c-charts, Run Charts and Control Charts
“Caffeine and cortical arousal” (Watters et al), Polynomial RegressionPolynomial Regression
calculators, Power Analysis, Properties of Roots, Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations
factorial key, Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations
graphical power, Power Analysis
scientific, Properties of Roots
Campbell, Donald T., Basic Vocabulary, Quasi-Experimental Studies, Quasi-Experimental Studies
Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), Factor Analysis
canonical discriminant functions, Discriminant Function Analysis
Cartesian coordinates (rectangular coordinates), Graphing EquationsGraphing Equations
case control design, Observational Studies
case-control studies, The Odds Ratio
categorical data, Nominal Data, Nominal Data, Categorical DataCategorical Data, Categorical DataThe Likert and Semantic Differential Scales, The R×C TableThe R×C Table, Measures of AgreementMeasures of Agreement, The Chi-Square Distribution, The Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square Test, Fisher’s Exact TestFisher’s Exact Test, McNemar’s Test for Matched PairsMcNemar’s Test for Matched Pairs, Proportions: The Large Sample CaseProportions: The Large Sample Case, Correlation Statistics for Categorical DataOrdinal Variables, The Likert and Semantic Differential Scales, The Likert and Semantic Differential ScalesThe Likert and Semantic Differential Scales
(see also nominal data)
about, Categorical DataCategorical Data
chi-square distributions, The Chi-Square Distribution
chi-square test, The Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square Test, McNemar’s Test for Matched PairsMcNemar’s Test for Matched Pairs
about, The Chi-Square Test
for equality of proportions, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test
for independence, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square Test
McNemar’s test, McNemar’s Test for Matched PairsMcNemar’s Test for Matched Pairs
of goodness of fit, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test
correlation statistics for, Correlation Statistics for Categorical DataOrdinal Variables
Fisher’s Exact Test, Fisher’s Exact TestFisher’s Exact Test
Likert scale, The Likert and Semantic Differential Scales
measures of agreement, Measures of AgreementMeasures of Agreement
nominal data and, Nominal Data
proportions, Proportions: The Large Sample CaseProportions: The Large Sample Case
R×C table, The R×C TableThe R×C Table
semantic differential scale, The Likert and Semantic Differential ScalesThe Likert and Semantic Differential Scales
category-specific rates, Crude, Category-Specific, and Standardized RatesCrude, Category-Specific, and Standardized Rates
Cattell, James, Factor Analysis
ceiling effect, The Boxplot
Census (U.S.), samples and, Populations and Samples
central limit theorem, The Central Limit TheoremThe Central Limit Theorem
Central Moving Average (CMA), Time Series
central tendency, measures of, Inferential Statistics, Measures of Central Tendency, The MeanThe Mean, The MeanThe Mean, The MedianThe Median, The ModeComparing the Mean, Median, and Mode, Comparing the Mean, Median, and ModeComparing the Mean, Median, and Mode, Measures of Central TendencyMeasures of Central Tendency
about, Measures of Central Tendency
critiquing choice in article of, Measures of Central TendencyMeasures of Central Tendency
in descriptive statistics, The MeanThe Mean
mean, The MeanThe Mean
mean, Inferential Statistics, The MeanThe Mean
in descriptive statistics, The MeanThe Mean
in inferential statistics, Inferential Statistics
median, The MedianThe Median, Comparing the Mean, Median, and ModeComparing the Mean, Median, and Mode
mode in, The ModeComparing the Mean, Median, and Mode
checklist for statistics based investigations, Quick ChecklistQuick Checklist
chi-square distributions, The Chi-Square Distribution, The Chi-Square DistributionThe Chi-Square Distribution
chi-square test, The Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square Test, McNemar’s Test for Matched PairsMcNemar’s Test for Matched Pairs
about, The Chi-Square Test
for equality of proportions, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test
for independence, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test, The Chi-Square Test
about, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test
Yates’s correction for continuity, in chi-square test, The Chi-Square Test
McNemar’s test, McNemar’s Test for Matched PairsMcNemar’s Test for Matched Pairs
of goodness of fit, The Chi-Square TestThe Chi-Square Test
CI (Cumulative Incidence), Prevalence and Incidence
classic experimental design, Basic Vocabulary
classical test theory, Classical Test Theory: The True Score ModelClassical Test Theory: The True Score Model
Cluster analysis, Cluster AnalysisCluster Analysis
cluster samples, Probability Sampling
CMA (Central Moving Average), Time Series
codebooks, data management, CodebooksCodebooks
coefficient, Reliability, Reliability, The Coefficient of Determination, The General Linear Model, Reliability of a Composite Test, Reliability of a Composite Test, Split-Half Methods, Coefficient Alpha
about term, The General Linear Model
of determination, The Coefficient of Determination
of equivalence, Reliability, Reliability of a Composite Test, Split-Half Methods
of precision, Coefficient Alpha
of stability, Reliability, Reliability of a Composite Test
coefficient alpha, Reliability, Coefficient Alpha, Coefficient AlphaCoefficient Alpha, Coefficient Alpha
Cronbach’s alpha, Reliability, Coefficient AlphaCoefficient Alpha
Kuder-Richardson formulas, Coefficient Alpha, Coefficient Alpha
Coefficient of Variation (CV), The Variance and Standard DeviationThe Variance and Standard Deviation
Cohen’s kappa, Measures of AgreementMeasures of Agreement
cohort, Basic Vocabulary, Glossary of Statistical Terms
coins, Dice, Coins, and Playing Cards
combinations, Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations
combinations of elements, CombinationsCombinations
common causes of variation, Run Charts and Control Charts
communicating with statistics, Communicating with StatisticsWriting for Your Workplace
complement of event, ComplementComplement
complex random samples, Probability Sampling
composite indices, Index Numbers
composite test, Test Construction, Reliability of a Composite TestReliability of a Composite Test
reliability of, Reliability of a Composite TestReliability of a Composite Test
scores, Test Construction
compound events, Events
conclusions and results, critiquing in articles, Evaluating the Whole Article
concurrent validity, Validity
conditional probabilities, Conditional ProbabilitiesConditional Probabilities
confidence coefficient, Confidence Intervals
confidence intervals, Confidence IntervalsConfidence Intervals, Confidence Interval for the One-Sample t-TestConfidence Interval for the One-Sample t-Test, Confidence Interval for the Independent Samples t-Test, Confidence Interval for the Repeated Measures t-TestConfidence Interval for the Repeated Measures t-Test, The Risk Ratio, Confidence Interval for a Proportion, Standard Error and Confidence Intervals
about, Confidence IntervalsConfidence Intervals
calculating for risk ratio, The Risk Ratio
critiquing in articles, Standard Error and Confidence Intervals
for independent samples (two-sample) t-test, Confidence Interval for the Independent Samples t-Test
for one-sample t-test, Confidence Interval for the One-Sample t-TestConfidence Interval for the One-Sample t-Test
for proportions, Confidence Interval for a Proportion
repeated measures (related samples) t-test, Confidence Interval for the Repeated Measures t-TestConfidence Interval for the Repeated Measures t-Test
confounding, Confounding, Stratified Analysis, and the Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds RatioConfounding, Stratified Analysis, and the Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio
confounding variable, Glossary of Statistical Terms
Conover, William, Practical Nonparametric Statistics, Nonparametric Statistics
consistency measurements, Measures of Internal Consistency
construct validity, Glossary of Statistical Terms
Consumer Price Index (CPI), Index Numbers, Index Numbers
content validity, Validity, Glossary of Statistical Terms
contingency tables, The R×C TableThe R×C Table, The Risk Ratio
R×C table, The R×C TableThe R×C Table
two-by-two table, The Risk Ratio
continuous data, Continuous and Discrete Data, Glossary of Statistical Terms
definition of, Glossary of Statistical Terms
vs. discrete data, Continuous and Discrete Data
continuous variables, relationships between, Relationships Between Continuous VariablesRelationships Between Continuous Variables
control charts and run charts, Run Charts and Control Charts
control variables, Independent and Dependent Variables, Observational Studies, Glossary of Statistical Terms
about, Independent and Dependent Variables
definition of, Glossary of Statistical Terms
in observational studies, Observational Studies
controls, Identifying Treatments and Controls, Controls
in experimental design, Identifying Treatments and Controls
issues with, Controls
convenience samples, Nonprobability Sampling
Cook, Thomas D., Basic Vocabulary, Quasi-Experimental Studies, Quasi-Experimental Studies
correlation statistics for categorical data, Binary VariablesOrdinal Variables
correlations, The Pearson Correlation Coefficient, AssociationAssociation, ScatterplotsRelationships Between Continuous Variables, Relationships Between Continuous VariablesRelationships Between Continuous Variables, The Pearson Correlation CoefficientTesting Statistical Significance for the Pearson Correlation, Testing Statistical Significance for the Pearson CorrelationTesting Statistical Significance for the Pearson Correlation, The Coefficient of Determination, Methods for Building Regression Models
about, The Pearson Correlation Coefficient
associations, AssociationAssociation
coefficient of determination, The Coefficient of Determination
correlation coefficient, The Pearson Correlation CoefficientTesting Statistical Significance for the Pearson Correlation
partial, Methods for Building Regression Models
relationships between continuous variables, Relationships Between Continuous VariablesRelationships Between Continuous Variables
scatterplots as visual tool, ScatterplotsRelationships Between Continuous Variables
testing statistical significance for, Testing Statistical Significance for the Pearson CorrelationTesting Statistical Significance for the Pearson Correlation
CPI (Consumer Price Index), Index Numbers, Index Numbers
Cramer’s V, Binary VariablesBinary Variables
criterion for factor retention, Factor Analysis
criterion validity, Glossary of Statistical Terms
criterion-referenced tests, Test Construction
critiquing presentations about statistics, Evaluating the Whole ArticleEvaluating the Whole Article, The Misuse of StatisticsThe Misuse of Statistics, Common ProblemsCommon Problems, Quick ChecklistQuick Checklist, Issues in Research DesignThe Power of Coincidence, Descriptive StatisticsExtrapolation and Trends, Extrapolation and TrendsLinear regression
checklist for statistics based investigations, Quick ChecklistQuick Checklist
common problems in presentations, Common ProblemsCommon Problems
evaluating whole article, Evaluating the Whole ArticleEvaluating the Whole Article
incorrect use of tests in inferential statistics, Extrapolation and TrendsLinear regression
interpretation of descriptive statistics, Descriptive StatisticsExtrapolation and Trends
issues in research design, Issues in Research DesignThe Power of Coincidence
misusing statistics, The Misuse of StatisticsThe Misuse of Statistics
Cronbach’s alpha (coefficient alpha), Reliability
cross-sectional design, Observational StudiesObservational Studies
cross-sectional study, Glossary of Statistical Terms
cross-tabulation, The Risk Ratio
crude rate, Crude, Category-Specific, and Standardized RatesCrude, Category-Specific, and Standardized Rates
cubic regression model, Polynomial RegressionPolynomial Regression
cumulative frequency, Frequency Tables
Cumulative Incidence (CI), Prevalence and Incidence
CV (Coefficient of Variation), The Variance and Standard DeviationThe Variance and Standard Deviation