Airey’s Inlet Farmers’ Market, 279–284
Alternative economic systems see local food systems
Alternative food systems see local food systems
Askern Farmers’ Market, 304
Association of Town Centre Managers (ATCM), 338
Australia, 205
Rutherglen, 17
Australian Farmers’ Market Association, 199
Authenticity, 198–201, 206–210, 215, 217, 223–226
Bacchanalia, 9
Bakewell Farmers’ Market, 303
BBC Good Food Show, 16
Branding, 24, 26, 30, 37, 41, 42, 66–74, 79–84, 118, 170–171, 217, 334, 342–343
Breedekloof Outdoor Festival, 17, 26
California Farmers’ Markets Association, 199–200, 205
California Federation of Certified Farmers’ Markets, 206–207
Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), 168, 169–170
British Columbia
Vancouver, 17
Saint John River Valley, 240–242
Ontario, 205, 207–209, 212–214
Port Colborne, 212
St. Catharines, 212
Welland, 212
Certified Farmers’ Market see Farmers’ Market, definition
Christchurch Farmers’ Market, 218–220
Cider see apples
Civic agriculture, 29
see also local food systems
Consumer Experience, 8, 213, 221–224, 287–297
Culinary tourism see food tourism
‘Eat the View’, 59
Entrepreneurship, 29–30, 32, 41, 293, 296, 334
Ethical consumption, 198, 335–336, 338
categories, 14
see also festivals
FARMA see National Farmers’ Retail and Markets Association
Farmers’ markets, 28–34, 36, 37, 197–230, 232–247, 279–284, 286–298, 300–306
definition, 198–201, 206–210, 218, 340–341
management, 279–285, 288–289, 342
sites, 342
Farmers’ Markets Ontario (FMO), 28, 31, 199, 205, 207–208
Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Marketing Act of, 1976, 204, 340
Festivals, 9, 11, 101–112, 133–145, 146–64, 166–176, 178–191, 249–275
see also events
Food scares see health
see also local food system
Food tourism, 66–74, 113–126, 232–246
Munich, 174
Gilroy Garlic Festival, 12
Government, 39, 40, 108, 115–116, 254–255, 272, 340–341
Health, 37, 198, 253–254, 332, 337–338
Identity see place
Turin, 333
Kingston Farmers’ Market Cooperative, 242–243
Licensing legislation, 341
Local food system, 23–46, 107–108, 301, 306, 334, 336, 344
London Farmers’ Markets, 301–302
Ludlow Marches Food and Drink Festival, 101–111
Lyttleton Farmers’ Market, 218–220
Marketing, 30–1, 32–42, 118, 147–162, 336, 342–343
Market segmentation, 118, 147–162, 178–192, 289–290
Marylebone Market, 301
Media, 12, 16, 19, 69, 81, 88, 89, 91, 92, 95, 98, 168, 215, 282, 343
Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, 90–98
National Farmers’ Retail and Markets Association (FARMA), 31, 199, 209, 214, 301, 303, 339, 341
New Zealand, 205, 215–220, 286–298
Marlborough, 17
New Zealand Farmers’ Market Association, 199, 215–217, 225
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Farmers’ and Country Market, 202–203
Oakwood Beer Festival, 172
Oktoberfest, 169, 170, 174–175
Otago Farmers’ Market, 286–298
Place, 27–32, 37–38, 41, 221, 222, 249, 260–264, 287, 334, 337
Public Market, 210
Quingdao City Beer Festival, 176
Research methods, 104–107, 161–163, 167, 233–234, 280, 312–330
Rutherglen Winery Walkabout, 17
Saint John City Market, 238–240
Salone del Gusto, 332
Seasonality, 9, 169–170, 209–210, 255, 265–268
South Africa
Breedeklof, 17
Special Interest Tourism, 6
Sponsorship, 38–39, 90–92, 125
Sustainable consumption see ethical consumption
Sustainable development see local food systems
Kivk, 138
Umeå, 209
Taste festivals (UK), 343
Tastes of Rutherglen, 17
Thanksgiving, 9
United Kingdom, 47–62, 133–143, 201, 205, 209, 301–307, 341, 342–343
Devizes, 201
Rotherham, 172
Wakefield, 15
Whitstable, 10
United States, 204–205, 210–212, 340
Gilroy, 12
San Diego, 211
Illinois, 173
Albany, 211
Corvallis, 211
United States Department of Agriculture, 200
Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival, 17
Vinitaly, 13
Virginia State Apple Harvest and Apple Butter Festivals, 142–143
Wakefield Food, Drink and Rhubarb Festival, 15
Wallington Food and Craft Festival, 33–34
Whitstable Oyster Fair, 10
Wine Marlborough Festival, 17
Wine tourism, 17, 147–162, 178–192
Winter Wine Fest, 17