
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J–K | L | M | N–O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Y–Z


AIP (Paleo Autoimmune Protocol), 35, 47, 237


Anti-Inflammatory Reset, 44

Basic Reset, 52

benefits and problems, 34

Craving-Buster Reset, 42, 43

elimination diets, 33, 37, 41

Energy Reset, 47, 48

reintroduction, 63, 65, 67

and stress, 147

on vacations, 135

Vegan Reset, 50

“What the Hell” Effect, 135

Whole30 reset, 28

allergies, as excuse, 222

Anti-Inflammatory Reset, 44–47

artificial sweeteners

Anti-Inflammatory Reset, 44

Basic Reset, 52

Craving-Buster Reset, 42, 43

elimination diets, 33, 37–38, 41

Energy Reset, 47

Vegan Reset, 50

Whole30 reset, 28

autoimmune conditions, elimination diet, 35


baked goods. See sweets/treats/baked goods

Ballantyne, Sarah, 237

Basic Reset, 52–53

Baumeister, Roy, 98

beans and legumes, 28, 33, 44, 50, 64

beef, elimination diet, 33

before-and-after tests and photos, 54–55

big-picture success strategies. See success strategies, big-picture

binging, 147–48, 150

birthdays, 140, 141

blood sugar regulation, 119, 120

Bolen, Barbara, 238


on habit and change, 239

on reset diets, 236–38

Boroson, Martin, 117

boyfriends. See significant others

breathing techniques, 88


caffeine, 33, 47, 48–49

Campbell-McBride, Natasha, 238

carbohydrates, 48, 49, 51

carrageenan, 29

cheating, 34, 38, 39, 95, 99

cheese, 43

chronic inflammatory conditions, 35, 45

citrus fruits, 33

cleaning your plate, 92


asking for their support, 188

food-related temptations, 114

no-win situations, 187

pushback, 203–6

reset tips, 56

resetting with, 164, 166

coffee. See caffeine

communication. See also pushback, dealing with; reset, talking about

about slipping, 151

with family during holidays, 138–39

“no, thank you,” 218–21

post-reset, 215–23

complain carefully, 210

conscious and deliberate eating, 82–84, 91–94

contemplative phase, 194

coping strategies. See success strategies

counter-regulatory eating. See “What the Hell” Effect


Craving-Buster Reset, 8, 42–44

flight attendants, 60

one bite at a time, 161

during reset, 60

and stress, 120

while dieting, 18

criticism. See pushback, dealing with

cupcakes, xv–xvi, 226–27



Anti-Inflammatory Reset, 44

Basic Reset, 52

elimination diets, 33, 41, 42, 43

Energy Reset, 47, 48

physiological impact, 34, 48

reading labels, 42

reintroduction, 64, 65, 66

reset, 43

Whole30 reset, 29

daytime routine, and willpower, 112–14

deep breathing, 88

defensiveness, 198, 203–4, 220


goals, 18–19

as ineffective, 4–5, 14, 17–21

vs. reset, 21, 60

and willpower, 17–18, 20

digestive distress, 48, 50

distraction, as success strategy, 89

dopamine, 88, 113

dried fruit, 42, 43–44

Duhigg, Charles, 106


eating disorders, 39n

eating slowly, 94

edamame, 50

eggs, 33, 44, 46–47

80/20 rule, 156

elevator pitch, 184

Eliminate, Reduce, and Cope (E.R.C.), 121

elimination. See reset

Energy Reset, 47–49

environment, and stress reduction, 121

E.R.C. (Eliminate, Reduce, and Cope), 121


before-and-after photos, 54–55

journals, 54

medical tests, 54

of reset, 70–73

of “worth it” foods, 82, 85, 90, 100, 226–27, 228

exercise, 107, 108, 115, 121


Facebook, 113

family. See also holidays; social connections

fear of rejection, 206–7

Food Freedom, talking about, 138–39

holiday meals, 138–40

reset, talking about, 177–95

resetting with, 165, 166

fat adaption, 48, 49

fats, high-fat diets, 51

feeling stuck, 157–59

Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols (FODMAPs), 33, 35, 50, 238

fitness trackers, 132

fixed mind-set, 104–5

Flanigan, Jessica, 237

flight attendants, cravings in, 60

FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols), 33, 35, 50, 238

food dyes, 33

food freedom, 77–85

as conscious and deliberate, xvi, xvii, 79, 82–84

enjoying food freedom, 78–80

feeling in control, xix, 3

food freedom cycle, 8

as hard (but it gets easier), 7–8

introduction, 3–9

less bad isn’t always good, 84

as lifelong journey, 6–9, 72–73, 81–82

pay attention, 79–80

questions to ask before consuming less-healthy options, 85

social graces, 83

3-step plan, 4–6

“worth it” foods, 80–81

your new way of eating, 7

food journals

identifying slow slide, 130–31

reintroduction process, 68–69

reset process, 54

sample, 131

food labels, 38, 42

friends. See social connections

fruit, dried, 42

functional medical practitioners, 32, 72, 235


GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Diet, 35, 238

Gibson, Peter, 238

girlfriends. See significant others


Basic Reset, 52

elimination diet, 33, 41

physiological impact, 81

pushback, 200

reading labels, 42

reintroduction, 64, 65, 67

Vegan Reset, 50


diet goals, 18–19

reset goals, 31, 41

Gottschall, Elaine, 237


Anti-Inflammatory Reset, 44

Basic Reset, 52

Craving-Buster Reset, 42, 43

elimination diets, 33

Energy Reset, 47, 48

physiological impact, 34

pseudo-cereals, 51

reintroduction, 64, 65, 66, 67

and Sugar Dragon, 43

Vegan Reset, 50

Whole30 reset, 28

growth mind-set, 12, 104–6, 117

guilt and shame, 61, 94–96, 178

Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Diet, 35, 238

gut problems, 48, 50


habits. See also routines

overwriting old habits, 127–28

support from others, 56

time needed to make or break, 36

HAPIfork, 94

Harris, Dan, 117

Hartwig, Dallas, 12–13, 236

Hartwig, Melissa

books by, 236

drug addiction and recovery, 12

her story, 11–15

social media handles, 239

Whole30 development, 12–13

health-care practitioners

functional medical practitioners, 32, 72, 235

getting on board, 201

medical conditions and reset, 32, 39

“healthy person” mind-set, 95, 105–6, 108, 150, 228, 233

high-fat diets, 51

holidays. See also family

don’t share specifics, 138

four-part game plan, 138–39

“if/then” plans, 140

indulging, 140–42

as trigger, 136–42

“worth it” foods, xvi–xvii, 83

home alone

binging, 150

“if/then” plans, 150

if you don’t have it, you can’t eat it, 149

laziness, 148–49

as trigger, 147–51

husbands. See significant others


IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), 238

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), diets for, 35, 238

“if/then” plans, 111–12, 140, 150

imagination, as success strategy, 89–90

immune system

Anti-Inflammatory Reset, 44–47

chronic inflammatory conditions, 35, 45, 238

stress response, 119

in-the-moment success strategies. See success strategies, in-the-moment

indulging. See also “worth it” foods

choosing not to, 140, 141

food journal, 131

on holidays, 140–42

one-bite rule, 91–92

regret, 96–98

return to regularly scheduled diet, 98–99

savoring food, 90–91

success strategy, 90–94

inflammation, 35, 44–47, 238

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 238

iPhones. See smartphones

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), diets for, 35, 238


jealousy, dealing with, 205–6

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 60

journals. See food journals

Katie, Byron, 115, 121


labels, food, 38, 42

language of food, 94–96

lead by example, 195, 211

legumes and beans, 28, 33, 44, 50, 64

low-FODMAP diets, 35, 238


magnesium supplements, 122

“Marshmallow Test,” 89

medical conditions, and reset, 25, 32, 36, 54

medicine practitioners. See health-care practitioners

meditation, 116–17

metabolism, when dieting, 18

mind-set. See growth mind-set


conscious and deliberate eating, xvi, xvii, 79, 82–84, 91–94

one-bite rule, 91–92, 159–61, 227, 229

one-minute meditation for, 117

savoring food, 90–91, 98, 135

mini reset

holidays, 137–38

post-vacation, 136

pre-vacation, 134

role of, 161–63

mirror check, 204

Mischel, Walter, 89

moderation, difficulty of, 27

morning routine, 108

MSG, 29

Myers, Amy, 237


nightshades, 33, 44, 46

nighttime routine, 107–8, 110–11

no, thank you, 218–21

non-scale victories, 33

nuts and seeds, 33, 42–43, 51, 66

one-bite rule, 91–92, 159–61, 227, 229

one-moment meditation, 117


Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), 35, 47, 237

pausing, as success strategy, 94

peanuts, 33, 50

peer pressure, 202–7

positive thinking, as success strategy, 115

post-reset diet

as conscious and deliberate, 82–83

“worth it” foods, 79–81

post-reset predicaments, 215–23

allergy alert, 222

choose your words carefully, 217

to eat or not to eat, 221–23

“no, thank you,” 218–21

The Power of Habit (Duhigg), 106

pregnancy, reset during, 144

processed foods, 52

pseudo-cereals, 51

psychological health, 121

punishment, food as, 13

pushback, dealing with, 197–213

common criticisms, 198–202

complain carefully, 210

concern for you, 202–3

countering arguments, 199–201

defensiveness, 203–4

don’t apologize, 212

don’t be preachy, 211

evade and redirect, 208

expect the best, 198

fear of rejection, 206–7

feeling left behind, 205–6

get out there, 212–13

go virtual, 210

jealousy, 205–6

mirror check, 204

peer pressure, 202–7

quoting science, 201

threat level: orange, 207–9

what not to do, 210–13


Readinger, Luc, 201

Reasoner, Jordan, 237

recipes, 47

regret, as inevitable, 96–98


after mini reset, 162

amounts, 81

building a life of food freedom, 72–73

changes to watch for, 66, 68

vs. dieting, 60

evaluating your reset, 70–73

guidelines, 63–69

guilt, 61

ideas, 65

journal, 68–69

less healthy foods, 79–80

as lifelong practice, 81–82, 97

not missing it?, 68

one food at a time, 62–63

post-vacation, 136

reinforcement, 62–63

sample schedule, 66–67

time required, 62

Whole30, 71

“worth it” foods, 79–81

relationships. See family; significant others; social connections

relationships with food

difficulty of changing, 163–64

and failure of diets, 20

language of food, 94–96

love-hate connection, 13

yo-yo eating, 13–14

reset, initial, 23–57

added sugar, 38

Anti-Inflammatory Reset, 44–47

Basic Reset, 52–53

benefits, 54

black-and-white rules, 39, 40

carb-phobia, 49

chronic systemic inflammation, 45

common criticisms, 198–201

Craving-Buster Reset, 8, 42–44

cravings, 60

dairy, 43

decision factors, 24–25

design your own, 31–33

vs. diets, 21, 60

duration, 35–36, 72

elimination, 33–40

Energy Reset, 47–49

evaluation, 70–72

in Food Freedom plan, 4–6

foods to eat, 36–37

goals, 31, 41

medical conditions, 25, 32

nightshades, 46

non-scale victories, 33

not quite vegan, 51

often-problematic foods, 33–34

planning your elimination, 35–39

pre-big event, 144

read labels, 38, 42

recipes, 47

reset buddy, 193–95

sample resets, 40–54

steps, 24

and stress, 146–47, 155–56

structured elimination diets, 35, 236–38

support groups, 56

tips for success, 54–57

Vegan Reset, 50–51

Whole30, xix, 5, 25–31, 236

reset, returning to, 155–73

all of the bad, none of the good, 162

80/20 rule, 156

every reset is different, 170–73

with family or friends, 165

feeling stuck, 157–59

increased food awareness, 172

mini reset, role of, 161–63

one day, one meal, one bite at a time, 159–61

recommendations, 166–67

regularly scheduled resets, 164–65, 166

repeat as needed, 163–65

results, 170

returning to the reset, 157

second reset, difficulty of, 167–70

tough love, 164

when it’s not easy, 157–61

when you need it, 165

yo-yo resets, 166–67

reset, talking about, 177–95

ask for support, 185–88

deep breath, 192

don’t skip out, 189

elevator pitch, 184

keep your cool, 192

lead by example, 195

positive interactions, 178–85

reset buddy, 193–95

significant others, 189–92

timing, 183

reward, food as, 12, 13, 18, 83–84

routines. See also habits

meditation, 116

morning routine, 108

pre-bed routine, 107–8

as success strategy, 106–8


SAD (Standard American Diet), 48

sample resets, 40–54

Sapolsky, Robert, 156

savoring food, 90–91, 98, 135

SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet), 35, 237

science, quoting, 201

seeds and nuts, 33, 42–43, 51, 66

shame and guilt, 61, 94–96, 178

Shepherd, Sue, 238

significant others

asking for their support, 187–88, 191

setting expectations, 189–91

talking about reset, 189–92

unsupportive, 192


and caffeine, 49

taking control of, 120–21

and willpower, 111

slipping. See also reset

acknowledge when you start to slip, 129

in Food Freedom plan, 4–6

it’s okay to slip, 151

slow slide, 129–33

triggers, 127–51

slow slide, 129–33


meditation apps, 117

and sleep, 111

and willpower, 112–14

social connections. See also holidays; pushback, dealing with; reset, talking about; support networks

ask for their support, 185–88

changes due to reset, 177–78

feeling left behind/jealous, 205–6

find your tribe, 56

peer pressure, 202–7

during reset, 56, 189

resetting with, 165, 166, 193–95

role of food in, 178

social graces, 83

stay connected, 207, 212–13

for stress reduction, 121

talking about reset, 177–95

social media

Facebook, 113

Melissa Hartwig’s handles, 239

turning off notifications, 113–14

Whole30, 56, 236

soy, 28, 33, 50

Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), 35, 237

spouses. See significant others

Standard American Diet (SAD), 48


and alcohol, 147

breathing patterns, 88

chronic vs. acute, 118

control the things you can control, 120–21

and cravings, 120

from dieting, 18

80/20 rule, 156

and environment, 121

E.R.C., 121

and exercise, 121

known stressors, 143–45

let good enough be good enough, 144–45, 232

magnesium supplements for, 122

managing, 117–21

physiological response, 117–19

and psychological health, 121

and reset, 146–47, 155–56

shrink your world, 145

and sleep, 120–21

and social connections, 121

sources, 119

sudden stress, 145–46

as trigger, 142–47

and willpower, 120

stuck, feeling, 157–59

success. See evaluation

success strategies, big-picture, 103–23

boost your willpower, 108–17

change your diet, 110

control the things you can control, 120–21

develop routines, 106–8

growth mind-set, 104–6

happier ever after, 122–23

label yourself as a healthy person, 105–6

magnesium supplements, 122

morning routine, 108

one-moment meditation, 117

positive thinking, 115

seek growth, 106

shrink your world, 145

social media notifications, 113

stress, sources of, 119

stress management, 117–20

success strategies, for reset, 54–57

success strategies, in-the-moment, 87–101

clean your plate?, 92

deep breaths, 88

distraction, 89

imagination, 89–90

language of food, 94–96

no cheat days, 99

one-bite rule, 91–92

regret as inevitable, 96–98

return to regularly scheduled diet, 98–99

savor it, 91

take a pause, 94

waiting period, 89

when you indulge, 90–94

sugar, added

American consumption, 38

Anti-Inflammatory Reset, 44

Basic Reset, 52

Craving-Buster Reset, 42, 43

elimination diets, 33, 37–38, 41

Energy Reset, 47, 48

reintroduction, 63–64, 67

Vegan Reset, 50

Whole30 reset, 28

Sugar Dragon

dopamine as, 88

taming, 43–44

sulfites, 29, 33

support networks

ask for support, 185–88

Interweb, 210

post-reset, 231–33

during reset, 56

reset buddy, 193–95

support groups, 232

Whole30 program, 27

sweeteners. See artificial sweeteners; sugar, added

sweets/treats/baked goods

Anti-Inflammatory Reset, 44

elimination diets, 42

Energy Reset, 47, 48

reintroduction, 67

technically compliant, 29, 37, 56–57

Vegan Reset, 50

Whole30 reset, 29


tactics. See success strategies


alerting to slow slide, 132

meditation apps, 117

and sleep, 111

and willpower, 112–14

tempeh, 50

10% Happier (Harris), 117

tofu, 50

tough love

Basic Reset, 52–53

get out there, 213

it’s not going to happen overnight, 8

reset is safety net, not trampoline, 164

this will be hard, 7–8

Whole30, xx

you have to follow at least the Basic Reset, 53

treats. See sweets/treats/baked goods

Trescott, Mickey, 237

tribe, find yours, 56

triggers, 127–51

acknowledge when you start to slip, 129

holidays, 136–42

home alone, 147–51

slow slide, 129–33

stress, 142–47

vacations, 133–36



alcohol, 135

post-vacation, 8, 135–36

pre-vacation, 134

as trigger, 133–36

during vacation, 134–35

Vegan Reset, 50–51


waiting period, as success strategy, 89

weighing yourself, 29, 32

“What the Hell” Effect

and alcohol, 135

birthdays, 141

definition, 98

holiday meals, 139

post-reset predicaments, 218

post-vacation, 135

and stress, 142

whole grains. See grains

Whole30 program

as anti-inflammatory diet, 44–45

black-and-white rules, 40

description and resources, 236

“everything in moderation,” 27

overview, xix–xx, 26

ready to try it?, 31

as reset option, 5, 25–31, 71

reset rules, 28–29

specifics, 29

support network, 27, 56

testimonials, xix, 27

as Vegan Reset alternative, 51

you, on Whole30 reset, 30


Basic Reset, 52

boosting, 108–17

daytime, 112

diets, 17–18, 20

distraction techniques, 89

and exercise, 115

as finite, 20, 110

“if/then” plan, 111–12

and meditation, 116–17

night before, 110–11

and poor diets, 110

positive thinking, 115

and sleep, 111

and stress, 120

and technology, 112–14

wives. See significant others

The Work, 115, 121

workplace issues. See co-workers

“worth it” foods

birthday indulgences, 140, 141

changing definition of, 172–73

communicating to others, 217

definition, 80–81

evaluation, 82, 85, 90, 100, 226–27, 228

food freedom, 228–29

less bad options, 84

reevaluation, 92–93

social situations, 83

Wright, Steve, 237


yo-yo resets, 166–67

Zen Habits website, 117