2.1 |
Scale in Ecology, and Some Disciplines That Contribute at Each Level |
2.2 |
Type of Relationship Between Different Species |
2.3 |
Links Between Ecology and Systems Thinking as a Basis for Health |
3.1 |
Metrics of Sustainability |
6.1 |
Carcinogen Classification of Chemicals: IARC Results as of March 2015 |
9.1 |
Contrasting Toxicology and Environmental Psychology |
9.2 |
Examples of Convenience, Attractiveness, and Normativeness Applied to a School Cafeteria |
12.1 |
The Main Greenhouse Gases |
12.2 |
Temperature and Precipitation Effects on Selected Vectors and Vector-Borne Pathogens |
12.3 |
Co-Benefits of Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Activities |
13.1 |
Major Ambient Air Pollutants: Sources, Health Effects, and Regulations |
14.1 |
Energy Use Within Selected Countries, 2005–2009 |
15.1 |
Stages of Urban Evolution and Characteristic Environmental Conditions and Health Issues |
15.2 |
Comparison of Sprawl and Smart Growth |
16.1 |
Hot Spots of Current and/or Potential Water Conflicts |
16.2 |
Examples of Large-Scale Human Impacts on Aquatic Systems |
16.3 |
Classes of Chemical Contaminants in Water |
16.4 |
Examples of Studies of Possible Links Between Exposure to Chemicals in Drinking Water and Increased Health Risk |
16.5 |
Pathogens in or Related to Water, Diseases They Cause, and Approaches to Prevention and Treatment |
16.6 |
Global Challenges in Water and Sanitation, Particularly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries |
16.7 |
The Indicator Approach to Monitoring Water Quality |
16.8 |
Simple, Low-Cost Water Treatment Options |
16.9 |
Approaches to Disinfection |
18.1 |
Pesticides Classified by Target or Mode of Action |
19.1 |
HACCP Principles |
19.2 |
Jurisdiction over Food Safety in the United States |
19.3 |
Some of the Many Policies Shaping the U.S. Food System |
20.1 |
Average Exposure Concentrations of Formaldehyde and Contribution of Various Atmospheric Environments to Exposure to Formaldehyde |
20.2 |
Hazardous Ingredients of Cleaners (Partial Listing) |
20.3 |
Approaches to Protecting Health and Safety in Buildings |
21.1 |
The Public Health Impact of OSHA Regulations |
22.1 |
Units of Radiation Exposure and Dose |
22.2 |
Average Amounts of Ionizing Radiation Received Annually by a U.S. Resident |
22.3 |
Representative Radiation Doses in Select Medical Procedures Performed in the United States |
22.4 |
Major Forms and Features of Acute Radiation Syndromes |
22.5 |
Estimated Lifetime Risks of Fatal Cancer Attributable to 0.1 Sv Low-Dose-Rate Whole-Body Irradiation |
23.1 |
The Haddon Matrix Applied to Motor Vehicle Crashes |
23.2 |
Options Analysis in Injury Control |
23.3 |
Countermeasures for Intentional Injuries |
23.4 |
Countermeasures for Burns |
23.5 |
Countermeasures for Poisoning |
23.6 |
Countermeasures for Falls |
23.7 |
Countermeasures for Drowning |
23.8 |
Countermeasures for Road Injuries |
23.9 |
Countermeasures for Playground Injuries |
23.10 |
Countermeasures for Home Injuries |
24.1 |
A Typology of Environmental Disasters |
24.2 |
The Ten Deadliest Environmental Disasters—Worldwide, 1964–2013 |
24.3 |
Major Causes of Death During Environmental Disasters |
24.4 |
Public Health Consequences and Capabilities Associated with All Disasters |
26.1 |
Essential Services of Environmental Public Health |
26.2 |
The Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health (PACE-EH) Process |
28.1 |
Factors Important in Risk Perception |
1.1 |
Title Page of Chadwick's Groundbreaking 1842 Report |
1.2 |
A Victim of Minamata Disease Being Bathed: Photograph by W. Eugene Smith |
1.3 |
The Need for Primary Prevention: An Early 20th-Century View |
1.4 |
The DPSEEA Model |
2.1 |
A Food Web in a North American Terrestrial Food Ecosystem |
2.2 |
Invasive Species and Their Impacts |
2.3 |
A Classical Model of Ecological Succession in a North American Forest Ecosystem |
2.4 |
The Phosphorus Cycle |
2.5 |
Transactions Between Atmosphere, Geosphere, and Hydrosphere Provide a Basis for the Earth's Capacity to Support Life |
2.6 |
Linear Thinking Versus Systems Thinking |
2.7 |
A Systems Map of U.K. Land Use and the Domains That Influence It |
2.8 |
Ecosystems as Settings for Human Health and Well-Being |
2.9 |
The Life Cycle and Transmission of Leptospira Bacteria |
2.10 |
The MA Conceptual Framework |
2.11 |
The Social Ecological Model |
3.1 |
The Great Acceleration |
3.2 |
Nested Model of Sustainability |
3.3 |
A Safe Operating Space for Humanity |
4.1 |
Area of PFOA Contamination |
5.1 |
Hypothetical Example of the Layering GIS Operation |
5.2 |
Examples of Buffers Around Point, Line, and Area Features |
5.3 |
Map of Genesee County, Michigan, Block Groups (1990 Census) Showing Proportions of Respondents Self-Identifying Race as ``Black'' |
6.1 |
Toxicology: From Populations to Molecules |
6.2 |
Examples of Dose-Response Curves |
6.3 |
Metabolic Transformations of Benzo(a)pyrene |
6.4 |
Structures of Some Suspected Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals |
6.5 |
Key Steps in Toxicokinetics |
6.6 |
The Metabolism of Acetaminophen |
6.7 |
Molecular Structure and LD$_{50}$ for Eight Chemicals |
7.1 |
The Human Genome |
7.2 |
The Basic Structural Elements of a Gene |
7.3 |
The Cystic Fibrosis Mutation |
7.4 |
Chromatin Dynamics in Response to Epigenetic Modification |
7.5 |
Schematic of the Agouti Gene and How Its Methylation Status Affects Phenotype in Mice |
7.6 |
Primary Biotransformation Pathway for Alcohol |
8.1 |
An Air Pollution Monitoring Station for Ozone and Particulate Matter, in Atlanta |
8.2 |
Personal Protective Equipment |
8.3 |
Assessing Exposure in an Occupational Setting |
9.1 |
Long Waits and Crowded Buses at a School in Singapore |
9.2 |
Effects of Noise Exposure on Reading Acquisition, Mediated by Poor Auditory Discrimination |
9.3 |
Illustration of Convenience, Attractiveness, and Normativeness in a School Cafeteria |
9.4 |
A Waste Setup That Provides a Physical Cue to Encourage Recycling |
9.5 |
The Five Oaks Neighborhood Following the Defensible Space Intervention |
9.6 |
Location of Hand Cleaner Dispenser in Patient Room: In Line of Sight (left) and Inside the Door (right) |
9.7 |
A Utility Bill Employing Social Norms to Encourage Energy Conservation |
11.1a |
Distribution of Major Industrial Facilities by Racial Composition of Census Tracts in Southern California |
11.1b |
Distribution of Major Industrial Facilities by Proportion of Census Tract Residents Living Below the Federal Poverty Line in Southern California |
11.2 |
The Four Elements of Cumulative Impacts |
11.3 |
Children in Los Angeles Playing Soccer Near an Oil Refinery |
11.4 |
Explanations for the Effect of Social Inequality on the Environment |
11.5 |
Members of Clean Up Green Up, an L.A. Environmental Justice Advocacy Group, Hold a Press Conference in Support of Their Goals |
12.1 |
Components of Radiative Forcing |
12.2 |
The Melting of Arctic Sea Ice |
12.3 |
Processes and Pathways Through Which Climate Change Influences Human Health |
12.4 |
Number of Days in June, July, and August When Daytime Maximum Temperatures Exceed a Given Threshold (indicated by a vertical line) |
12.5 |
Urban Heat Island Profile |
12.6 |
The Relationship Between Temperature and Ozone Levels in Santiago, Chile |
12.7 |
Satellite Photo of a Harmful Algal Bloom in Lake Erie in 2011 |
12.8 |
The Association Between Temperature and Childhood Diarrhea, Peru, 1993–1998 |
12.9a |
Climate Stabilization Wedges |
12.9b |
Climate Stabilization Wedges |
12.10 |
The CDC's BRACE Framework |
12.11 |
No-Regrets Solutions |
12.12 |
Global Warming's Six Americas: Arraying the U.S. Population Along a Continuum of Belief, Concern, and Motivation |
12.13 |
A Comparison of Cumulative CO$_{2}$ Emissions (1950–2000) (upper panel) with the Burden of Four Climate-Related Health Effects (Malaria, Malnutrition, Diarrhea, and Inland Flood-Related Fatalities (lower panel) |
13.1 |
A Group of Children Wear the Masks on Tiananmen Square in Thick Haze in Beijing, China. 3-Jan-2013 |
13.2 |
The Distribution of PM$_{2.5}$ Levels in Cities in India, China, Europe, and the United States |
13.3 |
Mortality and Air Pollution Levels During the 1952 London Fog |
13.4 |
The Respiratory System |
13.5 |
Particulate Matter Mass Distribution |
14.1 |
The Fuel Ladder |
14.2 |
Association Between Energy Use and Health, by Nation |
14.3 |
Pathways Linking Energy and Health |
14.4 |
World Energy Consumption |
14.5 |
Indoor Air Pollution from Traditional Cooking |
14.6 |
Products Made from a 42-Gallon Barrel of Crude Oil (in gallons) |
14.7 |
An Oil Refinery |
14.8 |
Renewable Energy |
15.1 |
World Population: Urban and Rural, 1950–2050 |
15.2 |
Nearly 1 Billion People Live in Urban Slums, Such as This One in Nairobi |
15.3 |
Heavy Traffic, as Shown Here in Delhi, Brings Pollution, Injury Risks, and Mental~Stress, and Inhibits Physical Activity |
15.4 |
Schematic Comparison of Street Networks and Land Use in a Traditional Neighborhood and in an Area of Sprawl |
15.5 |
Percentage of Self-Reported Obesity in Adults in the United States, by State, 2013 |
15.6 |
An Example of Complete Streets in Copenhagen, Where Many Streets Are Designed to Accommodate Pedestrians, Bicyclists, Transit, and Automobiles |
15.7 |
Access to Healthy Food Options |
15.8 |
Overlapping Frameworks for Healthy Community Design |
15.9 |
Relationship Between Growth of Bicycle Infrastructure and Amount of Cycling in Portland, Oregon |
16.1 |
The Hydrological Cycle |
16.2 |
Schematic of the Interconnections Between Water and Health |
16.3 |
Pesticide Movement in the Hydrological Cycle, Including Movement to and from Sediment and Aquatic Biota in a Stream |
16.4 |
Sanitation Options |
16.5 |
An Idealized Wastewater Treatment System, Based on Boston's Deer Island System |
16.6 |
Carrying Water |
16.7 |
Basic Drinking-Water Treatment Process |
16.8 |
A Multibarrier Approach to Maximize Microbiological Water Quality |
17.1 |
Chemical Drums at Love Canal |
17.2 |
Composition of the 251 Million Tons of Municipal Solid Waste Produced in the United States (Before Recycling), 2012 |
17.3 |
Total Amount and Per Capita Generation Rate of Municipal Solid Waste Produced in the United States (Before Recycling), 1960–2012 |
17.4 |
Total Amount and Percentage of Municipal Solid Waste Recycled in the United States, 1960–2012 |
17.5 |
Glass and Paper Recycling in Industrial Nations |
17.6 |
Waste Tires |
17.7 |
Generalized Depiction of a State-of-the-Art Sanitary Landfill |
17.8 |
Generalized Diagram of Incineration Material and Process Flow |
17.9 |
Mine Tailings Pile: The Legacy of Sixty Years of Lead and Zinc Mining in Ottawa~County, Oklahoma |
18.1 |
Application of Lead Arsenate in the Early 1900s |
18.2 |
Modern Pesticide Application Equipment |
18.3 |
A Corn Borer, an Example of an Insect Pest, Causing Damage in the Stalk of a Corn Plant |
18.4 |
Farmers Applying Organophosphate Insecticides in Thailand |
19.1 |
Selected Components of the Food System |
19.2 |
Applying Herbicide to a North Carolina Cornfield |
19.3 |
Potential Pathways for the Spread of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria from Animals to Humans |
19.4 |
Manure Cesspit Outside Hog CAFO in Duplin County, North Carolina |
19.5 |
Ducks in One of Takao Furuno's Rice Paddies in Japan |
19.6 |
The EPA Food Recovery Hierarchy Prioritizes Actions to Prevent and Divert Wasted Food |
19.7 |
Contribution of Different Food Categories to Estimated Domestically Acquired Illness and Death, United States, 1998–2008 |
19.8 |
A Health Inspector Tests the Temperature of Refrigerated Meat at a Restaurant |
19.9 |
A 1993 Outbreak Caused by E. Coli 0157 in Undercooked Beef at Jack in the Box Restaurants Sickened 732 People and Killed 4 Children |
19.10 |
An Example of Improper Grain Storage |
19.11 |
A U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety Inspection Service Inspector at a Poultry Processing Facility in Accomac, Virginia, Testing for Cleanliness and the Avian Influenza (AI) Virus |
20.1 |
Housing Can Take Many Forms and Vary Greatly in Desirability and Safety |
20.2 |
Trailer Provided by FEMA after Hurricane Katrina |
20.3 |
School Design |
20.4 |
Mold-Damaged Building in New Orleans Following Hurricane Katrina |
21.1 |
From July 1906 Through June 1907, 526 Workers Were Killed on the Job in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania |
21.2 |
Who Bears the Cost of Worker Injuries? |
22.1 |
The Electromagnetic Spectrum |
22.2 |
Cell Phones Are Virtually Ubiquitous, and Entail Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation |
22.3 |
A Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin of Twenty Years Duration in a Fifty-Eight-Year-Old Man |
22.4 |
Nuclear Transformation Mechanisms That Release Radioactivity |
22.5 |
Using X Rays for Fitting Shoes |
22.6 |
The Chernobyl Disaster |
23.1 |
The Injury Pyramid |
23.2 |
Typology of Violence |
24.1 |
Annual Incidence of Natural and Technological Environmental Disasters—Worldwide, 1964–2013 |
24.2 |
Comparison of the Public Health Impacts of Natural and Technological Disaster Events, 1964–2013 |
24.3 |
Key Public Health Impacts for Natural and Technological Disasters, 1964–2013 |
24.4 |
Three Conceptual Frameworks for Disaster Risk Management |
24.5 |
The Four Elements of a Resilience Framework |
25.1 |
John Muir (1838–1914) Was a Naturalist and Conservationist Whose Writings Had a Profound Influence on American Attitudes Toward Nature |
25.2 |
The Human-Animal Bond |
25.3 |
A Community Garden |
25.4 |
Robert Taylor Homes, Chicago: An Aerial View, the Buildings Without Nearby Trees, and the Buildings with Nearby Trees |
25.5 |
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884–1886, by Georges~Seurat |
25.6 |
Green Exercise |
25.7 |
Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater |
27.1 |
The Multitude of Factors Affecting Risk of Disease |
27.2 |
Timeline of Milestones in the History of Risk Assessment |
27.3 |
The Process of Using Environmental Health Risk Assessment to Protect Public Health |
27.4 |
Some Common Exposure Pathways |
27.5 |
Threshold Compared to Nonthreshold Dose-Response Models |
27.6 |
Carcinogen and Noncarcinogen Dose-Response Relationships |
28.1 |
Social Amplification of Risk Framework |
1.1 |
Definitions of Environmental Health |
1.2 |
Environmental Health: Common Good or Nanny State? |
1.3 |
A Prevention Poem: A Fence or an Ambulance |
2.1 |
Food Webs |
2.2 |
Biological Invasions |
2.3 |
Conservation Biology |
2.4 |
Ecosystem Services |
2.5 |
Restoration Ecology: The Practical Application of Ecological Literacy and Systems Thinking |
2.6 |
Infectious Disease as an Ecological and Social Process: The Example of Leptospirosis |
3.1 |
Planetary Health |
3.2 |
Sustainability in Health Care |
4.1 |
Example of a Community Cohort Study |
4.2 |
An Interview Study to Improve Sanitation |
6.1 |
Dose-Response Curve |
6.2 |
Transporting Vital, Yet Dangerous Chemicals |
6.3 |
Chemical Carcinogenesis |
6.4 |
Endocrine Disruptors |
6.5 |
The Microbiome and Toxicology |
6.6 |
LD50 for Various Compounds |
6.7 |
Replace, Reduce, Refine: Laboratory Animals in Toxicology |
7.1 |
Liver Cancer from Moldy Corn and Peanuts: Aflatoxin and the Role of GSTM1 Polymorphism |
7.2 |
Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Mercury |
8.1 |
Assessing an Electronics Manufacturing Facility: The Role of Anticipation |
8.2 |
Understanding Concentration, Exposure, and Dose |
8.3 |
Assessing Exposure to Carbon Monoxide |
10.1 |
Selected Ethics Approaches |
10.2 |
The Art of Ethics |
10.3 |
Professionalism and Ethics |
10.4 |
Typical Elements in Professional Codes of Ethics |
10.5 |
Environmental Responsibility Principles in Ethics Codes |
10.6 |
Environmental Responsibility |
11.1 |
Roots of Environmental Justice in Warren County, North Carolina |
11.2 |
Children Are Not Small Adults |
11.3 |
Environmental Justice Meets Urban Forestry |
12.1 |
Some Effects of Weather and Climate on Vector- and Rodent-Borne Diseases |
12.2 |
The CDC's BRACE Framework |
13.1 |
Air Pollution in the World's Dirtiest Cities |
13.2 |
London 1952: One of the World's Worst Air Pollution Disasters |
13.3 |
The Clean Air Act: Environmental Regulation for Public Health Protections |
14.1 |
Health Impacts of the Dublin Coal Ban |
14.2 |
Peak Petroleum and Public Health |
14.3 |
Health Co-Benefits of Energy Conservation and Efficiency |
15.1 |
Urbanization Versus Urbanism |
15.2 |
Policies That Regulate Land Use |
15.3 |
Impacts of Community Design on Health |
15.4 |
Safe Walking and Cycling |
15.5 |
Health Impact Assessment: A Tool for Land-Use and Transportation Decision Making |
15.6 |
Smart Growth Principles to Promote Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities |
15.7 |
Principles of Universal Design |
15.8 |
LEED for Neighborhood Development Certification Program |
16.1 |
Water as a Nutrient |
16.2 |
A Gross Inequity |
16.3 |
Antibiotic Resistance |
16.4 |
Chronology of Events During the Walkerton, Ontario, E. coli O157 Outbreak in 2000 |
16.5 |
Risk Factors and the Changing Burden of Disease |
16.6 |
Water Treatment More Than a Century Ago (1881) |
16.7 |
The Contaminant Candidate List |
17.1 |
U.S. Solid and Hazardous Waste Laws and Policy |
17.2 |
The Challenge of Medical Waste |
17.3 |
e-Waste |
17.4 |
Tire Reuse and Recycling |
17.5 |
International Trafficking in Hazardous Wastes |
18.1 |
Insect Repellants |
18.2 |
Who Is Responsible for Applying Pesticides? |
18.3 |
Pesticide Toxicity Categories and Labeling Requirements |
19.1 |
Policy Approaches to Antibiotic Use in Animal Agriculture |
19.2 |
Organic Agriculture: What Does It Mean? |
19.3 |
The Environmental Impacts of Wasted Food |
19.4 |
Globalization, Seafood, and Food Safety |
19.5 |
Mycotoxins |
20.1 |
Manufactured Structures |
20.2 |
Homelessness: An Environmental Health Problem? |
20.3 |
Chemical Safety in Buildings |
20.4 |
Sick Building Syndrome |
20.5 |
Building Design for the Elderly |
21.1 |
“Statistics Are People with the Tears Wiped Away” |
21.2 |
Mine Disasters, Miner Protections |
21.3 |
Core Elements of All Safety and Health Management Systems |
22.1 |
Is Cell Phone Use Linked to Cancer? |
22.2 |
What Are Isotopes? |
22.3 |
What Happens During Most Nuclear Power Plant Accidents? |
23.1 |
Fatal Occupational Injury at a Gun Range |
23.2 |
Texting and Driving |
23.3 |
Engineering the Driver Out of the Equation |
23.4 |
Firearm Policy |
24.1 |
Disaster Resilience |
24.2 |
The 11 E's of Public Health Preparedness |
24.3 |
A Case Study of Haiti's Troubled Recovery |
25.1 |
Getting Kids Outside: A Public Health Strategy? |
25.2 |
Community Gardens |
25.3 |
Nature Contact in the Inner City |
25.4 |
Parks and Public Health |
25.5 |
Green Exercise |
25.6 |
Nature Contact, Poverty, and Health: A Connection? |
25.7 |
Biophilic Design |
26.1 |
Keeping Track in Environmental Health |
26.2 |
Careers in Environmental Health |
27.1 |
Example of Problem Formulation: Assessing a New Incinerator |
27.2 |
Example of Hazard Identification: Evaluating Methylmercury |
27.3 |
Technical Terminology in Risk Assessment |
27.4 |
Risk Characterization for a Methylmercury Risk Assessment |
27.5 |
Risk Management for Methylmercury in Seafood |
28.1 |
Risk Communication: A Two-Way Process |
28.2 |
Elements of a Comprehensive Risk and Crisis Communication Plan |
28.3 |
Overcoming Psychological, Cultural, and Sociological Barriers to Risk Communication |
28.4 |
Questions Frequently Asked During an Emergency or Crisis |