- back-pressure
- back-pressure, writable streams / Back-pressure
- Backbone Models
- Backbone Views
- basic concepts, generators
- batching
- batching, with Promises / Batching and caching with Promises
- batch operations
- binding, AMQP
- Bluebird
- Bower
- brew
- browser
- Browserify
- Browserify, invoking from Grunt
- Browserify, invoking from Gulp
- buffering
- bundle
- bunyan
- business logic
- busy-waiting
- data ownership / An example of the Microservice architecture
- data validation
- db module
- Decorator pattern
- deferreds
- demultiplexer (demux) / Multiplexing and demultiplexing
- demultiplexing
- Denial of Service (DoS) / Limited parallel execution
- Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
- dependencies
- dependency
- dependency graph
- dependency hell problem / Small modules
- dependency injection (DI)
- dependency injection (DI), types
- dependency Injection containers
- dependency injection containers
- Derby
- design pattern
- design patterns, cross-platform development
- DI container
- dimensions, scalability
- direct style
- distributed hashsum cracker, with ØMQ
- Dnode
- docpad
- Document Message
- Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle
- duck typing
- duplexer2 module
- Duplex stream
- durable subscribers
- dynamic load balancer
- dynamic scaling / Using a Service Registry
- ecstatic middleware
- elasticsearch
- embarrassingly parallel workload
- encapsulation mechanism / A mechanism to enforce encapsulation
- envelope
- ES6
- ES6 promises
- ES6 WeakMaps
- EventEmitter function
- EventEmitters
- event loop
- Event Message
- event notification interface
- exchange, AMQP
- Express
- express
- express middleware
- extension points
- Ezel
- json-over-tcp library
- JSON messages
- JSON Web Token (JWT)
- jugglingdb
- Main function
- makeGenerator() function / The basics
- master process / The cluster module
- meld
- Memcached
- memoization
- memoizee package
- merge-stream module
- message broker
- Message Broker
- message queue
- message queue (MQ)
- Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
- messages
- messages, types
- messaging system
- Meteor
- methods, Promise instance
- microservice architecture
- microservices
- Middleware
- middleware
- Middleware, using as pattern
- middleware framework
- middleware framework, creating for ØMQ
- Middleware Manager
- minification / Declaring a set of dependencies to a DI container
- minificators / Declaring a set of dependencies to a DI container
- minimist package
- Mkdirp dependency
- models
- module
- module definition patterns
- module impersonation pattern / Using hardcoded dependencies
- modules
- module system
- module wiring patterns
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Monit
- monkey patching
- monkey patching (Object augmentation) / Object augmentation
- monolithic applications
- monolithic architecture
- monolithic kernels / Monolithic architecture
- monotonic timestamp
- multipipe package
- multiple directories
- multiplexer (mux) / Multiplexing and demultiplexing
- multiplexing
- multiprocess pattern
- multistream-merge module
- multistream package
- Mustache
- mux/demux application
- ØMQ fan-out/fan-in pattern
- ØMQ middleware framework
- ØMQ PUB/SUB sockets
- Object-Document Mapping (ODM) / In the wild
- object-path library
- Object.defineProperty()
- object streams
- Observer pattern
- observer pattern
- one-way pattern
- operating modes, streams
- Operational Transformation (OT) / Command
- options, stream.Writable
- ordered parallel execution, streams / Ordered parallel execution
- organization, Command pattern
- packages
- packages, streams
- packet switching
- parallel execution, async library
- parallel execution, generators
- parallel execution, plain JavaScript
- parallel execution, promise
- parallel pipeline
- Passport.js
- peer-to-peer load balancing
- peer-to-peer messaging
- peer-to-peer publish/subscribe pattern
- pipe() method / Composability
- pipeline / Middleware as a pattern
- pipelines
- pipes
- piping patterns
- plain JavaScript, using
- Plugin-controlled
- plugin infrastructure / Plugin-controlled vs Application-controlled extension
- plugins
- plugins, as packages
- pm2
- point-to-point communications
- PostgreSQL
- PouchDB
- preinitialization queues
- process.nextTick()
- process.nextTick() function / Considerations on the interleaving pattern
- producer-consumer pattern / Limited parallel execution
- promise
- Promise.all(array) method
- promise.catch(onRejected) method
- Promise.reject(err) method
- Promise.resolve(obj) method
- promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected) method
- Promises
- Promises/A+ specification
- promisification
- promisified version
- property injection
- Proxy pattern
- pseudo-classical inheritance / Object composition
- publish/subscribe pattern / Integration with a message broker
- publisher
- Q library
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- queue, AMQP
- queues
- tarball
- tar package
- task distribution pattern
- task pattern
- TaskQueue class / Queues to the rescue
- technical debt
- template methods / Template
- Template pattern
- ternary-stream package
- thenable
- threads
- through2 package
- through2-parallel package
- through package / through and from
- thunk
- thunkify
- time efficiency approach, streams
- tolerance to failures / Scaling Node.js applications
- transforms, on project's wiki page
- Transform streams
- UMD module
- UMD pattern
- unordered limited parallel execution, asynchronous control flow of streams
- unordered parallel execution, asynchronous control flow of streams
- Upstart
- use multiple processors
- userland
- userspace
- uses, Proxy pattern
- watchify
- WebSockets
- web spider / Creating a simple web spider
- webworker-threads
- When.js
- wiring plugins
- worker
- Writable stream
- writable streams
- ws package