Anglican Articles of Religion (1571), §37(4), §70(5), §80n6, §96(2), §97n21, §104n9, §112(6), §119(3), §130n13, §131(4), §134(6), §140(6)
Apology Augsburg (1531), §42n10, §61n40, §70(2), §71(2), §71n27, §72n4, §72n43, §74n10, §104n9, §108(2), §108n14, §108n15, §108n23, §108n27, §108n41, §108n42, §108n48, §109n32, §112(1), §140(2), §142(1), §156(2)
Apostles Creed (= Roman Symbol), §37n8, §99n8, §113n2
Augsburg Confession (1530), §37(1), §37n15, §44n7, §44n9, §63n7, §63n9, §66n11, §70(1), §71(1), §72n4, §72n43, §81(1), §81n44, §96(1), §96.2, §97n21, §105n28, §108(1), §109(1), §111n5, §134(1), §137(1), §137n12, §138(1), §140(1), §141n15, §145(1), §145n13, §156(1), §160(3), §170(2), §171(2)
Basel Confession. See First Helvetic Confession
Belgic Confession (1561), §41(1), §41n11, §41n14, §41.2, §44n8, §61n41, §70n15, §71(5), §72n4, §72n8, §72n22, §72n43, §96n12, §97n21, §97n55, §98n13, §104n20, §108n48, §109(5), §109n22, §109n32, §111n1, §112(5), §118n15, §130(4), §130n13, §131(5), §137(7), §138(5), §141(4), §142(2), §147(2), §156(5), §160(5), §171(3), §171n6
Book of Concord (2000), §27n7, §36n1
Canons of Dort (1618–1619), §120(1)
Catechism of the Council of Trent (1852 edition), §108n19, §137n26
Confessio et exposition simplex orthodoxae fidei (1566), §37n3
Confessiones Marchicae (=Confessio Fidei Ioannis Sigismundi Electoris Brandenburgici, (1613), §119(5), §120(2), §130(6)
Confession of the Bohemian Brethren (1535), §36(2), §37n14, §37n15, §71(7), §82(2)
Creed of Athanasius (ca 5th cent.), §37n12
Creed of Rufinus (ca 404), §99n8
Declaratio Toruniensus (Acta synodua generalis Toruniensus, 1645), §104n9, §111n5, §138(6)
Exposition of the Orthodox Faith (Exthesis orthodoxou pisteos, 1695), §141n20
First Basel Confession (=Mylhus Confession, 1534), §104n35, §112(4)
First Helvetic Confession (= Second Basel Confession, 1536), §71(3), §71n3, §96(5), §97n21, §108n49, §130(1), §134(4), §145(3), §166(1)
Formula of Concord (Epitome, 1577), §44n8, §61n40, §61n41, §69n13, §71(8), §111n4, §112n11, §112n14
Gallican Confession (1559), §37(3), §37n15, §70(3), §71(4), §72n5, §72n47, §96(4), §97n21, §97n55, §104n66, §108n43, §108n48, §109(4), §111n6, §112n31, §118n15, §130(2), §130n13, §131(2), §134(5), §137(6), §138(4), §140(5), §140.3, §145(4), §170(4), §171n8
Geneva Catechism (1541), §36(3)
Heidelberg Catechism (1563), §137n21, §141n25, §142(3), §147(3)
Hippolytus (ca 215), source for a Roman creed, §37n15
Hungarian Confession (1562), §37(6), §81(5), §97n22, §170(5)
Interrogatory Creed of Hippolytus, §99n8, §160n3
Leipzig Colloquium (1631), §120(3), §137(8)
Loci praecipui theologici (1543–1559, Melanchthon), §108(5), §111n5, §119n19, §141(5), §141n15
Luther’s Larger Catechism (1529), §104n35, §136n17, §137(4), §141(1)
Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (325, 381), §37n8, §96(7), §97n20, §99n2, §113n2, §160(2)
Quicunque vult (so-called Athanasian creed, after late 4th century), §37n8, §96(8), §96n34, §97n22, §99n8, §170(1), §171(1)
Racov Catechism, §61n36, §140n11, §140n12
Roman Catechism (Catechismus Romanus, 1566), §108n19, §137n26, §141n20, §141n21, §141n22, §141n23
Roman Symbol, §36(1), §37.1, §37n8, §37n12, §37n15, §97n20, §99n8, §104n66, §113.1, §160(1)
Saxon Confession (=Melanchthon, Repetitio Confessionis Augustanae, 1551), §70(6), §108(4), §119(1), §134(2), §137(3), §139n5, §141n14, §145(6)
Scots Confession (1560), §37(5), §37n15, §104n35, §130(3), §141(3), §156(4)
Second Helvetic Confession (Expositio simplex, 1566), §37(2), §37n15, §44n8, §61n41, §70(4), §72n4, §72n22, §72n43, §74n8, §81(4), §96(3), §96.1, §97n21, §104n35, §105n14, §105n32, §108(3), §108n17, §108n43, §108n44, §108n48, §108n49, §109(3), §109n25, §111n1, §111n6, §119(2), §120n20, §131(3), §134(3), §137(5), §137n29, §138(3), §140(4), §140.3, §141(2), §141n25, §145(2), §147(1), §156n(3), §160(4), §161n14, §161n16, §170(3)
Smalcald Articles (1537), §42n10, §71(6), §72n4, §72n43, §108n48, §112(2), §131(1), §137(2), §138(2), §140(3), §141n25, §161n14
Solid Declaration (1577), §44n8, §61n40, §61n41, §70n16, §70n18, §71(9), §72n28, §72n29, §81(2), §82(1), §96(6), §97n48, §97n52, §104n20, §104n24, §104n38, §105n47, §108n59, §108n60, §108n62, §108n63, §111n6, §112(3), §112n28, §112n32, §119(4), §119n9, §119n21, §119n22, §120n12