List of Illustrations
1. The Hill Country (MAP)
2. The Look-Out
3. Letting Fly
4. Slater Bob Talks Of Gold
5. The Pigeon-Loft
6. How Dick Made The Pigeon Ring A Bell
7. On The Road
8. Nice And Handy To The House
9. Combing The Topps
10. ‘I Know What She’s Doing’
11. The First Mug Of Water
12. Uphill Work
13. As If He Did Not Know They Were There
14. Roger In The Mine
15. Joggling The Pan
16. Squashy Hat Comes Out Of The Hill
17. ‘They’ve Gone In!’
18. Scouts At Dusk
19. Charcoal Pudding
20. Page From Dick’s Pocket-Book
21. Mrs Tyson Visits The Camp
22. Forlorn Hope
23. The Flames Roared Past Outside
24. Able-Seamen Fighting The Fire