Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Note: This index addresses the narrative portions of this book (primarily the preface; chapters 1, 2, 4, and 6; and the conclusion); it does not address the contents of the translations, except insofar as they occur in the narrative portions.
Aisin-gioro Yuyun 愛新覺羅毓鋆, xxi
Ancient Documents Research Office, 191
Anhui Provincial Archaeological Relics Work Team, 190
archaeology, xx, 31, 281; and Anyang, 287n12; and Changes, xiv, 4, 6; development of, 3; and manuscripts, 19; and Wangjiatai, 142, 150; and wells, 64
bamboo strips, 9, 37; and Baoshan 20, 21; and Fuyang manuscripts, 189, 191, 202; and sequence of hexagrams, 48; and Shuanggudui, 18; and transcription errors, 302n32; and Wangjiatai manuscript hexagram picture, 304n45; blank, 53; broken, 51; bundles of, 48; hexagram begins on, 148; and Jizhong discovery, 27; length of, 193, 201, 304n43, 312n31; Wangjiatai differences, 148; Wangjiatai registration numbers of, 150, 151
Baoshan 包山, 19, 37, 38, 294n14; bamboo strips of, 20, 21, 23, 24; divination records of, 31, 34
Beitang shuchao 北堂書鈔, 174
Bi 比 hexagram, 16, 305n48; and Guicang, 150; hexagram statement, 57; Six in the Fourth, 57
binding strap, and Fuyang manuscript, 193, 198, 201, 204; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 39, 48, 52
calligraphy: and Fuyang manuscript, 202; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 26, 39–41, 47, 282. See also script
Changes, date of, 298n74; language of, xiv, xvi; Mawangdui commentaries of, 4; openness of, xv; Zuozhuan mentions of, 314n2
charge (of oracle-bone inscription), 3; and Baoshan divinations, 20; nature of, 30; and Mozi divination, 34
Cheng, Lord of Pingye 平夜君成, 21
Chu 楚, state of, 19, 26, 37, 282; and discovery of bamboo-strip manuscripts, 9; and Wangjiatai, 141; script of, 299n2
Chun qiu 春秋 (Springs and Autumns), 24, 145, 282
Collective Unconscious, 1
commentaries, 6, 63; and Mawangdui manuscript, 6, and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 69
Confucius, xiii, 2, 144; and Changes interpretation, 4; and divination, 163, 284; and Guodian manuscripts, 24, 38; and Kun Qian 坤乾, 301n17; and state of Lu 魯, 282; and Mawangdui manuscript, 29, 291n86, 297n48, 315n5; as author of Xi ci zhuan, 6
crack, as omen in turtle shell, 3
Cui 萃 hexagram First Six, 22
Da Chu 大畜 hexagram First Nine, 10
Da You 大有 hexagram, 204; and Guicang, 158; Nine in the Third, 32
Da Zhuang 大壯 hexagram, and Guicang, 150
daybook, 5, 29, 30, 281, 284, 288n28; and Fuyang manuscripts, 18, 189; and Shuihudi manuscripts, 9, 29, 299n4; and Wangjiatai manuscripts, 26, 142, 150, 304n43
Ding 鼎 hexagram, and Guicang, 148, 162; First Six, 11, 165; Nine in the Second, 165; Nine in the Third, 165; Nine in the Fourth, 165; Top Nine, 308n83
divination, xiii, xx, 2, 29, 30, 283, 315n4; and Baoshan, 20, 37; and Cheng, Lord of Pingye, 21; and Fuyang manuscripts, 311n12; and Guicang, 28, 152; and numerical symbols, 13; and pottery paddle, 16; and prayer, 14; and Shi jing, 166; Confucius’s practice of, 315n5; Han dynasty context of, 19; media used for, 4; nature of, xviii–xix, 3, 28; terminology of, 57; texts related to, 289n47; two-step procedure of, 14, 31
divination manual, 146, 161, 211, 308n84; and Guicang, 142; nature of, 31; and Wangjiatai manuscripts, 26; and Xincai divinations, 22
divination statement, 312n29, 313n40; and Fuyang manuscript, 18, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 213, 283; number of characters of, 312n22; and origin of Changes, 211
diviners, xviii; and Baoshan, 20; and creation of Changes, 25, 66, 209; and Guicang, 152, 158, 161, 171; and Mozi divination, 34; and Mu tianzizhuan, 28; and Shang oracle-bone inscriptions, 3; and Wangjiatai, 141; and Xincai divinations, 22; and Zhouyuan oracle bones, 13; Han dynasty, 6
Dun 遯 hexagram Nine in the Third, 210; Nine in the Fourth, 23
forgery, and Guicang, 283
Fu 復 hexagram 5; Six in the Second, 207; Top Six, 210
Fuyang 阜陽 manuscript, xiv, 29, 55, 281, 283–84; and creation of Changes, 57; and divination statements, 286n22; and hexagram pictures, 294n14; and hexagram sequence, 312n32; and Shanghai Museum manuscript compared, 69; photographs of, 312n30
Gu 蠱 hexagram, 12; and Guicang, 150
Guai 夬 hexagram; and Guicang, 160; Nine in the Second, 290n62; Nine in the Third, 23; Nine in the Fourth, 56
Guwen sisheng yun 古文四聲韵, 65
Han dynasty, and divination, 19; and editing of Changes, 62; and sequence of hexagrams, 288n22
Han yu da cidian 漢語大詞典, 62
Heng 恆 hexagram, and Guicang, 163; Nine in the Third, 163; Top Six, 57
hexagram, xv, 285n10; and Guicang, 161; and numerical symbols, 14; convertible, 5, 46, 47, 295n25; invertible, xviii, 5, 46, 47, 295n25; line as oracle, 21; number of characters in, 202; paired, xvii, xviii, 5, 20, 46; sequence of (see sequence of hexagrams); structure of, xvii
hexagram name, 39, 161, 286n12; and Fuyang manuscript, 193, 204, 312n33; and Guicang, 28, 143, 156, 167–69 (table 4.1), 171, 172–73 (table 5.1), 307n78; and Mawangdui manuscript, 307n78; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 40, 68, 294n20; and Wangjiatai manuscript, 148, 304n45
hexagram picture, xv, 46, 294n14, 309n13; and Fuyang manuscript, 192, 193, 204, 311n20; and Jing 井 hexagram, 60; and numerical symbols, 18; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 39, 67, 68; and Wangjiatai manuscript, 143, 148, 304n44, 304n45
hexagram statement, xv, 31, 286n12; and Daybooks, 10; and Fuyang manuscript, 18, 192, 204, 283; and Guicang, 28, 143, 153, 160, 301n11; and Jizhong manuscripts, 27; and Mawangdui manuscript, 4; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 39, 69; origin of, 205
Hong Kong antique market, 24, 25, 38
Huan 渙 hexagram statement, 57; First Six, 57
Images of the Changes, 314n2
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 3, 4
Ji Ji 既濟 hexagram, xviii, 16; and Guicang, 159; hexagram statement, 164
Jia Ren 家人 hexagram Nine in the Third, 23; Nine in the Fifth, 290n62
Jian 蹇 hexagram statement, 10
Jing 井 hexagram, 59–66; First Six, 61, 64; Nine in the Second, 62; Nine in the Third, 63; Six in the Fourth, 63
Kan 坎 hexagram 5; Six in the Third, 22
Kui 睽 hexagram, First Nine, 56; Six in the Third, 164; Six in the Fifth, 55
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, xiii
Li Xueqin 李學勤, xiv, xvi, xix, 281; and call to “rewrite” early Chinese history, 289n50; and pottery paddle, 16, 18
library, imperial, 19, 145; and Guicang, 26
line statement, xv, 35; and Daybooks, 10; and Fuyang manuscript, 18, 29, 192, 283; and Guicang, 28; and Jizhong manuscripts, 27; and Mawangdui manuscript, 4; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 39, 69; as oracle, 21; nature of, 209; origin of, 205
literature, four-part division of, 145; heritage of, 19
Lu Springs and Autumns, 314n2
manuscripts, and transmitted counterparts, 24; discovery of, 19; Warring States, 54
Mawangdui 馬王堆 manuscript, 25 55, 56, 282; and Han diviners, 6; and heng 亨, 31, 32; and hexagram name, 161, 307n78; and hexagram picture, 294n14; and hexagram sequence, xix, 47; and interpretation of Changes, 284; and Jing 井 hexagram, 65; and Shanghai Museum manuscript compared, 69; and taboos, 295n35; arrangement of, 5; publication of, 287n19; translations of, 287n19
Mawangdui 馬王堆 manuscripts, xiv, 29
Mawangdui 馬王堆 tomb, 4, 18, 189; and Shuanggudui compared, 190; date of, 6
Neo-Confucianism, xiii, 1
“New Changes Studies,” 4, 30
notches, 39, 51; and Fuyang manuscript, 198
numbers, and bamboo strips, 300n7
oracle, 28, 29, 153, 156, 165, 303n34; and Guicang, 143, 158, 159, 160, 163, 164; and Mozi divination, 34; and Shi jing compared, 166; and Xincai bamboo strips, 21, 22
oracle bones, xx, 29, 54, 281, 287n15, 292n91; and connection with Changes, 3; discovery of, 3, 286n5; outside Anyang, 11
Pi 否 hexagram, 286n12; Six in the Second, 202
prayer, 29, 33, 287n10, 292n93; and Baoshan divinations, 20; and Guicang, 158; and Mozi divination, 34; and oracle-bone inscriptions, 11, 14; wording of, 288n34
preface (of oracle-bone inscription), 3, 11; and Mozi divination, 34
prognostication; xvi, xvii, xviii, 28, 29, 31, 292n94, 314n44; and Baoshan divinations, 20; and Confucius, 163; and daybooks, 10; and Fuyang manuscript, 204; and Gao Heng, 30; and Guicang, 143, 152; and oracle-bone inscriptions, 3; and Xincai divinations, 22, 23
Pu Maozuo 濮茅左, 39, 41, 43, 46, 56, 69, 293n14; and Jing 井 hexagram, 62, 63, 64; and Meng 蒙 hexagram, 58; and red and/or black symbols, 25, 294n19
Qi 啟 (also written 启), Lord of Xia 夏, 33, 143, 146, 151, 158, 303n34, 305n52, 305n55, 306n66, 308n80, 309n14
Qian 乾 hexagram, 209, 286n11; and Guicang, 160; and Mawangdui manuscript, 47; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 45; and Shuogua, 304n39; as almanac, 5, 287n21; as convertible hexagram, xviii, 5; hexagram statement, 1
Qinghua University, 314n3
script, 37, 54, 60, 297n51; ancient, 27, 55; and Wangjiatai manuscript, 141, 300n9; archaic, 61; Chu, 64, 72n1, 298n72;clerical, 19, 55; multiple possibilities of, 25; Qin, 298n72; unification of, 19
scrolls, 52, 53; and Fuyang manuscript, 202; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 45, 47; traditional format of, 295n25
sequence of hexagrams, xviii, 67, 286n21, 288n24, 296n48, 314n1; and canonical commentaries, 287n22; and Fuyang manuscript, 204, 213, 312n32; and Mawangdui manuscript, 4–6, 7–8 (table 1.1); and pottery paddle, 16, 18; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 25, 47, 48, 67, 288n23; and Sun Peiyang, 52
Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology, 15
Shang 商 dynasty 2, 3, 281; and Changes, 147; and Guicang, 26, 28, 142, 283; and Nine Cauldrons, 34; and turtle-shell divination, 11; attacked by King Wu, 143; divination text of, 301n17
Shanghai bowuguan cang Chu zhushu 上海博物館藏楚竹書, 53, 67
Shanghai Museum manuscripts, 37
Shao Tuo 邵,
, 20, 37
Sheng 升 hexagram, Six in the Fourth, 32
Shi ke 噬嗑 hexagram First Nine, 207
Shisan jing zhushu 十三經注疏, 31, 53, 68
Shuihudi 睡虎地, 299n5; bamboo strips of, 11; date of, 19; excavation of, 6
Song Huaqiang 宋華強, 21, 22
Spring and Autumn period, 282; and date of Changes, 66; and wells, 64
Sui 隨 hexagram First Nine, 209; Six in the Third, 210; Top Six, 32
Sun 損 hexagram, 5; hexagram statement, 32
Tai 泰 hexagram, Nine in the Third, 22
hexagram, 159
variants, 32, 56, 59, 63, 66, 69n4, 298n82; and Fuyang manuscript, 313n34, 313n37, 313n39; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 67, 69; graphic, 24, 54, 55, 58, 69; lexical, 55
Wang Mingqin 王明欽, 147, 148, 151, 153, 154, 171, 285n7, 299n1, 300n6, 300n8, 308n1
Warring States period, and bamboo strips, 293n2; and classical philosophy, 37, 281; and wells, 64
Wei Ji 未濟 hexagram, xviii, 16; Nine in the Third, 57
Western Jin 晉 dynasty, 145
White Approval turtle, 34
Wu Wang 无妄 hexagram, 196, 204; hexagram statement, 202; First Nine, 196, 205
Xia 夏 dynasty, 33, 34, 143; and Changes, 147; and Nine Cauldrons, 35; founders of, 157
Xing zi ming chu 性自命出, 38
Xun 巽 hexagram, Nine in the Fifth, 164
yang, 12, 26; and red and/or black symbol, 45
yang line, xv, 14, 143, 161; and Fuyang manuscript, 193, 204; and numerical symbols, 12, 16; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 39; relationship of, xvii
Yi 頤 hexagram Six in the Fifth, 200
yin, xv, 12, 26; and red and/or black symbol, 45
yin line, 14, 143, 161; and Fuyang manuscript, 193, 204; and numerical symbols, 12, 16; and Shanghai Museum manuscript, 39; and Wangjiatai manuscript, 307n77; relationship of, xvii
Yongyuan qiwu pu 永元器物䈬, 52
Yuhan shanfang jiyi shu 玉函山房輯佚書, 171
Zhongfu 中孚 hexagram Nine in the Second, 165
Zhongshan 中山, king of, 65
Zhongxing guange shumu 中興館閣書目, 147
Zhou 周 Dynasty, 2; and date of Changes, 66; and Nine Cauldrons, 34; and turtle-shell divination, 11; and wells, 64
Zhou Yi gu jing jin zhu 周易古經今注, 4
“Zhou Yi guayao ci zhong de gushi” 周易卦爻辭中的故事, 4
Zhouyuan 周原 oracle bones, 11, 12, 18, 31, and Changes divination, 12, and numerical symbols, 13
Zhun 屯 hexagram Six in the Second, 209
Zuo wu yuan cheng 作務員程, 190