

bitwise AND, 75–78

logical AND, 69, 70, 72, 73, 237–243, 622–623

pointer operator, 607

&& (short-circuit or conditional AND), 69, 72–73, 237, 239–243


multiplication operator, 26, 65

pointer operator, 606–607, 614, 615

@ to designate verbatim string literals, 50–51

@–qualified keywords, 35


bitwise OR, 75, 78–79

logical OR, 69, 70, 71–72, 73, 237–243, 622–623

|| (short-circuit or conditional OR), 69, 72, 73, 237, 239–243

[ ], 139, 140, 144, 147, 153, 253, 618

and attributes, 495, 496

and strings, 161


bitwise exclusive OR, 75, 79–80

logical exclusive OR, 69, 70

: (colon), 279, 286, 342

used with named arguments, 206

:: namespace alias qualifier, 459–463, 636

{ }, 22, 23, 31, 32, 54, 120, 142, 145, 426, 428, 589

used with format specifiers, 45–48

=, 25, 73–74

= = (relational operator), 28, 69, 548

overloading, 232, 234, 314

and strings, 161, 693, 697–699

=> lambda operator, 425–426

!, 69, 70, 71–72, 237–239, 623

!=, 28, 69, 548

overloading, 234

and strings, 161, 693, 697–699

/, 26, 65

/* */, 21, 921

/** */, 921

//, 22, 921

///, 921


command-line I/O redirection operator, 390–391

relational operator, 28, 69, 232–234, 622

< >, 509

<<, 75, 81–83

<=, 28, 69, 234, 622

–, 26, 65

and delegates, 416

– =

compound assignment operator, 74

and delegates, 416–418

and events, 433, 437

->, 609

– –, 31, 65, 66–67

overloading, 225


modulus operator, 65–66

used with custom date and time placeholder characters, 728, 730

( ), 22, 85, 118, 124

and expression lambdas, 426

. (dot operator), 113, 121, 213, 340, 609


addition operator, 26, 65

concatenating strings with, 163, 699

and delegates, 416

used with WriteLine( ), 25


compound assignment operator, 74

and delegates, 416–418

and events, 433, 437

++, 30–31, 65, 66–69

overloading, 225–228


used with preprocessor directive, 464

used with WriteLine( ), 47, 723–725


conditional operator, 84–85

used with nullable type declaration, 619

?? null coalescing operator, 621–622


command-line I/O redirection operator, 390–391

relational operator, 28, 69, 232–234, 622

>>, 75, 81–83

>=, 28, 69, 234, 622

; (semicolon), 23, 32–33, 94, 145, 421, 568

used in a custom format specifier, 723, 724


bitwise NOT, 75, 80–81

used in destructor declaration, 133–134


Abort( ), 774–778

Abs( ), 195, 642

abstract type modifier, 302, 309, 313

Access control, 167–174

guidelines for using public and private, 169–170

Access modifiers/specifiers, 112, 118, 167–168, 269–272, 470

Accessors, 253

event, 436–441

indexer, 254, 256–257

property, 262–263, 267–268

using access modifiers with, 268, 269–272, 327, 328

Acos( ), 642

Action delegate, 678–679, 784, 794, 799, 802, 804, 808

add event accessor, 437, 440

Add( ), 654, 820, 821, 822, 832, 845, 846, 857, 860, 863, 864, 865, 870, 893

and collection initializers, 887

AddAfter( ), 854

AddBefore( ), 854

AddFirst( ), 854

AddLast( ), 854

AddMemoryPressure( ), 683, 684

AddRange( ), 825, 850

ADO.NET Datasets, 565

AggregateException, 789, 791, 814

using, 798–801

All( ) extension method, 598–599

AllKeys property, 908

AllowMultiple named parameter, 503

AND operator

bitwise (&), 75–78

logical (&), 69, 70, 72, 73, 237–243, 622–623

short-circuit or conditional (&&), 69, 72–73, 237, 239–243

And( ), 841

Any( ) extension method, 598–599

ApplicationException, 362

ArgumentException, 380, 387, 389, 390, 392, 393, 407, 876, 879

ArgumentNullException, 380, 387, 389, 390, 392, 407, 821, 846, 904

ArgumentOutOfRangeException, 380, 827

Arguments, 23, 118, 124

command-line, 208–210

named, 7, 206–208

optional, 7, 202–206, 207–208

passing, 176–178

type. See Type argument(s)

variable number of, using, 184–187

Arithmetic operators, 26, 65–69

Array class, 663–679, 830

methods, table of, 664–672

properties, table of, 663

Array.ForEach( ). See ForEach( )

Array(s), 139–154

array of, 146, 148

boundaries, 143, 346

boundary errors, using indexer to prevent runtime exceptions caused by, 254–257, 260–262

boundary errors, using a property to prevent runtime exceptions caused by, 264–267, 270–272

collection into an, converting a, 830

copying an, 676–677

custom, using indexers and properties to create, 272–276

dynamic, 276, 817, 825, 849, 875

and fixed-size buffers, 616–618

foreach to cycle through, using, 155–158

general forms of, 139–140, 143, 144

and the IEnumerable<T> interface, 566, 567, 570, 586, 596

implemented in C# as objects, 139–140, 150, 189

implicitly typed, 153–154

indexing (accessing elements of), 140–141, 144, 147

initializing, 142, 145–146, 153–154

I/O using, 400–402

jagged, 146–148, 152–153, 154

Length property of, 150–153, 264–266

and LINQ, 153, 154, 566

multidimensional, 143–148

null-terminated, 613

one-dimensional, 139–143

parameter params, 184–187

of pointers, 615

pointers and, 611–613

predicates and, 677–678

rectangular, 146

reference variables, assigning, 148–149

returned from methods, 189–190

reversing an, 675–676

sorting, 672–675

searching, 157–158, 672–675

of strings, 163–164

ArrayList class, 817, 824–830, 843, 849, 873–874, 875

methods, table of commonly used, 825–826

ArrayTypeMismatchException, 361

Arrow operator (–>), 609

as operator, 471, 472–474

ascending contextual keyword, 570, 573, 574

ASCII character set, 43, 371

Asin( ), 642

AsOrdered( ) extension method, 814

ASP.NET, 469, 895

AsParallel( ) extension method, 812–814, 820

AsQueryable( ) extension method, 820

AsReadOnly<T>( ), 664

Assembly, 168, 469–470

alias, 635–636

and DLL files, 492–493

friend, 630

and reflection, 487–493

Assembly class, 488

Assembly property, 476

AsSequential( ), 816

Assignment operator(s)

=, 25, 73–74

arithmetic and logical compound (op =), 74

bitwise compound, 83

and operator overloading, 247–248


reference variables and, 117–118, 148–149, 336, 337–338

structure, 336–337

type conversion in, 57–60

Atan( ), 642

Atan2( ), 642

Attribute class, 495, 496, 497, 504

Attribute(s), 471, 476, 495–505

attaching, 496–497

built-in, 503–505

conditional, 504

creating, 496

parameters, positional vs. named, 499–503

retrieving, 497–498

Attributes property, 476

AttributeTargets enumeration, 503

AttributeUsage attribute, 496, 503

AuthenticationLevel property, 900

AutoResetEvent class, 769–770, 771

Average( ) extension method, 598–599


Backing field, 267, 268

Backslash character constants, 49

Barrier class, 774

base keyword

to access a hidden base class member, 286, 291–293

to call a base class constructor, 286–290, 296, 363, 366

BaseAddress property, 917

BaseType property, 476

Big-endian format, 680

BigMul( ), 642

BinaryReader class, 375, 392–398

input methods, table of common, 394

BinarySearch( ), 664, 672, 674, 825, 829, 850

BinaryWriter class, 375, 392, 394–398

output methods, table of common, 393

BindingFlags enumeration, 480

Bit-fields, 732

BitArray class, 818, 840–843

methods, table of, 841

BitConverter class, 680–681

methods, table of, 680–681

Bitwise operators, 75–83

BlockingCollection<T>, 869–873

Blocks, code, 23, 31–32, 54

and anonymous methods, 421–423

and name hiding, 56

bool value type, 38, 44–45, 647

default value of, 129

and logical operators, 69, 70

and relational operators, 45, 69

Boolean expression, 28

Boolean structure, 647, 662

methods, table of, 662

Boxing and unboxing, 315–317

break statement, 87, 91, 93, 104–106, 109, 156

used with yield, 889

Break( ), 808–810, 811–812

BufferedStream class, 373

Buffers, fixed-size, 616–618

Byte .NET structure, 407, 647

byte value type, 38, 39–40, 371, 407, 647

Bytecode, 5, 8


C format specifier, 47–48

C, history of, 3–4

C++, history of, 4


as a component-oriented language, 6–7

case sensitivity of, 23

history of, 3, 5–7

Internet and, 895

and Java, 3, 6

keywords, 33–34, 35

library, 8, 22, 35, 40, 449, 637, 639

and the .NET Framework, 3, 6, 8

program compilation, 8, 14–21

as a strongly typed language, 37, 48, 297, 625

version 4.0, new features in, 7

CachePolicy property, 900, 917


using ref to create a, 178–180

vs. call-by-value, 176–178

Cancel( ), 799, 814

CancelFullGCNotification( ), 683

Cancellation token, 791, 798–801, 814–815

CancellationToken structure, 780, 798, 799, 814, 870

CancellationTokenSource class, 780, 798, 814

CanRead property, 373

CanSeek property, 373

CanTimeout property, 373

CanWrite property, 373

Capacity property, 826–827, 851, 862

Case sensitivity and C#, 23

case statement, 91–94

and goto, 108–109

Cast( ) extension method, 820

Cast(s), 44, 57, 58–60, 62–64, 508, 511, 513, 514

as operator, using the, 472–474

and enumerations, 340–341

and explicit conversion operators, 243, 245–247, 248

and unboxing, 315–316

catch clause, 346–354

for catching all exceptions, 353–354

and catching derived class exceptions, 366–367

and finally, 359

multiple, using, 352–353

and rethrown exceptions, 330

variable, 346, 348, 359

Ceiling( ), 642, 654

Char structure, 647, 657–662

methods, table of, 658–660

char value type, 38, 43–44, 371, 647

Character(s), 43–44

escape sequences, 49

literals, 48, 49, 51

CharacterSet property, 909

checked keyword, 368–370

checksum #pragma option, 469

Class(es), 111–116

abstract, 310–312, 313, 319, 334

base, definition of, 277

constructor. See Constructor(s)

data type, definition creates a new, 113

definition of the term, 8, 12, 22, 111

derived, definition of, 277

factory, 188–189, 217

general form of, 112, 280

generic. See Generic class

and interfaces, 319, 320–324

library, .NET, 8, 9, 22, 35, 40, 449, 637, 639

member. See Member(s), class

partial, 623–624

scope defined by, 54

sealed, 313

static, 218–220

System, list of, 639–640

well-designed, 112

class keyword, 22, 112, 516, 529, 530, 533

Clear( ), 665, 820, 821, 822, 836, 839, 845, 864, 865

Clone( ), 665, 686–688

Close( ), 372, 374, 375, 382, 384, 385, 392, 393, 781, 901, 904

CloseMainWindow( ), 781

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 8, 9, 15, 345, 360, 605

CLS (Common Language Specification), 9


bloat, 563

blocks. See Blocks, code

machine, 5

managed vs. unmanaged, 9, 605, 606

point, Unicode character, 657

section, critical, 631

unreachable, 128

unsafe, 605–618

Collect( ), 683, 684

Collection(s), 334, 817–893

array, conversion into an, 830

bit-based, 817, 818, 840–843

concurrent, 817, 818, 869–873

definition of, 104, 154, 817

initializers, 893

specialized, 817, 818, 843

sorting user-defined classes in, 875–881

storing user-defined classes in, 873–875

using an enumerator to access, 882–885

Collection(s), generic, 817, 818, 843–869

classes, 843–844, 848–869

interfaces, 844–848

and set operations, 847–848

Collection(s), non-generic, 817–840

classes, 824–840

interfaces, 819–823

CollectionBase class, 843

CollectionCount( ), 683

Collections API, 817, 818, 843

CollectionsUtil class, 843

COM (Component Object Model), 7

interfaces and named arguments, 207

methods, 629, 630

properties, 629–630

Comments, 21, 22, 921–924

Common Language Runtime (CLR), 8, 9, 15, 345, 360, 605

Common Language Specification (CLS), 9

Common Type System (CTS), 9

Compare( ), 159, 160, 161, 162–163, 654, 663, 693, 694–696, 697–699, 823, 847, 879, 880

comparer property, 832

Comparer property, 858, 860, 862, 867, 869

CompareOrdinal( ), 696, 697–699

CompareTo( ), 334, 545, 648, 649, 651, 654, 658, 662, 673, 6409, 693, 696, 823, 875–878

CompareTo(T other), 546, 673, 686, 877–878

Compilation, conditional, 464, 503

Compile( ), 601


C# command-line, 14–15

JIT, 8–9, 15, 563

CompleteAdding( ), 871, 872, 873

Components, 6

and C#, 7

and CLS compliance, 9

and the internal access modifier, 470

Concat( ), 699–702

Concat<T>( ), 702

ConcurrentBag<T> collection, 869

ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> collection, 869

ConcurrentQueue<T> collection, 869, 870

ConcurrentStack<T> collection, 869

Conditional built-in attribute, 503–505

ConnectionGroupName property, 900

Console class, 23, 372, 375, 377, 379, 391

Console.Error, 371, 372, 375, 379

Console.In, 371, 372, 375–379, 390

Console.Out, 371–372, 375, 379, 390

Console.WriteLine( ). See WriteLine( )

ConsoleKey enumeration, 378

ConsoleKeyInfo structure, 378

ConsoleModifiers enumeration, 378

const modifier, 631, 632

Constants, 37

backslash character, 49

named integer, 319, 340

ConstrainedCopy( ), 665

Constraint(s), 515–533

base class, 516–524, 532, 533

constructor (new ( )), 516, 528–529, 533

and generic interfaces, 544

and generic methods, 539

and generic structures, 536

interface, 516, 524–528, 533

multiple, using, 533

naked type, 516, 532

reference type (class), 516, 529, 530–531, 533

value type (struct), 516, 529, 531

Constructed type, 511, 563

and method overloading, 554

open vs. closed, 511

and static fields, 564

Constructor(s), 12, 128–132

base clause to call a base class, 286–290, 296

in class hierarchy, order of calling, 296–297

default, 129, 132–133

and inheritance, 284–290, 296, 299–302

object initializers vs., 201–202, 589

overloading, 196–201, 554

parameterless, 130, 516, 528–529

reflection to obtain a type’s, using, 483–487

static, 218, 220

structure, 335

ConstructorInfo class, 484

Contains( ), 704–705, 820, 821, 822, 836, 839, 845, 864, 865

extension method, 598–599

ContainsKey( ), 831, 833, 834, 846, 857, 860, 863

ContainsValue( ), 831, 833, 834, 857, 860, 863

ContentEncoding property, 909

ContentLength property, 899, 901, 909

ContentType property, 900, 901, 909

continue statement, 87, 106–107

ContinueWhenAll( ), 796

ContinueWhenAny( ), 796

ContinueWith( ), 794

Contravariance, 7, 418–420

Control statements. See Statements, control

Conversion operators, 243–247, 251–252

implicit vs. explicit, 243, 245, 247

Conversion, type. See Type conversion

ConvertAll<TInput, TOutput>( ), 665

ConvertFromUtf32( ), 657, 658

ConvertToUtf32( ), 657, 658

Cookie class, 910

CookieCollection, 910, 911

CookieContainer class, 911

CookieContainer property, 910–911

Cookies, accessing, 910–912

Cookies property, 909, 910

Copy( ), 404–405, 665, 676–677

CopyTo( ), 665–666, 820, 825, 845, 864, 865, 869

Cos( ), 42, 642

Cosh( ), 642

Count property, 820, 827, 841, 844

Count( ) extension method, 584, 598, 600

CountdownEvent class, 774

Covariance, 7, 418–420, 555–558

Create( ) methods defined by Tuple, 685

Create( ) WebRequest method, 899, 903, 904, 907

exceptions, 904

and the Uri class, 907

CreateInstance( ), 666

Credentials property, 900, 917

Cross-language interoperability, 5–6, 469

.cs file extension, 21

csc.exe command-line compiler, 14–15

CTS (Common Type System), 9

CultureInfo class, 160, 657, 694

CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, 160, 657

Current position in a file, 398

Current property, 823, 847, 882, 883, 884, 887

CurrentCulture enumeration value, 697

CurrentCulture StringComparer property, 675, 882

CurrentCultureIgnoreCase enumeration value, 697

CurrentCultureIgnoreCase StringComparer property, 675, 882

CurrentID property, 787–789

CurrentThread property, 779


Data members, class, 111

Data type(s), 25, 26

casting. See Casts

class as a, 113

conversion. See Type conversion

importance of, 37

object as a “universal,” 317–318

promotion of, 61–62

reference. See Reference types

value (simple). See Value types

See also Type

Date and time, formatting, 726–732

custom placeholder characters for, table of, 729

format specifiers for, table of, 726

and objects of type TimeSpan, 730–732

DateTime structure, 405, 686, 726, 728, 730

Deadlock, 760, 778, 791

Decimal .NET structure, 406, 407, 647, 652–657

constructors, 652–653

fields, table of, 657

methods, table of, 654–656

decimal value type, 38, 42–43, 406, 647, 652, 653

literal, 48

DeclaringType property, 475

Decrement operator (– –), 31, 65, 66–67

overloading, 225

Decrement( ), 772–773

default #line directive option, 468

default statement, 91–93

and goto, 108–109

default(type) and type parameters, 534–535

DefaultCachePolicy property, 900

DefaultWebProxy property, 900

#define directive, 463, 464, 503

delegate keyword, 411, 421, 422

Delegate(s), 411–425

and anonymous functions, 420–421, 425

and anonymous methods, 420–425

chains, 416–418

covariance and contravariance and, 418–420

declaring, 411–412

and events, 431, 432

and instance methods, 414–416

and lambda expressions, 425–431

and multicasting, 416–418

reasons to use, 420

System, list of, 641

Delegates, generic, 539–541

and covariance and contravariance, 561–563

Delegates, instantiating, 413

using method group conversion, 414, 415

Dequeue( ), 838, 839, 865, 866

descending contextual keyword, 570, 573

Destructors, 133–135

Dictionaries, 817–818, 822, 857

Dictionary<TKey,TValue> class, 844, 848, 857–859

methods, table of some, 857

Dictionary<TKey,TValue> .KeyCollection class, 858

Dictionary<TKey,TValue> .ValueCollection class, 858

DictionaryBase class, 843

DictionaryEntry structure, 823–824, 832, 834, 884

DirectoryNotFoundException, 381, 390

disable warning option, 469

Dispose( ), 382, 789, 791–792, 799, 847

and the using statement, 633

Divide( ), 654

DivideByZeroException, 345, 350, 351, 355–356, 361

DivRem( ), 642

DllImport attribute, 634, 635

DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime), 629

Documentation comments, 921–924

do-while loop, 87, 103–104, 107

Dot operator (.), 113, 121, 213, 340, 609

Double .NET structure, 406, 407, 647, 649

fields, table of, 652

methods, table of, 651–652

double value type, 26–27, 38, 40–41, 48, 406, 647

DoubleToInt64Bits( ), 680

DownloadData( ), 918

DownloadFile( ), 918

DownloadString( ), 918

Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR), 629

Dynamic method dispatch, 302

dynamic type, 7, 37, 625–629

and object, 625, 627, 629


E field, 641

Elapsed property, 808

#elif directive, 463, 464, 466–467

else, 87–90

#else directive, 463, 466–467

Empty field, 442, 693

Encapsulation, 12, 22, 54, 167

Encoding class, 692

Encoding property, 917

#endif directive, 463, 464–465, 466

EndOfStream property, 390

EndOfStreamException, 398

#endregion directive, 463, 468

EndsWith( ), 572, 703, 705

Enqueue( ), 838, 839, 865, 866

Enter( ), 755

Entry property, 884

enum keyword, 340, 531

Enumerable class, 594, 597, 600, 715, 845

Enumerations, 38, 319, 340–343

formatting, 732–733

and switch statements, 91

System, list of, 641

Enumerators, 817, 818, 822, 882–885

Epsilon field, 651, 652

EqualityComparer property, 832

equals, 586, 588

Equals( ), 159, 160, 161, 234, 314, 545, 648, 649, 651, 654, 658, 662, 685, 686, 696, 697–699, 823, 847

#error directive, 463, 468


network, handling, 904–907

runtime, 345, 513

syntax, 23

See also Exception handling

Escape sequences, character, 49

event statement, 431, 432, 436–437, 440

Event handlers, 431, 432–433

anonymous methods used as, 441, 442

and event accessors, 436–441

instance methods as, 434–435

lambda expressions used as, 441–442, 445–447

.NET guidelines for 442–445

static methods as, 434, 435–436

Event synchronization object, using an, 769–772

EventArgs class, 442, 444, 445

EventHandler delegate, 444–445

EventHandler<TEventArgs> delegate, 444

Events, 12, 320, 411, 431–447

multicasting, 433–434

EventWaitHandle class, 769

Exception class, 345, 355, 359–363, 366, 367

Exception handling, 345–370

blocks, general form of, 346, 357

and creating derived exception classes, 356, 362–366

inner, 360

network, 904–907

and uncaught exceptions, 349–351

See also catch clause

See also try block(s)

Exceptions, standard built-in, 345, 360–362

table of common, 361

ExceptionState property, 775, 777

ExceptWith( ), 848

exe file, 469, 492–493

Exists( ), 404, 405–406

Exists<T>( ), 666, 677

Exit( ), 755

Exp( ), 642

explicit keyword, 243

Expression class, 601


nullable types in, 620–621

spacing and parentheses in, using, 85

trees, 601–602

type conversion in, 61–64, 620–621

Extension methods, 7, 219, 584, 602–604

and collections, 845

corresponding to query keywords, 594–597

definition of, 594

general form of, 602–603

the inheritance mechanism vs., 602

query-related, 597–601

and String objects, 715


used with methods, 564, 634–635

used to provide an assembly alias, 635–636


Factory property, 792

false, 44, 69, 534

overloading, 234–237, 239–243

False displayed as bool value output by WriteLine( ), 45, 662

FalseString field, 662


backing, 267, 268

const, 631, 632

definition of, 12, 111

properties to manage access to, 262–267

readonly, 631–632

static, 215–217, 564

unassigned or unused, 618

volatile, 632

File class, 404–406

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 898


copying a, 386, 404–405

DLL, 492–493

I/O. See I/O, file

position indicator (pointer), 398

FileAccess enumeration, 381

FileInfo class, 404

FileMode enumeration, 380

values, table of, 380

FileNotFoundException, 380, 381, 390, 404

FileStream class, 373, 380–387, 391, 392, 393, 398, 404, 405

Finalize( ), 314, 685

finally block, 346, 357–359, 383

Find( ), 854

Find<T>( ), 666, 677–678

FindAll<T>( ), 666, 677

FindIndex<T>( ), 666–667, 677

FindLast( ), 854

FindLast<T>( ), 667

FindLastIndex<T>( ), 667

First property, 854

First( ) extension method, 598–599

fixed statement, using the, 608–609, 613–614

and arrays, 611–612

to create fixed-size buffers, 616–618

FixedSize( ), 825

Flags attribute, 732

Flatten( ), 801

float value type, 26, 38, 40, 406, 647

literal, 48

Floating-point(s), 26–28, 40–41

literals, 48

and scientific notation, 48

structures, 649–652

Floor( ), 642, 654

Flush( ), 372, 375, 385, 392, 402

for loop, 29–31, 87, 94–101, 107

and code blocks, 31, 32, 94

and enumerations, 340

parallelized, 801

variations, 96–101

For( ), 801, 804–810

ForAll( ), 816

foreach loop, 87, 104, 154–158, 817, 818, 822

and collections, 882, 884, 885, 887

to execute a query, 566, 568, 570, 583, 600

named iterator to control, using a, 891

parallelized, 801, 810

ForEach( ) method of the Parallel class, 801, 810–812

ForEach<T>( ), 667, 678–679

Format specifiers for WriteLine( ), 45–48

Format( ), 715, 719–721

methods, table of, 719

FormatException, 407

Formatting, 715–733

and cultural settings, 715–716, 726

date and time. See Date and time, formatting

enumerations, 732–733

and format providers, 715–716

and format specifiers, 715–716

using a picture format, 722

Formatting numeric data, 716–725

custom, 47, 722–725

custom format placeholder characters for, table of, 723

format specifiers for, table of, 717

using String.Format( ), 719–721

using ToString( ), 721–722

using WriteLine( ), 45–48, 715, 716–719

Frank, Ed, 4

from clause, 567, 570

nested, 580–581

FromAsync( ), 801

FromOACurrency( ), 654

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocol, 898

FullName property, 474, 476

Func delegate, 796

types, predefined, 601, 602

Func<int, int, bool> delegate type, 602

Func<T,TResult> delegate type, 594

Func<TInner, TKey> delegate type, 595

Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult> delegate type, 595

Func<TOuter, TKey> delegate type, 595


anonymous, 420–421, 425

members, 12, 111


Garbage collection, 133–135, 188, 616, 682–684, 792

and arrays, 139

and fixed, 608

and strings, 165

GC class, 682–684

methods, table of, 683–684

Generic class

example with one type parameter, 508–511

example with two type parameters, 514–515

general form, 515

hierarchies, 548–552

instantiation process for, 563

overriding virtual methods in a, 552–553

partial, 624

reference to a, declaring a, 515

Generic method(s), 536–539, 564

and constraints, 539

and explicit type arguments, 539

general form, 538

Generics, 7, 318, 507–564

avoiding runtime errors through, 513

and casts, 508, 511, 513, 514

and code-bloat, 563

restrictions on using, 564

and type safety, 507, 508, 510, 511–514, 518, 538, 539, 541, 564, 663, 673, 686, 818, 844, 874, 875

get accessor

and access modifiers, 269–272

and auto-implemented properties, 267–268, 270

for indexer, 254, 257, 328

for property, 262, 264, 269, 326–327

get contextual keyword, 34

Get( ), 841

GetBits( ), 654

GetByIndex( ), 833, 834

GetBytes( ), 680

GetConstructors( ), 476, 484

GetCreationTime( ), 406

GetCustomAttribute( ), 497

GetCustomAttributes( ), 476, 497

GetCustomAttributesData( ), 476

GetEnumerator( ), 667, 820, 822, 831, 833, 834, 845, 847, 862, 863, 883, 886–887

and iterators, 888, 890, 893

GetEvents( ), 476

GetFields( ), 476

GetFormat( ), 688, 716

GetGeneration( ), 683

GetGenericArguments( ), 476

GetHashCode( ), 234, 314, 545, 648, 649, 651, 654, 658, 662, 685, 686, 823, 847

GetKey( ), 833, 834

GetKeyList( ), 833, 834

GetLastAccessTime( ), 404, 405–406

GetLastWriteTime( ), 406

GetLength( ), 667

GetLongLength( ), 667

GetLowerBound( ), 667

GetMembers( ), 476

GetMethods( ), 476, 477, 481

BindingFlags form of, 480–481, 495

GetNumericValue( ), 658

GetParameters( ), 477, 484

GetProperties( ), 476

GetRange( ), 825, 850

GetRequestStream( ), 899

GetResponse( ), 899, 900, 903, 904

exceptions, 905

GetResponseStream( ), 901, 903, 904, 916

exceptions, 905

GetTotalMemory( ), 683

GetType( ), 314, 513–514, 685

GetTypeCode( ), 648, 649, 651, 654, 658, 662

GetTypes( ), 488, 492

GetUnicodeCategory( ), 658

GetUpperBound( ), 667

GetValue( ), 668

GetValueList( ), 833, 834

GetValues( ), 908

GetViewBetween( ), 868

global predefined identifier, 462–463

Gosling, James, 4, 5

goto, 87, 93, 107–109

group clause, 568, 570–571, 581–583

using into with a, 583–584

GroupBy( ) extension method, 594, 596


Handle( ), 801

Hash code, 314, 831

Hash table, 831

HashSet<T> class, 849, 866–868

Hashtable class, 817, 824, 831–833, 844, 857

methods, table of common, 831

HasValue property, 619

hcp property, 832

Headers, accessing HTTP, 908–910

Headers property, 900, 901, 908, 909, 917

Heap, 616

Hejlsberg, Anders, 6

Hexadecimal literals, 49

hidden option for #line directive, 468

Hierarchical classification, 13, 277

High surrogate, 657

Host property, 907–908

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), 897, 898, 901

cookies, accessing, 910–912

header, accessing, 908–910

HttpStatusCode, 897

HttpWebRequest class, 896, 897, 898, 901, 903, 904, 910

HttpWebResponse class, 896, 897, 898, 901, 903, 904, 908–912

properties, table of, 909

HybridDictionary class, 843


ICloneable interface, 663, 686–688, 692, 824, 831, 833, 836, 838, 840

ICollection interface, 334, 663, 819–820, 821, 822, 824, 827, 831, 833, 836, 838, 840, 849, 853, 857, 858, 859, 860, 862, 864, 865, 868, 869, 870, 910

properties, 820

ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> interface, 846, 857, 859, 862

ICollection<T> interface, 844–845, 847, 849, 853, 864, 865, 866, 868

IComparable interface, 334, 545, 548, 648, 649, 653, 657, 662, 673, 685–686, 692

implementing the, 875–877

IComparable<bool> interface, 662

IComparable<char> interface, 657

IComparable<decimal> interface, 653

IComparable<string> interface, 692

IComparable<T> interface, 545–548, 648, 649, 673, 685–686

implementing the, 877–878

IComparer interface, 663, 674–675, 819, 823, 859, 882

using an 875, 878–880

IComparer<String> interface, 882

IComparer<T> interface, 663, 675, 844, 847

using an, 880–881

IConvertible interface, 648, 649, 653, 657, 662, 686, 692

Id property, 787

Identifiers, 34–35

IDeserializationCallback interface, 653, 831, 853, 857, 866, 868

IDictionary interface, 819, 821–822, 831, 832, 833, 834, 857, 859, 862

methods, table of, 822

IDictionary<TKey,TValue> interface, 844, 846, 857, 858, 859, 862

methods, table of, 846

IDictionaryEnumerator interface, 819, 822, 831, 833, 884–885

IDisposable interface, 633, 791, 870

IEEERemainder( ), 642

IEnumerable interface, 566, 570, 584, 663, 692, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 824, 831, 833, 836, 838, 840, 844, 845, 846, 847, 849, 853, 857, 858, 859, 860, 862, 864, 865, 866, 868, 869, 870, 888, 890, 910

implementing the, 885–887

IEnumerable<char> interface, 692

IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>, 581

IEnumerable<KeyValuePair <TKey,TValue>> interface, 846, 857, 859, 862

IEnumerable<T> interface, 566, 567, 569–570, 586, 594, 596, 597, 702, 715, 810, 818, 844, 845, 846, 847, 849, 853, 864, 865, 866, 868, 869, 870, 892

IEnumerator interface, 334, 818, 819, 822–823, 847, 882, 884, 888

implementing the, 885–887

IEnumerator<T> interface, 818, 844, 846, 847, 882, 892, 893

IEqualityComparer interface, 819, 823, 882

IEqualityComparer<String> interface, 882

IEqualityComparer<T> interface, 844, 847

IEquatable<bool> interface, 662

IEquatable<char> interface, 657

IEquatable<decimal> interface, 653

IEquatable<string> interface, 692

IEquatable<T> interface, 545, 548, 648, 649, 686

#if directive, 463, 464–466, 503

if statement, 28–29, 87–90

and bool values, 45, 87

and code blocks, 31–32, 87

if-else-if ladder, 89–90

IFormattable interface, 648, 649, 653, 688

IFormatProvider interface, 647, 688, 716

IGrouping<TKey, TElement>, 581, 583

IHashCodeProvider interface, 819

IList interface, 663, 819, 820–821, 824, 849

methods, table of, 821

IList<T> interface, 844, 845, 848, 849

ImpersonationLevel property, 900

Implication operation, 71–72

implicit keyword, 243

in keyword, 7, 558, 559, 561, 563

Increment operator (++), 30–31, 65, 66–69

overloading, 225–228

Increment( ), 772–773

Indentation style, 33

Indexers, 248, 253–262

abstract, 309

and generics, 564

interface, 320, 328–330

multidimensional, 260–262

one-dimensional, 253–260

overloading, 257–259, 554

overriding, 305

and properties to create a custom array, using, 270–272

read-only or write-only, creating, 257

restrictions, 260

virtual, 305

IndexOf( ), 159, 160, 668, 702, 705–706, 820, 821, 826, 845, 850

IndexOf<T>( ), 668, 669

IndexOfAny( ), 703, 706

IndexOfKey( ), 833, 834, 863

IndexOfValue( ), 833, 834, 863

IndexOutOfRangeException, 143, 346–347, 350, 351, 361

Indirection, 606

multiple, 614–615

Inheritance, 12, 13, 277–318

and abstract classes, 310

basics of, 277–280

and class member access, 280–284

and constructors, 284–290, 296–297, 299–302

and generic classes, 548–552

and interfaces, 330–331

multilevel hierarchy of, 280, 293–296

name hiding and, 290–293, 331

sealed to prevent, using, 313

structures and, 335

syntax for class declaration that uses, 279, 280

Inherited named parameter, 503

Initialize( ), 669

InnerException property, 360, 798

InnerExceptions property, 798

Insert( ), 713–714, 820, 821, 845

InsertRange( ), 825, 826, 850

Instance of a class, 111, 113

See also Object(s)

Instance variables

accessing, 113, 121

and constructors, 129

declaring, 113

definition of, 12

static methods and, 214–215

this to access hidden, using, 137

as unique to their object, 113, 115–116

int value type, 25, 26–27, 38, 39, 40, 406, 647

Int16 .NET structure, 406, 407, 647

Int32 .NET structure, 406, 407, 647

methods supported by, table of, 616–617

Int64 .NET structure, 406, 407, 647

Int64BitsToDouble( ), 680

Integer(s), 25, 38–40

literals, 48, 49

promotion, 61

Integer structures, 647–648

methods, 648

interface keyword, 319, 320

Interface(s), 319–334

abstract class vs., 334

and events, 320, 441

explicit implementation of, 331–334

general form of, 320

implementing, 320–324

indexers, 320, 328–330

and inheritance, 330–331

.NET Framework standard, 334

partial, 623

properties, 320, 326–328

reference variables, 324–326

System, list of, 640

Interfaces, generic, 541–544

and contravariance, 558–561

and covariance, 555–558

and inheritance, 557–558

Interlocked class, 772, 783

internal access modifier, 167, 168, 470

InternalsVisibleTo attribute, 630

Internet, 5, 895

access fundamentals, 898–904

and portability, 5

IntersectWith( ), 848


to create a continuation, using, 583–584

to create a group join, using, 589, 591–594

InvalidCastException, 361

InvalidOperationException, 619, 621, 792, 836, 838, 864, 865, 905

InvariantCulture enumeration value, 697

InvariantCulture property, 675, 882

InvariantCultureIgnoreCase enumeration value, 697

InvariantCultureIgnoreCase property, 675 882

Invoke( ), 481–483, 484, 627, 629

defined by the Parallel class, 801, 802–804

I/O, 371–409

array, 400–402

console, 23, 372, 375–379

memory-based, 400–404

redirection, 372, 379, 390–392, 402

streams. See Streams

string, 402–404

I/O, file, 380–400

and binary data, 392–398

byte-oriented, 380–386

character-based, 380, 387–390

File class and, 404–406

random access, 398–400

IObservable<T> interface, 689

IObserver<T> interface, 689

IOException, 372, 374, 375, 376, 380, 381, 382, 385, 388, 390, 392, 393, 399, 404, 405, 905

IProducerConsumerCollection <T> interface, 869, 870

IQueryable<T> interface, 594

is operator, 471–472, 473, 474

IsAbstract property, 474, 476

IsAddingComplete property, 871–872

IsAlive property, 742–743

IsArray property, 476

IsBackground property, 747

IsBusy property, 917

IsCanceled, 799


property, 798–799

IsClass property, 474, 476

IsCompleted property, 808, 871–873

IsControl( ), 658

IsDefined( ), 476

IsDigit( ), 657, 658

IsEnum property, 476

ISerializable interface, 831, 853, 857, 866, 868

ISet<T> interface, 844, 847, 866, 867, 868

set operations, table of, 848

IsFixedSize property, 663, 821, 822

IsFromCache property, 901, 909


property, 476

IsGenericType property, 476

IsHighSurrogate( ), 658

IsInfinity( ), 649, 651

IsLetter( ), 659

IsLetterOrDigit( ), 659

IsLittleEndian field, 680

IsLower( ), 659

IsLowSurrogate( ), 659


property, 901, 909

IsNaN( ), 649, 651

IsNegativeInfinity( ), 650, 651

IsNumber( ), 659

IsPositiveInfinity( ), 650, 651

IsProperSubsetOf( ), 848

IsProperSupersetOf( ), 848

IsPunctuation( ), 659

IsReadOnly property, 663, 821, 822, 844, 864, 865

IsSeparator( ), 659

IsSubsetOf( ), 848

IsSupersetOf( ), 848

IsSurrogate( ), 659

IsSurrogatePair( ), 659

IsSymbol( ), 659

IsSynchronized property, 663, 820, 841

IStructuralComparable interface, 663, 819, 823

IStructuralEquatable interface, 663, 819, 823

IsUpper( ), 659

IsWhiteSpace( ), 660

Iterators, 817, 818, 887–893

generic, 892–893

named, 890–892

stopping, 889



and C#, 3, 6

features lacking in, 5–6

history of, 4–5

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 5, 6

JIT compiler, 8–9, 15, 563

join clause, 586–589

using into with a, 589, 591–594

Join( ), 708–709, 711, 743–745, 774, 779, 780

extension method, 594–595, 597


KeepAlive( ), 683

Key, definition of, 821

Key property, 378, 581, 823–824, 848, 858, 861, 884

KeyChar property, 378

KeydByTypeCollection<T> class, 848

Keys property, 822, 832, 833, 834, 846, 858, 860, 862

Keys<TKey> property, 846

KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> structure, 848, 858, 860–861, 862

Keywords, C#, 33–34, 35

Kill( ), 782


Label, 107

Lambda expression(s), 7, 411, 420–421, 425–431

as event handlers, 441–442, 445–447

expression, 426–428

and expression trees, 601–602

and LINQ, 566

and query methods to create queries, 595–597

statement, 426, 428–431

as a task, using a, 792–794

Last property, 854

Last( ) extension method, 598–599

LastIndexOf( ), 159, 160, 582, 669, 702, 706–707, 826, 850

LastIndexOf<T>( ), 669

LastIndexOfAny( ), 703, 707

LastModified property, 909, 912

Length property

of arrays, 150–153, 264–266, 663

of BitArray, 841

of Stream, 373

of String, 160, 693

let clause, 585–586

Library, .NET Framework class, 8, 9, 22, 35, 40, 314, 449, 637, 639

#line directive, 463, 469

LinkedList<T> class, 843, 849, 853–857

methods, table of a sampling of, 854–855

LinkedListNode<T> class, 853

LINQ (language-integrated query), 7, 565–604

and ADO.NET Datasets, 565

and anonymous types, 566, 589

and extension methods, 219, 566, 602, 820, 845

fundamentals, 566–571

and implicitly typed arrays, 153, 154

and implicitly typed variables, 54, 567, 591

and lambda expressions, 566

and object initializers, 201, 202, 269

and SQL, 565, 601

and XML files, 565

See also Query

List, doubly linked, 853–857

List property, 853

List<T> class, 843, 849–853, 874–875

methods, table of a sampling of, 850–851

ListDictionary class, 843

Literals, 37, 48–51

Little-endian format, 680

LoadFrom( ), 488, 492, 493

LocalPath property, 907–908

lock, 630–631, 750–755, 756, 759, 760, 762

and SpinLock, 781

Log( ), 642

Log10( ), 643

Logical operators, 69–73

and nullable objects, 622–623

overloading the, 237–243

long value type, 38, 39, 406, 647

literal, 48

LongLength property, 663


break to exit, using, 104–106

do-while, 87, 103–104, 107

for. See for loop

foreach. See foreach loop

infinite, 100

parallelizing, 805, 806–808

while, 87, 101–103, 107

Low surrogate, 657


property, 808


M and m suffixes to specify a decimal, 42, 48

Machine code, 5

Main( ), 22, 23, 112, 118, 208–210, 213, 492–493

and command-line arguments, 208–210

and waiting for a task to finish, 786, 789–791, 795

Managed code, 9, 605, 606

Manifest, assembly, 469

ManualResetEvent class, 769–772

ManualResetEventSlim class, 774

Math class, 40, 41, 195, 641–646

methods, table of, 642–644

Max property, 869

Max( ), 643

extension method, 598–599

MaxGeneration property, 682–683

MaxValue field, 647, 651, 652, 657

Member(s), class, 12, 111

access and inheritance, 280–284

controlling access to, 112, 167–174

dot operator to access, 113, 121, 207

static, 213

MemberInfo class, 475–476, 477, 484, 497

MemberType property, 475

MemberTypes enumeration, 475

MemberwiseClone( ), 314, 685, 686, 688

Memory allocation

using new, 117, 132, 133

using stackalloc, 616

Memory management, 682–684

MemoryStream class, 373, 400–402

Message property of Exception, 359–360

Metadata, 9 495

type, 469

MetadataToken property, 475

Method property, 900, 909

Method(s), 12, 22, 118–128

abstract, 309–312, 319

anonymous, 7, 420–425, 429, 441, 442

base to access hidden, using, 291, 292–293

calling, 121, 481–483, 493–495

class factory, 188–189, 217

COM, 629, 630

conditional, 503–505

and covariance and contravariance, 418–420

delegates and, 411–425

dispatch, dynamic, 302

dot operator (.) and, 113, 121, 213

extension. See Extension methods

extern, 634–635

general form of, 118

generic. See Generic method(s)

group conversion, 414, 415

and interfaces, 319–320, 321, 331–334

and multicasting, 416–418

operator, 221–222, 228–232

overloading, 190–195, 202, 204–205, 553–554

overriding. See Overriding, method

and parameters. See Parameter(s)

partial, 624–625

passing objects (reference types) to, 174–178

private members accessed by public, 167, 169, 170, 173

query. See Query methods

recursive, 210–213

reflection to obtain

information about, using, 477–481

return type of, 123

returning arrays from, 189–190

returning from a void, 121–122

returning objects from, 187–190

returning a value from, 122–124

returning more than one value from, 178, 180–183

scope defined by, 54–56

signature, 195

static, 22, 213–215, 217, 309

unreachable code and, 128

virtual, 299, 302–309, 313, 552–553

MethodBase class, 477, 484

MethodImplAttribute attribute, 760–762

MethodImplOptions. Synchronized attribute, 760

MethodInfo class, 477, 481, 484

Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), 8–9, 15, 469, 563

Min property, 869

Min( ), 643

extension method, 598–599

MinusOne field, 657

MinValue field, 647, 651, 652, 657

Modifiers property, 378

Module property, 475

Modulus operator (%), 65–66

Monitor class, 755–756

MoveNext( ), 823, 847, 882, 883, 884, 887

MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), 8–9, 15, 469, 563


delegates and, 416–418

and events, 433–434

Multiply( ), 654

Multitasking, 736

process-based, using, 781–782

thread-based vs. processbased, 736

Multithreaded programming, 7, 630–631 735–782

and deadlock, 760, 778

and race conditions, 760

synchronization and. See Synchronization

and the Task Parallel Library (TPL). See Task Parallel Library (TPL)

and threads. See Thread(s)

tips for effective, 781

Mutex, 762–766, 778

named, 766

Mutex class, 762, 763, 766

MutexSecurity, 766


Name hiding

and code blocks, 56

and inheritance, 290–293, 331

Name property, 475, 477, 739, 910

namespace keyword, 450

Namespace property, 476

Namespace(s), 22, 24, 449–463

additive characteristic of, 456–458

alias qualifier (::), 459–463, 636

declaring, 450, 456

default global, 449, 459, 462–463

nested, 458–459

qualification, 24, 451, 458, 459

NameValueCollection class, 843

NaN field, 651, 652

Narrowing conversion, 58–60

Naughton, Patrick, 4

Negate( ), 654

Negative numbers, representation of, 39, 83

NegativeInfinity field, 651, 652

.NET Framework, 3, 6, 8

assemblies, 469–470

class library, 8, 9, 22, 35, 40, 314, 449, 637, 639

event guidelines, 442–445

I/O system, 371, 372, 373, 380

standard interfaces, 334

structures for the built-in value types, 406–407, 646–662

.NET Reflection API, 475, 477, 488

Networking, Internet, 895–920

error handling, 904–907

simple example program for, 901–904

web crawler program for, 913–916

new, 116–117, 130, 132–133, 139, 140, 142, 143, 310, 335, 336, 356

to hide base class member, 290–291, 293

to hide interface member, 331

and implicitly typed arrays, 153, 154

used in object initialization syntax, 201–202

new{ } to create an anonymous type, 589, 591

new( ), 516, 528–529, 533

Next property, 853, 857

Next( ), 682

NextBytes( ), 682

NextDouble( ), 682

NOT operator

bitwise unary (~), 75, 80–81

logical unary (!), 69, 70, 71–72, 237–239, 623

Not( ), 841

NotSupportedException, 372, 381, 382, 384, 385, 399, 820, 845, 904, 905


coalescing operator (??), 621–622

reference, 361

null value, 361, 530, 534, 618, 619, 621, 622, 623

Nullable type, 38, 530, 531, 618–623

Nullable<T> class, 618–619

NullReferenceException, 361–362

NumberStyles enumeration, 647

Nybble, 248


Oak, 4

Object(s), 12, 111

attributes of, obtaining the, 497–498

class factory to construct, using a, 188–189

copies of, deep vs. shallow, 686, 688

creating, 113, 116–117

to methods, passing, 174–178

observer pattern, 689

reflection for runtime instantiation of, using, 483–487

returning, 187–190

Object class, 684–685, 686

methods defined by, table of, 685

object class, 313–318, 479, 507–508, 512, 513, 818

and dynamic, 625, 627, 629

methods defined by, table of, 314

reference to value type, 315–317

Object initialization

with another object, 197–200

with constructor, 128–132

with object initializer syntax, 201–202, 268–269, 589

Object.Equals( ), 234

Object.HashCode( ), 234

Object-oriented programming (OOP), 4, 11–13, 111, 167, 169, 277

ObjectDisposedException, 382, 384, 385, 789, 905

Observer pattern, 689

Obsolete built-in attribute, 503, 505

Office Automation API, 7, 629

OfType( ) extension method, 820 on, 586, 588

OnCompleted( ), 689

One field, 657

OnError( ), 689

One’s complement (unary NOT) operator (~), 75, 80–81

OnNext( ), 689

OpenRead( ), 918

OpenWrite( ), 918

OperationCanceledException, 798, 814

operator keyword, 221

methods, 221–222, 228

Operator overloading, 221–252, 554

binary, 221–224, 228–232

logical, 237–243

and overloading an operator method, 228–232

relational, 232–234

restrictions, 247–248

and true and false, 234–237, 239–243

unary, 221–222, 224–228


? conditional, 84–85

?? null coalescing, 621–622

arithmetic, 26, 65–69

arrow (–>), 609

assignment. See Assignment operator(s)

bitwise, 75–83

conversion. See Conversion operators

decrement. See Decrement operator (- -)

and generics, 564

implication, 71–72

increment. See Increment operator (++)

lambda (=>), 425–426

logical. See Logical operators

parentheses and, 85

pointer, 607

precedence, table of, 86

relational. See Relational operators

OR operator (|)

bitwise, 75, 78–79

logical, 69, 70, 71–72, 73, 237–243, 622–623

OR operator, short-circuit or conditional (||), 69, 72, 73, 237, 239–243

Or( ), 841

orderby clause, 572–576

OrderBy( ) extension method, 594

OrderedDictionary class, 843

Ordinal enumeration value, 697

Ordinal property, 675, 882

OrdinalIgnoreCase enumeration value, 697

OrdinalIgnoreCase property, 675, 882

out parameter modifier, 7, 178, 180–183, 194–195, 222, 260, 269, 555, 558, 563

OutOfMemoryException, 361

Overflow in arithmetic computations, 368

OverflowException, 361, 407

and checked and unchecked, 368–370

Overlaps( ), 848


constructors, 196–201, 554

indexers, 257–259, 554

methods, 190–195, 202, 204–205, 553–554

operators. See Operator overloading

override keyword, 302, 305

Overriding, method, 302–312

and dynamic method dispatch, 302

and virtual methods in a generic class, 552–553


PadLeft( ), 711–712

PadRight( ), 711–712

Parallel class, 801–812

Parallel LINQ (PLINQ), 7, 604, 735, 783–784

and the cancellation subsystem, 798

and concurrent collections, 869

efficiency concerns, 816

and queries, 812–816

Parallel programming, 7, 783–784

concurrent collections designed for, 869–873

and data parallelism, 784, 801, 804–812

and task parallelism, 784, 801–804

See also Task(s)

ParallelEnumerable class, 812, 814, 816

ParallelExecutionMode. ForceParallelism, 816

ParallelLoopResult structure, 804

ParallelLoopState class, 808, 811

ParallelQuery, 812, 814

Parameter(s), 118

and constructors, 130

and methods, 124–128

modifiers, ref and out, 178–184

and named arguments, 206–208, 499

optional, 202–206, 207–208

and overloaded methods, 190–195

positional vs. named attribute, 499–503

reference types as, using, 174

type. See Type parameter(s)

variable-length, 184–187

ParameterInfo class, 477

ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, 745–746, 747

ParameterType property, 477

params parameter modifier, 184–187, 195

Parse( ) methods, 406–409, 648, 650, 651, 654–655, 660, 662

partial contextual keyword, 34, 623, 624

PathAndQuery property, 907–908

PathTooLongException, 380–381

Peek( ), 374, 836, 839, 864, 865, 866

Permits, semaphore, 766–767

PI field, 641

PLINQ. See Parallel LINQ (PLINQ)

Pointer(s), 564, 605–615

arithmetic, 609–611, 612

comparisons, 611

indexing, 612–613

multiple indirection and, 614–615

operators, 607

referent type of, 606, 610, 611

and strings, 613–614

and structures, 609

Polymorphism, 12–13

and overridden methods, runtime, 302, 305

and interfaces, 319

and overloaded methods, 190, 195

Pop( ), 836, 864

Port property, 907–908

Portability, 5, 8, 9, 38

Position property, 373, 400

PositiveInfinity field, 651, 652

Pow( ), 643, 645–646

#pragma directive, 463, 469

PreAuthenticate property, 900

Predicate delegate, 677–678

Preprocessor directives, 463–469

Previous property, 853, 857

Primitive types, 37

Priority property, 748

private access specifier, 167–169

Private class members and inheritance, 280–283, 284

Projection initializer, 591

Process class, 781

Process, definition of, 735

Producer/consumer pattern, 869, 870


mixed-language, 5, 7, 8, 616

multithreaded. See Multithreaded programming

object-oriented (OOP), 4, 11–13, 111, 167, 169, 277

parallel. See Parallel programming

structured, 3, 11, 12

Properties, 12, 253, 262–276, 284

access private base class members using, 281–283, 284

abstract, 309

auto-implemented, 7, 263, 267–268, 270–272, 327

and generics, 564

indexed COM, 629–630

and indexers to create a custom array, using, 272–276

interface, 320, 326–328

and object initializers, 268–269

overridden, 305

read-only or write-only, creating, 264

restrictions on, 269

virtual, 305

protected access specifier, 167, 281, 283–284, 470

Protocol, network, 897

pluggable, 898, 903

ProtocolVersion property, 909

ProtocolViolationException, 905

Proxy property, 900, 917

public access specifier, 112, 118, 167–169

and inheritance, 284

Pulse( ), 756–759

PulseAll( ), 756

Push( ), 836, 864


Queue class, 817, 824, 838–840

methods, table of, 839

Queue<T> class, 849, 865–866

methods, table of, 866


and anonymous types, 589–591

contextual keywords, list of, 570

continuation, 583–584

data source, 567, 569–570

data types, relationship among, 569–570

definition of a, 566

determining what is obtained by a, 568, 570, 576–579

general form of a, 570–571

and group joins, 589, 591–594

group results of a, 581–583

joining two data sources in a, 586–589

parallel, 812–816

and PLINQ, 783, 812

property, 907–908

range variable, 567, 569–570, 576

sort results of a, 572–576

values returned by a, filter, 568, 571–572

variable, 567, 568, 569, 570

variable in a, create a, 585–586

Query, creating a, 566

using the query methods, 594–597

using the query syntax, 567–568, 597

Query execution, 566, 568–569, 570

deferred vs. immediate, 600–601

Query methods, 594–599

corresponding to the query keywords, 594–595

and lambda expressions to create queries, using, 595–597

Queryable class, 594, 715

QueryString property, 917

Quicksort algorithm, 213


Race condition, 760

Random access file I/O, 398–400

Random class, 681–682

methods, table of, 682

Random numbers, generating, 681–682

Rank property, 663

Read( ), 372, 374, 375–376, 379, 382, 393

ReadBlock( ), 374

ReadByte( ), 372, 382–384, 394, 904

ReadKey( ), 375, 376, 377–379

ReadLine( ), 374, 375, 376–377, 379, 390, 402, 404

readonly, 631–632

ReadOnly( ), 826

ReadOnlyCollectionBase class, 843

ReadString( ), 393, 394

ReadTimeout property, 373

ReadToEnd( ), 374, 916

Recursion, 210–213

ref parameter modifier, 178–180, 183–184, 194–195, 222, 260, 269

Reference types, 37, 117, 132

default value of, 129, 534

to methods, passing, 174–178

and pointers, 606, 609

using ref and out with, 183–184

Reference variable(s)

derived class objects and base class, 297–302, 309

and assignment, 117–118, 148–149

declaring, 116–117

interface, 324–326

ReferenceEquals( ), 314, 685

ReflectedType property, 475

Reflection, 471, 475–495

API, .NET, 475, 477, 488

and assemblies, 487–493

to call methods, using, 481–483

dynamic type with, using the, 627–629

and fully automated type discovery, 493–495

to obtain a type’s constructors, 483–487

#region directive, 463, 468

RegisterForFullGCNotification( ), 683

RegisterPrefix( ), 898

Relational operators, 28, 45, 69–70

and nullable objects, 622

overloading, 234–236

Release( ), 767

ReleaseMutex( ), 763, 766

Remainder operator (%), 65–66

Remainder( ), 655

remove event accessor, 437, 440

Remove( ), 713–714, 820, 821, 822, 845, 846, 855, 857, 860, 863, 864, 865

RemoveAt( ), 820, 821, 845, 863

RemoveFirst( ), 855

RemoveLast( ), 855

RemoveMemoryPressure( ), 683, 684

RemoveRange( ), 825, 826, 850

RemoveWhere( ), 867, 868

Replace( ), 413, 713–714

RequestUri property, 901

ReRegisterForFinalize( ), 683

Reset( ), 770, 772, 808, 823, 847, 882–883, 887

ResetAbort( ), 777–778

Resize<T>( ), 669

Response property, 905

ResponseHeaders property, 917

ResponseUri property, 901, 909

restore warning option, 469

Result property, 796

return statement, 87, 107, 121–122, 178, 422, 423, 429

used with yield, 888

ReturnType property, 477

Reverse( ), 669–670, 675–676, 825, 826, 850, 868

Ritchie, Dennis, 3

Round( ), 644, 655

Runtime type identification (RTTI), 471–475


Sample( ), 682

SByte .NET structure, 407, 647

sbyte value type, 38, 39–40, 407, 647

Scheme property, 907–908

Scopes, 54–56, 450, 469

sealed keyword, 313

Security, 8, 9

SecurityException, 380

Seek( ), 372, 373, 398, 402

SeekOrigin enumeration, 399

select clause, 568, 570, 576–579, 581, 589

into with a, using, 583

and projecting, 576

using a projection initializer, 591

Select( ) extension method, 594, 595–596

Selection statements, 87–94

Semaphore, 762, 766–769

named, 769

SemaphoreSecurity, 769

SemaphoreSlim class, 774

SerializationInfo, 360

Server property, 909

set accessor

and accessor modifiers, 269–272

and auto-implemented properties, 267–268, 270–272

for indexer, 254, 257, 328

for property, 262–263, 264, 326–327

set contextual keyword, 34

Set( ), 770, 771–772, 841

SetAll( ), 841

SetByIndex( ), 833, 834

SetEquals( ), 848

SetError( ), 391

SetIn( ), 391

SetOut( ), 391–392

SetRange( ), 825, 826

SetValue( ), 670

Sheridan, Mike, 4

Shift operators, bitwise, 75, 81–83

short value type, 38, 39, 40, 406, 647

Sign flag, 39

Sign( ), 644

Signature of a method, 195

Simple types, 37

Sin( ), 41, 644

Single .NET structure, 406, 407, 647, 649

fields, table of, 651

methods, table of, 649–650

Sinh( ), 644

sizeof operator, 615

Sleep( ), 738, 739, 779, 786, 789

Sort( ), 670, 671, 672–675, 825, 826, 829, 850–851

Sort<T>( ), 670, 671

Sort<TKey,TValue>( ), 671, 672

SortedDictionary<TKey,TValue> class, 849, 859–861

methods, table of some, 860

performance characteristics, 862

SortedDictionary<TKey,TValue> .KeyCollection class, 860

SortedDictionary<TKey,TValue> .ValueCollection class, 860

SortedList class, 824, 833–835, 875, 879

methods, table of common, 834

SortedList<TKey,TValue> class, 849, 861–864

methods, table of some, 863

performance characteristics of, 862

SortedSet<T> class, 849, 868–869

SpinLock, 781

SpinOnce( ), 780

SpinUntil( ), 780

SpinWait structure, 780–781

Split( ), 708–711

SQL (Structured Query Language), 565, 601

Sqrt( ), 40–41, 213, 644, 645


definition of, 13, 170, 836

memory region, 616

Stack class, 817, 824, 836–838

methods, table of, 836

Stack<T> class, 849, 864–865

methods, table of, 864

stackalloc, 616

StackOverflowException, 616

StackTrace property of Exception, 359–360

Start( ), 737, 738, 781, 784, 785, 792, 808

parameterized version of, 745, 747

StartNew( ), 792, 796, 797, 798, 799, 801

StartsWith( ), 703, 707

Statements, 23, 32–33

empty, 100

Statements, control, 28

iteration, 87, 94–104

jump, 87, 104–109

selection, 87–94

static, 22, 160, 213–220, 260, 302

Status property, 905

StatusCode property, 909

StatusDescription property, 909

Stop( ), 808, 810

Stopwatch class, 808


binary, 375

byte, 371, 372, 380–386

character, 371, 372, 374, 375, 380, 387–390

classes, byte, 373

definition of, 371

memory-based, 400–402

predefined, 371–372

redirecting standard, 372, 379, 390–392, 402

wrapper classes, character, 374–375

Stream class, 372–373, 380, 400

byte steam classes derived from, 373

methods, table of common, 372

properties, table of, 373

StreamingContext, 360

StreamReader class, 375, 387, 389–390, 633

StreamWriter class, 375, 387–389, 391


alias for System.String, 163, 691

class. See String class

data type, 158, 641, 691, 692

String class, 158–166, 691–715

comparison methods, table of common, 694–696

constructors, 692

Format( ) methods, table of, 719

indexer, 693

search methods, table of, 705–707

string handling methods, table of common, 160


arrays of, 163–164, 674–675

comparing, 159–160, 161–163, 693–699, 881–882

concatenating, 163, 699–702

constructing, 158–159, 692

culture-sensitive vs. ordinal comparisons of, 693–694, 697–699, 882

extension methods, 715

formatting. See Formatting

immutability of, 165, 691, 693

indexing, 160, 693

inserting, 713–714

joining, 708–709, 711

Length property of, 160, 693

literals, 50–51, 158, 692

memory-based I/O using, 402–404

numeric, converting, 406–409

as objects, 158–159, 691

padding, 711–712

pointers and, 613–614

relational operators and, 693

removing, 713–714

replacing, 713–714

searching, 702–707

splitting, 708–711

switch statements and, 91, 166

tokenizing, 710–711

trimming, 711, 712

String.Format( ). See Format( )

StringBuilder class, 165, 403, 691, 702

StringCollection class, 843

StringComparer class, 674–675, 881–882

StringComparison enumeration, 159, 694, 697, 702, 703

StringComparison .CurrentCulture, 159, 161

StringComparison.Current CultureIgnoreCase, 159

StringComparison.Ordinal, 159

StringComparison .OrdinalIgnoreCase, 159

StringDictionary class, 843

StringReader class, 375, 402–404

StringSplitOptions enumeration, 709

StringWriter class, 375, 402, 403–404

Stroustrup, Bjarne, 4, 5

struct keyword, 334, 516, 529, 531

Structures, 38, 319, 334–339

C# vs. C++, 339

corresponding to the built-in value types, .NET, 406–407, 646–664

default constructor of, 335

default value of, 534

efficiency of, 334, 338–339

and fixed-size buffers, 616–618

generic, 535–536

and inheritance, 335

partial, 623

using pointers with, 609

System, list of, 640

as value types, 319, 334, 338, 339

Subclass, 283

Subscribe( ), 689

Substring( ), 165, 582, 586, 714–715

Subtract( ), 655

Sum( ) extension method, 598–599

Sun Microsystems, 4

Superclass, 283

SuppressFinalize( ), 683

Suspend( ), 778

switch statement, 87, 90–94

enumerations and, 91, 340, 343

goto and, 93, 108–109

and no fall-through rule, 93–94, 109

and strings, 91, 166

Symbol, #define directive, 464

SymmetricExceptWith( ), 848

Synchronization, 736, 750–774

deadlock, 760, 778

interprocess, 766, 769

using an event synchronization object, 769–772

using the Interlocked class, 772–773

using a lock statement, 750–755, 760, 762

using the MethodImplAttribute attribute, 760–762

using Monitor methods, 755–760

using a mutex, 762–766

and race conditions, 760

using a semaphore, 762, 766–769

SynchronizationLockException, 756

Synchronized( ), 825, 826, 831, 833, 834, 836, 839, 841

SynchronizedCollection<T> class, 848

SynchronizedKeyedCollection <K,T> class, 848

SynchronizedReadOnlyCollection <T> class, 848

Synchronous vs. asynchronous Internet communication, 898–899

SyncRoot property, 663, 820, 841

Syntax errors, 23

System namespace, 22, 345, 360, 361, 371, 372, 404, 449, 545, 601, 637, 639, 692, 784, 907

members, lists of, 639–641

System.Attribute. See Attribute class

System.AttributeUsageAttribute class, 503

System.Collections namespace, 663, 818, 823, 843

See also Collection(s)

System.Collections.Concurrent, 818, 869

System.Collections.Generic, 566, 663, 818, 844, 848, 849


interface. See ICollection interface

System.Collections.IEnumerator interface. See IEnumerator interface

System.Collections.ObjectModel namespace, 818

System.Collections.Specialized namespace, 818, 843

System.Delegate, 420

System.Diagnostics namespace, 503, 781, 808

System.Diagnostics .ConditionalAttribute class, 503

System.Exception class. See Exception class

System.Globalization namespace, 160, 647, 657

System.IComparable interface. See IComparable interface

System.IDisposable interface, 632, 633

System.InvalidOperation Exception. See InvalidOperation Exception

System.IO namespace, 372, 373, 380, 449, 903

System.IO.Stream class. See Stream class

System.Linq namespace, 567, 581, 604, 715, 720

System.Linq.Enumerable, 594, 820

System.Linq. ParallelEnumerable, 820

System.Linq.Queryable, 594, 715, 820

System.Linq.Expressions. Expression<TDelegate>, 601

System.Math class, 40, 195, 213

See also Math class

System.Net namespace, 895, 898, 903

classes, list of, 896

enumerations, list of, 897

interfaces, list of, 897

Internet networking using members of the, 895–920

System.Net.Mail namespace, 895

System.Net.Security namespace, 895

System.Net.Sockets namespace, 895

System.Nullable<T> class, 618–619

System.Object class, 314

See also object class

System.ObsoleteAttribute, 505

System.Predicate, 677

System.Reflection namespace, 475, 477

System.Reflection.MemberInfo class, 475

See also MemberInfo class

System.Runtime. CompilerServices namespace, 760

System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace, 634

System.Runtime.Serialization namespace, 360

System.Security .SecurityException, 904

System.ServiceModel.UriScheme KeyedCollection, 848

System.String class, 163, 641, 691

See also String class

System.Text namespace, 165, 691, 692

System.Threading namespace, 737, 755, 780, 783, 798

System.Threading.Mutex class, 762

System.Threading.Semaphore class, 767

System.Threading.Tasks namespace, 783, 784

System.Type, 474, 475

See also Type class

System.ValueType class, 335

System.Web namespace, 895

SystemException, 345, 360


Take( ), 870, 871

Tan( ), 41, 644

Tanh( ), 644

TargetSite property of Exception, 359–360

Task class, 784, 787, 791, 792, 794, 796, 798, 799

Task Parallel Library (TPL), 7, 735, 780, 783–812

and the cancellation subsystem, 780, 798

and collections, 817, 869

Task(s), 735, 784–801

cancelling a, 798–801

child, 801

continuation, 794–796

creating and starting, 784–787, 792

and deadlock, 791

to end, waiting for a, 786, 789–791

ID, 787–789

lambda expression as a, using a, 792–794

named method as a, using a, 785, 792

nested, 801,

parallelism, 784, 801–804

returning value from a, 796–797

scheduler, 784, 785, 801

vs. thread, 784

Task<TResult> class, 796, 797

TaskCreationOptions class, 801

TaskFactory class, 792, 796, 801

TaskFactory<TResult> class, 796

TaskScheduler class, 801

TextReader class, 374–375, 377, 387, 391, 402, 633

input methods defined by, table of, 374

TextWriter class, 374–375, 379, 387, 391, 402

this, 135–137

and extension methods, 602

and overloaded constructors, 199–201

and static methods, 214

Thread class, 737, 738, 739, 742, 747, 748, 779, 781, 784, 801

constructor, 737, 745–746

Thread.Abort( ). See Abort( )

Thread.Resume( ), 778

Thread.Sleep( ). See Sleep( )

Thread.Suspend( ), 778

Thread.WaitHandle class, 763, 767


argument to, passing an, 745–747

and the cancellation

subsystem, 780, 798

communication, 756–760

creating and starting, 737–742

deadlock, 760, 778

definition of, 735, 736

end of, determining the, 742–745

foreground and background, 736, 747

main, 736, 739, 779–780

multiple child, 740–742

possible states of, 736

priorities, 747–750

and race conditions, 760

state, determining, 779

suspending and resuming, 778

synchronization. See Synchronization

task vs., 784

terminating, 774–778

ThreadAbortException, 774, 775, 777

ThreadPriority enumeration, 748

ThreadStart delegate, 737, 745


enumeration, 779

property, 779

ThreadStateException, 737, 743

throw, 87, 346, 355–357

ThrowIfCancellationRequested( ), 798, 799–800

Timeout property, 900

TimeSpan structure, 730, 808

custom placeholder characters, table of, 731

ToArray( ), 826, 830, 836, 839, 851, 864, 866, 869

extension method, 600–601

ToBoolean( ), 680

ToByte( ), 655

ToChar( ), 680

ToCharArray( ), 585

ToDouble( ), 655, 680

ToInt16( ), 655, 681

ToInt32( ), 655, 681

ToInt64( ), 655, 681


cancellation, 791, 798–801

string, 710

Token property, 798

ToList( ) extension method, 600–601

ToLower( ), 160, 657, 660, 714

ToLowerInvariant( ), 660, 714

ToOACurrency( ), 656

ToSByte( ), 656

ToSingle( ), 656, 681

ToString( ), 314–315, 317, 359, 403, 404, 405, 648, 650, 652, 656, 660, 662, 681, 685, 688, 700, 701–702

used to format data, 715, 719, 721–722, 728

TotalSeconds property, 808

ToUInt16( ), 656, 681

ToUInt32( ), 656, 681

ToUInt64( ), 656, 681

ToUpper( ), 160, 657, 660, 714

ToUpperInvariant( ), 660, 714

Trim( ), 711, 712

TrimExcess( ), 851, 863, 864, 866

TrimToSize( ), 826, 827, 834, 839

true, 44, 69

overloading, 234–237, 239–243

True and false in C#, 44

True displayed as bool value output by WriteLine( ), 45

TrueForAll<T>( ), 672

TrueString field, 662

Truncate( ), 644, 656

try block(s), 346–352

nested, 354–355

TryAdd( ), 869, 870

TryEnter( ), 755–756

TryGetValue( ), 846

TryParse( ), 409, 649, 650, 652, 656, 660, 662

TryTake( ), 869, 870, 872

Tuple class, 685

Two’s complement, 39

Type(s), 25

anonymous, 201, 202, 269, 589–591

casting. See Casts

checking, 37, 51, 57, 318, 590, 626

closed, 511

constrained, 516. See also Constraint(s)

constructed. See Constructed type

data. See Data types

dynamic, 7, 37, 625–629

extensibility, 221, 248

identification, runtime, 471–475

inference, 428, 538, 539, 569–570

metadata, 469

nullable, 38, 530, 531, 618–623

open, 511

partial, 7, 623–624

parameterized, 507

primitive, 37

promotion, 61–62

reference. See Reference types

referent, pointer’s, 606, 610, 611

and reflection, 475–495

safety and generics, 507, 508, 510, 511–514, 518, 538, 539, 541, 564, 663, 673, 686, 818, 819, 844, 874, 875

simple, 37

value. See Value types

Type argument(s), 510, 511

and constraints, 515–533. See also Constraint(s)

and pointer types, 564

to call a generic method, using explicit, 539

Type class, 474, 475–477, 497

commonly used methods defined by the, list of, 476

commonly used properties defined by the, list of, 476

Type conversion, 44, 57–64, 620

and the as operator, 472–474

and casting, 57, 58–60, 62–64

and dynamic, 627

implicit (automatic), 57–58, 61, 192–194

Type parameter(s), 509–510, 564

comparing instances of a, 544–548

and constraints, 515–516

covariance and contravariance in generic, 555–563

creating a default value of a, 534–535

and generic class hierarchies, 549–552

and generic delegates, 539

and generic interfaces, 541, 543, 544

and generic methods, 536–539

overloading methods that use, 553–554

relationship between two, establishing a, 516, 532

typeof operator, 474–475, 479, 488


uint value type, 38, 39, 40, 407, 647

literal, 48

UInt16 .NET structure, 407, 647

UInt32 .NET structure, 407, 647

UInt64 .NET structure, 407, 647

ulong value type, 38, 39, 407, 647

literal, 48

Unboxing, 315–317

unchecked keyword, 368–370

#undef directive, 463, 467

Unicode, 43, 371, 387

Transformation Format (UTF), 657

UTF-16 and UTF-32

characters, 657

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), 897, 898

constructing a, 907

dissecting a, 907–908

Uniform Resource Locator (URL), 897

UnionWith( ), 848


code, 9, 605, 606

memory, 684

UnmanagedMemoryStream class, 373

/unsafe compiler option, 606

unsafe keyword, using, 607–608

UploadData( ), 918–919

UploadFile( ), 919

UploadString( ), 919

UploadValues( ), 919

Uri class, 897, 907–908

UriFormatException, 904

UseDefaultCredentials property, 900, 917

ushort value type, 38, 39, 40, 407, 647

using directive

to bring a namespace into view, 22, 24, 453–455

to create an alias, 455–456

using statement, 382, 632–633


ValidOn property, 503


contextual keyword, 34

implicit parameter, 254, 256–257, 263, 437, 440

Value property, 619, 823–824, 848, 853, 858, 861, 884, 910

Value type(s), 37–38, 117

boxing and unboxing, 315–317

and call-by-reference, 178–183

constraints, 516, 529, 531

default value of, 129, 534

new and, 132–133

null and, 530

and nullable types, 618

passed to methods, 176–177

simple type category of, 37, 38

structures as, 319, 334, 338, 339

structures corresponding to the built-in numeric, .NET, 406–407, 646–664

table of C#, 38

Values property, 822, 832, 834, 846, 858, 860, 862

Values<TValue> property, 846

var keyword, 53, 153, 155

used with queries, 567, 568, 570, 591


captured, 424–425, 428

const, 632

declaration, 25, 26, 29, 51, 55

definition of, 24

dynamic initialization of, 52–53

implicitly typed, 7, 26, 53–54, 567, 568, 589, 591

initializing, 52–53, 55–56

instance. See Instance variables

local, 51, 54–55

member, 12

names, rules governing, 34–35

outer, 424–425, 428

pointer. See Pointer(s)

query, 567, 568, 569, 570

reference. See Reference variable(s)

scope and lifetime of, 54–56

static, 213, 214–217

volatile, 632

virtual keyword, 302, 305, 309


methods, 299, 302–309, 313, 552–553

properties, 305

Visual Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment), 14, 15–21, 921, 923

void, 22, 118

methods, returning from, 121–122

volatile modifier, 632

vsvars32.bat file, 15


Wait( ), 755–759, 779, 789–791, 792

WaitAll( ), 791

WaitAny( ), 791

WaitForExit( ), 782

WaitForFullGCApproach( ), 684

WaitForFullGCComplete( ), 684

WaitForPendingFinalizers( ), 684

WaitHandle class, 763, 767

WaitOne( ), 763, 766, 767, 770, 772

#warning directive, 463, 468

warning #pragma option, 469

Warth, Chris, 4

Web crawler

definition of, 913

example program, 913–916

WebClient class, 896, 897, 916–920

methods, table of synchronous, 918–919

properties, table of, 917

WebException, 905, 917

WebExceptionStatus enumeration, 905

WebHeaderCollection collection, 908

WebRequest class, 897, 898, 899–900, 901–904, 913, 917, 920

methods, table of commonly used synchronous communication, 899

properties, table of, 900

WebResponse class, 897, 898, 899, 900–904, 905, 908, 913, 917, 920

methods, table of commonly used, 901

properties, table of, 901

where clause, 516, 517, 518, 524, 529, 532, 533

in a LINQ query, 567–568, 571–572

Where( ) extension method, 594, 595–596

while loop, 87, 101–103, 107

Widening conversion, 57–58

Windows, 6, 8, 9, 402

WithCancellation( ), 814

WithDegreeOfParallelism( ), 816

WithExecutionMode( ), 816

Write( ), 26, 372, 374, 379, 385, 393

WriteByte( ), 372, 384, 385

WriteLine( ), 23, 26, 27, 43, 50, 315, 359, 374, 379, 402, 403, 404, 406, 662

and bool values, 45

formatted output version of, 45–48, 715, 716, 723–725

and string objects, 159

using a method within, 124

WriteTimeout property, 373


XML, 565

XML comment, 921

tags, table of, 922

XML file containing, 923–924

XOR (exclusive OR) operator (^)

bitwise, 75, 79–80

logical, 69, 70

Xor( ), 921



break statement, 889

contextual keyword, 34, 888

return statement, 888

statements, multiple, 890

Yield( ), 781


Zero field, 657