ability to learn, 32
abstraction, in software design, 246
criteria, 104 , 177 , 181 , 196 , 199 , 481 , 491
product, 104 , 491
testing, 104 , 460 , 481 , 49091 , 632
accept responsibility, 179
access control, 20910 , 35153 , 587
accessibility, 206 , 258 , 390 , 48788
accessible, data collection goal, 110
accessor operations, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 254
accident, 208 , 35558
data, 107 , 354
leadership characteristic, 31
data quality, 204 , 390
metric, 369 , 395 , 410 , 41213
quality attribute, 206 , 449
ACID properties, information integrity, 204
acquirer, stakeholders, 89 , 96 , 100 , 268 , 456 , 632 . See also customers, stakeholders; users, stakeholders
acquisition criteria, 559 , 562 , 567 , 57374 , 58789
acquisition point, 311 , 54546 , 562 , 57273 , 587 89
acquisition process (software), steps in, 97105
accept product, 104 , 460 , 48182 , 49091 , 505 , 632
CMMI for, 2324
contract requirements, define, 101
determine approach, 99
identify and evaluate potential suppliers, 99100
initiate and plan, 978
negotiate and award contract, 1013
preferred supplier relationships, 105
product requirements, define, 989
project management, 1034
software use, 104
supplier management, 103
supplier selection, 101
verification and validation (V&V) plan, 457
action item, 32627 , 330
activities, 275 , 277 , 28183 , 285303 , 3078 , 31213 , 314 , 334
activity diagrams, 22627
activity networks
diagramming, 29496 , 441
line network, 294
node network, 29495
relationships, 295
actor, 21619
actual cost of work performed (ACWP), 31619 . See actual value (AV)
actual, 103 , 290 , 3079 , 312 , 31415 , 32022 , 541
actual value (AV), 31619
adaptive maintenance, 26667
adjourning stage, team development, 63
advocates, for change, 33
aesthetics, 258 , 488
affinity diagrams, 43739
leadership skills, 57
manifesto, 17273
methods, 6 , 88 , 135 , 139 , 153 , 17282 , 266 , 320 , 460 , 465 , 514 , 547 , 583 , 593 , 616
extreme programming, 17882
Scrum, 17477
metrics, 4089
principles, 17273
requirements, 34 , 196 , 199 , 215
Agile Alliance, 172
agile coach, 40 , 43 , 175 , 326 . See also Scrum master
Agile Manifesto, 17273
agile projects, 86 , 93 , 278 , 291 , 32528 , 392 , 546 , 623
aging, 401
algorithm, 461
allocated baselines, 582
alpha testing, 453 , 457 , 491 , 632
alternative scenarios, use cases, 217 , 219
ambiguous, 231
analysis, 44950 , 45254
analysis and design, 243 . See architectural design; component design; software analysis and design
anomaly report, 539 . See problem report
application layer, TCP/IP, 188
appraisal cost of quality, 114
architectural design, 18390 , 24352 , 25561
architectural design review, 32324
architectural structure, 250
process architecture, 845
product architecture, 569
software architectural design, 239 , 24352 , 25561
system architectural design 18390
views, design, 25052
Kruchten’s 4+1 view model, 251
purposes of, 250
archival of build environment, 636
archival processes
archival of build environment, 636
archives, 63536
asset retrieval, 636 37
backups, 63334
data management, 112
offsite storage, 63435
archive library, 558 , 635 See static library
archives, 63536
area charts/graphs, 423
arrival rates, 38889
ASQ Code of Ethics, 910
for conflicts of interest, 1011
fundamental principles, 10
relations with employers and clients, 10
relations with peers, 10
relations with public, 10
assemblers, 555
asset retrieval, 63637
assignable cause variation, 375 , 435 . See special cause variation
assumption, 98 , 196 , 290 , 337 , 341 , 36768
assumption analysis, for risk identification 337
attack, on software security, 20810 , 25657 , 35154
attacker, 25657 , 35154
attributes, of entities 367 , 36971 , 382 , 397
audit corrective action and verification follow-up process, 137 , 142 , 14647 , 15657
audit criteria, 13941 , 14344 , 14950
auditee management, 145
auditees, 145
audit execution process, 14647 , 15154
closing meeting, 154
daily audit team meeting, 154
daily feedback meeting, 154
evidence collection, 15254 , 61718 , 61920
opening meeting, 15152
audit findings
best practices, 156
major nonconformance, 155
minor nonconformance, 155
observation, 155
process improvement opportunities, 156
audit implementation, 146 . See audit execution process
audit initiation process, 14649
audit objectives, 13738
auditor, lead, 131 , 14352 , 154 , 15657
auditor management, 143
auditors, 14445
audit performance, 146 . See audit execution process
audit planning process, 14647 , 14950
audit plan, 150
audit preparation process, 14647 , 15051
audit program, 138
audit purpose, 143 , 148
audit reporting process, 14647 , 15556
audit report, 15556
audits, 13756 , 545 , 61520
checklists, 15051 , 61718 , 61920
configuration audits, 545 , 61520
considerations, 13839
criteria, 13941 , 14344 , 14950
definition, 137
desk audit, 142
external second-party audits, 14041 , 148
external third-party audits, 141 , 148
best practices, 156
major nonconformance, 155
minor nonconformance, 155
observation, 155
process improvement opportunities, 156
follow-up audit, 142
functional configuration audit (FCA), 104 , 450 , 45254 , 61518 , 627
inputs, 14849
internal first-party audits, 13940 , 148
objectives, 13738
physical configuration audit (PCA), 104 , 450 , 45354 , 615 , 61820 , 627
plan, 150
process, 14757
corrective action and verification follow-up, 137 , 142 , 14647 , 15657
execution, 14647 , 15154
closing meeting, 154
daily audit team meeting, 154
daily feedback meeting, 154
evidence collection, 15254 , 61718 , 61920
opening meeting, 15152
initiation, 14649
planning, 14647 , 14950
process audit, 14142
preparation, 14647 , 15051
reporting, 14647 , 15556
steps in, 14647
process audit, 14142
product audit, 142 , 450
program, 138
project audit, 142
purpose, 143 , 148
report, 15556
roles and responsibilities
auditee, 145
auditee management, 145
auditor management, 143
auditors, 14445
client, 143
escort, 145
lead auditor, 144
scope, 148
supplier audit, 14142
system, 141
audit scope, 148
audit team lead, 144 . See lead auditor
audit trail, 107 , 203 , 210 , 25657 , 390
authentication, 209 , 256 , 352
author, 51232 , 535 , 53839 , 55862 , 57274 , 59092
automated test framework, 503 . See test harness
automation, 213 , 240 , 412 , 523 , 576
of software builds, 57980
test, 46768
data, 106 , 11011 , 353 , 390 , 414
quality attribute, 205 , 209 , 255 , 257 , 268 , 339 , 39495
in software design, 257
staff and resources, 288 , 326 , 340 , 601
average (X-bar) and ranges (R) charts, 43637
average (X-bar) and standard deviation (S) charts, 436
back door, 107 , 209 , 352
iteration/sprint, 86 , 17577 , 229
problem report backlog, metric, 38990
product backlog, 17477 , 229 , 23738 , 266 , 325 , 328 , 583 , 593
backlog refinement meeting, 57 , 17677 , 215 , 229
backup library, 558 , 634
backups, 107 , 204 , 558 , 63334
backward-compatible software, 625
backward traceability, 23940 , 6023 . See also forward traceability; traceability/ traceable
balanced scorecards, 425 . See dashboards
bar charts/graphs, 42022
baseline configuration items, 574 , 611
baselined requirements, software, 193 , 23537 , 393
baseline metadata, 611
baselines, 58183
base measures, 371 . See explicit measures
basic quality, in Kano model, 7
bell curve, 378 . See normal distribution
benchmarking, 119
competitive, 120
functional, 120
generic, 120
internal, 120
preventive action and, 136
requirements elicitation, 214
steps in, 11921
beta testing, 450 , 488 , 632 . See also pilots
bidirectional traceability, 23842 . See also traceability/traceable
black-box testing, 391 , 461 , 46465 , 489 , 491 , 493
Body of Knowledge (BOK)
Software Quality Engineer Certification, xxii , (Appendix A), 63947
Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide (PMBOK Guide), 90
bottom-up testing strategy, 46364
boundary value testing, 473 , 486 , 501
box-and-whisker diagrams, 423 . See box charts/plots
box charts/plots, 423
brainstorming, 6667 , 336
for risk identification, 336
branch coverage, 499 . See decision coverage
branching, library processes, 56264
branching identification scheme, 576
budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), 31619 . See earned value (EV)
budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), 31619 . See planned value (PV)
for phase transition control, 31314
project, 29899
bug report, 539 . See problem report
builders, SCM, 552 , 55960
automation, 57980
building, 55152 , 55960
builds, 579
continuous integration, 547 , 580
from controlled library, 558 , 55960
identification, 57578
labeling 56263 , 57576
metadata, 611
reproducibility, 58081
scripts, 555
testing, 56062
tools, 55355
verification and validation (V&V), 45354
build quality in, lean principles to software, 12526
burn charts, 32021 , 409
burn-down charts, 32021
burn-up charts, 32021
business continuity
defined, 105
management practices of, 106
technical practices of, 106
business requirements/needs, 98 , 194 , 243 , 282
business requirements document (BRD), 229
business rules, 194 , 207
business-to-business (B to B) architecture, 189
business-to-consumer (B to C) architectures, 188
business-to-employee (B to E) architecture, 189
c charts, 437
calendar time, 278 , 28889 , 29698 , 374
capability maturity model integration (CMMI), 2329
for acquisition (CMMI-ACQ), 2324
continuous representation, 28 , 408
definition components, 25
expected, 25
informational, 2526
required, 25
for development (CMMI–DEV), 23 24
process areas, 24
for service (CMMI-SVC), 2324
staged representation levels, 24 , 2729
capacity, quality attributes, 198 , 396 , 485
capital costs, in project planning, 298
capture-and-playback tool, 506
cardinality, 22224
cause-and-effect diagrams, 41 , 42930
cause-effect graphing (CEG), 47679
causes, of failure, 360
CCB charter, 59899
CCB leader (chair), 597
CCB members, 597
CCB recorder, 598
CCB screener, 598
certification testing, 48182
Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE), Body of Knowledge (BOK), xxii , (Appendix A) 63947
champion, 61
chance cause variation, 375 . See common cause variation
change advisory boards (CABs), 596 . See configuration control boards (CCBs)
change agents
informal, 33
official, 32
change and dependencies, 56970
change authority, 587
change control, 587 . See change request through CCB change control
acquisition, 590
baseline changed configuration item, 593
CCB disposition, 592
create work product, 590
incorporate change, 592
internal use, 590
release, 593
review and approve, 59293
use in operation, 593
change control boards (CCBs), 596 . See configuration control boards (CCBs)
change control type, 587
change management. See change control
change models, 34
change request (CR), 599 , 61214 . See also problem report
change request through CCB change control, 587 , 59093 , 599600
change request originator, 597
CCB charter, 59899
project charter, 98 , 123 , 175 , 276 , 28182
charts, 42024
check-in, 559 , 606 , 634
advantages, 135 , 151
audit, 15051 , 61720
communications, 3046
of common errors, in past software
products, 47475 , 507 , 519 , 522
peer review, 519 , 52223
standardized, 86 , 151
tailored, 88 , 151
testing, 495 , 507
check-out, 606
check sheets, 431
checksums, 209 , 256 , 630
circle charts, 420 . See pie charts
class, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 203 , 253
class diagrams, 226
clear and unambiguous, 231
clear-box testing, 461 . See white-box testing
client, of audit, 143
client–server architectures, 18687
closed-ended question, 56
closing meeting, audit, 154
coaching, 3941
agile, 40 41
GROW framework for, 40
Scrum methodology for, 40
cockpits, 425 . See dashboards
COCOMO/COCOMO II models, 293 . See constructive cost models (COCOMO/COCOMO II)
code. See source code
code coverage techniques, 498
condition coverage, 499501
decision coverage, 499501
modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC), 501
multiple condition coverage, 501
statement coverage, 49899
code deliverable status metrics, 320
codelines, 558 , 56165
code of ethics, ASQ, 910
coding standard, 18 , 142 , 182 , 260 , 512
cohesion, 24849
collaboration platforms, 190
co-location, of team, 180
command center, 425 . See dashboards
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, 14 , 97 , 99101 , 49091 , 570
common cause variation, 375 , 379 , 435
communication plans, 288
communications, 178
communication skills, 4957
effective listening, 5455
impacts of on quality, 5354
interviews, 5556
leadership and agile, 57
multicultural environments, working in, 57
one-way, 5051
oral, 5152
for risk identification, 338
two-way, 5051
written, 5253
compact disk (CD) keys, 629 . See licensing keys
competitive benchmarking, 120
compilers, 555
completeness, 390 , 449 , 454
data, 413
of test coverage, 391
requirements, 230
completion criteria. See exit criteria
complexity, 24445 , 38587
complexity analyzers, 505
complex metrics, 372 . See derived measures
audits and, 137 , 149 , 155
data quality, 109 , 390
licensing agreements, 14
quality assurance, 305
requirements, 231
business rules, 194 , 207
regulatory requirements, 1112 , 15 , 109 , 207 , 619 , 637
safety requirements, 208
software, 15 , 481 , 512 , 544
component design, 183 , 25253
component design review, 324
component testing, 480 . See unit testing
composite items, 569
composite configuration item, 572
comprehensibility, 258 , 487
computer resources forecasting, 290
computer software configuration components (CSCCs), 572 . See constituent configuration items
computer software configuration items (CSCIs), 568 , 572 . See composite configuration item; configuration item (CI)
computer software configuration units (CSCUs), 572 . See constituent configuration items
concise, 231
concurrent development, 313 , 561 , 60610
condition and decision coverage, 501
condition coverage, 498 501
confidentiality, 106 , 209 , 256 , 353 , 390 , 508
configuration audits, 545 , 61520
functional configuration audit (FCA), 104 , 450 , 45254 , 61518 , 627
physical configuration audit (PCA), 104 , 450 , 45354 , 615 , 61820 , 627
configuration components, 572 . See constituent configuration items
configuration control, 54445 , 58586
change management tools, 555556
definition, 544
concurrent development, 60610
configuration control boards (CCBs), 59697
change control, 599600
charter, 59899
impact analysis, 6003 , 60910
member roles and responsibilities, 59798
multiple levels, 6036
configuration item attributes, 587
configuration item dependencies, 59596
item change and version control, 585
item change control process, 58793
tracking item changes, 594
version control, 595
configuration control boards (CCBs), 59697
change control, 599600
charter, 59899
impact analysis, 6003 , 60910
member roles and responsibilities, 59798
multiple levels, 6036
configuration identification, 567
acquisition criteria, 311 , 54546 , 562 , 57273 , 58789
acquisition point, 311 , 54546 , 562 , 57273 , 58789
baseline, 574
functional and physical characteristics, 572
identification methods, 57478
identifying configuration items, 570 72
work product control, 568
work product partitioning, 56870
software builds and baselines, 578
automation, 57980
builds, 579
continuous integration, 580
control points, 58183
reproducibility, 58081
configuration infrastructure, 54965
configuration item (CI), 568
acquisition criteria, 559 , 562 , 567 , 57374 , 58789
acquisition point, 311 , 54546 , 562 , 57273 , 58789
attributes, 58789
baseline, 574
categories, 587
dependencies, 59596 , 612
interrelationship, 612
functional and physical characteristics, 572
identification methods, 57478
identifying configuration items, 57072
metadata, 611
work product control, 568
work product partitioning, 56870
configuration management 54447
activities, 544
deviations and waivers data, 612
management of, 54546
plan, 86 , 311 , 546
planning, 54546
risk indicators, 571
configuration management library processes, 557
backup library, 558
branching, 56264
controlled library, 558
controlled work product, 56062
dynamic library, 55758
merging, 564 65
new software work product, 55859
software build, 55960
static library, 558
configuration management plan, 86 , 311 , 546
configuration management team, roles and responsibilities, 549
builder, 552
release manager, 522
SCM librarian, 552
SCM manager, 551552
SCM toolsmith, 552
software practitioners, 552
organizational-level SCM group, 550
project-level SCM group, 55051
configuration management tools, 55354
SCM build tools, 555
SCM change management tools, 507 , 55356
SCM library and version control tools, 554
SCM status accounting tools, 556
configuration reviews, 61516
configuration status accounting
data collection and recording, 61114
status reporting, 614
configuration testing, 49596 , 632
configuration units, 572 . See constituent configuration items
conflict of interest, 1011
management, 4346
negative/destructive, 4446
positive/constructive, 4344
resolution, 4346
conformance, 3 , 87 , 109 , 139 , 14142 , 149 , 615
consistency, 110 , 150 , 230 , 252 , 260 , 269 , 369 , 390 , 449 , 523 , 544 , 61720
constituent configuration items, 572
constituent items, 56970
cause-and-effect graphing, 477 79
design, 200 , 493
project, 98 , 245
requirements, product, 191 , 194 , 196 , 200
constructive conflict 43 . See positive conflict
constructive cost models (COCOMO/COCOMO II), 293
constructor operations, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 254
containment plans, 335 . See risk mitigation plans
content management tools, 554
context diagram, 197 , 221
context-free questions, 5556
contingency plans, 335 , 344 , 34849 , 354
continuous distribution, 378
continuous improvement, xxi
continuous integration, 18182 , 547 , 580
contracts, 12 , 104 , 137 , 14041 , 284 , 305 , 340
negotiate and award, 101 , 103 , 172 , 268
requirements, 101 , 14748
contractual and legal risks, 340
control activities, of project, 30710 , 31415
checkpoints for, 310
for plans and estimates, 3089
PMI process for, 310
and program, 329
control charts, 378 , 43437
control flow graph, 38586
controlled library, 55863 , 574 , 594 , 635
controlled work product, 56062 , 568
control point baselines, 58182
control systems, 34 , 130 , 169 , 351 , 544
convenient, data collection goal, 110
conversion, 14
copyleft, 1314
Copyright Act, 13
copyrights, 1314
correction, 115 , 128 , 13033
corrective action plans, 130 33
corrective actions
audits, 15657
procedures, 127133
approval, 131
assign planning team, 128 , 130
closure, 13233
evaluation, 132
identification of problem, 128
implementation, 131
initiation of long–term correction, 13031
process, 133
process fix/correction, 133
product, 133
product fix/correction, 13233
project, 31415
steps to, 4445
corrective maintenance, 6 , 12 , 266
corrective release, 115 , 269 , 552 , 564 , 60810 , 62122
budget, 29899 , 31314
deferring, 179
driver, for project management, 27879
estimates, 281 , 283 , 28890 , 29394
for project, 290
impacts, 456 , 601
metrics, 397
of ownership, 6 , 132 , 136 , 380 , 586
process metric, 397
project objectives, 284
reduction, 6 , 96
requirements prioritization, 233
reuse, 261
risk reduction, 34748
to fix a defect, 56 , 405
verification and validation (V&V), 45051
cost/benefit analysis, 71 , 101 , 165 , 347 , 365 , 372
cost of poor quality, 113 . See cost of quality (COQ)
cost of quality (COQ), 11317 , 132 , 136 , 322
appraisal, 114
categories of, 11415
external failure, 11516
internal failure, 11415
model of optimal, 11516
prevention, 114
use, 117
cost performance index (CPI), 316 , 318
cost variance (CV), 316 , 31819
counting criteria, 368 , 37172 . See mapping system
coupling, in software design, 248 , 25657 , 260 , 396 , 601
courage, 31 , 65 , 178
coverage, test, 491
code coverage, 498501
data domain, 494
date and time domain, 49495
domain and boundary, 501
functional, 493
interface, 495
internationalization, 49697
metrics, 39091
platform configuration, 49596
requirements, 49293
security, 495
state, 494
create knowledge, lean principle, 125 , 127
credibility, 31 , 390
critical activity, 296
critical design review (CDR), 324 ,. See component design review
criticality, 255 , 353 , 361 , 449 , 45254 , 456 , 472 , 633
critical path, 29698 , 313 , 315
critical path analysis, 29698 , 337
for risk identification, 337
critical to x (CTx), 12324 , 132 , 136
cross-functional teams, 5960 , 305
cross-referencing code analyzers, 506
CRUD/CRUDL, for data management requirements, 203 , 494
Crystal, 172 , 4089
c-shaped matrix, 441
cultural competence, 57
culture, 57 , 6263 , 6566 , 106 , 120 , 134 , 161 , 284 , 304 , 496
currentness, 390
customer, of audit, 143 . See client, of audit
customer deliverables, 626
customer/user testing, 632
delivery, 630
development audits, 62728
development testing, 627
installation testing, 631
licensing keys, 629
localization, 629
ordering and manufacturing, 62930
pilots, 631
release packaging, 62829
release support, 63233
reviews, 627
software deliverables, 627
customer feedback, 27071
management, 271
customer problems, responsiveness to, 4001
customers, stakeholders, 89
customer satisfaction, 3 , 76 , 270 , 392 , 398400
customers of metrics, 37980
customer/user testing, 632
cyber crime, 352
cyber security, 209
cyber terrorism, 352
cyclic redundancy checks,(CRC), 630
cycle time, 398
cyclomatic complexity, 38586 , 391 , 431
daily audit team meeting, 145 , 154
daily briefing, 154 . See daily feedback meeting, audit
daily feedback meeting, audit, 154
dashboards, 42526
accessibility, 390 , 41213
accountability, 107 , 354
accuracy, 390 , 41213
availability, 353 , 390 , 414
backup, 107 , 204
completeness, 390 , 413
compliance, 390
confidentiality, 209 , 353 , 390
consistency, 390
coordination of multiple data stores, 204
efficiency, 390
credibility, 390
currentness, 390
efficiency, 390
and information security, 209
to information to knowledge, 36869
longevity, 204
mirroring, 204
portability, 390
precision, 390
provenance, 354
recovery, 204 , 390
requirements, 2012
data management, 203
integrity, 204
items and data relationships, defining, 2023
restore, 204
timeliness, 41314
traceability, 390
understandability, 390
verification, 204
data archiving, 112
database software, 507
data collection and storage, 107 , 110 , 61114
data collection plan, 109 , 12324 , 40910
how, 41112
who, 41011
data confidentiality, 209 , 353 , 390
data dictionary, 2023 , 494
data disposing/disposition, 112 , 204
data dissemination, 107 , 11112 . See also data reporting
data domain coverage, 494
data-driven testing, 464 . See black-box testing
data extraction, 411 , 414
data flow diagrams (DFD), 22122 , 44344
data flow modeling, 253
data integrity, 111 , 204 , 353 , 40917 , 461
data items, 2014 , 222 , 368 , 371 , 37678 , 40910
data maintenance, 107 , 11011
data management, 1078 , 203
architecture, 108110
data access, 107 , 111 , 203 , 35152
data archiving and disposition, 112
data collection and storage, 110
data dissemination, 11112
data maintenance, 11011
data refreshing, 203
data sharing 203
functions of, 1078
governance, 109
inputs, 107
outputs, 107
planning, 10910
principles, 1078
requirements, 203
data modeling, 253
data owners, 410 12
data privacy, 15 , 209
data protection/security, 1067 , 209
data quality, 390 , 412
data reporting, 111 , 414 , 41927 . See also data dissemination
data resource management, 107 . See data management
data security, 1067 , 20910
data set
distribution and, 37879
location, 37679
mean, 376
median, 377
mode, 377
range of, 377
standard deviation, 377
variance of, 377 , 379
data synchronization, 414
data tables, 392 , 420
date and time domain test coverage, 49495
debug, 11415 , 268 , 38889 , 515 , 534 , 580 , 613 , 636
debugger, 264 , 461 , 502 , 506
decision coverage, 499500
decision trees, 221 , 48485 , 505
decisiveness, 31
decoupled, 248 , 25657 , 260
defect containment effectiveness, 4058
defect density, 38788
defect detection effectiveness, 406 , See defect removal efficiency (DRE)
defect detection efficiency, 406 . See defect removal efficiency (DRE)
defect detection rate, measure, 372
defect detection, 56 , 114 , 372 , 388 , 4028 , 44344 , 449 , 519
defect prevention, 56 , 114 , 13436 , 39798 , 44344 , 515 , 518
defect removal efficiency (DRE), 4068
defect report 539 . See problem report
defect salting, 474 . See fault insertion
deferring commitment, lean principles, 125 , 127
delegating, leadership style, 42
deliverables, 79 , 8283 , 92 , 21213 , 277 , 286 , 302 , 31920 , 32425 , 382 , 450 , 471 , 513 , 583 , 61621 , 62633 , 617
metrics, 31920
deliver fast, lean principle, 125 , 127
delivery, 630
Delphi technique, 29091
Deming Circle, 121 . See plan–do–check–act (PDCA) model
denial of service, 106 , 209 , 352
departmental audit strategy, 149
Department of Energy (DOE), 12
dependability, 31
dependencies, 5 , 245 , 268 , 313 , 339 , 552 , 579 , 59596 , 601 , 612 , 62426
depth of structure, 286
derived measures, 37273
design, software. See software analysis and design
design constraints, 191 , 194 , 200 , 493
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), 124 . See DMADV model
design verification and validation (V&V), 447 , 45253
desk audits, 142
desk checks, peer review, 51920 , 52124
destructive conflict, 44 . See negative conflict
destructor operations, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 254
detailed design, 183 , 252 . See component design
detailed design review, 324 . See component design review
detection controls, 360
detection score, 36061
developers, 4 , 49 , 8990 , 126 , 173 , 17880 , 206 , 251 , 410 , 459 , 464
developer, stakeholders, 90
developmental baselines, 582
development audits, 62728
development library, 557 . See dynamic library
development view, design, 251
deviation, 277 , 31115 , 612
direct-access media, 630
directing, leadership style, 42
direct metrics, 371 . See explicit measures
direct two-way communications, 211
disaster recovery, 106 , 634 , 637
discovery method audit strategy, 149
discrete distribution, 378
dispersion of data set, 377 . See variance, of data set
distributed work environments with virtual teams, 6566
distribution, 112 , 12223 , 378
distributor, stakeholders, 90
diversity, of teams, 57 , 59 , 65 , 180 , 51617
DMADV model, 12425
DMAIC model, 12325
agile, documentation in, 172 , 182
audit documentation 150 , 15556
data management documentation, 109111
design documentation, 25053 , 452
hierarchy, 7778 , 84 , 569
product documentation, 88 , 130 , 244
program documentation, 88
quality management system (QMS), 7788
industry standards, 77
quality policies, 78
quality/project plans, 8687 , 281 , 28588 , 468 , 546
processes, 7883 , 88 , 130
process architecture, 8485
work instructions, 8486 , 88
checklists, 86
forms, 84
guidelines, 84
templates, 84
training materials, 86
requirements specification, 191 , 22931 , 452
scope and limitations, 21011
size, metric, 384
testing documentation, 46871 , 53341
user/operator documentation, 244 , 32425 , 454
verification and validation of (V&V), 454
version description documentation, 625
documentation identification scheme, 578
documentation plan, 286
documentation/document study
audit preparation, 15051
requirements elicitation, 215
document audits, 142 . See desk audits
document control, 590 . See review and approval of the modified configuration items change control
documented information, 83 . See quality records
direct users, stakeholders, 89
for projects, 27879
for tests, 46364 , 5023 , 506
duration, 281 , 283 , 289 , 294 , 296298 , 31213
dynamic analysis method, for verification and validation (V&V), 450 , 459
dynamic analysis tools, 506
dynamic cycle time, 398
dynamic library, 55758
earned value (EV), 31619
ease of learning/learnability, 2056 , 215 , 258 , 396 , 488
ease of use, 2056 , 215 , 258 , 488
economics, 179
effective listening, 5455
effects, 12830 , 255 , 341 , 360 , 47679 , 489
of the corrective action process, 132
of the product, 206 , 390 , 487
of the system and/or process, 155156
of the user, 258 , 396 , 489
efficiency of defect detection, 4028
effort, 5 , 18 , 35 , 54 , 59 , 87 , 105 , 126 , 131 , 152 , 154 , 17577 , 181 , 268 , 28894 , 296 , 299 , 303 , 308 , 316 , 320 , 42526
electronic transfer, 63031
element method audit strategy, 149
e-mail, 53 , 190
eliminate waste, lean principle, 12526
embedded systems, 185
emergency maintenance, 269
emotional stamina, 31
empathy, 31
encapsulation, 25355
encryption, 15 , 106 , 209 , 256
endurance testing, 486 . See volume testing
energized work, 180
engineering change boards (ECBs), 596 . See configuration control boards (CCBs)
engineering process group (EPG), 60
enhancement request, 231 , 268 , 270 , 396 , 55556 , 560 , 59092 , 612 , 623 , 633
enhancements, 193 , 266 , 271 , 325 , 59092 , 602 , 625
enterprise architecture, 184
enterprise data management, 107 . See data management
enterprise information management, 107 . See data management
entities, 3 , 110 , 197 , 222 , 250 , 253 , 367 , 36973 , 382 , 397 , 459 , 495
entity behavior modeling, 253
entity relationship diagrams (ERD), 22224
entry criteria, 7981 , 217 , 311 , 350
environmental factors, 28185
environmental load testing, 48586
build, 552 , 559 , 58081 , 636
conformance of, 87
database, 111
development, 264 , 298 , 535
distributed work, 6566
multicultural, 57
stakeholder’s software, 183 , 185 , 2067 , 215 , 259 , 26667 , 26970 , 390 , 48284 , 488 , 59596 , 612 , 625 , 627 , 632
team, 59 , 62
test, 467 , 471 , 5014 , 508 , 53435 , 53738 , 621
controlling, 504
drivers, 5023
harnesses, 503
stubs, 502
test beds, 5012
work/organizational, 154 , 173 , 28182 , 289 , 294 , 304 , 602
equity theory, for motivation, 35
equivalence class partitioning, 47273
error guessing, 474
error rate, 206 , 396
error report, 539 . See problem report
errors, 4 , 111 , 167 , 195 , 257 , 412 , 46667 , 519 , 553
error handling, 84 , 221 , 246 , 252 , 25657 , 47475 , 523
error tolerance, 206 . See rebustness
escapes, 4025
escort, of audit, 145
espionage, 352
estimates, 87 , 98 , 131 , 150 , 161 , 171 , 176 , 181 , 28081 , 283 , 28894 , 29699 , 3079 , 313 , 32021 , 34041 , 365 , 397 –98
ETVX (Entry criteria, Tasks, Verification steps, eXit criteria) method, 7980
event/response tables, 221 , 228
evolutionary changes, 32 , 12425
evolutionary development, of software, 17071
versus incremental development, 170
strengths of, 170
weakness of, 171
evolutionary prototype, 214
exception handling, 47475
exception scenarios, use cases, 217 , 219
exciting quality, 8
executables, 243 , 269 , 382 , 448 , 460 , 522
exit criteria, 7980 , 83 , 217 , 311 , 334 , 350 , 449
expectancy theory, for motivation, 35
expected quality, 7
expert-judgment, 29092
explicit knowledge, 3738
explicit measures, 37172
exploratory auditing, 149 . See discovery method audit strategy
exploratory testing, 48889
expressed warranty, 12
external audit. See external second-party audits; external third-party audits
external failure cost of quality, 11516
external interface requirements, 197
external products testing, 49091
external second-party audits, 14041 , 148
external third-party audits, 141 , 148
external validity, of metric, 36970
extranets, 189
extra processes, lean waste, 126
extra features or code, lean waste, 126
extreme programming (XP), 17882
corollary practices, 18182
primary practices, 18081
principles, 17980
values, 17879
extrinsic motivation, 35
facilitated requirements workshops, 21213 , 229
facilitation skills
conflict management and resolution, 4346
facilitation, 43
meeting management, 4849
negotiation techniques, 4648
facilitators, 4345 , 4849
failure, 53 , 11415 , 180
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), 134 , 25556 , 359 61
failure mode effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) 359 . See failure modes and effects analysis
failure report, 539 . See problem report
fan-in metric, 38687 , 391
fan-out metric, 38687 , 391
fault-error handling, 47475 . See exception handling
fault insertion, 474
fault report. See problem report
fault seeding, 474 . See fault insertion
fault tolerance, 206 . See robustness
feasibility, 192 , 21314 , 221 , 232 , 250 , 252 , 264 , 298 , 33637 , 449 , 452 , 512 , 517 , 522
feasible, 231
feature-driven development (FDD), 172
feature release, 622
features, 126 , 175 , 201
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 12
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 12
feedback, 6 , 39 , 41 , 5051 , 57 , 99 , 127 , 135 , 14446 , 154 , 163 , 16770 , 173 , 175 , 178 , 180 , 182 , 21112 , 216 , 230 , 258 . See also customer feedback
fibonacci sequence, 291
field-testing, 450 , 632 . See beta testing
financial risks, 340
findings, 54 , 121 , 13839 , 14445 , 15556 , 600 , 61819
finite, 231
firewall, 107 , 189 , 209 , 256
firmware, 185
first office verification, 450 , 632 . See beta testing; pilots
first-party audits, 13940 , 148
first-pass yield, 39798
fishbone diagram, 429 . See cause-and-effect diagrams
flexibility, 206 , 258
flow, 179
flowcharts, 428
focus groups, 21112
audit corrective action and verification follow-up, 137 , 142 , 14647 , 15657
peer review, 514 , 522 , 525 , 532
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 12
force field analysis, 33 , 7071
forecasts, 28890
forming stage, team development, 6263
forms, as work instruction, 8486
forward traceability, 239 , 603 . See also backward traceability; traceability/ traceable
fraud, 15
full release, 628
functional baseline, 582
functional benchmarking, 120
functional configuration audit (FCA), 104 , 450 , 45254 , 61518 , 627
checklist items and evidence-gathering techniques, 61718
functional coverage, 493
functional point model, 294
functional requirements, software, 19497
functional testing, 464 , 48285 . See black-box testing
function point churn, 393 . See requirements volatility
function points, 38384
functions, 201
Gantt charts, 31213
scheduling, 312
tracking, 31213
Gaussian distribution, 378 . See normal distribution
generic benchmarking, 120
generic goals (GG), for CMMI, 2526
generic practices (GP), for CMMI, 2526
Gilb’s risk principle, 331
glass-box testing, 461 . See white-box testing
globalization requirements, of product, 199 200
goal/question/metric paradigm, 38082
data collection, 110
generic goals, for CMMI, 25
meeting, management of, 49
quality, 7576
specific goals, for CMMI, 25
gold copy, 635
“gold-plating,” 8 , 211 , 240
good-enough software, 46667
government-off-the-shelf (GOTS) software, 99
graphs, 42023
gray-box testing, 391 , 46264
bottom-up, 46364
top-down, 46263
group consensus, 59 , 66 , 124 , 130 , 152 , 29091 , 305 , 428 , 438 , 53031 , 599
group dynamics, 6364
grouped bar charts, 422
groups, diverse, working with, 65
GROW framework, for coaching, 40
guidelines, 18 , 38 , 78 , 207 , 253 , 285
work instruction, 84
hackers, 89 , 93 , 107 , 195 , 209 , 256 , 352
hacking tools, 506
happy path, 21718 . See main success scenario, use cases
hardware and software dependencies, 62426
harm. See accident
harnesses, test, 503
hash sums, 630
Hawthorne effect, 414
hazard, 35657
hazard analysis, software safety and, 357 59
help desk, 115 , 215 , 268 , 275 , 410 , 450 , 454 , 627 , 631
Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene model, 3637
high-level design, 250 . See architectural design
high-level design review, 324 . See architectural design review
histograms, 421 , 43334
horizontal prototypes, 214
hostile data injection, 352
hot fix, 621 . See corrective release
human factors, in metrics and measurement, 36869 , 41417
human factors studies, 215
humanity, 180
human resources, 27576 , 283 , 28687 , 297 , 303
humans, as users in functional testing, 482
hygiene factors, 3637
identifiers, 220 , 24041 , 469 , 476 , 536 , 53839 , 545 , 554 , 55960 , 567 , 569 , 574 , 578 , 594 , 612
IEEE software engineering standards, 17 , 2023 , 77 , 8687 , 120 , 134 , 150 , 229 , 250 , 252 , 285 , 369 , 45657 , 469 , 51314 , 533 , 538 , 54446 , 581
ilities, of software product, 4 , 191 . See quality attributes
impact analysis, 6003 , 60910
and concurrent development, 60910
implementation tools, 264
implied warranty, 12
improve, 180
incident report, 539 . See problem report
incomplete work, lean waste, 126
incremental change, 32 , 12324
incremental deployment, 182
incremental development model, 16870 , 181
strengths of, 169
weakness of, 169
independence, 87 , 13738 , 143 , 152 , 259 , 501
independent test/independent verification and validation (V&V), 164 , 46465 , 474 , 481
indirect users, stakeholders, 89
individuals and moving range (XmR) charts, 437
industry standards, 1723 , 77
informal change agents, 33
information, 36569
information asset management, 107 . See data management
information/data requirements, 2012 , 36869
data management, 203
integrity, 204
items and data relationships, defining, 2023
information hiding, in software design, 185 , 247 , 255 , 260
information management, 107 . See data management
information radiators, 4089
information resource management, 107 . See data management
information security, 1067 , 209
informative workspace, 180 , 4089
infrastructure, 111 , 11920 , 284
infrastructure plans, 288
inheritance, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 254
initiator, of audit, 143 . See client, of audit
input/output-driven testing, 464 . See black-box testing
into an audit, 14849
into data management, 107
into project planning 28185
to a process, 7981 , 375 , 428
to the software, 14850 , 153 , 195 , 197 , 202 , 257 , 466 , 47275 , 48284 , 486 , 494 , 53537
inputs, from stakeholders, 9294
inspections, peer reviews, 51921 , 52532
individual preparation step, 529
kickoff meeting step, 52829
meeting, 52931
planning step, 52728
post-meeting steps, 532
process, 52632
author, 52532
inspectors, 52526 , 52831
moderator, 52532
observer 527
reader, 52526 , 52831
recorder, 52526 , 52932
inspection leader, 526 . See moderators, inspections
inspectors, 52526 , 52832
installability, 206
installation, 612 , 62425 , 62731
installation testing, 627 , 631
instant messaging (IM), 53 , 190
integrated master schedules, 313
integrated product team (IPT), 1034
integration, 104 , 181 , 38687 , 46264 , 48081 , 547 , 580
integration testing, 104 , 324 , 38687 , 391 , 460 , 46264 , 48081 , 491 , 495
conceptual, 126
data, 204 , 353
level, 45657 , 505 , 536
perceived, 126
intellectual property, 13 , 108 , 209 , 352 , 545 , 549 , 558 , 635
rights, 1314
interaction diagrams, 226 . See sequence diagrams
interface, 84 , 110 , 18386 , 214 , 243 , 24647 , 250 , 25253 , 255 , 258 , 260 , 462 , 481 –84, 495
coverage, 495
requirements, 194 , 197 , 201 , 220 , 229
intermediate installation media, 630
internal benchmarking, 120
internal failure cost of quality, 11415
internal first-party audits, 13940 , 148
internal validity, of metric, 369
international configuration coverage, 496 97
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 3 , 4 , 17
International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), 383
internationalization requirements, of product, 199200
internationalization testing, 49697
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 18
9000 family, 1819
internet, 18889
internet layer, TCP/IP, 188
interoperability, 110 , 203 , 206 , 259 , 465
quality attribute, 206 , 259
in software design, 259
interrelationship digraph, 44142
interval scale measurement, 374
interviews, 5556 , 145 , 153 , 211 , 336
intranet, 189
intrinsic motivation, 35
introductory notes, CMMI, 25
in-use testing, 632 . See operational testing
Ishikawa diagram, 429 . See cause-and-effect diagrams
ISO/IEC 25000 Software Engineering— Software Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) standards, 4 , 205 , 390
ISO 9001:2015 standard, 1819
Quality Management Principles, 76
and quality management system, 1920
issue/issue report 539 . See problem report
item change and version control, 585
configuration control, 58586
configuration item attributes, 587
configuration item dependencies, 59596
item change control process, 58793
tracking item changes, 594
version control, 595
item metadata, configuration, 611
iteration baseline, 583
iterative model, 16768
joint application development (JAD), 21213 . See facilitated requirements workshops
joint application design, 21213 . See facilitated requirements workshops
kanban, 172
Kano’s model, 68
basic quality, 7
exciting quality, 8
expected quality, 7
Kiviat chart, 425 , 427
KLOC (thousands of lines of code), 382
knowledge, 32 , 3738 , 127 , 134 , 304 , 354 , 36769
knowledge transfer, 3738
knowledge management system, 38
mechanisms for, 37
steps, 38
types of
explicit knowledge, 37
tacit knowledge, 37
Kruchten’s 4+1 view model, design, 251
labeling, 56266 , 57576 , 6069 , 611
labor costs, in project planning, 298
lagging indicator metrics, 4001
laws. See business rules
lead auditor, 131 , 14352 , 154 , 15657
leader, team, 4849 , 61
leadership. See also situational leadership
communication skills and, 4957
agile, 57
definitions, 31
facilitation skills and, 4349
organizational, 3242
qualities and characteristics, 3132
leading indicator metrics, 401
lean techniques, for process improvement, 12527
learnability, 396 . See ease of learning/learnability
legacy software, 262 , 265
lessons learned, 60 , 78 , 97 , 12021 , 124 , 133 , 136 , 151 , 161 , 215 , 32728 , 448 , 53031 , 541 , 550 , 552
lessons learned sessions, 136 . See also post-project reviews; retrospectives; reflections
level-of-effort work activities, 275
librarians, SCM, 552
libraries, SCM, 557
backup library, 558
controlled library, 558
dynamic library, 55758
archive, 63536
backup, 63334
branching, 56264
controlled work product, 56062
merging, 56465
new software work product, 55859
software build, 55960
static library, 558
license, 1214
licensing keys, 629
life cycle/process model, 16182
likeability/user preference, 206 , 396
limitations, product, 21011
line graphs, 42021
line network, 294 , 297
lines of code (LOC), 382 , 391
linkers/loaders, 555
effective, 5455
nonverbal, 55
verbal, 55
load testing, 48586
localization, 199200 , 49697 , 629
localization requirements, of product, 199200
localization testing, 496 . See internationalization testing
of configuration item, 587
of data set, 37677
mean, 376
median, 377
mode, 377
logical view, design, 251
logic bomb, 107 , 209 , 352
L-shaped matrix, 440
McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity, 38586 , 391 , 431
main success scenario, use cases, 21718
quality attribute, 206 , 260 , 396
in software design 245 , 260
maintenance management, 26570
data maintenance, 11011
maintenance types
adaptive, 26667
corrective, 266
perfective, 266
preventive, 267
emergency maintenance, 269
maintenance process implementation, 26768
migration, 26970
modification implementation, 269
problem and modification analysis, 268
product discontinuance, 270
release review/acceptance, 269
software retirement, 270
maintenance release, 269 , 621 . See corrective release
major milestone reviews, 323 . See phase gate reviews
malicious code, 107 , 209 , 256 , 352
malpractice, 15 , 209
management reviews, 32627 , 511
management risks, 339
managers, SCM, 55152
manually-controlled library, 594
manual tracking of item changes, 594
manufacturing 62930 , See replication
manufacturing perspective of quality, 34
mapping system, 368 , 37172
marketing surveys, 214
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 36
master library, 558 . See controlled library
mathematical proofs, 449
matrix diagrams, 44041
mean, 37679
mean time to change, 396
mean time to fix, 396
measurable, 231
measurement method, 368 . See mapping system
defined, 36768
error, 412
scales, 37374
median, 374 , 37778 , 398 , 423 , 435
meeting, management of, 4849
agenda, 4849
design stage for, 48
distribution of objective and agenda, 48
goals, 49
list of action items, 49
objectives, 4849
record (meeting minutes), 49
set up verification, 4849
time keeping, 49
members, of team, 61
memorability, 396
mentoring, 3839
merging, library processes, 56465
messaging system architectures, 190
metadata, 110 , 203 , 572 , 611
method, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 254
methodologies for quality management, 113
benchmarking, 11921
corrective actions, 12733
cost of quality, 11317
defect prevention, 13436
DMADV model, 12425
DMAIC model, 12324
lean techniques, 12527
plan–do–check–act (PDCA) model, 12122
return on investment, 11718
Six Sigma, 12225
methods, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 254
complex, 372 . See derived measures
customer, 37980
definition, 36667
goal/question/metric paradigm, 38082
measurement functions, 37273
measurement scales, 37374
model, 37273
primitive, 371 . See explicit measures reliability, 36971
reporting tools, 419
charts and graphs, 42023
dashboards, 42526
Kiviat chart, 425 , 427
stoplight charts, 424
selecting, 38082
software process, 397
agile metrics, 4089
capability, 408
cost, 397
customer satisfaction, 398400
cycle time, 398
defect containment, 4056
defect removal efficiency (DRE), 4068
escapes, 4025
first-pass yield, 39798
phase containment effectiveness, 4056
project and risk metrics, 289 , 408
project estimation metrics
calendar time, 289
cost, 290
critical computer resources, 290
effort, 289
productivity, 28990
project tracking metrics
earned value, 31619
productivity, 32021
resource utilization, 32122
staff turnover, 8 , 322
tracking deliverables, 31920
velocity, 32021
risk metrics
risk exposure (RE), 34243 , 347
risk probability, 341
risk reduction leverage (RRL), 34748
risk loss, 341
risk tracking, 350
reported problems, responsiveness to, 4001
total defect containment effectiveness (TDCE), 406
software product, 36667
arrival rates, 38889
availability, 394 95
customer, 37980
cyclomatic complexity, 38586 , 391 , 431
data quality, 390
defect density, 38788
entities, 382
maintainability, 396
problem report backlog, 38990
reliability, 39394
requirements volatility, 237 , 307 , 39293
size, 289 , 38284
function points, 38384
lines of code (LOC), 382
structural complexity
depth, 386
fan-in, 38687 , 391
fan-out, 38687 , 391
width, 386
system performance, 39596
test coverage, amount of, 39091
usability, 396
statistics and statistical process control, 37679
validity, 36971
variation, 37476
migration, 26970 , 625
milestones, 280 , 284 , 303 , 312
milestone reviews, 323 . See phase gate reviews
mishap, 35759
mission control, 425 . See dashboards
mistake, 5 , 13436 , 178 , 297 , 456 , 47475
disaster recovery, 106 , 634 , 637
risk mitigation, 335 , 34349
security risk mitigation, 35355
safety risk mitigation, 361
mock-up, 214 . See horizontal prototypes
modality, 22224
mode, 374 , 377 78
model, definition, 18
model-based estimating techniques, 29294
moderators, inspections 52532
modifiable, 230
modifiability, in software design, 260
modifiable-off-the-shelf (MOTS) software, 99
modifier operations, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 254
modularity, 247
module testing, 480 . See unit testing
Monte Carlo estimation techniques, 291 , 342
motivation, 34
elements, 34
equity theory for, 35
expectancy theory for, 35
extrinsic, 35
Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene model, 3637
intrinsic, 35
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 36
recognition and rewards, 35
reinforcement theory for, 35
types of, 35
multicultural environments, 57
multiple condition coverage, 5001
multi-tier architecture, 185 . See n-tier architectures
multi-voting method, 68
mutual benefit, 179
negative conflict, 4446
negative observation, audit, 148 , 15556
negative risks, 331
negative testing, 474 . See exception handling
negligence, 1415
negotiation, 46 48
objectives for, 4648
skills required for, 4647
steps in
closing, 48
debating and bargaining, 48
preparing, 47
proposing, 47
network access layer, TCP/IP, 188 . See network
interface layer, TCP/IP
network interface layer, TCP/IP, 18889
new software work product, 559
node network, 29495
nominal group technique (NGT), 6768
nominal scale, 373
major, 155
minor, 155
non-functional requirements, 175 , 191 , 197200 , 229 , 251 . See quality attributes; interface requirements; data/information requirements
non-locking check-in/check-out processes, 606
non-project activities, 275
nonverbal listening, 55
normal distribution, 12223 , 378
norming stage, team development, 63
n-tier architectures, 18586
objective, data collection goal, 110
objective evidence, 142 , 144 , 146 , 15254
examining physical properties for, 153
examining quality records, 152
finding patterns, 153
functional configuration audit (FCA), 61618
gathering plans, 150 51
interview auditees, 153
physical configuration audits (PCA), 61920
reviewing documents, 152
tracing for, 15354
for verification and validation (V&V), 44748 , 540
witnessing event/process, 153
audit, 13738
meeting, 4849
negotiation, 4648
project, 28284
quality, 7576
reviews, 512
security requirements, 20910
testing, 459
objectivity, of audits, 138
object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 25355
object-oriented models, 221
objects, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 253
observation, audit, 155
negative, 155
positive, 155
observation of work in progress, requirements elicitation, 214
focus group, 212
inspections/peer reviews, 517 , 527
testing, 539
occurrence score, 36061
official change agents, 32
offshore, outsourcing, 96
offsite outsourcing, 96
offsite storage, 63435
one-way communication, 5051
onsite, outsourcing, 96
open-ended questions, 5556
opening meeting, audit, 144 , 146 , 151 52
open source license, 13
open source software, 99 , 49091
operational profile testing, 470 , 48485
operational testing, 632
operation baseline, 583 . See product baseline
operations, in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD), 254
opportunities, 180 , 33132
optimize whole, lean principles, 125 , 127
oral communication
formal meetings, 51
formal presentations, 52
informal verbal interchanges, 51
telephone calls, 52
video conferencing, 52
voice mail, 52
ordering and manufacturing, 62930
ordinal scale, 37374
organizational leadership, 3242
coaching and, 3941
knowledge transfer and, 3738
mentoring and, 3839
motivation and, 3437
organizational change management, 3234
recognition and, 3437
situational leadership, 4142
organizational change management, 3234
force field analysis, 33
Satir change model, 34
steps to, 3234
evolutionary change, 32 , 12425
incremental change, 32 , 12324
organizational-level SCM group, 550
organizational process assets, 78 , 161 , 281 , 28485 , 637
organizational quality goals, 7576
organizational quality objectives, 7576
organizational quality planning, 77
oscilloscopes, 502 , 507
from a process, 79 , 83
from the software 197 , 202 , 257 , 464 , 47273 , 48384 , 494 , 497 , 53537
outsourcing, 96105
acquisition process, 97104
accept product, 104
define contract requirements, 101
define product requirements, 9899
determine approach, 99
identify and evaluate potential suppliers, 99100
initiate and plan, 9798
manage project, 1034
manage supplier, 103
negotiate and award contract, 101 , 103
project management, 1034
select supplier, 1012
use software, 1045
advantages, 9697
preferred supplier relationships, 105
overview meeting, 528 . See kickoff meeting step under inspections, peer reviews
owner, configuration, 587