Table of Contents
Note on the Translation of Chinese Medical Terms
SECTION 1: Physiology and Pathology
Chapter 1: History of Gynecology in Chinese Medicine
SECTION 2: Aetiology and Diagnosis
SECTION 3: Methods of Treatment
Chapter 6: Principles and Methods of Treatment
Chapter 7: Treatment of the Extraordinary Vessels
SECTION 4: Menstrual Irregularities
Chapter 15: Bleeding between Periods
Chapter 17: Flooding and Trickling
Chapter 18: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
SECTION 5: Problems at Period Time
Chapter 19: Pre-Menstrual Breast Distension
Chapter 20: Headaches During Periods
Chapter 21: Oedema During Periods
Chapter 22: Diarrhoea at Period Time
Chapter 23: Body Aches at Period Time
Chapter 24: Fever at Period Time
Chapter 25: Epistaxis or Haemoptysis at Period Time
Chapter 26: Mouth Ulcers at Period Time
Chapter 27: Skin Eruptions at Period Time
Chapter 28: Dizziness at Period Time
SECTION 6: Diseases of Pregnancy
Chapter 30: Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy
Chapter 31: Threatened Miscarriage
Chapter 33: Oedema During Pregnancy
Chapter 34: Anxiety During Pregnancy
Chapter 35: Dizziness During Pregnancy
Chapter 36: Convulsions During Pregnancy
Chapter 37: Feeling of Suffocation During Pregnancy
Chapter 38: Aphonia During Pregnancy
Chapter 39: Cough During Pregnancy
Chapter 40: Urinary Syndrome During Pregnancy
Chapter 41: Retention of Urine During Pregnancy
Chapter 42: Constipation During Pregnancy
Chapter 43: Habitual Miscarriage
Chapter 44: Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment in Midwifery
SECTION 7: Diseases after Childbirth
Chapter 45: Post-Natal Depression
Chapter 46: Abdominal Pain after Childbirth
Chapter 47: Persistent Lochial Discharge (and Retention of Lochia)
Chapter 48: Urinary Difficulty after Childbirth
Chapter 49: Sweating after Childbirth
Chapter 50: Constipation and Haemorrhoids after Childbirth
Chapter 51: Fever after Childbirth
Chapter 52: Joint Pain after Childbirth
Chapter 53: Breast Milk not Flowing (and Acute Mastitis)
Chapter 54: Spontaneous Flow of Milk
Chapter 55: Collapse after Childbirth
Chapter 56: Convulsions after Childbirth
SECTION 8: Miscellaneous Diseases
Chapter 58: Menopausal Syndrome
Chapter 61: Excessive Vaginal Discharge
Chapter 62: Vaginal Itching (and Trichomonas and Candida Infections and Genital Eczema)
Chapter 63: Prolapse of the Uterus
Chapter 66: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
APPENDIX 1: Herbal Prescriptions
APPENDIX 2: Suggested Substitutions of Chinese Herbs
Pinyin-English Glossary Of Chinese Terms
English-Pinyin Glossary of Chinese Terms
Cross-Reference of Chinese Disease-Symptoms with Western Diseases
Cross-Reference of Western Diseases with Chinese Disease-Symptoms