“A Shau Valley,” profile, 417–424
“Acres of Diamonds” (Conwell), 276–278
Acton, John Emerich Edward
Dalberg, “Power Tends to
Adams, Samuel, 244
Adenauer, Konrad, 321
Aesop, parable on farmer and sons, 377–378
age, appreciation of, 358
Agincourt, Battle of (1415), 8–9
Agnus Dei, 511
Aha! theory of behavior, xxvii–xxviii
Aikau, Eddie, 176
aircraft, and speed of sound, 131–132
Alderson, Bernard, Arthur James
Alexander the Great, campaigns, 15–16
Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors (Read), 237–241
“The American Boy” (Roosevelt), 177–178
American Islamic forum for Democracy (AIFD), 250–255
American Revolution, 2, 133, 244, 282, 290, 344
Washington on taking
Anacharsis of Scythia, 199–200
Anderson, Dave, 229
Anima Christi, 510
“The Answer” (Rice), 173
The Apology (Plato), 56
Aristotle, 2, 90, 243, 263, 334
Arlington National Cemetery, 41, 85, 87, 424
Arrian (Roman historian), 15–16
Arsenev, Valeria, 357
art, time for mastering, 168
Arthur James Balfour (Alderson), 307–308
Ashley Downs orphanage (Bristol, England), 458–460
association, Tocqueville on, 292–294
Athens, 1, 31–33, 56, 127, 185, 255, 455–456
athletics, 116, 167–168, 179, 210–214
Augustine of Hippo
“An Autumn Effect” (Stevenson), 201–202
Bacon, Francis, on gardening, 183–184
bacteria, 327
Baker, Russell, 211
Baldwin, James, on Cincinnatus, 315–318
Barnicle, Mike, 213
C. Ripken Jr. profile, 208–210
1954 Indiana state championship, 204–207
Beach, Christopher, on traffic guard, 196–198
Bedell, Grace, letter to Lincoln, 374–376
“Before Action” (Hodgson), 35–36
Begin, Menachem, 158
Bell, George, 191
Benedict of Nursia (saint), prayer, 482
Bennett, Arthur, “In Prayer,” 476–477
Bennett, William J.
Alive (Read) book review, 237–241
Best, Pete, 220
Genesis 2:19–24 (creation story), 385
1 Samuel 17:1–58 (David and Goliath), 25–28
Proverbs 31:10–31 on finding good wife, 386–387
Ecclesiastes 3:10–15 on gift of God, 98
Matthew 25:14–30 on parable of the talents, 101–102
Bird, Larry, 205
birthplace, and greatness, 297–298
“Bivouac of the Dead” (O’Hara), 41–43
Black Liberation Army (BLA), 289
Bleak House (Dickens), 363–364
Boethius, “The Upward Look,” 500–501
Bounds, Edward McKendree
on beginning day with prayer, 488–489
“A Boy of Much Promise” (Coolidge), 384
Boy Scouts movement, 447
development into men, xix–xxii
bravery, xxiii, 25, 36, 77, 286, 288, 335, 403, 422
Brooke, Rupert, War Sonnets, 83–85
Browning, Robert, 364
“Love Among the Ruins,” 354–356
Bryan, Williams Jennings
on citizenship duties, 278
Buffett, Jimmy, 91
Burgoyne, Daniel, 40
reflections on revolution of France, 290–292
Burns, Robert, prayer under pressure of violent anguish, 487–488
Burr, Aaron, 281
Bush, George H. W., prayer to
Bush, George W., prayer after Sept. 11, 2001, attack, 455
business, Christian principles in, 473–474
Buxton, George Edward, 51
Byron, Lord George Gordon Byron, 282
Don Juan, 365
Calkins, Harvey Reeves, A Man and His Money, 275–276
cannibalism, for survival, 238, 240–241
Canning, George, 336
Canterbury, Archbishop, C. Powell’s response to, 11–12
Carlyle, Thomas
inaugural address at Edinburgh University, 148–149
Carozza-Caviness, Craig, 107–110
Carter, Jimmy, prayer for meaningful life, 453
Cato, Marcus, 376
Cato the Younger (Plutarch), 304–306
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 180–181
Channing, William Ellery, on elevation of laboring classes, 150–151
chaplains in World War II, 140–141
“Character of the Happy
“The Charge of the Light
charity, 244–249, 252, 359,451, 507
Charmides (Plato), 127
Chekhov, Anton, 348
chess, Tolstoy and, 208
Chesterton, G. K.
on irrational roots of
“A Prayer in Darkness,” 491–492
as blessing, 350
discipline of, 382
in Iraq war, 18
letter to sickly, 412
prayer before bed, 444
Christians, 137, 158, 436, 441
political duties of men, 294–297
Roman violence against, 496–498
Christianson, Susan, 432
“We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech, 64–65
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 292n
De Officiis (On Duties), 271–272
Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius, 315–318
citizens, political power of, 325
civil association, Tocqueville on, 292–294
Civil War
civitas, 243
Clarke, James Freeman, on manliness, 391–394
Clay, Henry Sr., on compromise, 318–320
Cleveland, Grover
cocaine addiction, 197
Colombia, Uribe Vélez presidency, 298–301
Columbus, Christopher, “Prayer of Columbus” (Whitman), 501–504
Commentary, 237
Compagnoni, Achille, 191
compensation, 161
competition, 279
“Concord Hymn” (Emerson), 19–20
confusion, for boys, xxi
Conrad, Joseph, 348
Constitution, interpretation of, 248–250
contract, society and, 290–292
convictions, xxviii
Conwell, Russell, “Acres of Diamonds,” 276–278
Cook, Eliza, “Work,” 95
Cook, James, 143
Coolidge, Calvin, 245
“A Boy of Much Promise,” 384
Foundations of the Republic, 308–310
Cooper, Duff, letter to Diana, his future wife, 357
Cooper, Gary, xxvi
corruption, power and, 272
Cosell, Howard, 167
Costa Rica, traffic guard in, 196–198
courtship, and marriage, 405–406
creation story in Bible, 385, 435
Critias, 127
Reagan remarks on 40th anniversary, 53–56
Damien de Veuster (saint), 462–463
Dana, Richard Henry, Two Years Before the Mast, 98–101
danger, answer to call of, 152
Daniel Deronda (Eliot), 390–391
Dartmouth College, 303
daughter, Hawthorne’s letter to, 416–417
Davies, William Henry, “Leisure,” 182–183
de Brueil, Jean, “Battle Is a Joyous Thing,” 36
de Gasperi, Alcide, 321
De Havilland, Geoffrey, 132
De Officiis (On Duties), 271–272
De Voto, Bernard, 240
death, More’s prayer for good death, 507
death of son
Coolidge on, 384
Jonson’s poem on, 383
debt, payment of, 162
Declaration of Independence, 264, 344
democracy, 243
keys to statesmanship, 320–323
success of, 244
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 133–134, 254
democratic communities, 134
Dickens, Charles
response to a fan letter of sorts, 412–413
Sketches of Young Couples, 387–390
fishing trip preparation, 234–235
discipline, 408
of children, 382
“Do You Fear the Wind?” (Garland), 171–172
Don Juan (Byron), 365
Dorchester, 141
Douglas, James “Buster,” 216–218
“Down by the Salley Gardens” (Yeats), 353
doxology, 438
Draper, Andrew Sloan, “A Manly Boy,” 409–411
drug cartels, in Colombia, 299
Dryden, John, Antony and Cleopatra, 373–374
dual-income families, 350
“Duty, Honor, Country” (MacArthur), 78–83, 245
duty, Kitchener on, 310
Edda (Norse Poetic), 275
Edinburgh University, Carlyle’s inaugural address, 148–149
Edwards, Jonathan, with his children, 381–383
Eliot, George
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
“A Nation’s Strength,” 260–261
enemies, 60
England, maritime life of, 143
Episcopal National Cathedral, Graham address after Sept. 11
equality, 133
Escobar, Pablo, 299
eulogy, for Lincoln, 476
“The Examined Life” (Plato), 455–456
and doubt, 440
reflection and, 436
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), 299–300
father and son
football game attendance, 430–433
influence of father, 377
responsibility for son’s
education, 402
fatherhood, 347
feelings, reacting to, 402–403
fidelity, 418
50 Rules Kids Won’t Learn in School (Sykes), 378–379
Fleet, Thomas, 444
Forde, Godwin, 30
“Forms of Prayer at Sea” (Wordsworth), 466
Foundations of the Republic (Coolidge), 308–310
Fox, George, 141
France, reflections on revolution, 290–292
Francis of Assisi, instrument of peace, 461
Franklin, Benjamin
on games, 168
on learning languages for fun, 200
story of civic improvement, 314–315
free time, use in ancient Rome, 202–203
“Freedom Rock” in Iowa, 334–336
Frobisher, Martin, 143
fun, work and, 404
funeral oration (Pericles), 31–35
The Future of the American Negro (Washington), 123–124
Galloway, Charles B., Ethics of Politics, 280–282
Garland, Hamlin, “Do You Fear the Wind?,” 171–172
gentleman, 405
Gershovitz, Yakob, 129
Gilbert, Martin, 322
Glory Be, 438
Glover, Clarence, 513
funeral meditation for, 515–517
obituary, 514
goals, long-term and short-term, 115
need of, 492
spending time alone with, 490–491
Goldsmith, Oliver, She Stoops to Conquer, 362
Goode, Alexander, 141
Gott, Jim, 209
Graham, Billy, address at National Cathedral, 492–495
Grahl, Glenn, 40
grandchildren, rules for, 378–379
“Great Man” theory, 396
greatness, 277
Greek wisdom literature, 110–111
Greely, Adolphus Washington, True Tales of Arctic Heroism in the New World, 143–145
Greene, James Richard, 289
The Greening of America (Reich), 216
Greitens, Eric, The Heart and the Fist, 262–263
grizzly bears, hunting, 225–228
Guest, Edgar A.
“How Do You Tackle Your Work?,” 96–97
Guinness, Arthur, 440
Guiteau, Charles J., 394
Gummere, Francis B., Beowulf translation, 72–75
Hambitzer, Charles, 130
Hamilton, Alexander, 244
Harrison, George, 221
Hávamál, 275
Hawaii, missionaries to leper colony, 462–463
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, letter to daughter, 416–417
The Heart and the Fist (Greitens), 262–263
Helmer, Alexis, 75
Herbert, George, 436
Herrick, Robert, Matins (morning prayer), 449
Hesiod, Works and Days, 110–111
Hetzel, Will, 212
history, Carlyle on value of studying, 396–398
History of the Peloponnesian War, 269
Hobbes, Thomas, 243
hobbies, coin collecting, 179–180
Hodgson, William Noel, “Before Action,” 35–36
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 4, 169
homeschooling, 350
hope, 493
Horace, 3
Horatius at the Bridge (Livy), 76–78
Houston, Charles, 191
“How Do You Tackle Your Work?” (Guest), 96–97
Hudson, George W., Marriage Guide for Young Men, 411
Hudson, Henry, 143
Humorist’s Confession (Twain), 117–118
husband, letter to bereaved, 415–416
Hussein, Saddam, Powell’s defense of military force against, 11–12
Hyde, C.M., 463
ice hockey, U. S. team in 1980, 228–230
ideal of manhood, xix
“In Flanders Field” (McCrae), 75–76
Indian Removal Act, 246
Indiana state basketball
instrument of peace (Francis of Assisi), 461
Iraq, war in, 4–8, 17–18, 38–40
“It is a Pleasant Day” (Parley), 172
James, Henry, lectures and miscellanies, 273–274
Jamestown, Virginia, 89
letter to Thomas Jefferson Smith, 425–426
“Jeffersonian Muslims,” 251
Jesus Christ, 295
“Jesus Movement,” 443
Jewish liturgy, Amidah, 467–469
Jewish tradition, 401
John Chrysostom (saint), homily 6 on prayer, 482–483
John Paul II (pope), 121
Johnson, Mark, 229
Johnson, Paul, on democratic statesmanship, 320–323
New Year’s prayer, 497
Jonson, Ben, “On My First Sonne,” 383
Jordan, William George, Self Control, Its Kingship and Majesty, 406–408
journalists, D. Aikman, 151–159
Judge, Mark, spiritual value of work, 120–122
K2 climbing expedition, 190–192
Kais, Muhammed, 252
Kennedy, John F., Thanksgiving Day prayer 1963, 452
Kent State University, 156
Khmer Rouge, 157
king, 258
vs. slave, 407
King, Don, 232
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 92
Kitchener, Horatio, on duty, 310
Knight, Bob, 205
Known and Unknown (Rumsfeld), 300
laboring classes, Channing on elevation of, 150–151
Lacedelli, Lino, 191
language study, 184–186, 200–201
law enforcement, profiles, 285–290
Lazear, Jesse William, 325–329
Lee, Henry, 306
Lee, Robert E., 353
call to prayer, 463
leisure activities. See also fishing
vs. laziness, 168
vs. work, 167
Lennon, John, 221
“Let My Thoughts Abide in Thee” (Stevenson), 496
Liddell, Eric, 90
approach to, 174
purpose of, 112
T. Roosevelt on purpose, 103–105
Lincoln, Abraham, 318
eulogy for, 476
National day of prayer declaration, 486–487
prayer for peace, 451
wrestling with Armstrong, 192–194
Litany of Humility (Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val), 504–505
Little, George P., on firefighters and rescue workers, 340–342
Livy, Horatius at the Bridge, 76–78
“Of the Beginning of Political Societies,” 264–265
London, Jack, The Sea Wolf, 111–114
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 244
Lord’s Prayer (Our Father), 437–438
vs. lust, 360
poetry on, 364
“Love Among the Ruins” (Browning), 354–356
love letters, 357
“Love of Country” (Scott), 270
Lowry, Rich, xx
Lucilius, 107
lust, vs. love, 360
Luther, Martin
prayer as gift, 506
Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 169
MacArthur, Douglas
“Duty, Honor, Country,” 78–83, 245
MacFarland, Henry B.F., prayer and the individual life, 478–479
Madison, James, 244
magnanimity, 322
A Man and His Money (Calkins), 275–276
manliness, true and false, 391–394
“A Manly Boy” (Draper), 409–411
Mao Tse-Tung, 322
Maravich, “Pistol” Pete, 168, 169–171
Marcellus, 305
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 164–165
Marden, Orison Swett, 353
feminism and, 402
Marriage Guide for Young Men (Hudson), 411
married couples, Dickens on, 387–390
martyrdom, of Polycarp, 498–500
Matins (morning prayer), 449
“May I Know Thee More Clearly” (Richard of Chichester), 446
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 349
McCartney, Paul, 220
McCrae, John, “In Flanders Field,” 75–76
M’Cheyne, Robert Murray, 444–445
McKay, Jim, 230
McMurtry, John, 211
Mead, Walter Russell, xx
Medellín Cartel, 299
medical community, research, 325–329
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 164–165
Meggyesy, Dave, 214
Meigs, Montgomery C., 41
Memorial Day, Holmes speech, 57–60
Men and Religion, 478
Menlo, Iowa, “Freedom Rock,” 335
mental manhood, 436
Mercer, Wesley, 30
Methol, Liliana, 239
Mexican war, 41
Milan High School, and 1954 Indiana state championship, 204–207
Milton, John, Paradise Lost, 141–142
mistakes, learning from, 398
Molenaar, Dee, 191
money, power to collect and disburse, 248–249
More, Thomas, prayer for good death, 507
Morris, Robert, on courtship and matrimony, 405–406
Murray, David, 347
Mussaf, 467
“My God Shall Raise Me Up” (Raleigh), 472–473
Myshkin, Vladimir, 229
Naismith, James, 205
Nation, 167
National day of prayer declaration, 483–484
National Geographic Society, 120
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 285
“A Nation’s Strength” (Emerson), 260–261
Netanyahu, Yonatan, xxix
New Year’s prayer (Johnson), 497
New York City. See also World Trade Center
Newell, Waller, 367
Newton, Jesse, 234
northwest passage, England’s search for, 143–145
Odyssey (Homer)
“Of the Beginning of Political Societies” (Locke), 264–265
Offutt, Denton, 192
O’Hara, Theodore, “Bivouac of the Dead,” 41–43
old age, appreciation of, 362
Olympic games
U. S. ice hockey team in 1980, 228–230
On Duties (De Officiis), 271–272
“On My First Sonne” (Jonson), 383
“On Self-Improvement” (Powell), 447–449
“One Word More” (Browning), 364
Orthodox Church, liturgy, 483
Orwell, George, 91
Our Father (Lord’s Prayer), 437–438
outdoors, enjoyment from, 172
pacifist, 51
Paine, Thomas, 436
Times that try men’s souls, 464–465
Palmer, Jim, 209
Parable of the talents (Bible), 101–102
parable on farmer and sons (Aesop), 377–378
Paradise Lost (Milton), 141–142
parents, reaction to child joining military, 69–72
Parley, Peter, “It is a Pleasant Day,” 172
Parrish, Bernie, 211
Partenfelder, Monica, 287
Pascal, Blaise, Pensées, 165
Chesterton on irrational roots, 342–343
Patton, George S., 2
peace, Lincoln’s prayer for, 451
Pearl Harbor, 44
Penn, William, on fruits of solitude, 163
Pensées (Pascal), 165
Pericles, 1
National Greatness, 269
Pernaselli, Michael J., 40
pertinacity, 322
Peverelly, Charles A., on
Franklin on paved streets, 314–315
physical labor, 91
“The Pilgrim Fathers” (Wordsworth), 467
Republic, 130
play, T. Roosevelt on, 178–179
“Playing the Game,” 174
“The Plough Boy” (Wiggin and Smith), 96
on Marcus Cato, 376
Poe, Edgar Allan, “Annabel Lee,” 371–373
“The Answer” (Rice), 173
“An Autumn Effect” (Stevenson), 201–202
“Before Action” (Hodgson), 35–36
“Bivouac of the Dead” (O’Hara), 41–43
“Character of the Happy Warrior” (Wordsworth), 12–15
“The Charge of the Light Brigade” (Tennyson), 62–64
“Concord Hymn” (Emerson), 20
“Do You Fear the Wind?” (Garland), 171–172
Don Juan (Byron), 365
“Down by the Salley Gardens” (Yeats), 353
“Forms of Prayer at Sea” (Wordsworth), 466
Hávamál, 275
“How Do You Tackle Your Work?” (Guest), 96–97
“In Flanders Field” (McCrae), 75–76
“It is a Pleasant Day” (Parley), 172
“Let My Thoughts Abide in Thee” (Stevenson), 496
“Love Among the Ruins” (Browning), 354–356
“Love of Country” (Scott), 270
“A Nation’s Strength” (Emerson), 260–261
“On My First Sonne” (Jonson), 383
“One Word More” (Browning), 364
Paradise Lost (Milton), 141–142
“The Pilgrim Fathers” (Wordsworth), 467
“Playing the Game,” 174
“The Plough Boy” (Wiggin and Smith), 96
prayer under pressure of violent anguish, 487–488
“Psalm of Life” (Longfellow), 118–119
“The Quitter” (Service), 175
“Summum Bonum” (Browning), 364
“Universal Prayer” (Pope), 483–485
“When You Are Old” (Yeats), 352
“Work” (Cook), 95
Poling, Clark, 141
polis, 243
political association, Tocqueville on, 292–293
political power, of citizens, 325
religion and, 295
politics, Galloway on ethics of, 280–281
Polycarp of Smyrna, martyrdom, 498–500
Poor Richard’s Almanack, 125–127
Pope, Alexander, “Universal Prayer,” 483–485
Porgy and Bess (Gershwin), 131
Powell, Colin, response to Archbishop of Canterbury, 11–12
Powell, Robert Baden, “On Self-Improvement,” 447–449
The Power of Prayer (Prime), 473–474
“Power Tends to Corrupt” (Acton), 272
prayer, 432
Anima Christi, 510
Augustine of Hippo thoughts
of Benedict, 482
by G.W. Bush for the departed, 455
by G.H.W. Bush to help others, 454–455
by J. Carter, 453
of child, 444
for guidance by Washington, 450
and the individual life, 478–479
instrument of peace (Francis of Assisi), 461
John Chrysostom homily on, 482–483
“Let My Thoughts Abide in Thee” (Stevenson), 496
Litany of Humility (Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val), 504–505
Luther on prayer as gift, 506
Matins (morning prayer), 449
“May 1 Know Thee More
Clearly” (Richard of Chichester), 446
More, for good death, 507
“My God Shall Raise Me Up” (Raleigh), 472–473
National day of prayer declaration, 486–487
New Year’s prayer (Johnson), 497
Our Father (Lord’s Prayer), 437–438
for peace by Lincoln, 451
“Prayer of Columbus” (Whitman), 501–504
by R. Burns under pressure of violent anguish, 487–488
by Reagan for healing, 453–454
of soldier, 470
Spurgeon on heart as source of, 508–510
Thanksgiving Day 1963, 452
time for, 444
“Universal Prayer” (Pope), 483–485
unspoken, 445
“We Thank Thee” (Weston), 439
“A Prayer in Darkness” (Chesterton), 491–492
Priestley, Raymond, 146
Prime, Samuel, The Power of Prayer, 473–474
priorities, war and, 2
E. Aikau, 176
Damien de Veuster (saint), 462–463
Milan High School and 1954 Indiana state championship, 204–207
“Psalm of Life” (Longfellow), poetry, 118–119
public conscience, 273
Puntarenas, Costa Rica, 196–198
“The Quitter” (Service), 175
quitting, 189
Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val, Litany of Humility, 504–505
railroad men, T. Roosevelt praise of, 105–106
Raleigh, Walter, “My God Shall Raise Me Up,” 472–473
Rangel, Charles, 136
Read, Piers Paul, Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors, 237–241
Reagan, Ronald, 313, 321–322, 333, 349
D-Day 40th anniversary remarks, 53–56
Reich, Charles, The Greening of America, 216
and government, 251, 253, 294, 345
reporting, fairness in, 157
Republic (Plato), 130
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), 299–300
Revolutionary War. See American Revolution
Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin), 128–131
Rice, Grantland, 168
“Alumnus Football,” 173
“The Answer,” 173
Richard of Chichester, “May 1 Know Thee More Clearly,” 446
Rockefeller, John D., 244
daily life in ancient, 107
violence against Christians, 498–500
Roosevelt, Franklin D., prayer in dark times, 451–452
on being father, 380
“The Capacity for Greatness,” 297–298
“Duties of American Citizenship,” 283–285
“No Man Is Happy If He Does Not Work,” 106–107
“The Work Is What Counts,” 105–106
Rosh Chodesh, 467
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 244
The Royal Art (Bryan), 279–280
100 Innovative Ideas for Florida’s Future, 333
Rumsfeld, Donald, 300
Known and Unknown, 300
Ruse, Ernest, on Roosevelt and his children, 380–381
Saint Crispin’s Day Speech (Shakespeare), 8–11
sanitation worker, pride in work, 92–95
Schliemann, Heinrich, on finding Troy, 184–186
Schoening, Pete, 191
Schuman, Robert, 321
Scott, Walter, “Love of Country,” 270
The Sea Wolf (London), 111–114
self-governance, 243
self-pity, 403
self-reflection, 435
September 11, 2001, attack, 17, 28–31, 289–290, 340, 455, 492–493
Service, Robert W., “The Quitter,” 175
Shabbat, 467
Shakespeare, William, Saint
Shaw, George Bernard, 90
She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmth), 362
Shirer, William L., 435
Simpson, Matthew, eulogy for Lincoln, 476
Sketches of Young Couples (Dickens), 387–389
skill, time for mastering, 168
Smith, Nora Archibald, “The Plough Boy,” 96
Smith Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson’s letter to, 425–426
social contract theory, 244, 258, 264, 271, 290–291
social ideal, 279
contract and, 291
James on transformational power of, 273–274
Socrates, 56, 127, 130, 435, 455–456
“The Soldier’s Faith” (Holmes), 57–60
soldier’s prayer, 470
Solzhenitsyn, Alexsandr, 158–159
sound barrier, first aircraft breaking, 131–132
South Pole, mission to, 146–147
Spalding, Albert Goodwill, on baseball, 181–182
Garfield’s preparation of, 394–395
power of, 259
sports. See also specific sports
approach to, 174
Cosell on, 167
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, on prayer of heart, 508–510
Starr, Ringo, 221
statesman, 258
statesmanship, keys to, 320–323
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 463
“Let My Thoughts Abide in Thee,” 496
Stone, I. F., 167
Strauss, Leo, 90
Streather, Tony, 191
student protests in 1960s, 155–156
success, 20
“Summum Bonum” (Browning), 364
Swain, John D., father’s advice to son leaving for college, 186–190
Sykes, Charles, 50 Rules Kids Won’t Learn in School, 378–379
taxes, citizen’s responsibility for, 275–276
teaching, values, 116
temperance, 127
Temple University, 276
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” 62–64
terrorist attack, on Sept. 11, 2001, 28–31, 39, 289
thankfulness, 439
Thanksgiving proclamation, by Washington, 471–472
Thomas Aquinas, “A Student’s Prayer,” 457–458
Thomas, Clarence, 504
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, 269
Tiananmen Square, 158
Tieman, Frederick, 341
time, 107
Tocqueville, Alexis de
on civil and political association, 292–294
Democracy in America, 133–134, 254
Tolstoy, Leo
and chess, 208
letter to fiancée, 357
Torre, Joe, 210
traffic guard, in Costa Rica, 196–198
travel, freedom of solo, 201
Tretiak, Vladimir, 229
Troy, Schliemann on finding, 184–186
True Tales of Arctic Heroism in the
Truman, Harry, daily prayer, 446–447
Tucker, William Jewett, on good citizenship, 303–304
Twain, Mark, Humorist’s Confession, 117–118
Two Years Before the Mast (Dana), Dana, Richard Henry, 98–101
U2, “Moment of Surrender,” 122
Unabomber, 400
United States
Powell’s defense of military force against Hussein, 11–12
religious liberty, 443
U. S. House of Representatives, 136
U. S. ice hockey team in 1980, 228–230
U. S. Marine Corps, 4–8, 16, 17, 71
U. S. Military Academy, MacArthur address to cadets, 78–83
U. S. Navy
“Universal Prayer” (Pope), 483–485
Up from Slavery (Washington), 124–125
“The Upward Look” (Boethius), 500–501
Vail, Emily McClellan, 325–329
values, teaching, 116
Velazquez, Jorge, 30
against Christians by Rome, 498–500
sports and, 213
virility, 21
virtues, decline in, xx
vocation, 90
voting, right of, 325
wage of labor, 161
change from, 18
in Iraq, 4–8, 11–12, 16–19, 38–40
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 194–196
“washing out,” 44
Washington, Booker T.
The Future of the American Negro, 123–124
Washington, George
letter to Martha, 306–307, 369
prayer for guidance, 450
“Rules for Civility,” 168
on taking command of Revolutionary army, 306–307
Thanksgiving proclamation, 471–472
Washington, John, 141
Watts, Christopher E., 40
The Way to Wealth (Franklin), 125–127
“We Will Not Forget,” 470
wealth, 20
Webster, Noah, 325
Weigel, George, 121
Wells, H. G., on war, 3
Weston, Rebecca, “We Thank Thee,” 439
“When You Are Old” (Yeats), 352
Whitman, Walt, “Prayer of Columbus,” 501–504
Proverbs 31:10–31 on finding good, 386–387
Wiggin, Kate Douglas, “The Plough Boy,” 96
Williams, Allan, 220
Williams, George, 478
Winter, Edward, 208
Wojtyla, Karol, 121
creation story and, 402
father’s advice to son, 358–359
treatment of, 393–394, 398–399, 399–405
Wood, Marvin, 205
Wordsworth, William
“Character of the Happy
“Forms of Prayer at Sea,” 466
“The Pilgrim Fathers,” 467
and fun, 404
happiness and, 90
vs. leisure activities, 90, 167–169
W. Penn on, 163
purpose in, 91
value of, 95
Works and Days (Hesiod), 110–111
“Work” (Cook), 95
work ethic
World Trade Center
attack on Sept. 11, 2001, 29–31, 39, 288–289
Bush prayer after attack, 455
Graham address after Sept. 11 attack, 492–495
British Expeditionary Force, 310
Meuse-Argonne offensive, 51–52
Churchill address to House of Commons, 20–24, 64–65
D-Day 40th anniversary
Yeats, W. B.
“Down by the Salley Gardens,” 353
“When You Are Old,” 352
Young, Andrew, 495
Young, Edward, 436
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), 478