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accreting swaps, 177

accumulation swaps, 177

actively managed certificate (AMC), 67

All Ordinaries index, 258

“all or none” transactions, 143–44

American Petroleum Institute No. 4 index (API 4), 148

American Society for Testing and Materials, 147

anonymity, need for, 176

appreciating swaps, 177

Argentina Stock Exchange, 259

asset-backed securities, 208

asset swaps, 178–79

associated persons (APs), 139

“at the money,” definition of, 77

Australian Stock Exchange, 258

authorized participants, 50, 52

banks, see investment banks; mortgage bankers

Barclays Global Investors, 49, 52

barrier options, 110–12

basis points, 24, 205

basis price, 19

basis spread, 24

basis swaps, 179, 180–81, 188–89

BBC Global 30 index, 260

bear spreads, 90–91

beta, 95–96

bilateral netting, 249, 250

binary options, 108–9

BlackRock, 49

bonds, 4, 11–12, 186

convexity of, 32

corporate vs. municipal, 20–21

covered, 216–17

fixed-income, 19

interest only/principal only, 33–35

pricing of, 29–33

put, 17–18

ratings of, 24–25

serial form of, 21

sinking fund provision for, 15–16, 18–19

zero-coupon, 228

see also callable bonds

Bovespa (Bolsa de Valores do Estado de São Paulo) index, 259

Brent crude oil, 146–47

BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries, 219

broker-dealers, 5–6, 13, 104, 213, 234, 235, 241

bull spreads, 87–90

buyer, definition of, 70

buy/write strategies, 5, 83–85, 113–15, 219–20

CAC 40 (Cotation Assistée en Continu) index, 258

callable bonds, 12–18

as beneficial to issuer, 13

partial, 13

refunding of, 16–17

rule-of-thumb method for, 14–15

sinking fund provision for, 15–16

callable/putable swaps, 180

capital requirements, 238

capped options, 105–6

capped swaps, 180–81

carbon dioxide emissions, 148–49

cash flow, 171, 179, 184–85

cash settlers, 80

CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE), 136

Central Appalachian Coal Future, 147

central clearing parties (CCPs), 27, 243

certificate of deposit (CD) rate, 179

Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), 136, 249

Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), 105, 136, 239, 240–42, 262

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCE), 136

Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), 127–28, 136

circus swaps, 181–82

class, definition of, 72–73

clearing corporations, 27, 51, 64, 73, 104–5, 107, 142, 143, 156, 161–62, 163, 164, 166, 209, 210, 222, 233, 239, 242, 245–49, 272

benefits of using, 254–55

clients, 5, 247

CME Clearing, 144

CME ClearPort, 144, 147

CME Globex, 142, 143, 147

CME Group, 136, 142–44, 146, 164, 233

coal futures, 147–48

coffee futures, 145–46, 150–51, 166

collateral, 23

collateralized bond obligations (CBOs), 206–7, 214–15

collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), 4, 206–17

risk and, 206

collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), 206–7, 215–16

collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), 8, 178, 206–14

GNMA-backed, 207–11

nongovernment-backed, 213

REMICs and, 211–12

TBA pools of, 209–10

tranches in, 212–14, 215

commercial paper, 11

commodities, 63, 177, 219, 230, 233, 262

exchange-traded (ETC), 48, 63–64

swaps, 182–84

see also futures products

Commodity Exchange Act (1936), 127, 232, 233

Commodity Exchange Authority, 232

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 127, 137, 232, 237, 247

divisions of, 233–34

Dodd-Frank and, 239

commodity pool operators (CPOs), 137–38, 233

Commodity Price Index, 262

Commodity Research Board (CRB), 262

commodity trading advisors (CTAs), 138, 233

compound options, 112–13

confirmation (terms) sheet, 72

constant maturity swaps, 184

Consumer Confidence Index (CCI), 261

Consumer Price Index (CPI), 261–62

cost of carry, 152

cost of funds index (COFI) rate, 179

coupon rates, see interest rates

covered bonds, 216–17

covered call, definition of, 83

CRB BLS indexes, 262–63

CRB Futures Price Index, 262

credit, 5

risk and, 22–25, 66

credit default swaps (CDSs), 144, 194–201

assessing risk in, 195–97

counterparties in, 194–95, 198

ISDA master agreement for, 199–201

marketability of, 196–97

negotiation of, 197–98

credit events, 194

Creditex, 144

credit scores, 23

credit swaps, 178

creditworthiness, 22–23, 175

fluctuation in, 25

CSX coal future, 147

Cubes, 50, 55

currency transactions, 246–47

exchange-traded (ETC), 48

options, 81–82, 116–17

swaps, 177, 179, 181, 184, 187–88

current (spot) market indexes, 262–63

current (spot) market price, 123, 126

CUSIP number, 20–21

customized (one-off) transactions, 26, 27, 44, 105, 166, 225, 239–40

DAX (Deutscher Aktien IndeX), 258, 260

day orders, 140

debt instruments:

bellwether, 25–26

investment-grade, 23

pricing of, 29–33

trading of, 19–20

debt markets:

global economy and, 8–10

interest rates and, 28–35

liquidity of, 11, 26, 176, 242

overview of, 8–21

risk in, 22–27

see also specific markets

default, definition of, 198

delivery versus payment (DVP) rule, 52

delta, 96–97, 98, 103

Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), 51–52, 222

Mortgage-Backed Securities Division of, 209, 210, 239

Depository Trust Company (DTC), 13, 51–52


of benefit to issuer of underlying product, 3–4

capital requirements and, 238

definition of, 3

indexes and, 262–63

investment banks and, 6–7

of no benefit to issuer of underlying product, 4

processing of, see transaction processing

types of, 3–4

see also specific derivative products

Deutsche Bank, 67–68

diagonal spreads, 92

DIAMONDS, 50, 55

“discount,” meaning of term, 19

dividends, 112

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010), 10, 11, 236, 238, 263–64

Commodities Futures Trading Commission and, 239

OTC derivatives and, 238–39

processing and transparency issues addressed by, 238, 242–44, 245

SEC and, 239

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 50, 256, 257

down-and-out call option, 110

down-and-out put option, 110

DownREIT, 45

duration, Macaulay vs. modified, 32–33

EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval), 231

electronic commerce networks (ECNs), 49, 54

electronic trading platforms, 141–42, 143, 239, 243

EMIR (European Market Infrastructure Regulation), 10, 238, 264

emissions contract futures, 148–49

Equifax, 23

equity-linked notes, 227–28

Euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate), 34, 35

Euronext, 258

European Central Bank, 10

European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), 10, 238, 264

“Ex by EX,” 108

excess return trackers, 67

exchange rates, 168

exchange-traded commodities (ETC), 48, 63–64

exchange-traded currencies (ETC), 48, 65

exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 39, 45–46, 48–62, 95

creation of, 50–53

definition and types of, 49–50

global, 56–58

grantor trusts, 58–59

indexes and, 262

inverse, 59

leveraged, 55–56, 59

margining of, 60–62

mutual funds vs., 53

open-end, 55

redemption of, 51

strategies for, 53–55

trading of, 51–53

UIT vs. mutual fund form of, 54–55

exchange-traded notes (ETN), 48, 65–67

risk in, 66–67

exchange-traded products, 39, 48–68, 239, 249

exercise capabilities, for options, 77–79

exercise price, 78–79

Experian, 23

expiration dates, of options, 73–74

Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association), 211–12, 213

federal funds rate, 34, 35

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), 20, 211–12, 213

Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), 211–12, 213

Federal Reserve Board (FRB), 231, 234–35

fiduciary responsibility, 13

financial crisis (2008), 10–11, 228

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 45, 62, 66, 231, 234–35, 236

Financial Times London Stock Exchange (FTSE 100; “Footsie”) index, 258

Fitch, 23

fixed-for-fixed swaps, 181, 186–88

fixed-for-floating swaps, 179, 180–82, 185–86

Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC), 105

fixed return options (FROs), 108

fixed- vs. floating-rate debt instruments, 11–12

flex options, 107

floating-for-floating (basis) swaps, 179, 180–81, 188–89

floor trading, 141–45, 243

foreign exchange, 116–17

forward contracts, 165–68

forward currency market, 166–68

forward rate agreements (FRAs), 165, 168–70

Frankfurt Stock Exchange, 258

Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation), 20, 211–12, 213

FTSE 100 (Financial Times London Stock Exchange; “Footsie”) index, 258

fuel futures, 146–47

Fund Analyzer, 235

funds, availability of, 9, 10–11

futures commission merchants (FCMs), 138, 142, 144, 152–53, 161–62, 233, 247

futures margins, 152–64

initial, 152–53

leverage in, 159–61

SPAN, 161–63

variation, 153–54, 161

futures market, 137–51

associated persons (APs), in, 139

bids in, 139

commodity pool operators (CPOs) in, 137–38

commodity trading advisors (CTAs) in, 138

electronic trading platforms in, 141–42

futures commission merchants (FCMs) in, see futures commission merchants (FCMs)

hedgers in, 123–24, 125, 126, 137, 139, 149, 164

leverage transaction merchants (LTMs) in, 138–39

limit orders in, 140

list of U.S. exchanges, 136

“market if touched” orders in, 141

offers in, 139

order and report requirements for, 149–51

orders in, 140–41

producer-user relationship in, 123–24

speculators in, 124–25, 139, 149

stop orders and stop limit orders in, 141

time constraint orders in, 140

traders in, 137

trading floors in, 141–45

futures products, 72, 82, 121–36

contracts for, 129–32

definition of, 121–22

delivery months for, 128

exchange for physical (EFP) in, 163–64

exchange for related positions (EFRPs) in, 164

liquidity and, 124–25

list of, 132–35

market risk and, 123–28

market value volatility and, 125–27

options on, 161

pricing of, 123–25, 152

quality requirements for, 150–51

and volatility of underlying issues, 92–93, 99, 125, 153

gamma, 98, 103

Ginnie Mae, see Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA; Ginnie Mae)

global economy, debt markets and, 8–10

global warming, 126

GNMA, see Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA; Ginnie Mae)

Goldman Sachs, 263

good till canceled (GTC) orders, 51, 140

Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA; Ginnie Mae), 20

CMOs issued by, 207–11, 239

future product of, 128

grantor, definition of, 70, 71

grantor trusts, exchange-traded, 58–59

Hang Seng index, 258

hedgers, hedging, 22

futures and, 123–24, 125, 126, 137, 139, 149, 164

swaps and, 175, 194

Hedge Street, 136

holder, definition of, 70, 71, 241

Hong Kong Stock Exchange, 258

horizontal spreads, 92

Housing and Urban Development Department, U.S., 207

housing market, 10

IBEX 35 index, 258

income writing strategy, 109

see also buy/write strategies

indexes, 256–63

capitalization-weighted, 256–57

derivative products and, 262–63

economic, 261–62

floating adjusted weighting, 257

formulas for, 260

general market, by country, 257–60

portfolios and, 262, 263

price-weighted, 256

index-linked notes, 227–28

index options, 80–81

inflation swaps, 184

initial margin, 152–53

initial public offering (IPO), 6, 7

Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), 136, 144–45, 146, 147–48

interdealer brokers (IDBs), 144, 176


as expense, 9

taxes on, 20

interest rates:

debt markets and, 28–35

factors affecting, 8–9, 28

fixed vs. floating, 11–12, 185

forward contracts on, 167

forward rate agreements and, 168–70

long-term vs. short-term, 185

rho and, 98–99

risk-free (Treasury bill), 112

interest rate swaps, 184–89

fixed-for-fixed, 186–87

fixed-for-floating, 185–86

scheduling payment in, 189

International Securities Exchange, 117, 249

International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), 198, 235–36

master agreement of, 199–201, 236

“in the money,” definition of, 76

intrinsic value, 76–77, 80, 85, 91, 97, 98–99, 100, 101, 112, 117, 204, 284

inverse floater structured products, 226–27

Invesco PowerShares, 50

Investment Advisors Act (1940), 231, 232

investment banks:

capital requirements of, 238

role of, 5–7

Investment Company Act (1940), 40, 55, 231, 232

investment-grade securities, 23

IPC index (Índice de Precios y Cotizaciones), 257

IPSA (Índice de Precios Selectivo de Acciones), 259

ISE (Istanbul Stock Exchange) 100 index, 259

iShares, 49

joint ventures, 41

Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBT), 136

knock-in, knock-out options, 109–12

KOSPI Composite Index, 259

Laspeyres Index, 260

Lehman Brothers, 66

leverage transaction merchants (LTMs), 138–39

LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate), 24, 34, 35, 179, 188, 203


liquidity, 11, 26, 66, 107, 108, 124–25, 176, 242

London Stock Exchange, 63–64, 258

longevity of loans, interest rates and, 9, 28

Long-term Equity AnticiPation Securities (LEAPS), 75, 106

“long the option,” definition of, 70

Macaulay duration, 32–33

Madrid Stock Exchange, 258

margin, margining, 38, 117

Dodd-Frank and, 243–44

ETFs and, 58, 59, 60–62, 64

spreads and, 86, 88–89, 118–20

straddle position and, 120

market-linked products, see structured products

market makers, 50, 52, 176, 242

market risk, 25–26, 66

futures and, 123–28

swaps and, 175


spot (current), 123, 126

see also debt markets

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), 238

mark to markets, 153–54, 246

matching facilities, 249

mergers and acquisitions, 6

Merrill Lynch HOLDRS, 59

MerVal (Mercado de Valores) index, 259

Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX), 136

modified duration, 32–33

monetary policy, 9

Moody’s, 23

mortgage-backed securities, 10, 43–44, 178

see also collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs)

Mortgage-Backed Security Division (MBSD), 209, 210, 239

mortgage bankers, 208

mortgages, 178, 206

REITs and, 43

subprime, 10, 23

mother and daughter options, 112–13

municipal bonds, 19, 20

corporate bonds vs., 20–21

mutual funds, 36–42

closed-end, 39–41

exchange-traded products vs., 39, 43

REITs and, 45

unit investment trusts, 41–42

mutual funds, open-end, 36–39

break-point sales charges for, 37–38

closed-end funds vs., 40–41

net asset value of, 38–39, 40

no-load, 37

Nadex, 136

NASDAQ 100 index, 50, 262

NASDAQ Composite index, 257, 258

NASDAQ OMX Futures Exchange (NFX), 136

National Exchange of India, 259

National Futures Association (NFA), 137, 233, 237

National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC), 51, 105

net asset value (NAV), 38–39, 40, 53


bilateral, 249, 250

nonnetting vs., 249

unilateral, 243, 246, 250, 251–52

Newcastle coal futures, 148

New York Board of Trade (NYBOT), 136

New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX; COMEX), 136

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 105

see also NYSE Amex; NYSE Liffe US

Nifty index (“Nifty Fifty”), 259

Nikkei 225 index, 259

no-load funds, 37

nonnetting, 249

North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA), 45

notes, 11

exchange-traded (ETN), 48

structured, see structured notes

notional value, 177–78, 185

principal amount vs., 193

NYSE Amex, 108

NYSE Liffe US, 136

OEX (S&P 100 index), 257

OEX options, 262

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), 230–31

oil contracts, 125

OneChicago, LLC, 136

one-off (customized) transactions, 26, 27, 44, 105, 166, 225, 239–40

open outcry, 141–42, 143

operational risk, 27

Options Clearing Corporation (OCC), 73, 104, 107–8, 222, 239, 242, 243

options dealers, 104

Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA), 242

options products, 69–82

American form of, 78, 223

barrier, 110–12

binary, 108–9

call, defined, 69–70

capped, 105–6

class of, defined, 72–73

compound, 112–13

currency, 81–82, 116–17

European form of, 78, 117, 222, 228

exchange-traded, 4, 73

exercise capabilities for, 77–79

expiration date of, 73–74

fixed return (FROs), 108–9

flex, 107

on futures, see futures products

index, 80–81, 262

intrinsic value of, 76–77

knock-in, knock-out, 109–12

LEAPS, 75, 106

liquidity of, 73–74, 272

orderly issue of, 242

over-the-counter (OTC), 73, 104–5, 107, 108, 241

position terminology in, 70–71

premium of, 76–77, 96–97, 99–100, 112

privately placed, 4

put, defined, 69–70

rainbow, 115–16

series of, defined, 73–74

standardization of, 242

strike (exercise) price of, 73–74, 78–79, 104

structure of, 72–74

symbology of, 75–76

synthetic, 113–15

type of, defined, 72–73

uncovered, 89

underlying issues of, 71–72, 96–97

options products, strategies for, 79–80, 83–94

beta and, 95–96

buy/writes and, 5, 83–85, 113–15, 219–20

delta and, 96–97, 98, 103

gamma and, 98, 103

multiple options and, 88–89

option premium and, 96–97, 99–100

rho and, 98–99

spreads and, see spreads

straddle and, 92–94, 99, 113, 120

tau and, 99

theta and, 99

“out of the money,” definition of, 77

over-the-counter (OTC) markets, 40, 44, 45–46, 144, 176

Dodd-Frank and, 238–39

forward contracts in, 165–68

options in, 73, 104–5, 107, 108, 241

packaged products, see structured products

pass-through securities, 128, 207–8, 239

Paulson, Henry, 216

Philadelphia Board of Trade (PBOT), 136

PHLX, 117

Platts CAPP Rail (CSX) OTC assessment, 147–48

portfolios, indexing of, 262, 263

precious metals, forward contracts on, 167

premium, definition of, 19, 71, 76

premium reducers, 85–86

present value, formula for, 29–30


current (spot), 123

of debt instruments, 29–33

of futures, 123–25

transparency of, 107, 242–43

principal amount, notional value vs., 193

proprietary trading, 11, 107–8

put bonds, 17–18

rainbow options, 115–16

rating agencies, 23

real estate investment trusts (REITs), 43–47

equity, 43

as global product, 46

investing in, 44–45

mortgage, 43–44

mutual funds and, 45

popularity of, 43

qualifications for, 46–47

registered vs. privately placed, 44–45

taxes on, 46

termination of, 47

Regulation T, 231, 234–35

REMICs (real estate mortgage investment conduits), 211–12

reporting authorities, 242, 248

repositories, 253–54

reserves, 10–11

Retirement Calculator, 235

retirement plans, 37

reverse convertible products, 228–29

rho, 98–99

Richards Bay coal futures, 148

rights, 4

risk, 10, 238

in binary options, 108

of buy/write strategies, 84–85

credit, 22–25, 66

in credit default swaps, 195–97

ETNs and, 66–67

futures margins and, 161–63

hedging of, 22

interest rates and, 9, 28

liquidity, 66, 107, 108

market, see market risk

operational, 27

spreads and, 85, 86–87

systemic, 236

roller-coaster swaps, 189–90

rule-of-thumb (ROT) method, 14–15, 29

Sallie Mae (SLM Corporation), 215

S&P 500 index, 49, 52, 95, 127, 257, 262

S&P Global 1200 index, 260

S&P GSCI index, 263

S&P 100 index (OEX), 257, 262

S&P TSX Composite index, 257

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002), 231

scalpers, 125

Securities Act (Truth in Securities Act, 1933), 218, 231

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 6, 40, 44, 50, 218, 230–31, 234–35, 236, 242

divisions of, 231–32

Dodd-Frank and, 239, 243

Securities Exchange Act (1934), 59, 231

Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), 236

seller, definition of, 70

senior debt, 65

series, definition of, 73–74

settlement, 255

Shanghai Stock Exchange, 258

short-term paper, 11

“short the option,” definition of, 70–71

Singapore Stock Exchange, 259

sinking fund provisions, 15–16, 18–19

SLM Corporation (Sallie Mae), 215

Société d’Investissement à Capita (SICAV), 68

South Korean Stock Exchange, 259

soybean futures, 125–26

sample contract for, 130–32

special interest vehicle (SIV), 215

special purpose vehicle (SPV), special purpose entity (SPE), 215, 217

speculators, futures and, 124–25, 139, 149

Spiders (Spyders; SPDRs), 49, 55

spot (current) market indexes, 262–63

spot (current) market price, 123, 126

spreads, 85–92, 113

bear, 90–91

bull, 87–90

diagonal, 92

horizontal, 92

margin and, 86, 88–89, 118–20

as premium reducers, 85–86

as risk reducers, 85, 86–87

vertical, 92

SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index), 258

Standard & Poor’s, 23

see also OEX (S&P 100 index); S&P 500 index; S&P Global 1200 index; S&P GSCI index; S&P TSX Composite index

standardized portfolio analysis of risk (SPAN) margin, 181–83

State Street Global Advisors (SSGA), 49, 50

step-up swaps, 177

straddle positions, 92–94, 99, 113, 120

Straits Times index, 259

strike price, definition of, 73

structured notes, 223–26

equity-linked, 227–28

index-linked, 227–28

inverse floater, 226–27

structured products, 218–29

definition of, 4–5, 218

investment banks and, 6–7

objective of, 219

reverse convertible, 228–29

subindexes, 260

SunGuard, 142

swap brokers, 173–74, 175, 182, 244

swap dealers, 174–75, 244

swap execution facility (SEF), 238

swaps, 171–93

accreting, 177

amortizing, 177

asset, 178–79

callable/putable, 180

capped, 180–81

circus, 181–82

commodity, 182–84

constant maturity, 184

credit, 178

credit default, see credit default swaps (CDSs)

currency, 177, 179, 181, 184, 187–88

fixed-for-fixed, 181, 186–88

fixed-for-floating, 179, 180–82, 185–86

floating-for-floating (basis), 179, 180–81, 188–89

hedging of, 175, 178

inflation, 184

interest rate, see interest rate swaps

notional value in, 177–78, 185, 193

options on, see swaptions

overview of, 171–73

participants in, 173–76

roller-coaster, 189–90

total rate of return (TROR), 190–92

yield curve, 192–93

zero-coupon, 193

swaptions, 202–5

call vs. put, 204

receiver vs. payer in, 203–4

types of, 203

synthetic options, 113–15

systemic risk, 236

taker, definition of, 70, 71

tau, 99


on interest, 20

on REITs, 46

TBA (to be announced) pools, 209–10

theta, 99

Thomson Reuters, 142

time value, 76, 79–80, 93–94, 96, 97, 98–99, 100, 102, 103, 112

Tokyo Stock Exchange, 259

Topix index, 259

total rate of return (TROR) swaps, 190–92

total return trackers, 67

trackers, 67–68

trade date plus three (T + 3) rule, 52

trading floor, 141–45, 243

tranches, 212–14, 215

transaction guarantee, 255

transaction processing, 238–55

customized vs. noncustomized products in, 239–40

Dodd-Frank and, 238, 243–44

evolution of, 240–44

nonsystemized, 244–45

transparency, 107, 242

Dodd-Frank and, 238, 242–43, 245

TransUnion, 23

Treasury bill interest rate, 112

Treasury bills, 17, 19

Treasury bond future, 128

Treasury bonds, 20–21, 105, 128

as interest only/principal only instruments, 34–35

Treasury debt instruments, 8

Treasury Department, U.S., 17

Trust Indenture Act (1939), 231

Truth in Securities Act (Securities Act, 1933), 218, 231

type, definition of, 72–73

Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS), 67–68

underwriting, 6, 7

unilateral netting, 243, 246, 250, 251–52

unit investment trusts (UITs), 41–42, 49

units, 4

unsecured debt, 65–66

up-and-out call option, 110

up-and-out put option, 110


U.S. Treasury rate, 34, 35, 179, 188

value at risk (VAR), 153

Vanguard, 50, 262

variation margin, 153–54, 161

venture capitalists, 41

vertical spreads, 92

VIPERs, 50


of currencies, 65

futures products and, 125–27

of indexes, 95–96

of underlying issues, 92–93, 99, 125, 153

Volcker Rule, 11

warrants, 4

Washington Post, 198

weighted average coupon (WAC), 211

weighted average maturity (WAM), 211

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil, 146–47

writer, definition of, 70, 71, 241

yield, credit risk and, 23–24

yield curve swaps, 192–93

zero-coupon bonds, 228

zero-coupon swaps, 193

Z tranches, 214