Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations
Abercrombie, Lascelles, 204
Abre, St: tomb, 101
Adam and Eve, 125
Adansonia digitata (baobab), 65, 69
adaptogens, 157
Adelaide, Queen of William IV, 298
origins and development, 108, 110, 133, 137
see also forest gardening
air: experiments on, 176–8, 180
Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 174
Allen, David Elliston, 258
Allouville-Bellefosse (France): Chêne chapelle (oak), 91
drugs and healing plants, 149–51
Margaret Mee in, 311–12, 314–17
Amazonian water lily see water lily, Amazonian
America (New World)
maize distribution, 139
Amsterdam: Hortus Botanicus, 87
Anderson, William: Green Man, 101–2
Ankerwycke, near Windsor, 57
Antonis, Alibertis, 250
Apollonius, 217
apple (Malus genus)
origins and distribution, 168–70
Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, 203
Armstrong, Isobel, 269
arum, Titan (Amorphophallus titanum), 276, 277, 278, 284
Asclepius, 143
ash trees, 342
aspens, 62
aspirin, 157
Atlas of the British and Irish Flora, 36
atropine, 157
Attenborough, David, 276
Auden, W.H., 110
ayahuasca (hallucinogenic herb), 149, 151
Aylesford, Louisa, Countess of, 27–8
Backster, Cleve, 334
bacteria, 132
Bahn, Paul, 20
Bamberg Cathedral, 103
appearance and character, 64–6, 67, 68, 70
myths and beliefs of, 69
Barkly, Anne Maria, Lady, 262
Barnum, Phineas T., 72
Barrington, Daines, 54
Bartram, John, 186
Basedow, Herbert, 71
Basford, Kathleen: The Green Man, 101
Bateman, James: Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala, 298–9
see also Sibthorp, John and Ferdinand Bauer
Bauer, Franz: Strelitzia depicta, 231
Beagle, HMS, 65
bears: in distribution of apple seed, 169, 173
Beechcombings (Richard Mabey), 339
bees: role in pollination, 184
Bell, George, 331
Belson, Charles, 184
Biddulph Grange, Staffordshire, 298
Bierstadt, Albert: Giant Redwood Trees of California (painting), 75
bilberry: in cave art, 13, 14, 21
Billy Wilkins (oak tree, Dorset), 54
bio-inspiration, 338
bird of paradise flower, 231
birds: as pollinators, 231
Blackadder, Dame Elizabeth, 280, 282
Blair, Patrick, 212
Bletia purpurea (orchid), 199
Bloom’s Nursery, Norfolk, 281
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, 265, 269
Bonpland, Aimé, 264
Botanical Magazine, 278
botany: human interest in, 3–4
Bowman, J.E., 58
Boyle, Frederick, 299
Bradfield Woods, Suffolk, 37
Margaret Mee in, 311–12, 314–16
see also Amazonia
Bridges, Thomas, 268
Brome, Suffolk, 102
Brown, Gladys, 164
Browne, Sir Thomas, 144
buckthorn, 149
Buddhism: Tree of Life, 42
Bulbophyllum beccarii (orchid), 278
Bulbophyllum nocturnum (night-flowering orchid), 293
Bull, Edith, 173
Burdon-Sanderson, John, 196
Burren, the, Co. Clare (Ireland)
ancient monuments and abandoned dwellings, 119
big trees decline, 113
landscape and vegetation, 110–12, 115, 116, 117–19
personal explorations in, 8
Tony Evans in, 31
butterflies: attracted to nectar, 213
Calaveras Grove, California, 73, 74
Calcutta: botanic garden, 233
Carrasco-Urra, Fernando, 308
Catasetum denticulatum (orchid), 293
catchfly, white-flowered (Silene antrijovis), 249
Cattleya labiata vera (orchid), 300
Cattleya skinneri (orchid), 299–300
cave (and rock) art, 4, 13, 14, 15–18, 20–2, 69
cedar tree, 42
Central America: maize cultivation, 134
Cernunnos (Celtic god), 101
Cézanne, Paul, 240
Champion Trees, 79
Chandler, Raymond: The Big Sleep, 285
Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of George III, 186, 231
Charnock, John, 92
Chatsworth, Derbyshire
Chernobyl, 336
Chevalier, Nicholas, 262
Chiltern hills, 6, 35–6, 279–80, 290
chimpanzees, 148
ginseng in, 156
Kien-mou (tree of life), 42
Clare, John, 165
Clarkson, Thomas and Catherine, 206
Claude Lorrain: Landscape with Narcissus and Echo (painting), 200
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
on Erasmus Darwin, 182
finds primrose, 38
nature writing, 165
on unity of life, 8
‘The Keepsake’ (poem), 210
The Statesman’s Manual, 182
Collinson, Peter, 184–5, 191–2
Colquhoun, Kate, 257
Cooke, M.C.: A Fern Book for Everybody, 259, 261
Cooper, Astley, 215
Cornish, Vaughan: The Churchyard Yew and Immortality, 55–7
Coromandel, India, 233
Cortés, Hernando, 129
cotton plant (Gossypium genus), 126, 127, 128–31
crab apple (Malus sylvetris), 168
Crace, Jim: The Gift of Stones, 131
crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia speciosa), 236, 237
crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), 321
Crome, John: The Poringland Oak (painting), 99
Crow (Norfolk character), 160
Crowhurst, Surrey: ancient yew, 57, 100
Cruenta (orchid; Dactylorhiza incarnata sbsp. cruenta), 117–18
Current Biology (journal), 308
Currey, Donald Rusk, 78
cycad, Wood’s (Encephalartos woodii), 83–4, 86–8
in myth and art, 200
name, 198
species and varieties, 201
vernacular names, 201
Wordsworth’s poem on, 5, 198–9, 201–3, 206–7
Darwin, Charles
draws evolutionary tree of life, 44, 45
feeds carnivorous plants, 177, 195–6
and Galapagos finches, 246
and Madagascan Star of Bethlehem orchid, 294, 322
on orchid pollination, 1, 3, 217
and plant intelligence, 337
sees baobab on Cape Verde islands, 65
on self-pollination, 295
On the Origin of Species, 44
On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects, 294
The Power of Movement in Plants, 337
Darwin, Erasmus, 176, 190, 192, 197, 211
The Economy of Vegetation, 180, 182
The Loves of Plants, 331
date palms, 80
deadly nightshade, 157
Deakin, Roger, 172
Decaisne, Joseph, 73
Delcourt-Vlaeminck, Marianne, 21
Dendrobium schneideri (orchid), 302
Dennett, Daniel, 337
Derby Harbour, Western Australia: ‘Prison Boab’, 70
Devonshire, William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of, 256, 269, 272
Dillard, Annie: Pilgrim at Timber Creek, 98
Discoed, Wales: ancient yew, 57
Diss Mere, Norfolk, 113
DNA: double helix, 132
Dobbs, Arthur, 184–5, 191–2, 212
double helix, 132
Dowd, Augustus T., 72
Drake, Miss (illustrator), 298
Drame, Seydou, 69
drugs (hallucinogenic), 149
Duret, Claude: Histoire Admirable des Plantes, 123
East India Company, 232–3, 235
Easter Wood, Suffolk, 35
Écluse, Charles de l’, 201
Eden, Garden of, 23, 41–2, 122, 125, 146
Eden Project, Cornwall, 270
Egypt (ancient): art, 23
Ehret, George, 226
elephants: attack baobabs, 65
Ellis, Alice, 173
elm: decline (3800 BC), 112–13
Eloy, Christophe, 97
Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire, 92, 102
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 209
Enlightenment: scientific method, 4
Escher, M.C., 15
Evans, Tony
partnership with author, 28, 30–2
photography, 26, 28, 29, 30–4, 37–8, 40
by natural selection, 148, 246
operation, 162
Royal (Osmunda regalis, 261
Tunbridge filmy, 261
for adornment, 262
in Chilterns, 279
collecting (‘pteridomania’), 258–9, 260, 261, 263
Fielding, John, 252
Fishlake Forest, Utah, 62
Fitch, Walter H., 259, 266, 272
flax, yellow (Linum arboreum), 251
Flowers of Crete (ed. John Fielding & Nicholas Turland), 252
Fontarnaud Cave, Gironde (France), 13
Food for Free (Richard Mabey), 163
forest gardening, 137, 138, 139, 155
forests: canopy life, 325, 326, 327
forget-me-not, 209–11, 213, 214, 218
Förstermann, J., 282
Fortingall, Perthshire (Scotland): Great Yew, 8, 47, 50, 51, 52–6, 60, 61, 62, 78
François I, King of France, 23
Freke, John, 331
French Revolution, 91
fritillaries, snake’s-head, 33
antiquity and growth patterns, 60
Gagliano, Monica, 332–3, 336–7
Gale, George, 72
Gardener’s Magazine, 255
enclosed (hortus conclusus), 23
garrigue (scrubland), 244
Genesis, Book of, 23
Herball, or General Historie of Plants, 202–3
Gianoli, Ernesto, 308
Gibbons, Bob, 290
American (Panax quinquefolius), 154–6
Chinese (Panax ginseng), 143–4, 147, 152, 154–7
‘ginseng’, Siberian (Eleutherococcus senticosus), 156
glass: Victorians use, 253–7, 259
gleichenia (creeping fern), 255
goblin trees, 6
Godfery, Hilda, 289
Godfery, Colonel M.J.: British Orchidacea, 289–90
‘The Olive Grove’ (painting), 242
Golden Ratio, 96
‘Golden Triangle, The’ (Gloucestershire/Herefordshire), 204, 206, 208
Goldsworthy, Andy, 53
goosegrass, woody (Galium fruticosum), 249
Gordon, James, 188
Gorgon plant (Euryale ferox), 265
gorillas, 148
Gosse, Henry: The Romance of Natural History, 275
Gossypium arboreum, 128
Gossypium barbadense, 129
Gossypium herbaceum, 128
Gossypium hirsutum, 129
Graham, Maria, 236
Gray, Asa, 73
Gray, John Edward, 267
Great Chain of Being, 185, 189
Great Exhibition, London (1851), 259
great storm (1987), 59
Greeley, Horace, 73
Green Man, 99, 101–2, 103, 104
Grigson, Geoffrey, 40
The Englishman’s Flora, 204
Grottes de Cougnac, near Gourdon (France), 20
guava tree, 230
Gurudayal (Indian artist), 235
Hales, Revd Stephen, 178
hallucinogens, 149
Haludan (Indian artist), 235
Hamilton, Emma, Lady, 330
Hansen, Eric, 297
Orchid Fever, 284
Hardy, Thomas: The Return of the Native, 25
hart’s tongue (fern), 259, 261
hawkmoth, African (Xanthopan morganii), 294
Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 166
hazel (Corylus avellana)
antiquity, 113
in the Burren, 110–13, 115, 116, 119–20
growth and self-coppicing, 114–15
mythology, 121
nuts, 121
marsh, 305
violet, 279
Herbenstein, Sigismund, Baron von, 123
Herefordshire Pomona, The, 172, 173, 174
Herodotus, 129
Hibberd, Shirley, 183
The Fern Garden, 259
Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste, 261
Higgins, Geoffrey: The Celtic Druids, 55
Hodges, William, 238
Hoffman, Charles Fenno, 73
Hogg, Dr (Head of gardens, Royal Horticultural Society), 172
Holloway, Richard, Bishop of Edinburgh, 131
Hooke, Robert, 329
Hooker, Joseph Dalton, 302–3, 306
Hopkins, Tony, 17
Hughes, Ted, 203
Humboldt, Alexander von, 265
Hutchings, James Mason, 73
Hutchinson, Sara, 210
Huxley, Aldous: ‘The Olive Tree’, 240, 244
Huysman, Joris-Karl: Against Nature, 285, 297
ice age see Palaeolithic period
Ice Age Art: Arrival of the Modern Mind (British Museum exhibition, 2013), 19–20
Illustrated London News, 272
India: plants and floral art, 232–3, 235–6, 238
Ingenhousz, Jan, 180
Maria Sibylla Merian studies and depicts, 222
and orchid pollination, 288–97
pollination by, 213, 215, 231, 321–2
Inyo National Forest, California, 78, 81
iris, Florentine, 32
Iroquois Indians, 154
Isis (Egyptian goddess), 41
James I, King, 8
Jamie, Kathleen, 20
Jartoux, Pierre, 144
Jerrold, Douglas, 272
Jesse, Stem of, 44
Josephine, Empress of Napoleon I, 264
Juniper, Barrie, 169
Kaempfer, Engelbrecht, 125
Karoo (South Africa), 225–6, 228–9, 231
Keats, John
idea of ‘negative capability’, 215, 290
on learning from insects, 338
on rainbow, 217
‘The Answer’ (poem), 210
Keller, Evelyn Fox, 141
Kett, William, 98
Kew Gardens, London
sponsors plant-collecting expeditions, 220–1
visitors, 3
Khoikhoi (tribal people, Karoo), 228
Kimberley: ‘Bradshaw’ rock art (Australia), 69
King’s Holly (Lomatia tasmanica; Tasmania), 62
Kircher, Athanasius: China Illustrata, 144
Klee, Paul, 104
Klotzsch, Johann, 268
Kohn, Eduardo, 150
Kukowska, Dr (of University of Greiz), 48
Kydd, Lt Col. Robert, 233
La Cueva, Father, 264
Lake District: Tony Evans in, 37
Landells, J., 299
Lane, John, 171
‘Language of Flowers, The’, 7
Lassithi Mountains, Crete, 90
Lathkill Dale, Derbyshire, 32
Lavender, Polly, 11
Lear, Edward
botanical nonsense names, 1, 3
Manypeeplia upsidownia (cartoon), 1, 2
leaves: decorative, 99–104, 105, 106
Lee, Henry, 126
Leroi-Gourhan, Arl, 21
Levi, Primo: The Periodic Table, 183
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 16, 131, 133–4
ley lines, 50
Lincoln, Abraham, 75
Linnaean Society, 164
Linnaeus, Carl
classification system, 164–5, 188, 192, 209
on daffodil, 200
names Panax, 143
Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare, 111
Livingstone, David: Missionary Travels, 68
Llangernyw, north Wales: yew, 62–3
Loddiges, Conrad, 302
Loddiges, George, 254
Logan, William Bryant, 91, 93, 95
Oak: The Frame of Civilisation, 93
Logan, William Jr, 189
longwing, zebra (butterfly), 325
‘Lotus-Effect’, 10
Lousley, J.E., 281
‘Lunar Men, the’, 176
McClintock, Barbara, 140–1, 153
Maconochie, A.A., 254
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 288, 297
The Intelligence of Flowers, 295
maize (corn)
maize beer, 137
Mamhilad, near Pontypool, 58
Mancuso, Stefano, 336
Mann, Charles C., 325
Marceau, Marcel, 296
marsh samphire, 6
Marshack, Alexander, 21
marshland: trackways, 114
Martineau, Fr (SJ), 155
Masada (Israel), 80
Masson, Francis, 223–6, 228–9, 231
Mayas: and origin of maize, 133
Measures, David, 241
Mediterranean region, 239–40, 244
Mee, Greville, 315
Mee, Margaret, 311–12, 313, 314–18, 319, 320–3
Mendel, Gregor, 4
Metamorphosis of the Insects of Suriname, 222
Merian, Maria Sibylla, 221–2, 230
Merian, Matthäus, the Younger, 12
Mesopotamia (ancient), 23
trees, 41
Methuselah (date palm), 80
oaks, 90
and origins of maize cultivation, 134, 140
Milarch, David, 79
Gardener’s Dictionary, 171, 331
Millican, Albert: The Travels and Adventures of an Orchid Hunter, 300, 301
mimosa (Mimosa pudica), 329, 330, 331–3
Moffett, Mark W., 325
moonflower (Selenicereus wittii), 311–12, 314–15, 317–18, 319, 320–2
Moore, Thomas: A Popular History of the British Ferns, 259
mopane trees (Africa), 335
moss, Spanish (Tillandsia usneoides), 323
Moule, Revd, 36
Mousehold Heath, Norfolk, 98
Mughals: flower painting, 233, 235–6
Muir, John: The Mountains of California, 75
Murray, Cecil, 96
myth: origins, 131
Narby, Jeremy: The Cosmic Serpent, 151
Narcissus (Greek mythological figure), 199–201
Nash, David, 220
Nebamun: Tomb (Thebes, Egypt), 24
‘negative capability’, 215
Negro, river (Brazil), 311, 313, 316
Neill, Patrick, 55
Nelson, Charles, 120, 188, 191
Neoregelia margaretae, 323
nettle, stinging, 164
Newburgh, Maria Cecilia, Countess of, 272
Newlyn, Lucy, 207
Newman, Edward, 258
Newton, Sir Isaac
apple tree and falling apple, 8, 54, 167, 173
prisms, 177
Romantics’ opposition to, 166
Second Law of Thermodynamics, 166–8
Nielsen, Ivan, 282
Noah’s ark, 42
Norwich Cathedral: Green Man, 99
cork (Quercus suber), 93
live or holm (Q. ilex), 93
north European (Q. robur and Q. oetraea), 90–1
oaks (Quercus family)
bark, 93
character and species, 89
distribution, 93
geometric design and growth, 95–8, 106–7
ochroleuca (orchids), 306
Old Testament: trees and timber, 42
oleaster, 244
olive trees
transplanted, 244
oNgoye forest, Natal, 85
Orbigny, Alcide d’, 264–5, 268
bucket, 293
dense-flowered (Neotinea maculata), 117
fly (Ophrys insectifera), 289–92, 295
frog, 288
Irish spotted (Dactylorhiza fuchsii var okellyi), 120
Italian-man (Orchis italica), 287
lizard, 288
purple fringed, 284
Sander’s slipper (Paphiopedilum sanderianum), 280–2, 283
slipper, 282
in the Burren, 111, 116, 117–18
collecting, 282, 284, 300, 301, 302, 303
cultivation and domestication, 297–300
in literature and image, 285, 286, 287–8
in Norfolk, 281
survive on air and mist, 7
underground, 219
Orwell, George: on language and thought, 5
Ovid: Metamorphoses, 199–200–1
oxygen, 180
Packington Hall, Warwickshire, 28
Paeonia clusii, 251
Palaeolithic period: art, 4, 13, 15–22, 41
palm trees, 41
panacea: and Panax genus, 143–4
Pando (the ‘Trembling Giant’), 62
pansy, 7
Parkinson, John
Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris, 125, 170
Theatrum Botanicum, 8
Parkinson, Sydney, 222
Partridge, Eric: Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, 191
Pasmore, Victor, 314
passionflowers, 324
‘pathetic fallacy’, 199
Paxton, Annie, 272
Paxton, Joseph, 256–7, 269, 272, 274
Pennant, Thomas, 55
Pether, Abraham, 315
‘phlogiston’, 176
see also Evans, Tony
photosynthesis, 5, 180, 181, 182–3, 218, 253
Picasso, Pablo, 16
Pinus longaeva, 78
plantations, 44
bawdy and suggestive names, 191–2
for healing, 142–51, 153–4, 157–8
insectivorous, 184–6, 187, 193, 194, 195–7, 324
pollination, 184, 209–13, 217, 321–2
rare in cave art, 13, 16–17, 20–2
self-sustaining, 154
sensory abilities and communication, 310, 334–8
‘spirits’, 151
supposed intelligence, 333–4, 337
as vital beings, 342, 406
Pliny the Elder, 129
Plowman, Tim, 183
Pollan, Michael, 217
carried by insects, 213, 215, 231
for identification and dating, 112–13
activity in pollination, 217
insects and, 184, 209–13, 215, 231, 321–2
knowledge of, 211
Polwhele, Revd Richard, 209
popcorn, 140
Pöpig, Eduard, 265
Poringland, Norfolk, 99
Postel, Guillaume, 12
Prance, Sir Ghillean, 270
Prasad, Vishnu, 235
Pratt, Mary Louise: Imperial Eyes, 221
Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air, 176–8, 180
bird’s-eye (Primula farinosa), 27–8, 40
primulas, 34
Pringle, Sir John, 180
Prison Boab, Western Australia, 70, 71
Private Life of Plants, The (BBC series), 276
Proust, Marcel: A la recherche du temps perdu, 285
‘Queen, the’ (beech tree), Ashridge, Hertfordshire, 339–40, 341, 342
Rabanus Maurus, 101
Rackham, Oliver, 90, 92, 113–14
Radclyffe, Dick, 259
ragwort, Oxford (Senecio squalidus), 33
rainbow: Keats on, 166, 216–17
Redouté, Pierre, 226
Reeks, Mrs Trenham, 195
Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo, 137, 150–1, 153
Reinagle, Philip, 315
Renoir, Aline, 243
Renoir, Auguste, 8, 241, 243–4
Retallack, Dorothy, 336
Rice, Barry A., 192
Rice, Justina, 192
Robinson, Tim, 119
Roezl, Benedikt, 300
differences with science, 4, 165–6
hostility to Linnaean classification, 165
idea of, 9
and imagination, 182
opposition to Newton, 166
and plant pollination, 209
Romney, George, 330
Roosevelt, Theodore, 75
Rota (Pacific island), 88
Rothenberg, David, 217
Roux, William, 96
Roxburgh, William: Plants of the Coast of Coromandel, 233, 234, 235–6, 237
Royal Botanic Gardens see Kew Gardens Runa people (Amazonia), 15
Ruskin, John
and ‘beauty’ of flowers, 218–19
on colour blue, 210
death, 219
on orchids, 297
on ‘pathetic fallacy’, 199
Proserpina, 218
St James Chronicle, The, 188
St John’s wort (Hypericum jovis), 249
salicylic acid, 157
Salisbury, Edward, 56
Saluste, Guillaume de: La Semaine (poem), 123
Salviati, Marchese Corsi, 276
Sanford, Martin: A Flora of Suffolk, 306
Sansin (Korean deity), 152
sappan (Caesaloina sappan), 234, 236
Sarawak: orchids, 282
Schomburgk, (Sir) Robert, 265, 267
Schulman, Edmund, 78
science: Romantics’ opposition to, 4, 165–6
Scolt Head, Norfolk, 162
Selborne, Hampshire: yew tree, 50, 55, 59–60
Selenicereus grandiflorus, 315
Selenicereus greggii, 320
Senebier, Jean, 180
Sennedjem: tomb (Thebes, Egypt), 23
sequoias (Sequoia gigantea), 3, 72–3, 74, 75–6
Seth (Old Testament figure), 42
Sibthorp, John and Ferdinand Bauer: Flora Graeca, 240, 247, 249, 251
Signatures, Doctrine of, 146–7
Simard, Suzanne, 335
Skene, David, 188
Sloane, Sir Hans, 125
Smith, Matilda, 278
Solander, Daniel, 188
Solomon, King of Israel: Temple, 42
Somerset marshes, 90
South Africa: Masson in, 224–6, 228–9
South America
botanical expeditions, 264–5, 267
forest gardening, 137
see also Amazonia; Brazil
Sowerby, James: Flora Londinensis, 235
species constancy, 212
spinach, 177
Spruce, Richard, 271
squid, giant, 309
Squire, Thomas, 171
Stahelina arborea, 251
Stapelia gordoni, 226
Stukeley, William, 167
Summers, Alex, 271
sunbirds, 231
sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), 190, 192–3, 194, 195–6, 329
sunlight: and photosynthesis, 180
Surinam, 222
Sutton Benger, Wiltshire, 102
Swainson, William, 300
sweetcorn (maíz dulce), 139
Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travels, 178, 179
Syon House, Middlesex, 269
Tarpan ponies, 15
Thailand: plant exports, 284
Thebes (Egypt), 23
Thornton, Robert: Temple of Flora, 315, 318
etymology and meaning, 191
see also Venus flytrap
T’ithach (Mexican mountain), 133
Todd, Kim: Chrysalis, 222
Tompkins, Peter and Christopher Bird: The Secret Life of Plants, 334, 336
Trapa species, 236
Travels of Sir John Mandeville, 122
adaptability, 87
communication ability, 335
and cultivated fields, 108, 110
cut for healing, 146
diseases, 342
regeneration and regrowth, 113–14
Trois Frères cave (Ariège), 15
Trott, Jack, 219
Tukano Indians (Amazonia), 150, 153
tulip fever, 184
Tulipa cretica, 250
Cretan endemic (Tulipa doerfleri), 246–7, 248
species, 247
Turner, Robert, 48
Turner, William, 201
Tyldesley, Joyce, 20
uacú trees (Amazonia), 145
Uglow, Jenny, 16
Vanda coerulea (orchid), 303
Vavilov, Nikolai, 168
vegetable lamb, 122–3, 124, 125–6, 128, 132
Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), 184–6, 187, 188–9, 196–7, 329
Vermeer, Jan, 65
Victoria amazonica see water lily, Amazonian
passionflower, 324
Patagonian (Boquila trifoliolata), 308–9, 333
Volkov, Alexander, 196
Wade, Virginia, 31
Wager, Sir Charles, 299
wall lettuce, Cretan (Petromarula pinnata), 251
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 294
walnut: as specific against disorders of head, 147
Walters, Chris, 82
Ward, Nathaniel: and Wardian fern case, 253–6, 258–9, 279
On the Growth of Plants in Closely Glazed Cases, 255
wasp, digger (Argogorytes mystaceus), 291
water lily, Amazonian (Victoria amazonica), 3, 264–5, 266, 267–72, 273, 274
Watt, James, 176
Waveney Valley, Norfolk, 280–1, 306
weevils, 132
Wells, H.G.: ‘The Flowering of the Strange Orchid’ (story), 285
Welwitschia (plant), 1
Wesley’s Beech, 54
Westminster Hall, London: wooden roof, 91
Westminster, Sally, 316
‘white floral image’, 321
White, Gilbert
biography, 50
on cut trees, 146
and Selborne yew, 55
The Natural History of Selborne, 50, 146
White, John (16th century artist), 138
White, John (authority on ancient trees), 58
White Mountains, California, 78
Wildwood: and ecosystem, 5
Withers, Mrs (illustrator), 298
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 209
Wood, John Medley, 85
Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club, 171
Wordsworth, Dorothy, 38–9, 206–8
Wordsworth, William
anti-science sentiments, 166
on daffodils, 5, 8, 198–9, 201–3, 206–8
on wise passiveness, 215
‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’, 98
‘Lines Written in Early Spring’, 202
‘The Tables Turned’ (poem), 216
‘Yew Trees’, 54
Worlidge, John, 54
yarrow, 143
Yew Cougar Scar, Yorkshire, 49
yew trees
antiquity and distribution, 48–9, 54, 56–9, 62–3
appearance, character and myths, 47–8, 52, 55–6, 59
growth patterns, 58
see also Fortingall
Yggdrasil (Norse ‘World Tree’), 42, 43, 52
Yonge, Charlotte M., 298
Yosemite Recession Bill (USA, 1904), 76
Yosemite Valley, California, 72, 75
Young, William, 186
Zhou Dunyi, 10