
Abrams M1 Tank 104

Airborne Division, 82nd (‘All American’) 59, 69, 7780, 88, 97

101st (‘Screaming Eagles’) 69, 7780,8, 89

airbrushes 1516

ammunition belts 26

Anderson, Gen. Kenneth 42

antenna, making 94

anti-aircraft half-track 5963

Ardennes 93 see also Bulge, Battle of the

Arlington National Cemetery 20

armband see brassard 43

armoured car, Greyhound 11417

Arnhem 88

Arracourt, Battle of 93

atom bombs 39

Autocar Company 46, 64

Bangalore Torpedo 74, 76

bases & basing 1617, 1202

Bastogne 88

Bataan 18

bayonets 73

Betio 26, 27, 30

bocage, problems of 712

boots design 88, 112

Bradley, Gen. Omar 46, 72

brassard (armband) 43, 44

Browning anti-aircraft gun 256

Browning automatic Rifle (BAR) 43

Browning M1917 256

Bulge, Battle of the 88, 93

Caen 70

camouflage, painting 29

camouflage patterns 18, 26, 27

Carrickfergus 59

chipping 34, 36

clamps 1213

Cologne 102, 104, 105

combat engineers 77

Creighton Abrams 81

Culin Prong 71, 72, 834

Culin, Sgt Curtis G. 72

Cunningham, Admiral Andrew 42

Cunningham, Cdr Winfield S. 19

cutting mat 12

cyanoacrylate (superglue) 13, 57, 59, 88

Darby, Col William Orlando 59

D-Day 6984

decals, applying 33, 48, 623, 92

Desobry, Team 93

Devereux, Maj. James P.S. 19

Diamond T Company 46, 64

Driscoll, Staff Sgt Edward J. Jnr 27

dry brushing 15, 32, 945

Early, Sgt Robert 105

Eisenhower, Dwight D. 42

El Guettar 49

Elrod, Maj. Henry Talmage 20

eye protection 11

Falaise Pocket 85

Filkosky, Sgt Robert 19

fillers 13

filters, applying 323, 36, 108

flesh & features, painting 22, 24, 40, 44

Fox Green Beach 70

Fredendall, Maj. Gen. Lloyd 42

Garand rifle 18, 43

Gavin, Col 59

General Motors 93

Germany, GIs in 11214

glues 13, 99

Grenadier Regiment 725 70

Greyhound Armoured Car 11417

Grumman Wildcat Fighters 19

Guadalcanal 18

gun barrel, brass 56

half-tracks 468, 5965

M2 645

M3, M3A1 468, 49

M15 anti-aircraft 5963

Hayate (Japanese destroyer) 20


A1 18

Brodie 18, 21

infantry 11314

insignia on 11314

Kelly 18

M1 18, 19, 45

tank crews’ (M-1938) 66, 68

Hellcat (M18) 81, 86, 936

Higgins boats (LCVP) 267

Hiroshima 39

Howitzer, M1, M2, M7 (‘Priest’) 57

M2A1 578

Infantry 18, 3941, 70, 73, 11214

1st Division (‘Big Red One’) 70, 73

7th Division 3941

29th Division 70, 73

Italy & Sicily 5968

Iwo Jima, Battle of 19

Jackson Tank Destroyer 81, 104, 11014

Jeep, Willys 979

Kasserine Pass 52

Kisaragi (Japanese destroyer) 20

knives, craft 12

landing vehicle, tracked (LVT) 18, 267, 304

Lee medium tank M3 524

Leiper, Lt Edwin 93

lighting 11

The Longest Day (film) 70

Ludendorff Bridge 102

Lunéville 93

M1 Abrams 104

M2 half-track 645, 120

M2A1 (Howitzer) 578

M3 GMC 4951

M3 Gun Motor Carriage 49

M3 Lee medium tank 524

M3, M3A1 468

M4 18, 26, 27, 358, 57, 102

Thunderbolt IV 812

M5 59

M6 49

M8 Armoured Car ‘Greyhound’ 11417

M10, M10A1 Tank Destroyers 801, 103

M15 anti-aircraft 5963

M18 Hellcat 81, 86, 936

M1897A4 gun 49

M26 Pershing Heavy 1039

M36 Jackson Tank Destroyer 81, 104, 11014

Makin Atoll 27

Manteuffel, Gen. Hasso von 93

Marines 1829

1st Corps Tank battalion 18, 26

1st Defense Battalion 19

2nd Division 27

1st and 6th Divisions 39

Marvin, Lee 19

masks 11

mine detection 77

Moselle, river 93

Nagasaki 39

National Museum of the Marine Corps (NMMC) 19

Normandy 6984

North Africa, Torch Landings 4258

Okinawa, Battle of 18, 3941

Omaha Beach 6970

Operation Cobra 72

Operation Galvanic 267

Operation Husky 59

Operation Iceberg 39

Operation Market Garden 9, 858, 97

Operation Neptune 6984

Operation Shoestring 18

Operation Watchtower 18

optivisor 11

Orne Basin, Normandy 69

Pacific 1841

paint 1415

paintbrushes 15

painting tips 25, 28

larger figures 40

Panzer Brigade 113 93, 104

Panzerfaust 71

Parachute Regimental Combat Team, 505th 59

paratroopers 59, 69, 7780, 8890

Patton, Maj. Gen. George S. Jnr 42, 59, 85, 87, 93, 1001

Pearl Harbor 18

Pershing M26 Heavy Tank 1029

Philippines 49

pilots 235

pin washing 312, 35, 36, 108, 116

plasticard 12

Pointe du Hoc 70

polystyrene cement 13, 39, 99

power tools 12, 30, 64

preparation 11

Purple Heart 46

Putnam, Maj. Paul 19

putties 13

PVA 13, 78, 120

R35s (Vichy French) 46, 55

Ranger Battalions 59, 70

Remagen 102, 104

research 9

Ridgway, Maj. Gen. Matthew 59

Ripley’s Believe it or Not Museum 19

Rudder, Lt Col James 70

Ryukyu Islands 39

safety 11

Sasebo Special Naval Landing Force 27

Satterlee, USS 70

Saving Private Ryan (film) 73, 74

scale 17

Sherman tanks

M4 18, 26, 27, 358, 57, 102

Cobra King 912

Jumbo (M4A3E2) 912

Thunderbolt IV 812

Shibazaki, Rear Admiral Kenji 27

shoulder flashes 73

Sicily & Italy 5968

Smith, Maj. Julian C. 27

soft plastic, working with 118120

Springfield rifle 18

Stuart (M3A1) light tank (‘Honey’) 556

Stuart, Gen. J.E.B. 55

superglue see cyanoacrylate

Talybont, HMS 70

tank crews 668

Tank Destroyer Battalions 601st 49

704th 93

tank destroyers 4951, 801, 93, 103, 104, 11014

tanks 18, 26, 27, 358, 468, 524, 556, 72, 812, 916, 1029 and see under individual names

Tarawa, Battle of 18, 267, 2838

Tenth Army 39

terrain 16

thinner 14, 15

Thunderbolt IV 812

Torch Landings, North Africa 4258

tracks & running gear, assembling 1056

tweezers 12

uniforms 18, 26

camouflage 18, 26, 27

differences 9

infantry 39, 423, 7280

paratroopers 77, 88

Rangers 72, 746

tank crews 668

Utah Beach 6970

vegetation 1617

vehicle markings 9

ventilation 11

vices 1213

Vichy French forces 42, 46, 55

Wake Island, Battle of 18, 1926

wargames, fast painting for 8890

weathering 15, 378, 96, 122

White Motor Company 46, 64

wire cutters 12

work area 11

Yarborough, Capt. William P. 77