
activity-based identity see see social identity

affordance 4950

modal affordance 5052

agency 13, 115116, 118

Atkinson, D. 3, 4

Bakhtin, M. 4849

bilingual education programs 158

dual/two way 160

transitional 159

Byrnes, H. 4

Chomsky, N. 28

classroom interaction 131134

cognitive abilities 7, 64, 66

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 158

communicative repertoire see see repertoire

competence 11, 31

communicative 2829, 31

linguistic 28

multi-competence 2930

complex adaptive system 2528

constructions 2425

Council of Europe 158159

design 52, 55, 138

designing see see design

digital literacies 128129

digital story 121

directed motivational current 111

Doran, M. 4

Dörnyei, Z. 110111, 117

Douglas Fir Group 4, 63

Duff, P. 4

Ellis, N. 4

embodied resources 8586

emergent grammar 2728

Five Graces Group 27

funds of knowledge 127

García, O. 39, 161

genre 82

gesture see see embodied resources

Gumperz, J. 31

Hall, J.K. 4

Halliday, M. 82

Heath, S. B. 126

hegemony 157

Hymes, D. 2829, 7677

ideologies 9, 14

imagined communities 99100, 113114

imagined identities 1213, 99, 102, 110

indexical potentials 80

indexicality 79

indexicals, indexes 80

interaction engine 63

interactional instinct 6263

investment 112114, 116, 118

IRF 131

Johnson, K. 4

knowledge processes 1517, 37, 138

L2 motivational self system 110

L2 socialization see see language socialization

language acquisition device 23, 28

language education policies 157

language ideologies 153

monolingualism 154155

native speaker 155

standard language 153154

language policy and planning 156158

language socialization 7680, 86

L2 socialization 8082, 86, 128

in schools 129131

languaging 33

Lantolf, J. 4, 135

Larsen-Freeman, D. 4

Li, Wei 3435, 161

linguistic competence see see competence

literacy practices 1314, 125128

Matthiessen, C. 83

meaning potentials 4852

mediation 78, 84, 86, 135136

mediational means 78, 8485

medium of instruction 157158

mode 46, 50

Moll, L. 127

monolingualism ideology see see language ideologies

motivation 109110, 116

multi-competence see see competence

multiliteracies pedagogy 1516, 118, 138

multimodal ensemble 4748, 55

multimodality 4647

native speaker fallacy 155

native speaker ideology see see language ideologies

Negueruela, E. 4

New London Group 15, 52, 138

Norton, B. 4, 97, 112

Ochs, E. 7681

Ortega, L. 4

pedagogy of multiliteracies see see multiliteracies pedagogy

register 5253, 102

repertoire 11, 3032, 36

communicative repertoire 5254

role relational identity see see social identity

salience 64, 66, 70, 136

scaffolding 134

schema of expectations 52

Schieffelin, B. 7678

Schumann, J. 4

semiotic resources 5, 11, 24, 4546, 82, 84, 9697

social identity 8, 12, 95101, 103

activity-based identity 9596, 100101, 102, 103

situated 9596, 103

transportable 9596, 103

social institutions 78

stance 79

standard language ideology see see language ideologies

super-diversity 30, 53

Swain, M. 4

systemic functional linguistics 82

Tarone, E. 4

task-based language teaching 136

token frequency 65

transdisciplinary framework 35

macro level 8

meso level 78

micro level 57

translanguaging 3336

translanguaging pedagogy 160161

transnational literacies 129

transportable identity see see social identity

type frequency 65

usage-based 2324, 33, 160

Vygotsky, L. S. 8385, 134

zone of proximal development 134135