Italicized page numbers indicate figures
abstraction, 250
aerial image and, 15
contextual, 16
conventional sign and, 221–22, 228
cross section and, 193
diagram and, 13
hachure/hatch and, 74
isobath/contour and, 47–48
school of thought for, 9
stratigraphic column and, 170
Acropolis-Philopappou, The Paved Road Towards Acropolis (Pikionis), 217
actualization, 6–7
aerial images, 12
Colwell and, 113–14
concept of, 14–15
contour lines and, 58
conventional sign and, 14–15, 235, 241
figure-ground and, 153
land classification and, 113–14, 115, 120, 128–29, 164
line symbol and, 197
morphology and, 14
photogrammetry and, 14, 102, 114
scale and, 23–24
Aeronautical Chart Symbols, IFR Enroute Low/High Altitude U.S., Pacific and Alaska Charts (U.S. Department of Homeland Security), 233
aesthetics, 63, 157, 164, 222, 251
Agence Patrick Arotcharen, 59
“Agency of Mapping, The: Speculation, Critique and Invention” (Corner), 17
AGENdA, 88
Agricultural Biodiversity Study (Imbruce), 131
Agricultural Land Use, Imperial Valley All Vegetables and Specific Crops: Alfalfa (Johnson, Bowden, and Pease), 128
Albee, Howard F., 164
Alberti, Leon Battista, 250
Allen, Stan, 124
Alpen-Panorama vom Pilatus (Imfeld), 102
Alphand, Jean-Charles Adolphe, 48, 49, 63, 158, 171, 173
Alpine Architektur (Taut), 98
AlpTransit San Gottardo SA, 42
Amereida travesías (Escula de Arquitectura y Diseño), 44
Anderson Land Classification (Pietrusko and Basic), 120
Animation Still (Pietrusko), 36, 54, 78, 98, 142, 162, 182
Another Scale of Architecture (Ishigami), 88
Appalachian Trail conference, The, 208
Appalachian Trail Detail Map Showing Mostly Pennsylvania (MacKaye), 209
Applied Ecological Services, 64
Architecture Research Office (ARO), 64
Arno River, 98
Ar Rifa (Fairey Surveys Ltd.), 241
ARUP, 64
atlases, 15
contour lines and, 66
conventional sign and, 226, 228, 236, 239
line symbol and, 198
stratigraphic column and, 158, 170–71
Atlas of the New Dutch Water Defence (Steenbergen, van der Zwart, and Grootens), 66
Atlas Suiss, Le mont Gotthard et partie des Grisons (Weiss), 81
Aurora (Future Cities Lab), 40
Auto Road Map of Los Angeles and Vicinity (Rand McNally), 203
Bache, Alexander Dallas, 33, 36–37
Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (Bakosurtanal), 27
Baedeker, Karl, 211
Baseline Plottings from Deccan Traverses: The Making of Bangalore’s Terrain (Mathur and da Cunha), 44
bathymetric data, 31, 47, 50, 57, 59–60, 64, 66, 231
Bau der Alpen, Der: Blatt 2: Westalpen (Staub), 184
Bayou Bienvenue (LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio), 135
Bechler, Gustavus, 90
Billys Island Quadrangle (USGS), 127
Bird’s-Eye Map of Western Tuscany (da Vinci), 93, 98
Blue Slabs (Hadid), 102
Boissier, Paul, 231
Bollmann, Herman, 153
Bourdeaux Botanical Garden: Sections of the Environment Gallery (Paysagistes), 193
Bowden, Leonard, 128
Boylan Heights, 228
British Admiralty Chart, 231
Broadacre City, 124
Brooklyn Bridge Park (Michael van Valkenburgh Associates), 189
Bulawayo (Department of the Surveyor General, Zimbabwe), 27
Bundesamt für Landestopografie, 29
Busquets, Joan, 144
Cambridge Walks (Smithson and Smithson), 215
Campo das Cebolas (Global Arquitectura Paisagista), 154
Carte de Freduci d’Ancome, Dressée en 1497 in Atlas Composé de Mappemondes, de Portulans et de Cartes Hydrographiques et Historiques (de Santarém), 226
Carte de la France (Dupain-Triel), 47, 54
Carte de la partie la plus élevée de la Suisse (Clausner), 83
cartographic imagination, 6–7
census maps, 12
Chart of Squam Lake, New Hampshire, A (Washburn), 39
Cheysson, J. J. Emile, 217
CHORA, 236
Citizen’s Cambridge Structuring Plan: The Nature of Place Restored (Smithson and Smithson), 215
Claude Cormier + Associés, 87
Clausner, Joseph, 83
CNIT, 150
Coastal Piracy or Coast Guard? (OPSYS/Alexandra Gauzza), 66
Coignet, Philippe, 94
College City magazine, 148
contour lines and, 23, 50–51, 54, 59–61, 64, 66, 68
conventional sign and, 221–22, 227, 236, 250
conventions for, 12, 18, 23, 250
cross section and, 177–78, 186
figure-ground and, 137–38, 149, 152–54
hypsometric shades and, 50, 59–60, 64, 74
land classification and, 113, 116, 131, 135
line symbol and, 198, 203–4, 206, 212
material quality and, 50
shaded relief and, 93–95, 98, 102, 109
stratigraphic column and, 157, 159, 163–64, 170–71, 173–75
tints and, 50, 59–60, 64, 66, 74, 94
tones and, 74, 90, 93–94, 102, 110, 120, 129, 144, 174
Color Legend (Shelton), 109
Colwell, Robert N., 113–14
Computer Mapping and the Regional Landscape, A Forest Density; B Areas for Conservancy (Steinitz), 129
Comstock Mine Maps (Becker), 170
Conditions de Navigabilité des Fleuves, Rivières et Canaux de la France (Cheysson), 217
abstraction and, 47–48
aerial images and, 58
color and, 23, 50–51, 54, 59–61, 64, 66, 68
concept of, 46–47
contrast and, 50–51
conventional sign and, 221, 231, 233, 235, 239, 241, 243
design culture and, 48
early, 47
elevation and, 47–48, 50, 61, 64
figure-ground and, 151
French traditions and, 24, 47–48, 54
hachure/hatch and, 47, 59, 66, 68, 73–74, 81, 83
hypsometric tints and, 50
importance of, 47
land classification and, 127
landscape design and, 7
line symbol and, 197, 206, 208–9
morphological landscapes and, 47
perspectival view and, 61
as projective element in creative process, 49
scale and, 18
shaded relief and, 93, 98, 110
shadow and, 63
spot elevations and, 32
stratigraphic column and, 170, 173
technical chains of, 48
technical drawings and, 57
topographical maps and, 47, 50
Contour Techniques: Central Park Lake (Desimini), 49
contour lines and, 50–51
figure-ground and, 148
hatch and, 87
land classification and, 131, 135
shaded relief and, 93–94
conventional sign, 9
aerial images and, 14–15, 235, 241
aesthetics and, 251
ambiguities of maps and, 250–52
color and, 221–22, 227, 236, 250
concept of, 220–21
contour lines and, 221, 231, 233, 235, 239, 241, 243
digital representation and, 251
discretion of cartographer and, 222
elevation and, 231
evolution of, 221–22
hatch and, 222
keys and, 221–22, 228, 241, 251
linear elements and, 222
multiplication of, 251–52
objective importance and, 251
overlays and, 222
pictographic, 220–22, 227, 250
topographical maps and, 239, 243
Conventional Sign (Desimini), 223
Conventional Signs (USGS), 239
coordinate systems, 32
Cope, Aaron Straup, 203
Corner, James, 17
Cornwallis, Lord, 184
Correa, Felipe, 190
Crissy Field (Hargreaves Associates), 63
cross section, 9
abstraction and, 193
concept of, 176–78
geography and, 178
hachure and, 74
linear traverse and, 178
planar projection and, 177
reconnaissance and, 177
as signature feature, 177
in situ, 74
spatial conditions and, 177
texture and, 178
as tool of discovery, 177
transect and, 178
Cross-Section Techniques: Brooklyn Bridge Park (Desimini), 179
Cruquius, Nicolaaas, 57
cultural data, 9
Dangermond, Jack, 114
data availability, 10
da Vinci, Leonardo, 93, 98, 250
Davis, William Morris, 104
de Certeau, Michel, 198
Défense Grand Axes, La (OMA), 150
Delmarva Peninsula, 114
Department of the Surveyor General, Zimbabwe, 27
de Santarém, Visconde, 226
Descriptio Urbis Romae (Delineation of the City of Rome) (Alberti), 93, 98, 250
aesthetics and, 63, 157, 164, 222, 251
composition and, 13, 94, 174, 176
contemporary, 18
French, 48
hachure/hatch and, 73
isobath/contour and, 48
Design with Nature (McHarg), 17
Desimini, Jill
Contour Techniques: Central Park Lake and, 49
Conventional Sign and, 223
Cross-Section Techniques: Brooklyn Bridge Park and, 179
Dyke, Seawall, Breakwater Port Protection Structures and, 231
Figure-Ground Techniques: Barcelona and, 139
Hatch Typologies and, 75
Land-Classification Techniques: Los Angeles and, 115
Line Typologies and, 199
Shaded-Relief Palettes and, 95
Sounding Techniques: San Francisco, Detroit River, Cape Cod, Squam Lake and, 33
Stratigraphic Column and, 159
Wind Symbols and, 226
Desvigne Paysagiste, Michel, 120, 124, 162, 179, 193
block, 177–78
concept of, 13–14
spatial fidelity and, 13
Dien, J. B., 54
digital representation
conventional sign and, 251
hachure and, 74
Harvard University Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis and, 17
land classification and, 114, 135
shaded relief and, 93–95, 102, 105, 109
Swiss map accuracy and, S24
traditional challenges and, 251
dlandstudio, 64
dos Santos, Eugénio, 154
dot density, 32
Drawing of Wiesbaden Street Plan (Rowe and Koetter), 148
Dufour, Guillaume-Henri, 81
Dupain-Triel, Jean-Louis, Jr., 47, 54
Dyke, Seawall, Breakwater Port Protection Structures (Desimini), 231
E17: Rhythm Phases of Highway—Landscape Interactions (Cattoor and De Meulder), 204
Echasses Golf and Surf Nature Resort, Les (Agence Patrick Arotcharen and Estudi Martí Franch), 59
Ècole des Ponts et Chaussées, 48
Ègouts de Paris au 1er Janvier 1878, 158
Egypt and the Sudân: Handbook for Travelers (Baedeker), 211
Ehrlich, Paul, 98
Entrance to San Francisco Bay California (Bache), 36–37
Environmental Resources of the Toronto Central Waterfront (WMRT), 133
Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño, 44
Esri, 114
Euro Delta (Bureau Bas Smets), 148
Extension in the Sea, Monaco (Xaveer de Geyter Architects), 151
Ezo Kokyo Yochi Zenzu, 227
Fabian, Lorenzo, 148
Fairey Surveys Ltd., 241
Fences (Wood), 228
Field Study London (Shane), 143
figure-ground, 9
aerial images and, 153
color and, 137–38, 149, 152–54
concept of, 136–38
contour lines and, 151
contrast and, 148
hatch and, 144
keys and, 154
morphology and, 98
perception of fills and voids, 137
poché and, 136–38
representational simplicity of, 137–38
Rubin face and, 137
Figure-Ground Techniques: Barcelona (Desimini), 139
Figures Infrastructures: An Atlas of Roads and Railways (SUN Architecture), 236
Fisher, Howard, 114
Flickr, 203
Flowing Gardens-Xi’an International Horticultural Expo General Plan (Plasma Studio and Groundlab), 84
French, 24, 47–48, 50, 54, 198
Frente Ribeirinha do Porto (PROAP), 95, 106
Future Cities Lab, 40
Gavel Fells (Wainwright), 210
Geddes, Patrick, 178
General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (International Hydrographic Organization), 59
General Plan of Triangles: An Account of the Trigonometrical Operations in Crossing the Peninsula of India (Lambton), 44
geographic information system (GIS), 32, 114, 116
conventional sign and, 221–22, 243, 251
cross section and, 178
digital representation and, 17
distortion and, 11
fidelity and, 10–11
geographic information system (GIS) and, 32, 114, 116
hachure/hatch and, 73–74
land classification and, 114, 120, 124, 129
objective depiction of, 11
plan and, 13
school of thought for, 9–10
shaded relief and, 104
sounding/spot elevation and, 31–32, 44
Geological Map of England and Wales and Part of Scotland, A (Smith), 163
Geological Map of Miyake Jima Volcano (Geological Survey of Japan), 157, 164
Geological Survey of Japan, 164
Geologic Map of the Crater Copernicus (USGS and NASA), 157, 164
Geologic Map of the Jackson Quadrangle, Teton County, Wyoming (Love and Albee), 164
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, 120, 243
Girot, Christophe, 42
Global Arquitectura Paisagista, 154
Global Positioning System (GPS), 32, 251
Godfrey, Mery, 203
Governors Island Park and Public Space Master Plan (West 8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture), 61
Governor’s Island Summer Park (Paysagiste), 120
shaded relief and, 93
stratigraphic column and, 163
Grande Arche, 150
Grand Canyon: Bright Angel (USGS), 68
Greater Melbourne Street Directory (Melway), 203
Great Lakes Data Rescue Project-Lake Ontario Bathymetry: Rochester Basin (NOAA), 60
Greensward Plan, 57
Grenoble (Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière), 28
Grootens, Joost, 66
Groundcovers (Plasma Studio and Groundlab), 84
Groundlab, 84
Guide to the Appalachian Trail in Maine (The Appalachian Trail Conference), 208
Gustafson Guthrie Nichol, 105
abstraction and, 74
as alternative to tonal shading, 73
concept of, 72–73
contour lines and, 47, 66, 68, 73–74, 81, 83
cross-hatch and, 78
digital representation and, 74
geography and, 73–74
Lehmann and, 73
limitations of, 74
line symbol and, 197
pictorial tradition and, 73
shaded relief and, 93
in situ cross section and, 74
traditional, 78
Hadid, Zaha, 102
Hadspen House Estate: Shape of a Walk (Vogt Landscape Architects), 194
Hargreaves, George, 94
Hargreaves Associates, 63
Harvard Geographical Models (Davis), 104
Harvard Graduate School of Design, 17, 133
Harvard University Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, 17, 114
hatch, 9
bathymetric tint and, 59
color and, 90
concept of, 72–73
contrast and, 87
conventional sign and, 222
cross, 78
design culture and, 73
elevation and, 83
evolution of, 73–74
figure-ground and, 144
grain and, 88
isobath/contour and, 59
land classification and, 116
line symbol and, 212
overlap and, 90
shadow and, 78
solid fill and, 87
spot elevations and, 40
stratigraphic column and, 173
Hatch Typologies (Desimini), 75
Haussmann, Georges Eugène, 48, 63
Hayden, Ferdinand, 90
Heart of the Grand Canyon, The (Peele, Rogers, Washburn, and Tóth), 33, 68
Hong Kong, 102
Horizon: Cafeteria at Kanagawa Institute of Technology (Junya Ishigami + associates), 88
Humboldt Distribution of Plants in Equinoctial America: According to Elevation above the Level of the Sea (von Humboldt), 190
hydrology, 16, 133, 143, 148, 162, 174, 186, 198
hypsometric tints, 50, 59–60, 64, 74
IFR Enroute Low Altitude Aeronautical Chart, Area Chart 02 LAX (United States Federal Aviation Administration), 233
Imbruce, Valerie, 131
Imfeld, Xaver, 102
Imhof, Eduard, 18, 47, 51n1, 73, 74n1, 102, 110, 153
Imola, 250
Imperial Valley, 114
Indonesia, 23–24
Information Anxiety (Wurman), 22
Insertion of the AlpTransit Depot in the Valley of Sigirino, Ticino, Switzerland (Atelier Girot, et al.), 42
Institut Géographique National (IGN), 243
Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière, 28
International Hydrographic Organization, 59
isobath, 9, 18. See also contour lines
concept of, 46–47
soundings and, 32
Issoudun District (Paysagiste), 124
Itecsa, Pini Associati Ingegneri, IFEC
Ingegneria SA, 42
Jackson Hole, 164
James Corner Field Operations, 54
Jefferson, Thomas, 36
Jeppesen Map Company, 109
J. Mayer H. und Partner, Architekten, 64
Johnson, Claude, 128
Juneja, Narendra, 174
Junya Ishigami + associates, 88
Karte der Gegend um den Walensee (Imhof), 102
Kennelly, Patrick, 78
conventional sign and, 221–22, 228, 241, 251
figure-ground and, 154
land classification and, 120
shaded relief and, 109
stratigraphic column and, 157, 163
King, Clarence, 170
Klanten, Robert, 10
Koetter, Fred, 148
Kurgan, Laura, 251
Lake Tahoe, 170
Lambton, William, 44
land classification, 9
aerial images and, 113–14, 115, 120, 128–29, 164
boundaries and, 116
concept of, 112–13
contour lines and, 127
digital representation and, 114, 135
geography and, 114, 120, 124, 129
hatch and, 116
indices for, 113
keys and, 120
masked dynamic process and, 113
morphology and, 113
National Land Cover Database (NLCD) and, 114, 116
reductive delineation and, 113
surveys and, 116
texture and, 113, 116, 120, 135
topographical maps and, 120
Land-Classification Techniques: Los Angeles (Desimini), 115
landmarks, 23
conventional sign and, 222, 231, 235, 239, 251–52
cross section and, 177
stratigraphic column and, 157
Lateral Office, 228
LCLA Office, 87–88
legends, 12–13, 15–16, 173, 222, 243. See also keys
Lehmann, Johann Georg, 73
Let Landscape Lead Urbanism—Growth Planning for Beijing (Turenscape), 133
linear traverse, 178
line symbol, 9
aerial images and, 197
boundaries and, 197
borders and, 197
color and, 198, 203–4, 206, 212
concept of, 196–97
contour lines and, 197, 206, 208–9
diversity of, 197–99
elevation and, 209
hachure and, 197
hatch and, 212
infrastructure and, 197
lack of area and, 197–98
length and, 197
navigation and, 197
overlays and, 212
pictorial tradition and, 198
position and, 197
property lines and, 197
rivers and, 197
routes and, 197
scale and, 197–99
slope and, 198
temporal narrative and, 197
texture and, 217
time and, 198
Line Typologies (Desimini), 199
London City Council, 212
Look of Maps, The (Robinson), 8
Los Angeles and Vicinity Seen from Space (NASA), 115
Loudon, John Claudius, 179, 189
Love, J. D., 164
LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio, 135
Lurie Garden, The (Gustafson Guthrie Nichol), 105
Mackay, Iven, 203
MacKaye, Benton, 208–9
Maine Appalachian Trail Club, 208
Man’en kaisei O-Edo oezu (Takai), 120
Mapa de América (Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño), 44
Map of the British Isles (Paris), 218
Map of the Extremity of Cape Cod (Hood and Graham), 43
Map of the Metropolitan District of Boston (Eliot), 174
Map of the Sources of Snake River (Bechler), 90
Map Showing the Original Topography of the Site of the Central Park (Olmsted and Vaux), 57
Map Stacks (Stamen Design), 135
Mardel, Carlos, 154
mathematics, 16, 31–32, 44, 48, 93, 102
Matschenz, Andreas, 154
Medford: Performance Requirements for the Maintenance of Social Values Represented by the Natural Environment of Medford Township, NJ (McHarg and Juneja), 174
Melway, 203
Michael van Valkenburgh Associates, 189
Military Map Showing the Topographical Features of the Country Adjacent to Harper’s Ferry, Virginia (Weyss), 83
Milne’s Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster (Milne), 120
Ministère des Travaux Publics, 217
cartographic process and, 94
continuous-surface, 42
shaded relief and, 92, 94–95, 102, 104–5
three-dimensional, 11, 14, 32, 61, 74
MoMA Rising Currents: Projects for New York’s Waterfront (ARO and dlandstudio), 64
monuments, 144, 198, 211, 221–22
aerial images and, 14
figure-ground and, 137, 143–44
hachure/hatch and, 88
land classification and, 113
shaded relief and, 98
stratigraphic column and, 158, 164
Mostafavi, Mohsen, 6–7
Mount Chimborazo, 190
Mount Everest (National Geographic Society), 98
Mount Saint Helens (Kennelly), 78
Müller, Joachim Eugen, 81
Municipal Map of London (London City Council), 212
N43 National Road Breaks Into Segments of a Line (Cattoor and De Meulder), 236
Napoléon III, 48
National Geographic Society, 68, 98
National Land Cover Database (NLCD), 114, 116
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 36–37, 60
Natural Earth, 203
navigation, 15–16, 36–37, 39, 43–44, 47, 197, 222, 226, 231, 252
negative space, 152
Nevada Basin (King), 170
New American City, The (Allen), 124
New Haven Sheet, State of Connecticut (USGS), 239
New York (Bollman), 153
New York World’s Fair, 153
Nimrod Glacier, Topographic Reconnaissance Maps of Antarctica (USGS), 68
Nolli, Giambattista, 142
North Carolina State, 228
Nuova pianta di Roma moderna (Nolli), 142
Observations on the Formation and Management of Useful and Ornamental Plantations: On the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening; and on Gaining and Embanking Land from Rivers or the Sea (Loudon), 189
Old Town Barcelona (Busquets), 144
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 57
OneGeology Maps, 175
OpenStreetMap, 203
OPSYS/Alexandra Gauzza, 66
conventional sign and, 222
land classification and, 116, 120
line symbol and, 212
spot elevations and, 31
stratigraphic column and, 158–59, 174
Parc des Ateliers (Bureau Bas Smets), 143
Parc des Buttes Chaumont, 48
Paris, Matthew, 218
Paris et Ses Environs (Service Géologique des Mines), 173
Paris (Service de la Carte Géologique de la France), 182
Parthenon, 199
Peak, The (Hadid), 102
Peak Leisure Club, 102
Pease, Robert, 128
Peele, William T., 68
Pellegrini, Paola, 148
Pettah 2 Plot (Mathur and da Cunha), 184
Phillippe Rahm Architectes, 162
Picon, Antoine, 250–52
pictorial tradition
conventional sign and, 220–22, 227, 250
line symbol and, 198
Pietrusko, Robert Gerard, 36, 54, 78, 98, 115, 120, 142, 162, 182
Pineda Park, La (Estudio Martí Franch), 90
planar projection
cross section and, 177
scale and, 12
shaded relief and, 95
stratigraphic column and, 157, 163
Plan des Courbes de Niveau du Parc des Buttes Chaumonts, Promenades de Paris (Alphand), 63
Plano General de Barcelona (Puig), 206
concept of, 13
mathematical conventions and, 16
parallel with maps, 16–18
scale and, 13
spacial fidelity and, 16
Plasma Studio, 84
Plymouth Sound and Approaches (British Admiralty Chart), 231
Pop Art, 203
Porous City, The (Secchi and Viganò), 186
Portrait of Decline: The Gulf Under Siege (SCAPE Landscape Architecture), 227
Prato general plan, survey: “the block-notes” (Secchi, et al.), 152
Preliminary Chart of Mouth of the Detroit River (United States Army Corps of Topographical Engineers), 39
Pretty Maps (Cope and Stamen Design), 203
Promenades de Paris, 48
Puig, F., 206
Pyramid Lake, 170
Pyramids of Giza, 211
Rand McNally, 203
Ras al Khaimah Structure Plans (OMA), 149
ReK Productions, 64
Relief Map of Appenzell Country (Imhof), 110
Reno Area (Shelton and Jeppesen Map Company), 109
Rhodesia, 23
Ricky Liu & Associates Architecture + Planners, 162
River That Is Not, The: Master Plan for Medellin’s River (LCLA Office and AGENdA), 88
Rivier de Merwede, De (Cruquius), 57
Robinson, Arthur H., 8
Rogers, Richard K., 68
Rubin face, 137
Rudolf, Johann, 81
scale, 13
accuracy and, 23
aerial images and, 23–24
contour lines and, 18
map currency and, 23–24
measurement/drawing relationship and, 31
planar projection and, 12
SCAPE Landscape Architecture, 227
Scientific American journal, 114
Secchi, Bernardo, 148, 152, 179, 186, 206
Second Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, 57
Section as a Tool, The: A Regional Framework for Alexander von Humboldt’s Avenue of the Volcanoes (Correa), 190
Serpong (Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional [Bakosurtanal]), 27
Serrini, Goffredo, 152
Service de la Carte Géologique de la France, 182
Service Géologique des Mines, 173
shaded relief, 9
aerial images and, 93–94, 102, 109
chiaroscuro technique and, 93, 98
color and, 93–95, 98, 102, 109
composition and, 94
concept of, 92–93
contour lines and, 93, 98, 110
contrast and, 93–94
deceptive nature of, 94
digital representation and, 94–95, 105
geography and, 104
gradients and, 93
hachure and, 93
keys and, 109
models and, 92, 94–95, 102, 104–5
pictorial tradition and, 93, 95
planar projection and, 95
slope and, 93
spot elevations and, 98
topographical maps and, 109
Shaded-Relief Palettes (Desimini), 95
contour lines and, 63
hatch and, 78
Shane, David Grahame, 143
line symbol and, 198
shaded relief and, 93
spot elevations and, 42
Smithson, Alison, 215
Smithson, Peter, 215
soundings, 9
concept of, 30
enhancement and, 32–33
isobath and, 32
precision and, 32–33
translation and, 32–33
visual clarity and, 32–33
Sounding Techniques: San Francisco, Detroit River, Cape Cod, Squam Lake (Desimini), 33
Spécimens des Principales Cartes (IGN), 243
concept of, 30–31
coordinate systems and, 32
digital representation and, 32, 42
dot density and, 32
enhancement and, 32–33
global positioning systems and, 32
grid cells and, 32
hatch and, 40
landscape complexity and, 31–32
measurement system for, 31
overlays and, 31
precision and, 32–33
relative elevation and, 31
sea level and, 31
shaded relief and, 98
slope and, 42
texture and, 43
translation and, 32–33
triangulation and, 32
visual clarity and, 32–33
Standard Map with Transit, Bicycling and Traffic Overlays (Google), 212
Staub, Rudolf, 184
Steenbergen, Clemens, 66
Stevenson, James, 90
Stoss Landscape Urbanism, 61, 171
stratigraphic column, 9
abstraction and, 170
aesthetic principles and, 157
alignment and, 158
color and, 157, 159, 163–64, 170–71, 173–75
concepts of, 156–57
elevation and, 158
gradients and, 163
hatch and, 173
implied time and, 158
infrastructural maps and, 157–58
planar projection and, 157, 163
property boundaries and, 159
relational information and, 158
Smith and, 157
soil maps and, 157–58
standardization of, 157
subsurface features and, 157–59, 163, 171
texture and, 173–74
urban-landscape project and, 158–59
Stratigraphic Column (Desimini), 159
Straube, Julius, 154
StudioPratoPrg, 152
subsurface, 9, 157–59, 163, 171, 177
Sugar Beach (Claude Cormier + Associés), 87
SUN Architecture, 236
Swiss, 24, 47, 50, 81, 83, 98, 102, 110, 184
Tactical Archipelago, Kiev (LCLA Office), 87
Taichung Gateway Park (Stoss Landscape Urbanism), 61
Taichung Jade Ecopark Competition Drawing (Mosbach Paysagistes), 162
Takai, Ranzan, 120
Tate Modern (Vogt Landscape Architects), 193
Taut, Bruno, 98
Territorial Vision for Brussels, 148
texture, 12
conventional sign and, 221, 243
cross section and, 178
hachure/hatch and, 72–73, 83–84, 88
land classification and, 113, 116, 120, 135
line symbol and, 217
spot elevations and, 43
stratigraphic column and, 173–74
Thick 2D (with a nod to Stan Allen), The Plaza at Harvard University, The (Stoss Landscape Urbanism), 171
tints, 50, 59–60, 64, 66, 74, 94
tones, 74, 90, 93–94, 102, 110, 120, 129, 144, 174
Tonsai Fujita Royo, Hashimoto Ransi Shukuzu (Tonasi Fujita, Ezo Kokyo Yochi Zenzu), 227
Topographical Atlas of the State of Connecticut (USGS), 239
Topographical Map of Hachioji (Geospatial Authority of Japan), 243
topographical maps, 10.
See also specific design concept of, 12–13
conventional sign and, 239, 243
as flattened representation, 12–13
land classification and, 120
mathematical conventions and, 16
plan and, 16
shaded relief and, 109
spacial fidelity and, 16
Topographic Map (Tokyo) (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan), 120
Topographische Karte der Schweiz (Dufour), 81
Tour Areva, 150
transect, 178
Travaux de Paris, Les (Alphand), 158, 171, 173
TRM Toronto—Lower Don (OLM, et al.), 64
True Color Point Cloud in Brissage, Ticino, Switzerland (Atelier Girot), 42
Tufte, Edward, 59
Turenscape, 133
typicality, 6
Ubersichtsplan von Berlin (Matschenz and Straube), 138, 154
Understanding a Nautical Chart: A Practical Guide to Safe Navigation (Boissier), 231
United Arab Emirates, 149
United States Army Corps of Topographical Engineers, 33, 39
United States Coast Survey, 36
United States Federal Aviation Administration, 233, 235
United States Geological Survey (USGS), 14, 25, 50, 68, 127, 157, 164, 170, 182, 239
Università IUAV di Venezia, 206
University of California, Berkeley, 113
University of Pennsylvania Center for Ecological Research and Design, 174
University of Puerto Rico Botanical Gardens (James Corner Field Operations), 54
University of Wyoming, 164
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 233, 235
Valparaíso group, 44
van der Zwart, Johan, 66
van Valkenburgh, Michael, 179
Vaux, Calvert, 57
vectors, 14, 17, 24, 40, 44, 178
Vertical Cross-Sections of the Lode (Becker), 182
VFR Aeronautical Chart Symbols (U.S. Department of Homeland Security), 235
VFR (United States Federal Aviation Administration), 235
Viganò, Paola, 148, 152, 179, 186, 206
Vision Towards a Low Carbon Incubator Region: Taiwan Strait Smart Region (CHORA), 236
Vogt Landscape Architects, 179, 193–94
von Humboldt, Alexander, 178, 190
Wainwright, A., 210
walking, 198
Wallace McHarg Roberts & Todd (WMRT), 133
Washburn, Bradford, 33, 39, 68
Water and Asphalt: The Project of Isotropy, X Biennale of Architecture, Venice (Secchi and Vignaò), 148, 206
Water Economies/Water Ecologies, Salton Sea (Lateral Office), 228
weather maps, 12
Weiss, Johann Heinrich, 81
West 8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, 61
Weyss, John E., 83
Wind Symbols (Desimini), 226
Wood, Denis, 228
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 124
Wurman, Richard Saul, 22
Xaveer de Geyter Architects (XDGA), 151
Yale University, 164
Yamashiro no Kuni ezu, 98
Zagaglia, Claudio, 152
Zermatt (Bundesamt für Landestopografie), 29
Zimbabwe, 27