B vitamins, 361
Bach, Edward, 144b
Bach flower remedies, 144b
Bacon, Francis, 3-5b, 65-66
Bailey, Alice, 558
Baker, Norman, 3-5b
Balance exercises, 191
Barefoot Doctor’s Manual, 378
Barnes, John, 237
Barral, Jean, 229, 244
Barrida rituals, 564. See also Curanderismo.
Barthez, Paul Joseph, 67
Bartram, William, 3-5b
Basic 7 Daily Food Guide, 358b
Bastyr, John, 299, 305
BDORT (Bi-Digital O-Ring Test), 72
Beach, Wooster, 302
Beam generators, 161
Beck Depression Inventory, 184
Behavioral field, 44-47, 45f, 46f
Bell, John Stewart, 126
Bell’s theorem, 126
BEMS (Bioelectromagnetic Society), 152
Bennett, William, 212-213
Benson, Herbert, 103, 118, 166-167
Berkeley, George, 66
BES (Bioelectrochemical Society), 152
Beverley, Robert, 3-5b
Bhakthi Yoga, 488-490. See also Yoga.
Bichat, Xavier, 67
Big Apple CCU (Circus Clown Care Unit), 196-197
Bilateral symmetry, 204-205
Bilz, F.E., 299
Bindegewebmassage, 213
Biochemical convergence, 39-41, 40f
Biochemical theory, 167
Biodiversity conservation, 579-580
Bioenergetic mechanisms, 12
Biofeedback, 122-123
Biological rhythms, 506-507, 506b
Biological windows, 148
Biology dogma, 30f, 31f
Biomagnets, 147. See also Magnetism.
Biomechanics vs. acupuncture model, 427t
Biophotons, 138-139
Biophysical devices, 143-162
Biosphere concept, 29
Biotin, 361
Biotron, 161
Bipolar vs. unipolar magnets, 148. See also Magnetism.
Bland, Jeff, 305-306
Blavatsky, Helena, 144b
Bleeding and cupping. See Cupping and bleeding.
Bobath-based training, 188
Boden, Margaret, 169
Bodily functions examinations, 475-477
Body matrix, 211-212
Bodywork principles, 204-210
Boerhaave, Herman, 73
Bond, Thomas, 293
Bone-out-of-place theory, 261
Bonesetting methods, 256. See also Chiropractic.
Book of Changes. See I Ching (Yi Jing).
Boone, Daniel, 3-5b
Bo-shin (diagnosis through observation), 285-287
Botanical gardens, 323-324b
Botanics, 302
Braid, James, 74
Brazilian spiritism. See Spiritism.
biofeedback, 122-123. See also Biofeedback.
Brennan, Barbara, 221
Brich’s splinter effect, 430-431, 430t
Brickell, John, 3-5b
Bridger, Jim, 3-5b
Brief Symptom Inventory, 186
Brinkley, John Romulus, 3-5b
Buddhist QG (qigong), 339-340. See also QG (qigong).
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 68-69
Bun-shin (diagnosis through sound), 285-287