
The following appendices contain detailed specific calculations associated with each chapter of the main text which are too long or too cumbersome to remain in the main text.

A.I. Appendix to Introduction

A.I.1. The “minimum dissipation rule”, as a corollary of the minimum entropy production theorem

  • – In thermodynamics of continuous media [GER 86], the rate of irreversible entropy production images is the sum of two terms, images, with:
    • - images – the intrinsic specific dissipation;
    • - images – the thermal specific dissipation, the function of heat flow images and the rate of heat coming from outside r.

When thermal dissipation is negligible or fixed, compared with another term (Φ2 ≃ 0, or even Φ2 constant), under given T, the minimum of images is the minimum of Φ1.

  • – This intrinsic specific dissipation Φ1 is the difference between two terms:
    • - the term vsTr{π}, the work rate of internal forces by unit mass;
    • - the term images, the work rate of reversible mechanical energy received by unit mass (e.g. the stored elastic energy in elastoplastic materials).
  • – In our granular material constituted by ideally rigid particles, the work rate of reversible mechanical energy received by unit mass is null, and the intrinsic specific dissipation reduces to Φ1 = vsTr{π}. Therefore, when thermal dissipation is negligible (or fixed) compared with other terms, under given temperature, the minimum of irreversible entropy production is also the minimum of specific dissipation of mechanical energy (QED).

A.1. Appendix to Chapter 1 – tensor structures induced by friction

A.1.1. Minimum dissipation solutions to the mesoscopic equation of energy dissipation by contact friction: determination of corresponding distributions of contact actions tensors

This appendix is related to sections 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 of Chapter 1 and focused on the determination of distributions of elementary contact actions tensors within the granular mass in motion, achieving a minimal dissipation in equation [1.16].

The dissipation rate being minimal for the lowest possible value of the internal feedback rate R(A) = 0, the solutions investigated are the distributions of contact actions tensors p(c) satisfying the condition [1.18]: images.

Note that the proof given here through simple summations on discrete distributions representing a discrete finite set of contact actions tensors p(c) can be extended to integration over a continuous set representing a continuous statistical distribution of contact actions tensors (see Chapter 2, section 2.1.2).

For any distribution of elementary contact actions p(c), numbered from 1 to n, with random mutual orientations, we obtain the following:

  • – always images, as function N is a norm (section 1.1.2);
  • – the only distributions for achieving the equality are:
    • - either all the eigendirections bearing p+(1),…p+(k),…p+(n) are identical;
    • - either all the eigendirections bearing p(1),…p(k),…p(n) are identical;
    • - or both of the above conditions are satisfied simultaneously.

Note that the sum images is a tensor with positive trace, being a sum of positive trace tensors p(k) (property of elementary contact actions tensors); so, P owns at least one positive eigenvalue. Ordering the eigenvalues of tensor P by descending values, the following table summarizes all possible combinations, their connection with the “cases” analyzed further on, and the possibility of solutions.

Signature of (P1, P2, P3) Case analyzed Possible solution
(+,−,−) A Yes: Mode I
(+,0,−) A and B Yes: Border Mode
(+,+,−) B Yes: Mode II
(+,+,0) C No
(+,+,+) C No
(+,0,0) C No
Case A. P has only one positive eigenvalue P1 = P+
  • – We call images the direction - bearing P+.

In the eigen referential of each of the p(k), we take the following numbering convention: p1(k) = p+(k) > 0, p2(k) = 0, p3(k) = p(k) < 0

and we note the coordinates of direction images

  • – By summation of contributions of all tensors p(k) on the direction images, the following expression is obtained:

In the above expression, the positive terms correspond only to p+(k), all other terms being negative; moreover, the trigonometric coefficients are all ≤ 1, thus images.

  • – By definition images and similarly for p+(k), taking into account the linearity of the Trace, the above inequality is obtained equivalent to images.
  • – A solution securing the equality in the above inequalities would require the simultaneous compliance with the following two conditions in equation [A1.1]:
    • - the trigonometric coefficients of the p(k) are all null;
    • - the trigonometric coefficients of the p+(k) are all equal to 1.

The only solution is that for all k, images are verified, i.e. that images and the direction bearing p+(k) are identical.

  • – Therefore, all eigendirections bearing p+(1),…p+(k),…p+(n) are identical to the one bearing P+ (QED); this kind of solution is called “minimal dissipation Mode I.”
Case B. P has only one negative eigenvalue P3 = P
  • – By a symmetrical reasoning of the above, but focused here on the negative eigenvalues, we find here the expression of P, and the inequality images equivalent to the inequality of the norms.
  • – Analyzing the conditions securing the equality, we find here that all eigendirections bearing p(1),…p(k),…p(n) are identical to the one bearing P; this kind of solution is named “minimal dissipation Mode II”.
Case C. All eigenvalues of P are positive (or null)
  • – In this particular situation, Tr {P} = N {P} is verified; otherwise, we always have images (linearity of the Trace).
  • – Each of the p(k) has eigenvalues of different signs, Tr {p(k)} < N {p(k)} for all k. Connecting with the above leaves images.
  • – In this situation of strict inequality… there is no solution found to achieve equality.

A.1.2. Correspondence between equivalent pseudo-continuum and discontinuous granular mass: expression of strain rates function of micromechanical quantities

  • – Assuming that the fluctuations in local covariances of stress and strain rates may be neglected relative to the average is a satisfied condition, the relation [1.22] becomes generally invertible, as the tensor of stresses is always regular and invertible because of the non-traction condition, i.e. determining images and knowing images and images.

However, this inversion, which is not easy in any referential, is simpler in the natural basis of stresses, because in this stress referential the components verify images. Then, resolving these relations, the following expression is obtained in the natural stress referential:


This expression becomes simpler in the case of coaxiality of the three tensors (note that if σ and images are coaxial, then π is also coaxial with the two others, as a result of the definition [1.2.2]), as in the common eigen referential, only diagonal terms are not null in the above expression.

However, as outlined in the main text, note that the validity of this particular expression of strain rates is subordinate to the validity of the assumption that fluctuations in the local covariances of stress and strain rates may be neglected relative to the average, which is stronger than the assumption that is strictly required for the global validity of the approach developed in this book.

  • – If part of these covariances cannot be neglected (see Chapter 2, section, and Appendix A.2.4), then the relation images does not hold any longer and shall be corrected by the covariances: images.

As a result, the relation [1.22] is no longer directly invertible, and the above expression of strain rate will also be corrected to account for these covariances.

A.2. Appendix to Chapter 2 – compatibility with mechanical heterogeneity

A.2.1. Relations on statistical distributions of contact actions – a general case of 3D granular materials

Here, we treat in three dimensions the question treated in two dimensions in the main text (section given a tensor of internal actions in a granular mass P, satisfying the dissipation equation, which conditions will satisfy a distribution of local contact actions tensors p in order to have tensor P as resultant?

Each local contact actions tensor p can be referenced in the global natural basis of the resultant P by the Euler angles of its local contact actions natural basis. The matrix for a change of basis (from local coordinates to global basis coordinates) is given by classical formulas (using the extrinsic convention 3-1-3 or Z-X-Z, with angles ψ,θ,φ, and abbreviated notations , for cosψ, etc.)


In its own natural basis, the local contact actions tensor p is


In the global resultant tensor natural basis, whether the motion is in Mode I or Mode II, the internal actions of the granular mass P are


with images, this parameter α represents the participation of eigenvalue no. 2, to P in Mode I (as P is borne by eigendirections no. 2 and 3), and to P+ in Mode II.

Calling f(ψ,θ,φ) the participation in the global dissipation of all the local tensors of contact actions found between ψ and ψ+dψ, θ and θ+dθ, φ and φ+dφ, their contribution to the global tensor P will be given by images, where the tensor components tij are the components of local tensor images transformed by the change of basis from local to global natural basis: images, and the function f(ψ,θ,φ) is the density of dissipation by local contact actions, as a function of their orientation. This function can vary with time during motion.

Then, by integrating over ψ,θ,φ (between 0 and 2π for ψ and φ, 0 and π for θ)


Thus, after explicit formulation of all the relevant terms, in the natural basis of the global tensor of internal actions in the granular mass P (or the natural basis of the average tensor), the distribution f(ψ,θ,φ), density of dissipation by local contact actions as a function of their orientation, satisfies at any time of motion the system of seven conditions given on the next page.

Note that for a given R, the set of solutions f(ψ,θ,φ) satisfying this system of seven conditions is again a convex set, and that given a particular solution f0, any other solution f will be of the form: images, where images is a solution of the homogeneous linear system of the six last conditions with zero on their right-hand side, and may be again interpreted as a distribution of fluctuations, or deviations around f0.

However, given the complexity of this system of seven conditions, the detailed analysis of its solutions, in a similar way to how it is displayed in the main text for 2D granular materials (Chapter 2), is yet to be developed.


(The simplest way to get the condition on internal feedback is on the eigendirection of its unique sign, which ever the Mode: direction no.1 for Mode I, no.3 for Mode II).

A.2.2. Particular property of usual experimental situations, regarding heterogeneity

Here, we show that a wide range of usual experimental conditions, provided that the response of the material is coaxial to the exerted solicitation, naturally satisfy the following conditions [2.11]: images

A.2.2.1. Experimental configurations considered

  • – Consider a parallelepipedal material specimen, confined in an extensible membrane, which will constitute our domain images, related to the referential of the attached sketch, attached to the geometry of a moving domain, and centered on its center of gravity. The specimen is submitted on its external faces to two kinds of boundary conditions:
    • - (a) conditions imposed on the normal displacement velocity component, this component being uniform on the pair of faces considered (systems of rigid platens);
    • - (b) conditions imposed in normal stress, which is uniform and purely normal on the pair of faces considered (systems by contact pressure);
    • - (c) the contact devices between the specimen and the external apparatus are such that the distributions of contact forces, which are not uniform everywhere (faces with imposed displacement conditions), are normal everywhere (use of lubricated end platens and membranes), and their resultants on the faces remain centered.
    • - (d) we consider the materials whose response maintains the symmetries of imposed solicitations, for which the deformed specimen remains sensibly parallelepipedal during motion.
  • – These conditions correspond to classical experimental tests without axis rotation, that is:
    • - the axisymmetric conditions in stresses of “triaxial apparatus” (one condition in normal component of displacement, two identical conditions in normal stresses);
    • - the conditions of plane strain “biaxial apparatus” (two conditions in normal displacement, one condition in normal stress);
    • - the conditions of three-dimensional compression apparatuses, the type found at I.M.G. Grenoble (France), or Berkeley University (USA), Hohai University in Nanjing (China), etc.

As in the usual interpretation of these experiments, we neglect the effect of gravity.


Figure A.1. Sketch of referential

  • – Let us consider, to ground our ideas, a solicitation type Mode I, with imposed conditions in normal displacement velocity on direction x1, in normal stresses on direction x2, and again in normal displacement on direction x3; let us represent the external forces exerted on specimen faces by a density of forces images and by images, the local displacement velocities of material points on these external faces where these forces are exerted.

A.2.2.2. Tensor of external actions

Consider the tensor images formed by the symmetrical product of external forces and velocities of their points of application on the external boundary of domain images. In the following, we will term this tensor as “tensor of external actions”; note that this trace is the work rate of external forces: images, and analyze the contributions brought by the faces of our specimen to this tensor of external actions.

  • – On the faces S1 and S−1, the density of forces being normal is images, the contribution to TE brought by the faces S1 and S−1 is then

The diagonal term can be transformed by taking into account the following:

  • - the condition of displacement (uniformity of v1);
  • - the equalities, by definition, images and images;
  • - the equality (equilibrium condition and definition of average stresses) images leading to this diagonal term: images.
  • – The contribution brought by the faces S2 and S−2 is similar. Taking into account the stress boundary conditions (here images with f2 being uniform on S2 and S−2) of the definitions of average values, equilibrium condition, and convention of the sign, the obtained diagonal term is images.
  • – The contribution of faces S3 and S−3 is set by the transposition of S1 and S−1 results.
  • – Finally:

Examine non-diagonal terms, such as images:

  • - if the specimen remains parallelepipedal during motion, then on S1 and S−1: images with images;
  • - if the resultant forces exerted on external faces remain centered, then on S1 and S−1: images with images on the one hand (definition of average stresses and equilibrium), and, on the other hand, images because of the centering condition;
  • - the non-diagonal term is thus a function of the product of local heterogeneities in velocities and in the distribution of contact forces:
  • - provided that boundary conditions and the response of specimen are regular enough, these terms are normally null or of the second order compared to the products of average quantities;
  • - for the granular material under deformation, we assume that these irregularities are sufficiently decorrelated so that it is the case when the dimension of the specimen is large enough compared to the average size of particles.
  • – So, at least at the first order, we have:

A.2.2.3. Identification with a tensor of internal actions, through energy considerations

The eigenvalues of TE (as those of images) can be interpreted as fluxes of mechanical energy as the outside exchanges with our material domain images through its boundaries. In our quasi-static conditions, and for physical consistency, these fluxes will balance 2 by 2, with the corresponding fluxes of the internal actions tensor, i.e. in our conditions of Mode I (images, only of its sign), the flux of mechanical energy provided by external actions to the domain images along the eigendirection no. 1, which is images, will be equal to the flux of mechanical energy received by the domain images on this eigendirection no. 1, which is our “input power” images. So, images.

Complementing the reasoning along the other eigendirections and forming the corresponding summations, we arrive at the following equation:


Similarly, with the norm images.

These are the intended conditions [2.11], but naturally satisfied (QED).

A.2.3. Compatibility with mixed heterogeneity in strains and stresses

Here, we show that the local compliance with the dissipation equation also implies its verification by average values of stresses and strain rates on the material domain despite the presence of heterogeneities as defined in section

  • – As a result of the sign conditions and mutual independence stated in relation [2.8], first note that for any i:
  • – Integration on images of the local dissipation equation, by taking into account the first of the above observations, leads to:

By taking into account the second of the above observations, the integrals on both sides may be condensed, leading to

  • – The factor including the integral appearing on both sides is generally not null and can be simplified on both sides. The result is the same dissipation equation as in its local expression but written with the average values of stress and strain rates (QED).

A.2.4. Necessary and sufficient compatibility conditions for stress and strain rates local heterogeneities

Here, we discuss the analysis of consequences of conditions [2.11] on images, for each mode:

  • – Under Mode I with signature (+,−,−), the natural basis of images and images corresponds to each other by a rotation around their common eigendirection bearing the unique positive eigenvalue π+ which is the same for both tensors. Therefore, in the difference between the two tensors, which is images, all terms corresponding to that eigen direction are null, either along the corresponding line or column. The remaining terms along the 2 other eigen directions are those of a symmetric tensor, moreover satisfying with images.

Ordering the eigendirections by descending values of eigenvalues, we obtain images, with the complementary conditions of null Trace (c22 + c33 = 0), symmetry (c32 = c23) and conservation of mode signature images and images.

  • – Under Mode II, with signature (+,+,−), a symmetric reasoning, which particularizes here the eigendirection bearing the unique negative eigenvalue π, leads to the form: images, with the corresponding complementary conditions.
  • – Under plane strain Border Mode, with signature (+,0,−), which constitutes the border between Mode I and Mode II, the tensor images is of both forms found simultaneously for Modes I and II; this condition, added to the condition of null trace, leads to the form images.

A.3. Appendices to Chapter 3 – strain localization and shear banding

A.3.1. Orientation of localization surfaces

Here, we investigate, for each mode of minimal dissipation, the surfaces within the material in motion, which satisfy the following conditions:

  • – (a) present an orientation envelope of elementary contact sliding motions, corresponding to the considered mode;
  • – (b) present a flux of mechanical energy, in the sense of internal actions, purely tangential.

We begin with the situations very close to theoretical minimum dissipation (with images confounded with ϕµ) and later discuss the situations belonging to the wider neighborhood of minimal dissipation.

  • – Consider Mode I motion, in the natural basis of internal actions of granular mass P(A), with signature (+,−,−), and order the eigendirections in descending order of the corresponding eigenvalues:
    • - the normal vectors to tangent planes at elementary sliding contacts are distributed on a cone of revolution, whose axis is the eigendirection bearing P+, and making an angle of images with this axis, can be written as on the natural basis: images;
    • - in its natural basis, the tensor P(A), solution of minimum dissipation equation in Mode I, can be written as follows:

with images, the parameter α representing the repartition of P between the eigendirections nos 2 and 3.

  • – A surface within the material in motion locally presents a purely tangential flux of mechanical energy, in the sense of internal actions, if and only if its normal locally satisfies with images:
    • - then, the normal images satisfying this condition is such that:

α cos2 θ + (1 − α)sin2 θ = 1 which yields images, with images.

  • – The only possible solution is then cos2θ = ±1, with α = 0. This corresponds to plane strain (P2 = 0), and Rankine’s slip lines directions.
  • – Considering now Mode II motion, with signature (+,+,−), a symmetric reasoning, which particularizes the direction bearing P, leads to the same result.

Now, consider the situations not so close to theoretical minimum dissipation, with images no longer confounded with ϕμ, because of the internal feedback R(A) ≠ 0. As the motions we consider remain in a certain neighborhood of minimum dissipation, the polarization of the distribution of local contact actions tensors, although somewhat fuzzy, will nevertheless remain pronounced (see section 2.1.2). Therefore, the main orientation of the localization surface remains, although some dispersion in local contacts sliding will appear inside the corresponding shear band, leading to some diffusion of the movement toward outside the shear band, this being the subject of section 3.3 in Chapter 3.

In conclusion, the orientation of the shear band is the one found for situations very close to theoretical minimum dissipation, the orientation of localization surfaces is both at images off the direction bearing P+, and at images off the direction bearing P, the general motion being in plane strain near this surface. This orientation corresponds to Rankine’s slip lines orientations (QED).

A.3.2. Orientation of chains of active forces nearby a shear band

Here, we show that the orientation of chains of active forces is symmetric to the orientation of the localization surface, relative to the direction bearing π+. We again begin with situations very close to theoretical minimum dissipation (with images confounded with ϕμ) and later discuss the situations belonging to the wider neighborhood of minimal dissipation.

  • – Consider a sub-domain images of the localization surface, which is kinematically equivalent to a tangential discontinuity in velocity, which we note images, let images be the force equivalent to the system of active forces exerted on images, the internal actions tensor on images is given by images.
  • – Noting θ as the angle between the directions of images and images, this tensor, in the natural basis of internal actions over the whole domain (this natural basis always exists over a domain in plane strain motion), is given by:
  • – Because of the internal similarity property of the plane strain minimum dissipation mode, this tensor is similar to the tensor of internal actions of the whole domain, given, in the same natural basis, by
  • – Take into account that:
    • - as there is energy dissipation in the sub-domain images, images;
    • - the no-tension condition makes the normal component of images on the surface to be in compression;

The analysis of all possible situations for a given images shows that there is only one solution for the direction of images, the direction symmetric to images, relative to the axis bearing π+.

  • – Now, considering the situations not so close to theoretical minimum dissipation, an argument similar to Appendix A.3.1 may be developed: the global trend will remain with the same orientation; however, local orientation of active forces may present some dispersion around this global trend.

A.3.3. Energy dissipation balance within the stationary shear band

Here, we set the detailed energy balance inside the shear band stationary structure, in the framework of section 3.3.3, together with Figure 3.8 in the main text.

  • – As stated in section 3.3.3, the shear band is divided into layers parallel to the axis, and each layer (n) is divided into elementary cells (Figure 3.8) of equal mass mn. In the cell of layer (n), the internal action tensor P(n) of the granular mass included in the cell is a solution of the dissipation equation [1.16] with internal feedback (section 1.2.4), and it is in plane strain. Its Trace, which gives the rate of dissipated energy in the cell, can be related to the specific dissipation rate images by: images. The tensor P(n) can be expressed in its natural basis as follows:
  • – This tensor P(n) is itself the sum of the elementary contact actions tensors of all the contacts contained in the cell P(n) = Σp, and by definition of internal feedback rate (section 1.2.4), we have the following relations between input and output powers: images, these terms can be expressed in the function of the specific dissipation rate images; noting images, the sum of elementary input power of all contacts contained in the cell of layer (n) is: images.
  • – In the following, we assume that the size of the cell is such that the feedback exchanges with the outside are predominant when compared to the feedback exchanges inside the cell (rigorously speaking, the feedback exchange partition between outside and inside the cell could be taken into account with a partition coefficient; however, it does not change the global picture). Therefore, the feedback flux emitted by the cell is images.
  • – This flux splits into inter-layer flux that will feed the adjacent layers (n1) and (n + 1), and intra-layer flux that is a simple exchange with the adjacent cells in the same layer (n). Noting α as the anisotropy coefficient defining the proportion of this distribution [α = (intra-layer part)/(inter-layer part)], the feedback flux emitted by our cell of layer (n) will split into:
    • - intra-layer part worth images;
    • - inter-layer part worth images, emitted half toward layer (n1) and half toward layer (n + 1).
  • – From the above elements, we can now set the energy balance of our cell, which equals the input power of all contacts contained in the cell of layer (n), with the sum of:
    • - feedback flux transmitted by layer (n1):
    • - feedback flux transmitted by layer (n + 1):
    • - feedback flux internal to layer (n):

This leads to the energy balance for the cell in layer (n):

  • – This balance may be simplified into:

This relation is the equation of energy dissipation diffusion, by internal feedback effect (a discretized form of a second-order linear ordinary differential equation). It defines a classical recurrent sequence whose solutions are linear combinations of two independent particular solutions: images, where these particular solutions ω1, ω2 are the roots of the following equation:

  • – As we focus here on the dissipation profile decaying from a maximum taken as the origin, the relevant root is the one <1, as follows:

For R <1/2, sin ϕμ about 0.5, and α > 0, the above expression [C] is generally far greater than 1. A limited series expansion provides images, then: images leading to equation [3.8] in section 3.3.3.

A.3.4. Specific deformation function

  • – In the framework of section, the analysis of the properties of such a quantity images required to maintain consistency with the whole background of the present approach leads to at least the following five properties:
    • - (a) The quantity images is cumulative over time, i.e. between two consecutive dates t0t1t2, it satisfies
    • - (b) This quantity is extensive over a material domain relative to the mass; if images are two disjoint sub-domains, it satisfies
    • - (c) Being associated with an irreversible process of energy dissipation, images presents also the property of irreversibility, i.e. it is a strictly monotonous function of time as soon as images over a sub-domain of images; we choose a strictly increasing function.
    • - (d) The increment rate of images is positively homogeneous and of degree 1, relative to the average strain rate images over images.
    • - (e) The quantity images has the same degree of compatibility with the heterogeneity of internal movements, as the dissipative process itself, at least near the minimal dissipation.
  • – The above properties imply that:
    • - From (a) and (b), ε shall include an integral over time, and over the material domain, and shall be of the form
    • - The function f in this integral satisfies the above three properties (c), (d), (e), and is objective, i.e. formed with invariants of degree 1 of the tensor images, compatible with heterogeneity: images.
  • – The only invariant of degree 1 always compatible is the Trace, because it is linear. However, it will not be relevant here because it is directly related to the specific volume, already taken into account (remember that images), so another objective function is required.
  • – In the case of simple coaxiality (when σ, images, and then also π have locally the same eigendirections, which are not necessarily fixed over the considered domain), and near minimal dissipation, the norm images turns out to be compatible with heterogeneity, and being positively homogeneous and of degree 1 relative to images, it satisfies the properties (c)–(e).

Let us prove this compatibility in the case of Mode I, with signature (+,−,−):

  • - It has been seen in section 2.2.1 that in conditions of coaxiality with fixed directions, the condition of mode signature attached to internal actions is transferred to the strain rate tensor, i.e. that in the domain, the signature of images is everywhere (+,−,−); this property extends without difficulty to the case of simple coaxiality.
  • - Moreover, the eigendirection bearing the unique positive eigenvalue of the local tensor images is the same over the whole domain (property of Mode I near minimal dissipation); hence, it is also the eigendirection bearing the unique positive eigenvalue of the average tensor images.
  • - Then on this eigendirection (and only that one) is satisfied the property: the average of the unique positive eigenvalue of the local tensor images is effectively the unique positive eigenvalue of the average tensor images, i.e. images.
  • - As Mode I satisfies images, the property found above implies that images.
  • - As the Trace, linear operator, always satisfies images, the property found above implies that images, i.e. the compatibility property looked for.
  • – A symmetrical reasoning in Mode II leads to the same result.
  • – Note that under plane strain, with signature (+,0,−) we have images, i.e. the maximal shear rate (under plane strain…).
  • – This whole discussion leads us to select for images the following definition, valid for all modes, related to a particularly significant quantity under plane strain:

A.3.5. Variance maximum for a set of parallel shear bands

Here, we analyze the variance of strain rates in the case of the n parallel shear bands system of section 3.5.2: images where the average shear rate images, material parameter k, and the width of domain L, are fixed quantities, and ΣLi = L.

  • Maximum: observe that if n > 1 then all images are strictly <1, then for all i images, hence images. So, the maximum of this variance is reached when the set reduces to one single shear band (n = 1).
  • Minimum: let us note images, the sum of all these differences being null by construction images. Then

So, the minimum is reached when all the ui are null, i.e. when the parallel shear bands are of equal width images.

A.4. Appendix to Chapter 4 – micromechanical basis of the Coulomb Criterion

In this appendix, the different strain modes allowed at a critical state are analyzed extensively, under three-dimensional stress states, for the least shear-resistant solutions, and the least dissipative ones, leading to the Failure Criterion. As this analysis requires wide algebraic development, we note for simplification images.

Elimination of reverse modes of Table 1.2

The condition of positive dissipation Tr{π} > 0 results in the elimination of Reverse strain Modes I and II. For Mode I Reverse (only images), as here only the last term of images is positive, and as σ1σ2σ3 > 0 it implies that images and as images, it would imply Tr{π} ≤ 0, excluded by the positive dissipation condition. For Mode II Reverse (only images), the same relation images is found, leading to the same conclusion.

Another consequence of the dissipation relation is that under isotropic stresses it is written images, which is not compatible with the critical state condition images, so here under critical state conditions, it is σ1 > σ3.

Useful relations with deviatoric parameters {b, c}

To ease the analysis, it appears useful to express principal stresses and strains in function of deviatoric parameters images and images (note that the convention on the order in principal stresses σ1σ2σ1 > 0 makes that 0 ≤ b ≤1, there are no restrictions on values for c, and the constant volume condition images has no incidence on the deviatoric parameter c)


A.4.1. Least shear resistance criterion

For each of the modes defined in Table 4.1, we investigate the eventuality of a minimum of the ratio images, for all allowed values of deviatoric parameters b, c.

Mode I Direct

This mode corresponds to −1 ≤ c ≤ ½.

As images and images; the internal work rate is here images, always > 0, the dissipation condition Tr {π} > 0 does not bring further restriction in this Mode I Direct.

The dissipation equation [1.30b] becomes images; then, by substituting to σi, and images with their expressions in function of b and c, the above equality, after simplification, becomes: images.

Let us observe that for 0≤b≤1 and images:

  • – always images, provided that images, this last inequality corresponding to the limit of tensile stress condition (i.e. images becomes ∞);
  • – then first inequality becomes an equality only if c = 1/2 (plane strain images) or if b = 0 (axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3).

In conclusion, we have shown that under strain Mode I Direct, for all allowed parameters b (0 ≤ b ≤ 1) and c (−1 ≤ c ≤ ½), provided that images, this condition represents the limit of tensile stress conditions; then:

  • – the dissipation equation implies that images;
  • – the equality is only verified either under plane strain upon intermediate principal stress direction (images or c = 1/2), irrespective of the stress state parameter b (0 ≤ b ≤ 1), or under axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3 (i.e. b = 0), irrespective of the parameter c (−1 ≤ c ≤ ½).
Mode II Direct

This mode corresponds to ½ ≤ c < 2.

As images and images; the internal work rate is here images, always > 0, the dissipation condition Tr {π} > 0 does not bring further restriction in this Mode II Direct.

The dissipation equation becomes: images; then, by substituting to σi, and images with their expressions in function of b and c, the above equation, after simplification, becomes: images.

Let us observe that, for 0 ≤ b ≤ 1 and images:

  • – always images;
  • – the equality is only satisfied if either c = 1/2 (plane strain images) or b = 1 (axisymmetric stresses σ1 = σ2).

In conclusion, under this strain Mode II Direct for all allowed parameters b and c:

  • – the dissipation equation implies that images;
  • – equality is only satisfied either under plane strain images upon intermediate principal stress direction or under axisymmetric stresses σ1 = σ2 (i.e. b = 1).
Mode I Transverse

This mode corresponds to images

As images and images; the internal work rate is here images, which will be positive only if images; then, by substituting σi, and images with their expressions in function of b and c, this inequality reduces to images (for c ≤ –1 or c ≥ 2). This is the restriction to be verified in this Mode I Transverse in order to satisfy the dissipation condition Tr{π} > 0.

The dissipation relation here becomes: images; then, by substituting σi, and images with their expressions in function of b and c, the above equation, after simplification, becomes: images, with the condition images, in which the numerator and denominator are maintained with the same sign corresponding to the limit of the tensile stress condition (i.e. images becomes ∞), more restrictive than the above condition for Tr{π} > 0.

  • – As σ1 > σ3, the above dissipation relation becomes inequality images, and as images, this inequality becomes images.
  • – This inequality becomes equal if either images (plane strain, c = 2) or if σ1 = σ3, but this last situation, which means isotropic stresses, is incompatible with the critical state, as noted above (see section 4.1), and is not relevant.
  • – Finally, either c ≠ 2, then images; as σ1σ2, we have images; or c = 2, we have images, the equality being satisfied only if σ1 = σ2 (axisymmetric stresses b = 1).

In conclusion, under this Mode I Transverse strain for allowed parameters b and c:

  • – the dissipation equation implies that images;
  • – equality being only satisfied either under plane strain images and axisymmetric stresses σ1 = σ2 (i.e. b = 1), taking into account this symmetry, the order between principal directions no. 1 and 2 becomes undifferentiated, and the situation is identical to axisymmetric stresses σ1 = σ2 associated with plane strain images.
Mode II Transverse

This mode again corresponds to images.

As images and images the internal work rate is here images, which will be positive only if images; then, by substituting σi, and images with their expressions in function of b and c, this inequality reduces to images (for c ≤ –1 or c > 2). This is the restriction to be verified in this Mode II Transverse in order to satisfy the dissipation condition Tr{π} > 0.

The dissipation relation here becomes: images, then, by substituting σi, and images with their expressions in function of b and c, the above equation is simplified as: images, with again the condition images corresponding to the limit of the tensile stress condition (i.e. images becomes ∞), more restrictive than the above condition for Tr{π} > 0.

As σ1 > σ3, the above dissipation relation becomes an inequality

images, so images except if images and σ2 = σ3.

In conclusion, under this Mode II Transverse strain for all allowed parameters b and c:

  • – the dissipation equation implies that images;
  • – equality being only satisfied either under plane strain images (i.e. c = –1) and axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3 (i.e. b = 0), taking into account this symmetry, the order between principal directions no. 2 and 3 becomes undifferentiated, and the situation is identical to axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3, associated with plane strain images.

A.4.2. Least dissipation criterion

For the modes defined in Table 4.2, we investigate the eventuality of a minimum of the ratio images, for all allowed values of deviatoric parameters b and c, where Tr{π} is the internal work rate for each of the strain modes investigated, and Tr{π0} is the internal work rate of the reference plane strain solution images under the same boundary conditions as the considered strain mode.

Useful relations

In addition to the useful relations displayed in Appendix A.4.1, other relations bind the dissipated energy rate, resulting from the dissipation equation, which always links the dissipated energy rate Tr{π} to the input power π+, sum of positive eigenvalues of the tensor π, i.e. images, and the output power π, sum of negative eigenvalues of the tensor π, i.e. images

  • – For the plane strain reference solution π0 with images (then images, as images)

As images and images, the above ratio becomes images.

A.4.2.1. Boundary conditions A (fixed images)

For the three allowable strain modes Mode I, Mode II Direct, and Mode II Transverse, we will now compare the dissipated energy rate Tr{π} > 0 with the dissipated energy rate of reference plane strain solution Tr{π0} > 0 under the same boundary conditions.

Mode I Direct

This mode corresponds to –1 ≤ c ≤ 1/2.

The energy dissipation rate is given here by images and relative to the reference plane strain mode: images

Therefore, the minimum of the ratio images under this strain Mode I Direct is identical to the minimum of the ratio images, already determined in section 4.1.

Mode II Direct

This mode corresponds to 1/2 ≤ c < 2.

The energy dissipation rate is given by images. As images may be expressed as a function of given boundary condition by images, then images, and relative to the plane strain reference solution Tr{π0}, it is simplified to images which is always ≥ 1 as here 1/2 ≤ c < 2, the equality being reached only for c = 1/2 (i.e. plane strain images).

Therefore, we have shown here that under our given boundary conditions, whatever the parameters b and c satisfying 1/2 ≤ c < 2 under this strain Mode II Direct:

  • – the dissipation relation implies that images;
  • – the equality is only reached for plane strain upon intermediate principal stress direction (c = 1/2, i.e. images);
  • – out of plane strain solution, the case of axisymmetric stresses σ1 = σ2 (i.e. b = 1) is not in itself a situation reaching equality, although in this situation the dissipation relation yields directly images.
Mode II Transverse

This mode again corresponds to images.

The energy dissipation rate is given by images. As images may be expressed as a function of given boundary condition by images, then images, and relative to plane strain reference solution Tr{π0}, it yields images.

We observe that

  • – For c ≤ –1 then images, and as by convention images except when σ2 = σ3 (i.e. b = 0), thus images; equality being verified only for c = –1 (i.e. plane strain images) and axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3 (i.e. b = 0), in that situation, the ranking between principal directions 2 and 3 becomes undifferentiated, and the situation is then confounded with images and σ2 = σ3.
  • – For c > 2, we have images, and as by convention images, it yields images.
  • – For numerical applications, as images, then images is expressed by images; using now the expression of images determined in section 4.1 and referring to images, all results expressed in function of b and c.

In conclusion, under this strain Mode II Transverse, only one particular solution realizes a relative minimum of dissipated rate: it is confounded with the axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3 (i.e. b = 0), associated with plane strain images = 0.

A.4.2.2. Boundary conditions B (fixed images)

Mode I Direct

This mode corresponds to −1 ≤ c ≤ ½.

The energy dissipation rate here is images. Then, relative to reference plane strain (for c = 1/2) under the same boundary conditions images: images, hence images Therefore, the minimum of the ratio images under this strain Mode I Direct is the minimum of images for −1 ≤ c ≤ 1/2, i.e. for c = 1/2 (plane strain images) whatever the value of b, otherwise the ratio is > 1.

In conclusion, under our given boundary conditions, whatever the parameters b and c satisfying ½ ≤ c < 2 under this strain Mode I Direct:

  • – the dissipation relation implies that images;
  • – the equality is only reached for plane strain upon intermediate principal stress direction (c = 1/2, i.e. images);
  • – out of plane strain solution, the case of axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3 (i.e. b = 0) is not in itself a situation reaching equality, although in this situation, the dissipation relation directly yields images (see section 4.1).
Mode II Direct

This mode corresponds to ½ ≤ c < 2.

The energy dissipation rate here is images, and reference plane stain images. Then, images.

Here, the minimum of the ratio images under this strain Mode II Direct is the minimum of images. As the initial conditions of these boundary conditions are under isotropic stresses images, this stress ratio can decrease until it is physically limited by the shear Failure Criterion images: once it is reached, the material can experience large strains under quasi-static conditions, and the resulting ratio images is equal to 1. The ratio images could be forced to be further reduced, however the motion would no longer remain quasi-static and would enter into dynamic behavior, out of our present scope.

In conclusion, under our given boundary conditions B, whatever the parameters b and c satisfying ½ ≤ c < 2 under this strain Mode II Direct:

  • – the dissipation relation implies that images;
  • – the conditions achieving the equality are the same as the least shear resistance criterion.

The treatment of Mode I Transverse, similar to the above treatment of Mode II Transverse under boundary conditions A, although submitted to stronger restrictions due to dissipation condition (see section 4.1), does not bring further significant features.

A.4.3. Incidence of small deviations from least shear resistance solution

The deviatoric relation selected here, and represented in Figure 4.8(a), is


A.5. Appendix to Chapter 5 – coupling shear strength and volume changes

A.5.1. Basic dilatancy inequalities for the six allowed strain modes

Here, we show the basic inequalities listed in Table 5.1 taking into account the dilatancy rate d as defined in section 5.1.

Mode I Direct

We treat first the situation 0 < b < 1, which implies that both images

The dissipation relation yields images, substituting σ2 to σ3, as σ2 > σ3, the above equality becomes images which can also be written as images or with the dilatancy rate images. As images, the above inequality also means: if images then images. Similarly, now substituting σ3 to σ2 yields images, hence images. Therefore, when 0 < b < 1, we have images (QED).

Note that these last two inequalities transform into simple equalities either when the substitutions become indifferent, which occurs when σ2 = σ3, i.e. axisymmetric stresses b = 0, or when one of the principal internal actions images or images disappears from the dissipation relation, which occurs when images or images, i.e. plane strain. For b = 1, these last two inequalities remain valid without a change (except that here images).

Mode I Transverse

The dissipation relation yields images, so substituting here σ1 and σ3, we have images

Note that these last two inequalities transform into simple equalities either when the substitutions become indifferent, which occurs when images, i.e. isotropic stresses, or when one of the principal internal actions, images or images, disappears from the dissipation relation, which occurs when images or images, i.e. plane strain.

Mode I Reverse

The dissipation relation yields images, so substituting here σ1 and σ2, we have images

Note that these last two inequalities transform into simple equalities either when the substitutions become indifferent, which occurs when σ1 = σ2, i.e. axisymmetric stresses b = 1, or when one of the principal internal actions, images or images, disappears from the dissipation relation, which occurs when images or images, i.e. plane strain.

Mode II Direct, Transverse, and Reverse can be treated similarly, particularizing the strain rate unique of its sign (here negative) and substituting the principal stresses borne by the two other eigendirections. In Mode II Direct, we also have the property: if images then images.

A.5.2. Generalized stress–dilatancy relations and peak shear strength

Useful analytical relations

These are the same as in Appendix A.4 for the expression of intermediate principal stresses in a function of the deviatoric parameter and the dissipated energy rate.

For the plane strain reference solution π0 with images and images (d0 dilatancy rate)


For the allowable strain modes Modes I and II Direct, and Modes I and II Transverse, we will now compute the principal stress ratio images, and for the allowable strain modes under boundary conditions A, we will compare the dissipated energy rate Tr{π} > 0 with the dissipated energy rate of reference plane strain solution Tr{π} > 0 under the same boundary conditions (images and σ3).

Mode I Direct (+,−,−)

Combining the definition of the generalized dilatancy rate images with the definition of deviatoric parameter c provides the following expressions of images:


The constraints on parameters for this mode are images

  • – The dissipation relation yields images then, by substituting σi, and images with their expressions in function of b, c, and d, the above equality, after simplification, becomes

This is a homographic function of each of the parameters b, c, and d whose numerator and denominator are always > 0, provided that images, this last inequality corresponding to the limit of the tensile stress condition (i.e. images becomes ∞). This homography is an increasing function relative to b and d, and a decreasing function relative to c; given the above constraints on parameters b, c, and d, it has a minimum for b = 0 (axisymmetric stresses), or images (Plane Strain images), that minimum being images, which constitutes the least shear strength criterion under this Mode I Direct with dilatancy, this Failure Criterion being the critical state one, enlarged by the dilatancy rate (QED).

The above expression transforms into


This is the generalized stress–dilatancy relation for this Mode I Direct (QED).

  • – The energy dissipation rate is given here by images, then relative to the reference plane strain mode: images

Then, images

As outlined above, this homographic function of b, c, and d has a minimum for b = 0 (axisymmetric stresses) or images (plane strain images), and that minimum is equal to d. So, images

  • – In conclusion, we have shown that under strain Mode I Direct, for all allowed parameters b, c, and d

except for b = 0 (axisymmetric stresses), or images (plane strain images) for which the inequalities become equalities. So:

  • - if the boundary conditions and internal evolution of the material do not allow the material to reach one of the conditions for the minimum, the peak strength criterion found will correspond to the maximum dilatancy rate during the motion and will be exterior to the critical state Coulomb Criterion enlarged by the maximum dilatancy rate;
  • - if the boundary conditions and internal evolution allow the material to reach one of the conditions for the minimum, then the peak strength criterion found will correspond to the critical state Coulomb Criterion enlarged by the maximum dilatancy rate.
Mode I Transverse (−,+,−)

Combining the definition of the generalized dilatancy rate images, with the definition of deviatoric parameter c, provides the following expressions of images:


Constraints on parameters are images

  • – The dissipation equation yields images.

Then, by substituting σi, and images with their expressions in function of b, c, and d, the above equality, after simplification, becomes


The condition images is required to maintain the numerator and denominator with the same sign, this condition being the limit of tensile stress on σ3.

  • - This ratio images is a homography, which is a decreasing function of b and an increasing function of c.
  • - On the side images its minimum is for images (i.e. plane strain images) and b = 1 (i.e. axisymmetric stresses σ1 = σ2) taking into account this symmetry, the order between principal directions no. 1 and 2 becomes undifferentiated, and the situation is identical to axisymmetric stresses σ1 = σ2, associated with plane strain images the corresponding minimum is images, i.e. the critical state Failure Criterion, enlarged by the dilatancy rate.
  • - On the side images as there is no lower bound for c, leaving it tends toward −∞, with b = 1, requiring that (above no-tension condition) images, which means volume contraction for usual granular materials considered, a situation not relevant with the Failure Criterion with dilatancy.

In conclusion, the least shear strength criterion under this Mode I Transverse with dilatancy is the critical state one, enlarged by the dilatancy rate (QED).

Mode II Direct (+,+,−)

Combining the definition of the generalized dilatancy rate: images with the definition of parameter c, provides the following expressions of images:

  • – The constraints on parameters for this mode are
  • – The dissipation equation yields: images.

Then, by substituting σi, and images with their expressions in function of b, c, and d, the above equality after simplification becomes:


This is a homographic function of each parameter b, c, and d, whose numerator and denominator are always > 0, provided that images, this last inequality corresponding to the limit of the tensile stress condition (i.e. images becomes ∞). It is an increasing function relative to c and d, and decreasing relative to (1 − b); given the above constraints on the parameters b, c, and d, it has a minimum for b = 1 (axisymmetric stresses) or images (plane strain images), that minimum being images, which constitutes the least shear strength criterion under this Mode II Direct with dilatancy, this Failure Criterion being the critical state one, enlarged by the dilatancy rate (QED).

The above expression transforms into


This is the generalized stress–dilatancy relationship for this Mode II Direct (QED)

  • – The energy dissipation rate is given by images. Given the expression of images, we have images and relative to the plane strain reference solution Tr{π0}, we have images, which is always images, the equality being only for images (plane strain images), so in this case, images.
  • – The result is similar to Mode I Direct, except that here axisymmetric stresses b = 1 are not part of the minimum for dissipation, although this situation is part of the least shear strength criterion, as we have images.
Mode II Transverse (+,−,+)

Combining the definition of the generalized dilatancy rate: images, with the definition of parameter c, gives expressions of images


Constraints on parameters for this mode are: images

  • – Dissipation equation yields: images.

By substituting σi, and images with their expressions in function of b, c, and d, the above becomes after simplification: images. This relation is again a homographic function of each parameter b, c, and d, whose numerator and denominator are always >0, provided that images, this inequality corresponding to the limit of tensile stress conditions. This homography is an increasing function relative to b and c. Given the constraints on c, two minima are to be considered:

  • - The first possible minimum with images is for c = –d (i.e. plane strain images) and b = 0 (i.e. axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3), taking into account this symmetry, the order between principal directions nos 2 and 3 becomes undifferentiated, and the situation is identical to axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3, associated with plane strain images = 0.
  • - The second possible minimum would be for c = 1 + d; however, this would mean plane strain with images, and the internal work rate would become negative, which is excluded (dissipation condition).

In conclusion, the least shear strength criterion under this Mode II Transverse with dilatancy is the critical state one, enlarged by the dilatancy rate (QED).

  • – The energy dissipation rate is given by images. As images may be expressed as a function of images, then images and relative to the plane strain reference solution Tr{π0}, we have images.

We observe that:

  • – For c ≤ −d, then images, and as by convention images except when σ2 = σ3 (i.e. b = 0), thus images; the equality being verified only for c = −d (i.e. plane strain images) and axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3 (i.e. b = 0). In this situation, the ranking between principal directions 2 and 3 becomes undifferentiated, and the situation is then confounded with images and σ2 = σ3, as for the above least shear strength criterion, and then images.
  • – For c > 1 + d, then images, and as by convention images except when σ2 = σ3 (i.e. b = 0), thus images, which cannot be a minimal solution (twice the previous one).

In conclusion, under this strain Mode II Transverse, only one particular solution realizes a relative minimum of energy dissipation rate, which is confounded with the axisymmetric stresses σ2 = σ3, associated with plane strain images; this provides the same result as the least shear strength criterion (QED).

A.5.3. Characteristic state

To find this limit, we analyze the algebraic configuration of the dissipation equation for the six strain modes allowed, through a procedure similar to Appendix A.5.1.

Mode I Direct images

The dissipation equation yields: images.

Substituting σ3 to σ2, as σ2σ3, the above equation becomes images, and as images, this inequality becomes images.

Similarly, substituting σ2 to σ3, as σ2σ3, the above relation becomes images, then images.

  • – Thus: images.
    • - For volume contraction images, the necessary condition is images and the sufficient condition is images.
    • - For dilatancy images, the necessary condition is images and the sufficient condition is images.
Mode I Transverse images

The dissipation equation yields: images.

So, according to the substitutions between σ1 and σ3, images.

Mode I Reverse images

The dissipation equation yields: images.

So, according to the substitutions between σ1 and σ2, images.

Similar conditions can be drawn for Mode II, particularizing here the negative strain rate. All the resulting inequalities may be gathered in the recapitulative table (Table A.1).

Table A.1. The six strain mode features, regarding volume changes transition


Note that if images, as σ1σ2σ3 > 0, then we obtain images.

  • – So, with this remark, we observe in the above table that if images, then:
    • - All the necessary and the sufficient conditions for contraction are satisfied.
    • - None of the necessary and sufficient conditions for dilatancy can be satisfied.

Thus, in all strain modes, there will be volume contraction provided that images. On the other side of this limit, when images dilatancy is impossible in Modes I and II Reverse, and with restrictions in Modes I and II Transverse (QED).

A.6. Appendix to Chapter 6 – experimental validations

A.6.1. Internal friction angle at peak shear resistance in triaxial test

The “internal friction angle,” the quantity widely used in Soil Mechanics practice, is defined at peak shear resistance by images. Reworking this definition with the stress–dilatancy equation [5.4], we have at peak shear resistance images, this relation allows us either to compute Φ in the function of the maximum dilatancy rate images and apparent inter-granular friction images, or to adjust a value for images on the basis of a set of experimental data images, as shown in Figure 6.1(c).

A.6.2. Particular dilatancy diagram for cyclic triaxial data

With the specific coordinates provided by relation [6.1], we have

images, and as the stress–dilatancy relations provided in Table 5.3 is written as: images in Direct motion and images for Reverse motion, it becomes with specific coordinates: images for Direct motion and images for Reverse motion. Note that in the specific dilatancy diagram, the corresponding theoretical curves are hyperbolic arcs, crossing at point {–1, –3/2} in Figure 6.3.

A.6.3. Particular dilatancy diagrams for simple shear data

For Direct movement in plane strain images, the dissipation relation images is written images with specific notations given in the main text (relation [6.2]).

This transforms into a specific form of stress–dilatancy relation: images.

Observe that with these coordinates, the theoretical curve becomes a hyperbolic arc passing at points {1, −1} and {−1, 1} in the specific dilatancy diagram shown in Figure 6.4.

For Reverse movement, the dissipation relation images is written as images and the corresponding specific stress–dilatancy relation becomes images. The theoretical curve is another hyperbolic arc passing at points {1, −1} and {−1, 1} in the specific dilatancy diagram.

A.6.4. Detailed interpretation of 3D apparatus large amplitude cyclic test data (main text section 6.3 and Figure 6.5)

In the following, details of calculations leading to the features shown in Figure 6.5 are described, these calculations are performed here with the value S ≈ 0.485 or images adjusted on the energy diagram [Figure 6.5(c)]:

  • – The slope of volume evolution at crossing the isotropic stress state line [Figure 6.5(d)]:
    • - In the crossings under Mode I motion (at beginning of the test, and after the strain reversal no. 2, as shown in Figure 6.5), both the strain rates images and images are in contraction (i.e. >0); so the volume contraction relation [6.1] sets
    • - In the crossing under Mode II motion (after the strain reversal no. 1 shown in Figure 6.5), the strain rate images is again in volume contraction, but images is now in extension (i.e. < 0); so, the volume contraction relation [6.1] sets
    • - These slopes have been drawn on the corresponding locations on the diagram of volume changes in Figure 6.5(d).
  • – Slopes of volume evolution at maxima of the evolving stress σz:
    • - at the first maximum after the beginning, with σz ≈ 2.135MPa, using the stress–dilatancy relation: images;
    • - at the second maximum [just before the end of the test marked (3) on the diagram] with σz ≈ 1.850MPa, using the stress–dilatancy relation: images:
    • - these slopes have been drawn on the corresponding locations on the diagram of volume changes in Figure 6.5(d).
  • – Slopes of volume evolution at strain reversals:
    • – the reversal dilatancy relation [5.6] (and Table 5.3) sets here that images;
    • - at strain reversal (1) under σz = 1.05 σCa(I), from motion I Direct to II Reverse, using the stress–dilatancy relation:
      • images; so, after strain reversal to motion II Reverse:
    • - at strain reversal (2) under σz = 0.70 σCa(II), from motion II Direct to I Reverse, using stress–dilatancy relation images; so, after strain reversal (2) images;
    • - these slopes have been drawn on the corresponding locations on the diagram of volume changes in Figure 6.5(d).

A.6.5. Dilatancy diagram for cyclic torsional shear test data

Observe that the specific coordinates defined by relations [6.3] are very similar to the coordinates already defined for simple shear (relations [6.2]) and worked in section 6.3. In this specific dilatancy diagram, it will thus yield images for the Direct motion and images for the Reverse motion.

Observe that, in specific dilatancy diagram, the corresponding theoretical curves are hyperbolic arcs crossing here at {1,1} and {−1,−1}, as drawn in Figure 6.6.

A.7. Appendix to Chapter 7 – cyclic compaction

Here, we draw the relations for cyclic compaction under alternate simple shear motion in plane strain:

  • – From the above specific form of stress–dilatancy relation in Direct motion (Appendix A.6.3), with a small direct shear motion images, we get images.
  • – From the above specific form of stress–dilatancy relation in Reverse motion (Appendix A.6.3), with a small reverse shear motion δ'γ, we get images.
  • – Cumulated volume change is images

and as images, we get for the cycle images which transforms into: images or conversely: images.

These formulas allow building the diagrams in Figure 7.3.

A.8. Appendix to Chapter 8 – geostatic equilibrium: the K0 effect

Here, we describe the composite local micromechanical motions resulting into the bulk mono-dimensional settlement, associated with the geostatic stress-building in the development of geostatic equilibrium, and the elements sustaining the comparison with the Jaky formula.

A.8.1. Normal geostatic equilibrium (earth pressure at rest) internal movements

The global internal actions tensor π, which is uniaxial of vertical axis, is decomposed into two components of the same axis, but with opposite signatures: images, which allows for a null resultant in principal directions 2 and 3, those components being in Mode I Direct (+,−,−) and Mode II Reverse (−,+,+):

  • – The reasoning on dissipation participations shows [FRO 01] that, in the total dissipation rate images, the participations images and images of each component are necessarily

with a typical value images, it gives a participation of 75% in total dissipation to the main component in Mode I Direct. Note that the higher the apparent inter-granular friction, the higher this participation of the main component in the total dissipation.

  • – This distribution of total dissipation, together with the general features of dissipation in each component images, and the symmetry of the global stress state (σ1 vertical and σ2 = σ3 horizontal), lead to the main features of these components of motion, summarized in Table A.2.

Table A.2. Main features of components of composite motion

  • – These relations set, for each component of motion, the stress states corresponding to volume contraction or dilatancy, noting that images, as summarized in Table A.3.

Table A.3. Correspondence between stress states and volume change conditions

Stress state images images images
Main component Mode I Volume contraction Volume contraction Dilatancy (in horizontal directions)
Secondary component Mode II Dilatancy (in vertical direction) Volume contraction Volume contraction
Total motion Volume contraction Volume contraction Volume contraction

A.8.2. Comparison with the Jaky formula

The process of equilibrium build-up under the action of gravity being associated with densification of the material is the reason why the comparison is done for dense to medium dense granular materials.

The relationship between “internal friction” Φ of the Jaky formula, measured by classical laboratory tests and our apparent inter-granular friction images is: images where DMax is the maximum observed of the dilatancy rate during the test (relation valid for “triaxial” or plane strain tests, see also Appendix A.6.1). Systematic measurements have provided the following orders of magnitude, for various granular materials sheared under moderate confining stress, and for the usual range of apparent inter-granular friction (approximately from 23° to 45°):

  • – for medium dense materials, DMax ≃ 1.5;
  • – for dense materials, DMax ≃ 2.

These elements allow computing the data summarized in Figure 8.3.

A.9. Appendix to Chapter 9 – scale effects due to grain breakage

Here, we develop the micro-mechanical proof of the “Scale Effect Rule” detailed in Chapter 9.

A.9.1. Basic scale effect rule for simple particle sets

Before entering into a more general situation, let us first consider the particles from two sets of particles A and B issued from the same homogeneous mineral stock, with similar grain shapes, and characteristic diameters dA and dB, which satisfy the relations displayed in section 9.1.2:

  • – the particles of both granular sets are issued from the same mineral stock, the statistics of their crushing strengths are assumed to be described by the same Weibull’s distribution (section 9.1.2, relations [9.2] and [9.3]);
  • – submit the particles in these two sets A and B to crushing forces fA and fB;
  • – in order to get the same probability of ruptures of particles within the two sets, fA and fB must be adjusted to the same proportion of the average resistance of particles in sets A and B, resulting in the following basic size effect relation regarding grain breakage for simple particles sets [FRO 09]:

A.9.2. The scale effect relation for granular materials

Here, we will again consider the Love–Weber relation for average stresses in granular media, which expresses the stresses from local contact forces and branch vectors between fixed material points inside the grains in contact (see section 1.3.2 in Chapter 1)

where f(n/p) is the contact force exerted by particle n on particle p, l(n / p) is the branch vector joining the centroids of particles in contact, from particle n toward particle p, and N is the total number of particles occupying the volume V in the sample granular material.

Let us now consider two geometrically similar granular materials A and B issued from the same homogenous mineral stock (Figure A.2) and let us analyze the relations resulting from this similarity, assumed to be a perfect one.


Figure A.2. Granular materials A and B in perfect similarity. For a color version of the figure, please see

First, these two similar granular media display similar grain shapes, the same density, and parallel grain size distributions in the classical gradation diagrams, where the abscissae are in logarithmic scale (Figure A.3).


Figure A.3. Gradations of similar materials A and B

The geometric correspondence between the two similar granular media A and B is ruled by a geometric similarity ratio DB/DA, where DA and DB are the given characteristic sizes for media A and B, respectively (e.g. maximum grain size DMax, or mean grain size D50 or any other given characteristic diameter).

For instance, the diameters dA(p) and dB(p) for two homologous particles number p, or the branch vectors between particles n and p in contact, or the volumes VA and VB occupied by homologous representative subsets of particles in the granular media A and B are linked by

With regard to the forces and internal equilibrium in both similar materials, the following basic assumptions are recalled:

  • – As the particles of both granular media are issued from the same mineral stock, the statistics of their crushing strengths are assumed to be described by the same Weibull’s distribution.
  • – The friction coefficients at homologous contacts are assumed identical.

Consider now our similar granular media submitted to macroscopic stresses, close to the limit equilibrium, inducing slow motion inside both our granular media: the contact forces in our granular media in slow motion induce some grain breakage. Consider the probability of failure of homologous particles number p in our similar granular media under the effect of contact forces exerted by homologous particles n.

The relation [A9.1] shows that, in order to secure the same probability of grain breakage, the homologous contact forces should be in proportion to the crushing resistances of homologous particles images.

As the scaling ratio is the same for all contact forces, this relation valid locally for each contact force f(n/p) also holds globally for the complete sets of contact forces {f}

Macroscopic stresses in our similar granular materials A and B are derived from equation [A9.2]


From equations [A9.2] to [A9.4], all terms in the stress tensor formula for granular media B may now be expressed as a function of corresponding terms belonging to the similar granular media A, resulting in the following relation [FRO 09)]:

Equation [A9.5] sets the relationship between the macroscopic stress state tensors to be applied to granular media A and B in order to obtain the same probability of grain breakage during mechanical loading, and thus statistically the same amount of grain breakage during motion (QED).

A.10. Appendix to Chapter 10 – applications of scale effects to design and construction

Here, we treat the simplified three-dimensional analysis of the kinematics of settlements in dam body at impounding, leading to the equation [10.8].

The valley is schematized by a trapezoidal vertical section, with a width of L0 at its base, and with a vertical dammed section at dam height H, of Sv. As images, observe that the horizontal width of this valley L(h), may be expressed at any level by images, and that images.

Under the impounding water pressure over the upstream impervious face, the dam body will settle perpendicularly to its facing [Figure A.4(a)] and the magnitude of this settlement in the central section along the valley is (neglecting the deformations of the foundation compared to dam body settlements):

  • – normally to the facing images, where ERI is the bulk rigidity modulus corresponding to the impounding settlements;
  • – vertically under the facing images;
  • – the maximal value is reached at mid-height and is images.

Under the effect of a vertical component δv(h) of these settlements:

  • – the dam body will move down in its valley, and because of the converging abutments, the decrease in available width will be: images.
  • – then at mid-height, the resulting horizontal compressive strain under the facing will be: images.
  • – thus, at mid-height, images.

This modulus at impounding ERI can be related to the apparent rigidity modulus at the end of the construction ERC (the only rigidity modulus known before impounding) by using the statistical correlations developed in [HUN 03], which also displays some dependence on valley shape (arching effects, etc.). With some safety margin, it leads to select a value ERI ≃ 2.7ERC. Replacing in the above expression of images, this leads directly to the relation [10.8] (QED).


Figure A.4. Simplified three-dimensional analysis of settlements in dam body at impounding. (a) Dam section. (b) Vertical cross-valley section. (c) Simplified methods for rockfill moduli determination (reworked after Hunter et al. [HUN 03]). For a color version of the figure, please see

A.11. Appendix to Chapter 11 – concluding remarks

Here, we handle the question of substitution of another p-norm to octahedral norm N for numerical applications of dissipation equation.

The mathematical difficulties mentioned in Chapter 11 are linked to the lack of continuity of derivatives of this octahedral norm N; this lack of continuity also manifests in the geometry of its unit ball: an octahedron with sharp edges and sharp vertices.

Therefore, if, instead of the tensor octahedral norm N, images, we consider the following tensor norm images with 0 < α ≪ 1:

  • – this tensor norm Nα' belonging to the same family of p-norms is now with continuous derivatives to the nth order, and its unit ball becomes a smoothed octahedron with smooth edges and vertices;
  • – with a value of α sufficiently small, this tensor norm Nα' is as close as required to the original octahedral tensor norm N (as N = N0').