



TDP (“The Driving Passion”): An unpublished collection of reminiscences that Aloha wrote towards the end of her life, drawn from various journals, newspaper clippings, and memories. Aloha planned to publish “The Driving Passion” but was unable to find a suitable publisher during her lifetime.

CTA (Call to Adventure!): A ghostwritten account of Aloha’s adventures until 1927, aimed at teenagers. Published in 1939 by Robert M. McBride & Company, New York, under her married name Aloha Baker.

Logbooks: Logbooks from 1923 (including December 1922) and 1924 still survive and are held in the private collection of Aloha’s daughter, Valri Baker-Lundahl. These are handwritten accounts of expedition events, recorded en route. Aloha references other journals in her later writings, but their whereabouts remain unknown.

NARA: National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.

NAHC: The National Automotive History Collection, Aloha Baker Collection, Skillman Branch Library, Detroit, Michigan.


1. Aloha quoted and misquoted many of her favourite writers throughout her personal reminiscences. The authors have chosen to leave any malapropisms in her own words.


1. In Canada’s 1911 Census Idris’s grandfather (the respondent) had no idea of her birthdate. His guesstimate was off by six months and in the wrong year.

2. Information about Herbert’s time at Haileybury was provided by Toby Parker, archivist, Haileybury and Imperial Service College, November 14, 2007.

3. Canadian Immigration and Population figures from Statistics Canada, Table 075-0001 — Historical statistics, estimated population and immigrant arrivals, annual (persons), CANSIM (database), using E-STAT (distributor), accessed September 5, 2011,

4. “Seeding Time,” High River Times, April 10, 2012.

5. At least one book has claimed that the High River Agricultural School was a fake enterprise, aimed at extracting fees from problematic English boys “of the Little Lord Fauntleroy variety, sloshing around the place in the first flush of bucolic enthusiasm.” Grant MacEwan and James Martin, Eye Opener Bob: The Story Of Bob Edwards (Victoria: Brindle and Glass Publishers, 2004), 197.

6. Birth certificate for Idris Welsh, Manitoba Vital Statistics,

7. The correct spelling of Robert’s last name was probably Welch. Official and private documents vary. The authors use Welch from this point forward.

8. Undated typewritten letter from James Hedley to siblings Sadie and Neville Hedley, in Goleta Family Archives, accessed by authors August 2007, 4.

9. Herbert and Margaret were both members of the Church of England. Marriage between two such parishioners in a private home, and by a Baptist minister no less, strongly suggests the wedding was a hurried affair. If Margaret and Robert had not been married, and Idris born out of wedlock, then this scenario makes some sense. In an almost surreal twist, one of the witnesses listed on the marriage licence is named Robert Welch; local census records from the time period show several residents named R. and Robert, Welch and/or Welsh.

10. TDP, 3.

11. As described by Valri Baker-Lundahl to the authors, May 2006.

12. James A. Gibbs, Shipwrecks off Juan de Fuca (Portland, OR: Binford & Mort, 1968), 78.

13. See Imperial War Museum: Posters of Conflict — The Visual Culture of Public Information and Counter Information, Current Accession: IWM PST 4903, This and several other propaganda posters appeared in Canada and England.

14. By the war’s end 628,736 Canadians had signed up — almost 8 per cent of the country’s 1914 population.

15. CEF (Canadian Expeditionary Force) Attestation Paper No. 75359. Dated, signed, and witnessed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Dominion of Canada, May 11, 1915.

16. Idris would later write about the loss of her mother’s first love, though she did not say whether the love in question was Robert Welch.

17. It is also possible that Idris was denied “hardship” travel and accommodation by the military, because she was not a “blood” Hall, and therefore, according to military regulations, not direct family.

18. Detail of the leg injury from a conversation between Nile Baker and the authors, April 2007.

19. TDP, 4.

20. Ibid.

21. From the last will and testament of Herbert Cecil Victor Hall, dated November 5, 1914. Private collection of Valri Baker-Lundahl.


1. “The War Was Over — but Spanish Flu Would Kill Millions More,” The Telegraph, November 11, 2009, accessed June 7, 2012,

2. TDP, 6.

3. Ibid., 5

4. A.F. Pollard, A Short History of the Great War (Lenox, MA: Hard Press, 2006), 287.

5. TDP, 7

6. David Silbey, The British Working Class and Enthusiasm for War, 1914-1916, ill. ed. (London: Routledge, 2005).

7. Martin Gilbert, The First World War (New York: Holt Paperbacks, 2004).

8. Spencer Tucker, Laura Matysek Wood, Justin D. Murphy, The European Powers in the First World War: An Encyclopedia, ill. ed. (Oxfordshire: Taylor & Francis, 1999), 178–80.

9. TDP, 6.

10. “Everyone liked Miki . . .” is evident from Idris’s various writings, but also through authors’ interviews with family and friends who knew her. Miki is consistently described as Idris’s opposite: gentle, compassionate and extremely private. In later life, even her closest friends had no idea of the wild adventures she’d once had with her mother and sister. More than once we’ve had to produce photographic proof to convince disbelieving friends.

11. TDP, 7.

12. Ibid., 7, 11.

13. Ibid., 9.

14. Ibid., 10.

15. Ibid., 23.

16. Roland Herbert Bainton, Christianity, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2000), 129.

17. TDP, 13.

18. Ibid., 12.

19. Ibid., 15.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid., 18.

22. Ibid., 21.

23. Ibid.

24. Ibid., 23.

25. As described by Valri Baker-Lundahl to the authors, May 2006.

26. TDP, 24.

27. Ibid., 28.

28. This title is Idris’s. The school was more commonly called the Raspini Pensionnat de Jeunes Filles de Nice.

29. 1922 Logbook, n.d.

30. Unfortunately, no record of Eliza’s last name survives.

31. TDP, 30.

32. Ibid., 30, 31.

33. Ibid., 40.

34. Idris doesn’t record the name of the film company, but it was likely the Gaumont Film Company that was located in the nearby town of Grasse. Today, that company is the oldest running film company in the world. Richard Abel, The Ciné Goes to Town: French Cinema, 1896-1914 (Oakland: University of California Press, 1994), 10. A few months later, Idris would gain a small role in a film called Esclave (Slave), directed by Rose Pansini and filmed at Cap d’Antibes. The French Government chose to preserve the film in the 1970s.

35. “Golden Years of Aviation: Civil Aircraft Register”, France, accessed June 5, 2009,

36. Idris was not consistent regarding the aviator’s first name and the authors have been unable to verify his identity. There was, however, an Auguste Maïcon who matches Idris’s description. Auguste Maïcon was a well-known aviator in Nice with a habit of flying under bridges in the South of France. He was also involved in the local film industry.

37. TDP, 34.

38. Ibid., 36.

39. Ibid., 41.

40. Ibid., 42.

41. The authors made numerous attempts to discover if archives of Le Petit Niçois exist. After numerous queries, representatives of the paper responded that they were not inclined to answer questions.

42. TDP, 43. Apparently, Idris’s explanation to the Raspini school that her mother “needed her” was enough to secure her freedom. Given the time of year, it’s possible that classes had been recessed for the Christmas holiday.

43. Ibid., 44. Descriptions are also drawn from photographs from the day, NAHC, and family collection.

44. TDP, 44.

45. In later life Burton Holmes and the Halls became good friends, exchanging Christmas cards and birthday wishes.

46. 1922 Logbook, n.d.

47. No firm date had been set for the next World’s Fair, but it was assumed to be in Chicago in 1926.

48. TDP, 44–46.


1. TDP, 48–49.

2. Ibid.

3. TDP, 55.

4. Brochures and postcards were also sold before and after each show, but the intermission was invariably the most profitable. A captive audience was good for business.

5. TDP, 53.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid., 54.

8. Ibid., 55.

9. 1922 Logbook, n.d.

10. TDP, 42.

11. Ibid. The paper may also have been Le Petit Niçois. That paper, although still in existence, did not respond to our numerous inquiries.

12. From the private journals of Margaret Hall, 1942. Private collection of Margaret Lundahl-Hammel.

13. TDP, 51.

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid., 52.

17. Ibid., 53. Even in her own ghostwritten autobiography Call to Adventure! she refers to herself as American. Also, it is entirely likely that Walter had much to do with the change of Idris’s name. His knack for creative public relations had gotten him this far, and “Aloha” was more mellifluous than “Idris.” The first expedition pamphlet for sale in the South of France shows a young photogenic Idris billed as, “Aloha Hall, Mécanicienne [mechanic].” To reflect this change in her life, from this point forward the narrative will refer to Idris as Aloha.

18. 1923 Logbook, Saturday December 30, 1922.

19. TDP, 60–61.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid., 92.

22. Ibid.

23. 1923 Logbook, Wednesday, January 3. Walter Wanderwell was not the first to propose an international police, but his plan to task such a force with supervising the manufacture and trade of armaments was unique.

24. 1922 Logbook, n.d.

25. New York Times, January 8, 1923.

26. “Wanderwell Has Mania,” New York Times, January 14, 1923. There may be more to the story than Aloha’s later writings would admit. The pages in her handwritten journal from the day were cut out and replaced with text written much later (in ballpoint ink rather than fountain pen). Whatever the exact details, there was something about the incident that she did not want anyone to know and didn’t want history to record.

27. 1923 Logbook, Sunday, January 7.

28. When the expedition returned to Nice from Menton, they moved from the Normandie to the Royal.

29. TDP, n.p.

30. Ibid.


1. A reference to Missouri’s reputation as the “show me” state, the inference being that people from Missouri won’t (or can’t) take people at their word. They need to be shown.

2. TDP, n.p.

3. Although admonished by her mother after the Geneva incident not to use her real name from that point forward for fear of sullying the good Hall name, it’s interesting that she does use her real name on this most official of all documents. She only used the initial A for Aloha, clearly identifying herself as Idris Hall with the additional alias (and noted as such in the passport) of Wanderwell.

4. Taken from a loose notepad sheet slipped between the pages of the 1923 logbook. Aloha apparently made notes of her days’ activities and converted them to prose in her journals when she had time.

5. 1923 Logbook, Monday, January 22.

6. TDP, 113.

7. 1923 Logbook, Monday, January 22.

8. Ibid., Tuesday, January 23.

9. Ibid.

10. The hotel was later renamed Palais Wilson after the American president who championed the idea of a League of Nations.

11. 1923 Logbook, Tuesday, January 26.

12. 1922 Logbook, n.d.

13. 1923 Logbook, Sunday, January 28.

14. Old newspaper clipping inserted into 1923 Logbook, n.d.

15. TDP, 105.

16. 1923 Logbook, Saturday, February 1.

17. TDP, 101.

18. 1922 Logbook, n.d.

19. TDP, 114.

20. About fifty seconds running time at 16 frames per second.

21. TDP, 114.

22. Ibid., 123.

23. Ibid.

24. 1923 Logbook, circa Wednesday February 21.

25. TDP, 124.

26. Ibid., 117–18.

27. Interestingly, Cap was more interested in the coverage of the event provided by Arthur Weigall’s wires to the Daily Mail. Lord Carnarvon had struck an agreement with the London Times newspaper, offering them an exclusive in exchange for his ability to control the stories that would be published. Consequently, only the Times reporter, H.V. Morton, was actually allowed on site. Cap knew enough about the media to realize that alternative coverage was more likely to produce the unvarnished truth.

28. TDP, 125.

29. 1923 Logbook, Monday, February 26.

30. Ibid.

31. Ibid.

32. 1922 Logbook, n.d.

33. 1923 Logbook, Tuesday, March 13.

34. Although the Expedition was not directly sponsored by Ford, local Ford agents frequently offered a quid pro quo — vehicle support in exchange for promotion. One of the reasons Walter had chosen a Ford for his expedition was that farm machinery was also manufactured by Ford, and even in war-torn Europe, tractors using Ford mechanicals were ubiquitous. Showroom dealerships as we know them today were rare outside the United States.


1. Even today, the bullfighting season begins on or after Easter.

2. 1923 Logbook, March 25.

3. Three loose pages were inserted into Aloha’s 1923 Logbook around March 25, material written about the “journalists.” The first of the pages contains the date Saturday, March 17, but seems to have been added much later.

4. The proper spelling is “duro,” and it was the equivalent of five pesetas at the time.

5. 1923 Logbook, March 25.

6. 1923 Logbook, March 29.

7. Ibid.

8. TDP, n.p.

9. 1923 Logbook, April 3.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid., May 24.

13. TDP, n.p.

14. 1923 Logbook, n.d.

15. Ibid., n.d.

16. “Opportunity Knocked, He Was Home,” Boca Raton News, June 19, 1975.

17. TDP, 182–83.


1. TDP, 186.

2. The acronym WAWEC would go through several derivations and translations throughout the expedition, depending on Walter’s objectives.

3. TDP, 186.

4. Interestingly, in 1923 German car company Audi produced an experimental aluminum bodied car (the Type K), but it wasn’t until 1989 that the Acura NSX became the first all-aluminum body production car. Today, aluminum is the preferred material of leading-edge car manufacturers, such as Tesla.

5. TDP, 187.

6. In her unpublished reminiscences, Aloha often changes the names of crew members. Her notes actually call Sommers “Winters.” The correct names are borne out by surviving visas and border crossing papers.

7. Peter Benson, Battling Siki: A Tale of Ring Fixes, Race, and Murder in the 1920s (Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press, 2006), 129.

8. Aloha’s spelling is never reliable. Amanda’s last name may have been Hertig, Hörtig, or some other variation. She did not stay with the expedition long enough to surface on any of their literature.

9. TDP, 188.

10. Ibid., n.p.

11. Ibid., 187.

12. Ibid., n.p.

13. Ibid., 196. Chief White Elk was actually an Italian con man named Edgardo Laplante who earned his living by wowing Europeans with tales of Indian glory and raising money for starving children on reserves. He was eventually jailed in Italy for fraud. Aloha certainly knew of his shifty ways, writing in her journal about him, “The New York promoter had booked an assortment of Quebec Indian ‘savages’ threatening to fire one and all if any man dared utter a single word of English.”

14. It’s hard not to wonder if the duo ran into Hemingway, who was just about to leave for Spain.

15. Les Apaches was the name ascribed to criminal youth of the Parisian underworld in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The name also denoted a circle of French musicians, writers, and artists who lived mainly in the Montparnasse district of Paris.

16. TDP, n.p.

17. 1923 Logbook, n.d.

18. TDP, 201.

19. Another changed name, in her notes Aloha calls van der Ray, “Elvi van Zelingen.” Even “van der Ray” is likely a transcription error of “van der Raay” or “van der Ree.”

20. TDP, n.d.

21. From original documents at the NAHC.

22. TDP, 214.

23. Ibid., 215.

24. Ibid., 217. Order of quotes reversed.

25. 1923 Logbook, n.d.

26. TDP, 221.

27. See Mel Gordon, Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin (Port Townsend, WA: Feral House, 2006).

28. Hyperinflation reached its peak soon after.

29. TDP, 222.

30. Eric D. Weitz, Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007), 102-3.

31. TDP, 226.

32. 1923 Logbook, n.d.

33. Ibid.

34. TDP, 232.

35. Ibid., 231.

36. Ibid., 235.

37. 1923 Logbook, n.d.

38. TDP, n.d.

39. 1923 Logbook, n.d.

40. TDP, 239.

41. Ibid., 240.


1. Neither Walter nor Aloha ever lived in Detroit. However, Walter’s promotional savvy in securing a Ford Model T as the signature vehicle for the expedition, and using the Ford name in all publicity even though they weren’t officially sponsored, gave the Detroit media a local angle.

2. TDP, 243.

3. Ibid., 242.

4. Ibid., 245.

5. While the Wanderwell Expedition had its own unique style, it was neither a new nor an exclusive globetrotting enterprise. They were constantly rubbing shoulders with others engaged in similar “ventures.”

6. 1924 Logbook. Date unclear.

7. Maritime Timetable Images, accessed on June 28, 2016.

8. TDP, n.p.

9. 1924 Logbook, April 1.

10. Ibid.

11. Letter from the Eastern Automobiles Supplies and Transport Company to Walter Wanderwell dated March 3, 1924. NAHC.

12. TDP, 253.

13. 1924 Logbook, April 1.

14. Ibid., April 2.

15. In 1817 British diplomat and explorer Henry Salt and Italian explorer Giovanni Caviglia investigated cave catacombs at Giza for a distance of several hundred yards before arriving at a spacious chamber. Egyptian authorities to this day remain unconvinced that any such man-made catacombs exist, though they concede that natural catacomb-like formations may. In 2009 British science writer Andrew Collins published a book called Beneath the Pyramids, which announced the discovery of just such a system of catacombs at the Giza complex. The publication prompted an angry denouncement by Egyptian authorities.

16. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

17. Ibid., April 3.

18. Ibid., April 2.

19. Martin Isler, Sticks, Stones, and Shadows: Building the Egyptian Pyramids (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2001), 92. See also Leon Gray, The New Cultural Atlas of Egypt (Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish, 2010), 125.

20. Steve was the crew’s name for Stefanowi Jarocki.

21. 1924 Logbook, April 17. Recounting events of earlier days.

22. TDP, n.p.

23. The currently accepted spelling is Port Taufiq.

24. 1924 Logbook, May 3. Recounting events of earlier days.

25. A piastre, or piaster, is 1/100 of an Egyptian pound.

26. 1924 Logbook, May 3, 1924. Recounting events of earlier days.

27. Ibid.

28. Ibid.

29. Ibid.

30. As Aloha defines it here, “making love” was merely flirting, caressing, and perhaps whispering “sweet nothings” as a form of seduction prior to the physical act. Apparently, Aloha wanted none of it.

31. TDP, n.p.

32. 1924 Logbook, n.d.


1. TDP, 274.

2. 1924 Logbook. Recording events of May 5, 1924.

3. This was another temporary Laissez-Passer and not actually a full passport.

4. 1924 Logbook. Recording events of May 5 through 9, 1924.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid., n.d.

8. Ibid. Recording events of May 11, 1924.

9. Ibid.

10. John H. Downing et al., The SAGE Handbook of Media Studies (London: Sage Publications, 2004), 520.

11. The actual problem was the front axle — it was bent and it impeded steering.

12. A horse-drawn cab, not unlike what we would call a tuk-tuk today.

13. 1924 Logbook. Recording events of May 26, 1924.

14. Although neither Aloha nor Walter held American passports, Walter was considered an American resident and the expedition flew the American flag.

15. Though Aloha’s journals and other writings make no note of it, she succeeded in getting a new proper passport for herself at the British Embassy in Bombay. It is dated May 28, 1924, and carries the official Empire of India registry number 18392. It also reveals that she stood at five ten in stocking feet and was born in 1906. However, the six in the date has been traced over with a different pen, turning the six into an eight. Whether the issuing officer did this at the embassy based on her “correction,” or whether Aloha performed the edit herself is unknown.

16. Letter from Havero Trading Co. (Bombay Branch) Berlin Aniline Department to Agfa Rollfilm Corporation of New York (Hollywood, California), May 27, 1924. NAHC.

17. Letter from the Asiatic Petroleum Company (India) to Captain Wanderwell, May 30, 1924. NAHC.

18. TDP, 283; and 1924 Logbook, May 26.

19. TDP, 283; and 1924 Logbook, n.d. but recording events of June 4, 1924.

20. Rudyard Kipling, Kim (Salt Lake City, UT: Project Gutenberg, 2009),

21. South Asian–style inns, not unlike the small motor hotels of today.

22. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

23. CTA, 78.

24. Conrad Anker, The Call of Everest: The History, Science, and Future of the World’s Tallest Peak (Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2013), 29.

25. Today the Kadwa is partially dammed, making it a much more formidable crossing. In 1924 the depth was less than 3 feet.

26. CTA, 101.

27. TDP, 289.

28. “A Dak Bungalow Book,” New York Times, August 17, 1873.

29. Rudyard Kipling, My Own True Ghost Story, (Newburyport, MA: Weiser Books, 2012), 3

30. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

31. 1924 Logbook, circa June 5. Entry dated as “4th day.”

32. TDP, 294.

33. Ibid., 295.

34. Ibid., 297.

35. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

36. “Varanasi,” Encyclopædia Britannica Online (Official), accessed April 2010.

37. Mark Twain, Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World, vol. 1 (Mineola, NY: Dover, 1989), 480.

38. Ibid. Twain was referring to the durian fruit, famous for its rank smell. Of eating durian, American chef Anthony Bourdain said, “Your breath will smell as if you’d been French-kissing your dead grandmother.” Quoted in Layla Eplett, “Forbidden Fruit: What’s Up With Durian?!” Food Matters (blog), Scientific American, July 23, 2014,

39. The deadly disease was not unique to India. In 1924 Los Angeles was battling its own epidemic of bubonic plague.

40. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

41. James Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Part 2 (Whitefish, MT: Kessinger, 2003), 197.

42. TDP, 302.

43. Ibid., 310.

44. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

45. TDP, 311.

46. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

47. “Telegrams in Brief,” Times (London), June 24, 1924.

48. TDP, 313.

49. The change in attire suggests that Aloha and the pilots got together after the media event. Aloha’s journal suggests the same.

50. NAHC, Accession No. 33, Box 2.

51. “The Great Air Race of 1924,” season 2, episode 1 of PBS’s The American Experience, October 3, 1989. Directed by David Grubin. See also Spencer Lane, First World Flight: The Odyssey of Billy Mitchell, (US Press, 2001), 285.


1. TDP, 320.

2. Based on sponsorship letters contained in the NAHC.

3. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

4. TDP, n.p.

5. CTA, 123.

6. TDP, n.p.

7. Hannah Beech, “Shanghai Swings!,” Time magazine, Monday, September 20, 2004, .

8. Aldous Huxley, Jesting Pilate: The Diary of a Journey (London: Chatto & Windus, 1926).

9. 1924 Logbook, n.d. and unattached. The page was possibly torn from the journal and reinserted later.

10. TDP, 337.

11. Ibid., n.p.

12. Ibid., 339.

13. Ibid.

14. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

15. TDP, 343.

16. Jurov had left the expedition shortly before their arrival in Peiping.

17. “Peking,” The China Marines, 2014, accessed May 13, 2010,

18. CTA, 132.

19. Ibid., 137.

20. TDP, n.p.

21. CTA, 138.

22. NAHC, Cards Box 3 and Box 7.

23. TDP, 352.

24. TDP, 355. Italics Aloha’s.

25. NAHC, Box 3.

26. Gavan McCormack, Chang Tso-lin in Northeast China, 1911-1928: China, Japan, and the Manchurian Idea, ill. ed. (Redwood City, CA: Stanford University Press, 1977), 130.

27. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

28. CTA, 145-46.

29. Arthur Waldron, From War to Nationalism: China’s Turning Point, 1924-1925 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 64.

30. TDP, 365.

31. Ibid.

32. Waldron, From War to Nationalism, 146.

33. TDP, 367. Caps on He and Her as well as quotation marks on “to make arrangements” are Aloha’s.

34. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

35. CTA, 148.

36. Where they would have secured “Soviet courtesy flags” outside the Soviet Union is anyone’s guess.

37. TDP, n.p.

38. CTA, 151.

39. Even more improbably, today Vladivostok has two Versailles Hotels.

40. TDP, 378.

41. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

42. TDP, n.p.

43. 1924 Logbook, n.d.

44. TDP, 390.

45. Ibid., 394.

46. Ibid., n.p.

47. Ibid., 398.

48. Ibid., 400.

49. Ibid., n.p.

50. Ibid.

51. Although the story seems almost impossibly convenient (the Prince Regent happened to be passing through?), footage of the event survives — and seems to have happened exactly as Aloha described.

52. TDP, n.p.

53. Ibid.

54. Ibid.


1. US Application for Certificate of Arrival contained at the NAHC.

2. TDP, 417.

3. TDP, 423.

4. CTA, 178.

5. Ibid.

6. TDP, n.p.

7. “Traveler Faces Charges,” Los Angeles Times, January 8, 1925, sec. A.


1. Fred D. Ragan, “Obscenity or Politics? Tom Watson, Anti-Catholicism, and the Department of Justice,” The Georgia Historical Quarterly 70, no. 1 (Spring 1986): 17–46.

2. “Pennsy Police Show that ‘Hiker’ Is Four-Flusher,” Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, April 12, 1916.

3. NARA, File 9-16-12-73.

4. David M. Kennedy, Over Here: The First World War and American Society (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 24.

5. NARA, File 9-16-12-73.

6. Ibid. All subsequent quoted interview excerpts in this chapter are from the same source.

7. The ship’s name was actually Cambuskenneth, a three-mast, square-rigged ship. Wanderwell never corrected Alexander’s mistakes and certainly did not mention that the Cambuskenneth was sunk by German submarines in June 1915, but only after six German crew members were removed by row boat. Alexander may or may not have been aware of this.

8. Enden was A. van den Enden (given name unknown). He was an associate of Walter’s and was arrested under similar circumstances the day after Wanderwell. Enden was from the Netherlands and made it clear to Hooper during separate questioning that he was sick and tired of being lumped in with other “foreigners” as a possible national security risk merely because of his Dutch accent. Hooper asked A. van den Enden if he was willing to “eavesdrop” on Wanderwell and relay everything Wanderwell spoke about to Hooper. He readily agreed and was placed in the same cell as Walter.

9. Chad Millman, The Detonators (New York: Little, Brown, 2006), 31.

10. Ibid., 32.

11. See “Hindu–German Conspiracy,” Wikipedia, last modified June 23, 2016,–German_Conspiracy.

12. “N.Y. Firemen Work in Rain of Bullets,” New York Times, July 31, 1916.

13. Letter from US Attorney Hooper Alexander to US Attorney General, dated April 12, 1917, received at the Department of Justice, office of Warren Bielaski, April 14, 1917, NARA.

14. “Wanderwell Reaches New York City in ‘Special’ Hanson Six Car,” Atlanta Constitution, October 5, 1919, sec. A.


1. TDP, n.p.

2. “Wanderwell Held On White Slave Charge,” Trenton Evening Times, January 15, 1925.

3. Leonard Pitt and Dale Pitt, Los Angeles A to Z: An Encyclopedia of the City and County (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 1997), 299.

4. “Traveler and Woman in Custody,” Los Angeles Times, March 5, 1925.

5. TDP, n.p.

6. Ibid., 444.

7. Ibid.

8. “Wanderwells Fined for Wearing Belts,” Los Angeles Times, March 10, 1925, sec. A.

9. TDP, 446.

10. Ibid., 448.

11. Ibid.

12. Aloha writes that it was Joan Crawford who taught her to dance the Charleston.

13. Canadian-American co-founder of Warner Bros. Studios.

14. TDP, n.p.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid., 455.

18. Ibid., 459.

19. Ibid., n.p.

20. From Ralph Colvin to J. Edgar Hoover, April 23, 1925. From declassified FBI field reports released to the authors on September 18, 2008, under FOIA.

21. TDP, 462.

22. Ibid., 315.


1. Correspondence from Special Agent L.C. Wheeler, Department of Justice, Bureau of Investigation, Los Angeles, to the Department of Justice in Washington, DC, bureau file 31-925-19, case file 43-7-4. Petitioned for release by authors in 2007. Released to authors on June 25, 2008.

2. TDP, 465.

3. Ibid., 467.

4. Jeffrey Vance, Douglas Fairbanks (Redwood City, CA: University of California Press, 2008), 297.

5. Ibid., 470.

6. “Too Much Producer,” Los Angeles Times, April 29, 1925, sec. A.

7. TDP, 475.

8. Unfortunately, no photographs survive from this portion of the tour and Aloha’s journals from the trip have likewise been lost.

9. TDP, 478.

10. “Barrow-Pushers Reach Vancouver,” Vancouver Daily Province, June 18, 1927.

11. TDP, 486.

12. Ibid., 496.

13. Ibid.

14. Ibid., n.p.

15. Ibid., 501.

16. Ibid., n.p.


1. Solon E. Rose, “Traffic Violations and the Court — Detroit’s Violation Bureau,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 116 (1924): 185–90,

2. TDP, 505.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid., 509.

5. Ibid., 511.

6. NAHC.

7. TDP, 511.

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid., 512–13.

10. Ibid., 513.

11. Ibid., 514.

12. Ibid., 515.

13. Ibid., 516.

14. Leigh Summers, Bound to Please: A History of the Victorian Corset (Oxford: Berg, 2001), 38.

15. Various online advertisements of Ferris Bros. Co, New York, 1922.

16. TDP, 519.

17. Personal interview of Aloha’s daughter, Valri Baker-Lundahl, by the authors, May 2009.

18. TDP, 523.


1. Fernando Ortiz, Cuban Counterpoint, Tobacco and Sugar (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995), 63.

2. Rosalie Schwartz, Pleasure Island: Tourism and Temptation in Cuba (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1999), 80.

3. Advertisement in Miami Daily News, n.d.

4. TDP, 525.

5. Reference Library, Vessel Record, Library and Archives Canada, Canadian Heritage, vol. #348, reel #C-2444, 7.

6. TDP, 527.

7. Ibid., 528.

8. John P. Parker, Sails of the Maritimes (Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire: Hazell, Watson and Viney, 1960), 119.

9. Letter from Felix S.S. Johnson, American Consul, to The Honorable Secretary of State, Washington, June 8, 1926, NARA.

10. Letter form Lorin A. Laterop, American Consul, to The Honorable Secretary of State, Washington, May 13, 1924, NARA.

11. See “In Landing Liquor,” Globe and Mail, April 30, 1926.

12. TDP, 534.

13. Certificate of Discharge, issued at Quebec City by the Marine and Fisheries Dept. of Canada, June 18, 1926, signed by the Deputy Shipping, NAHC.

14. TDP, 539.

15. Wanderwell pamphlet “Aloha Wanderwell — The World’s Most Widely Travelled Girl,” n.p., n.d.

16. Ibid.

17. “Peace Missionaries Advocate International Police System,” Christian Science Monitor, August 14, 1926, sec. A.

18. “Husband Reports Woman World Tourist Missing,” The Hartfort Courant, September 3, 1926.

19. TDP, 541.

20. Ibid., 542.

21. Ibid., 543.

22. Ibid.

23. Ibid.

24. Ibid., 545.

25. Ibid., 546.

26. Craig Woodward, “1920s Hurricanes,” Coastal Breeze News, accessed November 2010,

27. TDP, 546.

28. See “1926 Miami Hurricane,” Wikipedia, last modified May 2, 2016,

29. TDP, 547.

30. Ibid., 548.


1. TDP, n.d.

2. CTA, 189.

3. TDP, n.p.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid., 190.

6. Ibid., 551.

7. Ibid., 552.

8. “Medicine: at Sea,” Time magazine, November 29, 1926,,9171,729724,00.html.

9. TDP, 554.

10. Ibid., 560.

11. Ibid., 564.

12. Ibid., 565.

13. Ibid., 566.

14. CTA, 202.

15. TDP, n.p.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid., 572.

18. Ibid., 573.

19. Ibid., 574.

20. Ibid., 575.

21. Ibid., 576.


1. Moitsadi Moeti, “The Origins of Forced Labor in the Witwatersrand,” Phylon 47, no. 4 (1986): 276–84.

2. TDP, n.p.

3. Ibid., 582.

4. Ibid., 583.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid., 584.

7. Ibid., 585.

8. Ibid., 587.

9. Ibid., 589.

10. Ibid., 591.

11. Ibid., 593.

12. Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes (Salt Lake City, UT: Project Gutenberg, 2006),

13. TDP, 595; and CTA, 232.

14. CTA, 233.

15. TDP, 596.

16. Ibid., 597.

17. Ibid.; and CTA, 234.

18. CTA, 234.

19. TDP, 600.

20. Ibid., 602.

21. Ibid., 604.

22. Ibid., 613.

23. Ibid., 617.

24. Ibid., 624.

25. Ibid., 634.


1. TDP, 644.

2. “Dole Air Race,” Wikipedia, accessed February 14, 2011,; and Burl Burlingame, “Breese-Wilde Monoplane “Aloha,” 2003, accessed February 14, 2011,

3. TDP, 646.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid., 647.

6. Ibid., 659.

7. Ibid., 660.

8. Ibid., 661.

9. As described on the official website of the Norfolk Hotel at “Hotel History,” accessed February 21, 2011,

10. TDP, 663.

11. Ibid., 662.

12. Ibid., 664.

13. Beryl Markham, West with the Night (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1942), 5.

14. TDP, 670.

15. CTA, 270.

16. TDP, 674.

17. Ibid., 678.

18. Ibid., 679.

19. Ibid.


1. See “This Day in History, 1927: Ford reveals its Model A to an eager public,” Hemmings Daily, accessed December 12, 2013,

2. Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels (The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels), Part I, Records 1923-1941, vol. 1/3, June 1928-November 1929, ed. Anne Munding (Munich: K.G. Saur, 2004), entry for October 21, 1928.

3. Charles Douglas Stuart and A.J. Park, The Variety Stage: A History of the Music Halls from the Earliest Period to the Present Time (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895), 191.

4. By Car Round the World, Times (London), September 17, 1929, 12.

5. David Grann, The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon (New York: Vintage Books, 2010), 275.


1. “In His 82 Years He’s Done It All —Lots Of Times,” Tucson Daily Citizen, October 6, 1971.

2. “Near End of World Tour,” Atlanta Constitution, November 10, 1929.

3. “Travelers to Earn Million,” Oakland Tribune, November 12, 1929, sec. D.

4. “Globe-Circling Car to be Gift to Ford,” New York Times, November 30, 1929, accessed June 2011,

5. Review of With Car and Camera Around the World by Aloha Wanderwell, “Miss Wanderwell’s Exploits with Camera Shown at Fifth Avenue,” New York Times, December 19, 1929.

6. “Una Teniente De La ‘WAWEC’ Llega En Avion Como Avanzada De La Expedicion Que Viene A Cuba” (One Lieutenant with WAWEC Arrived by Plane in Advance of the Expedition that Will Come to Cuba), El Pais-Excelsior, February 17, 1930.

7. US Census Bureau, “Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930, Population Schedule,” Miami, Florida, Precinct 36, sheet 2A.[]=subject%3A%22Florida%22

8. Don Berliner, “A Concise History of Air Racing,” last updated March 6, 2013,

9. Letter from Briggs Manufacturing Company to Captain Wanderwell, Detroit, Michigan, July 3, 1930, NAHC.

10. “Captain Wanderwell’s South American Tour 1930-32,” Veteran and Vintage Magazine, 1975, 189.

11. “Chile Insists Army Is Loyal to Regime,” New York Times, September 24, 1930.

12. Elinor Smith, Aviatrix (New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981), 186.

13. Ibid., 272–73.

14. Handwritten letter from Aloha to Miki, Aloha Family Archives, Goleta, California, n.d.

15. “Tells Thrilling Tale of Escape from Chile,” New York Times, November 16, 1930, accessed June 2011,

16. Advertisements, Times-Picayune, December 1, 1930; and Advertisements, Times-Picayune, December 7, 1930.

17. “Globe Trotters Sail from Here to Pernambuco,” Galveston Evening News, January 25, 1931.


1. “Roosevelt–Rondon Scientific Expedition,” Wikipedia, last modified May 11, 2016,–Rondon_Scientific_Expedition.

2. Theodore Roosevelt, Through the Brazilian Wilderness (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1914), 8 and 51.

3. Candice Millard, River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt’s Darkest Journey (New York: Broadway Books, 2010), 642, Kindle edition.

4. Rondon quoted in Grann, The Lost City of Z, 381, ePub edition.

5. Ibid., 347.

6. Peter Fleming, Brazilian Adventure (Evanston, IL: Marlboro / Northwestern, 1999), 49.

7. Todd A. Diacon, The Human Tradition in Modern Brazil, ed. Peter M. Beattie (Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 2004), 115–16.

8. Interview with Aloha W. Baker conducted at her home by Dr. Jake Homiak, Human Studies Film Archives, Smithsonian Institution, February 12–14, 1993. Sound recording.

9. Transcript for Last of the Bororos, (B&W film, 1,200 feet, 32 minutes, 1930) by Aloha W. Baker, Smithsonian Institution, Human Studies Film Archives, 6.

10. Ibid.

11. Interview with Aloha W. Baker conducted at her home by Dr. Jake Homiak, Human Studies Film Archives, Smithsonian Institution, February 12-14, 1993. Sound recording.

12. Notation on a photograph contained in the NAHC.

13. Postcard written to Janec Pieczynski from Walter Wanderwell, date stamped August 11, 1931. Courtesy of Valri Baker-Lundahl.

14. Transcript for Last of the Bororos, (B&W film, 1,200 feet, 32 minutes, 1930) by Aloha W. Baker, Smithsonian Institution, Human Studies Film Archives, 3.

15. “Heart Affair Revealed By Letters,” Long Beach Press-Telegram (Home Edition), January 5, 1933, B1.

16. From the soundtrack of Last of the Bororos, courtesy Smithsonian Institution, Human Studies Film Archives.

17. “Justine Tibesar Rides Motorcycle from Vietnam to Belgium!” (1931). Used with permission,

18. Transcript for Last of the Bororos, (B&W film, 1,200 feet, 32 minutes, 1930) by Aloha W. Baker, Smithsonian Institution, Human Studies Film Archives, n.p.

19. Aloha Wanderwell (under exclusive contract to Hearst Newspapers), “Around the World Before and After the Famous Wanderwell Yacht Tragedy,” Atlanta Constitution, March 3, 1935, sec. SM.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid.

22. Ibid.

23. Ibid.

24. Ibid.

25. Ibid.

26. US Immigration Border Card #724 issued at Nogales, Arizona, February 2, 1932. NARA.


1. “Sonja Henie Defends Title,” Dubuque (IA) Telegraph-Herald, February 11, 1932.

2. The American banking situation in 1932 is well described in Murray Newton Rothbard, America’s Great Depression, 5th ed. (Auburn, AL: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2008), 304.

3. Stephen Feinstein, The 1930s: From the Great Depression to the Wizard of Oz, rev. ed. (Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2006).

4. TDP, 11.

5. Ibid. n.d.

6. “World Traveler Here Again After 16 Years,” San Jose Evening News, July 20, 1932, 3.

7. Postcard from Walter Wanderwell to Janec Pieczynski, July 15, 1932, courtesy Valri Baker-Lundahl.

8. “Tour Champions Visit City,” Los Angeles Times, August 11, 1932, sec. A.

9. From a conversation between Nile Baker and the authors, April 2007.

10. A. Wanderwell, “Around the World,” (see chap. 21, n. 18).

11. Ibid.

12. Walter Wanderwell, “Design For An Automobile,” US Patent Des. 87,494 (Serial Number 38,536), filed February 3, 1931, and issued August 2, 1932.

13. “Rum Ship’s Sale to Pay Fine Slated,” Los Angeles Times, September 18, 1932, sec. C.

14. “Little Girl Now Sea’s Youngest Shipmaster,” Los Angeles Times, November 1, 1932, sec. A.

15. A. Wanderwell, “Around the World,” (see chap. 21, n. 18).

16. Share Certificates, International Police, Ltd., (Capt. Wanderwell), University of Southern California, Doheny Memorial Library, Department of Special Collections, Collection No. 112.

17. Allyn Carrick and Forrest Izard, A Jungle Gigolo, 1933, black-and-white documentary, accessed on June 2011,

18. Charles Hutchison, Found Alive, April 11, 1933, black-and-white film, 65 min., accessed June 2011, The “Lure of Savage Passions” is taken from the film’s original promotional poster.

19. “Lord Montagu, [sic] Eleven Others Signed for Tour,” Berkeley Daily Gazette, (Evening Edition), December 7, 1932.

20. “Rum Ship’s Sale to Pay Fine Slated,” Los Angeles Times, September 18, 1932, sec. C.

21. “Murder Is Done in Bizarre Tub,” The Spokesman Review (WA), December 7, 1932.


1. TDP, 12; see also A. Wanderwell, “Around the World,” (see chap. 23, n. 1).

2. Wanderwell Baker, précis to TDP, 12.

3. “Sea Adventurer Slain,” Milwaukee Sentinel, December 7, 1932.

4. A. Wanderwell, “Around the World,” (see chap. 23, n. 1).

5. Ibid.

6. “Mrs. Wanderwell Gives Killing Clew,” Washington Post, December 7, 1932.

7. “Man Arrested as Spy During War Killed in Mystery,” Berkeley Daily Gazette, December 7, 1932; see also “Globe Trotter’s Old Associate Under Arrest,” Daily Courier (Connellsville, PA), December 8, 1932.

8. “Globe Trotter Slain in Cabin of Schooner,” Sheboygan (WI) Press, December 6, 1932.

9. “Former Wife Tells of Love Affairs of Murder Victim,” Reading (PA) Eagle, December 10, 1932.

10. Agness Underwood, “Granite Woman In Yacht Murder,” Los Angeles Record, December 7, 1932.

11. “Wanderwell’s Ex-Wife Tells Divorce Reason,” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1932, sec. A.

12. “Former Wanderwell Wife in S.M. Says Girl is Killer,” San Mateo Times, December 10, 1932.

13. Ibid.

14. “Sea Slaying Suspect’s Alibi Hit,” Rochester Evening Journal, December 9, 1932.

15. “Yacht Murder Suspect in Custody of Police to Face Grave Charge,” Evening Independent (St. Petersburg, FL), December 8, 1932. Florida newspapers took special interest in the Wanderwell case because of its connection to their state. Headquarters of WAWEC and the International Police remained in Miami. See also “Mystery Baffles,” Lewiston Morning Tribune (Lewiston, ID), December 9, 1932.

16. “Woman Aids Alibi He Was Not Aboard Death Ship,” Seattle Times, December 8, 1932.

17. “Nab Man in Gray in Murder Case,” Spokesman Review (Spokane, WA), December 9, 1932.

18. Ibid.

19. “Widow Is Brave,” Los Angeles Record, December 7, 1932.

20. Advertisement, Los Angeles Times, December 15, 1932, sec. A.

21. “Murder Suspect’s Friends Subpoened [sic] to Inquest,” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1932, sec. A.

22. Ibid.

23. “First Indian Aviator,” Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribal Tribune 7, no. 8 (February 1, 2012): 8.

24. Ibid.

25. “Curley Guy Definitely Pointed Out,” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, December 10, 1932.

26. “Fail to Swear Out Charge in Yacht Murder,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 10, 1932.

27. “Curley Guy Definitely Pointed Out,” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, December 10, 1932.

28. “Wanderwell Buried at Sea,” Poughkeepsie (NY) Eagle News, December 13, 1932.


1. “Suspect Gang Killed Skipper,” Spokane Daily Chronicle, December 13, 1932.

2. “Doug Goes Back to Nature,” Los Angeles Times, December 17, 1932.

3. Theodore Orchards, “Once Aboard the Lugger,” The Graveside Companion, ed. J. Francis McComas, (New York: Ivan Obolensky, 1962), 117.

4. Aloha Wanderwell, “Mrs. Wanderwell to Carry on Mate’s Work,” Rochester Evening Journal, December 16, 1932.

5. In later life, McGann would represent a case in which a company that marketed a “health oil” attempted to convince the court that advertising with testimonials about a product’s efficacy in treating certain health conditions did not mean the company was claiming its product had any effect on such conditions.

6. “Held For Trial,” Lewiston Morning Tribune (Idaho), December 20, 1932.

7. “Pair Identify Accused Man,” Los Angeles Times, December 20, 1932.

8. Courtroom Scene Adds New Puzzle,” Los Angeles Times, December 20, 1932, sec. A.

9. “Held For Trial,” Lewiston Morning Tribune (Idaho), December 20, 1932.

10. “Wanderwell’s Widow Shakes Hand of Suspect in Murder Case,” The Telegraph Herald and Times-Journal, (Dubuque, IA), December 20, 1932.

11. For further context, see “The Year 1932 News, Prices and Popular Culture,” The People History, 2004, accessed July 26, 2011,; and “1932 Ford,” Wikipedia, last modified June 22, 2016,

12. “Wanderwell Left $1,500 Estate,” New York Times, December 24, 1932. Digital reproduction purchased April 6, 2008.

13. “Wanderwell Cruise Off,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, December 25, 1932.

14. “Girl Throws Doubt on Alibi Given by Young Adventurer,” Dallas Morning News, December 21, 1932.

15. “Torn Code Love Note Fogs Wanderwell Quiz,” Los Angeles Times, January 13, 1933.

16. “Wanderwell’s Daughter Made Mother’s Ward,” Los Angeles Times, January 24, 1933, sec. A; “Mrs. Wanderwell and Three Girls Given Aid,” Oakland Tribune, January 24, 1933, sec. D.

17. “Carma to be Showboat on South Seas Cruise,” Los Angeles Times, February 1, 1933, sec. A; “Guys’ Murder Trial toOpen,” Poughkeepsie (NY) Eagle News, February 2, 1933.

18. “Doors Splintered as Crowd Rushes to Murder Trial,” Dallas Morning News, February 3, 1933.

19. “Wanderwell Trial Shifts to Vessel,” Seattle Daily Times, February 4, 1933.

20. “Jurors Visit Death Craft,” Los Angeles Times, February 4, 1933.

21. “Sea Rover Slain for Paper, Charge,” Baltimore Sun, February 4, 1933.

22. “Wanderwell’s Widow Heard,” Los Angeles Times, February 4, 1933.

23. Quotes from the trial are based on newspaper accounts, not court transcripts. The authors conducted extensive searches of the archives within the Los Angeles Police Department, the Long Beach Police Department, and the Los Angeles County court records, but found nothing. A microfilm reel of the actual trial transcripts (No. CR50818) was eventually located at the LA Superior Court Archives. However, as the technician placed the microfilm on the take-up reel, the film disintegrated. We were later informed that the destroyed reel was only a copy and that a master reel was housed at their backup archive in Chatsworth, California. After six months, the master file was retrieved but also began to disintegrate upon inspection. At the authors’ request, the reels were sent to Kodak’s head offices in Rochester, New York, where the microfilm had originated, but they were also unable to extract any content from the film. Original paper files may still exist in an archive somewhere, but despite years of effort, none have materialized.

24. “Mrs. Wanderwell Tardy as Trial of Guy Is Resumed,” Reno Evening Gazette, February 6, 1933.

25. Ibid.; and “Aloha Breaks on Stand,” Nevada State Journal, February 7, 1933.

26. A. Wanderwell, “Around the World,” (see chap. 23, n. 1).

27. “Guy Identified as a Visitor to Murder Yacht,” Dallas Morning News, February 7, 1933.

28. Ibid.

29. “Guy’s Counsel Offers New Witnesses to Refute Wanderwell Killing Tale,” Charleston Daily Mail, February 8, 1933.

30. “Prosecution Rests in Wanderwell Case,” Berkeley Daily Gazette, February 9, 1933.

31. “Defence Attacks Identification of Guy as Slayer,” Seattle Daily Times, February 10, 1933.

32. “Two More Add their Support to Guy’s Alibi,” Dallas Morning News, February 12, 1933.

33. Wanderwell Baker, précis to TDP, 16.

34. “Long Beach Jury Find Guy Not Guilty of Slaying Capt. Wanderwell on Yacht Carma,” Los Angeles Times, February 17, 1933, sec. A.

35. Robert Kenny, “My First Forty Years in California Politics, 1922-1962,” interview transcript, interviewer Doyce Blackman Nunis (Los Angeles: Oral History Program, UCLA, 1964), 91.

36. “Freed in Murder Trial, Guy Faces Federal Charges,” Dallas Morning News, February 18, 1933.

37. “A Queer Thing in Life,” Reno Evening Gazette, February 18, 1933.

38. Wanderwell Baker, précis to TDP, 16.


1. “Wanderwell Widow is Left on Shore,” Oakland Tribune, March 21, 1933.

2. “Yacht Carma Abandons Crew,” Oakland Tribune, May 8, 1933.

3. A. Wanderwell, “Around the World,” (see chap. 23, n. 1).

4. Letter from Captain W. de Waray, Commandant in Chief, Legión Extranjera, to Captain J. [sic] Wanderwell, March 9, 1933, Barranquilla. Courtesy Valri Baker-Lundahl.

5. “Guy and Martin Fail to Show Up,” Los Angeles Times, March 22, 1933, sec. A.

6. “DeLarm, Alibi Witness, Given Bodyguard as He Charges Guy Threatened His Life,” Los Angeles Times, August 15, 1933, sec. A.

7. “DeLarm’s Plea Fixed for Today,” Los Angeles Times, July 17, 1933, sec. A.

8. “‘Curly’ Guy Trace Lost by Agents,” Los Angeles Times, September 2, 1933, sec. A.

9. Carl A. Christie, Ocean Bridge: The History of the RAF Ferry Command (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995).

10. This was a wonderful piece of military sleight of hand. The planes would arrive in southern Manitoba fresh off the assembly line in Burbank, California. After refuelling, they were flown to Montreal, refuelled again, and this time rebranded with the livery of Britain’s RAF. After a third stop for fuel in Labrador’s Goose Bay, they were flown to Scotland, outfitted with armaments, and prepared for bombing runs into Germany.

11. “From Murder Trial To Post of Honor — Curley Guy Pilot of Plane Bearing British Notables,” Long Beach Press-Telegram (Home Edition), August 21, 1941, cover (with photo of Guy and Aloha Wanderwell).

12. Stuart Palmer, “Once Aboard the Lugger,” in Murder Plus: True Crime Stories from the Masters of Detective Fiction, compiled by Marc Gerald (New York: Pharos, 1992), 211. First published in Detective: The Magazine of True Crime Stories, 1951.

13. “While we were splashing in the surf, who bobbed up in an adjoining wave but Buron Fitts. It was all very cordial. I don’t think Fitts believed Guy was guilty either.” Kenny, “My First Forty Years,” 91–92.

14. “D.A. Fitts Was Good Match for Scandalous ’30s,” Los Angeles Times, September 19, 1999, accessed June 2011.

15. “Officers Continue Quizzing,” Long Beach Sun, February 10, 1933.

16. “Slain Captain’s Widow Asks Control of Child,” Washington Post, October 20, 1933.

17. “Sense of Humor Great Essential States Traveler,” Times-Picayune (New Orleans), December 18, 1933.

18. “Widow of Slain Adventurer Wed,” Times-Picayune (New Orleans), December 29, 1933.

19. Ibid.

20. Letter courtesy of Valri Baker-Lundahl. Some punctuation has been added for clarity.

21. A. Wanderwell, “Around the World,” (see chap. 23, n. 1).

22. During this period WLW Cincinnati had the most powerful radio transmitter in North America — one of the most powerful in the world, in fact. On a clear evening its 500,000-watt signal could be heard as far west as California, as far south as Mexico, and, it was rumoured, as far east as parts of Europe and Africa. It was so powerful, that Canadian radio stations in Ontario and Quebec had to lobby America’s broadcast regulator to force the station to reduce their signal — it was overlapping their frequencies and drowning them out!

23. As far as we know, this book was never published.

24. Happily, an audio copy of this program still exists at the Library of Congress in Washington.

25. As far as these authors know, Aloha Wanderwell and the River of Death (later recast as Flight to the Stoneage and The Last of the Bororos) was the first and only sound film Aloha ever produced.

26. What few existing used copies remain — mostly delisted library editions — can still be found on Internet auction sites such as eBay, some fetching more than $1,000 per copy!

27. “He Seeks Luck of the Irish,” Long Beach Press-Telegram, women section, June 19, 1968, sec. B.

28. Personal interview with Margaret Lundahl-Hamell conducted by the authors, Goleta, CA, February 2009.

29. Letter from Greenfield Village & Henry Ford Museum to Ms. Aloha W. Baker, October 29, 1979, NAHC.

30. Members of Aloha’s extended family are still searching.

31. In 1978 she managed to place her film The Last of the Bororos with the Smithsonian Institution’s Human Studies Film Archives.

32. Of course, its real value is inestimable.

33. Aloha Wanderwell, “Introduction” to the Aloha W. Baker Collection, NAHC.


1. “All Humanity ‘Savage,’ Finds Famous Woman Wanderer,” Washington Post, July 2, 1934.