
All direct quotations not otherwise attributed below are from the author's correspondence and interviews, 1993-2001.

  1. "Our poor old car... at 9 PM.": F.J. Dyson to parents (Winchester, UK), 19 April 1959. |Return
  2. "will emit a trail... of a warhead": La Jolla Journal, 12 July 1958, p. 2B. |Return
  3. "go from downtown Jackass Flats... in a single stage": Scott Lowther, "The Large Orions: As close as we've come to a starship," Aerospace Projects Review 2, no. 2 (March-April 2000), p 15. See also: "Project Orion: Baseline Design," Aerospace Projects Review 1, no. 4 (September-October 1999), pp. 4-24; "Project Orion: Testing and Safety Issues," Aerospace Projects Review 1, no. 5 (September-October 1999), pp. 17-29; "Lunar Logistics Orion," Aerospace Projects Review, 1, no. 6 (November-December 1999), pp. 19-26. |Return
  4. "Dr. Taylor estimated... $500,000,000": Ron Prater, Memo to Director, Research Directorate, AFSWC, 25 November 1958, Subject: Trip to General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corporation, 18-20 November 1958. Extracted (p. 177) in "Project Orion: An Air Force Bid for Role in Aerospace," pp. 161-297 of the 1964 Annual History of the Air Force Weapons Laboratory, 1 January-December 1964, compiled by Dr. Ward Alan Minge, Captain Harrell Roberts, and Sergeant Thomas L. Suminski. Unpublished (cited hereafter as AFWL 1964). |Return
  5. "a hydrogen warhead... the United States": Dorence C. Jameson, Donald M. Mixson, Ronald E. Prater, AFSWC, "Nuclear Bomb Propelled Space Vehicle," draft (6 May 1959) of article for ARDC Quarterly Review, p. 3. |Return
  6. "Whoever controls... control the world": Taylor, Prickett, York, and Dyson recall slightly different versions of Power's statement; this is the version remembered by Ted Taylor. |Return
  7. "included all the necessary... early in 1958": Major Lew Allen, USAF Office of Special Projects, to Ray DeGraff, Air Research and Development Command, 29 May 1958; AFWL 1964, p. 165. |Return
  8. "I have nothing... in this myself": F.J. Dyson to parents, 1 January 1958. |Return
  9. "I find myself... grow around us": F.J. Dyson to parents, 27 April 1958. |Return
  10. "Roy W. Johnson... fiscal year 1959": General Atomic, News Release, Washington, D.C., 2 July 1958. |Return
  11. "Tonight when I... worms and clouds": F.J. Dyson to parents, 29 October 1957. |Return
  12. "The uses for ORION... space itself": AFWL 1964, p. 169. |Return
  13. "When I drove... to come along": Imme Jung to F.J. Dyson, in F.J. Dyson to parents, 22 June 1958. |Return
  14. "These atomic bombs... pretensions of war": H.G. Wells, The World Set Free (New York: Dutton, 1914), pp. 114-18. |Return
  15. "could get a colony... in about 150 years": F.J. Dyson, "High-Velocity Ships," General Atomic calculation sheets, 1959. |Return
  16. "Stars have a life cycle... that new stars may live": Hans Bethe, "Energy Production in Stars," Physics Today, September 1968, p. 44. |Return
  17. "When Bethe's fundamental... produced on Earth": Stanislaw Ulam, "Thermonuclear Devices," in R.E. Marshak, ed., Perspectives in Modem Physics: Essays in Honor of Hans Bethe (New York: Wiley Interscience, 1966), p. 593. |Return
  18. "The basic built-in characteristic... than a small one": F.J. Dyson, "The Future Development of Nuclear Weapons," Foreign Affairs 38, no. 3 (April 1960), p. 458. |Return
  19. "We were not hound... a 'Super' bomb": Edward Teller, "The Work of Many People," Science, 25 February 1955, p. 269. |Return
  20. "Its use would... the hopes of mankind": James B. Conant, Hartley Rowe, Cyril Stanley Smith, L.A. DuBridge, Oliver E. Buckley, J.R. Oppenheimer, I.I. Rabi, General Advisory Committee to the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Report of 30 October 1949, reprinted in Herbert F York, The Advisors: Oppenheimer, Teller, and the Super Bomb (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1976), p. 157. |Return
  21. "technically so sweet": J. Robert Oppenheimer, testimony before the AEC Personnel Security Board, 15 April 1954, In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Washington, DC.: Government Printing Office, 1954; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1970), p. 251. |Return
  22. "a couple of people... have the time": Ralph Slutz, interview by Christopher Evans, June 1976, OH 086, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. |Return
  23. "As the results... he would say": Stan Ulam, Adventures of a Mathematician (New York: Scribner, 1976), pp. 216-17. |Return
  24. "Americans design... ballistic missiles": "Soviet Satellite Sends U.S. into a Tizzy," life, 21 October 1957, p. 35. |Return
  25. "any country... with horses": F.J. Dyson, "The Future Development of Nuclear Weapons," Foreign Affairs 38, no. 3 (April 1960), p. 460. |Return
  26. "In 1940... was unpopular": F.J. Dyson, 15 December 1958, to the editors, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (unpublished MS). |Return
  27. "He was sympathetic... in 1942": F.J. Dyson to parents, 31 July 1958. |Return
  28. "It does not... it is MY patent!": Francoise Ulam, unpublished memoirs. |Return
  29. "He was a maverick... his mind": Francoise Ulam, "Stanislaw Ulam, 1909-1984," Los Alamos Science, no. 15 (Special Issue, 1987), p. 6. |Return
  30. "Many of us... think things out.": Gian-Carlo Rota, "The Barrier of Meaning," Letters in Mathematical Physics 10 (1985), p. 97. |Return
  31. "Johnny answered... Santa Fe" Stun Ulam, Adventures of a Mathematician (New York: Scribner, 1976), pp. 141, 143, 144. |Return
  32. "In the entire... to the Moon": Ibid., pp. 155, 156, 162. |Return
  33. "I found... precise relationships": Ibid., pp. 147-48. |Return
  34. "the group took... physics data": Frederic de Hoffmann, Minutes of an Informal Meeting on Nuclear Rockets, LAMS-836, 15 February 1949, p 1. |Return
  35. "The idea... at high velocity": Stan Ulam, Adventures of a Mathematician (New York: Scribner, 1976), p 252. |Return
  36. "Fission product decay... or exhausted": R.W. Russard, in R.E. Schreiber, The LASL Nuclear Rocket Propulsion Program, LAMS-2036, April 1956, with Appendix by R. W. Russard, Nuclear Powered Rockets: A Historical Survey and Literature Summary, p. 44. |Return
  37. "Repeated nuclear explosions... melting the vehicle": C.J. Everett and S.M. Ulam, On a Method of Propulsion of Projectiles by Means of External Nuclear Explosions, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LAMS-1955 (August 1955), pp. 3-5. |Return
  38. "The vehicle is... to the vehicle": Ibid., pp. 6-7. |Return
  39. "The accelerations... are certainly large": Ibid., p. 20. |Return
  40. "it is almost like... to the moon": S.M. Ulam, testimony, 22 January 1958, before Subcommittee on Outer Space Propulsion of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 85th Congress, 2nd session, p. 44. |Return
  41. "it appears that... such a ship": S.M. Ulam, manuscript text (undated) for "Talk Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy," U.S. House of Representatives, Hearings on Astronautics and Space Exploration, 85th Congress, 2nd session, April 15-Mav 12,1958. |Return
  42. "Dr. Taylor... theoretical scheme": S.M. Ulam to Senator Clinton F Anderson, 31 March 1960. |Return
  43. "The spaceship... not enthusiastic": Stan Ulam, Adventures of a Mathematician (New York: Scribner, 1976), p. 253. |Return
  44. "whose faculties... in its course": James Clerk Maxwell, The Theory of Heat, 2nd ed. (London, 1872), p. 308. |Return
  45. "As examples... very high velocities": S.M. Ulam, On the Possibility of Extracting Energy from Gravitational Systems by Navigating Space Vehicles. LAMS-2219 (written 1 April 1958, distributed 19 June 1958), pp. 3-7. |Return
  46. "The above discussion... some additional energy left": Ibid., p. 7. |Return
  47. "The computations... complication": Ibid., p. 7. |Return
  48. "Meteors... engineered for it": Ulam to Taylor, 19 March 1962. |Return
  49. "That nuclear fission... complete surprise": Frederic de Hoffmann, "A Novel Apprenticeship," in Jane Wilson, ed.. All in Our Time (Chicago: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 1974), p. 163. |Return
  50. "We had a rule... his hand": Ibid., p. 171. |Return
  51. "Making the bomb... experimentation": Ibid., p. 171. |Return
  52. "Even before... terrible restriction": Edward Teller, "The Work of Many People," Science, 25 February 1955, p. 272. |Return
  53. "He asked me... do the job right": Ed Creutz, The Origin and Some Accomplishments of General Atomic. MS. 20 February 1997, p 6. |Return
  54. "Because the early... majority approval": Peter Kave, "Future of Pueblo Lands to be Decided by Voters," San Diego Union, 27 May 1956. |Return
  55. "Mayor Dail... they can see us' ": Ed Creutz, The Origin and Some Accomplishments of General Atomic, MS, 20 February 1997, p. 7. |Return
  56. "If science is... ideal as possible": Frederic de Hoffmann, "A Novel Apprenticeship," in Jane Wilson, ed., All in Our Time (Chicago: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1974), p 164. |Return
  57. "the distinction... was nonexistent": Frederic de Hoffmann, 18 July 1985, GA Calendar 17, no. 4 (August 1985), p. 3. |Return
  58. "Freddy... so little fuss": F.J. Dyson, Disturbing the Universe (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 96. |Return
  59. "Those of us... words 9 to 5": Frederic de Hoffmann, 18 July 1985, GA Calendar 17, no. 4 (August 1985), p. 3. |Return
  60. "We covered these... during lunch": Ed Creutz, The Origin and Some Accomplishments of General Atomic, MS, 20 February 1997, p. 7. |Return
  61. "The drinking fountains... next to the floor". Brian Dunne, Interview with Laurence Winn (partially published in San Diego's Weekly, 8 April 1976). |Return
  62. "We all knew... coal and oil": F.J. Dyson, Disturbing the Universe (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 94. |Return
  63. "There was a meeting... hydride reactor": Frederic de Hoffmann, 18 July 1985, GA Calendar 17, no. 4 (August 1985), p. 3. |Return
  64. "The result of... pulled the rods": F.J. Dyson, Disturbing the Universe (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 98. |Return
  65. "safe even... with dynamite": Ibid. |Return
  66. "Some of his ideas... the electron": Ibid. |Return
  67. "I am amusing... who would play it": F.J. Dyson to parents, 12 August 1956. |Return
  68. "Niels Bohr pressed... really worked": F.J. Dyson, Disturbing the Universe (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), pp. 101-2. |Return
  69. "a strong letter on that subject": Frederic de Hoffmann, 18 July 1985, GA Calendar 17, no. 4 (August 1985), p. 3. |Return
  70. "For about half... irreparably lost": F.J. Dyson to parents, 4 July 1959. |Return
  71. "When I heard... awesome events": T.B. Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1986, chap. 1, "Full Circle." |Return
  72. "Dreams of settling... looked grim": Ibid. |Return
  73. "I didn't know... didn't ask": Ibid. |Return
  74. "Within 24 hours... never do": T.B. Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1986, chap. 2. "Los Alamos." |Return
  75. "I suddenly came... thirty-six years ago": T.B. Taylor, "From Bomb Designer to Disarmament Activist," talk presented to Nuclear Dialogue Project Meeting, Princeton, N.J., 21 October 1987. |Return
  76. "I had complete freedom... I chose": T.B. Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1986, chap. 2, "Los Alamos." |Return
  77. "In my seven... single proposal": T.B. Taylor, "Elements of Technical Creativity," Symposium on Creativity in Science, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 13 August 1984. |Return
  78. "The laboratory's... was 'You bet!' ": T.B. Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1986, chap. 2, "Los Alamos." |Return
  79. "scarcely blew... at Livermore": Ibid. |Return
  80. "a large part... without any degree": F.J. Dyson to parents, 1 July 1958. |Return
  81. "A great part... due to Ted": F.J. Dyson to parents, 1 July 1958. |Return
  82. "The explosion... plain thrilling": T.B. Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1986, chap 2, "Los Alamos." |Return
  83. "Pursuing these limits... out of a gun?": Ibid. |Return
  84. "less than three years... considerably surpassed": T.B. Taylor, "Elements of Technical Creativity," Symposium on Creativity in Science, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 13 August 1984. |Return
  85. "The use of small... save the U.S.": T.B. Taylor, "Notes on Criminal or Terrorist Uses of Nuclear Explosives," 7 November 1966. |Return
  86. "At Nuclear Fuel... of any kind": T.B. Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1986, chap. 4, "The Pentagon." |Return
  87. " 'Accounting for... almost infinite' ": F.J. Dyson, "Sir Phillip Roberts's Erolunar Collision" (1933) in From Eros to Gaia (New York: Pantheon, 1992), p. 5. |Return
  88. "When I thought... artillery shells": F.J. Dyson, letter to James Lukash, 15 August 1994. |Return
  89. "Herr Zucker... world distribution": P.E. Cleator, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 1, no. 3 (July 1934): 27. |Return
  90. "In London... fighter aircraft": F.J. Dyson, "Mankind in the Universe," lecture given at Salzburg, 29 September 1969, at the meeting of the German and Austrian Physical Societies. |Return
  91. "I had my oil... as an experimenter": F.J. Dyson, Disturbing the Universe (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 49. |Return
  92. "The sin... had sinned": Ibid., p. 53. |Return
  93. "The problem... absorbing light": Ibid., p. 48. |Return
  94. "Dick was... could understand": Ibid., p. 54. |Return
  95. "He was struggling... from the bottom up": F.J. Dyson, "This Side Idolatry," Foreword to The Pleasure of Finding Things Out. The Best Short Works of Richard Feynman (Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books, 1999), p. ix. |Return
  96. "Dyson was... both methods": Hans Bethe, review of Disturbing the Universe, in Physics Today, December 1979, p. 51. |Return
  97. "The roads ... to write it down": F.J. Dyson, Disturbing the Universe, p. 67. |Return
  98. "the simplification... problem": F.J. Dyson, "The Radiation Theories of Tomonaga, Schwinger, and Feynman," Physical Review 75, no. 3 (1 February 1949): 486. |Return
  99. "The picture... earth in place": F.J. Dyson, "Field Theory," Scientific American 188, no. 4 (April 1953): pp. 62-63. |Return
  100. "In the first... are involved": F.J. Dyson, "Quantum Electrodynamics," Physics Today, September 1952, p. 6. |Return
  101. "What you need... little momentum": F.J. Dyson, interview with Gary Marcuse, 11 October 1999. |Return
  102. "We skimmed... physics and engineering": F.J. Dyson, "The Search for Extraterrestrial Technology," in R.E. Marshak, ed., Perspectives in Modern Physics: Essays in Honor of Hans Bethe (New York: Wiley Interscience, 1966), p. 641. |Return
  103. "In the early... ideas as possible": F.J. Dyson, "Experiments with Bomb-Propelled Spaceship Models," in Bogdan Maglich, ed.. Adventures in Experiments Physics, Beta issue (1972), p. 324. |Return
  104. "When I left... place for us": F.J. Dyson, Experiments with Bomb-Propelled Spaceship Models," pp. 323-24. |Return
  105. "even quite... scientists": Bruno Augenstein, "Some aspects of interstellar space exploration—New ORION systems, early precursor missions," 42nd Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Montreal, Canada, 5-11 October 1991, p. 1. |Return
  106. "I saw... life is good": F.J. Dyson to parents, 1 July 1958. |Return
  107. "I carefully extinguished... by mistake": T. B. Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1986, chap. 2, "Los Alamos." |Return
  108. "A number of... nuclear blast": Bruno Augenstein, "Roles and Impacts of RAND in the Pre-Apollo Space Program of the United States," International Astronautical Federation 46th International Astronautical Congress, Oslo. 2-6 October 1995, p. 4. |Return
  109. "When placed... mass losses": Tom Wainwright, "Rocket Propulsion by Means of Nuclear Explosions," UCRL-4893, Proceedings of the Joint AEC Weapons Laboratory Symposium, Livermore, CA, February 6-8. 1957, p. 48. |Return
  110. "Several important... schemes of this kind": F.J. Dyson to parents, 8 June 1958. |Return
  111. "Do you believe.. this planet too": S. M. Ulam, testimony, 22 January 1958, before Subcommittee on Outer Space Propulsion of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 85th Congress, 2nd session, p. 53. |Return
  112. "Is there any theory... truly empty": Theodore Merkle, testimony, 22 January 1958, before Subcommittee on Outer Space Propulsion of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 85th Congress, 2nd session, pp. 60-61. |Return
  113. "Luckily the work... as possible": F.J. Dyson to parents, 30 June 1958. |Return
  114. "We asked... to the end": Ibid. |Return
  115. "Conceptually... very high": Lew Allen (USAF Office of Special Projects) to Ray DeGraff (ARDC), 29 May 1958. |Return
  116. "the verbal understanding... first year": AFSWC, Project 3775, Nuclear Impulse Rocket Research Test Vehicle: R&D Project Card, 1 April 1960, p. 7. |Return
  117. "If the Concept... to the ship": Air Force Contract AF 18(600)-1812, "Feasibility Study of a Nuclear Bomb Propelled Space Vehicle," 30 June 1958, Exhibit "A"—Statement of Work, p. 1. |Return
  118. "We do not consider... per night": H. B. Fry (General Atomic) to Herbert R. Ash USAF (San Diego Air Procurement District), 18 July 1958. |Return
  119. "it looked screwball.... working on it": Roy W. Johnson, quoted by Evert Clark, "Space Power Systems' Gains Reported: Project Orion enters engineering feasibility phase," Aviation Week, 29 February 1960, p. 26. |Return
  120. "We shall know... the ships": F.J. Dyson to parents, 19 May 1958. |Return
  121. "He is such... our enterprise": F.J. Dyson to parents, 28 June 1958. |Return
  122. "It was always... fatal flaw": F.J. Dyson, interview with Gary Marcuse, 11 October 1999. |Return
  123. "This summer... our project": F.J. Dyson to parents, 27 April 1958. |Return
  124. "Your bet with... ahead of us": F.J. Dyson to Pierre Noyes, 4 June 1958. |Return
  125. "Solar power... parallax measurement": T.B. Taylor, "Uses of Large Payloads," 17 January 1960. |Return
  126. "The importance... or two": Bryce DeWitt, The Scientific Uses of Large Spaceships, GAMD-965, 14 September 1959, pp. 1 and 16. |Return
  127. "The morale... into reality": AFSWC, Notes for "Project Orion Briefing," no author, no date, annotated as "Draft 1959," probably prepared by Don Mixson for ARPA final briefing on 30 April 1959, p. 2. |Return
  128. "When it was proclaimed... did not exist": Jorge Luis Borges, "The Library of Babel" (1941) in Labyrinths (New York: New Directions, 1964), pp. 54-55. Kurd Lasswitz's "The Universal Library," translated with a mathematical postscript by Willy Ley (the rocket pioneer) appears in Clifton Fadinian, ed., Fantasia Mathematica (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1958), pp. 237—47. Kevin Kelly's "In the Library of Form" appears in Out of Control (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994), pp. 258-82. |Return
  129. "The variety... study them all!": T.B. Taylor, "Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy in Space," talk presented to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 15 December 1966, p. 6. |Return
  130. "Random generation... strange idea indeed": T.B. Taylor, "Propulsion of Space Vehicles," in R. E. Marshak, ed., Perspectives in Modern Physics: Essays in Honor of Hans Bethe (New York: Wiley Interscience, 1966), p 640. |Return
  131. "What range... size of the payload": F.J. Dyson, Dimensional Study of Orion-type Spaceships, GAMD-784, 23 April 1959, pp. 2-3. |Return
  132. "SATELLITE means... propelled by H-bombs": Ibid., p. 17. |Return
  133. "It is clear... significant levels": Ibid., p. 3. |Return
  134. "1,000 or 10,000 km/sec... in 150 years": F.J. Dyson, "High-Velocity Ships," General Atomic calculation sheets, 1959. |Return
  135. "Hydrogen bombs... to know exactly": F.J. Dyson, "Interstellar Transport," Physics Today 21 (October 1968), p. 42. |Return
  136. "The difficulty... smallest feasible ship": Ibid., p. 45. |Return
  137. "the building of a ship... $100 million today": Ibid., p. 45. |Return
  138. "These numbers represent... the solar system": Ibid., p. 44. |Return
  139. "By the time the first interstellar... by the home government": Ibid., p. 45. |Return
  140. "The AEC... ever heard": F.J. Dyson to parents, 26 August 1956. |Return
  141. "I finally managed... kinds of bombs": E J. Dyson to parents, 20 September 1956. |Return
  142. "The model... of the model": F.J. Dyson, Free Expansion of a Gas, Part 2, Gaussian Model, GAMD-507, 5 September 1958, p. 1. |Return
  143. "A typical complete... IBM-7090": Mooney, W.E., J.C. Nance, K.D. Pyatt, P.R. Shipps, and D.C. Weiss, Mid-Contract Status Presentation on the Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Preliminary Study, GACD-4593, 25 September 1963, p. 9. |Return
  144. "its close prediction... of the code": General Atomic, ORION Space Propulsion. Technical Status and Mission Potential, GA-C-944, 1 March 1965, p. 7. |Return
  145. OROP and OROPLE are detailed in C.V. David, D.A. Doering, and J.G. Leghorn, Nuclear-Pulse-Propulsion (Orion) Engine Optimization, GAMD-6044, 8 February 1965. |Return
  146. "When the nuclear... toward the pusher": W.E. Mooney. J.C. Nance, K.D. Pyatt, P.R. Shipps, and D.C. Weiss, Mid-Contract Status Presentation on the Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Preliminary Study, GACD-4593, 25 September 1963, p. 7. |Return
  147. "I just did... pessimistic direction": F.J. Dyson to T.B. Taylor, 2 May 1958. |Return
  148. "If the opacity... seriously": AFSWC (draft, no date, ca. 1 August 1958), Report of Meeting Between Lew Allen, Don Mixson, and Ted Taylor, 29 July at General Atomics, p. 3. |Return
  149. "General Atomic... is urgent": Leonard A. Eddy (AFSWC) to Materials laboratory, WADC, re: High Modulus of Elasticity Fiberglass, 24 September 1958. |Return
  150. "we are not familiar... size mentioned": Robert C. Tomashot (Senior Project Engineer, Materials Laboratory, WADC), Memo to Leonard A. Eddy, AFSWC, re: High Modulus of Elasticity Fiberglass, 8 October 1958. |Return
  151. "The explosive jets... more than that": F.J. Dyson, "Experiments with Bomb-Propelled Spaceship Models," in Bogdan Maglich, ed., Adventures in Experimental Physics, Beta issue (1972), p 324. |Return
  152. "that even much higher... where the rates are small": J. Douglas Balcomb, Charles A. Bankston, Albert W. Blackstock, and James D. Hedstrom, Pusher Plate Ablation Study. Final Report, Los Alamos informal report LA-5152-MS, January 1973, pp. ix and 4. |Return
  153. "A specially selected... is ablated": W.E. Mooney, J.C. Nance, K.D. Pyatt, E.R. Shipps, and D.C. Weiss, Mid-Contract Status Presentation on the Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Preliminary Study, GACD-4593, 25 September 1963, p. 10. |Return
  154. "in particular... is not zero": F.J. Dyson, Optimal Programming for Vertical Ascent in Atmosphere, GAMD-619, 11 December 1958, p. 2. |Return
  155. "a very serious problem... back motion": AFSWC (draft, no date, ca. 1 August 1958), Report of Meeting Between Lew Allen, Don Mixson, and Ted Taylor, 29 July at General Atomics, p. 6. |Return
  156. "With this test... briefly discussed": Hans H. Amtmann and E.A. Day, Preliminary Investigation of a Repetitive-HE-Pulse Test Facility, GAMD-5351, 4 June 1964, p. ii. |Return
  157. "A test stand... populated areas": Ibid., p. 35. |Return
  158. "Freddy asked... take it out": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 28 October 1960. |Return
  159. "Detonators with long leads... for small currents": Brian Dunne, Safely Procedures at Point Loma Experimental Site, GAMD-915, 17 July 1959, pp. 9, 11, 12. |Return
  160. "For charges... experimental site": Ibid., p. 3. |Return
  161. "the tests involve... certain materials": Robert V. Vallera (General Atomic) to U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, Subject: Request for Intermittent Use of Static Test Tower and Concrete Block House, 27 August 1958. |Return
  162. "I was shown... than 50 shots": Donald M. Mixson, Trip Report—Visit to General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corporation, 25 February 1959, 2 March 1959. p. 2. |Return
  163. "testing of... significant results": Ronald F. Prater, USAF Trip Report: Visit to General Atomic and Hughes Aircraft, 23-26 March 1959, 8 April 1959, p. 2. |Return
  164. "It was ARPA... to pay for it": Donald M. Mixson to F.J. Dyson, 23 October 1979. |Return
  165. "The contractor shall... for propulsion": AFSWC, Amendment No. 1 to Exhibit "A," Statement of Work, Contract AF 18(600)-1812, 19 June 1959. |Return
  166. "Three-pound charges... all the tests": Dunne, Ritter, and Ames, Development of a Meter-Diameter Explosion-Propelled Flying Model, GAM D-1212, 26 January 1960, p. 44. |Return
  167. "penetrating fragments... canister design": Ibid., notes for 26 June 1959, p. 50. |Return
  168. "It was decided... safe as possible": Ibid., p. 7. |Return
  169. "In case... fire a detonator": Ibid., p. 12. |Return
  170. "Under no circumstances... or steel scissors": Brian Dunne, Safety Procedures at Point Loma Experimental Site, GAMD-915, 17 July 1959, pp. 4, 9. |Return
  171. "Excessive damage... landed undamaged": Dunne, Ritter, and Ames, Development of a Meter-Diameter Explosion-Propelled Flying Model, GAMD-1212, 26 January 1960, pp. 49-54. |Return
  172. "Wish you could... your room": Brian Dunne to F.J. Dyson, 16 November 1959. |Return
  173. "The purpose... not just dreams": F.J. Dyson, "Experiments with Bomb-Propelled Spaceship Models," in Bogdan Maglich, ed., Adventures in Experimental Physics, Beta issue (1972), p. 325. |Return
  174. "Below a certain... and extravagant": F.J. Dyson, "The Future Development of Nuclear Weapons," Foreign Affairs 38, no. 3 (April 1960), p. 458. |Return
  175. "As for the... contamination problems": AFSWC, Report of Meeting Between Lew Allen, Don Mixson, and Ted Taylor, 29 July at General Atomics (draft, no date, ca. 1 August 1958), p. 6. |Return
  176. "They have... for the pusher": Ibid., p. 7. |Return
  177. "As presently conceived... the pusher": Donald M. Mixson, Memo, Subject Trip to GA, 28-31 July 1958, 7 August 1958, p. 2. |Return
  178. "They have been... is small": AFSWC, Report of Meeting Between Lew Allen, Don Mixson, and Ted Taylor, 29 July [1958] at General Atomics, p 4. |Return
  179. "The latest method... about 500 tons": Donald M. Mixson and Ron F Prater, (AFSWC), 5 September 1958, Memorandum for Director, Research Directorate: Trip to General Atomic Dilution of General Dynamics Corporation, 27-29 August 1958, p. 3. |Return
  180. "The first-stage.... few g's or less": W.E. Moonev, J.C. Nance, K.D. Pyatt, P.R. Shipps, and D.C. Weiss, Mid-Contract Status Presentation on the Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Preliminary Study, CACD-4593, 25 September 1963, p. 5. |Return
  181. "The mechanical.... present report": Carlo Riparbelli, Parameter Study—Cylinder with Piston, GAMD-1830, 16 November 1960, pp. 2-3. |Return
  182. "When a shock.... takes place": C.V. David, Minimum Energy Loss in a Two-Mass Spring System. CAMD-2331, 16 January 1961, p. 1. |Return
  183. "An explosion timing.... importance": C.V. David and E.R. Hager, Double-Stage Shock-Absorber Investigation, CAMD-5911, December 1964, p 92. |Return
  184. "This body of water.... powerful spring": Jules Verne, From the Earth to the Moon, Direct in 97 Hours 20 Minutes; and a Trip Round it. Translated from the French by Louis Mercier and Eleanor King. 9th edition (London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1892), p. 122. |Return
  185. "In order to get... the time": AFSWC, Report of Meeting Between Lew Allen, Don Mixson, and Ted Taylor, 29 July at General Atomics, p. 6. |Return
  186. "studies under way.... necessary duties": Leonard A. Eddy, Memo to Commander, Wright Air Development Center, 13 August 1958. |Return
  187. "The upper limit... instruments": F.J. Dyson, Dimensional Study of Orion-type Spaceships, GAMD-784, 23 April 1959, p. 10. |Return
  188. "They are now.... factor of 2": Donald M. Mixson, Memo, Subject: Trip to GA, 28-31 July 1958, 7 August 1958, p. 3. |Return
  189. "The time available.... order of 6 g": Michael Treshow, Project Orion: 4,000-Ton Vehicle, Mark 2, CAMD-808, 18 April 1959, p. 2. |Return
  190. "For the delivery... gun-type gadgets": AFSWC, Report of Meeting Between Lew Allen, Don Mixson, and Ted Taylor, 29 July at General Atomics, p. 6. |Return
  191. "Excellent progress... considered yet": Donald M. Mixson and Ron F. Prater (AFSWC), 5 September 1958, Memorandum for Director, Research Directorate: Trip to General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corporation, 27-29 August 1958, p 4. |Return
  192. "Dyson has looked... the bomb": AFSWC, Report of Meeting Between Lew Allen, Don Mixson, and Ted Taylor, 29 July at General Atomics, p. 6. |Return
  193. "Contrary to... shock absorbers": F.J. Dyson, "Experiments with Bomb-Propelled Spaceship Models," in Bogdan Maglich, ed., Adventures in Experimental Physics, Beta issue (1972), p. 324. |Return
  194. "I am recognized... early for me": Michael Treshow to Edward Creutz, GA, 28 November 1956. |Return
  195. "The takeoff rails... worked out": Michael Treshow, Trajectories of a Rocket with Eccentric Thrust, CAMD-541, 19 September 1958, pp. 2, 7, 14, 15. |Return
  196. "The charge will... of the blast": Michael Treshow, Project Orion: 4,000-Ton Vehicle, Mark 2, CAMD-808, 18 April 1959, p. 3. |Return
  197. "This allows... interplanetary travel": Ibid., p. 2. |Return
  198. "In order to save... conveyor rails": Ibid., p. 3. |Return
  199. "both the pulse frequency... from vertical": J. C. Nance et aj., Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol 1: Summary Report, 19 September 1964, p. 14. |Return
  200. "The reception... very well": F.J. Dyson to parents, 16 August 1958. |Return
  201. "Advanced Interplanetary Ship": Undated table of design parameters (ca. 1959), reproduced in AFWL 1964, p 187. |Return
  202. "We are about... were three": F.J. Dyson to parents, 31 July 1958. |Return
  203. "Within this first month... for this": AFSWC, Report of Meeting Between Lew Allen, Don Mixson, and Ted Taylor, 29 July at General Atomics, p. 8. |Return
  204. "slowly taking shape... of marble": F.J. Dyson to parents, 31 July 1958. |Return
  205. "We were all champing... the bombs": T.B. Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1986, chap. 3, "La Jolla." |Return
  206. "I think the study... in general": F.J. Dyson to parents, 19 May 1958. |Return
  207. "approximate departure... actual flight": Burt Freeman, Minimum Energy Round Trips to Mars and Venus, GAMD-672, 5 February 1959, p. 2. |Return
  208. "the two satellites... jump off": Ibid., p. 10. |Return
  209. "Takeoff from Earth... during takeoff": Ibid., p. 2. |Return
  210. "This excursion... trip to Mars": W E. Mooney, Orion Martian Excursion, GA-P-359-1, 24 June 1963, pp. 10-11. |Return
  211. "Either through inadvertence... skies to man": F.J. Dyson, A Space Traveler's Manifesto. MS, 5 July 1958. |Return
  212. "I was out... cliffs on the other": F.J. Dyson to parents, 13 July 1958. |Return
  213. "the controls... makes it exciting": F.J. Dyson to Verena Huber-Dyson, 2 August 1958. |Return
  214. "It is a fearsome... winch' ": F.J. Dyson to parents, 16 August 1958. |Return
  215. "I had five flights... the intended spot": Ibid. |Return
  216. "velocity decrement to land on satellite" in F.J. Dyson, Trips to Satellites of the Outer Planets, GAMD-490, 20 August 1958, p. 5. |Return
  217. "The satellites of the outer planets... landing on their satellites": Ibid., p. 2. |Return
  218. "The general nature... on the satellite": Ibid., p. 4. |Return
  219. "The meaning of these numbers... should not be built": Ibid., p. 8. |Return
  220. "It is quite likely... substantially reduced": Ibid., p. 9. |Return
  221. "We assume that... mass-ratio less than 2": Ibid., pp. 10-11. |Return
  222. "The Orion system... voyages to Mars": Ibid., p. 12. |Return
  223. "The situation of ARPA... no success": F.J. Dyson, "Death of a Project: Research is stopped on a system of space propulsion which broke all the rules of the political game," Science 149, no. 3680 (9 July 1965), p. 142. |Return
  224. "We are happy... this opinion": F.J. Dyson to parents, 8 June 1958. |Return
  225. "The prospects... in the past": R.L. Belzer (assistant to President Frank Collbohm, RAND) to Major General W. M. Canterbury, AFSWC, 27 March 1959. |Return
  226. "We have to face... way things are": F.J. Dyson to parents, 24 May 1959. |Return
  227. "to have an observation... there first": F.J. Dyson to parents, 25 January 1956. |Return
  228. "Space platforms... and the like": Lew Allen, Major, USAF Memo to Colonel Jameson, re: Don Mixson's Memo and Putt-Putt in General, 24 October 1958. |Return
  229. "The Horrible weapon... as a deterrent": AFSWC. Notes for "Project Orion Briefing," no author, no date, annotated as "Draft 1959" (probably prepared by Don Mixson for ARPA final briefing on 30 April 1959), p. 9. |Return
  230. "Spent most... physics in it": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 11 October 1960. |Return
  231. "Had vile thoughts... call it quits": Ibid., 13 October 1960. |Return
  232. "Only delicate timing... or defensive": K.W. Baker and James W. Bothwell, Director, Plans and Requirements, CINCSAC, Omaha, Nebraska, to Commander, Air Defense Command, re: "Global Integration of Space Surveillance, Tracking, and Related Facilities (GISSTARF)," 31 May 1959, p. 3. |Return
  233. "There presently exist... military purposes": Dorence C. Jameson, Donald M. Mixson, Ronald F. Prater, AFSWC, "Nuclear Bomb Propelled Space Vehicle," draft (6 May 1959) of article for ARDC Quarterly Review, p. 3. |Return
  234. "Because the... operation of the ship": F.J. Dyson, interview with Gary Marcuse, 11 October 1999. |Return
  235. "This was supposed... over mole hills": Donald M. Mixson, Memo, Subject: Trip to GA, 28-31 July 1958. 7 August 1958, p 4. |Return
  236. "largely the work... an enemy first": AFWL 1964, p. 184. |Return
  237. "7 July... working on this": Donald M. Mixson, AFSWC, Memorandum for Record: Military Applications Briefings for Project Orion, 30 July 1959. |Return
  238. "Once a space ship is deployed... could not be recalled": General Atomic, Potential Military Applications, GA-C-962. 1 March 1965, pp. 16-21. |Return
  239. "Such a capability... seapower has": Paul H. Sager, Early System Applications of Nuclear Pulse Propulsion, GA-5140, Preliminary Draft, 1 April 1964, p. 32. |Return
  240. "had read Admiral... dominion of the world'": F.J. Dyson, Weapons and Hope (New York: Harper & Row, 1984), p. 66. |Return
  241. "General Atomic... manned ship": Lew Allen, Major, USAF Memo to Colonel Dorence C. Jameson, re: Don Mixson's Memo and Putt-Putt in General, 24 October 1958. |Return
  242. "The latest... axis of the ship": Ronald F Prater, USAF Trip Report: Visit to General Atomic and Hughes Aircraft 23-26 March 1959, 8 April 1959, p. 2. |Return
  243. "a step by step... vehicle": Dorence C. Jameson, Donald M. Mixson, Ronald F. Prater, AFSWC, "Nuclear Bomb Propelled Space Vehicle," draft (6 May 1959) of article for ARDC Quarterly Review, p. 3. |Return
  244. "a small scale... atomic shots": Ronald F. Prater, USAF, Trip Report: Visit to General Atomic and Hughes Aircraft 23-26 March 1959, 8 April 1959, p. 3. |Return
  245. "which will carry... atomic shots": Ibid., p. 4. |Return
  246. "Ted Taylor and I... hope to get (b)": F.J. Dyson to parents, 26 April 1959. |Return
  247. "reflected the high... soon would be": AFSWC, Project 3775, Nuclear Impulse Rocket Research Test Vehicle: R&D Project Card, 1 April 1960, p. 7. |Return
  248. "The people... until August": F.J. Dyson to parents, 4 July 1959. |Return
  249. "ARPA has about... the case": Major Lew Allen, Memo for Record, 19 August 1959: Trip report to Washington, D.C., 27 July to 5 August 1959. |Return
  250. "Our space-ship... get the axe": F.J. Dyson to parents, 14 August 1959. |Return
  251. "It was felt... to NASA": AFWL 1964, p. 193. |Return
  252. "a plan for... military departments": Herbert F York, ARPA, press release, 23 September 1959. |Return
  253. "this means... upon my return": Art Rolander, telegram to F. de Hoffmann, T. Taylor, E. Holies, GA, 23 September 1959. |Return
  254. "Although the ORION... such support": Richard E. Horner, NASA, to Herbert E. York, DDR&E, 10 February 1960 (drafted by Harold B. Finger, 5 February 1960). |Return
  255. "We should think... to disappear": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 3 October 1960. |Return
  256. "Confidence in the... time period": AFSWC, Project 3775, Nuclear Impulse Rocket Research Test Vehicle: R&D Project Card, 1 April 1960, p. 1. |Return
  257. "placing the Research... by fiscal year 65": Captain Donald M. Mixson, USAF Nuclear Impulse Rocket Research Test Vehicle, management report, FY 1961 Financial Plan Effort Program, 11 March 1960, p. 1. |Return
  258. "The successful completion... and navigation": Ibid. |Return
  259. "Marshall Rosenbluth... wins tomorrow!": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 7 November 1960. |Return
  260. "We must encourage... nuclear bombs": Jerome Wiesner, quoted in New York Times, 12 January 1961, p. 14C. |Return
  261. "which apparently... on the other": T.B Taylor, Journal, 15 November 1960. |Return
  262. "Economical... costs now": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 19 October 1960. |Return
  263. "1) Establishment... of Mars": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 11 December 1960. |Return
  264. "Bruno Augenstein... end of 1964??": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 19 December 1960. |Return
  265. "much discussion... does not exist": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 28 December 1960. |Return
  266. "we are certainly... in space" T.B. Taylor, Journal, 26 January 1961. |Return
  267. "I took an instant... space travel": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 29 January 1961. |Return
  268. "We've kicked a field goal": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 29 March 1961. |Return
  269. "4 representatives from Boeing... 6 from Norair": George W.S. Johnson (Major, USAF Ballistic Missile Division, ARDC), memo to Capt. Donald M. Mixson: List of Project Orion Briefing Attendees, 7 August 1959. |Return
  270. "the propellant could... acceleration of about 2 g": Michael Treshow, ORION Parameter and Payload Study Based on 200- and 4,000-ton Reference Design, GAM D-3597, 25 October 1962. |Return
  271. "I came back... the week": F J. Dyson to parents, 31 October 1958. |Return
  272. "in laying plans... atomic devices": AFWL 1964, p. 186. |Return
  273. "The public is... of this fight": F.J. Dyson to parents, 31 October 1958. |Return
  274. "to build a building... as a side line": F.J. Dyson, "The Future Development of Nuclear Weapons," Foreign Affairs 38, no. 3 (April 1960), p. 462. |Return
  275. "the advantages... the same yield": Advanced Research Projects Agency / Institute for Defense Analyses, Project CLIPAR: Guide Line Identification Program for Antimissile Research. IDA-ARPA TR 60-2. Vol. 1: Summary (July 1960) section 3, p. 5. |Return
  276. "Only once... into my mind": F.J. Dyson, Disturbing the Universe (New York: Harper fit Row, 1979), p. 127. |Return
  277. "no thought... contamination yet": Donald M. Mixson and Ron E. Prater [AFSWC], 5 September 1958, Memorandum for Director, Research Directorate: Trip to General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corporation, 27-29 August 1958, p. 4. |Return
  278. "high explosive... and aerospace": AFWL 1964, p. 175. |Return
  279. "The concept... hired by General Atomic": Report, Briefing on ORION Project Putt-Putt, 20 February 1961, presented to Commander, ARDC, Lt. General Bernard A. Schriever, no sig., no date. Quoted in AFWL 1964, p. 207. |Return
  280. "He was more... design field": AFWL 1964, p. 212. |Return
  281. "The Soviets burst... 63 megatons": John S. Foster, Foreword to William E. Ogle, An Account of the Return to Nuclear Weapons Testing by the United States After the Test Moratorium 1958-1961 (DOE Nevada Operations Office, October 1985), p. 6. |Return
  282. "Dr. Kavanu... nuclear weapons": Don Prickett, AFSWC, Trip Report to Washington, D.C., on 14-16 August 1962, 22 August 1962, pp. 2-3. |Return
  283. "I didn't want... within a matter of days": F.J Dyson, interview with Gary Marcuse, 11 October 1999. |Return
  284. "the treaty... its development": T.B. Taylor, The Effect of the "Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Test in Outer Space" on ORION, draft, 7 August 1963, p. 1. |Return
  285. "Indeed... would be necessary": Ibid., p. 3. |Return
  286. "Our Orion... generates fallout": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 4 November 1960. |Return
  287. "Fission-product... penalty incurred": J.C. Nance et al., Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol. 3. Conceptual Vehicle Designs and Operational Systems, 19 September 1964, p. 101. |Return
  288. "Pulse units for the 10-m... north or south": J. C. Nance et al., Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol 1: Summary Report, 19 September 1964, p 38. |Return
  289. "trappage... almost negligible": J.C. Nance et al.. Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol. 3: Conceptual Vehicle Designs and Operational Systems, 19 September 1964, p. 81. |Return
  290. "there seems... fission-free bombs": F.J. Dyson, "The Future Development of Nuclear Weapons," Foreign Affairs 38, no. 3 (April 1960), p. 459. |Return
  291. "improvements... factors of 102 to 103": J. C. Nance et al., Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol. 1: Summary Report, 19 September 1964, p. 38. |Return
  292. "Project Orion... Dr. von Braun": Donald M. Mixson, AFSWC, to T.B. Taylor, GA, 18 June 1959. |Return
  293. "out of small projects... to the stars": Frank H. Winter, Prelude to the Space Age: The Rocket Societies, 1924-1940 (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983), p. 35. |Return
  294. "I am very curious... will be": T.B. Taylor to Stan Ulam, 29 August 1960. |Return
  295. "he seemed less... bureaucracy": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 27 November 1960. |Return
  296. "Sparked by Ross's... end of 1966": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 14 October 1960. |Return
  297. "The Air Force predicted... Nova II": USAF Project FORECAST, Propulsion Report, March 1964, Annex A: Nuclear Propulsion, reproduced in AFWL 1964, p. 283. |Return
  298. "This way... almost everywhere": T.B. Taylor, Journal, 15 October 1960. |Return
  299. "It is recommended... million a year": Thomas F. Dixon to Robert C. Seamans (cc. to H. Finger), 29 December 1961. |Return
  300. "There are always... as unsolvable": Don Prickett, 4 December 1961, in AFWL 1964, p. 222. |Return
  301. "I used the word... developed in flight": Harold Finger, "Mars—A Target for Advanced Propulsion," American Astronautical Society Symposium on the Exploration of Mars, Denver, CO, 6-7 June 1963, p. 19. |Return
  302. "Ted and I... von Braun and MSFC": James Nance to F.J. Dyson, 9 March 1965. |Return
  303. "An old analogy... in both cases": J.C. Nance, Nuclear Pulse Propulsion, GAMD-5572, 5 October 1964, p. 2. |Return
  304. "Vehicles utilizing... to Mars": Ibid., pp 11 and 13. |Return
  305. "Manned engines... train crews": E.A. Day and J.C. Nance, Nuclear Pulse Propulsion (Orion) Technical Status Summary and Ground Development Plan, GA-6307, 1 May 1965, p 33. |Return
  306. "the engine/vehicle... pulse-engine startup": General Atomic/NASA, Briefing Charts for the Pre-Beginning Meeting, 27 June 1963, CA-C-395, 25 June 1963, p. 5. |Return
  307. "The chemical rocket... space boosters": Ibid., p. 5. |Return
  308. "self-boosted... aboard in orbit": Ibid., p. 6. |Return
  309. "packaged in modules... of payload": Ibid., p. 7. |Return
  310. "NASA mission constraints... less demanding": General Atomic/NASA, Nuclear Pulse Vehicle Study, Condensed Summary Report, GA-4891, 1-1 January 1964, p. 1. |Return
  311. "Most of the significant... degraded specific impulse": Ibid., p. 3. |Return
  312. "2,782 pulses required per trip": J.C. Nance et al.. Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol. 3. Conceptual Vehicle Designs and Operational Systems, 19 September 1964, p. 28. |Return
  313. "During prolonged... exploration mission": J.C. Nance et al.. Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, CA-5009, Vol 2: Vehicle System Performance and Costs, 19 September 1964, p. 29. |Return
  314. "For short duration... long space missions": W.E. Mooney, Orion Personnel Accommodations, GA-P-363-2, 3 September 1963, p. 1. |Return
  315. "For the longer... may be desirable": W.E. Mooney, J.C. Nance, K.D. Pyatt, P.R. Shipps, and D.C. Weiss, Mid-Contract Status Presentation on the Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Preliminary Study, GACD-4593, 25 September 1963, p. 65. |Return
  316. "The propulsion modules... propulsion": J.C. Nance et al., Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol 3: Conceptual Vehicle Designs and Operational Systems, 19 September 1964, p. 29. |Return
  317. "there will also... colonization transport category": General Atomic Briefing Charts Pre-Beginning Meeting, 27 June 1963, p. 8. |Return
  318. "Vehicle A... nuclear-pulse operation": J.C. Nance et al., Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol. 1: Summary Report, 19 September 1964, p. 37. |Return
  319. "4,000- and 16,000-ton ships": J.C. Nance et al., Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol. 2: Vehicle System Performance and Costs, 19 September 1964, p. 81. |Return
  320. "Since high-altitude... unprotected eye": W.E. Mooney, J.C. Nance, K.D. Pyatt, P.R. Shipps, and D.C. Weiss, Mid-Contract Status Presentation on the Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Preliminary Study, GACD-4593, 25 September 1963, p. 29. |Return
  321. "that approximately... hazard might exist": J.C. Nance et al., Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol. 3: Conceptual Vehicle Designs and Operational Systems, 19 September 1964, pp. 94-95. |Return
  322. "Nuclear pulse... eighties or sooner": Krafft A. Ehricke, Nuclear-Pulse Space-Vehicle Study, GA-5009, Vol. 4: Mission Velocity Requirements and System Comparisons, 28 February 1966, p. 0-6. |Return
  323. "ORION has crossed... few months": T.B. Taylor to F.J. Dyson, 11 July 1963. |Return
  324. "The great thing... wanted to do": F.J. Dyson to T.B. Taylor, 11 November 1963. |Return
  325. "withheld... for several months": AFWL 1964, p. 278. |Return
  326. "NASA headquarters... about 1990!": T.B. Taylor to F.J. Dyson, 23 December 1963. |Return
  327. "Orion had a unique... as long as it did": F.J. Dyson, "Death of a Project: Research is stopped on a system of space propulsion which broke all the rules of the political game," Science 149, no. 3680 (9 July 1965), p. 144. |Return
  328. "For reasons... public support": T.B. Taylor to F.J. Dyson, 23 December 1963. |Return
  329. "$10.4 million over seven years": Don Prickett (AFSWC), Nuclear Impulse Propulsion. Project 3775 (ORION): Summary of Program and Technical Status, 12 January 1963, p. 8, table of financial history, January 1958-June 1963 (total $8,150,000). Also F.J. Dyson, Orion. Notes on History (no date, 1965). |Return
  330. "The end result... unusually high ": F.J. Dyson, "Death of a Project," p. 141. |Return
  331. "Orion, in its... well in hand": Ron E Prater, AFSWC, Memorandum for the Record, 26 February 1963, p. 5. |Return
  332. "On 28 December... terminate it": AFWL 1964, pp. 231-32. |Return
  333. "Clearly the feasibility... this excellent group": Hans Bethe, telegram to Joseph V. Charyk, 18 January 1962. |Return
  334. "We have taken... penetration aids": Joseph V. Charyk to Hans Bethe, 25 January 1962. |Return
  335. "on the grounds... man in space": AFWL 1964, p. 248. |Return
  336. "Many who saw... a serious mistake": T.B. Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1983, chap. 3, "La Jolla." |Return
  337. "capable of sustaining... payload limitations": AFWL 1964, p. 206. |Return
  338. "Men as wise... positively undesirable": F.J. Dyson, "Death of a Project," p. 142. |Return
  339. "There is certainly... about this change": USAF Scientific Advisory Board Nuclear Panel Report on Orion/Helios. 30 April 1964, p. 2. |Return
  340. "Fiscal Year 1965... from Mr. Finger": AFWL 1964, p. 273. |Return
  341. "The in-house battle... emerged the champions": James Nance to F.J. Dyson, 9 March 1965. |Return
  342. "In accordance with... loss of continuity": Raymond D. Walker, Procurement Directorate, AFSWC, Request for Determinations and Findings Pursuant to AFPI3-211, PR 146349, 10 June 1963, pp. 1-2. |Return
  343. "The Air Force... and the AEC": Michael Yaffee, "Limited Work May be Continued on Orion," Aviation Week and Space Technology, 10 May 1965, p. 67. |Return
  344. "Los Alamos was... we will play'": William Ogle. An Account of the Return to Nuclear Weapons Testing by the United States After the Test Moratorium 1958-1961, U.S. DOE Nevada Operations Office, NVO-291, October 1985, p. 159. |Return
  345. "The result of the DOD... no, it's out'": "NASA, DOD, AEC at Loggerheads Over Project Orion," Missile/Space Daily, 11 December 1964, p. 13F. |Return
  346. "official position": George E. Mueller to Wernher von Braun (MSFC), re: Orion/Helios briefing at Livermore, 8 July 1964. |Return
  347. "in view of the shortage... two fiscal years": Hugh L. Dryden (NASA) to General James Ferguson, Deputy Chief of Staff, Research and Development, USAF, 11 June 1964 (rewritten by James Webb, 2 June 1964). |Return
  348. "The purpose... concept is anticipated": Colonel J.M. Silk, USAF memo to RTD/RTG, Boiling AFB, re: Orion Presentation to NASA, 22 July 1964. |Return
  349. "The Air Force... NASA refused": Michael Yaffee, "Limited Work May be Continued on Orion," Aviation Week and Space Technology, 10 May 1965, p. 67. |Return
  350. "probably is the only... will work": Willard E. Wilks, "NASA Must Decide Orion Future," Missiles and Rockets, 14 December 1964, p. 12. |Return
  351. "Unless Jim Webb's... next year": T.B Taylor to H.P. Noyes, 6 July 1964. |Return
  352. "I was being told... fix it": T.B Taylor, Changes of Heart, draft, 6 June 1986, chap 3, "La Jolla." |Return
  353. "The treaty... exploration of space": Paul R. Shipps, Manned Planetary Exploration Capability Using Nuclear Pulse Propulsion, GA-6224, 19 March 1965, p. 26. |Return
  354. "Those of us working... big scale": T.B. Taylor, Nuclear Pulse Propulsion, Third Conference on Planetology and Space Mission Planning, 28-30 October 1970, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 187 (25 January 1972), p. 339. |Return
  355. "A Meeting... other 'science fiction' schemes": Andrei Sakharov, Memoirs, translated from the Russian by Richard Lourie (New York: Knopf, 1990), p. 215. |Return
  356. "There appears to be... mental health": "NASA, DOD, AEC at Loggerheads Over Project Orion," Missile/Space Daily, 11 December 1964, p. 13F. |Return
  357. "ORION is not... April 1965": John R. Burke, Lt. Colonel, USAF Nuclear Power Division, AFRSTC Memorandum for Record: ORION Nuclear Pulse Propulsion, 14 January 1965. |Return
  358. "Even Harold Brown... sign off": T.B Taylor to F.J. Dyson, 1 March 1965. |Return
  359. "if a big expansion... internal NASA question: F.J. Dyson, ORION: Notes on History, undated notes from conversation with James Nance, 1965. |Return
  360. "formal research... to a close": Project Orion—Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Concept: Monthly Progress Report—February 1965, GA-C-983, 19 March 1965, p. 2. |Return
  361. "Objective... hereby terminated": John O. Berga, Major, USAF Research and Technology Resume, Nuclear Impulse Propulsion Technology Studies, Plan Change, 30 June 1965. |Return
  362. "I understand... the time is ripe": F.J. Dyson to Stan Ulam, 26 January 1965. |Return
  363. "You will perhaps... of succeeding": F.J. Dyson to J. Robert Oppenheimer, 17 March 1965. |Return
  364. "The men who... the way to do it". F.J. Dyson, "Death of a Project: Research is stopped on a system of space propulsion which broke all the rules of the political game," Scienc e 149, no. 3680 (9 July 1965), p. 141. |Return
  365. "there was no more... dreams intact?": F.J. Dyson, "Experiments with Bomb-propelled Spaceship Models," in Bogdan Maglich, ed., Adventures in Experimental Physics, Beta issue (1972), p. 326. |Return
  366. "Between the first... moons of Jupiter": Arthur C. Clarke, 1964, in The Lost Worlds of 2001 (New York: New American Library, 1972), p. 13. |Return
  367. "I felt that... credits reversed": Ibid., p. 31. |Return
  368. "When we started... the project": Ibid., p. 125. |Return
  369. "a discussion... staff rather upset": Arthur C. Clarke, diary for 26 October 1965, Ibid., p. 38. |Return
  370. "Discovery... racing speedboat": Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey, screenplay (Hawk Films Ltd.), 13 October 1965. |Return
  371. "Stanley and his... seemed": Arthur C. Clarke, The Lost Worlds of 2001 (New York: New American Library, 1972), p. 126. |Return
  372. "Before the '70s... to its close": Arthur C. Clarke, 1964, in The Lost Worlds of 2001 (New York: New American Library, 1972), pp. 13-14. |Return
  373. "Nature has been... assembled here": T.B. Taylor. Advanced Propulsion Concepts, GA-2592, 24 October 1961, p. 14. |Return
  374. "We always tend... what we know": T.B. Taylor, Nuclear Propulsion in Space, CA-3218, 12 June 1962, p 6. |Return
  375. "unless we take... step at a time": T.B. Taylor, The Need for High Performance Nuclear Space Engines: A Talk to the AEC General Advisory Committee, 30 March 1965, p. 2. |Return
  376. "Bigger, higher... ocean liners": T.B. Taylor, "Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy in Space," talk presented to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, Austria, 15 December 1966, pp. 15-16. |Return
  377. "Apollo costs... different kind": F.J. Dyson, "Mankind in the Universe," lecture given at Salzburg, 29 September 1969, at the meeting of the German and Austrian Physical Societies, p. 10. |Return
  378. "History has passed... going back": F.J. Dyson, Disturbing the Universe (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 115. |Return
  379. "its resurrection... will come": Stan Ulam to F.J. Dyson, 15 July 1965. |Return
  380. "I still think... out there" Frederic de Hoffmann, 18 July 19S5, CA Calendar 17, no. 4 (August 1985), p. 3. |Return
  381. "I always thought... she will!": Brian Dunne to F.J. Dyson, 24 December 1973. |Return
  382. "a discussion... go-ahead": C.E. Gibson (RAND), Orion: Future Space Propulsion System? RAND/D-11007-PR, 26 February 1963. |Return
  383. "to make a nuclear... 25-ton yield device": Johndale Solem, Some New Ideas for Nuclear Explosive Spacecraft Propulsion, Los Alamos Report LA-12189-MS, October 1991, p. 11. |Return
  384. "In the final analysis... burden alone": AFWL 1964, p. 163. |Return
  385. "It was written... NASA did not exist": Donald M. Mixson to F.J. Dyson, 23 October 1979. |Return
  386. "I did a complete... dangerous place": T.B. Taylor, "From Bomb Designer to Disarmament Activist," presented to Nuclear Dialogue Project Meeting, Princeton, N.J., 21 October 1987. |Return
  387. "There is nothing... something like Orion": F.J. Dyson, interview with Gary Marcuse, 11 October 1999. |Return
  388. "Arming, fusing... first malfunction": Johndale Solem, "Nuclear Explosive Propelled Interceptor for Deflecting Objects on Collision Course with Earth," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 3, no 4 (1994) pp. 708-9. |Return
  389. "For spacecraft applications... permanently inhabiting space": J.A. Bonometti, P.J. Morton and G.R. Schmidt, External Pulsed Plasma Propulsion and its Potential for the Near Future, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, January 2000. |Return
  390. "Science thrives... safely home": Edward Teller, "The Road to Nowhere," Technology Review, 1981, reprinted in Better a Shield than a Sword (New York: Free Press, 1987), pp. 118-20. |Return
  391. "That first glimmering... catch the sun": H. G. Wells, The World Set Free (New York: Dutton, 1914), p. 15. |Return