activity-based identity see see social identity
bilingual education programs 158
dual/two way 160
transitional 159
Byrnes, H. 4
Chomsky, N. 28
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 158
communicative repertoire see see repertoire
linguistic 28
designing see see design
digital story 121
directed motivational current 111
Doran, M. 4
Duff, P. 4
Ellis, N. 4
Five Graces Group 27
funds of knowledge 127
genre 82
gesture see see embodied resources
Gumperz, J. 31
Hall, J.K. 4
Halliday, M. 82
Heath, S. B. 126
hegemony 157
imagined communities 99–100, 113–114
imagined identities 12–13, 99, 102, 110
indexical potentials 80
indexicality 79
indexicals, indexes 80
interaction engine 63
IRF 131
Johnson, K. 4
knowledge processes 15–17, 37, 138
L2 motivational self system 110
L2 socialization see see language socialization
language acquisition device 23, 28
language education policies 157
language ideologies 153
native speaker 155
language policy and planning 156–158
language socialization 76–80, 86
L2 socialization 80–82, 86, 128
languaging 33
Larsen-Freeman, D. 4
linguistic competence see see competence
literacy practices 13–14, 125–128
Matthiessen, C. 83
Moll, L. 127
monolingualism ideology see see language ideologies
multi-competence see see competence
multiliteracies pedagogy 15–16, 118, 138
native speaker fallacy 155
native speaker ideology see see language ideologies
Negueruela, E. 4
Ortega, L. 4
pedagogy of multiliteracies see see multiliteracies pedagogy
communicative repertoire 52–54
role relational identity see see social identity
scaffolding 134
schema of expectations 52
Schumann, J. 4
semiotic resources 5, 11, 24, 45–46, 82, 84, 96–97
social identity 8, 12, 95–101, 103
activity-based identity 95–96, 100–101, 102, 103
stance 79
standard language ideology see see language ideologies
Swain, M. 4
systemic functional linguistics 82
Tarone, E. 4
task-based language teaching 136
token frequency 65
transdisciplinary framework 3–5
macro level 8
translanguaging pedagogy 160–161
transnational literacies 129
transportable identity see see social identity
type frequency 65