Aarhus convention 182
affordable housing 99, 102, 171, 232; see also housing
Airbnb 36, 43, 100–103, 129–32, 136–42, 146–7
‘Airbnbification’ 90–91, 99–102
alternative forms of tourism development 44–7, 158–62
ambulant vendors 264–81; see also parallel traders/parallel trading; street vendors
anti-cruise tourism protest 171–90
anti-gentrification protest 39–40, 324
anti-Olympics protest 210–26, 324
artisans/antique dealers 264–81
authentic/authenticity 13, 85, 144, 192, 196, 198, 200, 202, 206, 260, 270, 273, 275–9, 308–10, 330
authoritarian tourist city 302–19
autonomy 118–19, 178, 323, 334
Barcelona 1–3, 15, 18, 31, 34, 39–40, 42–3, 46, 186, 229, 247–63; see also Park Güell
beautification 194, 286, 331–2
bottom-up approaches (to tourism) 20, 73, 77–9, 86
brand/branding 100, 103, 120, 155–7, 161–2, 166, 201–2, 205, 212, 220, 249, 267, 283–4, 327, 330, 335
Bukit Brown Cemetery (Singapore) 302, 307–8, 310–16
city marketing 58, 154, 228–9, 231–2, 322–3, 326–7
collective action 79–81, 131, 335
commodification 10–12, 16, 328–30
commodification of human tragedy 192–3
community activism/resistance 18, 95, 98, 138–9, 142, 249, 258, 315
community-based tourism 44–6, 198–9
compassion branding 205
compulsory tourism 154
consumption 7–16, 23, 44, 54, 75, 84, 102, 132, 171, 193, 195, 199, 262, 290, 303–6, 332–4
corruption 79, 83, 86, 111, 184–5
Costa Concordia disaster 174–5
counterculture tourism 333
‘creative city’ policies 10, 60, 322, 327, 335
creative class 82, 97–8, 101–2, 264, 290–1, 306, 322–4
creative economy/industries 15, 33, 90, 282–97, 322, 327
cultural capital 15–16, 274, 278, 314, 323, 329
cultural erosion 114
cultural identity 152, 154, 159–61
cultural production 23, 267, 270, 276–8, 324, 330
‘dark tourism’ 192
deindustrialization 54, 172, 184
democratic displacement 210, 215–17, 221–2
depoliticization of urban tourism 52–72
diagnostic events 296
digital space 315
disaster capitalism 213
‘disaster tourism’ 192
disneyfication 62, 110, 136, 171, 309–10
displacement 14, 21–2, 78, 84, 93, 138–9, 143, 204, 213–14, 217, 234, 323
dispossession 129, 138, 142, 146–7, 252–3
enclosure/enclosing 247–9, 251–60, 335; see also commoning of Park Güell
entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship 53–5, 68, 107, 121–2, 157, 159, 172–4, 194, 199–200, 202, 205, 212, 215, 228, 282–301, 322, 325
environmental protection 236
ethnographic/ethnography 22–3, 130, 283, 295–6
ethnonationalist conflict 18, 21, 153–8
ethnoscapes 47
event-led redevelopment 240–41
eviction 229–30, 233–7, 242–3, 326
extra-legal businesses 291, 294–5
festivalization 54
FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 227, 229
FIFA World Cup 2014 191, 194, 204–6, 227–33
foreign direct investment 154, 157
gentrification 11, 13–15, 18–21, 31, 33–6, 46–7, 60–2, 64–5, 76, 83, 92, 110, 114, 129–51, 167, 200, 206, 229, 275, 309, 324
geopolitical/geopolitics 21, 107, 116, 122–3, 212
globalization 8–9, 35, 76, 134, 178, 212, 278, 282, 288, 303, 306
graffiti 1, 34, 39, 60, 63, 86
heritage governmentality 142–3
heritage protection 18, 36, 40–41, 62, 76–8
historic centre 11, 74, 79–86, 134, 264–81
Hong Kong city state movement 107–28
housing 2–3, 11, 14–15, 18–21, 24, 36, 39–40, 43–5, 62, 65, 74, 79–80, 84, 90–91, 98–103, 129–30, 134, 137–42, 145–7, 162, 171, 178, 193, 201, 232–6, 240–43, 266, 271, 277, 284–6, 297, 302, 305, 314, 324, 327–8, 330–31
housing movement 138
hutong 285
identity 3–4, 14, 21, 35, 76, 138, 153–4, 156, 159, 161, 166–7, 176, 198, 206, 270, 273–4, 290, 316
inequality/inequalities 11, 65, 74, 110, 133, 143, 193, 217, 265, 268, 278, 292–6, 321–2
informal settlements 12, 229; see also squatter settlements
infrapolitics 35
Inter-American Development Bank 11, 134
International Monetary Fund 264
International Olympic Committee 216–18, 220–21
laissez-faire approach 62, 73, 75–7, 86–7
landscapes of power 132
legacy (Olympic /post-event) 211–22
lobbying 78, 82, 176–7, 180–81
localists vs. nativists 115–19, 122
management of tourism-related tensions 31–51
manualistas 270
market criteria citizenship 259
medical tourism 120
mega-events 18, 22, 31, 200, 203–6, 210–17, 221–2, 227–46
mobility 7, 9, 12, 25, 35, 45, 54, 132, 146, 158, 203–4, 229, 233–5, 240–2, 254–6
museification 42
negative sightseeing 193
neoliberal/neoliberalism 10–11, 14, 54–6, 59, 76, 132–8, 143, 157, 210–12, 214–16, 221, 228, 252–3, 320–21, 323, 328, 331, 334–5
noise pollution 37–8, 40, 43, 80
non-governmental organizations 78–9, 82, 158–9, 194, 196–7, 205, 230
Occupy movement 13, 16, 107–11, 117, 306
‘off the beaten track’ tourism 33, 303, 308–10
Olympic bids contestation 210–26
Olympic Games 191–226; Rio de Janeiro 191–209
parallel traders/parallel trading 107–8, 110–12, 118–19, 121; see also street vendors
place marketing 9–10, 16, 53–4, 57, 212
policy communities 56
polite politics 115
political opportunity structure 14, 139–42
‘politicization from below’ 5–6, 17–25
‘post-conflict’ cities 152–70; see also Belfast
post-political /post-politics 211, 215–16
post-socialism/post-socialist 73–89, 152–3; see also Prague
post-tourism/tourists 102
poverty 9, 161, 167, 192–6, 276–8
privatization/privatizing 22, 55–6, 74–5, 79–80, 135, 154, 172–3, 183–4, 240, 247–50, 254–6, 297, 323–4
pro-democracy movements 108, 112–13, 122
protest around city reshaping 233–40
public policy and urban tourism 11, 53–6
public spaces 2, 18, 34, 37, 39, 41, 79–80, 82–3, 85–6, 102–3, 135, 139, 179, 181, 240–42, 248–9, 253, 259–60, 265–7, 270–71, 278, 329, 333
public-private partnerships 56, 58, 216
quality of life 37, 40, 42–4, 46–7, 107, 114
radical politics 117
‘recuperación patrimonial’ 133–5
regulation of tourism 39–44, 62
rent (de)regulation 65, 80, 92
repeat visitors 32
repertoires of contention 138–9, 144–6
repoliticization of urban tourism 52–72
residents’ associations 2, 37–40, 42–7, 241, 250, 252, 254, 324
revanchism 108
‘Right to the City’ 6, 14, 16, 35, 84, 179, 184–5, 248, 252–3, 256, 260, 314, 321, 323–4, 339
Rio de Janeiro 167, 191–209, 214, 229
San Telmo (Buenos Aires) 265–7
sanitization/sanitized 22, 76, 204, 333
sharing economy 3, 99–102, 129, 138, 146–7
slow-growth groups 98
slum tourism 12, 192–3; see also favela tourism
slumsploitation 195
social mobility 172, 176, 254–6
social stratification 23, 264–81
squatter settlements 18, 177–8, 326, 332–3; see also informal settlements
starchitecture 97
state of exception 213, 215, 221–2
street vendors 37–8, 40, 47, 235–7, 264–81
‘temporary city users’ 7–8, 24–5, 41, 67
‘theme-parkification’ 193
tourism carrying capacity 171, 173
tourism gentrification 114, 129–42
tourism policy 11, 53–6, 153–8
touristification 1, 13, 15, 18, 39, 46, 60, 73–89, 136–8, 143, 192, 265–7
transgression/transgressive 23, 107, 111, 115, 119, 122, 303, 307–10, 313, 316
trickle-down development 210
Umbrella Revolution 107–11, 113, 117
unemployment 158, 161–2, 164, 191
UNESCO World Heritage 74, 129–51, 250–51, 302, 307–8, 312–17
United Nations World Tourism Organization 7–8
urban development 31, 42–7, 52–3, 57–9, 73–6, 83, 90, 94–7, 101, 130–2, 144, 167, 184, 210–11, 215–17, 220, 228–32, 241–3, 284, 303–6, 311, 321–7, 334–5
urban entrepreneurialism 9, 14, 55, 172–4, 228
urban planning 2, 9, 33, 37, 79–80, 134–6, 142, 236, 242, 317, 336
urban social movements 13–17, 84–6
World Bank 11
World Cup see FIFA World Cup 2014
World Heritage Sites see UNESCO World Heritage Status
World Monument Fund 312
World Travel and Tourism Council 191