


1. Setting the Scene

What is changing? Is there a problem?

Climate change

Peak oil

Food sovereignty

2. Sustainable Living Practices


Permaculture: designing for a sustainable future

Permaculture design fundamentals

3. Planning a Garden

Ecological principles

How ecosystems work

The design process

Designing for others

Implementation schedule

Sharing the surplus, thriving and surviving

4. Getting the Soil Right

What is soil?

Compost making

Soil amendments


Green manure crops

Fermented fertilizers

Weeds as indicators of soil conditions

Simple soil tests

Other soil tests

5. Edible Food Plants

Top ten vegetables

top ten garden salad fruits

Handy hints

6. Fruit and Nut Trees

Dryland fruit and nut trees

Cold climate fruit and nut trees

Warm humid climate fruit and nut trees

Some other considerations

7. Heavenly Herbs

Herbs used in cooking

Herbal teas

Pest-repellent herbs

A herb medical cabinet

8. Other Useful Plant Groups

Dryland plants

Cool climate plants

Warm humid climate plants

9. Fodder and Forage Shrubs and Trees for Farm Animals

Dryland plants

Cool climate plants

Warm humid climate plants

10. All About Water

Saving water in the home

Water conservation

Irrigation practices

Graywater reuse

Rainwater harvesting

Integration of water systems

On-site domestic wastewater systems

Water in the landscape

11. Strategies for Rural Properties

Organic farming

Biodynamic farming

Holistic management

Cell grazing


Natural sequence farming

Pasture cropping


Regenerative agriculture

Water capture

Other aspects of farming

12. Strategies for Small Spaces

Inside the house

Outside the house

13. Hand Tools

Personal protective equipment (PPE) and general work clothing.

Ten basic hand tools

Handyperson set of ten tools

Supplementary set of ten tools

Ten basic garden hand tools

Ten handyperson garden tools

14. Foods You Can Easily Make at Home

Ten simple foods to make

Others to try

Ten fermented foods

Preserving your foods

15. It’s Energy That Matters

Embodied energy

Saving and reducing energy

Energy-efficient housing

Active solar systems

Energy generation

16. Forgotten Skills

Some simple knots

Handmade paper

Making soap

Homemade laundry detergent

Splitting bamboo

How to make playdough

Saving seeds

Weaving (fiber basketry)

Making rope from plant material

How to make candles

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