Tables, Figures, Text Boxes, and Tox Boxes


2.1 Scale in Ecology, and Some Disciplines That Contribute at Each Level
2.2 Type of Relationship Between Different Species
2.3 Links Between Ecology and Systems Thinking as a Basis for Health
3.1 Metrics of Sustainability
6.1 Carcinogen Classification of Chemicals: IARC Results as of March 2015
9.1 Contrasting Toxicology and Environmental Psychology
9.2 Examples of Convenience, Attractiveness, and Normativeness Applied to a School Cafeteria
12.1 The Main Greenhouse Gases
12.2 Temperature and Precipitation Effects on Selected Vectors and Vector-Borne Pathogens
12.3 Co-Benefits of Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Activities
13.1 Major Ambient Air Pollutants: Sources, Health Effects, and Regulations
14.1 Energy Use Within Selected Countries, 2005–2009
15.1 Stages of Urban Evolution and Characteristic Environmental Conditions and Health Issues
15.2 Comparison of Sprawl and Smart Growth
16.1 Hot Spots of Current and/or Potential Water Conflicts
16.2 Examples of Large-Scale Human Impacts on Aquatic Systems
16.3 Classes of Chemical Contaminants in Water
16.4 Examples of Studies of Possible Links Between Exposure to Chemicals in Drinking Water and Increased Health Risk
16.5 Pathogens in or Related to Water, Diseases They Cause, and Approaches to Prevention and Treatment
16.6 Global Challenges in Water and Sanitation, Particularly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
16.7 The Indicator Approach to Monitoring Water Quality
16.8 Simple, Low-Cost Water Treatment Options
16.9 Approaches to Disinfection
18.1 Pesticides Classified by Target or Mode of Action
19.1 HACCP Principles
19.2 Jurisdiction over Food Safety in the United States
19.3 Some of the Many Policies Shaping the U.S. Food System
20.1 Average Exposure Concentrations of Formaldehyde and Contribution of Various Atmospheric Environments to Exposure to Formaldehyde
20.2 Hazardous Ingredients of Cleaners (Partial Listing)
20.3 Approaches to Protecting Health and Safety in Buildings
21.1 The Public Health Impact of OSHA Regulations
22.1 Units of Radiation Exposure and Dose
22.2 Average Amounts of Ionizing Radiation Received Annually by a U.S. Resident
22.3 Representative Radiation Doses in Select Medical Procedures Performed in the United States
22.4 Major Forms and Features of Acute Radiation Syndromes
22.5 Estimated Lifetime Risks of Fatal Cancer Attributable to 0.1 Sv Low-Dose-Rate Whole-Body Irradiation
23.1 The Haddon Matrix Applied to Motor Vehicle Crashes
23.2 Options Analysis in Injury Control
23.3 Countermeasures for Intentional Injuries
23.4 Countermeasures for Burns
23.5 Countermeasures for Poisoning
23.6 Countermeasures for Falls
23.7 Countermeasures for Drowning
23.8 Countermeasures for Road Injuries
23.9 Countermeasures for Playground Injuries
23.10 Countermeasures for Home Injuries
24.1 A Typology of Environmental Disasters
24.2 The Ten Deadliest Environmental Disasters—Worldwide, 1964–2013
24.3 Major Causes of Death During Environmental Disasters
24.4 Public Health Consequences and Capabilities Associated with All Disasters
26.1 Essential Services of Environmental Public Health
26.2 The Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health (PACE-EH) Process
28.1 Factors Important in Risk Perception


1.1 Title Page of Chadwick's Groundbreaking 1842 Report
1.2 A Victim of Minamata Disease Being Bathed: Photograph by W. Eugene Smith
1.3 The Need for Primary Prevention: An Early 20th-Century View
1.4 The DPSEEA Model
2.1 A Food Web in a North American Terrestrial Food Ecosystem
2.2 Invasive Species and Their Impacts
2.3 A Classical Model of Ecological Succession in a North American Forest Ecosystem
2.4 The Phosphorus Cycle
2.5 Transactions Between Atmosphere, Geosphere, and Hydrosphere Provide a Basis for the Earth's Capacity to Support Life
2.6 Linear Thinking Versus Systems Thinking
2.7 A Systems Map of U.K. Land Use and the Domains That Influence It
2.8 Ecosystems as Settings for Human Health and Well-Being
2.9 The Life Cycle and Transmission of Leptospira Bacteria
2.10 The MA Conceptual Framework
2.11 The Social Ecological Model
3.1 The Great Acceleration
3.2 Nested Model of Sustainability
3.3 A Safe Operating Space for Humanity
4.1 Area of PFOA Contamination
5.1 Hypothetical Example of the Layering GIS Operation
5.2 Examples of Buffers Around Point, Line, and Area Features
5.3 Map of Genesee County, Michigan, Block Groups (1990 Census) Showing Proportions of Respondents Self-Identifying Race as ``Black''
6.1 Toxicology: From Populations to Molecules
6.2 Examples of Dose-Response Curves
6.3 Metabolic Transformations of Benzo(a)pyrene
6.4 Structures of Some Suspected Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
6.5 Key Steps in Toxicokinetics
6.6 The Metabolism of Acetaminophen
6.7 Molecular Structure and LD$_{50}$ for Eight Chemicals
7.1 The Human Genome
7.2 The Basic Structural Elements of a Gene
7.3 The Cystic Fibrosis Mutation
7.4 Chromatin Dynamics in Response to Epigenetic Modification
7.5 Schematic of the Agouti Gene and How Its Methylation Status Affects Phenotype in Mice
7.6 Primary Biotransformation Pathway for Alcohol
8.1 An Air Pollution Monitoring Station for Ozone and Particulate Matter, in Atlanta
8.2 Personal Protective Equipment
8.3 Assessing Exposure in an Occupational Setting
9.1 Long Waits and Crowded Buses at a School in Singapore
9.2 Effects of Noise Exposure on Reading Acquisition, Mediated by Poor Auditory Discrimination
9.3 Illustration of Convenience, Attractiveness, and Normativeness in a School Cafeteria
9.4 A Waste Setup That Provides a Physical Cue to Encourage Recycling
9.5 The Five Oaks Neighborhood Following the Defensible Space Intervention
9.6 Location of Hand Cleaner Dispenser in Patient Room: In Line of Sight (left) and Inside the Door (right)
9.7 A Utility Bill Employing Social Norms to Encourage Energy Conservation
11.1a Distribution of Major Industrial Facilities by Racial Composition of Census Tracts in Southern California
11.1b Distribution of Major Industrial Facilities by Proportion of Census Tract Residents Living Below the Federal Poverty Line in Southern California
11.2 The Four Elements of Cumulative Impacts
11.3 Children in Los Angeles Playing Soccer Near an Oil Refinery
11.4 Explanations for the Effect of Social Inequality on the Environment
11.5 Members of Clean Up Green Up, an L.A. Environmental Justice Advocacy Group, Hold a Press Conference in Support of Their Goals
12.1 Components of Radiative Forcing
12.2 The Melting of Arctic Sea Ice
12.3 Processes and Pathways Through Which Climate Change Influences Human Health
12.4 Number of Days in June, July, and August When Daytime Maximum Temperatures Exceed a Given Threshold (indicated by a vertical line)
12.5 Urban Heat Island Profile
12.6 The Relationship Between Temperature and Ozone Levels in Santiago, Chile
12.7 Satellite Photo of a Harmful Algal Bloom in Lake Erie in 2011
12.8 The Association Between Temperature and Childhood Diarrhea, Peru, 1993–1998
12.9a Climate Stabilization Wedges
12.9b Climate Stabilization Wedges
12.10 The CDC's BRACE Framework
12.11 No-Regrets Solutions
12.12 Global Warming's Six Americas: Arraying the U.S. Population Along a Continuum of Belief, Concern, and Motivation
12.13 A Comparison of Cumulative CO$_{2}$ Emissions (1950–2000) (upper panel) with the Burden of Four Climate-Related Health Effects (Malaria, Malnutrition, Diarrhea, and Inland Flood-Related Fatalities (lower panel)
13.1 A Group of Children Wear the Masks on Tiananmen Square in Thick Haze in Beijing, China. 3-Jan-2013
13.2 The Distribution of PM$_{2.5}$ Levels in Cities in India, China, Europe, and the United States
13.3 Mortality and Air Pollution Levels During the 1952 London Fog
13.4 The Respiratory System
13.5 Particulate Matter Mass Distribution
14.1 The Fuel Ladder
14.2 Association Between Energy Use and Health, by Nation
14.3 Pathways Linking Energy and Health
14.4 World Energy Consumption
14.5 Indoor Air Pollution from Traditional Cooking
14.6 Products Made from a 42-Gallon Barrel of Crude Oil (in gallons)
14.7 An Oil Refinery
14.8 Renewable Energy
15.1 World Population: Urban and Rural, 1950–2050
15.2 Nearly 1 Billion People Live in Urban Slums, Such as This One in Nairobi
15.3 Heavy Traffic, as Shown Here in Delhi, Brings Pollution, Injury Risks, and Mental~Stress, and Inhibits Physical Activity
15.4 Schematic Comparison of Street Networks and Land Use in a Traditional Neighborhood and in an Area of Sprawl
15.5 Percentage of Self-Reported Obesity in Adults in the United States, by State, 2013
15.6 An Example of Complete Streets in Copenhagen, Where Many Streets Are Designed to Accommodate Pedestrians, Bicyclists, Transit, and Automobiles
15.7 Access to Healthy Food Options
15.8 Overlapping Frameworks for Healthy Community Design
15.9 Relationship Between Growth of Bicycle Infrastructure and Amount of Cycling in Portland, Oregon
16.1 The Hydrological Cycle
16.2 Schematic of the Interconnections Between Water and Health
16.3 Pesticide Movement in the Hydrological Cycle, Including Movement to and from Sediment and Aquatic Biota in a Stream
16.4 Sanitation Options
16.5 An Idealized Wastewater Treatment System, Based on Boston's Deer Island System
16.6 Carrying Water
16.7 Basic Drinking-Water Treatment Process
16.8 A Multibarrier Approach to Maximize Microbiological Water Quality
17.1 Chemical Drums at Love Canal
17.2 Composition of the 251 Million Tons of Municipal Solid Waste Produced in the United States (Before Recycling), 2012
17.3 Total Amount and Per Capita Generation Rate of Municipal Solid Waste Produced in the United States (Before Recycling), 1960–2012
17.4 Total Amount and Percentage of Municipal Solid Waste Recycled in the United States, 1960–2012
17.5 Glass and Paper Recycling in Industrial Nations
17.6 Waste Tires
17.7 Generalized Depiction of a State-of-the-Art Sanitary Landfill
17.8 Generalized Diagram of Incineration Material and Process Flow
17.9 Mine Tailings Pile: The Legacy of Sixty Years of Lead and Zinc Mining in Ottawa~County, Oklahoma
18.1 Application of Lead Arsenate in the Early 1900s
18.2 Modern Pesticide Application Equipment
18.3 A Corn Borer, an Example of an Insect Pest, Causing Damage in the Stalk of a Corn Plant
18.4 Farmers Applying Organophosphate Insecticides in Thailand
19.1 Selected Components of the Food System
19.2 Applying Herbicide to a North Carolina Cornfield
19.3 Potential Pathways for the Spread of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria from Animals to Humans
19.4 Manure Cesspit Outside Hog CAFO in Duplin County, North Carolina
19.5 Ducks in One of Takao Furuno's Rice Paddies in Japan
19.6 The EPA Food Recovery Hierarchy Prioritizes Actions to Prevent and Divert Wasted Food
19.7 Contribution of Different Food Categories to Estimated Domestically Acquired Illness and Death, United States, 1998–2008
19.8 A Health Inspector Tests the Temperature of Refrigerated Meat at a Restaurant
19.9 A 1993 Outbreak Caused by E. Coli 0157 in Undercooked Beef at Jack in the Box Restaurants Sickened 732 People and Killed 4 Children
19.10 An Example of Improper Grain Storage
19.11 A U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety Inspection Service Inspector at a Poultry Processing Facility in Accomac, Virginia, Testing for Cleanliness and the Avian Influenza (AI) Virus
20.1 Housing Can Take Many Forms and Vary Greatly in Desirability and Safety
20.2 Trailer Provided by FEMA after Hurricane Katrina
20.3 School Design
20.4 Mold-Damaged Building in New Orleans Following Hurricane Katrina
21.1 From July 1906 Through June 1907, 526 Workers Were Killed on the Job in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
21.2 Who Bears the Cost of Worker Injuries?
22.1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
22.2 Cell Phones Are Virtually Ubiquitous, and Entail Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation
22.3 A Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin of Twenty Years Duration in a Fifty-Eight-Year-Old Man
22.4 Nuclear Transformation Mechanisms That Release Radioactivity
22.5 Using X Rays for Fitting Shoes
22.6 The Chernobyl Disaster
23.1 The Injury Pyramid
23.2 Typology of Violence
24.1 Annual Incidence of Natural and Technological Environmental Disasters—Worldwide, 1964–2013
24.2 Comparison of the Public Health Impacts of Natural and Technological Disaster Events, 1964–2013
24.3 Key Public Health Impacts for Natural and Technological Disasters, 1964–2013
24.4 Three Conceptual Frameworks for Disaster Risk Management
24.5 The Four Elements of a Resilience Framework
25.1 John Muir (1838–1914) Was a Naturalist and Conservationist Whose Writings Had a Profound Influence on American Attitudes Toward Nature
25.2 The Human-Animal Bond
25.3 A Community Garden
25.4 Robert Taylor Homes, Chicago: An Aerial View, the Buildings Without Nearby Trees, and the Buildings with Nearby Trees
25.5 A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884–1886, by Georges~Seurat
25.6 Green Exercise
25.7 Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater
27.1 The Multitude of Factors Affecting Risk of Disease
27.2 Timeline of Milestones in the History of Risk Assessment
27.3 The Process of Using Environmental Health Risk Assessment to Protect Public Health
27.4 Some Common Exposure Pathways
27.5 Threshold Compared to Nonthreshold Dose-Response Models
27.6 Carcinogen and Noncarcinogen Dose-Response Relationships
28.1 Social Amplification of Risk Framework

Text Boxes

1.1 Definitions of Environmental Health
1.2 Environmental Health: Common Good or Nanny State?
1.3 A Prevention Poem: A Fence or an Ambulance
2.1 Food Webs
2.2 Biological Invasions
2.3 Conservation Biology
2.4 Ecosystem Services
2.5 Restoration Ecology: The Practical Application of Ecological Literacy and Systems Thinking
2.6 Infectious Disease as an Ecological and Social Process: The Example of Leptospirosis
3.1 Planetary Health
3.2 Sustainability in Health Care
4.1 Example of a Community Cohort Study
4.2 An Interview Study to Improve Sanitation
6.1 Dose-Response Curve
6.2 Transporting Vital, Yet Dangerous Chemicals
6.3 Chemical Carcinogenesis
6.4 Endocrine Disruptors
6.5 The Microbiome and Toxicology
6.6 LD50 for Various Compounds
6.7 Replace, Reduce, Refine: Laboratory Animals in Toxicology
7.1 Liver Cancer from Moldy Corn and Peanuts: Aflatoxin and the Role of GSTM1 Polymorphism
7.2 Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Mercury
8.1 Assessing an Electronics Manufacturing Facility: The Role of Anticipation
8.2 Understanding Concentration, Exposure, and Dose
8.3 Assessing Exposure to Carbon Monoxide
10.1 Selected Ethics Approaches
10.2 The Art of Ethics
10.3 Professionalism and Ethics
10.4 Typical Elements in Professional Codes of Ethics
10.5 Environmental Responsibility Principles in Ethics Codes
10.6 Environmental Responsibility
11.1 Roots of Environmental Justice in Warren County, North Carolina
11.2 Children Are Not Small Adults
11.3 Environmental Justice Meets Urban Forestry
12.1 Some Effects of Weather and Climate on Vector- and Rodent-Borne Diseases
12.2 The CDC's BRACE Framework
13.1 Air Pollution in the World's Dirtiest Cities
13.2 London 1952: One of the World's Worst Air Pollution Disasters
13.3 The Clean Air Act: Environmental Regulation for Public Health Protections
14.1 Health Impacts of the Dublin Coal Ban
14.2 Peak Petroleum and Public Health
14.3 Health Co-Benefits of Energy Conservation and Efficiency
15.1 Urbanization Versus Urbanism
15.2 Policies That Regulate Land Use
15.3 Impacts of Community Design on Health
15.4 Safe Walking and Cycling
15.5 Health Impact Assessment: A Tool for Land-Use and Transportation Decision Making
15.6 Smart Growth Principles to Promote Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities
15.7 Principles of Universal Design
15.8 LEED for Neighborhood Development Certification Program
16.1 Water as a Nutrient
16.2 A Gross Inequity
16.3 Antibiotic Resistance
16.4 Chronology of Events During the Walkerton, Ontario, E. coli O157 Outbreak in 2000
16.5 Risk Factors and the Changing Burden of Disease
16.6 Water Treatment More Than a Century Ago (1881)
16.7 The Contaminant Candidate List
17.1 U.S. Solid and Hazardous Waste Laws and Policy
17.2 The Challenge of Medical Waste
17.3 e-Waste
17.4 Tire Reuse and Recycling
17.5 International Trafficking in Hazardous Wastes
18.1 Insect Repellants
18.2 Who Is Responsible for Applying Pesticides?
18.3 Pesticide Toxicity Categories and Labeling Requirements
19.1 Policy Approaches to Antibiotic Use in Animal Agriculture
19.2 Organic Agriculture: What Does It Mean?
19.3 The Environmental Impacts of Wasted Food
19.4 Globalization, Seafood, and Food Safety
19.5 Mycotoxins
20.1 Manufactured Structures
20.2 Homelessness: An Environmental Health Problem?
20.3 Chemical Safety in Buildings
20.4 Sick Building Syndrome
20.5 Building Design for the Elderly
21.1 “Statistics Are People with the Tears Wiped Away”
21.2 Mine Disasters, Miner Protections
21.3 Core Elements of All Safety and Health Management Systems
22.1 Is Cell Phone Use Linked to Cancer?
22.2 What Are Isotopes?
22.3 What Happens During Most Nuclear Power Plant Accidents?
23.1 Fatal Occupational Injury at a Gun Range
23.2 Texting and Driving
23.3 Engineering the Driver Out of the Equation
23.4 Firearm Policy
24.1 Disaster Resilience
24.2 The 11 E's of Public Health Preparedness
24.3 A Case Study of Haiti's Troubled Recovery
25.1 Getting Kids Outside: A Public Health Strategy?
25.2 Community Gardens
25.3 Nature Contact in the Inner City
25.4 Parks and Public Health
25.5 Green Exercise
25.6 Nature Contact, Poverty, and Health: A Connection?
25.7 Biophilic Design
26.1 Keeping Track in Environmental Health
26.2 Careers in Environmental Health
27.1 Example of Problem Formulation: Assessing a New Incinerator
27.2 Example of Hazard Identification: Evaluating Methylmercury
27.3 Technical Terminology in Risk Assessment
27.4 Risk Characterization for a Methylmercury Risk Assessment
27.5 Risk Management for Methylmercury in Seafood
28.1 Risk Communication: A Two-Way Process
28.2 Elements of a Comprehensive Risk and Crisis Communication Plan
28.3 Overcoming Psychological, Cultural, and Sociological Barriers to Risk Communication
28.4 Questions Frequently Asked During an Emergency or Crisis

Tox Boxes

2.1 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
6.1 Bisphenol A (BPA)
6.2 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
6.3 Phthalates
7.1 Benzene
11.1 Lead (Pb)
13.1 Carbon Monoxide
13.2 Mercury (Hg)
16.1 Arsenic
16.2 Disinfection By-Products
18.1 Organophosphates
18.2 Organochlorine Pesticides
19.1 Dioxins
20.1 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): The Case of Formaldehyde
20.2 Radon
20.3 Asbestos
20.4 Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

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