

rules 2967, 299

Rumford, C. 99

Sacks, H. 336

Salazar-Sutil, N. 31

salvage research 313

Samantrai, R. 312

sampling 7, 17

San Francisco 43

sand drawing 39, 715

sandpits 353

Saraceno, T. 18992

Sato, K. 2

Savage, M. 12

Savransky, M. 19, 350

scaling 6, 39, 6870, 154, 178, 3436

Scalway, H. 7, 200, 20927

Scarry, E. 30

Schaffner, W. 1516

Schatzki, T. 356

Scheper-Hughes, N. 199

schools 2503, 2589, 263, 309

science(s) 17, 53, 118, 160, 177, 200, 240, 313; abducting 902; diagramming 21420, 224; making/assembling 29, 368; problem-making 3302; scaling 3445, 347; troubling 323, 325; valuing/validating 2702, 275; wedging 3523, see also social science(s)

Science and an African Logic (Verran) 204

Science and Technology Studies (STS) 126, 204, 235, 292, 330, 339; prototyping 1234

scraping 126, 149, 350

search 1819, 85, 87, 16974

Second World War 198

Secondness 1534

seed archives 205, 23947

sensing 8, 1478, 153; atmospheres 18794

sequencing 12, 1417, 41, 216, 284

Serbia 171

Serra, R. 23

Serres, M. 1, 3, 2056

sexual violence 345

sexuality 113, 235, 255, 329

Sharma, S. 66

sheep 317, 3236

Sheller, M. 100

Shelley, M. 214

Sheng 2623

shipping 646

Sicart, M.A. 148, 1836

sign languages 712

silence 97

Sillitoe, P. 312

Silverman, D. 274

Simon, H. 12

Simone, A. 21

Singapore 220

sisal 2415

situating 1467, 165, 233

Skype 352

Smailes, D. 201

smiling 155

Smith, D. 304

Smith, L.T. 198, 234

Snowden, E. 101

Sobchack, V. 155

social 1667, 21617; construction of problems 32932

social media 9, 120, 147, 154, 170, 255; making/ assembling 345; retrieving 12630; speculating 34950; troubling 320, 326

social movements 113, 313

social science(s) 12, 69, 90, 124, 191, 204, 2312, 264, 291, 354; casing 1046; data-sprinting 1601; deriving 2846; diffracting 10911; experimenting 53, 55; explaining 3014; generalising 3078, 310; imaging 61, 66; problem-making 3302; sensing atmospheres 1878; speculating 3478; valuing/validating 27980

social workers 179

socialising 276, 2812

society, documenting 978

sociology 126, 281, 339, 342; dissenting 2915; explaining 3014; figurational 112; imaging 64, 66

software 10, 14, 18, 70, 138, 158, 249, 349; diagramming 220, 223; free/open 1224; scaling 3434, see also computing; digital

solar sculptures 18991

Sonjasdotter, Å. 240, 243

sorcery 2945

sounding 1912

Souriau, E. 273

South Africa 202, 324

Southern, J. 178, 180

sovereignty 99100

Soyinka, W. 259

space 1415, 18, 31, 197, 216

Spain 122, 1713

speaking 120, 213, 257

Species of Spaces (Perec) 198

speculating 4, 34751

speculative design 3234, 3267

speculative shipping 646

Spencer, M. 18

Spinoza, B. 1525

Spitsbergen 239

Spivak, G.C. 241

standardisation 269, 285

Stanford University 118

Stark, D. 1819

State Street Global Markets 11

states 99103

statistics 10, 12, 1056

Staying with the Trouble (Haraway) 180

Stengers, I. 205, 273, 276, 2802, 2934, 348

Steyerl, H. 20

Stirling, A. 353

Stoler, A.L. 245

stories see narrative

Strathern, M. 12, 308

Street, A. 201

style 118

subjectivities 102

Subramaniam, B. 243

success 270, 2737, 327

Suchman, L. 112

Sunder Rajan, K. 209, 216

surveillance 1012, 1801, 185

surveys 12

suspending 4, 378, 7680

Sussex, University of 205

Svalbard Global Seed Vault 23940, 245

symbols 11617

sympoesis 59

Synthetic Aesthetics 3524

synthetic biology 3301, 3524

Szerszynsk, B. 178

Taimina, D. 58

TalkMine 19

tally sticks 11617, 119

Tanzania 2415

Taylor, D. 33

technology 185, 347; data-sprinting 15862; digging 1667; iBorder/ing 99103; moving methods 176, 178, 180; project-ing 3347; prototyping 1224; sensing atmospheres 18990; troubling 3236; valuing/validating 2723; wedging 3534

TEMA 22930, 2323, 236

temporalities see timing

tensing 87

The Undercommons (Harney & Moten) 230

theatre 33, 42, 4951

Thirdness 1534

Thom, R. 16

Thomas, D. 85

Thousand Plateaus, A (Deleuze & Guattari) 30

threat 280

Thrift, N. 87

Times Higher Education Supplement 236

timing 4, 165, 210; capturing/composing 867, 132, 154; valuing/validating 343, 347, 353

Tironi, M. 3, 6, 2724, 2915

Tokun, O. 21, 24866

Toledo 117

Tolmie, P. 336

top-down methods 69, 103

topology, of valuing 269, 2767, 314

Tote Wespen fliegen länger (Nadim & Sonjasdotter) 240

touring 41, 435

tracking 1801, 185

training 249, 256, 262

transactional cost 344

transcribing 77, 233, 249, 2623

transdisciplinarity 1, 176, 178, 234, 237

transitivity 2

translation 21926, 249, 2623

translational research 2702, 275


triadic logic 1534, 156

triangulation 2745

tropes 113

troubling 10, 2423, 274, 31728

Tuan, N. 231

Twitter 345, 1279, 34950

Ubuntu 312

Umwelt 154

uncertainty 28790, 306

United Kingdom (UK) 64; capturing/composing 97, 101, 114; interdisciplinarity 2025, 217, 220, 249, 262; valuing/validating 270, 324, 335, 350, 353

United Nations (UN) 239

United States (US) 20; capturing/composing 1012, 114; interdisciplinarity 220, 228; valuing/validating 270, 324, 353

universal(ising) 42, 2045, 219, 2967

universities 2045, 22831, 2367

Uprichard, E. 3, 839, 109

urban planning 18, 2915

urbanisation 2489, 264

urbanism, open source 1112

URLs 16974

Uwa, J. 24866

V&A 217, 219

Valery, P. 16

Väliaho, P. 154

valuing and validating 6, 185, 26980, 285, 314, 327, 344; disrupting 2915; exemplifying 297, 299; explaining 3024; problem-making 3312; project-ing 3347; qualifying 339, 342; wedging 3534

Venturini, T. 148, 15863

Verb List (Serra) 23

verbs 23, 12, 22, 85, 110, 269, see also doing

Verran, H. 204, 245, 309, 314

vibrant matter 33

video games 183

Vikkelsø, S. 341

violence 345, 199, 228, 231, 300

virtues 184

visibility raising 231

‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ (Mulvey) 34

visualising 7, 1415, 13341, 160, 170; arranging 425; capturing/composing 856; diagramming 210, 214, 2246; drawing 4752; imaging 617


Vukov, T. 100

Wainwright, S. 270

Wakeford, N. 234, 285, 348

Walker, K. 138

Warburg, A. 34

Ward, N.B. 242

waste 255, 25860

water, bottled 273

Watson, 58

Watts, G. 270

waves 108

We Have Never Been Modern (Latour) 225

Web see Internet

Weber, M. 3023

Weber, S. 298

Wedell, M. 86, 11621

wedging 3524

Weitin, T. 118

Welcome to Lagos (Palmer) 25960

Wertheim, C. 57

Wertheim, M. 32, 38, 5760

West 89, 57, 2034, 259, 306, 31114

Weszkalnys, G. 2, 271

When Species Meet (Haraway) 235

white-boxing 88, 1234

Whitehead, A.N. 348

Wigman, M. 116

Wikipedia 174

Wilkie, A. 4, 2723, 34751

Wilkins, D.P. 73

Wilkinson, S. 201

Williams, C. 270

Wilson, L. 201

Wilson, S. 312, 314

Winthrop-Young, G. 102

witches 294

Wolff, C. 235

Wolfthal, D. 35

women see feminism; gender

Women’s Studies Centres 228

Woods, A. 201

workshops 489, 51, 158, 1667, 2889

world-making 307, 30910

writing 102, 11620, 188, 216, 226, 233

Yahoo 174

Yoruba 262

Yousafzai, M. 115

Yucatán 2412, 2445

Zeilinger, M.J. 17

Zentralstelle für die Deutschen Kolonien 2445

Zumbusch, C. 34