Acanthus Column of Dancers (Delphi): 356, 364

Accommodations: See Sleeping; and specific destinations

Acropolis (Athens): 40–41, 106–127; general info, 41, 44, 106–108; guided tours, 38–39, 107; history of, 108–109, 124–125, 482–483; maps, 109, 110–111; at night, 29; renovation project, 122; tickets, 41; view of Athens, 125–127; walking tour, 109–127. See also Parthenon

Acropolis (Mycenae): 260–261

“Acropolis Loop” (Athens): 41, 46–48, 202

Acropolis Museum (Athens): 48, 127, 128–137; daily reminder, 29; general info, 44, 48, 128–129; map, 131; the tour, 130–137

Adrianou street (Athens): 27, 80, 194, 195

Aegean Maritime Museum (Mykonos): 415, 418

Agamemnon: 258, 259; Mask of (Athens), 142–143, 262; Tomb of (Mycenae), 264–265

Agia Filotheis Church (Athens): 79

Agia Filotheis street (Athens): 79

Agia Irini Square (Athens): 170, 187; eating, 187, 188; nightlife, 203; sleeping, 176–177

Agia Sophia (Kardamyli): 308, 309

Agia Sophia (Monemvasia): 335

Agias Theklas street (Athens): 162

Agioas Andreas Beach (Katakolo): 296

Agios Andreas Church (Patra): 297

Agios Eleftherios Church (Athens): 45, 53–54, 78–79

Agios Ioannis (Mykonos): 419–420

Agios Nikolakis (Mykonos): 409–410

Agios Nikolaos: 317–318

Agios Theodori Church (Santorini): 453–454

Agios Theodoros (Mystras): 342

Agiou Dimitriou street (Athens): 165

Agiou Nikolaou Church (Patra): 297

Agora (Athens): See Ancient Agora

Agora Museum (Athens): 93–95

Agora of the Competaliasts (Delos): 428

Agora Square (Athens): 85

Agrippa: Monument of (Athens), 113–114; Odeon of (Athens), 101–102

Aigli Village Cinema (Athens): 55, 202

Aiolou street (Athens): 27–28, 170; eating, 188–189

Airbnb: 174, 513

Air-conditioning, in hotels: 514

Airfares (airlines): 4–5, 541–542

Air travel (airports): 375, 541–542; Athens, 205–207, 211; Mykonos, 404; Santorini, 440

Akamantos street (Athens): 202

Akronafplia Fortress (Nafplio): 223, 232–233

Akrotiri Archaeological Site (Santorini): 471–472

Akrotiri Beach (Santorini): 472

Akrotiri frescoes, in National Archaelogical Museum (Athens): 157

Akrotiri Lighthouse (Santorini): 472

Akti Miaouli (Nafplio): 221–222, 236

Alefkandra (Mykonos): 413

Alexander the Great: 99, 133–134, 153, 284, 356, 357, 364, 485–486

Alexandros Soutzos Museum (Nafplio): 227, 231

Almanac: 16–17

Alphabet, Greek: 19–21

Altar of Hera (Olympia): 283

Altar of Zeus (Olympia): 281–282

American Express: 498, 501

Ammoudi (Santorini): 464, 468

Anafiotika (Athens): 44, 50, 83–84, 126

Ancient Agora (Athens): 48–49, 88–105; in action, 98–99; general info, 44, 49, 88–89; history of, 90–92, 98–99, 104; legacy of, 104–105; maps, 90, 91; walking tour, 89–105

Ancient Greek world, history: 474–487; maps, 475, 477

Ancient Olympic Games: See Olympic Games, ancient

Ancient Thira (Santorini): 472–473

Andreas Miaoulis Monument (Hydra): 384–385

ANEK Lines: 298, 533

Antica Gelateria di Roma (Nafplio): 224, 242–243

Antigone (Sophocles): 250–251

Antikythera Ephebe (Bronze Statue of a Youth): 152–153

Antinous: 101, 156, 365

Apartment rentals: overview, 512–515. See also specific destinations

Aphentiko Church (Mystras): 342

Aphrodite (Venus): 154–155, 480

Apollo: 245, 286, 346, 349, 410–411, 480; Sanctuary of (Delos), 429–430; Sanctuary of (Delphi), 346, 350–361, 366–367; Temple of (Delphi), 356, 358, 363–364

Apostolou Pavlou (Athens): 27, 41, 46, 202

Apps: 9–10; bandwidth use, 526; hotels, 507; maps and navigation, 503, 539; messaging, 526; sightseeing, 506; translation, 497

Archaeological museums: Delos Museum, 431; Delphi Archaeological Museum, 361–366; Epidavros Archaeological Museum, 249–251; Monemvasia Archaeological Museum, 333; Museum of Prehistoric Thira (Santorini), 449, 450–452; Mycenae Museum, 261–263; Mykonos Archaeological Museum, 417; Nafplio Archaeological Museum, 225, 230; Olympia Archaeological Museum, 285–290; Patra Archaeological Museum, 297. See also Acropolis Museum; National Archaeological Museum

Archaeological sites: See specific sites

Archaic Greek Period, history: 477–478

Archimedes Museum (Olympia): 292

Arch of Hadrian (Athens): 54, 80–81

Areopagus (Athens): See Mars Hill

Areopoli: 320–321

Ares (Mars): 46, 320, 480

Argyros Winery (Santorini): 470

Aristophanes: 99, 251, 483, 486

Aristotle: 98, 482, 483, 485

Armeni Beach (Santorini): 468

Arrephorion (Athens): 116

Art: four stages of Greek sculpture, 147; Greek columns, 484. See also Archaeological museums; Art museums

Artemis (Diana): 402, 426, 429–430, 480

Artemision Bronze: 148–149

Artemision Jockey: 150–151

Art museums: Benaki Museum of Greek History and Culture (Athens), 44, 58–59; Benaki Museum of Islamic Art (Athens), 49; Byzantine and Christian Museum (Athens), 45, 60–61; Museum of Cycladic Art (Athens), 44, 59–60; Museum of Greek Folk Art (Athens), 52; National Gallery (Nafplio), 227, 231. See also Archaeological museums

Arvanitia Beach (Nafplio): 234, 237

Asklepios: 156, 245, 249, 251, 252

Athena (Minerva): 99, 100, 106, 115–116, 118, 119–120, 123, 131, 135, 480; Sanctuary of (Delphi), 367; Temple of Athena Nike (Athens), 113, 133; Temple of Zeus and (Delos), 431–432

Athena Promachos: 115–116

Athena Varvakeion: 149–150

Athens: 2, 24–213; at a glance, 44–45; daily reminder, 29; eating, 180–193; free sights, 36–37; helpful hints, 36–37; itineraries, 28–29; landmarks, 25; neighborhoods, 25–28; nightlife, 200–204; planning tips, 28–29; shopping, 194–200; sights, 40–170; sleeping, 171–179; tourist information, 32; tours, 37–39; transportation, 32–36, 205–213; walking tours, 64–127, 158–170. See also specific neighborhoods

Athens Acropolis: See Acropolis

Athens Ancient Agora: See Agora

Athens Archaeological Museum: See National Archaeological Museum

Athens Cathedral: 53, 76–77

Athens Coastal Tram: 35

Athens & Epidavros Festival: 200–201, 220, 247, 546

Athens Happy Train: 38

Athens Live: 32

Athinas street (Athens): 27, 56, 86, 167–168

Athinios (Santorini): 436, 438, 473

ATMs: 497–501

Attica (Athens): 195

ATVs: Mykonos, 405; Santorini, 440–441

Audio Europe, Rick Steves: 9, 544

Augustus: 101, 155


Baggage storage, in Athens: Acropolis, 108; Acropolis Museum, 129; airport, 205; National Archaeological Museum, 139; Piraeus, 209

Bakeries: 519; Athens, 192; Delphi, 369; Hydra, 397; Mykonos, 415, 424–425; Nafplio, 242

Baklava: 518, 521; Athens, 192, 198

Banks (banking): alerting to travel, 9. See also Money

Bars: See Nightlife

Bases of Zanes (Olympia): 279–280

Bathroom etiquette: 497

Bay of Mezapos: 326

Beaches: Agioas Andreas, 296; Hydra, 384, 390–391; Kardamyli, 308; Katakolo, 296; Mykonos, 418–421; Nafplio, 234–235; Santorini, 468–469; Stoupa, 308, 316

Bed & breakfasts (B&Bs): See Dhomatia

Beer: 471, 522

Benaki Museum of Greek History and Culture (Athens): 44, 58–59, 198

Benaki Museum of Islamic Art (Athens): 49

Beulé Gate (Athens): 114

“Big Street” (Nafplio): 220, 226

Blue Star Ferries: 533

Boat travel: 375, 532–534; Delos, 427; Hydra, 380–381, 386, 398–400; Katakolo/Olympia, 295–296; maps, 529, 530–531; Mykonos, 404, 419, 425; Nafplio, 243–244; Patra, 297–298; Santorini, 436, 438–439, 467–468, 473; tickets, 532–533. See also Ferries; Piraeus

Books, recommended: 546–548; for children, 549–550

Border crossings: 496

Botana Herb Shop (Kardamyli): 303

Bouboulinas (Nafplio): 222, 236; eating, 241–242

Bougatsa: 164–165, 192, 519

Bouleuterion (Athens): 278

Bourtzi (Nafplio): 222, 232

Bronze Charioteer: 366

Bronze Helmet of Miltiades: 288

Budgeting: 4–5, 8

Bull of the Corcyreans (Delphi): 353

Buses: 528–529, 532; Athens, 35, 37–38, 211–212; to/from airport, 206; best two-week trip, 6–7; Delphi, 348, 369; Epidavros, 246; Kardamyli, 313; maps, 529, 530–531; Monemvasia, 329, 339; Mycenae, 254; Mykonos, 404–405; Nafplio, 219, 220, 243; Olympia, 267, 295–296; Patra, 298; Piraeus, 210–211; Santorini, 440, 458

Business hours: 496–497

Byzantine and Christian Museum (Athens): 45, 60–61

Byzantine Empire: 487–489; best sights, 489; map, 488


Cable car, on Santorini: 436, 438

Cabs: See Taxis

Cape Tenaro (Cape Matapan): 324–325

Car insurance: 538

Car leasing: 538

Car rentals: 5, 528, 534–535, 538; Athens, 213; Nafplio, 221; Olympia, 296

Car service, in Athens: 36, 207

Car travel (driving): 539–541; Athens, 213; best two-week trip, 6–7; Delphi, 348, 369–370; Epidavros, 245–246; Kardamyli, 313; Mani Peninsula, 313, 316–321; map, 536–537; maps and navigation, 503, 539; Monemvasia, 339; Mycenae, 254; Mykonos, 405; Nafplio, 219, 220, 244; Olympia, 267, 296; road rules, 539–540; road signs, 540; Santorini, 440, 459, 461

Caryatids, Porch of the (Athens): 121, 123

Castle of Agios Nikolaos (Santorini): 463

Castor: 308, 309

Catamarans: See Ferries

Cathedrals: See Churches and cathedrals

Cathedral Square (Athens): 76–77

Cave houses of Santorini: 462

Cave Wine Museum (Santorini): 469–470

Cell (mobile) phones: 9–10, 523–527

Centaur: 100, 285, 481

Central Market (Athens): 45, 56–57, 165–170; eating, 187, 189; map, 161; sleeping near, 176; walking tour, 165–170

Chalkotheke (Athens): 116

Changing-of-the-guard ceremony, in Athens: 45, 69–70

Cheeses: about, 519

Children, best books and movies for: 549–550

Chocolate: 198, 200

Choursoglou, Vangelis “Woozy”: 160

Christos Elkomenos Church (Monemvasia): 333

Churches and cathedrals: Agia Filotheis Church (Athens), 79; Agia Sophia (Kardamyli), 308, 309; Agia Sophia (Monemvasia), 335; Agios Andreas Church (Patra), 297; Agios Eleftherios Church (Athens), 45, 53–54, 78–79; Agios Theodori Church (Santorini), 453–454; Agios Theodoros (Mystras), 342; Athens Cathedral, 45, 53, 76–77; Christos Elkomenos Church (Monemvasia), 333; Holy Apostles Church (Athens), 103–104; Kapnikarea Church (Athens), 45, 53, 73, 76; Kardamyli Village Church, 301, 303; Mykonos Catholic Cathedral, 413; Orthodox Cathedral of Candelmas (Santorini), 448–449; Panagia Paraportiani Church (Mykonos), 411; Pantanassa Church (Mystras), 342; St. Demetrius Cathedral (Mystras), 342; St. George of the Rock Church (Athens), 83; St. John’s Church (Kastania), 316; St. John the Baptist Cathedral (Santorini), 445–446; St. Mary Above All Saints Church (Nafplio), 223–224; St. Nicholas Church (Mykonos), 409–410; St. Peter’s Church (Kastania), 317; St. Spyridon Church (Kardamyli), 307; St. Spyridon Church (Nafplio), 228–229

Church of the Holy Apostles (Athens): 103–104

Church of the Virgin (Athens): 86

Cinemas: See Outdoor cinemas

Cleon: 99

Climate: 8, 552

Clothing sizes: 551

Coffee, Greek: 523; Athens, 167, 192–193

Colorful Warrior (mural, in Athens): 160

Colossus Apollo (Delos): 430

Columns, Greek: about, 484

Constantine XI Palaeologus: 78

Corcyreans Bull (Delphi): 353

Costs of trip: 4–5, 8

Credit cards: 9, 497–501

Crete: 373–374

Crusader Castle (Mystras): 343

Cuisine: 456, 518–522. See also Eating

Currency and exchange: 497–501

Customs regulations: 503

Cycladic Art, Museum of (Athens): 44, 59–60

Cycladic artifacts, in National Archaeological Museum (Athens): 140, 142, 157

Cycladic Islands: overview, 373. See also Delos; Mykonos; Santorini

Cyclops: 481


Damaskinos, Archbishop: 77

Daochos Monument: 364

Data roaming: 503, 526, 539

Debit cards: 9, 497–501

Delfinia Beach (Kardamyli): 308

Delos: 410–411, 425–432; helpful hints, 427; history of, 426; map, 429; self-guided tour, 427–432; transportation, 427

Delos Museum: 431

Delos Stadium: 431

Delphi: 3, 346–376; eating, 368–369; helpful hints, 348–349; history of, 349, 360; maps, 347, 351; orientation, 347–348; planning tips, 350; sights, 349–367; sleeping, 367–368; tourist information, 348; transportation, 213, 348, 369–370

Delphi Archaeological Museum: 361–366; map, 363

Delphi Stadium: 360–361

Delphi Theater: 358–359

Demeter (Ceres): 481

Department store, in Athens: 195

Desserts (sweets): about, 521–522. See also specific desserts

Dhomatia (rooms): overview, 512

Dimaristika: 323

Dining: See Eating

Diogenes the Cynic: 99, 153, 483

Dionysiou Areopagitou (Athens): 27, 41, 46, 107, 127; eating, 191, 192

Dionysus (Bacchus): 82, 248, 288–289, 289, 432, 480; Theater of (Athens), 47, 127

Dipylon Vase: 144–145

Diros Caves: 322

Discounts: 497. See also Money-saving tips

Disk of the Sun (Olympia): 290

Dodecanese Islands: 373

Dora Stratou Theater (Athens): 201

Dormition, Monastery of the (Hydra): 386–387

Drinking water: 381, 523

Drinks: 522–523. See also Wine

Driving: See Car travel

Dynamic currency conversion: 500


Eastern Orthodox Church: about, 74–75

Eating: 515–522; Athens, 180–193; budgeting, 5; Delphi, 368–369; dining tips, 517–518; Hydra, 396–398; Kardamyli, 311–313; Monemvasia, 337–338; money-saving tips, 181, 186; Mykonos, 423–425; Nafplio, 240–243; Olympia, 293–295; restaurant phrases, 557–558; restaurant pricing, 516; Santorini, 456–458, 466, 471; tipping, 501, 518

Economic crisis: 17–18, 493–494

Economy: 16–17, 492–494

Electricity: 497

Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport (Spata): 205–207, 211

Eleftheriou Venizelou (Athens): 28

Elies Beach (Kardamyli): 308

Embassies: 545

Emergencies: 496, 545; Athens, 36

Emperor Augustus Statue: 155

Enoplon Dinameon (Mykonos): 415–416

Entertainment: budgeting, 5, 8. See also Music; Nightlife; Outdoor cinemas

Epidavros: 2, 235, 245–252; general info, 246–247; self-guided tour, 247–252; transportation, 245–246

Epidavros Archaeological Museum: 249–251

Epidavros Festival: 200–201, 220, 247, 546

Epidavros Stadium: 252

Epimenidou street (Athens): 82

Erechtheion (Athens): 121, 123; caryatids in Acropolis Museum, 134

Ermioni: ferries, 243–244, 399–400

Ermou street (Athens): 27, 41, 46, 53, 72–73, 86; map, 66–67; shopping, 194

Eros (Cupid): 154–155, 481

Erythrou Stavrou Street (Santorini): 446–447

Euripides: 483, 549

Euro currency: 16–17, 497–498

Events: See Festivals

Evripidou street (Athens): 166–167

Evzone Guards (Athens): 69–70

Exarchia (Athens): 27, 57–58; nightlife, 204

Exarchia Square (Athens): 58

Exchange rate: 498

Exohori: 309


Ferries: 375, 532–534; contact information, 533; Delos, 427; Ermioni, 243–244, 399–400; Hydra, 380–381, 398–400; maps, 529, 530–531; Metochi, 244; Mykonos, 404, 419, 425; Nafplio, 243–244; Patra, 297–298; Piraeus, 209–211; Santorini, 436, 438, 443, 473; tickets, 532–534; Tolo, 243

Festivals: 545–546; Athens & Epidavros Festival, 200–201, 220, 247, 546; Hydra, 384, 546; Nafplio, 220

Fighting Gaul: 154

Films, recommended: 549–550

Filopappos Hill (Athens): 127; folk dancing, 201

Fira (Santorini): 433–434, 435, 441–458; eating, 456–458; helpful hints, 443; map, 442; nightlife, 454; orientation, 441, 443; sights/activities, 450–454; sleeping, 454–456; sunsets, 437; transportation, 436, 438–441, 458; walking tour, 443–450

Fira Archaeological Museum (Museum of Prehistoric Thira): 449, 450–452

Fira Catholic Cathedral (Santorini): 445–446

Firostefani (Santorini): 435, 436, 453–454

Flag, Greek: 17, 123–124

Flea market, in Athens: 87, 195

Folk Art, Museum of Greek (Athens): 52

Folk dancing, in Athens: 201

Folklore Museum of Santorini: 452–453

Folk theater, on Santorini: 447, 454

Foneas Beach (Kardamyli): 308

Food: shopping for, in Athens, 198, 200; tours, in Athens, 181, 190. See also Bakeries; Eating; Markets; Picnics; Souvlaki; and specific destinations

Freedom Boat: 244, 399


Gaia: 100, 140, 281, 349, 354, 367

Galaktoboureko: 388

Gay and lesbian travelers, on Mykonos: 411, 418

Gazi (Athens): 45, 50; eating, 189–191

Gefyra: 328; eating, 338; sleeping, 337

Gelato: See Ice cream

Gerolimenas: 325–326

Gods and goddesses: See Mythology; and specific gods and goddesses

Golden Age Athens: 479, 482–484; best sights, 483–484

“Gold Street” (Santorini): 447–448

“Gossip Square” (Mykonos): 416–417

Government of Greece: 17–18, 492–494

Grave Circle (Mycenae): 258

Great Altar of Apollo (Delphi): 355–356

Great Drain (Athens): 96

Greek Folk Art, Museum of (Athens): 52

Greek history: 13–14, 474–492

Greek History and Culture, Benaki Museum of (Athens): 44, 58–59

Greek islands: 371–473; choosing, 374–375; cuisine, 456; map, 372; sleeping, 376; transportation, 375. See also specific islands

Greek language: See Language

Greek National Tourist Organization: 32, 495

Greek Orthodox Church: 14–15, 74–79; about, 74–75. See also Churches and cathedrals

Greek Parliament (Athens): 52–53, 70

Greek Popular Instruments, Museum of (Athens): 45, 51

Greek restaurant phrases: 557–558

Greek survival phrases: 555–556

Greek theater: Athens, 201; history overview, 248; monologues, 250–251; Santorini, 447, 454

Greek yogurt: 192, 305, 518

Guidebooks: 221; Rick Steves, 543

Gymnasium (Delphi): 367

Gymnasium (Olympia): 273

Gyros: about, 186, 521


Hades (Pluto): 324, 480

Hadrian: 80–81, 82, 87, 126–127, 156, 365; Arch of (Athens), 54, 80–81; Library of (Athens), 51, 85, 86; statue in Athens, 100–101

Harpy: 481

Hekatompedon (Athens): 131

Hellenic Seaways: 243–244, 398–400, 443, 473, 533

Hellenism: 485–486

Hephaistos (Vulcan): 89, 95, 99, 119–120, 481; Temple of (Athens), 97–100

Hera (Juno): 426, 480; Altar of (Olympia), 283; Temple of (Olympia), 283–284

Hercules: 131, 274, 280, 353, 364, 481

Hermes (Mercury): 149, 284, 288–289, 480

Hermes of Praxiteles: 288–289

Herulian Wall (Athens): 102–103

Hestia (Vesta): 481

Hiking: Hydra, 391–393; Kardamyli, 309; Milolangado Gorge, 320; Nafplio, 235; Santorini, 453

Himara: 323

Hippocrates: 483

History: 13–14, 474–492

Holidays: 545–546

Holy Apostles Church (Athens): 103–104

Homer: 142, 253, 258, 259, 300, 320, 476, 548

Hostels: 515; Athens, 177, 179

Hotel Grande Bretagne (Athens): 72, 175, 183, 204

Hotels: overview, 508–512; phones in, 527–528; rates and deals, 507–508; reservations, 510–511. See also Sleeping; and specific destinations

House of the Dolphins (Delos): 432

House of the Masks (Delos): 432

Hydra: 3, 374, 377–400; beaches, 390–391; eating, 396–398; helpful hints, 381; history of, 378; layout of, 379–380; maps, 380, 382–383; nightlife, 393–394; orientation, 379–380; planning tips, 379; sights/activities, 388–393; sleeping, 394–396; tourist information, 380; transportation, 380–381, 398–400; walking tour, 381–388

Hydra harbor: 377, 379–380, 381, 384, 385–386; beaches, 390–391; eating, 397; nightlife, 393

Hydra Historical Archives Museum: 385, 388–389

Hydra-Kaminia High Road: 392

Hydrofoils: See Ferries

Hydronetta (Hydra): 390


Ice cream: Athens, 192; Nafplio, 224, 242–243; Santorini, 466

Imerovigli (Santorini): 435, 436

Immigration: 493

International Driving Permit: 534

Internet security: 527

Ionian Islands: 372

Iraklidon street (Athens): 202

Iroon Square (Athens): 163–165

Islamic Art, Benaki Museum of (Athens): 49

Islamic (Ottoman) Greece: 489–490, 518; best sights, 490

Islands: 371–473; choosing, 374–375; cuisine, 456; map, 372; sleeping, 376; transportation, 375. See also specific islands

Itilo: 320

Itilo Bay: 320, 326


Jewelry, shopping for: 195, 198, 386, 447

Jewish Museum of Greece (Athens): 45, 51–52


Kalamata: transportation, 295, 296, 313

Kamari Beach (Santorini): 468

Kaminia (Hydra): 384, 387, 391–392; eating, 397–398

Kaminia Castello Beach (Hydra): 391

Kapari Beach (Mykonos): 420

Kapnikarea Church (Athens): 45, 53, 73, 76

Kapodistrias, Ioannis: 71, 218, 227, 229, 490

Karaiskaki street (Athens): 162–163, 192

Karathona Beach (Nafplio): 234

Kardamyli: 2, 300–313; beaches, 308; eating, 311–313; map, 302; orientation, 301; planning tips, 299; shopping, 305; sights/activities, 306–309; sleeping, 309–311; tourist information, 301; transportation, 313; walking tour, 301–306

Kardamyli Main Square: 303–304

Kardamyli’s Main Street: 304–305

Kardamyli’s Waterfront: 303, 306; eating, 311–312

Kardamyli Village Church: 301, 303

Karonis Wine Shop (Nafplio): 235

Kastalian Spring (Delphi): 366–367

Kastania: 316–317

Katakolo: 295–296

Kato Myloi (Mykonos): 414

Kebabs: about, 186

Keramikos Cemetery (Athens): 49–50

Kiparissos: 325

Kita: 326

Kokkala: 323

Kolokotronis Park (Nafplio): 242

Kolonaki (Athens): 26–27, 27; nightlife, 204; shopping, 195; sights, 58–62

Komboloï Museum (Nafplio): 226

Kore (kouros): 131–132, 145–148, 362

Kotronas: 323

Koukaki (Athens): 26; eating, 191; map, 178; sleeping, 177–179

Koulouri: 73, 163, 181, 189, 192

Koutsoyannopoulos Winery (Santorini): 469–470

Kritios Boy: 132

Kronos Hill (Olympia): 272–273

Krypti (Olympia): 280


Lagia: 323–324

Lagkada: 318–319

“Land’s End” (Cape Tenaro): 324–325

Language: 11, 18–22; alphabet, 19–21; online translation tip, 497; place names, 22; restaurant phrases, 557–558; survival phrases, 555–556; words and English spellings, 28

Laundry: Athens, 37; Mykonos, 403; Santorini, 443

Lazaros Kountouriotis Historical Mansion (Hydra): 389–390

Leather sandals, shopping for, in Athens: 160–162, 198

Lena’s House (Mykonos): 415, 418

Leonidio: 339

Lepeniotou street (Athens): 203

Library of Hadrian (Athens): 51, 85, 86

Limeni: 320

Lion Gate and Wall (Mycenae): 256

Lions of the Naxians (Delos): 430

Little Venice (Mykonos): 412–413, 421, 423

Lodging: See Sleeping

Loukadika: 323

Loukoumades: 170, 192, 198, 416, 522

Lower Town (Monemvasia): 329–334; map, 330

Luggage storage: See Baggage storage, in Athens

Lykavittos Hill (Athens): 126; view of, 82–83

Lysicrates Monument (Athens): 82

Lysicrates Square (Athens): 82

Lysikratous street (Athens): 80, 81–82


Maenad: 155

Mail: See Post offices

“Main Square” (Fira, Santorini): 449–450

Makrigianni (Athens): 26; eating, 191; map, 178; sleeping, 177–179

Mandraki Bay (Hydra): 391

Mani honey: 323

Mani Museum of Religion (Areopoli): 321

Mani Peninsula: 3, 299, 314–326; driving tour, 316–321; history of, 318–319; map, 315; planning tips, 299, 314. See also Kardamyli

Mantó Garden Café/Cine Mantó (Mykonos): 416, 421, 424

Manto Square (Mykonos): 409

Maps: navigation apps, 503, 539. See also Map Index

Marcus Agrippa: See Agrippa

Maritime museums: Mykonos, 415, 418; Santorini, 464–465

Markets: Areopoli, 320–321; Athens, 45, 56–57, 87, 165–170, 195; Nafplio, 220

Mars Hill (Athens): 45, 46–47, 109–110

Mask of Agamemnon: 142–143, 262

Mastiha Shop (Athens): 200

Matogianni street (Mykonos): 415–416

Matsouka (Athens): 198, 200

Mavromichalis, Petros: 319–321

Medical help: 496, 545; Athens, 36

Medusa: 150, 152, 481

Megalos Dromos (Nafplio): 220, 226

Megaro Gyzi Museum (Santorini): 446, 450

Melissinos Art Sandal Shop (Athens): 160–162, 198

Merchant Marine Academy (Hydra): 385

Mercouri Estate Winery (Pyrgos): 296

Metamorphosis, Church of the (Lagkada): 319

Metochi: ferries, 244

Metric system: 550–551

Metro (Athens): 32–35; to/from airport, 206–207; to/from Piraeus, 210

Metroon (Olympia): 281–282

Metropolis (Mystras): 342

Mezapos: 326

Mezedes (starters): 520; Athens, 180, 182, 187, 190

Miaoulia Festival (Hydra): 384, 546

Middle Stoa (Athens): 95

Mikri Venetia (Mykonos): 412–413, 421, 423

Milolangado Gorge: 320

Miltiades Bronze Helmet: 288

Minoan eruption of Thera: 438–439

Minoans: 143, 144, 157, 230, 374, 438–439, 471–472, 474–475

Minotaur: 100, 481

Miraka: 293; sleeping, 293

Mnisikleous street (Athens): eating, 181, 182

Mobile phones: 9–10, 523–527

Mokka Coffee (Athens): 167, 193

Monastery of the Dormition (Hydra): 386–387

Monastiraki (Athens): 26, 50–52; eating, 188; flea market, 87, 195; nightlife, 203; sights, 50–52, 85–87

Monastiraki Metro station (Athens): 87

Monastiraki Square (Athens): 85–87; nightlife, 203

Monemvasia: 3, 244, 327–339; eating, 337–338; helpful hints, 329; history of, 331; maps, 328, 330; nightlife, 336; orientation, 328; planning tips, 327; sleeping, 336–337; transportation, 329, 339; walking tour, 329–336

Monemvasia Archaeological Museum: 333

Monemvasia Gate (Mystras): 342–343

Monemvasia Rock: See Rock of Monemvasia

Money: 497–503; budgeting, 4–5, 8

Money belts: 10, 498, 501

Money-saving tips: 497; sleeping, 507–508

Monument of Agrippa (Athens): 113–114

Monument of Carystius (Delos): 431

Mount Kynthos (Delos): 431–432

Mourtzinos Tower (Kardamyli): 307

Movies, outdoor: See Outdoor cinemas

Movies, recommended: 549–550

Museum of Cycladic Art (Athens): 44, 59–60

Museum of Delphic Festivals (Delphi): 367

Museum of Greek Folk Art (Athens): 52

Museum of Greek Popular Instruments (Athens): 45, 51

Museum of Prehistoric Thira (Santorini): 449, 450–452

Museum of Religion, Mani (Areopoli): 321

Museum of the City of Athens: 45, 62–63

Museum of the History of Excavations (Olympia): 291

Museum of the History of the Olympic Games in Antiquity (Olympia): 291

Museum of the Modern Olympic Games (Olympia): 291

Music: Athens, 200–204; Athens & Epidavros Festival, 200–201, 220, 247, 546; Hydra, 393; Museum of Greek Popular Instruments (Athens), 45, 51; Nafplio, 220, 236–237; Santorini, 454

Mycenae: 2, 235–236, 253–265; general info, 255; map, 257; self-guided tour, 255–265; transportation, 254

Mycenaean artifacts, in National Archaeological Museum (Athens): 142–144

Mycenaeans: 90, 108, 121, 138, 253–265, 475–476

Mycenae Archaeological Site: 256–261

Mycenae Museum: 261–263

Mykonos: 3, 374, 401–425; beaches, 418–421; eating, 423–425; layout of, 402–403; maps, 403, 406–407; nightlife, 421; orientation, 402–404; planning tips, 402; shopping, 412; sights/activities, 417–421; sleeping, 421–423; tourist information, 403; transportation, 404–405, 425; walking tour, 408–417

Mykonos Archaeological Museum: 417

Mykonos backstreets: 414–415

Mykonos Catholic Cathedral: 413

Mykonos Folklore Museum: 418

Mykonos Greek Orthodox Cathedral: 413

Mykonos harbor: 408–410, 417; eating, 423–425

Mykonos Maritime Museum: 415, 418

Mykonos Town Hall: 410

Mykonos Windmills: 401, 413–414

Mystras: 340–343

Mystras Museum: 342

Mythology: 480–481. See also specific figures


Nafplio: 2, 218–244; beaches, 234–235; eating, 240–243; helpful hints, 220–221; maps, 219, 222–223, 238–239; nightlife, 236–237; orientation, 219–220; planning tips, 218–219; shopping, 226; sights/activities, 230–236; sleeping, 237–240; tourist information, 220; transportation, 220, 243–244; walking tour, 221–229

Nafplio Archaeological Museum: 225, 230

Nafplio Festival: 546

Nafplio Town Hall Square: 226–227

Nafplio War Museum: 231–232

National Archaeological Museum (Athens): 57, 138–158; general info, 44, 57, 139; map, 141; the tour, 140–158

National Bank of Greece (Nafplio): 225

National Gallery (Nafplio): 227, 231

National Garden (Athens): 54–55, 126

National War Museum (Athens): 61–62

Naval Maritime Museum (Santorini): 464–465

Naxos Sphinx (Delphi): 355, 362

Nea Kameni (Santorini): 439, 444, 467

Neoclassicism: 490–491; best sights, 491

New Town (Napflio): 220, 227–228

Nightlife: Athens, 200–204; current events, 200; neighborhoods, 202–204; budgeting, 5, 8; Hydra, 393–394; Monemvasia, 336; Mykonos, 421; Nafplio, 236–237; Santorini, 454. See also Music; Outdoor cinemas

Nike of Paeonius: 287–288

Nikolaou Nomikou (Santorini): 461

North Aegean Islands: 373

Numbers and stumblers: 550

Nymphaeum (Olympia): 282–283, 289


Odeon of Agrippa (Athens): 101–102

Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Athens): 111–112, 201

Odyssey (Athens): 221

Oedipus Rex (Sophocles): 250

Oia (Santorini): 433–434, 435, 459–466; eating, 466; map, 460; sights/activities, 453, 461–465; sleeping, 465; sunsets, 437, 459; transportation, 436, 438–441, 459, 461

Oia Naval Maritime Museum (Santorini): 464–465

Oia’s “Castle” (Santorini): 463

Old Kardamyli: 299, 300, 301, 303, 306–308

Old Town (Athens): See Plaka

Old Town (Mykonos): 401, 402–403; eating, 423–425; map, 406–407; walking tour, 408–413

Old Venetian Quarter (Mykonos): 411–413

Olgas Street (Nafplio): eating, 241

Olives (olive oil): 198, 305, 306, 318, 332, 518–519

Olympia: 2, 266–296; eating, 293–295; helpful hints, 267; maps, 268, 270–271; orientation, 266–267; sights, 267–292; sleeping, 292–293; tourist information, 267; transportation, 267, 295–296

Olympia Archaeological Museum: 285–290; map, 286

Olympia Archaeological Site: See Sanctuary of Olympia

Olympia International Festival: 546

Olympia Stadium: 280–281

Olympic Games (2004): 56, 71, 492–493

Olympic Games, ancient: 266, 269, 274, 278–279, 477; legacy of, 284–285; Museum of the History of the Olympic Games in Antiquity (Olympia), 291

“Olympic” Stadium (Athens): See Panathenaic Stadium

Olympic Traveller: 36, 207, 296

Omphalos (Delphi): 353–354

Oracle at Delphi: 357

Ornos Beach (Mykonos): 420

Orthodox Cathedral of Candelmas (Santorini): 448–449

Otto of Greece: 62, 70, 71, 72, 226–227, 228, 340, 341, 490

Outdoor cinemas: Athens, 201–202; Hydra, 386, 393–394; Mykonos, 421; Nafplio, 237; Santorini, 454

Ouzo: 169, 522–523


Packing tips and checklist: 10, 553

Palace of the Despots (Mystras): 343

Palace of the Giants (Odeon of Agrippa; Athens): 101–102

Palaestra (Olympia): 273, 275

Palamidi Fortress (Nafplio): 222–223, 233–234

Palea Kameni (Santorini): 439, 444, 467

Pan (Faun): 154–155

Panagia Paraportiani Church (Mykonos): 411

Panathenaic Stadium (Athens): 45, 55–56, 126

Panathenaic Way (Athens): 102

Pandrossou street (Athens): 76, 85, 194

Panepistimiou street (Athens): 28

Pantanassa Convent and Church (Mystras): 342

Paradise Beach (Mykonos): 420–421

Parliament building (Athens): 52–53, 70

Parthenon (Athens): 116–121; east end, 119–120; frieze, in Acropolis Museum, 135–136; models, in Acropolis Museum, 135; north side, 118–119; views of, from Acropolis Museum, 137; west end, 116–118

Passports: 9, 496

Patra: 297–298

Patra Archaeological Museum: 297

Paul, Apostle: 47, 99, 103

Pegasus Tours: 243, 400

Pelicans of Mykonos: 409

Peloponnese: 218–343; car travel, 213; map, 216–217. See also specific destinations

Peloponnese Folklore Foundation Museum (Nafplio): 231

Pensive Athena: 132–133

Pericles: 98–99, 123, 426, 479, 483

Perissa Beach (Santorini): 468

Perseus: 152, 256, 365, 481

Petrovouni: 309

Pharmacies: Hydra, 387; Kardamyli, 305

Pheidias: 109, 116, 118, 120, 123, 127, 149, 277, 285, 483; Workshop of (Olympia), 275–276, 288, 289

Philippeion (Olympia): 284

Phone numbers, useful: 545

Phones: 523–528

Pickpockets: 10, 33, 36, 210, 496, 501

Picnics (supermarkets): Athens, 192; Delphi, 369; Kardamyli, 313; Monemvasia, 338; Nafplio, 242; Santorini, 443. See also Markets

Pillar of Prusias II (Delphi): 356

Pinakotheke (Athens): 112–113

Piraeus: 207–211; baggage storage, 209; cruise-ship terminals, 210–211; gates, 208–209; information, 209; map, 208; transportation, 207, 209–211

Plaka (Athens): 25–26, 79–85, 126; eating, 181–183; maps, 66–67, 172–173, 184–185; nightlife, 204; shopping, 194; sights, 50–52; sleeping, 174–177; walking tour, 79–85

Planning tips: 4–8; Athens, 28–29; Mani Peninsula, 299, 314; Mykonos, 402; Nafplio, 218–219; Santorini, 435–436

Plateia Agoras (Athens): 85

Plateia Athanaton (Areopoli): 320–321

Plateia Filellinon (Nafplio): 221–223

Plateia Mitropoleos (Athens): 76–77

Plateia 17 Martiou (Areopoli): 321

Plateia Syntagmatos (Athens): See Syntagma Square

Platis Gialos Beach (Mykonos): 420

Plato: 98, 482, 483, 546

Platsa: 318

Plethon: 341

Plutus (Aristophanes): 251

Police: 36, 496, 545

Pollux: 308, 309

Population of Greece: 16

Porch of the Caryatids (Athens): 121, 123

Port of Piraeus: See Piraeus

Poseidon (Neptune): 118, 121, 123, 135, 148–149, 259, 324, 426, 430, 431, 480

Post-Herulian Wall (Athens): 102–103

Post offices: 528; Delphi, 348; Hydra, 386; Nafplio, 220

Praxiteles: 288–289, 483

Prometheus: 481

Propylaea (Athens): 112–113, 114–115

Psarou Beach (Mykonos): 420

Psyrri (Athens): 26, 44, 56, 87, 159–170; eating, 186–187; map, 161; nightlife, 203; walking tour, 159–165

Pyrgos: 326

Pyrgos Dirou Caves: 322

Pythagoras: 483

Pythian Games: 346, 349, 350, 354, 357, 359–361, 366, 367


Rafalias Pharmacy (Hydra): 387

Railpasses: 543

Red Beach (Santorini): 468–469, 472

Religious souvenirs, shopping for, in Athens: 79, 198

Rental properties: overview, 512–515. See also specific destinations

Resources from Rick Steves: 542–544

Restaurants: See Eating

Ritsa Beach (Kardamyli): 308, 312

Rock of Monemvasia: 326, 328, 334–336; eating, 337–338; sleeping, 336–337

Rock of the Sibyl (Delphi): 354

Roman Forum (Athens): 45, 50–51, 84

Roman Forum (Delphi): 352

Roman Greek history: 486–487; best sights, 487

Rooftop bars, in Athens: 204

Row of Treasuries (Olympia): 279–280

Royal Palace (Mycenae): 260


Sacred Lake (Delos): 430–431

Sacred Way (Delphi): 353

St. Andrew’s Bastion (Nafplio): 234

St. Demetrius Cathedral (Mystras): 342

St. George of the Rock Church (Athens): 83

St. George Square (Nafplio): 228

St. Irene Square (Athens): 170, 187; eating, 187, 188; nightlife, 203; sleeping, 176–177

St. John’s Church (Kastania): 316

St. John the Baptist Cathedral (Santorini): 445–446

St. Mary Above All Saints Church (Nafplio): 223–224

St. Nicholas Church (Mykonos): 409–410

St. Nicholas Church (Mystras): 343

St. Peter’s Church (Kastania): 317

St. Sofia Church (Mystras): 343

St. Spyridon Church (Kardamyli): 307

St. Spyridon Church (Nafplio): 228–229

Sanctuary of Apollo (Delos): 429–430

Sanctuary of Apollo (Delphi): 346, 350–361; map, 351; self-guided tour, 352–361

Sanctuary of Artemis (Delos): 429–430

Sanctuary of Athena (Delphi): 367

Sanctuary of Epidavros: 251–252

Sanctuary of Olympia: 266, 269, 272–285; general info, 269, 272; map, 270–271; self-guided tour, 272–285; tour guides, 267

Sandals, shopping for, in Athens: 160–162, 198

Santorini: 3, 374, 433–473; beaches, 468–469; cuisine, 456; eating, 456–458, 466, 471; history of, 438–439; layout of, 435; maps, 434, 442, 460; nightlife, 454; planning tips, 435–436; shopping, 447; sleeping, 454–456, 465; sunsets, 437; tours, 441; transportation, 436, 438–441, 458, 473; wineries, 469–471. See also Fira; Oia

Santorini Archaeological Museum (Museum of Prehistoric Thira): 449, 450–452

Santorini Brewing Company: 471

Santorini caldera: 433–434, 435, 438–439; boat trips to, 467–468; eating with a view, 457, 466; sleeping with a view, 455, 465; sunsets, 437, 459; views of, 444–445

Santorini Dominican Monastery: 446

Santorini eruption: 438–439

Santorini Folklore Museum: 452–453

Santorini Orthodox Cathedral of Candelmas: 448–449

Santorini Private Tours: 441

Santo Winery (Santorini): 469

Saronic Gulf Islands: overview, 372. See also Hydra

Schliemann, Heinrich: 143, 147, 254, 258

Scooters, on Mykonos: 405

SeaJets: 425, 443, 473, 533

Seasons: 8

Shopping: Athens, 194–200; budgeting, 8; clothing sizes, 551; hours, 496–497; Kardamyli, 305; Mykonos, 412; Nafplio, 226; Santorini, 447; VAT refunds, 502–503. See also Markets

Sibyl, Rock of the (Delphi): 354

Sightseeing: at a glance, 2–3; best two-week trip, 6–7; budgeting, 5, 8; general tips, 503–506; itineraries, 28–29; maps and navigation tools, 503; priorities, 8. See also specific sights and destinations

SIM cards: 526–527

Siphnian Treasury: 362

Sleep code: 507

Sleeping: 506–515; Athens, 171–179; budgeting, 5; Delphi, 367–368; Hydra, 394–396; Kardamyli, 309–311; Monemvasia, 336–337; Mykonos, 421–423; Nafplio, 237–240; Olympia, 292–293; online reviews, 513; Patra, 297; phones, 527–528; rates and deals, 507–508; reservations, 9, 510–511; Santorini, 454–456, 465; types of accommodations, 508–515

Sleeping Maenad: 155

Smartphones: 9–10, 523–527

Socrates: 98, 120, 357, 358, 365, 482, 483

Sophocles: 99, 250–251, 483, 486

Souvlaki: about, 186, 518; Athens, 86, 181, 188, 190; Delphi, 369; Gefyra, 338; Hydra, 397; Kardamyli, 305, 313; Monemvasia, 338; Mykonos, 424; Nafplio, 242; Olympia, 293–294; Santorini, 458

“Souvlaki Row” (Athens): 86, 188

Sparta: 339–340

Special events: See Festivals

Sphinx of Naxos (Delphi): 355, 362

Spilia Bach (Hydra): 384, 390

Sporades Islands: 372–373

Square of the Five Prime Ministers (Hydra): 388

Square of the Friends of the Greeks (Nafplio): 221–223

Stadiums: Athens, 45, 55–56; Delos, 431; Delphi, 360–361; Epidavros, 252; Olympia, 280–281

Staikopoulou street (Nafplio): 226, 229, 240

“Stele of Democracy”: 94

Stoa of Attalos (Athens): 92–93

Stoa of Philip V (Delos): 429

Stoa of the Athenians (Delphi): 355

Stoupa: 308, 316

Stratonos street (Athens): 82

Subway (Athens): See Metro

Summer Lovers (movie): 463

Sunsets, on Santorini: 437, 459

Supermarkets: See Picnics

Super Paradise Beach (Mykonos): 420–421

Sweets: about, 521–522. See also specific sweets

Syngrou street (Nafplio): 227–228

Syntagma (Athens): 26, 65–73; eating, 183; maps, 66–67, 172–173, 184–185; nightlife, 204; sights, 52–53; sleeping, 174–177; walking tour, 65–73

Syntagma Square (Athens): 45, 52, 62, 68–69; eating, 183, 188

Syntagma Square (Nafplio): 225–226, 236–237; eating, 241, 242


Taxes: VAT refunds, 502–503

Taxis: 541; Athens, 35–36, 207; Epidavros, 246; Monemvasia, 339; Mycenae, 254; Mykonos, 405; Nafplio, 243; Olympia, 267, 296; Piraeus, 210; Santorini, 440; tipping, 501–502; water, on Hydra, 381, 386

Téchne (Hydra): 390

Technopolis (Athens): 26, 46, 50

Telephone numbers, useful: 545

Telephones: 523–528

Temperatures, average monthly: 552

Temple of Apollo (Delphi): 356, 358, 363–364

Temple of Athena Nike (Athens): 113, 133

Temple of Hephaistos (Athens): 97–100

Temple of Hera (Olympia): 283–284

Temple of Olympian Zeus (Athens): 44, 54, 81, 126–127

Temple of Zeus (Olympia): 276–279, 285–287

Temple of Zeus and Athena (Delos): 431–432

Tenaro Archaeological Site: 324

Terrace of the Lions (Delos): 430

Thalames: 318

Theater: See Greek theater

Theater of Delphi: 358–359

Theater of Dionysus (Athens): 47, 127

Theater of Epidavros: 247–249; general info, 246–247

Theft alerts: 10, 33, 36, 210, 496, 501

Theodoros Church (Mystras): 342

Theseus: 100, 481

Thirasia (Santorini): 444, 467

Thissio (Athens): 26, 44, 49; nightlife, 202

Tholos (Athens): 97

Tholos Tomb (Mycenae): 264–265

Time zones: 496

Tipping: 501–502

Toilet etiquette: 497

Tolo: ferries, 243

Tolo Beach (Nafplio): 234–235

Tomb of Agamemnon (Mycenae): 264–265

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Athens): 52–53, 69–70

Tour guides: Athens, 39; Delphi, 349; Kardamyli, 301; Mykonos, 403–404; Nafplio, 221; Olympia, 267

Tourist information: 495–496; Athens, 32; Delphi, 348; Hydra, 380; Kardamyli, 301; Mykonos, 403; Nafplio, 220; Olympia, 267; Patra, 297

Tours: Athens, 37–39; Acropolis, 38–39, 107–108; Delos, 427; Rick Steves, 543; Santorini, 441

Tower of the Winds (Athens): 45, 50–51, 84–85

Traffic alert: 36

Train travel: Athens, 212; maps, 529, 530–531; Olympia, 295

Trams, in Athens: 35

Transportation: 528–542; Athens, 32–36, 205–213; to/from airport, 206–207; budgeting, 5; Delos, 427; Delphi, 348, 369–370; Epidavros, 245–246; Hydra, 380–381, 398–400; Kardamyli, 313; maps, 529, 530–531; Monemvasia, 329, 339; Mycenae, 254; Mykonos, 404–405, 425; Nafplio, 220, 243–244; Olympia, 267, 295–296; Patra, 297–298; Santorini, 436, 438–441, 458, 473. See also Air travel; Boat travel; Buses; Car travel; Ferries; Taxis

Travel agency, in Nafplio: 221

Travel insurance: 9, 538

Travel smarts: 10–11

Travel tips: 496–497

Treasury of Atreus (Mycenae): 264–265

Treasury of the Athenians (Delphi): 354, 364

Trip costs: 4–5, 8

Tripod of Plataea (Delphi): 355

Trojan Horse (Delphi): 353

Trojan War: 142, 253, 258, 259, 481

Troupakis (Kardamyli): 307

Tzokeika Traditional Settlement: 323


Uber: 541; Athens, 36, 207

Underwater cave, off Cape Tenaro: 324

Upper Town (Monemvasia): 332, 334–336


Vapheio Cups: 144

Vasilissis Amalias Avenue (Athens): 28, 54

Vasilissis Sofias street (Athens): 28, 58, 68

Vathia: 325

VAT refunds: 502–503

Venetian fortresses (Nafplio): 232–234

Venetian Quarter (Mykonos): 411–413

Venetian Upper Fira (Santorini): 445–446

Venetsanos Winery (Santorini): 469

Vlychada Cave: 322

Vlychos Beach (Hydra): 384, 391, 392

Votsi Square (Hydra): 387

VRBO: 513


Walking tours: Athens, 64–127, 158–170; Acropolis, 106–127; ancient Agora, 88–105; Central Market, 165–170; guided, 38–39; Psyrri, 159–165; Delphi, 350–361; Hydra, 381–388; Kardamyli, 301–306; Monemvasia, 329–336; Mykonos, 408–417; Nafplio, 221–229; Santorini, 443–450

War museums: 61–62, 231–232

Warrior Krater: 143

Water, drinking: 381, 523

Water taxis, on Hydra: 381, 386

Weather: 8, 552

White Beach (Santorini): 468

White Door Theater (Santorini): 447, 454

Wi-Fi: 9–10, 525–526

Windmills of Mykonos: 401, 413–414

Wine: 296, 522; Athens, 193; Nafplio, 235; Santorini, 469–471

Wine Museum (Santorini): 469–470

Winner’s Circle (Olympia): 278–279

Workshop of Pheidias (Olympia): 275–276, 288, 289

World War I: 62, 491

World War II: 62, 387, 492

Worry beads: 199, 226


Yogurt bars: 192


Zappeion (Athens): 55, 126

Zeus (Jupiter): 135, 148–149, 266, 272, 275, 290, 349, 393, 426, 430, 480; Altar of (Olympia), 281–282; statue in Olympia, 277; Temple of (Olympia), 276–279, 285–287; Temple of Athena and (Delos), 431–432; Temple of Olympian (Athens), 44, 54, 81