





Aarhus convention 182

affordable housing 99, 102, 171, 232; see also housing

air pollution 378

Airbnb 36, 43, 100103, 12932, 13642, 1467

‘Airbnbification’ 9091, 99102

alcohol tourism 7980, 857

alternative forms of tourism development 447, 15862

ambulant vendors 26481; see also parallel traders/parallel trading; street vendors

anti-cruise tourism protest 17190

anti-gentrification protest 3940, 324

anti-Olympics protest 21026, 324

Arab Springs 13, 306

artisans/antique dealers 26481

arts of resistance 32632

austerity 16, 59, 322

authentic/authenticity 13, 85, 144, 192, 196, 198, 200, 202, 206, 260, 270, 273, 2759, 30810, 330

authoritarian tourist city 30219

autonomy 11819, 178, 323, 334


Barcelona 13, 15, 18, 31, 34, 3940, 423, 46, 186, 229, 24763; see also Park Güell

beautification 194, 286, 3312

Belfast 15270

Belo Horizonte 22746

Berlin 5272, 167

Berlin Wall (fall) 1, 52, 57

birth tourism 11112, 118

bottom-up approaches (to tourism) 20, 73, 779, 86

brand/branding 100, 103, 120, 1557, 1612, 166, 2012, 205, 212, 220, 249, 267, 2834, 327, 330, 335

Buenos Aires 26481

Bukit Brown Cemetery (Singapore) 302, 3078, 31016


cabildos 1445

cable car wars 2034

centri sociali 1768

chengguan 282301

China 10728

city marketing 58, 154, 2289, 2312, 3223, 3267

civic engagement 812

civil society 7389

co-optation 32830, 335

collective action 7981, 131, 335

commercialization 86, 32021

commodification 1012, 16, 32830

commodification of human tragedy 1923

commoning 24763, 321, 3345

Commons 1789, 183

community activism/resistance 18, 95, 98, 1389, 142, 249, 258, 315

community-based tourism 446, 1989

compassion branding 205

compulsory tourism 154

consumption 716, 23, 44, 54, 75, 84, 102, 132, 171, 193, 195, 199, 262, 290, 3036, 3324

cooperativistas 2757

corruption 79, 83, 86, 111, 1845

Costa Concordia disaster 1745

counterculture tourism 333

‘creative city’ policies 10, 60, 322, 327, 335

creative class 82, 978, 1012, 264, 2901, 306, 3224

creative economy/industries 15, 33, 90, 28297, 322, 327

cruise tourism 1745

cultural capital 1516, 274, 278, 314, 323, 329

cultural erosion 114

cultural identity 152, 154, 15961

cultural production 23, 267, 270, 2768, 324, 330

cultures of poverty 2768


‘dark tourism’ 192

deindustrialization 54, 172, 184

democratic displacement 210, 21517, 2212

densification 21, 90, 98, 102

density 90106

depoliticization of urban tourism 5272

depopulation 757, 86, 184

diagnostic events 296

digital space 315

disaster capitalism 213

‘disaster tourism’ 192

disneyfication 62, 110, 136, 171, 30910

displacement 14, 212, 78, 84, 93, 1389, 143, 204, 21314, 217, 234, 323

dispossession 129, 138, 142, 1467, 2523


economic crisis 26972

enclosure/enclosing 2479, 25160, 335; see also commoning of Park Güell

entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship 535, 68, 107, 1212, 157, 159, 1724, 194, 199200, 202, 205, 212, 215, 228, 282301, 322, 325

environmental protection 236

ethnographic/ethnography 223, 130, 283, 2956

ethnonationalist conflict 18, 21, 1538

ethnoscapes 47

event-led redevelopment 24041

eviction 22930, 2337, 2423, 326

exploitation 12, 956, 330

extortion 38, 84

extra-legal businesses 291, 2945


favela tourism 12, 191209

festivalization 54

FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 227, 229

FIFA World Cup 2014 191, 194, 2046, 22733

foreign direct investment 154, 157


Gängeviertel (Hamburg) 32039

gentrification 11, 1315, 1821, 31, 336, 467, 602, 645, 76, 83, 92, 110, 114, 12951, 167, 200, 206, 229, 275, 309, 324

geopolitical/geopolitics 21, 107, 116, 1223, 212

ghettoization 756

globalization 89, 35, 76, 134, 178, 212, 278, 282, 288, 303, 306

governable spaces 31314

graffiti 1, 34, 39, 60, 63, 86

‘Greeters’ 44, 47

guerrilla tourism 303, 30717


Hamburg 32039

heritage governmentality 1423

heritage industries 2837

heritage protection 18, 36, 4041, 62, 768

heritage reclamation 1335

historic centre 11, 74, 7986, 134, 26481

homelessness 79, 83, 93, 233

Hong Kong 10728

Hong Kong city state movement 10728

hospitality tourism 199200

hotel workers 956

housing 23, 11, 1415, 1821, 24, 36, 3940, 435, 62, 65, 74, 7980, 84, 9091, 98103, 12930, 134, 13742, 1457, 162, 171, 178, 193, 201, 2326, 24043, 266, 271, 277, 2846, 297, 302, 305, 314, 324, 3278, 33031

housing movement 138

hutong 285

hybridity 30910, 316


iconic architecture 231, 283

identity 34, 14, 21, 35, 76, 138, 1534, 156, 159, 161, 1667, 176, 198, 206, 270, 2734, 290, 316

identity politics 107128

inequality/inequalities 11, 65, 74, 110, 133, 143, 193, 217, 265, 268, 278, 2926, 3212

informal settlements 12, 229; see also squatter settlements

infrapolitics 35

institutionalization 32830

Inter-American Development Bank 11, 134

International Monetary Fund 264

International Olympic Committee 21618, 22021


laissez-faire approach 62, 73, 757, 867

landscapes of power 132

legacy (Olympic /post-event) 21122

lilong 2847, 296

liveability 856

living wage campaign 956

lobbying 78, 82, 1767, 18081

localists vs. nativists 11519, 122

‘Locusts’ 109, 11112

love locks 367, 42, 47

low-cost airlines 1213


mafias 272, 274

management of tourism-related tensions 3151

manteros 268, 270

manualistas 270

market criteria citizenship 259

medical tourism 120

mega-events 18, 22, 31, 200, 2036, 21017, 2212, 22746

micropolitics 3441

mobility 7, 9, 12, 25, 35, 45, 54, 132, 146, 158, 2034, 229, 2335, 2402, 2546

modes of action 7986

moral crusading 1078

moral panic 107, 109

museification 42


nativism 11519

negative sightseeing 193

neighbourhood tourism 15960

neoliberal/neoliberalism 1011, 14, 546, 59, 76, 1328, 143, 157, 21012, 21416, 221, 228, 2523, 32021, 323, 328, 331, 3345

neoliberalization 1011, 14

NIMBYism 16, 40, 6061

noise pollution 378, 40, 43, 80

non-governmental organizations 789, 82, 1589, 194, 1967, 205, 230

non-violence 80, 86

nuisance issues 3841, 43, 46


occupation 41, 327

Occupy movement 13, 16, 10711, 117, 306

‘off the beaten track’ tourism 33, 303, 30810

Olympic bids contestation 21026

Olympic Games 191226; Rio de Janeiro 191209

opportunity costs 1112

over-densification 21, 102


parallel traders/parallel trading 1078, 11012, 11819, 121; see also street vendors

Paris 3151

Park Güell (Barcelona) 24763

party tourism 34, 62

patrimonio 1334

performance art 307, 326

petition 80, 86

place marketing 910, 16, 534, 57, 212

policy communities 56

policy lacunae 657

polite politics 115

political opportunity structure 14, 13942

political tourism 15861

‘politicization from below’ 56, 1725

politics of scale 13032

poorism 1923

‘post-conflict’ cities 15270; see also Belfast

post-Fordism 54, 322

post-political /post-politics 211, 21516

post-socialism/post-socialist 7389, 1523; see also Prague

post-tourism/tourists 102

poverty 9, 161, 167, 1926, 2768

‘poverty tourism’ 1923

Prague 7389

privatization/privatizing 22, 556, 745, 7980, 135, 154, 1723, 1834, 240, 24750, 2546, 297, 3234

pro-democracy movements 108, 11213, 122

protest around city reshaping 23340

public policy and urban tourism 11, 536

public spaces 2, 18, 34, 37, 39, 41, 7980, 823, 856, 1023, 135, 139, 179, 181, 24042, 2489, 253, 25960, 2657, 27071, 278, 329, 333

public-private partnerships 56, 58, 216


quality of life 37, 40, 424, 467, 107, 114


radical activism 778, 834

radical politics 117

‘recuperación patrimonial’ 1335

regulation of tourism 3944, 62

rent (de)regulation 65, 80, 92

repeat visitors 32

repertoires of contention 1389, 1446

repoliticization of urban tourism 5272

residents’ associations 2, 3740, 427, 241, 250, 252, 254, 324

responsible tourism 945

revanchism 108

‘Right to the City’ 6, 14, 16, 35, 84, 179, 1845, 248, 2523, 256, 260, 314, 321, 3234, 339

Rio de Janeiro 167, 191209, 214, 229


San Francisco 12951

San Telmo (Buenos Aires) 2657

sanitization/sanitized 22, 76, 204, 333

Santa Monica 90106

sectarianism 1556, 158, 164

Segway tourism 80, 867

separatism 1212

Shanghai 282301

sharing economy 3, 99102, 129, 138, 1467

shopping tourism 34, 11617

Singapore 30219

slow-growth groups 98

slum tourism 12, 1923; see also favela tourism

slumming 1923

slumsploitation 195

social exclusion 158, 328

social mobility 172, 176, 2546

social stratification 23, 26481

sovereignty 109, 116

squatter settlements 18, 1778, 326, 3323; see also informal settlements

squatting 834, 86, 32630

starchitecture 97

state of exception 213, 215, 2212

street vendors 378, 40, 47, 2357, 26481

sustainable tourism 456, 93


Taiwanization 113, 118, 123

‘Tech Boom 2.0’ 12951

‘temporary city users’ 78, 245, 41, 67

‘theme-parkification’ 193

tourism carrying capacity 171, 173

tourism gentrification 114, 12942

tourism policy 11, 536, 1538

tourism regulation 3944

tourism turn 3024, 306

tourismscapes 324

tourist bubbles 103, 249

tourist gaze 7, 15, 47

touristification 1, 13, 15, 18, 39, 46, 60, 7389, 1368, 143, 192, 2657

transgression/transgressive 23, 107, 111, 115, 119, 122, 303, 30710, 313, 316

trickle-down development 210

Tripadvisor 303, 31213


Umbrella Revolution 10711, 113, 117

unemployment 158, 1612, 164, 191

UNESCO World Heritage 74, 12951, 25051, 302, 3078, 31217

ungovernable spaces 31314

United Nations World Tourism Organization 78

urban development 31, 427, 523, 579, 736, 83, 90, 947, 101, 1302, 144, 167, 184, 21011, 21517, 220, 22832, 2413, 284, 3036, 311, 3217, 3345

urban entrepreneurialism 9, 14, 55, 1724, 228

urban planning 2, 9, 33, 37, 7980, 1346, 142, 236, 242, 317, 336

urban regime 212, 331

urban renewal 46, 161, 324

urban social movements 1317, 846


Valparaíso 21, 12951

Venice 17190

‘visitor class’ 8, 18

visitor economy 282301


walking 31016

World Bank 11

World Cup see FIFA World Cup 2014

World Heritage Sites see UNESCO World Heritage Status

World Monument Fund 312

World Travel and Tourism Council 191


xenophobia 60, 108